Create most popular streaming D&D game, popularity sagging after 5 years.

Replace the face of the franchise and the only person who somewhat understands rpgs with a new DM despised even by your own groveling fans.

Why would he do this? Does he really have that much faith in The Emperor's New Clothes?

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 month ago

    There are differing opinions on Reddit.

    >Aabria is an elite DM. (self.Dimension20)
    >submitted 6 months ago by AkimboMajestic
    >I remember when Aabria did ExU there was so much shit talking on reddit about her style/tone etc, and again when she did aCoFaF. But she’s fricking great and any white boy who says otherwise is just a jealous racist.
    >Down to the facial expressions she pulls, even, there’s so much colour to her descriptions and the little snap decisions she makes to subtly guide the story are a masterwork.

    >EXU Spoilers - Aabria's DM style quirks that irked me to the point of dislike.
    >submitted 2 years ago by inpersonage2
    >The way she used saves for just about everything felt so contrived and half the time they didn't matter. She floated around with all these ideas, plot hooks, and concepts but if things didn't flow the way she liked she would bend things to it in ways that felt weird or just off. Combats with her felt so confused, as if she herself barely understood the game she was playing in the moment.
    >The biggest issue however is the way she portrayed gods and certain NPCs. She would introduce or describe certain npcs one way and then abandon that characters portrayal for Generic Sassy Character or Generic Animated Personality. And the gods that were present, they fell into this same idea but it's worse because they were supposed to mean something. In particular I mean The Spider Queen. She would be played up to be this sinister entity and then it took one stupid dwarf to make her lighten her tone and talk like some teacher you meet at a store that you haven't seen since high-school.

    • 1 month ago

      Wait, is that supposed to be woman in the OP image?

      • 1 month ago

        At least I don't think gay or heterosexual African-Americans would ever bother with that type of hair treatment.

      • 1 month ago

        >Wait, is that supposed to be woman in the OP image?

    • 1 month ago

      >Replace the face of the franchise and the only person who somewhat understands rpgs with a new DM despised even by your own groveling fans.
      Holy shit, are you serious? Ahahaha, ahahaha! Oh my god, I knew Critical Role hit market saturation a while ago, but are you serious that he replaced himself with a lame gay black woman? I thought Mercer was a nerd, I thought he'd have seen that South Park episode mocking this very trend.

      Ahaha! Ahaha! Eat shit, Critters! Eat shit, Critical Role! Candela Obscura failed, Daggerheart failed, and nobody wants to watch your show anymore! Ahaha!

      These opinions are so, so funny. The one praising her offers zero evidence on why she's good and instead simply lambasts any naysayers with the liberal's favorite tired old cudgel, while the other fella damning her provides specific complaints and explanations on how that feels wrong. We're so fricking back.

      • 1 month ago

        Based, I too am enjoying the downfall of these homosexuals. Shitical Role has done indescribable damage to our hobby, and the sooner it dies, the better.

        Ive got to respect her hustle. She is probably the worst GM and Player i have ever seen yet she has somehow gotten into the position where she is GMing and making money from the most famous D&D table in the world. She constantly shits on Matt's lore and setting whenever she gets the chance and Matt just sit's there and lets it happen. What a cuck.

        Getting everything handed to you on a silver platter because you're black doesn't count as a "hustle" anon.

        • 1 month ago

          >Getting everything handed to you on a silver platter because you're black doesn't count as a "hustle" anon.
          I know that but still. The amount of white guilt she has been able to grift to get into this position has to be respected on a purely hustle mindset.

        • 1 month ago

          Is that pic from japanese Spiderman?
          I tried a reverse image search but google just came back with 'religion' bizarrely enough.

          • 1 month ago

            Kamen rider, from now on use Yandex.

    • 1 month ago

      Aabria isn't a good DM. (self.TAZCirclejerk)

      submitted 2 years ago by Sarisongsalt

      I know there is a lot of genuine racism and sexism by people who critique her, but that's led to an environment where if you don't think she's the bestest gm the rpg world has ever seen people will automatically tune you out.

      This isn't just an inbalance problem but imbalance was the straw that broke the camels back for me. For starters she pays NO attention to rolls. She wants an outcome and will completely ignore any dice roll that isn't the exact dice roll she wants.

      She also disrespects the players choices on a consistent bases. Brennan says his character won't do sports, she does a time cut and suddenly he's playing sports. Ashley's character in CR EXU is chaotic neutral and has no regrets for killing a man who attacked the party first? Well keep constantly bringing up how GUILTY that character feels and even telling her the opinions of her own character despite her player saying she doesn't feel guilty and looking uncomfortable the whole time! These last two points make any game she DM'd feel very railroady.

