>coworker finds out I like games because of my shirt

>coworker finds out I like games because of my shirt
>asks me for my number and to join his and his friend's discords
>"To be honest, I really only like playing games that I like and really don't want to join a discord."
>looks disappointed and the conversation ends shortly after

Is it an butthole move to turn down playing games with certain people? There's only a few guys I would actually play games with and everyone is a "gamur" nowadays.

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 12 months ago


  2. 12 months ago

    You cared enough to make a thread about it. You already know the answer anon.

  3. 12 months ago

    >"hey anon, join me and my friend's discord so we can talk and have a laugh sometime!"

    • 12 months ago

      frick you american Black person you dont know shit outside of your goysloppified world you dont know how shit people are. i will stand upon this mountain alone i dont need other people

      • 12 months ago

        who hurt you anon

        • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        you are not ok my brother

      • 12 months ago

        You have no friends

      • 12 months ago

        homie just accept the invite and never engage with anyone.
        Is literally what everybody does.

      • 12 months ago

        >gets mad
        >immediately thinks of Americans
        God it feels good

        • 12 months ago

          Feels good to be a gay?

          • 12 months ago

            Nicotine high good
            Cope, seethe, mald, and dilate, brah

      • 12 months ago

        Based. I do not enjoy the company of other people and prefer engaging with my hobbies in solitude.

      • 12 months ago

        >trauma dumping on Ganker

        Atleast tell the story

      • 12 months ago

        holy schizo reply. touch grass, seek god.

      • 12 months ago

        Jesus christ. It's fine for OP to keep it professional but it's not some kind of fricking antinormalgay stance. Get your life in check.

      • 12 months ago

        This post is literal proof that hell and heaven exist simultaneously on earth and it's merely about chosen perspective.

      • 12 months ago

        Wtf was with the ending of that greentext story?

      • 12 months ago

        >all these normalgay replies
        all of you need to leave.

      • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        you do it to yourself brah
        but you already knew that lool

      • 12 months ago
      • 12 months ago

        Chill, Dagda.

      • 12 months ago
      • 12 months ago

        I KNEEL

      • 12 months ago

        Those dudes really dodged a bullet. Chill the frick out man

      • 12 months ago

        >moron can’t network
        I have asocial tendencies, but at least I’m not a loner loser like you

      • 12 months ago

        >t. had a friend steal his Limp Bizkit CD 20 years ago

      • 12 months ago

        based as frick oversocialized normies seething lmfao

      • 12 months ago

        Fricking hell anon at what point is life so miserable that you just stop living it

      • 12 months ago

        Why is a persona villain posting on Ganker

      • 12 months ago

        Who would fry a Nintendo System?

      • 12 months ago

        you okay, bud?

      • 12 months ago

        >discordtroons and normalhomosexuals seething
        based beyond measure

        • 12 months ago

          Sometimes there's a fine line of just being autistic or a Chad. That post was just autism. Doing the bare minimum to hold a conversation and feign promises is pretty easy. You can say you will add them and just lie that you don't have discord on your phone or just mute the server and then leave it after a couple days.

          • 12 months ago

            failed-normalgay cope and seethe tbqh.

            • 12 months ago

              Explain to me the purpose of shutting down a polite conversation?
              > hard mode: not because of an autistic induced reason

          • 12 months ago

            Not everyone likes to lie to people all the time and break promises. Why bother interacting with others when promises and bonds are broken and thrown away so easily. Normalhomosexuals make me so sick.

            • 12 months ago

              I dont need to lie in that situation because I will just add them and if I don't feel like talking to them then I won't. But if your options are to display that you're an anti social moron at work/school or to show you have very basic level emotional intelligence, then you should opt to lie.

      • 12 months ago

        Projecting in IMAX brother

  4. 12 months ago

    >Is it an butthole move to turn down playing games with certain people?
    No, especially not in this circumstance
    You go to work to make money, not friends

    • 12 months ago

      This, and just listening to coworkers, they love to talk about dogshit games, so I just never brought up what I liked because those convos go nowhere anyways

      >"Oh yeah, I've been playing Eschatos all week--I grabbed it after the dev for ZeroRanger recommended it"
      >I've never heard of any of those--you play Atomic Heart yet?

      Waste of fricking time and attention.

      • 12 months ago

        I mean I have chatted a bit about games before with co-workers because you have to shoot the shit sometimes
        but whenever it gets to
        >so what do you play on PC or console
        >what's your steam name
        I always say hold on back up there I just play single player

      • 12 months ago

        >"yeah i been playing games all my life Tekken 3 is so sick!"
        >Say nothing, feign incompetency
        Nobody i have ever spoken to in my entire life about videogames has ever been more autistic than i am about them. Even the artists.

        • 12 months ago

          You are me.

  5. 12 months ago


  6. 12 months ago

    i love apes so much its unreal

    • 12 months ago

      post more monkeys

      • 12 months ago

        No monkey have been posted

        • 12 months ago


        • 12 months ago
      • 12 months ago

        Nah, discord blows dick.


      • 12 months ago
        • 12 months ago

          waste naught want naught

      • 12 months ago

        Monkeys have tails. Learned this when I was like 8 and any time people call an ape a monkey, I immediately write them off. It's one of the reasons I didn't make it past the first 30 minutes of Being John Malkovich.

      • 12 months ago
        • 12 months ago

          ayo. he got dat BBC

        • 12 months ago

          fricking really?

    • 12 months ago

      You probably wouldn't like them as much if they were given the same rights as humans and pandered to.

      • 12 months ago

        some apes are legitimately smarter than some actual humans

      • 12 months ago

        gorillas would be civil if i just avoid eye contact. id actually feel safe walking down the street at night next to one

    • 12 months ago

      you know, this is a perfect gif to post after someone told you theres only one correct way to play a game

    • 12 months ago

      Nah, discord blows dick.


      >an invitation to a discord server prompted this
      holy shit, cool it my homie


    • 12 months ago

      I love you too, anon.

    • 12 months ago

      This gorilla has really kind eyes. Kinder than some humans'...

      • 12 months ago

        The difference between apes and man is that a man can commit violence with a calm face, if you see an ape with an angry face be prepared to be literally torn limb from limb.

  7. 12 months ago

    Maybe you should stop wearing misleading clothing that gives the boys the wrong idea

  8. 12 months ago

    I would have done the same, but I'm very autistic when it comes to human interaction, so yeah it probably did come off as assholish, but who gives a shit.

  9. 12 months ago

    I imagine talking a Gankertard irl about games is very much like talking to a vegan about food.

    • 12 months ago

      Except Ganker will never start a conversation about vidya

      • 12 months ago

        i know not to reveal my power level

  10. 12 months ago

    Adults should not be wearing videogame shirts

    • 12 months ago

      Adults should be able to wear any kind of shirts they want.

  11. 12 months ago

    If you don't want to talk to people about gaming or play games with them maybe don't broadcast your interests with merch and shit?

  12. 12 months ago

    What shirt were you wearing?

    • 12 months ago

      Late, but it was this one.

      Adults should not be wearing videogame shirts

      I couldn't help it. I really like this shirt.

  13. 12 months ago


    Looks like you made the right choice.

  14. 12 months ago

    Should have joined and done this

    • 12 months ago

      i insta-mute every single server

  15. 12 months ago

    Monkeys in the office is eternally fricking hilarious to me, would watch a series of that where they did voice overs while the monkeys just threw shit and slammed the keyboard

    • 12 months ago

      best post

  16. 12 months ago

    I want AIDS

  17. 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      damn, why did those rats attack a homeless person?

    • 12 months ago

      It's like an old man chasing kids

  18. 12 months ago

    >coworker find out i play video games
    >says he also plays video games like fifa and the mario
    The second he said fifa i knew his iq was under 90 and that his soul is damned to go to hell.
    I have yet to find a decent human who plays fifa.
    Thank god i will never have to see him and his moronic friends ever again.

    • 12 months ago

      dude frick off some ppl dont want to play your geek ass bum ass graphic PS2 graphic game when i play games i wanna chill and relax unlike you im actually making money in the real world while you sperg out about m-muh stats or worthless gamer shit

      • 12 months ago

        Yea go back to playing fifa you Black person.
        That way i wont ever have to see you ingame.

        • 12 months ago

          fifa is fun if you've played football. you're probably a fat moron who can't kick a ball lol

          • 12 months ago

            Not him but I'm a fit moron who can't kick a ball

      • 12 months ago

        Also what fricking JRPG is about gnosticism?

        • 12 months ago

          persona 5

        • 12 months ago

          xeno series

        • 12 months ago

          It's basically every single one.
          In chinese mobile games it's even more prevalent.

      • 12 months ago

        dude frick off some people have standards

      • 12 months ago

        >duuude I wanna le chiiiill and relaaax bro ur a loser haha
        Okay great, go back to whatever shithole you came from normgroid.

    • 12 months ago

      dude frick off some ppl dont want to play your geek ass bum ass graphic PS2 graphic game when i play games i wanna chill and relax unlike you im actually making money in the real world while you sperg out about m-muh stats or worthless gamer shit

      Autists fight, gotta grab the popcorns

    • 12 months ago

      >he will never know the joy of having the bros over for bbq and playing fifa

    • 12 months ago

      >The second he said fifa i knew his iq was under 90 and that his soul is damned to go to hell.

      Anon, if youre still here in this thread, I want you to know thst last line made me laugh for about 5 minutes straight. Thank you, its been a long while since I got a good laugh from here

  19. 12 months ago

    A normal person would just accept and then dont browse the discord if you dont care

  20. 12 months ago

    Eh no not really. If you don’t wanna do it you don’t really have to. Nothing wrong with that. At the same time though I don’t think it would’ve hurt for you to join them.

  21. 12 months ago

    Nah, you most likely dodged a bullet. Discord groups are always dens of degeneracy.
    I always tell people if they want to play vidya with me to set up vent or teamspeak, or just settle for in-game chat.
    If they don't know what those two options are, then good riddance.

  22. 12 months ago

    >I'm afraid to try new things

    • 12 months ago

      >implying every discord group isnt a carbon copy of the same old bullshit
      I can 100% guarantee you that server had a nsfw channel, an off topic channel, at least 5 different voice channels, and a rules channel with a longer history than the main channel. Other forms of degeneracy that may be there are things such as a cooldown channel, where attention prostitutes can go for pity when they get their fealings hurt but don't want to be confrontational or just log off.

      • 12 months ago

        Or it's just a few friends who use discord to talk to each other while they game and OP massively overreacted

        • 12 months ago

          Such groups aren't just shared with strangers so easily.

          • 12 months ago

            Ok. Never make friends. I do not care.

            • 12 months ago

              Nah, we just gatekeep our group.
              We're perfectly happy without people like you.

              • 12 months ago

                Do you like have a problem with random people somehow showing up in your chat? What the frick is gatekeeping discord?

  23. 12 months ago


  24. 12 months ago

    It is NEVER a mistake to deny playing video games with coworkers on the internet.

    I have 3 friends that are former coworkers but I got to know them extremely well before bothering with that shit, and two of them I didn't even really become friends with until after I quit that job.

    Adding coworkers to your online profile is a massive fricking mistake.

  25. 12 months ago

    he was inviting you to be social and you basically said no i'd rather just be miserable by myself and shitpost in my room on Ganker. great move OP

    • 12 months ago

      the look of disappointment was directed inward. he was mad at himself for nearly befriending a bugman like op

    • 12 months ago

      So it's mandatory, huh?

  26. 12 months ago

    Frick discordgays, they are basically normalgays that were not gatekept enough. Good job

  27. 12 months ago

    just explain that youre really into crusader kings and you dont play multiplayer and hell stop talking to you dont worry

  28. 12 months ago

    Seeing all these replies I now understand why Ganker hates all games. They have no friends to play with.

    • 12 months ago

      It's a shame. I've converted a few robot coworkers just through socializing while we play vidya. It's awesome seeing these guys finally open up and just live life.

      • 12 months ago

        You sure think highly of yourself.

