Creative Assembly Deserves To Make A Lord Of The Rings Total War Game


Imagine all the DLCs. Legendary hero dlcs. Faction DLCs. Eagle DLCs.

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago

    Creative Assembly deserves to burn to the ground but before that they need to remove denuvo from Warhammer 3 so I can pirate it.

    • 8 months ago

      I bet removing denuvo from the game will solve half the performance problems it has

    • 8 months ago

      First post, best post.

    • 8 months ago

      reminder to always buy the basegame on sale and pirate the dlc

  2. 8 months ago

    holy shit. get a life

  3. 8 months ago

    >2000: Play battles and command thousands of units in 3D!
    >2010: Play battles and command thousands of units in 3D!
    >2023: Play battles and command thousands of units in 3D!
    How is it that a company could make something so revolutionary 23 years ago and then completely stagnate for 2 decades afterwards. By this time with computers dozens of times better than in 2000 we should be having battles with hundreds of thousands of troops all with human like AI.

    • 8 months ago

      These incompetent fricks couldn't even make a fricking CAMPAIGN MAP for the turn based part, that doesn't make your GPU shit itself.
      Seriously, how are they so bad, that the campaign map has worse performance than the fricking battles, and they simply never address it, they think it's fine as it is? What the frick?

    • 8 months ago

      Because in the old times people used to play RTS games
      Nowadays the fricking scrubs with self-esteem issues have to cope playing literal trash


      Imagine all the DLCs. Legendary hero dlcs. Faction DLCs. Eagle DLCs.

      >Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, what if, Lotr vs Warhammer, Before Lotr

    • 8 months ago

      Spent all their time and money making flashy graphics

    • 8 months ago

      >Play battles and command thousands of units in 3D!
      The majority of players cant run modern total war games on high unit sizes due to poor optimization, so most players in 2023 command hundreds of units at most.

    • 8 months ago

      The total war warhammer was a pretty nice shake of the bowl imo.

      Warhammer 3 tho, now that's lazy and stagnant for sure.

    • 8 months ago

      thats not the point of total war

    • 8 months ago

      Total war has no competition other than itself

    • 8 months ago

      I fricking wish, they've gone backwards from Medieval 1.

  4. 8 months ago

    I doubt Ca would want to get involved in lotr rights mess.
    They are nervous about GW And whfb rights. Why would they then jump to Tolkien estate.

    • 8 months ago

      Do the movies and books share a license or are they considered two separate entities? Depending on the case, getting the movie license and making extrapolations would probably be fairly tolerable.

      • 8 months ago

        Didn't EA hold these? I doubt they are willing to part with it

        • 8 months ago

          I swear the movie licenses have changed hands at some point, whoever the frick the holder has granted to others at some point.
          Also, didn't know this, GW STILL has a license to make and produce models for the Lotr tabletop game.

          • 8 months ago

            GW lotr license is strange. Maybe Tolkien estate just didn't care and are just happy someone is making those plastic toys.

            • 8 months ago

              Tolkien Estate seems pretty good at keeping agreements going. LOTRO is still getting expansions, somehow.

              • 8 months ago

                Probably they have someone there who can see what is market cap and are just happy money keeps coming in.
                I doubt anyone else's tt or new mmo would bring in any more money then now

        • 8 months ago

          Yeah. Almost twenty years ago.

      • 8 months ago

        LOTR license are mess. If you look up. Lot of those games have disapeared from stores. You can't buy them anymore.
        That is big issue for lot of developers.
        Then there is rights itself. Tolkien estate is chopping them up and selling them piecemeal. And they are really expensive still.
        You can't have just tolkien rights. If you do games set to movie times. You probably couldn't use units/monsters/creatures from other books.
        These rights are part of reason why Amazon show is so strange.
        It specifies what they can they use. And it's for tv show that runs X ammount of seasons.
        Meaning. CA would have to negotiate before hand. What time timeperiod stuff they want to use. How many games. How many dlcs.
        And probably would have to fork out money if they canned project before delivering everything. And still they wouldn't get rights to sell hose games for ever. But rather would have to fork out more money if they wanted to keep selling those games.

        • 8 months ago

          I knew it was convoluted, but frick that sounds like a fricking nightmare.

          GW lotr license is strange. Maybe Tolkien estate just didn't care and are just happy someone is making those plastic toys.

          I just find it odd that it hasn't been canned, do people still buy and play it?

        • 8 months ago

          >EA published BFME and LOTR: Conquest
          >WB Games published Shadow of Mordor/War
          >Daybreak publishes LOTRO
          >the motherfricking Gollum game

          If the above managed to wrangle their way to a LOTR game, CA can do the same. Id argue that GW was probably a harder partner to work with than the Tolkien estate or WB would be

          • 8 months ago

            >Id argue that GW was probably a harder partner to work with than the Tolkien estate or WB would be
            Why would you argue that? GW is letting anyone make games.
            CA had pretty much free hands to use anything in whfb. Only time there was issue was when vampire coast was being made. GW gave them limit how much stuff they could use from dreadfleet. Becouse CA had rights for general whfb. Not for dreadfleet.
            Other then that. CA has been using stuff from white manlet. Rpg and other obscure places where stuff about whfb has been written. I think only mordheim has been left untouched. But I wouldn't be suprised of next dlc added bunch of mordheim units.

            • 8 months ago

              Pray tell what in mordheim besides sigmar nuns is not already in game?

              • 8 months ago

                They haven't added the 300lb grogs who go on about Mordheim at the drop of a hat

              • 8 months ago

                I’m defense of said large lads, mordheim is a good game, one of the few GW has made.

              • 8 months ago

                Yes, it is a great game. But the Mordheim phenotype is a very real thing kek. Ran into one the other day, great guy, but you already know he was a beardy ponytail closer to 40 than anything who needed to hit the gym. As a side note kill team is a really nice skirmish game. Best system they have right now.

      • 8 months ago

        Regardless of different entities GW has agreements in place with the LotR licence holders that allows them to make the LotR tabletop game. That agreement includes no mixing of the WHFB and LotR IP which is why CA had to go full scorched earth with the Helm's Deep MP map someone made back during TWW1. Because GW said to get it yeeted or at the very least no more modding for the game, or they may have to pull the license entirely. So CA attempting to do anything LotR is risking in that it could lose them the WHFB license depending on how much it freaks out GW. Which could mean that even if CA was done with the TWW series they could no longer sell it at all.

        • 8 months ago

          Steam workshop for wh total war games will die pretty quickly when ca stops development for those games.
          I think generally GW said they don't want mix any IP with whfb. And thats why moderation in workshop is quite strict.

          • 8 months ago

            No it is specifically LotR. As per the agreement they signed to get the tabletop they said they would never mix. To the point where they had rules for their staff that if someone came into store and asked about LotR game they could not mention WHFB at all. They had to jump through serious hoops to secure the LotR license and it is still in effect to some degree today.