      Finally she disrespects the DM's who have made the worlds she's playing in. Be it Griffin McElroy or Matt Mercer, she's gotten facts wrong about campaigns and the worlds they take place in? Well when the DM's gently tell her, for example, nothing happened between the Suffering games and Story and song other than revisiting the BoB? Well she'll ignore that because SHE'S IN CHARGE.

      For people who constantly shit on Reddit, /tg/ sure seems to spend a lot of time on Reddit.

      • 1 month ago

        The majority of /tg/ also goes to gaming related subreddits because that's where most fans actually are. The remaining minority of /tg/ are culture warriors who think the social media site they shitpost on makes them a better person.

        • 1 month ago

          Don't forget the group of /tg/ who puts everyone into "cool group I like" and "uncool group I hate".

          • 1 month ago

            I'm willing to bet that most of them are no games. Hell one of them is probably even bump gay.

        • 1 month ago

          What about me:
          >Hate reddit formatting, updoots and structure, never posted there once
          >Use discord only for voicechat when gaming with friends
          >Online communities regarding the hobby for my native language are fricking barren wasteland (they were good in the past thought)
          >Being on Ganker since 2007
          /tg/ is literally the only place left for me where to discuss about elfgames other than my irl friends circle.

          • 1 month ago

            Yeah, I’m also this guy except not ESL, and I post here too. Don’t give a shit about Reddit or any socials, I just don’t have anyone to talk about TTRPGS with except my friends.

          • 1 month ago

            Yeah, I’m also this guy except not ESL, and I post here too. Don’t give a shit about Reddit or any socials, I just don’t have anyone to talk about TTRPGS with except my friends.

            Me 3, I hate reddits hugbox attitude

            • 1 month ago

              It's only a hug box because those loser homosexuals get a feminine penis boner everytime they ban someone with a differing opinion. They've created their own little manic panic scented gas lit echo chamber.

              • 1 month ago

                This is nonsense, they hugbox was baked into reddit from the beginning by the upvote system. It rewards users for posting only the safest possible opinions and ideas.

              • 1 month ago

                >t rewards users for posting only the safest possible opinions and ideas.
                Sad that 'kill white Men even though they built all modern civilization' is the safest possible opinion. It's almost as if the founding fathers restricting the vote to men with a stake in the country were on to something.

              • 1 month ago

                Well moron, when you ban every other opinion that only leaves one left to be the "safest". Because it's been shown time and time again that it sure as frick isn't the post popular opinion. Hence why the suppression.

            • 1 month ago

              I had my account permabanned for advocating for the murder of politicians (thought they'd be on board since these particular traitors were 'conservative').

              • 1 month ago

                Maybe you shouldn't call to murder people even on shitty RPG subreddits, then you won't get banned.

              • 1 month ago

                >Maybe you shouldn't call to murder people even on shitty RPG subreddits
                It was actually on astroturfed news stories that get pushed to you if you scroll right but I see your point. I think I made that account for the goth thot subreddits but stopped using those when they started letting trannies post their franken'pussies' there.

          • 1 month ago

            I lurked reddit for a while, but got turned off by how disconnected from reality and echo chamber-y it all was.
            At least /tg/ is actually a decent board and is a viable alternative to reddit. I'm also a pro wrestling fan and Ganker has literally no discussion on it. It's just shitposts, console war shitposts, and coomers posing pics from female wrestlers' instas

          • 1 month ago

            >What about me
            you're a homosexual for asking that

            • 1 month ago

              Did you see a question mark anywhere?

              • 1 month ago

                failure to punctuate doesn't turn that sentence into a statement

          • 1 month ago

            You 100% use reddit fairly often.

          • 1 month ago


          • 1 month ago

            Yeah, I’m also this guy except not ESL, and I post here too. Don’t give a shit about Reddit or any socials, I just don’t have anyone to talk about TTRPGS with except my friends.

            Just be happy that you don't live in the equivalent of the rust belt that is known as the bible belt. Throughout my childhood if it weren't bible thumping, lambasting and burning heretics and Infidels at the stake, it was considered Satanic!

            • 1 month ago

              Wfrp is almost Divine by those standards

        • 1 month ago

          I fricking hope not, but it would explain why this place has gone to utter shit.

          • 1 month ago

            No, he's right. This is the most reddit of all the boards.