    • 12 months ago

      It's a shame. I've converted a few robot coworkers just through socializing while we play vidya. It's awesome seeing these guys finally open up and just live life.

      cool now frick off normal Black folk i have been alone since i gained consciousness and i will continue along this path because IT IS WHAT I BELIEVE IN, NOT CHANGING MYSELF FOR PEOPLE I DO NOT CARE ABOUT. go play you homosexual ass games with your friends because my war will never end. i swear to god i hate this board but i cannot leave, even still i will continue to live as a monster for the rest of my life and i will never bend to you homosexuals, ever.

      • 12 months ago

        You cried while typing that.

      • 12 months ago

        That's fine. We'll accept you whenever you are ready. No rush.

      • 12 months ago

        >an invitation to a discord server prompted this
        holy shit, cool it my homie

      • 12 months ago

        I hate you subhuman astroturfing Black folk so much, you think Ganker is some place where utterly reviled people exclusively collaborate because youre so fricking worthless, you are merely tolerated here, dont ever make the mistake that you are a standard because of it homosexual

        frick you

        • 12 months ago

          normalgay wouldnt understand shit

          • 12 months ago

            I understand youre a repulsive gayot in every sense of the word

            • 12 months ago

              cool i will continue to live this way so you keep seething at my existence. you homosexuals mean nothing to me

              • 12 months ago

                you are a mild annoyance when I come here moron, your entire life is a hell of your own making, seethe eternally homosexual

                last (You) from me, back to your void of human interaction Black person

              • 12 months ago

                Not sure why you are so angry, even if i dont care for normalhomosexuals you can run off to your friends and forget about me. maybe your life isnt so good either since something like me affects you so much, now frick off you worthless b***h i dont care about any of your personal trauma that youre trying to take out on me.

          • 12 months ago

            You have been proven correct

  29. 12 months ago

    >coworker finds out I like games
    >wants him and his wife to play with me
    >they suck
    >I get drunk to tolerate this
    >I yell at them to get gud
    >I make his wife cry
    >they stop playing with me

    Problem solved itself

  30. 12 months ago

    I'm on good terms with most of my coworkers but would probably never want to join their groups or regularly play games with them.
    Some of it is just differing tastes, but most of it is keeping work and hobbies separate. Imagine slaving for like 8-9 hours, going home, trying to play vidya and then playing vidya with the same fricking people you were stuck with for the last third of a day or so. Nothing in common with them beyond incidentally working at the same place and incidentally playing the same game at the moment.
    My dad took the coworker friend pill. All he fricking knows about these days is work, and talking about work. What a fricking existence that must me. Yeah no, I'm good.

    • 12 months ago

      Only co-worker I do shit with outside work is normie girl to do outside stuff with. Shame she has no interest dating wise but what can you do.

      • 12 months ago

        Stop being a cuck

  31. 12 months ago

    I would turn down invites I got for doing well in a match often because with my sleepy early rise early schedule we'd be unlikely to play again.

  32. 12 months ago

    >coworker finds out I like games

    Black person everyone plays videogames, its not 2008 anymore.

  33. 12 months ago

    Diagnosis: autism.
    It's terminal, I'm afraid.

  34. 12 months ago

    not really but you're certainly anti social
    nothing wrong with just saying yes and taking a risk, but if you also know ahead of time that he likes gay games and thus his friends probably like gay games then nothing wrong with just saying "frick it" and refuse to play gay games

  35. 12 months ago

    playing games is a social activity in 2023.
    by refusing to play with him, you refused him and also let him know you actually play games just play them.

  36. 12 months ago

    Always remember folks.
    Coworkers are AQUAINTANCES

    this will always save you trouble.

    • 12 months ago

      All he had to do was say "sure, let's be friends" and then continue their existing relationship. But no, he turns into a completely different person because she wouldn't show vageen. This is the shit women mean when they say they don't owe incels sex. Learn to deal with rejection holy shit.

      • 12 months ago

        This. Just say ''Sure'' and then slowly ghost her. Problem solved.

        • 12 months ago

          How do you slowly ghost a coworker

          • 12 months ago

            Just say you're busy if she wants to hang out after work and you don't. This is normal human behavior.

          • 12 months ago

            NTA, but just slowly cut down on the conversations over time. Ween it down to simple small talk situations, then simple yeah/nah replies. Try to end the talks smoothly, not abruptly. If possible, work other shifts to avoid the coworker.
            If you have other hobbies/passions/obligations, simply send some sort of signal that you're trying to shift focus to that.
            Do any/all that in at least a half-assed friendly way while weening off contact, and it'll be alright.

      • 12 months ago

        This is probably bait but by that same logic she isn't owed friendship either no?

        • 12 months ago

          Of course not. But if you were friends, and then the only reason you want to stop being friends is because you can't put your penis in her, then you're being a douchebag.

          • 12 months ago

            That rejection creates and imbalance in the relationship and also possibly hurts the feeling of the rejected person if he's forced to keep up the interaction. Accept that man and women want different things and neither are evil for it

            • 12 months ago

              He's not evil, he's just stupid. If you don't want to hang out anymore, just stop hanging out with her. You don't have to be an butthole to her face because she doesn't want to date you right now.

              • 12 months ago

                You just changed your argument. So instead of being direct and honest he should have gradually ghosted her? Def the more socially acceptable option but hardly the 'nicer' one

              • 12 months ago

                All I'm saying is he didn't have to throw a hissy fit and end the friendship because she didn't want to date him. You just let nature take it's course. If the friendship evolves over time, cool, if not, that's cool too. Treating her like a leper because she didn't want to frick is wrong. That's the only point I've been making.

                It's like being nice to get a job my dude. You're at a job so you fake smiles and nods. Once you're no longer at the job? No need to smile and fake it.

                Relationships are the same way. You'll get it when you're older. Fake it till you make it.

                They were genuinely friends from the sounds of the greentext story. Throwing that away for no reason is dumb.

                This argument doesn't hold up. I give you two options
                1. He's being nice with 'second intentions' this is completely acceptable and normal. Would you not present yourself in the best way possible and slowly work towards the goal in a work environment especially?
                2. What if he gradually realized he was into her after they were already friends. Being rejected hurt his feelings and made interacting with her going forward unpleasant, also completely reasonable imo

                False dichotomy. He could also have just continued to be friends like she offered. Yeah he might have felt awkward or angry after being rejected, but a mature normal person would be able to handle that and continue the friendship or slowly drift away. Killing the friendship definitively is sociopath shit.

              • 12 months ago

                So stripped down to its core your entire point is that his only fault is not ending the friendship in a more slow and organic way to cause less social friction and attract less negative attention in the office. I think that's reasonable and I agree. The social friction element seems to be bothering you the most even thought you were not able to admit it directly and it makes sense from your perspective and in a work environment

              • 12 months ago

                it's a fake story you troglodye b***h.


                go back to browsing Ganker through screencaps reposted to your reddit board

          • 12 months ago

            He wanted a relationship. He has an attraction to her. If that attraction is what created the deep friendship in the first place he has no obligation once he knows she won't play.

            If I'm nice to you with the intention of getting something, and I don't get it.
            There's no reason to be nice anymore capiche?

            • 12 months ago

              If you're just being "nice" to get sex, you're not really being nice. From her perspective, they were friendly coworkers who shared interests and had fun at work. One day he randomly asks her out, and she's probably taken aback and rejects him since she wasn't prepared for it. A normal functioning human would be disappointed but continue to enjoy the existing friendship. And if he weren't such a dick he might have had another chance later down the road.

              • 12 months ago

                It's like being nice to get a job my dude. You're at a job so you fake smiles and nods. Once you're no longer at the job? No need to smile and fake it.

                Relationships are the same way. You'll get it when you're older. Fake it till you make it.

              • 12 months ago

                And you call everyone else NPCs

              • 12 months ago

                >Ganker is the same person

              • 12 months ago

                This argument doesn't hold up. I give you two options
                1. He's being nice with 'second intentions' this is completely acceptable and normal. Would you not present yourself in the best way possible and slowly work towards the goal in a work environment especially?
                2. What if he gradually realized he was into her after they were already friends. Being rejected hurt his feelings and made interacting with her going forward unpleasant, also completely reasonable imo

          • 12 months ago

            Men and Women can't be friends. If a man is friendly with a woman, it's because he wants to frick her.

          • 12 months ago

            >Woman thinks of a relationship purely in sexual terms
            Men truly are the actual romantic ones

          • 12 months ago

            you know there's more to love than just penis penis penis show bagina? you're just assuming he's an incel who only wanted sex and disregarding every other benefit of an intimate relationship

      • 12 months ago

        Why can't women handle friendship rejection?

      • 12 months ago

        >T-this the shit women mean
        >w-when they say they
        >d-don't owe incels se-

        • 12 months ago

          In your own shitty meme way, you kinda have a point. Much like how women don't owe incels sex, men don't owe women friendship.

      • 12 months ago

        t. omega orbiter

      • 12 months ago

        >Learn to deal with rejection holy shit.
        how fricking ironic that you're saying this about the male in this (made up) story

      • 12 months ago

        You may not understand it but if someone has a strong crush then becoming "just friends" means becoming an orbiter with only the rope as an escape. She will have a friend, you will only have pain and more pain.

        • 12 months ago

          >then becoming "just friends" means becoming an orbiter
          You know, you people are saying this but there's a major difference between being a friend and being an orbiter where the latter still only hangs around in hopes of the girl picking him and is a lot more... Protective or a constant presence.

          • 12 months ago

            It's completely outside your control, you cannot choose to stop loving her.
            You will be putting the act of a friend while inside you are fricking dead.

            • 12 months ago

              Anon that doesn't mean you have to be an orbiter. Like jesus man, have you ever actually had a friend, in general I mean.

              • 12 months ago

                being around someone you want to get together with but categorically rejected you is definitely being an orbiter

              • 12 months ago

                That's not what an orbiter is at all.
                Just being on friendly terms with someone doesn't mean you have to obsess over them or even hang around them all the time, you can cut down your time with someone and sort your feelings out first you know.

              • 12 months ago

                >sort your feelings out first you know
                You say this like he was in the wrong for wanting more. Neither were in the wrong at any point of this. Dude was posting Gosling memes with it so he obviously wasn't exactly chipper about it either.

              • 12 months ago

                >Like jesus man, have you ever actually had a friend, in general I mean
                Yes, and none of them I want to breed, which is the key of an healthy friendship

            • 12 months ago

              How can you even begin to love her before you've even gone on a date with her? You have a crush on her, at least this case. Maybe if they were friends before hand but they're just work buddies. Jeez man

              • 12 months ago

                Love is an exaggerated word but the point stands.
                Spending more time with her is going to make things worse not better

              • 12 months ago

                I guess for some people just can't get over it and need to just entirely cut contact. I don't really understand it myself but at least the anon was honest about what he wanted to with himself and her, even if it sucked for both of them. Just a shitty situation.

      • 12 months ago

        if you're just friends and then she gets in a relationship with someone else down the line, it's gonna tear you apart. cutting contact is the best thing if she truly doesn't have feelings for him. she wants the happiness he brings her, yet doesn't want to be together. it would be unfair to just give and receive none of that happiness back, knowing she won't ever love you like you do.

      • 12 months ago

        thats fricking moronic i know a guy who did this with one of our friends and still decided to be friends with her, she regularly fricks different guys and the dude is a mess because of it, he even begged people to not sleep with her and threatened me even though i did nothing. thank christ he's slowly cutting her out of his life because its pathetic at this point

      • 12 months ago

        >continue hanging out with perfect tomboy you always wished you had but will now never have
        >she comes up to you one day with another man
        >oh hey anon I'd like you to meet my boyfriend
        This is where that guy would -ACK

      • 12 months ago

        Do not frickingm do this
        I did this and wasted months watching this shit before cutting all contact and lifting heavy.
        She tried to talk to me again a few times but I destoryed all online evidence of my existence and quit that job
        It’s pointless and a time sink
        Unironically focus on yourself

    • 12 months ago

      Most of my closest friends I met while working

    • 12 months ago

      All he had to do was say "sure, let's be friends" and then continue their existing relationship. But no, he turns into a completely different person because she wouldn't show vageen. This is the shit women mean when they say they don't owe incels sex. Learn to deal with rejection holy shit.