        • 8 months ago

          Okay that makes sense Most IP holders get really antsy at the possibility of their properties mingling with others since it opens a massive can of worms in terms of legality and copyright law.

      • 8 months ago

        LotRO and The Hobbit uses the book licence from what I remember. I don't think you can make that kind of deal anymore since it was before the big punchup between the Estate and hollywood though mostly WB.
        WB tried to gut Turbine for the LotRO license during the dispute and the Estate pointed to the absolute control clause and tore it back out of WB's hands the same day.
        God knows what kind of hellish license you'd have to sign these days.

        • 8 months ago

          To the Estate's credit, they did go to bat for Turbine for what it's worth.
          Yeah getting anything signed that would be a productive partnership will probably take olympic ability to jump through the amount of hoops.

        • 8 months ago

          all licenses end when they become public domain after 80 years
          just need to literally wait 10 more years

          • 8 months ago

            Or at least until some corporation starts shitting itself, lobbies some government officials and it gets extended.

          • 8 months ago

            mickey mouse ends next year, can't wait

            Or at least until some corporation starts shitting itself, lobbies some government officials and it gets extended.

            disney did that already, they cant do that anymore it seems

            • 8 months ago

              Didn't know that, but at the end of the day, who really gives a shit about Mickey Mouse?

              • 8 months ago

                are you serious? who gives a shit about mickey mouse? really?

              • 8 months ago

                Outside of Disney merchandising, what has Mickey Mouse been in that has been culturally relevant in the last 20 years?

              • 8 months ago

                i get what you mean but still, his cultural impact the last century cannot be overstated

              • 8 months ago

                From a historical context, you got me. I'm just looking at it from a perspective of current excitement towards him as character. It is funny and kind of shocking that Disney didn't manage to hold onto him.

              • 8 months ago

                They do hold him. As trademark. You still can't just make your own mickey mouse adventure.
                That's why Disney stopped pushing up laws. Becouse they figured out it will be easier to just hold trademark

              • 8 months ago

                Okay that makes more sense. The entire Trademark, Servicemark, IP Laws and what not just melt together since it is byzantine amounts of legalese bullshit.

                WFB was supposed to end, and it did at the End of Time.
                AoS is garbage.
                No one cares about medieval space marines and another all good vs. all evil.

                AoS is just GW wanting another setting like 40K. Vast enough that you can add nearly whatever the frick you want to it. Issue is, compared to what it replaced, it comes across as a much more hollow and void of character.

              • 8 months ago

                Trademark mark is in theory weaker. It can be challenged and you need to prove you are still using it.
                If you have trademark for talking cow character. You have to apply for trademark for every 10 years. Even then you kinda have to prove you are still using it. Not just sit on it.
                And you have to prove you are protecting it. And you can't just selectively enforce it.
                That's why some entities seems to be quite tricker happy with their trademark. They are afraid they will lose it if they are lax with it.
                You kinda have to jump through hoops to keep your trademark.
                But you can have trademark forever so long you keep jumping those hoops.
                Copyright just is there for 95 years. Only way you can lose it if someone apears and can prove they are real creator. Or you let them go.
                But once 95 years are over. Its over.

              • 8 months ago

                Thank you for the clarification Anon it is appreciated.

              • 8 months ago

                As for mickey mouse copyright.
                Next year. You can do 1 to 1 remake of steamboat willy. So long you don't use names. Beocuse copyright protects story.
                Trademark protects characters.
                Disney might challenges your animation. But even then. So long you didn't use mouse. You would be fine.
                Real issue for Disney will be later on. As more characters copyright ends. And they have to apply trademark for everything.

              • 8 months ago

                asian women
                the most popular mobile game for women in asia is Disney Tsum-Tsum, which is basically cutsey mickey mouse, donald duck etc heads falling down in a shitty Bubble Bobble clone

            • 8 months ago

              They still hold trademark. That's why they also added steamboat to brand. To add it to trademark.
              I doubt much changes. You can now do small animal on steamboat.

          • 8 months ago

            It's a bit longer for LotR but you're right.
            Not sure if it will be worth the wait for anyone looking to cash in though.

          • 8 months ago

            In theory Hobit will be free ip in 2032. But we don't really know what that means when you talk about series of fiction.
            In theory you could do anything with hobbit. But so long it's just stuff that was in hobbit. But lot of estates have challenged this on grounds of it being series and not everything is freed yet.
            Then there is trademark stuff.

        • 8 months ago

          And Christopher died.

        • 8 months ago

          >the Estate pointed to the absolute control clause and tore it back out of WB's hands the same day
          Good, frick WB

      • 8 months ago

        tolkien stuff is butchered
        amazon have the lotr book apendix
        wb have the lotr books and hobbit cinematographic
        embracer have silmarillion and the hobbit book
        daedelic somehow got that gollum license

        realistically only wb and embracer can make a new lotr game, wb with the lotr stuff and embracer with 1st and 2nd age stuff

        i think tolkien estate have nothing now as they happily sold everything when christopher died so they can stuff their asses in booze and crack

    • 8 months ago

      Aren't the current Estate holder whoring it out to anyone with money who asks? I know Christopher was always against giving the rights to anyone at all, but his son seems to just want make as much money from it as possible.

      • 8 months ago

        Don't think so. Remember that even the huge expensive project Rings of Power was still only based on the appendices.

        For a game it would probably be easier to go for the Jackson movie rights to base it on since we've seen many of those already.

        • 8 months ago

          RoP was negotiated when Christopher was alive. Embracer has the rights for Middle Earth for 300 million

  5. 8 months ago

    And then they send a cease and desist to devs of Divide and Conquer and I choke a b***h

  6. 8 months ago


  7. 8 months ago

    nobody cares about bore of the rings we're waiting for 40k total war

  8. 8 months ago

    Why didn't the midgets just buy the eagle dlc and fly to mordor

  9. 8 months ago

    What absolutely crucial races would they hold back from the base game to sell as DLC?

    • 8 months ago

      lotr doesnt have as many factions as warhammer for them to do that, instead lotr factions are more fleshed out so they might paywall mechanics

      • 8 months ago

        You say that, but i believe they'd have at least one. I think all the main characters would be DLC. £3 for Gandalf.

        • 8 months ago

          CA dlc doesnt sell one lord for 3 dollars, but i get what you mean

        • 8 months ago

          The lesser nations of Man, probably. Split Rhun, Khand, Umbar, and Near and Far Harad into five separate factions

    • 8 months ago

      Rohan and Isengard as pre-order "bonuses" like Greeks were in Rome 2

    • 8 months ago

      Fellowship campaign DLC

  10. 8 months ago


  11. 8 months ago

    i'd love a LOTR total war, man.
    but that will probably never happen

  12. 8 months ago

    The CA deserves nothing but to burn and die.

  13. 8 months ago

    Imagine the black Aragorn.

    • 8 months ago

      Well, you see, Tolkien never said he wasn't black, so it's fine, but even if he did, what is the issue with doing some changes in the name of diversity, you are not a bigot, are you?