        • 1 month ago

          I dunno, anon. I had a hard time seeing the appeal of even early critical role.

          Some of us use topical private Facebook groups and old webforums like ENWorld, Candlekeep, and the SJG forums as our other gaming outlets, rather than Reddit. Occasionally GiantiTP, but mostly lurking.

          >the social media site they shitpost on makes them a better person.
          /tg/ *is* better than Facebook and Twitter and Reddit, though. Mostly my generals of choice, that is.
          >inb4 Ganker as a whole.
          Frick the other boards. Okay. Maybe brief excursions to Ganker and Ganker are fun a couple times a year if you want to look up or talk about something specific.

          >culture warriors
          Thats pol-tard talk. I avoid those other social media sites to avoid toxic social media drama and culture war bullshit, not because I love culture war bullshit. Same reason I avoid /misc/ and Reddit.

          >You mentioned FB, what about Facebook?
          Like I mostly come to /tg/ for generals, I open FB only for specific groups and avoid the home feed.

          I have a twitter too (that I don't post on) but again, I've bookmarked the 5 public figures I care to check up on (4 artists, and Ed Greenwood), and open their profiles directly, bypassing the home feed.

          The closed off privately moderated nature of discord is the thing that makes it any good. That and the plugin bots that extend its functionality. I want to try matrix at some point. I'll have to find a good gaming server first though.

          >Replace the face of the franchise and the only person who somewhat understands rpgs with a new DM despised even by your own groveling fans.
          Holy shit, are you serious? Ahahaha, ahahaha! Oh my god, I knew Critical Role hit market saturation a while ago, but are you serious that he replaced himself with a lame gay black woman? I thought Mercer was a nerd, I thought he'd have seen that South Park episode mocking this very trend.

          Ahaha! Ahaha! Eat shit, Critters! Eat shit, Critical Role! Candela Obscura failed, Daggerheart failed, and nobody wants to watch your show anymore! Ahaha!

          These opinions are so, so funny. The one praising her offers zero evidence on why she's good and instead simply lambasts any naysayers with the liberal's favorite tired old cudgel, while the other fella damning her provides specific complaints and explanations on how that feels wrong. We're so fricking back.

          Did dagger heart flop too? I assumed it was another 5e kickstarter spinoff I would skip that 5e fanboys would like.

          • 1 month ago

            >I assumed it was another 5e kickstarter spinoff I would skip that 5e fanboys would like
            Nah it's a 2d12 storyshit game

            • 1 month ago

              I looked over the Playtest files. Pretty basic, some weird extra roll mechanics, a slightly larger list of playable races, but nothing and I do mean nothing to justify taking up THIS much goddamn space.

          • 1 month ago


            Lol. Lmao.

        • 1 month ago

          >The majority of /tg/ also goes to gaming related subreddits

          • 1 month ago

            it's actually the other way around, majority of current day /tg/ posters came from gaming subreddits.

    • 1 month ago

      >Down to the facial expressions she pulls, even, there’s so much colour to her descriptions
      *furiously taps X card*

    • 1 month ago

      >Decisions she makes to subtly guide the story

    • 1 month ago

      Aabria isn't a good DM. (self.TAZCirclejerk)

      submitted 2 years ago by Sarisongsalt

      I know there is a lot of genuine racism and sexism by people who critique her, but that's led to an environment where if you don't think she's the bestest gm the rpg world has ever seen people will automatically tune you out.

      This isn't just an inbalance problem but imbalance was the straw that broke the camels back for me. For starters she pays NO attention to rolls. She wants an outcome and will completely ignore any dice roll that isn't the exact dice roll she wants.

      She also disrespects the players choices on a consistent bases. Brennan says his character won't do sports, she does a time cut and suddenly he's playing sports. Ashley's character in CR EXU is chaotic neutral and has no regrets for killing a man who attacked the party first? Well keep constantly bringing up how GUILTY that character feels and even telling her the opinions of her own character despite her player saying she doesn't feel guilty and looking uncomfortable the whole time! These last two points make any game she DM'd feel very railroady.

      Finally she disrespects the DM's who have made the worlds she's playing in. Be it Griffin McElroy or Matt Mercer, she's gotten facts wrong about campaigns and the worlds they take place in? Well when the DM's gently tell her, for example, nothing happened between the Suffering games and Story and song other than revisiting the BoB? Well she'll ignore that because SHE'S IN CHARGE.