      I still don't understand why that image is so divisive each time it is posted. He objectively made the correct choice and his reasoning is completely sound.
      The truth is, it is impossible for men and women to just be friends. Why? Because there is no good reason why good friends can't be good partners. If a woman you're friends with rejects you, she does not see you as a friend in the first place. Being partners is just being friends with a little bit of extra intimacy. Rejecting that is rejecting the friendship in the first place. There is no way to see it as anything but a very personal insult, and anon should not hang out with people like that.

      • 12 months ago

        ok incel

      • 12 months ago

        How is it the correct choice? He's at work. Instead of just playing pretend friend and just letting little smiles here and there while avoiding her now the whole mode is awkward every time she sees him and people pay attention to that and ask what's up. And when they find out anon won't be her friend because she's not interested everyone will call him a petty whiny b***h and now you have drama.
        Men and women can be friends. It's not that fricking hard. Just learn to turn off your dick every once in a while.

      • 12 months ago

        If you truly believe that you're a turbo autist. She didn't want a relationship at the time he asked. That doesn't mean it would never have happened. It might or it might not. Maybe she didn't feel like she knew him well enough to date him yet. You'll never know by being a stoic all-or-nothing butthole. He threw away a good friendship for no reason.

        • 12 months ago

          Not wanting a relationship at that time is very insulting and just a weak excuse at best. It implies they you are left as some kind of second choice. I agree that he should have acted more low key but the point of her not being ready but maybe someday is terrible

        • 12 months ago

          Claiming you aren't ready for a relationship at the current time is just a straight up lie. That always either means you are just not willing to commit because you think someone better might be coming around the corner or you are unsure about the person's quality as a potential partner. It obviously wasn't the latter in this case. If someone really is viewing people in the grass is greener mindset then you really shouldn't be "friends" with them because you will only ever be a fairweather friend for them.

      • 12 months ago

        Incredibly reasonable and logical

      • 12 months ago

        Women have infiltrated this board and post amongst us.

        • 12 months ago

          Ganker isn't a sekret club for lonely misfits

      • 12 months ago

        Reading posts like these make me realize just how absurdly socially moronic you all are.

        • 12 months ago

          I don't see you refuting his arguments though. Who's the moron?

        • 12 months ago
        • 12 months ago

          are you looking in the mirror while typing this?
          nothing he said is wrong

      • 12 months ago

        all the troons are fuming because he didn't slowly ghost and block which is the same shit just "nicer"

      • 12 months ago

        If you don't see the issue of asking out a coworker, getting turned down, not continuing the previous friendly relationship and then manipulating the situation by making it all seem like it's her fault, I'm not sure what to tell you

        • 12 months ago

          The only thing that is her fault is pestering the dude after he said no. It's basically social rape. Just go away.

        • 12 months ago

          >then manipulating the situation by making it all seem like it's her fault, I'm not sure what to tell you
          how did he do that, he just didn't want to be her friend anymore

          • 12 months ago

            that anon is saying that's the proper answer instead of just cutting your losses. normalgays are beyond help right now.

            • 12 months ago

              Anyone who deliberately gaslights others is instantly subhuman to me.

      • 12 months ago

        to realize how stupid this take is just imagine an ugly girl with a good personality saying it to you.
        >if you won't date me then we aren't really friends! physical attraction, what is that?
        unbelievable that some morons agreed with you.

        • 12 months ago

          Where's the issue?

          • 12 months ago

            it is possible to be friends with people you find ugly. you would not want to have sex with those same people. were you born this way or did you have some kind of brain injury?

            • 12 months ago

              Sure it's possible if neither side cares to try for a relationship. If one side does and the other doesn't it's better to split.

      • 12 months ago

        >I still don't understand why that image is so divisive each time it is posted
        Okay, for starters, the girl, at least how that anon described her, doesn't sound like a bad person at all.
        Second, they're still going to come across each other regularly since they're co-workers and suddenly not talking to someone who you were good friends with will cause problems down the line.
        Third, it's kind of hypocritical. He's saying he doesn't want to hurt himself by still hanging around her but she's going to be hurt even more than he is.

        • 12 months ago

          >she's going to be hurt even more than he is.
          oh just frick right off with that shit

          • 12 months ago

            >anon, just wanted to frick her
            >can't frick her
            >cuts contact and gets over it

            >girl just wanted a friend
            >didn't lead anon on
            >lost someone who she thought liked her as a person because she won't frick him
            >tries to be a friend still and becomes an orbiter for anon
            >miserable just trying to find some normalcy again
            >now thinks that people only like her to bang her

            • 12 months ago

              Who cares?
              Anon was looking out for himself and rightfully so

            • 12 months ago

              Speaking from experience, you can meet someone as a friend but later develop feelings. It's a shitty situation for everyone involved even if you don't develop feelings of inadequacy (I did).

            • 12 months ago

              >nooooo you have to suffer so that a woman isn't inconvenienced nooooo
              Frick off homosexual, the only person who did anything wrong in that story was her trying to continue the friendship after he told her specifically that it was over. Women are not entitled to male friendship or relationships the same way men aren't entitled to sex and intimacy.

              • 12 months ago

                She wasn't wrong to try, and the OP was wrong for not capitalizing on it. She basically offered a branch into dating, by continuing to try to talk to him. Women are very much aware of the tension that's created after admitting of feelings.

                He should have tried again

              • 12 months ago

                >no means no
                you just cant win

              • 12 months ago

                >the OP was wrong for not capitalizing on it
                Did you even fricking read the image, moron? He said "Let's date", she said "No". That's the end of it. If she was too emotionally immature to handle the situation and fricked it up, that's on her. Sticking around after a rejection is just disingenuous.

              • 12 months ago

                >If she was too emotionally immature to handle the situation and fricked it up, that's on her.
                You're talking about emotional maturity when the anon literally was too pissed to see the opportunities.

              • 12 months ago

                There is no opportunity, idiot. A rejection is a rejection unless she's an emotional child, in which case she's not worth it anyway.

              • 12 months ago

                >There is no opportunity, idiot
                There's always opportunities anon and I'm not saying that as if he should just pursue that girl. Having someone on the other side of things is always useful.

              • 12 months ago

                No he isn't sticking around as a friend, he made his intentions clear so any offer that he makes has the condition of romantic interest.
                If she gets emotional and tries to make up for the rejection she thought more of him than just a regular friend.

                >no means no
                you just cant win

                There's some emotional intelligence needed to realize that it's hopeless to try again because she shows indifference. Vs a woman going out of her way to get your attention and affection back.

              • 12 months ago

                >No he isn't sticking around as a friend
                Yes that is literally what I said, read the post again.

        • 12 months ago

          >but she's going to be hurt even more than he is.
          That falls under the utilitarian line of thought

          • 12 months ago

            No one is saying that anon should have disregarded his own feelings for hers anon. There is a way there for everyone to come out fine.
            What that anon did though was take the utilitarian approach but solely for his benefit.

            • 12 months ago

              >What that anon did though was take the utilitarian approach but solely for his benefit.
              >Solely for the individuals benefit
              That is the exact opposite of utilitarianism

              • 12 months ago

                It isn't.
                At all.
                In simple terms, inflicting pain, unhappiness, death etc. for a benefit is utilitarianism.

                This is a very small scale version where that anon completely disregards the fact that she's also a human with feelings of her own for the sake of his own.

              • 12 months ago

                >In simple terms, inflicting pain, unhappiness, death etc. for a benefit is utilitarianism.
                No its not, utilitarianism is all about reducing the amount of suffering and maximizing happiness. Lets say that Anon decides to remain friends to avoid her feelings pain as well as to minimize bringing friction to all the other coworkers as well. That would follow utilitarianism, since net happiness is maximized. Anon, maximizing his own happiness to the net detriment of everyone else is not utilitarianism, due to net happiness going down.

              • 12 months ago

                >utilitarianism is all about reducing the amount of suffering and maximizing happiness
                That's not utilitarianism in the slightest.
                It's strange that you people have never actually looked up these terms.

                Even if it was it, it would still describe that anon because he acted in a way that would reduce his suffering to ensure he's happier in the future.

              • 12 months ago

                Is this bait? You really gonna say that shit without having looked it up yourself?
                >the doctrine that an action is right insofar as it promotes happiness, and that the greatest happiness of the greatest number should be the guiding principle of conduct.

              • 12 months ago

                >That's not utilitarianism in the slightest.
                >It's strange that you people have never actually looked up these terms.
                Anon what the frick are you even talking about, are you thinking about a different line of thinking because what I described is 100% what utilitarianism is.

        • 12 months ago

          being a good person doesnt mean you are entitled to someone else's friendship. it isnt hypocritical to not want to get hurt. it's either him or her and he chose himself. the typical status quo demands that the man lays down and takes it so everyone else can be satisfied, that's why this bugs people. he's a sperg at worst, but he didnt do anything wrong.

          • 12 months ago

            >. it isnt hypocritical to not want to get hurt
            Anon, not wanting to be hurt and then inflicting worse pain on someone is very hypocritical.

            • 12 months ago

              how is it inflicting worse pain
              it's not

            • 12 months ago

              no, it isnt.
              >the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.
              he isn't saying he is morally against ever causing someone paun, he is pragmatically lessening his own pain. if this were hypocritical, then it would be hypocritical to ever act in self defense.

              • 12 months ago

                That's not what that word means, if he were settling it in a pragmatic way he would have at least tried to let her down easy. He did the exact opposite of that.

              • 12 months ago

                why do you keep trying to play semantics, you are not good at it
                >in a sensible and realistic way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations
                it is not pragmatic, when your goal is to avoid your own suffering of playing along like you dont have feelings for someone, to do this "ease her down over a period of weeks" routine. that is a lot of work and pain on his part that he does not owe her. pragmatically, he politely and concisely says "no" which is what happened. you are just looking for a way to say the right thing to do is play like a friend with her. she is not entitled to his friendship.

              • 12 months ago

                >it is not pragmatic, when your goal is to avoid your own suffering of playing along like you dont have feelings for someone, to do this "ease her down over a period of weeks" routine.
                No because its not a sensible approach to the problem and if she decided to tell anyone then everyone will just look at him as an butthole causing problems for him down the line.
                It's literally the least pragmatic approach one could go for.
                >pragmatically, he politely and concisely says "no" which is what happened
                If he said it the way he did in the post then that's not polite, quite the opposite in fact, it's extremely rude because he's saying that he didn't have any feelings for her beyond the urge to frick her.

              • 12 months ago

                if people want to judge him for prioritizing his own feelings then that is their problem not his. he isnt going to get fired for not being besties with some girl at work ffs
                >If he said it the way he did in the post then that's not polite, quite the opposite in fact, it's extremely rude because he's saying that he didn't have any feelings for her beyond the urge to frick her.
                like an anon above said, this is bullshit misandry. he had romantic feelings for her. that happens to encompass sex but is primarily about romantic love. men are not only concerned with sex. he wanted a relationship with her because he had affection for her. it hurts to have that denied and would constantly be in his mind every interaction with her. he does not owe her friendship and he didnt do anything wrong.

              • 12 months ago

                >if people want to judge him for prioritizing his own feelings then that is their problem not his
                Anon, if people treat him differently purely because of his own actions then it's very much his problem.
                >he isnt going to get fired
                No one said he would, but being a social outcast in the workplace isn't exactly a step up.
                Do you see how that wasn't pragmatic at all?

                >this is bullshit misandry
                It's not. No one is saying you should disregard the anon in favor of the girl.
                >he had romantic feelings for her
                He very clearly did not. Romantic feelings can't just be cut off like that, he urge to frick can, but love lingers.
                And I say this as a man who still has unresolved romantic feelings from well over a decade. I can only assume that you people have never actually had that urge for companionship but I digress.
                The point is, if he actually had romantic feelings seeing her miserable like that would have torn him apart.