    • 8 months ago

      CA never did that nor cares to do that
      it's just WOTC being homosexuals

      • 8 months ago

        You aren't really familiar with CA's bullshitery in the past are you? Doing something like Black Aragorn is right up their alley.

        • 8 months ago

          why? because they allowed female generals in rome 2 and your favorite youtuber eceleb raged about it?

          • 8 months ago

            >history game
            >not accurate to history

            • 8 months ago

              you probably didnt play the game and have no clue what the thing was about
              they added female generals to a few barbarian factions, referencing stuff like boudica and the like
              >no reference to history
              didnt make you rage and seethe about arcaneys in rome 1 nor the night raiders and screeching women and berserkers that have 2 hitpoints

            • 8 months ago

              To be fair that goes for all total war games. Historical accuracy was always lacking although I suppose one can argue that the older titles mostly focused on fun.

          • 8 months ago

            kys troony

  14. 8 months ago

    Illwinter needs to join CA so they make the rest of the game and let the rest of the team handle battles

  15. 8 months ago

    >I AM NO MAN

  16. 8 months ago

    Isn’t there already a competent well done mod for Medieval 2 that does LOTR?

    There’s really nothing for CA to do. Their games were good 20 years ago they ignored all fan input and became a shovelware company. Feels bad Man.

  17. 8 months ago

    Shogun 3 or no buy

    • 8 months ago

      You really think they won't massively shit it up?

    • 8 months ago

      >Shogun 3

      Shogun 2 is incredible. They can only make it worse at this point

  18. 8 months ago

    I don't care for a LOTR total war game
    Either 40k or bust

    • 8 months ago

      how will 40k work?

      • 8 months ago

        I think in Empire and Napoleon units could take cover. Given their engine being what it is, a 40k game would be an immense clusterfrick.

        • 8 months ago

          Taking cover is for pussies.

          • 8 months ago

            Point still stands, it just wouldn't look right. Maybe in 30k when you had the legions just hammering bolter shells into each other, but even then everything would look like a static gunline and look fricking boring.

        • 8 months ago

          They took cover along straight fences and it wasn't automatic. Its not like modern small unit tactics. CA can't even get units to stand on walls properly (has been a problem since 2008 btw) and you think they're going to implement squad based cover lmao

          40k tards are delusional

          • 8 months ago

            What part about stating a 40k game being, "an immense clusterfrick", is in anyway a statement of confidence on CA's ability to actual deliver a good game?

      • 8 months ago

        exactly like fantasy, just with more guns. Maybe there will be a split between "massed formation" faction and "squad-based" faction. Space marines and eldars will play out more like a CoH game, while Imperial Guards and Orks will fight in huge formations like a TW game. There are already small platoon-sized units in TWW.

        • 8 months ago

          >exactly like fantasy, just with more guns.
          you are an idiot.

          • 8 months ago

            >moron calling anyone idiot without knowing TWW already has magical abilities far more destructive and accurate than artillery and warfare in fantasy is already WW1 level in terms of destructability, thus allowing it to be translated into 40k

            • 8 months ago

              actual spastic lmaoooo

              • 8 months ago

                >I never played this game and I'm stupid

              • 8 months ago


              • 8 months ago

                nay thee

              • 8 months ago

                Watching that balance of power change mustve been better than sex

              • 8 months ago

                what the frick

          • 8 months ago

            Epic 40k already has all the infantry units bound to boxes, you don't need to simulate squad level tactical engagements with coherency and shit if you make scope big enough.

  19. 8 months ago

    LotR and Warhammer are the dame fricking shit. Redundant

  20. 8 months ago

    i mean they probably will
    assuming they can wait another 10 years for Lord of the Rings to come into the public domain in 2034, we'll see literally 1000s of low effort slop games, movies, tv shows and anime

  21. 8 months ago

    Make anything less gay and boring than Pharaoh and upgrade the Grand strategy gameplay because it's dull as frick and hasn't changed for 20 years

    WW1 game
    WH40k game
    LOTR game

    Imagine how cool that chinese game could've been if you could play your general like it was dynasty warriors
    There are a million ways CA could make money they just choose to be moronic instead

    • 8 months ago

      > WW1
      > WH40K
      Fricking stupid and im sick of people parrotting this dumb shit

  22. 8 months ago

    Creative Assembly deserves my wiener in their collective ass, and nothing else

  23. 8 months ago

    Shouldnt they just make SIGMAR or Fantasy? Games workeshop just give their shit to everybod for free.

    They could always just Total War: Rise of Legends where they just copy&paste&change a bit favovrite factions/settings from different books.

    • 8 months ago

      Smegmar is a garbage setting or half-baked ideas and literal WHF asset flips.

    • 8 months ago

      No one wants an AoS TW. Even though CA could actually make that interesting if done right. The IP is dogshit specifically because it wants to ape WHFB but lacks everything that makes WHFB what it is. Not to mention the idea is even deader now that an actual AoS RTS is coming out.

      • 8 months ago

        AoS would be fine if not for the fact there isn’t anything close to a complete map. They’d be better served by backporting AoS armies and units into wh3, mostly chaos mortals.

        • 8 months ago

          > AoS would be fine if not for the fact there isn’t anything close to a complete map
          But there’s over 7 realms!

          • 8 months ago

            And they are near infinite in size, we have a handful of canon locations in each realm which doesn’t work for a total war game.
            You might be able to get away With Procgen maps with a /yourdudes/ faction maker but that seems well beyond CAs ability.

    • 8 months ago

      WFB was supposed to end, and it did at the End of Time.
      AoS is garbage.
      No one cares about medieval space marines and another all good vs. all evil.

  24. 8 months ago

    CA deserve to be forced to shut down and pay reparations to all of their customers.

  25. 8 months ago

    >capable hands
    a setting about everyone coming together to fend off some scout parties sent by the obviously evil part of the map
    this would be like total warhammer if the only enemy was the chaos invasion vs the entire map

  26. 8 months ago

    It's going to somehow be worse than mods that are over a decade old.

  27. 8 months ago

    Why would I play an official Total War LOTR game when Third Age Total War (and it's submods) and Fourth Age Total War exists?

  28. 8 months ago

    I would prefer Warhammer 40k instead. And they've made too many broken games lately, so I don't trust them anymore.

  29. 8 months ago

    >creative assembly deserves to make the inferior version of Warhammer!!!!!!!!!
    hate to bust your bubble but the third age of LoTR is positively boring compared to Warhammer. who cares about playing as anglo-saxons riding horses when you can play as zombie pirates controlling a bipedal ship?

    • 8 months ago

      you know i was thinking about pacifism and how it might be a good ideology, but after reading your post i am starting to think pacifism is a flawed ideology

      • 8 months ago

        yeah Black folk like you who think TW:LoTR would be a good idea need to be put in camps and jerk offd to death.

        • 8 months ago

          why not?
          dont get me wrong i would love to die from being jerk offd to death but why are you against lotr total war?

          • 8 months ago

            too boring. Basically just Troy AKA another inferior version of Warhammer. Why play it at all when Warhammer is already there and better?