      Redditors are so dumb they gave this guy

      I find the worship of this kind of beings truly distopian be the Usanians, reading the reddit posts is weird how ingrained the wrongthink is in it.

      a stroke

      • 1 month ago

        Ganker is an English-language imageboard website.

    • 1 month ago

      >there's so much colour to her descriptions
      Man I don't think you're allowed to say that anymore

    • 1 month ago

      >any white boy who says otherwise is just a jealous racist
      Self-hating (and fat) white hands typed this post

  2. 1 month ago

    Aabria isn't a good DM. (self.TAZCirclejerk)

    submitted 2 years ago by Sarisongsalt

    I know there is a lot of genuine racism and sexism by people who critique her, but that's led to an environment where if you don't think she's the bestest gm the rpg world has ever seen people will automatically tune you out.

    This isn't just an inbalance problem but imbalance was the straw that broke the camels back for me. For starters she pays NO attention to rolls. She wants an outcome and will completely ignore any dice roll that isn't the exact dice roll she wants.

    She also disrespects the players choices on a consistent bases. Brennan says his character won't do sports, she does a time cut and suddenly he's playing sports. Ashley's character in CR EXU is chaotic neutral and has no regrets for killing a man who attacked the party first? Well keep constantly bringing up how GUILTY that character feels and even telling her the opinions of her own character despite her player saying she doesn't feel guilty and looking uncomfortable the whole time! These last two points make any game she DM'd feel very railroady.

    Finally she disrespects the DM's who have made the worlds she's playing in. Be it Griffin McElroy or Matt Mercer, she's gotten facts wrong about campaigns and the worlds they take place in? Well when the DM's gently tell her, for example, nothing happened between the Suffering games and Story and song other than revisiting the BoB? Well she'll ignore that because SHE'S IN CHARGE.

    • 1 month ago

      Telling a player what their character feels is no bueno for a GM no matter the system.

      • 1 month ago

        It can work as a shorthand for mental manipulation, but otherwise yeah.

    • 1 month ago

      >DM ignoring rolls and choosing the result they want
      >DM telling the players what their character feels and think
      >DM ignoring the lore of the setting without telling people in advance
      How can redditors defend this crap?
      This is stuff that would make you instakicked at any table.

      >Replace the face of the franchise and the only person who somewhat understands rpgs with a new DM despised even by your own groveling fans.
      Holy shit, are you serious? Ahahaha, ahahaha! Oh my god, I knew Critical Role hit market saturation a while ago, but are you serious that he replaced himself with a lame gay black woman? I thought Mercer was a nerd, I thought he'd have seen that South Park episode mocking this very trend.

      Ahaha! Ahaha! Eat shit, Critters! Eat shit, Critical Role! Candela Obscura failed, Daggerheart failed, and nobody wants to watch your show anymore! Ahaha!

      These opinions are so, so funny. The one praising her offers zero evidence on why she's good and instead simply lambasts any naysayers with the liberal's favorite tired old cudgel, while the other fella damning her provides specific complaints and explanations on how that feels wrong. We're so fricking back.

      >The one praising her offers zero evidence on why she's good and instead simply lambasts any naysayers with the liberal's favorite tired old cudgel, while the other fella damning her provides specific complaints and explanations on how that feels wrong. We're so fricking back.
      Feelings against logic, that's why they get ridiculed all the time.

  3. 1 month ago

    >even a fricking D&D livestream is getting the Black Woman Switcharoo treatment

  4. 1 month ago

    Ive got to respect her hustle. She is probably the worst GM and Player i have ever seen yet she has somehow gotten into the position where she is GMing and making money from the most famous D&D table in the world. She constantly shits on Matt's lore and setting whenever she gets the chance and Matt just sit's there and lets it happen. What a cuck.

  5. 1 month ago

    is she also roleplaying an Orc PC? if so that's based

  6. 1 month ago

    Serious question. Is the third season of CR already over? I stopped watching when matt turnes an old PC into a gem as part of a 20-minute long monologue.

    • 1 month ago

      No, they're in the latter part of the campaign but for some reason they just... randomly switched to an entirely different group of players and the thing in the OP to play out a flashback. Which amounted to nearly 3 hours of combat.

  7. 1 month ago

    >one (1) episode interlude callback to the EXU party
    >/tg/ goes hyperbole and belives she will be the new perma dm
    What level of autism is this?

  8. 1 month ago

    Thank God for pics like picrel, else I might get blinded by my attraction for girls with glasses and dyed hair.