              • 12 months ago

                >Anon, if people treat him differently purely because of his own actions then it's very much his problem.
                you're acting as if they will, which is not a given. just a hypothetical to enforce your own point. he won't be made a social outcast over it, that's your own assumption.
                >it's not
                it is misandry to assume that he only wanted to frick her, yes. it removes agency and human feelings from your portrayal of the man. it's dehumanizing in an attempt to make the woman more sympathetic.
                > Romantic feelings can't just be cut off like that, he urge to frick can, but love lingers.
                he isn't cutting them off, he's cutting off contact. i managed to quit smoking to avoid health problems, but i still WANT to smoke. same here. the fact that love cant be turned off is the reason it is hard to maintain a pretend friendship. you're just regurgitating your same points. i will say it again for clarity: it hurts to maintain a purely platonic friendship he does not owe her than at all.
                >I can only assume that you people have never actually had that urge for companionship but I digress.
                ive been married since i was 24, don't assume youre on some high ground anon.
                >The point is, if he actually had romantic feelings seeing her miserable like that would have torn him apart.
                if you really are a man with a failed romantic past, then your should have come to an important conclusion that you obviously missed, and informs your current nonsense that you're writing: you cannot be responsible for someone else's happiness. she wanted nothing to do with that anons affection, so he made the choice that hurt him the least. he is not obligated to protect her feelings instead of his.

                all of your posts are trying to circumvent this because you feel bad for the woman. here it is again: he is not obligated to protect her feelings at his expense. that is all there is to it.

              • 12 months ago

                >seeing her miserable like that would have torn him apart
                It did, why do you think he made that lenghty greentext?
                Still better for both than the other option, she will get over it in a week.

              • 12 months ago

                >It did
                Did you read it?
                He was lamenting over her rejecting him not for his own actions in making her miserable.

              • 12 months ago

                If he was he wouldn't have described her crying
                He feels guilty and wants someone to tell him he is a homosexual on the internet.

            • 12 months ago

              >don't want pain
              >choice is giving or feeling pain
              it would be a noble sacrifice but it's not hypocritical to not take that on yourself

            • 12 months ago

              You are already hurt at that point. Lets put this as a math problem. Right now Anon has one hurt point and if he goes cold turkey he inflict 3 hurt points upon the tom boy. But if he does not go cold turkey he will eventually get 3 hurt points but she remains at 0.

              Mathematically, why would anon not minimize his hurt points?

              • 12 months ago

                Her pain is momentary, their lasting friendship would mean years of anon constantly wanting to kill himself as she sucks someone else's wiener.
                My ex gf broke up with me and wanted to stay friends. Frick that shit, I don't hate her but I don't need it in my life.

              • 12 months ago

                >My ex gf broke up with me and wanted to stay friends.
                same, cut contact immediately

              • 12 months ago

                >Her pain is momentary
                His pain is momentary. He didn't like her at all, he just wanted to frick her the desire to breed and love aren't the same thing.

              • 12 months ago

                >His pain is momentary
                Yes, because he cut off relations. If he didn't, it would have lasted.
                > He didn't like her at all
                You don't know that.
                He made a post on Ganker because he felt bad about it.
                Oneitis is fairly common in lonely men.

              • 12 months ago

                >He's a man so he just wanted sex!!!
                You're just a straight up misandrist. Have you ever talked to a man before? It's only a small portion of men who care that much about sex, most men just want someone to love them. This is exactly why 60% of men have given up on women. If men just wanted sex then no amount of horrible feminist behavior would be enough to convince 60% of men to just swear off relationships entirely.

              • 12 months ago

                >Have you ever talked to a man before?
                I am a man, that's why I know what I'm talking about. Are you trying to say that everyone who doesn't understand the pragmatic approach to this problem is a woman?
                >It's only a small portion of men who care that much about sex,
                You're definitely a woman if you're thinking in absolutes. No one said all men are like that but this situation in particular is literally just a guy wanting to bang.
                >This is exactly why 60% of men have given up on women.
                Yeah no, a lot of us don't bother because of either
                Crippling self esteem issues that no amount of self improvement can overcome
                The dangers of modern women, rape accusations, baby trapping, general emotional manipulation etc etc

              • 12 months ago

                True he totally only wanted sex which is why he extensively described her personality and how they interact with each other lmao. Goofy ass motherfricker.

              • 12 months ago


              • 12 months ago

                >women's problems
                "boohoo people think I'm attractive, constantly compliment me, and want to start a family with me"
                >men's problems
                "I don't get to feel even platonic affectionate contact with a person more than once every 6 months if at all, women think I'm a potential rapist for so much as looking in their direction for more than 3 seconds even during a daydream, and the only worth I have to people is how much money I bring in rather than who I am as a person"

              • 12 months ago

                I’m close anon
                I’m so close

                Someone said if a young man has nothing to die for he has nothing to live for and it’s been fricking me up since

              • 12 months ago

                It won't do anything anon. It won't make you feel better, and it'd just make a martyr out of the people you hurt. People will use you to just further their confirmation biases that men are evil, and use you as a tool to suit whatever political agenda is convenient at the time.

                I know there's a difference between posts like this expressing frustration and actually doing it, though, I'm just saying if you did, it'd mean nothing, and accomplish less than nothing.

      • 12 months ago

        >married people can never have friends because then they must have sex with those friends.
        >have more than one close female friend, welp guess its a harem now.
        nevermind the many other glaring issues with your thought process.

        • 12 months ago

          no dumbass, a married person can go into a friendship knowing they're already in love with their partner, so there's no 'falling in love' tidbit to sour the relationship.

    • 12 months ago

      >tomboy gets into a relationship later on
      >now you have to deal with a "friend" you still have feeling for being railed by another man
      He was in the right. He isn't owed a relationship, just like she isn't owed a friendship.
      Better to just cut down your loses and move on instead of having to deal with stupid games.

    • 12 months ago

      no one did anything wrong here. life just be like this sometimes.

      • 12 months ago

        this. it's how it be on this b***h of an earth

    • 12 months ago

      >all these "people" unable to sympathize with the brown tomboy
      None of you know what it's like to constantly struggle with being incredibly attractive. Imagine not knowing if you have a genuine friend, or someone who is just interested in your pink tomboy pussy. Imagine just wanting to have one normal friend, and realizing that because you're so incredibly attractive, you'll never have that. You can't associate with women, because they don't have the same interests, and you're too beautiful to just have guy friends. Imagine being so isolated like that. Oh, that's right, you can't, you stupid psychos.

      • 12 months ago

        How could I sympathize with a stinky, dirty Black person b***h???

      • 12 months ago

        4/10 made me reply

      • 12 months ago

        Anon. Despite what you hear here. Tomboys are unattractive as frick to the majority of men. That's why they can hang out with the boys. I know because I know a tomboy personally. They're fun to be around but frick and relationship? Bad news bears.

      • 12 months ago

        >None of you know what it's like to constantly struggle with being incredibly attractive.
        Actually, I struggle with that all the time.

        On a more serious note: Look, he didn't have to sperg out and go scorched earth on her ass, but it was the correct call to end the friendship if you don't feel like you could continue it without secretly hoping for more. Just builds resentment if it inevitably doesn't work out.
        He wasn't entitled to the romantic relationship, she wasn't entitled to the friendship, they wanted different things so it wasn't meant to be.
        A woman that is simultaneously gorgeous and not a wet blanket is no doubt going to have a pretty shitty time simply finding a male friend that isn't in it for more, but technically speaking it's not that different from an incel, the friendzone and... loverzone(?) are just reversed.
        Much like with an incel, while I understand the plight generally speaking, at the end of the day the best you can do is quit getting hung up over it and search for what you're looking for elsewhere.

        The perfect platonic friend for her is out there, somewhere. That greentext anon sure as shit wasn't it.

        • 12 months ago

          >The perfect platonic friend for her is out there, somewhere.
          yes, and she's a woman. "tomboy"? my ass. everything we know about her paints her as a fairly typical woman, even the aggressive / pushy way she communicates. men don't talk like that because it would be threatening. only women can get away with talking like that.

        • 12 months ago

          Scorched earth was the best option.
          He expressed a romantic interest and was rebuffed, by cutting ties he kept it professional and saved both of them more heartache because had it continued any further and even one of them had deeper feelings it would have hurt more along with potentially costing somebody their income.
          Opening your mouth at work will only cost you in the long run.

        • 12 months ago

          >He wasn't entitled to the romantic relationship, she wasn't entitled to the friendship, they wanted different things so it wasn't meant to be.
          This, no-one was right or wrong about it, it was just a shitty situation of which unfortunately the only outcome was everyone loses. That's just life.

      • 12 months ago

        boohoo homie. go cry about it to one of your orbiters while most average people struggle to find friends or even receive attention at all.
        fricking have a nice day.

      • 12 months ago

        Why cant she be friends with other girls instead? Is it cuz yall suck and hate each other?

      • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        just wanted to congratulate you on a successful bait.

    • 12 months ago

      What a fricking king.

    • 12 months ago

      He made the right choice.

    • 12 months ago

      Kinda based. She put you out, its only fair you do the same.

    • 12 months ago

      Pragmatically this is just dumb, maybe she had a hot tomboy sister or friend or something like that. In any case, I understand rejections suck but it's not like you magically stop getting along just because she doesn't want to frick you. I don't know why being friends or at the least friendly with women who reject you in that way is now cucked or simp behavior.

      • 12 months ago

        >magically stop getting along just because she doesn't want to frick you.
        Yeah it does. You want sex and she won't give. So there is no attraction anymore.

        • 12 months ago

          I don't really understand what you're trying to say. You don't need attraction to get along or be friends. It sounds like they were getting along just fine without attraction playing any part of it.

      • 12 months ago

        > it's not like you magically stop getting along just because she doesn't want to frick you
        It's not about not getting along with her, the exact opposite in fact, the problem is that I will keep liking her
        She will frick other guys and I will still be orbiting around her.
        Frick that, I'd rather cut contact and endure some pain now than endure a whole lot of it later.

        • 12 months ago

          While that's true, that anon has now cemented in her head that people will only entertain her antics because she's hot not because they actually like her as a person.
          That's a major blow to the self esteem.

          • 12 months ago

            Sounds like a her problem.

          • 12 months ago

            >That's a major blow to the self esteem
            She will have to deal with it like anon will have to deal with not even being liked in the first place.
            Anon isn't under an obligation to be a martyr to save her some self esteem.

          • 12 months ago

            i don't get it, do you really expect anon to keep torturing himself so she won't feel like boys only want to frick her?

            • 12 months ago

              >do you really expect anon to keep torturing himself
              There is in fact a middle ground especially if you like a person as a person. The fact that he could even just cut her off 100% like that just goes to show that he didn't even fricking like her in the first place.

              • 12 months ago

                dude have you literally never had a crush on someone?

              • 12 months ago

                I'm starting to think you haven't if you think the best thing to do in the event of a rejection is to autistically orbit her or go cold turkey.

              • 12 months ago

                anon wants PLAP PLAP
                would you want to be friends with a gay dude knowing he has fricking you on his mind all the time?

          • 12 months ago

            >anon has now cemented in her head

            Dumb ass transhomosexual

            • 12 months ago

              NTA but
              Anon has cemented in the head of the girl (her)
              You illiterate fricking moron
              Think before you fricking post

            • 12 months ago

              Dude, are you moronic?
              Anon in that post refers to the man.
              Her refers to the girl he tried to ask out.

              • 12 months ago

                Pretty sure that anon was just pretending for a joke.
                I thought it was funny at least.

          • 12 months ago

            Honestly an upgrade from how people will only entertain men's antics if they're a living ATM machine for women. I'm not sure how people thinking you're hot is a bad thing, if I thought people thought I was attractive that'd give me a confidence boost during a time where I have basically zero morale.