            • 8 months ago

              because it's what i wanted since i was a little lad and you will not take it from me

              • 8 months ago

                >take what you will never have from you

              • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      This post reeks of pure reddit and I am not even joking.
      This reminds me of all the redditors in the 2000s that would go "ZOMG ZOMBIE CYBORG NINJA PIRATES AMIRITE" and insert it into their shitty fricking webcomics. This is peak lolrandom tier thinking and the fact that people are saying this shit uncontested on Ganker is quite telling as to Ganker's current status as a Reddit colony.

      • 8 months ago

        variety is fun. I'm sorry you have shit taste anon.

        • 8 months ago

          >"Ugh, swordsman has a different fighting style and tactics to another magic swordsman? Ugh that's too generic"
          You have the tastes of an infant.

          • 8 months ago

            He'll reply to you, but you've already won

          • 8 months ago

            >play the same
            and thus you invalidate your entire argument and reveals that it's nothing more than a shit taste.

            • 8 months ago

              It doesn't. The point is you homosexuals (like all redditors) only like aesthetical pseudo-variety rather than actual gameplay based variety. The sheer you fact you'd dismiss the possibility of a LOTR Total War having variety proves as much, especially given how diverse the factions actually are in terms of abilities and behavior.

              • 8 months ago

                >you'd dismiss the possibility of a LOTR Total War having variety proves as much, especially given how diverse the factions actually are in terms of abilities and behavior.
                rich of you to say that when you claimed monstrous units in Warhammer plays the same, stupid Black person

              • 8 months ago

                And you think a Balrog will play the same as a tree-giant. I am just using your own shit logic for what qualifies as "variety".

              • 8 months ago

                yeah they're both melee big units. In Warhammer there'd be ranged monsters, melee monsters and artillery monsters.

              • 8 months ago

                How kino would be balrog with giant bow made out of fire.

              • 8 months ago

                half as kino as the giant egyptian mummies with laser eyes

              • 8 months ago

                Shit unit

                >a longer ranged fiery whip is the same as a close-ranged giant tree man
                You're actually moronic.

                That whip would be active use ability. Maybe even some shitty spell. Sword would be weapon.

              • 8 months ago

                Why? In canon, the sword is the Balrog's secondary weapon. It's primary is the long whip.

                >tree giant
                >giant but on fire with slightly longer range
                >play completely differently

                And here is again your fallacy. The point is that you'd ignore any more complex and subtle depiction of variety in favor of large and bombastic variety. Again, spoken like a true Redditor.
                Also you do realize Giants in Tolkien lore also canonically hurl boulders right? They only appear in The Hobbit but there's functionally no reason why they wouldn't appear in a LOTR. I am fairly sure Trolls also used boulders but I could be wrong there, I am more confident on the giant claim. So yes, there'd still be a missile giant variety...what's your point here?

              • 8 months ago

                okay, tolkien giants can hurl boulders. Let's see them cap a motherfricker in the head with a triple barrel gun, Black person.

              • 8 months ago

                Again, superficial redditor of taking the most lolrandom bullshit and celebrating that as a win.
                Also any Wizard from Tolkien can solo that shit lmao. Hell so would a Balrog, you forgot they can fly if we're going back Baskhi/Jackson depictions?
                Mind you, I don't even think Warhammer Fantasy units are shit for the record. But the fact you measure their value by "WOAH LOOK HOW AWESOME AND OVER-THE-TOP THEY ARE" just reeks of reddit mentality.
                I could explain to you why I loathe Warhammergays and it'd have nothing to do with the IP, I am interested in getting into Warhammer, but what I loathe is the holier than thou mentality you gays have when it comes to fellating the superiority of Total War Warhammer above all else. I've even seen you gays on /tg/ shitting on Warhammer players because "without CA your hobby would be irrelevant". Which proves you don't care about the hobby outside of aesthetical superficial bullshit. And that's just a pure reddit way of thinking.

              • 8 months ago

                >Also any Wizard from Tolkien can solo that shit lmao. Hell so would a Balrog, you forgot they can fly if we're going back to Baskhi/Jackson depictions?
                Gothmog the Balrog was killed by being dropped into water, kek. Vampire pirates in the Warhammer universe specializes in water spell. Literally any common lore of the deep mage in Warhammer can casually kill a Balrog. The super demon creature in LoTR is weaker than a run-of-the-mill demon in WH kek. Nice job outing yourself as an assmad moron who knows nothing you are talking about.

              • 8 months ago

                >Bringing up a completely different unit in a solo fight.
                Nah, don't get me with that disingenuous crap. You brought up the pirate mecha robot shit and only that, you didn't bring up the whole faction. If we want to get into fricking power level shit and bringing up other units of the same faction, I might as well bring up fricking Morgoth to counter that shit.
                Either way, this argument isn't about power level homosexualry. If I wanted that I would've brought up Total War Hyrule, but we aren't discussing that, are we?
                >Nice job outing yourself as an assmad moron who knows nothing you are talking about.
                Nice job dodging the rest of the argument, homosexual. We aren't talking about power level homosexualry, you brought that up first. We were talking about unit variety and you doubled down to focus on power level homosexualry.

              • 8 months ago

                sure, a balrog can maybe destroy a necrofex since a necrofex is made out of wood, but what does that prove, exactly? That one of the strongest beings in the third age is only as strong as a replaceable war machine in WH? The point still stands that a balrog would only ever be a minor nuisance in WH given the prevalence of sorcerers that can casually wipe out entire formation (remind me, when was the last time Gandalf killed thousands of soldiers by himself in a single battle?)
                >We were talking about unit variety
                yeah, and the most special unit you can think of is exactly the same as a run-of-the-mill demon in the WH universe.

              • 8 months ago

                >Still more Power Level homosexualry
                lmao even
                Pic related.
                >when was the last time Gandalf killed thousands of soldiers by himself in a single battle?
                Dagor Dagorath, lmao and the battles involving the Maia in the distant past.
                >yeah, and the most special unit you can think of is exactly the same as a run-of-the-mill demon in the WH universe.
                Unit variety does not equal unit strength, moron. Again, you're devolving into power level homosexualry because you can't negate my point about how moronic your mindset is. Hell you dodged my point about how TWWhomosexuals antagonize /tg/ Warhammer players or how all you gays do is engage in shitty fallacies and self-masturbatory bullshit.

              • 8 months ago

                >distant past.
                ah yes, as if there is ever going to be a game about the distant past of LoTR. If you want to talk about that I can talk Age of Sigmar where the gods create entire fricking planets out of pure magic to live in after their old world got destroyed.
                >Unit variety does not equal unit strength, moron
                and you call me a moron. I wasn't talking about strength when I made that second statement. I was talking about how the coolest design in LoTR is just a generic type of demon in the WH universe. There are plenty of demon varieties cooler than the Balrog-type big flaming demon in WH, like this motherfricker who can shapeshift into anyone he defeats Alex Mercer-style. How's that for variety, Black person?