  9. 1 month ago

    >the only person who somewhat understands rpgs
    Mercer actually despises TTRPG principles to begin with too:
    >"consensual death can exist"
    >C1: Scripted for the PCs to max and save the world
    >C2: Scripted for the cast to complete their arcs as dictated by backstories
    >C3: Scripted for Matt's story to be completed as has desires.
    Reminder that ALL "deaths" have been orchestrated/planned well in advance in some way.
    Aabria is just another in their circle (like Brennan Lee Mulligan) that embraces the control freak/storytelling/fake game mentality.

    • 1 month ago

      Yeah, "fake game" whether "storyteller control freak", or "collaborative storyteller" is just so much worse than actual game. But actual game, I would suspect, makes for worse TV.

      "I wouldn't play a game if I could lose"
      Is a screeching line of anti-game storyshittery I will never forget. That (internet thankfully) argument over why me rolling in the open made me a bad GM, made me realize just how much those people are into an entirely different hobby than me.

      And while I'm not going to try to take it from them - they're welcome to it - I'm convinced its impossible to run a campaign for people in both hobbies without it being completely shit for one group or the other.

      Another layer of necessary player filtering.

      • 1 month ago

        Out of curiosity. What was the argument for not rolling in the open?

        Im a forever GM who has and always will roll combat in the open. The dice are the dice. Some contested rolls need to have results hidden from the players, but I cant imagine why you wouldnt do combat that way.

        • 1 month ago

          Forever DM, I roll everything in secret so I can fudge dice numbers if the party members are close to death.
          They won't make characters without me, and I can't waste time out of my week to make it happen before a session.

          • 1 month ago

            Yeah I do the same shit, they talk big like they want hard combats but then lose interest in the campaign when their character dies.
            What they actually want is the illusion of challenge without the consequences

      • 1 month ago

        >clueless actress gives improv play-writing, theater kids a platform
        >...and then I trip ridiculously, and I spill...
        I'm still mad at her.

  10. 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago

      What game are the screenshots from?

      • 1 month ago

        For Honor

    • 1 month ago

      I stopped watching them, I like this group more than the second one they had.

    • 1 month ago

      2 tieflings, 2 genasi, human, half-elf, halfling, sill robot.

      Nothing too extreme if you ask me.

      • 1 month ago

        >Half of the party are weird crossbreeds with creatures outside the material plane of existence
        >and a robot
        >Nothing too extreme

        • 1 month ago

          It's not, for a fantasy story. Gilgamesh has impossible parentage and his best friend is a bigfoot. Merlin is a tiefling. Sinbad rubbed shoulders with elementals and half-genies. This is just how people tell hero stories.

          • 1 month ago

            >A demigod
            >The one weird guy in a group of humans
            >Encountering weird shit is the same as being one


          • 1 month ago

            Were those characters and the interactions with them influenced by their heritage and weren't just goofy, contemporary humans with exotic features everyone pretends is normal? Because that's what I actually hate about it and the aging theater kids and post-wall gamer girls that think it's a creative replacement for a developed character

      • 1 month ago

        reminded me of how the guy playing a werewolf lizardfolk on my current table constantly calls me psychotic murderhobos when I'm playing a human that's only ever fought in self defence while they constantly attack npcs and other members of the party..

      • 1 month ago

        Where do you see any tieflings or half-elves?

  11. 1 month ago

    It should have been her

    • 1 month ago

      Beautiful and moronic, so typical.

      • 1 month ago

        I love dumb-ass blondes, and this one would make me watch CR.

    • 1 month ago

      They are very different people with dramatically different DM'ng styles. I like her writing, love her acting, and enjoyed her DnD shows, but her DM style is less roleplay performance and more puzzle oriented. It's unfortunate that WotC's DnD streaming attempt bombed so utterly and silently in the depths of what might as well have been space and took her joy with it.
      I hope we see more of her all the same

    • 1 month ago

      newbie anon here

      whats her name? I wanna watch her DM

      • 1 month ago

        Deborah Ann Woll

        • 1 month ago

          thanks anon

      • 1 month ago

        AIgays really have no standards, huh.

    • 1 month ago

      Her style won't fit DMing D&D at all. She clearly needs to host a different game

      • 1 month ago

        What makes you say that? AFAIK She's only done D&D games

    • 1 month ago

      Forever mad my sister never introduced me to her when they were both background extras. Literally perfect woman.

  12. 1 month ago

    I find the worship of this kind of beings truly distopian be the Usanians, reading the reddit posts is weird how ingrained the wrongthink is in it.