          • 12 months ago

            Not his problem.

          • 12 months ago

            And she has cemented in his head that she is a shallow c**t that won't date someone she gets along well with just because she doesn't get pussy tingles. Who cares?

          • 12 months ago

            Why does her mental anguish take priority over his?

        • 12 months ago

          Why do you consider just being friends or at least friendly with someone who rejected you to be orbiting? People who just hang around someone who rejected them in hopes they'll change their mind eventually are pathetic and orbiters, but I don't think just remaining friendly with someone and being on speaking terms with them is orbiting.

      • 12 months ago

        >I understand rejections suck but it's not like you magically stop getting along just because she doesn't want to frick you.
        True, when I learn someone dislikes me or even hates me I always continue to get along just fine with them and there is zero resentment. How about you just admit that what you really think is that as a man he should just lie down and suffer any humiliation and negative emotions she forces on him because his life doesn't matter to you?

        • 12 months ago

          Nice projection. Just because she doesn't wanna touch your pp doesn't mean she dislikes you or hates you. And I don't think he should be forced or expected to be friends with her after a rejection, but I do take issue with the notion that choosing to or being able to do so is being a simp or an orbiter if you're able to get over your crush on her. People talk about it like a crush on someone is something you can't get over unless you entirely cut contact with them which is just strange to me.

        • 12 months ago

          What the frick are you talking about?

          • 12 months ago

            When you reject someone you hurt their feelings and their self esteem. Generally, when you are forced to then play nice with someone who hurt you, you then build up resentment and hatred for that person. His expectation is that the guy should just deal with those emotions which he could just not feel by no longer talking to the girl who rejected him.

      • 12 months ago

        Pragmatically there is little reason to continue being a doormat for the very tiny chance that she has a sister or friend to frick. Learn the definition of the word. It would be ACTUAL incel beta orbiter behavior if he did that.

        • 12 months ago

          I was using the friend or sister to frick as just a specific example but I was really referring to just social networking. Depending on what their work is it could be useful to have her as a reference/contact. I don't think remaining friends with someone who didn't want to date/frick you is being a doormat, unless you're deluding yourself about the realistic outcomes of it. Although I guess some people feel like they have to go scorched earth and cut off contact with the person to get over their crush on them.

          • 12 months ago

            you're calling it a crush when it was more like falling in love. a crush is like, between two strangers. you're downplaying how hard it would be get over her not returning your feelings.
            according to you, he's just supposed to be a good little friend and nod and be happy for her when she finds someone else to bang. because apparently his feelings don't matter and he should simply 'get over it'. not happening.

            • 12 months ago

              They were work buddies. No where did he even say he loved her, or describe anything they ever did aside from mess around with each other at work. He only knows this part of herself that she shows at at work. I guess it's possible especially for lonely men who may not experience that type of thing often to fall in love just from that because a woman behaves like that with them but I would think it's a crush.

              In any case, I'm not saying his feelings don't matter or that he should have to be friends with her. She isn't entitled to his friendship nor is he entitled to a relationship with her. At did the right thing at by being honest about what he wanted after being rejected, but it is a shame. I just don't think that being friends or friendly with someone after they reject you is being a simp, which seems to be the predominant opinion on it these days. You don't have to either orbit the person and delude yourself or entirely cut contact with them. It seems immature to think of it that way, not saying you do though.

              • 12 months ago

                I don't necessarily consider it simp behavior if he stuck around with her, as most anons are. I consider it a path that's going to lead him to endure pain every time he's with her, and excruciating pain when she hooks up with someone else.
                But your dumb example of sticking around cuz maybe she has family/a friend to frick is, like I said, ACTUAL beta orbiter omega simp cuck behavior. Thankfully it's just a moronic idea that only you've come up with as an example of a benefit of sticking with her. Lmao.
                And yes I know you've explained you meant more about networking and avoiding burning bridges. That's a fair point, but if he's already fallen for her, it's just a matter of him choosing to look after himself by cutting contact rather than the mere potential of social networking.

              • 12 months ago

                Yeah dumb example I guess but I was just using it as an example without directly alluding to the whole of social networking.

                In any case I guess it's all just predicated on how you're able to move on from having a crush on someone or falling for someone. Sounds to me he had a bit of oneitis with this chick if he really did fall that hard for her just from work considering he felt the need to go scorched earth with her and cut her off. I guess that's why you should just ask the person out before it gets to that point instead of deliberating on it because then you get shit like this where you feel like you have to do something like that. I hope he did it because he thought it was best for him and not because he's bought into the mentality that if you remain friendly with someone you were interested in you're automatically a simp. Just a shitty situation for both of them.

              • 12 months ago

                yeah for sure. if there's something he should've done on top of all that, is to give her closure by telling her the friendship can't work because the pain would be too much for him. then she could heal quicker, too.

              • 12 months ago

                He did tell her that reread the post

              • 12 months ago

                nah he needs to say it more succinctly. and remind her if she's still trying to goof with him and buy him burgers.

    • 12 months ago

      how is this controversial?
      i thought women want men to be forthcoming with their intentions

    • 12 months ago

      Jesus frick, I mean, I get it but there are better ways to go about it than just completely cutting someone out of your life like that especially if they aren't actually a bad person.

      • 12 months ago

        How. He didn't want to be friends anymore. Just say have a nice day and that's it..there's nothing wrong with that.

        • 12 months ago

          I mean, technically there isn't, but the girl doesn't seem like a bad person at all and she was miserable without that anon.

          • 12 months ago

            I'd she's miserable that's her issue. He said his goodbyes. If she wanted him back she should've given him something to work with. There's something called friends with benefits for a reason. It's sex and friendship without the relationship.

    • 12 months ago

      fake story
      never happened

      • 12 months ago

        Looking through the archive seems legit

    • 12 months ago

      i dont consider my coworkers any of those things
      they are literally random strangers i happen to work around

    • 12 months ago

      the REAL based move is to just not befriend anyone though.
      >erm......... just befriend your coworkers dude lmao dude bro just befriend them XD
      none of them know anything about the things I like.
      if my gf cant tell me who Al Feldstein or Bill Everett or Will Eisner or Jack Kirby or Carl Burgos or Wally Wood or Ray Bradbury are then she isnt worth having

    • 12 months ago

      I realized I had a crush on a coworker/friend, and didn't want to so I started to give her less attention at work to let the feelings pass. That just made her think I hated her, and go in to the arms of another man, which ended up making me feel even worse about the situation

      • 12 months ago

        That's the problem with going cold turkey, you think you're getting over your feelings but in reality you're just repressing them and it won't solve the feeling of not being with someone, you just have to suffer on your own while still watching said person get with and frick someone else.

    • 12 months ago

      This is stupid. Why not have an acquaintance at work that you get along with? Oh no she rejected you, but there's need to make your work life even more boring over it

      • 12 months ago

        Better boring than painful.

        • 12 months ago

          It's going to be painful either way, you may as well have a friend you can talk to.

    • 12 months ago

      We can all do with some sour grapes
      Why are they like this?

      • 12 months ago

        The frick are you talking about? She would be his emotional tampon not the other way around.

        • 12 months ago

          No, anon could literally not use her as an emotional tampon because he would be forced to hide his feelings to not break the friendship social contract.
          It would be a one way relationships where anon constantly gives to the girl and only receives seethe, cope and disappointment.

          • 12 months ago

            >anon could literally not use her as an emotional tampon because he would be forced to hide his feelings to not break the friendship social contract.
            She already knows how he feels anon. There's nothing to hide, they can just help you get over it, that's what being a friend is.

            But I get it, I've had my edgy teen phase too. You'll grow out of it.

            • 12 months ago

              It doesn’t make you get over it
              It just makes you schizo and plan bio terror attacks in revenge
              t. Went through it
              No pussy
              No work
              No military service
              No taxes

            • 12 months ago

              >they can just help you get over it
              do you really not see how that's counter productive

            • 12 months ago

              >She already knows how he feels anon. There's nothing to hide, they can just help you get over it, that's what being a friend is.
              Anon... do you know how uncofortable it would be for a friend to bring up he wants to frick you constantly?
              Do you even realize what you are saying?
              The implication of "let's just be friends" is that the topic will never be brought up again lmao

              • 12 months ago

                >they can just help you get over it
                do you really not see how that's counter productive

                he is still hung up on a girl who shot him down and is attempting to paint his choice to orbit forever as a moral obligation.

              • 12 months ago

                >do you know how uncofortable it would be for a friend to bring up he wants to frick you constantly?
                Are you being serious right now?
                So you think that every single time you communicate with them from the point of rejection onwards will be
                >hey ladyanon, I want to frick you so bad, want to grab a bite to eat?

              • 12 months ago

                You pointed out he would have a shoulder to cry on
                I pointed out he wouldn't, because he is not supposed to cry about the girl he was rejected by to that same girl.
                I don't know what's so fricking hard to unserstand.

              • 12 months ago

                >because he is not supposed to cry about the girl he was rejected by to that same girl.
                Anon, there's literally no one better to help you deal with that immediately after it happens especially if you're on good terms with them.
                Simply talking like humans does wonders.

              • 12 months ago

                what the actual frick

              • 12 months ago

                Maybe if you don't have any kind of dignity or pride but that's downright humiliating to any man. Only women do that, and considering all your posts I am starting to suspect things...

              • 12 months ago

                Man if only you knew how naive you are. The problem is because of your naivety literally nothing we can say to you will properly convey in a way that would allow you to have empathy for the situation why what you're saying isn't viable. I'm almost certain spoiled normalgay hands typed this post and that's being completely generous and not assuming you yourself are an outright woman, because that's the only way you'd be able to type this with a 100% straight face.

              • 12 months ago

                >I don't know what's so fricking hard to unserstand.
                NTA but unless he's a 100% sperg who would just cry
                >WHY, WHY WON'T YOU LOVE ME!?
                talking it out and having someone to emotionally support you is infinitely better.
                And she didn't feel awkward because she did everything to try and spend time and talk with him, she clearly cared for anon more than he cared for her.

              • 12 months ago

                >having someone to emotionally support you is infinitely better
                Yes, and hopefully that person is someone fricking else.
                You are not supposed to INCREASE your emotional dependence to someone after getting rejected.

              • 12 months ago

                >uhh because he cares for her, he should KEEP caring for her when she rejects him, and continue being her friend so she doesn't feel bad, because it's his obligation to do that because he cares for her right?? otherwise he doesn't REALLY care about her!!!
                That's the most stupid shit. You're saying she should just continue to reap the benefits of his love when she made it clear there will be no love between them.

    • 12 months ago

      Women like me don't owe you a relationship just because you like us.

      • 12 months ago

        And men don't owe you friendship, even if you cut your dick off and call yourself a woman.

    • 12 months ago

      The guy was half right, here. He actually opened up the chance to date her. He got her set into chase mode, he didn't know to capitalize on it. Telling a woman no is one of the most attractive things a guy can do.

  37. 12 months ago

    >attention prostitute by wearing gamer shirt
    >get said attention you were asking for
    >refuse it and pretend this wasn't what you wanted

  38. 12 months ago

    you could just say you don't play multiplayer games

  39. 12 months ago

    Yeah, you were a bit of a dick. Just take the discord info and continue playing the games you want. If they annoy you afterwards just don't open discord. You missed out on a potential bro.

  40. 12 months ago

    >"To be honest, I really only like playing games that I like and really don't want to join a discord."

  41. 12 months ago

    You were right. Peer pressure is how people end up buying xboxes.

  42. 12 months ago

    >"Hey wanna add me on discord, we can play zomboid or something?"
    "Sorry dude, I only really use discord for art networking type shit. I don't play games so much these days anyway."
    >"Ah, gotcha, alright later."
    of course i left out my discord profile has links to the copious amounts of rule 34 and pinups ive drawn, but that probably didnt matter to him since his phone background was some neon painted bawd. it is what it is.

    • 12 months ago

      Is this what goes on inside the head of a coom brain?