              • 8 months ago

                >ah yes, as if there is ever going to be a game about the distant past of LoTR
                Silmarillion begs to differ. Especially with how popular it is.
                >and you call me a moron. I wasn't talking about strength when I made that second statement. I was talking about how the coolest design in LoTR is just a generic type of demon in the WH universe.
                No. That was not your point.
                Your point was that a Total War LOTR will inherently be the same as Total War Troy from a gameplay standpoint and utterly useless to make as a game. Which is just ridiculous. There's no way Total War LOTR will play exactly as Troy, you're delusional, when I called you out on it, you doubled down and started moving goalposts because you're incapable of being objective.
                I called you a redditor because you speak in hyperbole and exaggeration and like things to be so fricking exaggerated and fantastical that you are incapable of having fun in any other way, you want your zombie ninja pirates fighting against demon cat people and you're content with just that rather than appreciating things differently. I am not shitting on you for liking Warhammer, I am shitting on you for being a superficial homosexual (a point I repeated multiple times that you keep ignoring). Something you're STILL doing now because you're incapable of thinking of things in a rational and grounded way. You disengenious homosexual. And again, you still ignore half my points.

              • 8 months ago

                >Silmarillion begs to differ. Especially with how popular it is.
                when was the last game set during it? Plenty of games in the third age, zero official game set during the Silmarillion so far unless you count some old ass games from the 90s. Even then, how many Maiar are there? How often do they get involved in battles? In Warhammer these kinds of people are everywhere and they are an integral part of warfare, no matter the era. There is no magical decline in WH like there is in LoTR.
                >No. That was not your point.
                that is my point. Just because you fail to disprove it doesn't mean you can change it into something else. That's leftist redditor behavior. Go back redditor. You have failed to prove that LoTR has more varieties than WH and you're resorting to just debating a strawman. How sad.

              • 8 months ago

                >when was the last game set during it? Plenty of games in the third age, zero official game set during the Silmarillion so far unless you count some old ass games from the 90s. Even then, how many Maiar are there? How often do they get involved in battles?
                That's the potential you unimaginative buffoon. Where there's ambigiouty you can work with that and add a shitload of potential. There's a huge unexplored potential territory in there. Naturally nu-CA probably couldn't make it. But Med 2 modders certainly have. So stick that Warhammer superiority dick out of your ass and humble yourself.
                >that is my point. Just because you fail to disprove it doesn't mean you can change it into something else.
                I have disproved it. You just raised the bar and goalpost so high that for you all that matters is for the characters to be DBZ tier power gods fighting each other instead of any semblance of any kind of fantasy warfare. Troy doesn't come close to that and you're a disengenious homosexual if you think otherwise. Troy's "magic" is purely aesthetical, no depth to it like anything related to Tolkien would have. I dare you to play Battle for Middle-Earth 2 or even Total War Third Age and tell me it's identical to Troy.
                >That's leftist redditor behavior. Go back redditor.
                Ironic, given you bootlick one of CA's games when they went into their uber-leftist phase and are still stuck in that. Or hell for that matter bootlicking a GW property whilst shitting on a property made by a right-wing Catholic just because it doesn't have "LE MAGIC POWER GOD DBZ ULTRA INSTINCT MAGE GODS"
                >You have failed to prove that LoTR has more varieties than WH
                Never said it had more moron. I just stated you're a superficial moron who only thinks in extreme examples. Which you haven't disproved. In fact I gave several middle-ground points, all of which you ignored to double down on your elitist attitude over a mediocre trilogy of game that is inferior to it's original Tabletop counterpart.

              • 8 months ago

                >muh potential
                cool. Just buncha bullshit that most people don't even care about to boot. Do you think that CA will invest tons of resources into making a game set in the Silmarillion when they could just make a cheaper one set in the Third Age (which people actually know about) for far more profit? Also, I'm waiting for actual proofs of Gandalf killing thousands of people by himself in the Silmarillion and proof that wizards like him are common place in the LoTR universe, btw.
                >I have disproved it. You just raised the bar and goalpost so high
                where? In this post

                >distant past.
                ah yes, as if there is ever going to be a game about the distant past of LoTR. If you want to talk about that I can talk Age of Sigmar where the gods create entire fricking planets out of pure magic to live in after their old world got destroyed.
                >Unit variety does not equal unit strength, moron
                and you call me a moron. I wasn't talking about strength when I made that second statement. I was talking about how the coolest design in LoTR is just a generic type of demon in the WH universe. There are plenty of demon varieties cooler than the Balrog-type big flaming demon in WH, like this motherfricker who can shapeshift into anyone he defeats Alex Mercer-style. How's that for variety, Black person?

                I gave an example of a unique type of demon in WH that LoTR doesn't have, which you failed to counter nad went on irrelevant tangents instead. We're debating varieties, Black person, not whatever schizo shit you're on.
                >Never said it had more moron
                glad we agree that LoTR has far less variety than WH and making a game set in LoTR after WH would be a colossal downgrade.

              • 8 months ago

                >cool. Just buncha bullshit that most people don't even care about to boot.
                lmao even
                It's an open canvas and the fact you're ignoring that proves you're arguing in bad faith.
                >Also, I'm waiting for actual proofs of Gandalf killing thousands of people by himself in the Silmarillion and proof that wizards like him are common place in the LoTR universe, btw.
                I can't prove the first point other than through evidence in the lore that can say that "yes he can even if he hasn't done it at any recorded point". But I can prove the second point as you have little knowledge of Tolkien lore. But most Wizards are actually MORE powerful than Gandalf since they are inherently Maia, which is the Middle-Earth equivalent to Angels. Their form as wizards are arguably more weaker than their true Maia form unless they spend years regenerating like Sauron did during his peak. Hell Gandalf the White's power basically pales in comparison to what power he can reach had he reached his peak.
                Look in the thread. The exchange went like this:
                >Making a Total War in the LOTR universe will be Troy tier because of the setting
                >It won't you disengenious homosexual, you just can't appreciate subtle unit variety instead of over-the-top shit.
                >There is simple unit variety
                This was literally our argument, but you don't want to admit that you haven't actually disproved my point. I won't deny I strawman'd, but only because I wanted you to understand how moronic you are. The fact you're actually LIVING UP to my strawman is fricking funny though. Because I expected a response that disproved that, but I overestimated you. Otherwise why would I keep engaging with you?

              • 8 months ago

                >It's an open canvas and the fact you're ignoring that proves you're arguing in bad faith.
                even with the Silmarillion LoTR is still a less varied setting than WH, so I don't even want to bother debating that.
                >I can't prove the first point other than through evidence in the lore that can say that "yes he can even if he hasn't done it at any recorded point"...
                ok no proof and the only argument you can offer is that "maiar are strong in their universe", even though it does nothing to prove that they are strong in relation to the WH universe. Amazing. This right here is the level of genius only a habitual glue sniffer can muster.
                >bullshit greentext that shifts your goalpost
                you claimed that the variety in WH means nothing because all fantastical units play the same. Here's your own word:
                I proved you wrong by posting how different monster units in WH can be. You shifted into talking about power-level (not me, btw. I was talking about how the necrofex has a gun in WH while the Balrog is only melee in this post

                okay, tolkien giants can hurl boulders. Let's see them cap a motherfricker in the head with a triple barrel gun, Black person.