    • 1 month ago

      The word you are looking for is: Blacklatry.

  13. 1 month ago

    She's railroady, has 3 personalities she RPs as.

    What I wanna know is, if you're gonna have gay, black gurl, powerboss to virtue signal for your SHOW -SHOW, VISUAL MEDIA- why couldn't you find a hot one instead of some she-ogre?

    She's fine as a player, not good, but just fine.

    • 1 month ago

      >What I wanna know is, if you're gonna have gay, black gurl, powerboss to virtue signal for your SHOW -SHOW, VISUAL MEDIA- why couldn't you find a hot one instead of some she-ogre?

      Thin, cute hot black girls are very rare and can leverage that into a rapper or NBA husband. They're not getting into D&D.

    • 1 month ago

      What do you imagine the venn diagram of "black" "female" and "dungeon master" looks like? It's one fricking person, Aabria Iyengar.

      • 1 month ago

        It's at minimum tens of thousands of people, dipshit.

        • 1 month ago

          I've never met one, sorry, gonna assume you're a lying moron.

        • 1 month ago

          I bet you there are not more than 10k black female DMs in America

          • 1 month ago

            You say stuff like this because you are actively avoiding the majority of the hobby and they are glad to let you. Women are 40% of the playerbase, Black (and Asian) players play TTRPGs at higher per capita rates than other groups, and all-woman groups (common) are by necessity going to have a woman DM. There's 48 million Black people in the United States. If 0.001% were Black Female TTRPG Players Who DMed Once, that's 48000 of them. You don't understand demographics, large numbers, society in general, or the hobby at all.

            • 1 month ago

              That claim is based on a very small survey by terminally online people, mostly Critters. Any visit to a FLGS or home games in your area utterly debunks that claim. More women are streaming D and D than ever, because they figured out it was a way to get attention. But you don't play games, you're just a culture warrior. Also you cant do math, since you based your little statistical guess on the entire black population and not the female population, fricking moronic child.

              Forever mad my sister never introduced me to her when they were both background extras. Literally perfect woman.

              She married her disabled high school sweetheart, sorry, you never had a chance.

              • 1 month ago

                You're terminally stupid, bud. You lost contact with reality decades ago.

              • 1 month ago

                if you actually visited your LGS you'd know he was right, troon

            • 1 month ago

              0.001% (one one-thousandth of one percent [one out of every one hundred]) of 48,000,000 is 480
              you do not know how mathematics work, anon

              • 1 month ago

                >0.001% (one one-thousandth of one percent [one out of every one hundred]) of 48,000,000 is 480
                >you do not know how mathematics work, anon
                And since we're talking specifically about WOMEN, divide that by 2. homosexual couldn't even get that right, lol. And yes, I'd bet my life there aren't 240 black women in the country who have voluntarily DM'ed a game (like where it wasn't for school credit, or forced into it by her guilty onions white bf who wanted to show off his pet).

              • 1 month ago

                >And since we're talking specifically about WOMEN, divide that by 2
                M:F ratio isn't exact 1:1, especially not in black population (where men have considerably higher mortality)

              • 1 month ago

                >where men have considerably higher mortality
                True of all cultures ahcktually.

              • 1 month ago

                >M:F ratio isn't exact 1:1, especially not in black population (where men have considerably higher mortality)
                Yes, true. And we're talking about women, but a related point is 35% of black men have spent time in prison and you may know D&D is surprisingly popular there. Even moreso in jail than in prison; prison has the big rec yards, jobs and school programs, workshops, etc. and far more opportunities to smuggle in contraband. Jail has nothing to do by comparison and guys are bored out of their minds. No, level 4+ prison blacks tend not to be too interested in D&D. But a majority are in jail or min/medium security where violence is a lot less and many will play if a white boy is going to DM and teach them. So a surprising % of black men have played D&D.

              • 1 month ago

                Where'd you do your time?

              • 1 month ago

                You are too stupid to know how stupid you are. You don't have to divide anything by two because it's already in the assumption being made. The rest of your post is even dumber.

            • 1 month ago

              You're a disingenuous lying frick and you know it.

          • 1 month ago

            I owe that to the fact that RPGs are kind of a small town hobby. Biggest city you can get that has a good burgeoning scene is Chicago. Though I'm basing this mainly from second hand info from coastgay transplants at AL so take that as you will.

            • 1 month ago

              RPGs are not a small town hobby. You are a mental moron.