    • 12 months ago

      Yeah it's impossible to have two discord accounts

      • 12 months ago

        I already have over 200 accounts all over the internet. Out of which, I have forgotten the passwords and usernames for over 100. I don't need more accounts. I need homosexual services to stop asking for me to make more accounts.

  43. 12 months ago

    Nah you're good dude, if you were chill about it no sweat. Nobody is obligated to oblige in an offer to do something with someone.

  44. 12 months ago

    Just tell them that you are pro america and won't install Chinese malware on your computer, you should mention you only play Team Fortress 2 as well

  45. 12 months ago

    he's probably on discord right now talking about the sperg he works with to all his buds lol

    • 12 months ago

      Woop dee fricking doo, some people will complain about you behind your fricking back no matter what you do.

      • 12 months ago

        No not really. We just make fun of morons like you

        • 12 months ago

          No such people complain about everyone, seen no shortage of anytime anyone leaves voice chat, everyone remaining starts shitting on whoever left, no exceptions.

    • 12 months ago

      Nah I didn't mind it that much until I saw this thread. Now I'm going to Discord.

  46. 12 months ago

    I created a new Steam account when an IRL friend mentioned he always saw me online playing something. It was so peaceful that I'd just reject any friend requests even from fun people at CS:GO.

  47. 12 months ago

    >make no friends at work
    >have no references
    >can't get better job
    literally me right now
    don't be a stupid moron OP, make fake friends and make them help you get a better job to be antisocial at

    • 12 months ago

      This Anon speaks the truth, I wanted to burn some bridges but the fact of the matter is they are still useful to me. Some applications even ask that you don't list your manager. I would be fine if I never talked to any of them again but until I am certain that there is no possibility of them being useful down the line i will still keep them around

    • 12 months ago

      >have no references
      Wut? You don't need friends for references, you just give them your bosses email or just generic HR.
      All they do is say "yes so and so worked here during that time period" - they don't often go further than that.

  48. 12 months ago

    No. He asks you to join his discord and soon enough he's showing you his cartoon female fox (male) fursona and asking you to do ERPs.

  49. 12 months ago

    this would be you, if you joined it.

    • 12 months ago

      I hate how much I can relate to this. And that one time a seriously cute girl was into me, but I rejected her advances due to years of being bullied by the ''chads and stacies'' in school, making me distrust pretty people by default.

      • 12 months ago

        >pretty girl in class keeps asking to go to classes together for a whole week
        >be a stonewalling prick because this is obviously a trick and I'm smart enough to see through it
        kek classic

        • 12 months ago

          >Heh, that hot girl was totally into me and I could've scored if I wasn't crippled by my past
          Anon, I...

          • 12 months ago

            What? I'm saying it was genuine friendlyness not some trap that was purely set up to embarass me and this was in the past, the frick are you on about?

    • 12 months ago

      I have had this happen 10 times.
      No more from now on they are buying me a copy and if we dont spend 100h min i am not giving them the money.
      Every time i have finished a game alone.

  50. 12 months ago

    >joined coworker's discord
    >bought some games during winter sale to play with them
    >get fired in february
    >been logging in as invisibile for 4 months
    what now.

  51. 12 months ago

    No one should EVER take advice from anyone on Ganker but when it comes to friends you should ESPECIALLY NOT take advice from anyone in here, if you've ever been in a thread about Steam friends you will know just how autistic the people in here are. I've never seen so many spineless people incapable of saying no, it's like they're scared to stand up for themselves or something, they'll go out of their way to keep appearing as offline for their entire lives because they can't just unfriend people or even tell them they don't want to play. I can only imagine they hate real life because you can't appear as offline there, but they sure can go invisible.

  52. 12 months ago

    I would just say that I don’t use discord lol, which I don’t so it wouldn’t be lying but I’d still would say I don’t use discord even if I did

    • 12 months ago

      correct answer in both scenarios

  53. 12 months ago

    >guys at college are into the same survival sandbox game i am
    >trade steam IDs
    >realize my steam ID history tags are super autistic and racist and cringe because i was trolling with them on private counter strike nazi servers

    • 12 months ago

      He probably just laughed if he even looked at all.

  54. 12 months ago

    bullet dodged

  55. 12 months ago

    At least they just wanted to play games.
    I had some dude in his 50s ask for my number and wanted to go to the bar then take me to "his favorite private spot at a waterfall in the woods".
    I laughed and said and will both of us be making the return trip then declined to give him my number.

  56. 12 months ago

    >hey guys am I an butthole for doing a thing I know you'll all agree with?

    Most Reddit post of the Year. Go back to your safe space if you're that hungry for validation, Black person

  57. 12 months ago

    I wish I could have some sort of relationship with other people, even fake "friendship" with coworkers
    I have absolutely nobody to talk to after work, never had friends for my whole life, I talked to people at school and had descent relationship with them, joking around during class and pauses but when the last bell rung it was like I ceased to exist and the exact same thing is happening at work now
    I thought I was coping well with that just living like a neet not needing anybody but recently I had to take the metro and it was so crowed a girl had her whole body pushed on me for the whole ride
    when I got off I locked myself in the toilets because I couldn't hold back crying like a fricking kid, it was the first time since I was a kid that I felt another person's touch and I didn't know how good it felt

  58. 12 months ago

    never got normies obssession with chatting with other people 24/7 like sitting in a discord call all day, i just don't get it. i prefer to vibe out to some music and engage with my hobbies in solitude..

  59. 12 months ago

    God imagine being friends with a delicious brown tomboy and throwing it all away because she would rather date another guy than you. I hate you gays sometimes.

    • 12 months ago

      >Hanging out with someone you have feelings for
      imagine wanting to be a cuck.

    • 12 months ago

      > Being friends with
      >'Delicious', brown tomboy
      > 'Delicious'
      > *Bass-boosted lick-smacking sounds*
      The funny part is that, just like the anon from the image, you transparently aren't interested in a purely platonic relationship.

      • 12 months ago

        Why do you say that.

        • 12 months ago

          I've already spelled it out pretty clearly.
          What part is confusing you.

  60. 12 months ago

    Any anons here have a friend who's a girl.

    • 12 months ago

      i have several female friends, and i have a gf

  61. 12 months ago

    disgusting fricking rodents. why can't people enjoy being alone?

  62. 12 months ago

    >there's a fit tomboy crying right now and it's all because anon didn't want to be her friend because he got no pussy

    God I hate you incels so much sometimes. You brag about tomboys then you finally meet one and throw her away

    • 12 months ago

      the post is from 2 years ago she probably forgot about him

    • 12 months ago

      anon had 3 choices
      >cut personal contact since their aims are different towards each other
      >continue trying to win her affection
      >stay friends knowing she has no intentions and feel the burn
      2 is fine anon already mentioned he was a sperg. he clearly didn't believe he could casanova her. that leaves 1 and 3, and 3 is cuckshit so frick that.

    • 12 months ago

      Why the frick should he care more about how she feels than his own well-being? It's good that he was man enough to cut her off instead of staying as an orbited for a """chance""" that would never come.
      Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

  63. 12 months ago

    You dodged a bullet

    Discord users are some of the most gay people on the planet.

    I joined a discord for HOI4 multi-player games and there was so much drama and backstabbing you'd think everyone was a high school girl.

  64. 12 months ago

    I have legitimately been banned from a gaming centered discord server before for completely ignoring everyone exclusively talking about modern games they are hyped for because advertising told them to and instead posting lengthy summarizations of my journey through the entire Final Fantasy series, testing out numerous Dynasty/Samurai Warriors games, playing roguelikes, Doom wads and a bunch of indie games I was interested in. People were complaining that I was being disruptive and not really "engaging with the community" by discussing games nobody there had ever played or even heard of.

    >dude what the frick is Forgive Me Father?

    • 12 months ago

      Well, what the frick IS Forgive Me Father?

      • 12 months ago

        A really cool boomer shooter with 2D art where you play as a priest physically combating a Lovecraftian cult.


    • 12 months ago

      You weren't in a discord.
      You were inside of a hype campaign in progress.

      • 12 months ago

        >You were inside of a hype campaign in progress.

        Honestly you just perfectly described how it feels every time I try to discuss games with anyone outside of Ganker. Everyone sees a trailer, freaks the frick out for weeks acting like the game is God's gift to humanity, it comes out, they play it for like 3 days and then move on to hyping the next thing. None of them are ever really invested or even decent at any game they play. It's really frustrating to try to discuss things with people who don't seem to give a shit.

  65. 12 months ago

    all of you are autistic (in a bad way)

  66. 12 months ago

    Usually don't have an issue doing this if it's just for a specific game to play together and we just do a group text and not some Discord bullshit. Had fun playing Rocket League with co-workers.

  67. 12 months ago

    Not really. But you could have at least entertained the idea. Could have been a useful social link. It's little shit like this that can make a big difference later on. Or not. But why risk it?

  68. 12 months ago

    If you're a girl, you really ought to suck his dick, that'll make up for it.

  69. 12 months ago

    No? They're coworkers. Work is not a place to socialize.

  70. 12 months ago

    there's two sides to this coin
    having positive relationships with your coworkers is nothing but a good thing and will help you enjoy work more during business hours as you can be more comfortable and relaxed around everyone

    however if your coworker is of a certain idealogy (homosexual ass leftist) they might just be testing your purity and looking for a reason to report you if you ever dare mention a nono word in that more relaxed environment
    just gauge it, idk
    tell them you'll think on it and join them later, that you're just focusing on work for the moment

  71. 12 months ago

    I miss my friend. I want to see her again, but we left things off in weird place and I'm nervous about it. She's texted me and said she misses me, but she's always been kind of maniuplative so idk how honest she's being. She's even said we should hang out and made loose plans but never followed through, and I don't know if I want to be the one to reconcile only for everything to be shitty again. I really do miss being around her though

    • 12 months ago

      >but she's always been kind of maniuplative so idk
      That's a major red flag.

      • 12 months ago

        >she's always been kind of maniuplative
        You are not a friend, you are a useful tool.

        I know, hence my apprehension to actually see her.

        You see, she kissed me while we were drunk one night, I told her I liked her a few days later, then she avoided me for two months straight so I cut contact with her. Then when she did want to see me it was only because someone quit at her job, and she was offering me a position there. Didn't talk about how she avoided me or what I said to her and it was just awkward for me. When I brought it up over text the next day she left me on read, so I sperged and called her a bad friend and I should have known better than to expect her to want me for something other than to make her life easier. She was like "I thought I was doing a homie a solid" and asks if I didn't want to be friends anymore. I ask her if she did
        because for the last two months she's done nothing but actively avoid me, so what other conclusion was I supposed to come to other than she didn't want to be around me. After that we'd only comment on each other's snap story every once in a while, with her saying she missed me every once in a while.

        • 12 months ago

          Stop being moronation and block her ass. The only reason you have any desire to be "friends" again is because you allow her to occupy your thoughts.

          • 12 months ago

            I legitimately think she's a cool person and I enjoyed being around her despite her faults. The whole exchange happened over a year ago, and I haven't seen her since December. I'm only thinking about her because she texted me this last month that we should hang out and visit old coworkers at their jobs, but nothing since. She's shown she's been careless about my feelings in the past so I don't want to make that mistake again

            • 12 months ago

              Ultimately anon, it's your choice to make. I have already stated my position that you would be a massive moron to go back. You clearly have doubts but are looking for reassurance in your decision.

              Open up a notepad folder, type out the lessons you learnt from the situation and how you plan to mitigate such thing in the future. IE: being manipulated. Then list the pros and cons of meeting back up with her. If you still want to do it, go for it. But try to keep an eye out for mistakes or pitfalls you might be walking into.

              Tldr: do what you want but don't be a moron about it

    • 12 months ago

      >she's always been kind of maniuplative
      You are not a friend, you are a useful tool.