                . Notice how I said "cap a motherfricker" and not "cap the balrog"). When you got btfo'ed while talking power-level as well, you whined like a b***h and started using ad hominem. I don't even give a shit about power-level. All I care about is the variety. Even my talking about the shapeshifter demon is to bring up how this demon can create an entirely unique campaign in WH where you can steal the appearance and power of other lords. Even my talking about wizards is all about variety because wizards are rare in LoTR while they are commonplace and shift the way battles are fought entirely in WH. You're the only one obsessed with power level, Black person.

              • 8 months ago

                I won't reply to the rest of your shit because it's deflection.
                But the most hilarious point you made is:
                >you claimed that the variety in WH means nothing because all fantastical units play the same.
                Did you really misinterpret my strawman that hard? The point is that to you homosexuals it doesn't matter the actual gameplay variety. It's the spectacle. And you have barely done much to disprove that, in fact quite the opposite you PROVED that. And as for units having the same role, you proved that with my next point:
                >(not me, btw. I was talking about how the necrofex has a gun in WH while the Balrog is only melee in this post

                okay, tolkien giants can hurl boulders. Let's see them cap a motherfricker in the head with a triple barrel gun, Black person.. Notice how I said "cap a motherfricker" and not "cap the balrog").
                Nice try. But we both know in that context you definitely were talking about individual strength. You were comparing the Giant's strength to that of the Necrofex. Saying and I quote:
                >"okay, tolkien giants can hurl boulders. Let's see them cap a motherfricker in the head with a triple barrel gun, Black person."
                My point is "why would that matter when the other unit varieties can do other shit?" you focused on spectacle for a unit that fulfills the same function just with a more spectacular animation. I gave the point that it's irrelevant because it's superficial. And I said it wouldn't matter anyways even if your argument was power level (which I assume it is because there's NO fricking way you can tell me a ranged unit that fulfills the same role as another ranged unit just with different numbers and animations is functionally the fricking same, your only comparison was power and spectacle, so like it or not you DID shift into powerlevel homosexualry).
                Rather than being intelligent enough to understand that point, you devolved into "HURR MY TOY IS MORE SPECTACULAR THAN YOURS", thus proving my point.
                I am done with you btw, this was just to clarify those last two points because I'll admit to being vague on them, but that's my only concession. My point still stands.

              • 8 months ago

                >which I assume it is because there's NO fricking way you can tell me a ranged unit that fulfills the same role as another ranged unit just with different numbers and animations is functionally the fricking same,
                Meant to say is functionally NOT the same, but I mistyped

              • 8 months ago

                >Did you really misinterpret my strawman that hard...
                moronic strawman that I disproved by showing that it has actual gameplay difference, like the shapeshifter example where an entire campaign has a cool power-stealing gimmick, possible only in WH and not in LoTR. The same example which you are still deflecting right now.
                >Nice try. But we both know in that context you definitely were talking about individual strength
                There is no 'we' here, anon. I'm sorry, but you derailed this entire discussion by misinterpreting a simple point. Bravo.
                >My point is "why would that matter when the other unit varieties can do other shit...
                again, disproven by the shapeshifter example that you are still deflecting, because somewhere along the way your ego got bruised by your favourite fantasy work being weaker than another work and you just derailed the whole thing into that.
                but please, keep on debating your irrelevant point about power-level. I will entertain you some more, anon.

              • 8 months ago

                >moronic strawman that I disproved by showing that it has gameplay difference
                Not with the examples you provided. Especially not the fricking ship mecha which now you're running away from now that I dismantled it. I did that at least four times in the conversations and your only retort is "O-OH YEAH WELL-"
                > like the shapeshifter example where an entire campaign has a cool power-stealing gimmick, possible only in WH and not in LoTR. The same example which you are still deflecting right now.
                I only ignored it because you were using it for the power level tier homosexualry. But I'll humor you just this once.
                You're right. That is a unique gimmick and I can't deny that. Yet what about the Ringwraiths who would also have their own gimmick with their ability to slip by dimensions and chase down people who have the ring on them? Or hell, don't you know there are multiple shapeshifters in Tolkien lore? Including the Maia?
                I mean here's the thing. You don't want me to prove that Tolkien's setting is unique in any way. You want me to prove it's 1:1 with Warhammer, which is fricking absurd.
                Hell you went from "it'll be like Total War Troy" to "WELL IT'S NOT AS UNIQUE AS WARHAMMER" which is fricking dumb, I never contested that, but of course you'd retreat to that argument because no one can contest that so you can score an easy victory there
                >because somewhere along the way your ego got bruised by your favourite fantasy work being weaker than another work and you just derailed the whole thing into that
                lol no homosexual.
                I will fully concede that the Warhammer pantheon is stronger than the Tolkien (in fact WHEN have I even contested that? Literally show me in the whole argument, if you cite that point where I deflected your ship mecha bullshit I will stop engaging with you in good faith). But my point stands that making it into a Total War game won't make it be like Troy. Which you've fully conceded to btw, in fact, I already won the argument since you don't deny it

              • 8 months ago

                >I dismantled it
                if by dismantling you mean "changing the other guy's argument into something else because I can't refute it", then sure. Sad state, homie.
                >I only ignored it because you were using it for the power level tier homosexualry
                aw you sad little boy. Still going with the fanfiction of reality. Sure, I have time.
                > their own gimmick with their ability to slip by dimensions and chase down people who have the ring on them
                only relevant in a game where you play as Frodo and Sam on their journey to Mordor, not a TW game where you play as leaders of entire kingdoms. If you want to talk about slipping by dimensions, multiple TW factions have to ability to travel through alternate dimensions or secret paths to essentially teleport short distances on the campaign map. The Wood Elves in particular have a unique campaign mechanic where they can teleport to anywhere on the map with a magic tree on it. In the Realms of Chaos campaign, you can go through portals in hell to teleport to different locations around the world. Skarbrand the Balrog-ripoff in particular can teleport to any city in the world where he has a cult in. That all possible in LoTR?
                > Or hell, don't you know there are multiple shapeshifters in Tolkien lore? Including the Maia?
                cool, can they run around the world stealing other people's appearance and absorbing their power, or do they just have shapeshifting in general?
                >I will fully concede that the Warhammer pantheon is stronger than the Tolkien
                aw how cute. He clings onto the whole power level drivel because he can't actually debate anything on the variety ground.