        • 1 month ago

          do you think that disproves his point that they're fricking rare? lol learn some scale, moron

        • 1 month ago

          You vastly overestimate how many people play these games

      • 1 month ago

        And even then, her interest in D&D is entirely limited to being an online personality. Her first time playing was on a stream, and do you believe she'd spend one second thinking about ttrpg's when her gig ends? The Venn diagram if you need "actual DM" is an empty set.

  14. 1 month ago

    Derailing for a bit, what do you guys think is going to be Sam's new character? do you think theyll have the balls to permadeath him?

    • 1 month ago

      >Sam's new character?
      a bodyguard/lackey for Liam's character once again.
      >Claimed permadeath
      Let's see
      >Tiberius - scripted/narrated
      >Vax - "never to be seen again" - kek, nope
      >Molly - "something will still be here", scripted for second PC (death cleric) to decide fate
      >Bertrand - scripted/narrated
      >FCG - bomb inside PC that never goes off, no matter what happens until player scripts it. Not only do the others survive the huge blast, but so does all the items and loot.
      Imagine these control freak munchkins playing a real game for the first time.

  15. 1 month ago

    >Players are all a bunch of hardened veteran mercenaries, not rainbow freaks
    >Complex political background story where the players actually understood what was happening and didn't make stupid choices for dumb reasons
    >no snowflake storyshitting with character 'arcs.' Brought in characters' backstories without diving into a 10-session 'arc' dedicated to them when they were relevant
    >NPCs have different personalities and dispositions instead of being one dimensional snarky nonbinary quipmasters
    >DM doesn't come across like a superstar who can do no wrong, or try to hide anything from the audience. Posts his barebones-ass notes online and regularly admits to viewers how much bullshit he has to makeup on the spot
    >Ends his game because viewership was high but his friends weren't having fun streaming and despite the worldbuilding effort he put in, doesn't really care or feel like he owes the world a 'story'. The game stopped being fun for the players to stream to an audience every week, so he stopped streaming it it.
    >Did it all to show as wide an audience as possible that it's not hard to run a game and that they can do it, too
    Why didn't we appreciate him?

    • 1 month ago

      He's a boring DM and his one chick was fugly

    • 1 month ago

      Colville is a standard issue egomaniac upper midwit (120 iq verbal, zero info on math iq) who thinks he's far smarter than he is. Assuming what you say is accurate, I'm certain he's coping hard and was absolutely certain he'd be as popular as Mercer due to his genius.

    • 1 month ago

      I did
      He leaned a little too hard into 'inner party betrayal' early on but some player pushback got him out of it, and overall it was a fun campaign. His 4e one was also really fun I thought.

    • 1 month ago

      he is still a "progressive"

      • 1 month ago

        so are most people doing anything interesting in the world

    • 1 month ago

      >gets millions for new game that has automatic hits

    • 1 month ago

      All of these

      He's a boring DM and his one chick was fugly

      Colville is a standard issue egomaniac upper midwit (120 iq verbal, zero info on math iq) who thinks he's far smarter than he is. Assuming what you say is accurate, I'm certain he's coping hard and was absolutely certain he'd be as popular as Mercer due to his genius.

      he is still a "progressive"

      Also his game it's terrible, which gives me a really bad impression of him, like the booktuber Daniel "Onionboy" Green: great reviewer, utter dogshit writer who manage to sell only because he has a cult following.

      • 1 month ago

        Being a good critic doesn't necessarily mean someone will be a good creator, obviously, but it's still always morbidly fascinating watching someone who makes their living, or at least spends a huge amount of time critiquing go ahead and make something that is somehow worse than anything they've ever critiqued. Worse still to see it work out in the long run because cult of personality and tasteless sycophants offer support unconditionally, while the critic-turned-creator becomes entrenched in their own delusions believing all critics of their work to just be "haters"

        • 1 month ago

          > someone who makes their living, or at least spends a huge amount of time critiquing go ahead and make something that is somehow worse than anything they've ever critiqued. Worse still to see it work out in the long run because cult of personality and tasteless sycophants offer support unconditionally, while the critic-turned-creator becomes entrenched in their own delusions believing all critics of their work to just be "haters"
          I see that happening a lot.
          Look at that crap game Critical Role is shitting out, that'll be bought only by CRdrones, I guess.

          • 1 month ago

            I've gotta imagine CR doesn't give a frick either way. They didn't write most of it and they don't have to care if it's good or not. People blindlybuying whatever they sell is just good business for them. Helps that they're already so rich that negative criticism of their products has literally zero impact on their profitability. Other content creators, however, get so defensive when you point out that their novel or comic or whatever is a pile of shit full of the sort of amateurish tripe that they make fun of other creators for making, and set their fans to attack on their behalf.

