>Creating a setting that takes very direct inspirations from the real world. >Have the french

>Creating a setting that takes very direct inspirations from the real world
>Have the french
>Have the obligatory norsemen
>Start wondering about the english
>The english are the result of the french normans mixing with anglo-saxons
>Maybe I should just have anglo-saxons instead
>They have weird names, 100% of which start with Aethel, but they'd probably be more appropriate
>But anglo-saxons are just that, angles and saxons, which is why they share a lot of language and names with the norse, I'd have to have them connected for it to make sense
>Germans have a similar problem

Am I autistic? Would you, as a player, be unable to suspend your disbelief? I'm not smart enough to be Tolkien.

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  1. 2 months ago

    A setting for what?

    • 2 months ago

      Traditional games?

      • 2 months ago

        Of what kind?

        • 2 months ago

          My homebrew PF2 campaign, of course.

          • 2 months ago

            Less facetiously, whether your players will suspend their disbelief depends entirely on the tone and actual objectives of the game that the setting has been created for. You need to stop seeing worldbuilding as something separate from the rest of the process of actually running a game.

  2. 2 months ago

    >At long last... Zyklon C.

    Did Raimi go too far here?

    • 2 months ago

      He didn't go far enough. Fricking ~~*producers*~~ and ~~*studio execs*~~ holding him back.

  3. 2 months ago

    Anon just do the realistic thing and make them Goblins. Angle's are the Goblins, Saxons are the Hobogoblins, I guess that makes the Welsh Bugbears.

    • 2 months ago

      >Angle's are the Goblins, Saxons are the Hobogoblins, I guess that makes the Welsh Bugbears.

    • 2 months ago

      >Angle's are the Goblins, Saxons are the Hobogoblins, I guess that makes the Welsh Bugbears.

      So would Scotts (picts?) be warcraft trolls or something like that?

      • 2 months ago

        no that'd be too realistic

  4. 2 months ago

    protip: go read a history book. You clearly do not know anything about what you are talking about.

    • 2 months ago

      It seemed correct to me, in a VERY broad brushstrokes kind of way. Which is kind of what you expect from someone using green text to be terse because they couldn't be fricked typing it all out. Are you just b***hing that it omitted enough minor details so as to be misleading to anyone unfamiliar with the history or am I so hopelessly ignorant that I don't even recognize it?

      • 2 months ago

        correct to you is not correct.

        I'm not OP, and they weren't easily mutually intelligible. Look it up, there's monks who b***h about it.

        Apparently they came to understand after a while, but vowel shifts meant the spoken languages sounded very different. Since the Norse didn't write things down in Latin letters very much, the cognates that are clear to you weren't so clear to them.

        Anyway, it doesn't matter, OP can make the divergence 1000 years in the past instead of 300.

        Theres quotes from the Vikings saying the English spoke their language.
        They were mutually intelligible you moron

        • 2 months ago


        • 2 months ago

          >Theres quotes from the Vikings saying the English spoke their language.
          Quotes written down by who, and when? The Vikings basically had no literacy. I'd bet you anything those remarks were written centuries later.

          >They were mutually intelligible you moron

          Ah yes, a historical video from the year 800.

          • 2 months ago

            Ok you are a mouthbreathing moron. The quotes are given in the video.
            I accept your concession. Historylet mong

        • 2 months ago

          There's nothing worse on this website then the douche who's taken exactly one medieval history course and needs to let everyone know.

          • 2 months ago

            no what is worse is the douche that says "look it up" when hes clearly pulling it out of his ass.

            • 2 months ago

              work on your research skills and maybe you'll find the information you're looking for

              • 2 months ago

                what was that? another butthurt reply? Stfu you moron

              • 2 months ago

                it's a useful life skill anon, it could help you in a lot of situations besides shitposting

    • 2 months ago

      What are you talking about? Which part of what OP said was necessarily wrong?

      >Theres quotes from the Vikings saying the English spoke their language.
      Quotes written down by who, and when? The Vikings basically had no literacy. I'd bet you anything those remarks were written centuries later.

      >They were mutually intelligible you moron

      Ah yes, a historical video from the year 800.

      Norse did have literacy, what are you talking about? Not to the same degree before Christianization, but even as pagans they did. Anglo-Saxon kings wrote letters to Norse rulers in Old English, and they were assumedly able to understand each other.

      The Icelandic Sagas, written after Christianization, claim that the language in England was the same as the Norse before the Normans conquered it. Then afterwards, they claimed the language was French. While not a wholly accurate statement, Old English had mutual intelligibility with Old Norse. In the same sense you can understand someone speaking Scots or Newfoundland English.

  5. 2 months ago

    >I'd have to have them connected for it to make sense

    Have the connection be in the far past. English and Norse felt no kinship and didn't really understand each others' languages.

    • 2 months ago

      are you same gayging op? because that is a lie. Old English and Norse were practically identical languages and mutually intelligible.
      Stop baiting you moron and go back to Ganker

      • 2 months ago

        I'm not OP, and they weren't easily mutually intelligible. Look it up, there's monks who b***h about it.

        Apparently they came to understand after a while, but vowel shifts meant the spoken languages sounded very different. Since the Norse didn't write things down in Latin letters very much, the cognates that are clear to you weren't so clear to them.

        Anyway, it doesn't matter, OP can make the divergence 1000 years in the past instead of 300.

  6. 2 months ago

    >these white people are different from the others because they like axes and pointy helmets (neither of which is historically accurate)
    >these white people are different because they wear nice colors
    >these white people are different because.... uh.... help me out /tg/! I'm not sure if my seeing is believable!

    believable in what regard? what are we even attempting to suspend or disbelief for? all these fricking cultures boil down to
    >love raping me women in the street
    >love enslaving me other tribes
    >love stewing in me own shit and ballsweat
    >hate other white people
    >hate the peasants
    >hate God
    >simple as

    like what an I suspending my disbelief for? yeah, you're describing an iron age European. so unbelievable.