              • 8 months ago

                >if by dismantling you mean "changing the other guy's argument into something else because I can't refute it"
                ...But that's what you've been doing. What?
                >Sad state, homie.
                I love how you're so mad you devolved back to normalgay slang. Please, around here we say "Black person". You were doing just well before you started getting mad
                >aw you sad little boy. Still going with the fanfiction of reality.
                Ah, the signature condescending homosexualry of a redditor. Thanks for outing yourself.
                >only relevant in a game where you play as Frodo and Sam on their journey to Mordor, not a TW game where you play as leaders
                We're talking about campaign gimmicks. Are you joking here? You're telling me there isn't a point where you can play as Sauron's army and sicc' the Ringwraiths on Frodo and Sam? Are you kidding me?
                >That all possible in LoTR?
                Once again. You want me to prove that Warhammer is 1:1 with LOTR. You're asking for something impossible you disingenuous homosexual, and even if I did, you'd accuse it of being a rip-off. On top of that hell, didn't I just say the Ringwraiths could walk between dimensions?
                >cool, can they run around the world stealing other people's appearance and absorbing their power, or do they just have shapeshifting in general?
                Refer to my previous point lol
                >He clings onto the whole power level drivel because he can't actually debate anything on the variety
                ...Your reply doesn't even match my post. I actually conceded to a point you made that you accused me of saying to the contrary. What are you on about schizo?

                I mean I'll be frank now, the fact that your replies aren't even matching my original posts or are projecting or saying shit I never said kind of proves that you've lost already. But sure, live in that delusion. Please do. When your main weapon is to be either disingenuous or condescending, you just proved where you came from. And it'd be preferable to everyone if you went back to that echo chamber of yours. I am done lol

              • 8 months ago

                >...But that's what you've been doing. What?
                yes that be true in your dream
                >I love how you're so mad you devolved back to normalgay slang. Please, around here we say "Black person". You were doing just well before you started getting mad
                I said homie cheekily because I was glad you outed yourself as a moron, anon. Have a little fun.
                >Ah, the signature condescending homosexualry of a redditor. Thanks for outing yourself.
                you have an obsession with reddit that can only come from one of its own.
                >Once again. You want me to prove that Warhammer is 1:1 with LOTR
                once again, I'm glad we agree that LoTR would be a downgrade from WH because it can't reach parity in terms of features with it. You don't have to be a 1:1 to replicate each other's features. On top of that, I just said that daemons in WH can travel through dimensions to teleport across the map too.
                >...Your reply doesn't even match my post. I actually conceded to a point you made that you accused me of saying to the contrary. What are you on about schizo?
                and I accept your concession.

              • 8 months ago

                I don't even have to reply to this lol. Your sheer low IQ linguistic verbosity outs you as a primitive or worse, a homosexual. I fully accept that concession.

              • 8 months ago

                >'don't have to reply to this'
                >said he as he replied to this
                remember to collect your welfare check at 8, Black person

              • 8 months ago

                Happily. I'll do that. Don't forget to go that alley, those dicks won't suck themselves.
                But seriously, I think I'll end it here.

              • 8 months ago

                >'don't have to reply to this'
                >said he as he replied to this again
                what does anon mean this? What wisdom has he gleamed from the ancients? What sort of niggetry has he mastered? He must tell us.

              • 8 months ago

                >cool. Just buncha bullshit that most people don't even care about to boot.
                lmao even
                It's an open canvas and the fact you're ignoring that proves you're arguing in bad faith.
                >Also, I'm waiting for actual proofs of Gandalf killing thousands of people by himself in the Silmarillion and proof that wizards like him are common place in the LoTR universe, btw.
                I can't prove the first point other than through evidence in the lore that can say that "yes he can even if he hasn't done it at any recorded point". But I can prove the second point as you have little knowledge of Tolkien lore. But most Wizards are actually MORE powerful than Gandalf since they are inherently Maia, which is the Middle-Earth equivalent to Angels. Their form as wizards are arguably more weaker than their true Maia form unless they spend years regenerating like Sauron did during his peak. Hell Gandalf the White's power basically pales in comparison to what power he can reach had he reached his peak.
                Look in the thread. The exchange went like this:
                >Making a Total War in the LOTR universe will be Troy tier because of the setting
                >It won't you disengenious homosexual, you just can't appreciate subtle unit variety instead of over-the-top shit.
                >There is simple unit variety
                This was literally our argument, but you don't want to admit that you haven't actually disproved my point. I won't deny I strawman'd, but only because I wanted you to understand how moronic you are. The fact you're actually LIVING UP to my strawman is fricking funny though. Because I expected a response that disproved that, but I overestimated you. Otherwise why would I keep engaging with you?

                >We're debating varieties, Black person, not whatever schizo shit you're on.
                You aren't arguing varieties. You're arguing over how an over-the-top unit negates that unit variety can still exist through simplicity, that's just moronic.
                >glad we agree that LoTR has far less variety than WH
                Never disagreed. The fact you're doubling down on this point proves you lost so fricking hard it's not even funny. I should've listened to

                He'll reply to you, but you've already won

                in hindsight. I was hoping to expect some intelligent arguments, but nah it's just typical redditor shitflinging. Hell you don't even deny you're defending a leftist company and shitting on a right-wing IP, just admit you're a disengenious homosexual at this point.
                >and making a game set in LoTR after WH would be a colossal downgrade.
                >"Woah if I change my point slightly to sound more reasonable than my initial hyperbolic cum-guzzling point, then I absolutely won this argument"
                Disengenious homosexual. Go back to r*ddit. I am done with your shit. In this entire thread I have never made a point that Warhammer had less unit varieties than LOTR, I only ever said that you enjoy hyperbolic over-the-top DBZ tier slop and you haven't disproved that. That was my strawman and you lived up to it. Come the frick on, give me better points instead of just somehow being more moronic than my strawman.

              • 8 months ago

                >a longer ranged fiery whip is the same as a close-ranged giant tree man
                You're actually moronic.

              • 8 months ago

                >tree giant
                >giant but on fire with slightly longer range
                >play completely differently

              • 8 months ago

                Why? In canon, the sword is the Balrog's secondary weapon. It's primary is the long whip.

                And here is again your fallacy. The point is that you'd ignore any more complex and subtle depiction of variety in favor of large and bombastic variety. Again, spoken like a true Redditor.
                Also you do realize Giants in Tolkien lore also canonically hurl boulders right? They only appear in The Hobbit but there's functionally no reason why they wouldn't appear in a LOTR. I am fairly sure Trolls also used boulders but I could be wrong there, I am more confident on the giant claim. So yes, there'd still be a missile giant variety...what's your point here?

                Oh yeah and I forgot, if we're going by Bakshi/Peter Jackson depiction. The Balrogs have functional wings. So they'd have that too and the ability to fly as depicted in most of the Jackson era games.
                What was your point about variety again?

      • 8 months ago

        Correct me if I am wrong, but doesn't Reddit have an extension or something along those lines that allow people to browse here through reddit? Regardless, their presence here is obvious.

        • 8 months ago

          I don't know. I don't use Reddit other than a very very niche and tiny subreddit that contains a cultural subject matter I can't find on most other sites due to how niche and obscure it is (last time I talked about it on this site, it sparked a Balkan tier argument that went very, very off-topic). So I wouldn't really know. But you could be right since that would explain the large influx of Redditors.