  72. 12 months ago

    >co-workers are normie "nerds" who like things like Vikings and Wardruna
    >they convince me into buying Valheim
    >one never actually buys it
    >another one brings along a 40 yo streamer she met online
    >i can't talk work stuff with her as i'd be shutting streamgay out of the conversation and she can't talk talk with streamgay about whatever the frick the two of them do together
    >it's awkard as shit
    >we do it once and never bring it up again

  73. 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      wtf were they thinking

      • 12 months ago

        i mean shit, what else can ya do

    • 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      Was it the tranq or electricity that made him fall

    • 12 months ago

      Hey got hit once busy the electricity, after that when he was hanging on a wire with 1 hand and another with the armpit was he getting shocked there too? Was he holding on for life, or could he not physically let go?

  74. 12 months ago

    >asks you to join his discord
    Is this how normies are like nowadays? I've been asked to join discords from a number of online friends, but I thought real life people wanted you to come over a play with a small group or something

  75. 12 months ago

    Friend of mine from high school (20+ years ago) randomly reached out to me to join his video game discord and I told him no and he ghosted me lol not like much has changed

  76. 12 months ago

    lol nah. My buddy keeps trying to get me to join his discord thats full of squeakers half our age. All they do is b***h and moan about how their mom doesnt let them do anything.

    Frick that. You got out easy.

  77. 12 months ago

    Imagine being friend with a girl you like. Just smiling and laughing with her and then she gets a boyfriend. And you just smile and nod and she's talking about how she stayed up last night with him and got a little "frisky" and you just stand there smiling and nodding saying good for her and then he swings by to pick her up and she says goodye anon! You're a good friend and she hops in his car gives him a big kiss on the lips and they're holding hands and you just smile and wave them goodbye.

    What a good friend.
    Agreed that anon is in the wrong for dropping the friendship when he got feelings for her and rejected. What an butthole.

  78. 12 months ago

    I don't even try and get people to play games with me because I only play really obscure or old online shit and nobody ever wants to play those. I wish I could be a LoL or overwatch NPC and just play the same game for 10k hours but I just can't so nobody ever wants to play games together.

    • 12 months ago

      pretty much this
      the frick am I going to talk to coworkers about fricking Baldur's Gate II or modded Skyrim?

  79. 12 months ago

    Rookie move.
    I'd just say I don't use discord/don't have a mic.

  80. 12 months ago

    Why not give it a try, maybe you'd like it. You can always just not come back.

    • 12 months ago

      I mean which is worse, saying "no thanks" at the start just to hedge your bets or going on a forgone journey and having to call your coworkers cringe in the end? 2 causes friction regardless but 1 can be handled gracefully by the rejected party.

  81. 12 months ago

    >because of my shirt
    That's what you get for wearing graphic shirts like a soiboi

  82. 12 months ago

    I wouldn't take dating or girl advice from Ganker
    Sounds like it would set you up for failure.

    • 12 months ago

      If I'm going to drop spaghetti I need to know how to get it all over the place as best as possible.

    • 12 months ago

      The best he could have done is keep trying to win her over but he clearly didn't see himself as capable of that. Wasn't left with many options. He just chose the quickest.

    • 12 months ago

      These posts aren't real. They're bait for incels and the mentally ill to post their rants for others to read and laugh at.

  83. 12 months ago

    yes and no. I can understand not wanting to spend 30$ and install 80gb of memory of a game you're not going to play long term, if the same guy asked you if you wanted to play a couple sets of tennis with some other lads from work one night I'd say you were probably an butthole if you instinctively sneered at the invite.

  84. 12 months ago

    You are a strange animal anon.

  85. 12 months ago

    Stop talking to your coworkers.

  86. 12 months ago

    Why are there so many pathetic and moronic autists on this board?

  87. 12 months ago

    I don't know if us all being kindred spirits in this place is a good or terrible thing.

    • 12 months ago

      homie, I’m gonna level with you, this isn’t a small fraction of men anymore, loveless, hopeless, seething and with nothing left to lose, it’s like half the male population that’s angry about it another 25% quietly seething about it and the other chilling
      White, black, Mexican
      It’s all fricked

  88. 12 months ago

    If it went down as you quoted, that's a simple, honest, straightforward, and relatively polite decline. There was nothing buttholeish about it.
    The guy probably took it too hard if he was disappointed enough for you to make a thread about it, but that shit's on him and not you.

  89. 12 months ago

    video games

  90. 12 months ago

    Anon wanted a qt tomboy gf
    She rejected him, so he cut contact cause being around her after that would hurt
    Why is everyone only bringing up sex?

    • 12 months ago

      Anon wanted a qt tomboy gf to bang.
      She rejected him, so he decided to make her feel worse than he did because he could not bang.

      • 12 months ago

        I know when I want to have sex with someone I am primarily concerned with their fashion sense and how we interact with each other personally and I would definitely barely mention their looks when talking about them. This post was obviously made by a woman.

      • 12 months ago

        You wish for us to consider her feelings but don't give an iota of a frick about how the anon feels in a world where it's pretty normal for girls to get a lot of free attention and for guys to get jack shit consideration for anything and even worse get called "privileged" for existing under these conditions, which is why your appeal to empathy is falling completely flat.

    • 12 months ago

      Because Ganker is predominantly teenagers, and can only think of relationships in terms of sex instead of everything else a relationship gives you. Intimacy, companionship, someone you can rely on, etc

      • 12 months ago

        Pot meet kettle.

      • 12 months ago

        >. Intimacy, companionship, someone you can rely on
        things that you can never get from a woman.

    • 12 months ago

      Because some people only see men as inanimate dildo ATM combo machines and don't believe they have any feelings. This is basically the commonly accepted view now days as women who have never seriously talked to a man and their simps grow in number.

    • 12 months ago

      Simple, because most of us have been in similar situations where we actually love the girl and don't necessarily want to frick them but just for the sake of companionship.
      And if you want companionship from the person you love the last thing you want to do is make them suffer like that. Something like that would only make you feel worse from both the feeling of rejection and the fact that you're the current cause of her pain.
      But that anon didn't give a shit, he just wanted to frick her which let him just go about his life without her.

      Some people here are saying that it was the right thing to do but if he really did love her then it's just a bad time for everyone involved.

      • 12 months ago

        For me, it was the girl continually jumping through guys and venting to me about how they treated her like she (but she would literally never give me a chance)
        and everyday I considered what the frick I was doing until I pulled the trigger and dipped
        Do not give them inch they will take a mile, your balls and arm off

      • 12 months ago

        you cannot go through life never causing anybody pain. that is absurd. if someone you care about leaves or rejects you, it is your responsibility to take care of yourself. stop pouring water into a leaky bucket. yes, she is going to be in pain because you cut ties, that's part of life, but if it is for your well being then she will simply have to deal.

        you cannot and should not structure any part of your life around someone who has rejected you like that. it doesn't do any good except ignore the elephant in the room. this is a juvenile approach to relationships.

        • 12 months ago

          Yeah, you believe that he should shoulder pain for a woman who hurt him because you believe that it is his "job" as a man to do shit for others when it actively makes his life worse and those others are people who have wronged him. You think this because you are a misandrist who has trouble seeing men as human. We've been over this.

          Are you people sociopaths or something?
          You don't have to end things badly for everyone involved.
          No one said you could go though life without pain but that doesn't mean you should go out of your way to make your pain and the pain of others worse for no reason.
          We're humans, we're intelligent, don't make things worse for yourself.

          • 12 months ago

            You don’t have to
            It’s your god given duty to, live for yourself and spare yourself pain because god knows in this world women will not spare you

          • 12 months ago

            it is not intentionally making life worse for someone to cut a certain amount of contact when that contact causes you pain. it's a sensible adult decision. we have a very finite amount of time and energy and you shouldn't throw it at someone who won't reciprocate the way you need. that is not a moral obligation by any definition except your own twisted one. you are grasping at straws to justify your own poor lifestyle.

          • 12 months ago

            What about anon's pain
            You're the sociopath here for not considering how hanging around hurts them. I mean this is expected because nobody gives a shit about how men feel about anything, but if anything that just makes your posts worse.

            • 12 months ago

              >What about anon's pain
              How are you people not getting that I'm talking about both? Anon could have come out of that much better than he did if he didn't just cut her out of his life completely.
              If the guy really did love her it's going to hurt even more to do that than anything else.
              >You're the sociopath here for not considering how hanging around hurts them.
              No one is saying to do that. You're acting as if the only options are orbiting them 24/7 or never seeing them again.
              Just a simple smile, "hey" and small talk is significantly better for all parties involved.
              It's like you people don't understand how to deal with emotions properly.

              • 12 months ago

                >Anon could have come out of that much better than he did
                That much is clear, he was too blunt and he knows it, which is why he made the post
                But the decision itself to not be friends with her was a good one.

              • 12 months ago

                The hypocrisy here is fricking astounding. She's not entitled to his presence if it puts an emotional weight on him he'd rather not carry, any more than anon's entitled to sex, yet you're acting as if one is true and the other isn't, as if it's some big sin that he wanted to cut off contact if he knew things wouldn't work out with a specific kind of relationship dynamic.

              • 12 months ago

                >It's like you people don't understand how to deal with emotions properly.

                >What about anon's pain
                How are you people not getting that I'm talking about both? Anon could have come out of that much better than he did if he didn't just cut her out of his life completely.
                If the guy really did love her it's going to hurt even more to do that than anything else.
                >You're the sociopath here for not considering how hanging around hurts them.
                No one is saying to do that. You're acting as if the only options are orbiting them 24/7 or never seeing them again.
                Just a simple smile, "hey" and small talk is significantly better for all parties involved.
                It's like you people don't understand how to deal with emotions properly.

                kek, this is why bi people just end up dating guys, women are so self-centered

              • 12 months ago

                >this is why bi people just end up dating guys,
                Yeah no one wants to date effeminate men. It's all the downsides of a woman with none of the positives.
                I couldn't imagine trying to hug another guy like I would a girl and being comfortable.

              • 12 months ago

                Speak for yourself
                Sadly most effeminate males are bigger hedonistic degenerates than some woman
                So it’s another minefield

              • 12 months ago

                >The hypocrisy here is fricking astounding
                There is no hypocrisy there, no one is saying that she's entitled to him and no one is saying that he's entitled to her.
                Just that anon literally did the worst possible move for him and her and made them BOTH suffer for literally no reason.

                It's like talking to a gaggle of feminists who can't comprehend how most men feel about relationship.

                >Anon could have come out of that much better than he did
                That much is clear, he was too blunt and he knows it, which is why he made the post
                But the decision itself to not be friends with her was a good one.

                >But the decision itself to not be friends with her was a good one.
                Yeah, I agree with that. Just don't do it like how he did.
                Don't make yourself miserable, don't make her miserable just let it fade normally.

              • 12 months ago

                >no one is saying that she's entitled to him and no one is saying that he's entitled to her.
                Not directly, you're not. You're heavily implying it though by going "abloo bloo what about HER SUFFERING, who cares about Anon?"

              • 12 months ago

                >Not directly, you're not
                Anon, do you just lack the ability to infer?
                You don't have to say something directly to get the point across. That said, how many people in this thread have told you that no one has said what you thought?

                >You're heavily implying it though by going "abloo bloo what about HER SUFFERING, who cares about Anon?"
                No, literally no one has said that. In fact one of the first things I said was that anon is making himself miserable because of the rejection and being her current problem.
                That's not me saying anon is being a problem for her, that's me saying that anon is being a problem for himself assuming he actually did love her.

                It's not that complex anon, I didn't have to explain it to you like this.

              • 12 months ago

                >Anon, do you just lack the ability to infer?
                I genuinely think you didn't actually read my post if this is what you're saying since I was literally saying "Not directly you're not", as in, I inferred what you actually meant, I know "literally no one has said that."

                This is your last (You) from me personally now that I know you're not actually reading my posts, frick off.

              • 12 months ago

                In other words you not only lack the ability since you came to the absolute wrong conclusion based on the conversation but have no more arguments left.

              • 12 months ago

                >You're heavily implying it though by going "abloo bloo what about HER SUFFERING, who cares about Anon?"
                The only people saying this are the people who want to shit on the girl like you.
                The anon you're talking is literally saying that both are coming out worse due to anons actions.