    • 2 months ago

      I mean, you're right, but I can feel the seethe seeping out of your post. What flavor of brown are you?
      >hate God
      Oh wait you're probably an American civicnationalist christgay

      • 2 months ago

        also, you never answered what the FRICK I would have to suspend my disbelief for. what could possibly be more believable for a fictional world culture than "mass of tribal white folks raping women and raiding pacifist churches in the name of evil pagan gods"?

        just make sure their asscheeks are caked with their own shit and there's nothing to suspend your disbelief on, it might as well just be a historical story game at that point

        • 2 months ago

          I was not the anon you were originally responding to, my bad for not starting out with a NTA. But dont you think your a kettle calling them pot black with
          >mass of tribal white folks raping women and raiding pacifist churches in the name of evil pagan god?
          You said you were indian, right?

          >setting setting setting
          >drivel drivel drivel
          I'd rather just play a game, personally.

          Anon, this is /tg/ in the year 2024. No one here plays games.

        • 2 months ago

          >just make sure their asscheeks are caked with their own shit and there's nothing to suspend your disbelief on, it might as well just be a historical story game at that point
          Except that's not even true. That's a huge Victorian revisionism, part of it stemming from Protestants wanting to make Catholics look dumb and uncultured, and also Catholics/Christians wanting to make the pagans look dumb and uncultured. Maybe look up books like "Life in a Medieval City," but Medieval hygiene practices were substantially better than that.

          • 2 months ago

            it sure is a shame your source is a racist and likely a nazi

            but knowing Ganker I can't really expect less.

            all the same, I approve of shitcake Europeans because the troonyjanny that banned me deserves the approval of his shitcaked ancestors when he tells them he is a janitor on Ganker.

            I'm sure they will be very proud.

  7. 2 months ago

    you can safely disregard any post with white or black in it

  8. 2 months ago

    >Am I autistic
    No, you're just moronic

  9. 2 months ago

    What exactly is the problem?

  10. 2 months ago

    Why would you want to have the English? It's a fantasy setting... You could have a glorious world free from the English and their filthy taint.

    • 2 months ago

      >Why would you want to have the English? It's a fantasy setting... You could have a glorious world free from the English and their filthy taint.
      >Comment written in English.

  11. 2 months ago

    >Would you, as a player, be unable to suspend your disbelief?
    >>Have the french

  12. 2 months ago

    Britons + (Angles+Jutes+Saxons) + Normans + 1/Danes = English

  13. 2 months ago

    >setting setting setting
    >drivel drivel drivel
    I'd rather just play a game, personally.

    • 2 months ago

      You are a complete homosexual. You should stop posting on this board and ideally have a nice day.

  14. 2 months ago

    As both a player and as a GM I feel like wholesale porting real world cultures into your game and getting fixated on an autistic series of minor details in the name of being more "historically accurate" and/or "realism." is a gigantic red flag. Based on my past experience, these sort of people are likely to sperg out over innocuous anachronisms and demand everyone play their mud-covered, syphilis-ridden peasant fantasies. In fairness to you OP, you might not be that sort of person, but you are certainly giving similar signs.

    • 2 months ago

      >play their mud-covered, syphilis-ridden peasant fantasies
      For most of the Dark Age/Medieval Era people regularly bathed. And syphilis is a New World std. But if a setting has full plate armor and halberds then it should also have firearms to maintain "historical accuracy."

  15. 2 months ago


    also, you never answered what the FRICK I would have to suspend my disbelief for. what could possibly be more believable for a fictional world culture than "mass of tribal white folks raping women and raiding pacifist churches in the name of evil pagan gods"?

    just make sure their asscheeks are caked with their own shit and there's nothing to suspend your disbelief on, it might as well just be a historical story game at that point

    Sperg out somewhere else, you filthy baboon

  16. 2 months ago

    I wouldn't care because this shit happens too often. My brain notices most historical, occult or symbolic references and I'm sure a lot of people do also. I don't even like dissecting it that much anymore, it used to be a fun game to recognise them but it doesn't feel that way now. Do you know how many fricking characters have been called Melchior? Too damn many.

  17. 2 months ago

    No, I can suspend my disbelief for a lot. Thats why I have a setting with a nation thats vaguely switzerland like, but with scottish gaelic, ukrainian, and estonian as the three languages. I'm also autistic enough to LARP it to a small degree by buying various things the nation would use like a cyrillic typewriter and swedish m90 camo fatigues

  18. 2 months ago

    I wouldn't be unable to suspend my disbelief, I would however think that your setting is incredibly boring though.

  19. 2 months ago

    Ultimately you have to decide how relatable and how realistic you want your setting to be. Cultures are heavily derived from circumstances and thus the idea of “vikings” or “samurai” existing in an entirely different world is highly unlikely. If you want your players to easily identify with cultures just say frick it and go “Chinese hobgoblins” or “orc vikings” otherwise start at the beginning and work your way forwards or start at the end and work your way back.

    I mostly just cut and pasted cultures, but that’s because the setting is meant to be extremely analogous to 12th century Europe, the whole point being to make a world tha players can easily relate to and then can be shaken up.

  20. 2 months ago

    Where's the Turkish elf poster when his contribution would be welcomed?

  21. 2 months ago

    Just subvert our expectations : the Anglo lives on the Continent and all the other europeans are low-IQ beastment stranded on an Island where they've been unified by Napoleon Niente, a rooster-headed Ogre. The continent has been protected against his schemes by Prester John so far - he's hoping that King Richard will come back in time from the Old World (America) to save the day.

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