          • 8 months ago

            go back redditor

            • 8 months ago

              Nah. I originate from here first and foremost (MAYBE you could say I am a Newgrounds newbie, but that's about it). I only explored that subreddit because it was the only place I could find recourses for that particular language. I don't even post there. Just lurk for resources.

    • 8 months ago

      the greentext is kinda cringe but its true.
      LotR is more about the characters and the world around them than smashing toy armies togheter. Warhammer fantasy has more potential for silly things and cool things.

    • 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      Third Age is indeed far more grounded than Warhammer. That is not a bad thing by default. Your mistake is thinking that making a TW Warhammer reskin would be appropriate for a Third Age
      >who cares about playing as anglo-saxons riding horses when you can play as zombie pirates controlling a bipedal ship?
      People who would like to play a LotR Total War, or would like a fantasy setting that isn't over the top

  30. 8 months ago

    Just play the Age of the Ring mod for Battle for Middle Earth

  31. 8 months ago

    make total war 40k you fricking idiots

  32. 8 months ago

    I love that that's described as a break, as in they won't have to try because the author thinks tolkiengays must not have any standards

  33. 8 months ago

    Hopefuly CA will be shut down soon. At least they got to send out some false DMCAs before the end. Unfortunately they failed just like Hyenas. Oh well. Now frick off.

  34. 8 months ago

    so a reskin warhammer ttw ? morons

  35. 8 months ago

    they DESERVE to go out of business
    >pay us 150% more for a DLC with less content or we're cancelling all support for the game
    >buy our heckin hero shooter or Total War dies
    >buy our Saga game that we don't have to decency to label as such for premium game price

  36. 8 months ago

    I'd play the frick out of it. The Battle for Middle Earth games were fantastic

  37. 8 months ago

    Does LotR have a big setting outside:
    I only seen the first 3 movies.

  38. 8 months ago

    kys OP.

  39. 8 months ago

    A Second Age TW game could actually be pretty fun. You could invent all sorts of magipunk units and they would fit the descriptions of Numenorean society and warfare we have. Dark Industrial Mordor, traditionally magical Lindon, whatever you want for Eastern/Southern countries - it could work.

  40. 8 months ago

    Warhammer ironically killed the studio by attracting the lowest IQ monkeys around. The general is entirely useless and the fandom has been replaced by underaged culture warriors with a furry porn addiction

  41. 8 months ago

    Gods no, frick off. Third Age already exists. CAs unwillingness to let mods flourish means that the newer games will never get that love and I do not want to see their moronic take on it with myriads of DLC since the base will only have Hobbits and Orcs.

    • 8 months ago

      This. Also they insist on their horrible mobile-game city system since Rome 2. Imagine getting to build 2 whole buildings + walls in Minas Tirith!
      Oh, and their engine still sucks at melee.

  42. 8 months ago

    A perfect opportunity to push propaganda and make the amazon series canon!

  43. 8 months ago

    >Creative Assembly deserves to make a Total War game in the single most generic and literally impossible to balance setting available
    By Sigmar, NO!

  44. 8 months ago

    Yea no. Id rather not have a LOTR RTS than have it be buried 10 feet deeper.

  45. 8 months ago

    After Hyena, CA doesnt deserve anything.

  46. 8 months ago

    We badly need some new lord of the rings games

  47. 8 months ago

    Imagine all the Black folk and women shoehorned in where they don't belong

  48. 8 months ago

    BFME2 almost did a total war game close to 29 years ago with the War of the Ring mode.
    Id love to see something similar again, though I doubt CA can get anything close to the lovely soundtrack and voice lines of BFME2

  49. 8 months ago

    I already played it ages ago:

  50. 8 months ago

    As if they're going to stay alive after all the recent shitshow lmao

  51. 8 months ago

    CA only deserves to go out of business.
    If was proven multiple times that the leadership sucks and it won't be changed anytime soon.
    Hopefully after that the devs will make an AA studio and make proper fun games again.

  52. 8 months ago

    >Black elves
    >Humans are 90% black
    >Orcs are retconned as just "misunderstood good guys"
    >Black hobbits, no matter which area they're from
    You know it would happen

    • 8 months ago

      >wake up
      >obsess over black people and trannies
      I wish we lived in the magnificent mind world that /misc/tards conjure

    • 8 months ago

      And Uruk-hai are the testament of love between humans and orcs.

  53. 8 months ago

    I've been playing since Shogun 1, and since Empire the games have been getting worse and worse. Last one I bought was Three Kingdoms, and by that point I knew that the series was largely dead. CA can't handle pandering to both fantasytards and it's older audience that cares about history. And they seek to cater to both. Furthermore, they aren't supporting their games anymore, Attila for instance is still very laggy even on high end computers, if it doesn't just crash. Then there's the fact that they are following a toxic DLC system like Paradox, hiding shit that used to be in expansion packs and making them DLC that is about the same price. It's just awful all around at this point. The series really started to decline gameplay wise when they tied generals and armies together. I'm sad that the series I used to love is so awful now.

  54. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      Please don't make it happen. Just let CA die at this point, Warhammer 1 and so would a LOTR game done by CA. If you want to play it so bad, just play Third Age mod for Med 2.

  55. 8 months ago

    They deserve frick all. Warhammer 2 was one of my favourites. I preordered 3 which I never do and they ruined it. What a pile of shit.

  56. 8 months ago

    Black elves means -ack on arrival.

  57. 8 months ago

    I just want a new battle for middle earth game, is that too much to ask? NO I don't want total war formula mass produced shit with 3/4ths of the game locked behind dlc

  58. 8 months ago

    Im really happy to see more people realizing how shit CA is, been a TW fan forever and have spent years being salty about the direction they have taken this franchise.

  59. 8 months ago

    No they fricking don't. They deserve ruthless mockery for abandoning their core audience.

    • 8 months ago

      >abandoning their core audience.
      Black folk say this but then let Attila and ToB flop. Can anyone blame CA for abandoning histcucks?

      • 8 months ago

        Attila and ToB werent for the core audience, you would know if you werent some grifter trolling in the thread.

      • 8 months ago

        I didn't let Attila flop. It's arguably one of the best TW games IMO. Also, Attila was not very well optimized. It's arguable that Attila flopped due to CA incompetence in that regard.

  60. 8 months ago

    CA deserves an epic exclusivity deal so it can telltale itself out of the world

  61. 8 months ago

    can't wait to make a Tom Bombadil one man doomstack omg its gonna be so fricking EPIC man!

  62. 8 months ago

    Deserves got nothing to do with it

  63. 8 months ago

    How about CA first makes the battle map terrain not shit?
    I cannot be the only one that has noticed for some reason no game has battles where you can contest a hill. It's always that the enemy spawn on top of a hill
    I cannot believe the shit battle maps it can't be just because of the ai is too bad at the game

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