              • 12 months ago

                >It's like you people don't understand how to deal with emotions properly.

          • 12 months ago


            it is not intentionally making life worse for someone to cut a certain amount of contact when that contact causes you pain. it's a sensible adult decision. we have a very finite amount of time and energy and you shouldn't throw it at someone who won't reciprocate the way you need. that is not a moral obligation by any definition except your own twisted one. you are grasping at straws to justify your own poor lifestyle.

            sort yourself out and escape whatever woman has her claws in you, it’s not her fault she’s using you because she’s unaware she is but it’s clearly hurting you friend
            Once you cut her out start lifting and slowly it gets way better

          • 12 months ago

            He didn't tell her to go kys, he just asked to be left alone to not suffer more.

          • 12 months ago

            I think he felt like the pain of him staying friends with her after the rejection was not worth and that he couldn't move on from his feelings for her without cutting contact with her. He told her plainly what he wanted after the rejection, and sadly she evidently couldn't accept that given her repeated attempts to remain friendly with him. It just sucks for both of them but neither of them did anything wrong.

            If anything I think he was a bit rash to just immediately go no contact and not just ask for some space for a while to cool off and see how he feels about staying friends but that's up to him.

            yeah for sure. if there's something he should've done on top of all that, is to give her closure by telling her the friendship can't work because the pain would be too much for him. then she could heal quicker, too.

            Yeah that would probably be good and cut down on the awkwardness, which you really don't want at work. To tell her that he doesn't hate her or was only friendly with her hoping to get a relationship, but just that he needs space. That would be better for both of them.

      • 12 months ago

        Yeah, you believe that he should shoulder pain for a woman who hurt him because you believe that it is his "job" as a man to do shit for others when it actively makes his life worse and those others are people who have wronged him. You think this because you are a misandrist who has trouble seeing men as human. We've been over this.

  91. 12 months ago

    Honestly this thread just brings up bad memories of an online relationship that went cold. I still don't really know why they stopped loving me or if they loved me in the first place.

  92. 12 months ago

    Don’t worry straight bros, us gays will be friends with women and then make them upset at our muscles being unavailable to them lmao

  93. 12 months ago

    I think this Anon is purposefully ignoring any real counter argument and when they are proven wrong simply choose to ignore it an engage with other points.

  94. 12 months ago

    I once bought a Donkey Kong shirt, I decided to never wear it in public.

  95. 12 months ago

    You know the irony about this whole anon and tomboy thing?
    Everyone is saying that anon was being a good man for cutting her out but that literally a woman thing to do

    • 12 months ago

      Women never cut people out, they always want to be friends if romance fails.
      Anyway none of the two were "wrong", they just did what they had to.

      • 12 months ago

        >Women never cut people out
        If women have a problem that's literally the first thing they'll do. Talking it out isn't a thing they do, they'll literally just boot someone to the curb if they don't comply.
        Hell I have a few anecdotes from my mother from back in the day where she almost called the police for something horrendously petty.

        >Anyway none of the two were "wrong", they just did what they had to.
        Nah, anon fricked up hard because he took the woman route. Hell, he he stayed friend there might have still been a chance but now? He lost it along with a friendship and his and her short term happiness.

        • 12 months ago

          >he should've just stayed with her to be an orbiter because maybe there was a chance
          Nah that's the knucklehead route. Anon talked it out unlike a woman and then ended the friendship. He did the right thing, he was just too quick/blunt about it.

          • 12 months ago

            My homie, you don't have to orbit someone to be a friend.
            Life isn't a movie.
            >Anon talked it out unlike a woman
            No? Did you read that greentext?
            Dude just went
            >oh I can't have you instead of talking I'm just going to cut you out, bye!

            • 12 months ago

              He also admitted he's a sperg you moron, and saying as much as he did is way more than most woman would say.
              And yes, sticking around just for the off chance that she'll maybe love you in the future, is orbiter shit. Frick off.

              • 12 months ago

                >He also admitted he's a sperg you moron
                >he didn't read the post
                Nothing like that comes up.
                >and saying as much as he did is way more than most woman would say
                You what?
                What he did was the equivalent of a woman going
                >oh you have to leave the clique because I said so.
                >sticking around just for the off chance that she'll maybe love you in the future, is orbiter shit.
                Yeah no, it's keeping your options open.
                She might fall for you.
                She might have a tomboy friend or relative who's into you.
                She could be a wing woman.
                Think about it pragmatically.

                But no, he cut her out because he decided to wear his ovaries that day.

              • 12 months ago

                Oh you're the pragmatic moron. You'll just never get it. Nobody should cling to 'what-ifs' if it means suffering more.

              • 12 months ago

                >Oh you're the pragmatic moron
                Did someone else use the word in a conversation with you or something?
                If you're that butthurt about it then you clearly fricked up your argument, but you're a woman, that's to be expected.

                >Nobody should cling to 'what-ifs' if it means suffering more.
                Okay, I'm going to tell you a secret about life. It's all what ifs.
                You pick the what ifs you want to bring into reality.

              • 12 months ago

                Just ctrl+f pragmatic and see how much an anon died on his hill over your moronic way of thinking. Now frick off.

              • 12 months ago

                >Just ctrl+f pragmatic and see how much an anon died on his hill over your moronic way of thinking
                Don't even have to, you don't get this butthurt of you're in the right.

              • 12 months ago

                What a womanly thing to say.

              • 12 months ago

                Ah the old "no u" approach.
                Too bad I'm the one with a solid argument here.

              • 12 months ago

                You put up no argument and refuted nothing of what I said. Just waxed poetic about how all of life is what ifs so he should just deal with heartbreak for 'maybe sex'. Nah man. Begone with you.

              • 12 months ago

                Then why don't you have an answer for this then, Betty?

                >He also admitted he's a sperg you moron
                >he didn't read the post
                Nothing like that comes up.
                >and saying as much as he did is way more than most woman would say
                You what?
                What he did was the equivalent of a woman going
                >oh you have to leave the clique because I said so.
                >sticking around just for the off chance that she'll maybe love you in the future, is orbiter shit.
                Yeah no, it's keeping your options open.
                She might fall for you.
                She might have a tomboy friend or relative who's into you.
                She could be a wing woman.
                Think about it pragmatically.

                But no, he cut her out because he decided to wear his ovaries that day.

                Do you really think cutting off potential useful routes is a good thing? Networking is good for more than just getting jobs.

              • 12 months ago

                Again, what ifs. There are plenty other roads to build networks off of that don't deal you grief over heartbreak. Pragmatically speaking.

              • 12 months ago

                >Again, what ifs
                You tried that before and you fricked up because that's just life. You take opportunities that arise and make the most of them, you'll never get opportunities if you don't communicate.

              • 12 months ago

                >Nothing like that comes up.
                Black person maybe YOU should reread the post

              • 12 months ago

                Then find it.

              • 12 months ago

                >man up despite being a KV sperg
                it must be hard to read, anon

              • 12 months ago

                >sperg used as a suffix
                >same as an actual asperger
                Fricking hell anon.

              • 12 months ago

                who's talking about actual aspergers, samegay?

              • 12 months ago

                That's what sperg means, you dipshit.
                But he's clearly using sperg in the same way people use gay unless you're going to say everyone on Ganker is you.

              • 12 months ago

                What did you think sperg meant?

                NO SHIT moron. Did you think the poster you replied to meant to say he had literal aspergers or that he was socially akward you FRICKING moron

              • 12 months ago

                >Did you think the poster you replied to meant to say he had literal aspergers
                That's LITERALLY the argument here.

              • 12 months ago

                YOU are the only braindead homosexual who thought he meant ACTUAL aspergers by using the term "sperg".

              • 12 months ago

                >YOU are the only braindead homosexual who thought he meant ACTUAL aspergers by using the term "sperg".
                What the frick are you talking about? In my post I literally said this

                >sperg used as a suffix
                >same as an actual asperger
                Fricking hell anon.

                >sperg used as a suffix
                >>same as an actual asperger
                Do you know what that means?

              • 12 months ago

                You are the biggest moron I have ever seen. Holy shit. YOU ARE THE ONLY moron WHO THOUGH THE ANON MEANT A LITERAL SPERG.
                have a nice day

              • 12 months ago

                NTA but read

                He also admitted he's a sperg you moron, and saying as much as he did is way more than most woman would say.
                And yes, sticking around just for the off chance that she'll maybe love you in the future, is orbiter shit. Frick off.

                >He also admitted he's a sperg you moron

                >man up despite being a KV sperg
                it must be hard to read, anon

                >man up despite being a KV sperg
                You literally thought he was a real sperg.

              • 12 months ago

                He clearly used it in a way that implied he was not built for the type of conversation he was going to be having with Ms. Tomboy. In this field, he is as good as a sperg. He's gonan drop spaghetti. He's not gonna be max charisma. So forgive him for not orating an essay why the friendship was over after the rejection.

              • 12 months ago

                What did you think sperg meant?

          • 12 months ago

            Staying a friend and being an orbiter are two different things.
            An orbiter has a borderline obsession with the person they're orbiting and it's not mutual.
            A friendship, regardless of romantic feelings is mutual and you don't need to obsess.

    • 12 months ago

      The difference is the man is clearly stating his intentions and reasoning for cutting off contact, and wishes for the woman to understand. A woman would stop talking to them completely, for seemingly no reason, and continue to let the guy keep texting until he "gets the hint" and stops

  96. 12 months ago

    Adulthood in this day and age is weird as all hell.

    I had to deal with various legal issues (will / inheritance stuff mostly) in the past few years so I ended up on relatively frequent speaking terms with a solicitor. One time as part of some small talk he mentioned video games and now I have him as a friend on Steam and see him play games all the time. He sends me some invites too at times. Once or twice he contacted me via Steam instead of e-mail or phone on legal matters which just felt bizarre.

    I mean lawyers are only human and I understand they play video games too, and objectively it's not that different from my dad playing golf with his lawyer back in the day, but it still feels odd.

    • 12 months ago

      that's kinda cool tho

  97. 12 months ago

    Just tell him that youre very picky with your games but you try to get along and give it a try with them. Its honest but friendly. Thats what I did. Worked out great tbh

  98. 12 months ago

    You're the dumbass who prostitute a gaming shirt. ALWAYS hide your power level.

    • 12 months ago

      seeing this shirt makes me wanna wear it and pretend i'm a super gamer stereotype who buys mountain dew and doritos, and basically live behind this facade to see what happens.

  99. 12 months ago

    >you're not entitled to sex or love!
    >but i'm entitled to your friendship no matter what!
    the double standards between men and women is so tiring

  100. 12 months ago

    None of these arguments about him having to stay friends with her can't just be applied to her dating him
    >Well if she REALLY cared about him she wouldn't have hurt his feelings by rejecting him
    >Well it isn't right to just not date them just because it makes you feel uncomfortable to date someone you aren't attracted to
    Etc etc. We rightfully don't consider these arguments because they are on their face ridiculous, just as these arguments for why he totally should be forced to stay friends are.

    • 12 months ago

      >you're not entitled to sex or love!
      >but i'm entitled to your friendship no matter what!
      the double standards between men and women is so tiring

      You know your argument falls apart when you realise that
      1) romantic relationships aren't the same as friendships
      2) they were already friends to begin with

      • 12 months ago

        Still not entitled
        Women are also not entitled to protection
        Start raping

      • 12 months ago

        it's about not being entitled to relationships of any kind with any person, not the level of the relationship
        >crush on / fall in love with a friend
        >express this and find out it's not mutual
        >break off the friendship because it would hurt the pursuer, and the pursuee is receiving all of the benefits without any of the attachment
        i do not see the problem here

  101. 12 months ago


    ok moron, can't just accept you're wrong, huh?

  102. 12 months ago

    He's the butthole.
    Not her.

    End of thread.

    • 12 months ago

      erm these dubs say he was right and she was wrong

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