            • 1 month ago

              Their setting is garbage. I might use some of their magic items but those are the only thing that's remotely interestingly designed (they're overpowered but that's fine).

      • 1 month ago

        What's so bad about the game? I'm waiting until it's a little more polished, but is there anything fundamentally flawed in how the combats go or anything?

        • 1 month ago

          It doesn't even have an official name yet as far as I know

          He uploads videos every three weeks talking about how they're throwing out design points and trying something new instead. I doubt any criticism of the system would remain relevant or valid for even a month so you can tell people shitting on it haven't actually read any of the test material and are just spouting negativity because that's the thing to do on this Vietnamese balloon animal-tying site. We'll have plenty of time to rip it apart when it's actually released.

          • 1 month ago

            It does have a name- or at least they've decided on one- but they haven't announced it yet seeing as all announcing what the title is invites arguments about the name in lieu of having an actual game to play.

            • 1 month ago

              If they haven't announced it then there's no proof they're any more decided on a name than they were on the game mechanics that have changed like 8 times in the past few months

        • 1 month ago

          See I don't think who you replied to meant "His Game" as in the one they're making, he meant the game they streamed that was 5e D&D. The one they all stopped doing cause the players weren't having fun being live or something, despite it being part of a previous kickstarter.

          No the actual game they're making, isn't even made yet. They have no real fricking concept of what it is. Which makes me baffled why people gave the man money for it.

    • 1 month ago

      That Chains game blew ass, and he and all his players knew it. That 4e game Dusk was way better. Should have kept doing stream games based around shortish 4e adventures he'd have gotten a lot of traction there.

  16. 1 month ago

    I think she did an okay job in that one Kids on Brooms game for Dimension20.

  17. 1 month ago

    What the frick is that abomination?

  18. 1 month ago

    lmao imagine getting sweet baby inc into your business voluntarily

  19. 1 month ago

    Does she play exclusively ogryn/orc crossbreeds?

  20. 1 month ago

    This is bad. If CR starts losing popularity, people might try to move off of D&D. I don't want my system to get raped by the pastel people.

    • 1 month ago

      If you identify D&D as your game you're already fricked.

      • 1 month ago

        I think anon meant it as D&D being containment for the pastel people

    • 1 month ago

      >This is bad. If CR starts losing popularity, people might try to move off of D&D. I don't want my system to get raped by the pastel people
      This joke got old at least 5 years ago, there is nothing left to invade and destroy
      We're long past the phase where they move on to something else eventually, they've already moved on and this is what they left behind

      • 1 month ago

        I look back fondly on the height of CR era D&D. It let me feel super smug as I ran my OSR games and do the whole hipster "I liked it before it was popular." Now I'm just back to being a lonely nerd everyone ignores. Stll no IRL gaems

        • 1 month ago

          Coronavirus was great for RPGs. You could actually find OSR games.

  21. 1 month ago

    Everyone is so obsessed with reddit. For some reason all you nerds who always use it as an insult know what's popular or part of the discussion at any given moment.

    • 1 month ago

      >you should be completely ignorant about the enemy!
      Yeah, thst’s bound to end well.

      • 1 month ago

        Do you actually read what you write?

        • 1 month ago

          Not really. I generally post and then leave the thread, never to return. I almost never actually believe what I’m posting, either, if I am posting at all I just want to do a hit and run threadshit.

  22. 1 month ago

    So Critical Role is just actively trying to commit commercial suicide now?
    Neat, that just means we will have less twitter trannies and redditors in our hobby.

  23. 1 month ago

    Im going to start a 5e campaign, the planescape torment one. Give me your best advice

    • 1 month ago


      • 1 month ago

        *listen to anyone on /tg/. They are all morons with bad ideas. Even this post is a bad idea.

  24. 1 month ago

    name a good ttrpg podcast

  25. 1 month ago

    It's been ages since I've watched CR so I decided to check out this b***h's deal and watch the candela obscura sessions that she GMs. Does she actually not put on a voice or anything? It's so jarring when she switches from an NPC talking to describing the surroundings,

  26. 1 month ago

    >Takes complete control over PC "for story"
    This is worse than the Koebel incident where the player could have RP'd something amazing out of it. Where were the safety tools for this poor girl? amirite?

    • 1 month ago


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