>criticize game. >money stolen

>criticize game
>money stolen

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

CRIME Shirt $21.68

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      >Criticize game and troony cm who also doubles as a /vg/ Janny
      >gets banned a year later for "hacking"

      • 12 months ago

        I mean if it's a shit game, getting banned is a good thing.
        >inb4 he spent money on it
        If you spend money on server games, you deserve them to be stolen.

      • 12 months ago

        when did he got banned?

        this still happens on /vg/

        guy is pretty much mentally ill so I'm not surprised about that

        • 12 months ago

          today for "hacking" but he doesn't mod or even use tweaker. the mods on discord are celebrating

          • 12 months ago

            troony mods upset he exposed their bullshit

            • 12 months ago

              Not just trannies. The head of Sega global community relations used to erp with other people in goldshire who pretended to be kids. It's California as a whole.

              • 12 months ago

                Jesus christ

      • 12 months ago

        >Me hacking the game right now

        • 12 months ago
      • 12 months ago

        deserves it for trusting bugs

      • 12 months ago

        >banned from pso2 ng

    • 12 months ago

      >general thread insists on playing on a ship that a literal troony mod plays on
      >spends all day and night arguing with them and getting banned
      >declares it killed the game
      >make video essays explaining how it killed the game with continuous second-hand information like "I heard that" and "I read this on reddit"
      Anyway the game actually went under for a while but it was because it was total shit, not because the general was feeding a penis tucker attention for 2 years straight.

      • 12 months ago

        confirmed for never watching the video. next you'll say the hover boards are faster than walking like you always do.

    • 12 months ago

      >/vg/ plays PSO2 global in 2020
      >they do mostly fine for a year between various alliances
      >Gwiz, the community manager of the game, has been on record to post on /pso2g/, their various Discord servers, and even attended /trash/ meetups
      >about the biggest spat that happened was during an incident about a wallclip glitch in a challenge mode quest that got four people suspended for a week
      >come NGS, Sega pays streamers to play the game
      >one anon streambombs them with a burner account whose name shares the character name of another anon
      >Sega bans them both in a blanket ban when the latter had nothing to do with the incident whatsoever
      >uproar happens in /pso2g/
      >the leadership of two of their alliances - Toblerone and Daicon, get banned regardless of how clean their records were, other members weren't while other alliances were unscathed
      >anyone who tried appealing got very little information from support about why they were even banned in the first place, the situation gets taken to multiple platforms
      >Sega keeps a banned Toblerone member's player design contest entry anyway
      >moderation has been in the shitter ever since, with people getting suspended for just being around others using NSFW symbol arts or doing a default bending down emote in front of a GM, muting people for private ERP when the CM is just as guilty for it
      >later on the game gets a streamer mode to prevent chat messages appearing on-screen

      TL;DR powertripping mods = gays, pretty sure something similar happened to Warbros in Warframe (albeit less homosexual)

  2. 12 months ago

    i will not watch your video. frick you and sega.

  3. 12 months ago

    Play stupid games, Win stupid prizes.

    • 12 months ago

      leave chud

  4. 12 months ago

    Honestly surprised it didn't happen sooner given how utterly obsessed the troony janny CM is with him. I quit a while ago but I remember the CM regularly samegayging about how "based" gwiz is or throwing tantrums about this youtuber because he was mentioned negatively in it.

    • 12 months ago

      this still happens on /vg/

  5. 12 months ago

    Anyone got that clip of the community manager saying all children will be on estrogen and that they will help push the agenda?

  6. 12 months ago

    remember when sega sponsored streamers to play PSO2

    • 12 months ago

      what is this phenotype jfc

      • 12 months ago

        grubby is pretty cool w3 guy, leave him alone

        • 12 months ago

          is he really that squished or is it just a moronic camera aspect ratio

      • 12 months ago

        the barnacle jim phenotype

    • 12 months ago

      What was more funny was the Symbol Arts. Got all the lewds banned until the game was already dead.

      • 12 months ago

        The funniest part of that was that they were banning people for even having NSFW symbol arts in their cache. As in, if you were unlucky you could have been banned for merely seeing someone ELSE use one while running around the lobby. And as has been mentioned before, Sega have it in their ToS that they can and will ban you for whatever the frick they want. It's not a warning, it's a promise.

        Frankly anyone still playing this shit in 2023 is peak cuck. NGS was dead on arrival and then the corpse was molested by the Global team in the months that followed. It's surreal to me that it's already been nearly 2 years since I gave up on this shit and Gwiz somehow still has a job there. Reminder that Gwiz is a literal /trash/ poster that uses sex mods and god knows what else while pretending that he's never been on Ganker before, and regularly does and says the most moronic things possible as if he's daring Sega to fire him and yet they don't give a flying frick. In fact that seems to be a problem with the entire PSO2 Global team, Gwiz is just the most obvious example.

        To me the fact that Gwiz and co. are still running the show on Global tells me all I need to know about whether I should ever even bother reinstalling the game just to check out all the supposed 'content' they struggled to add since mid-2021. Hell, I imagine I've probably even caught a ban randomly in the last 2 years despite never having touched the game and keeping to myself even when I was playing back then, but I'm not about to try to log in to check either. And that's assuming my account even still exists - I also remember Sega mentioning they'd flat out just start deleting accounts that haven't signed in for more than a year.

        • 12 months ago

          The content is literally an hour until now, now it'll be 15-30 mins every 1-3 months.

          The drip feeding is insane, and the fact they didn't have a survey after it showed Japan was EVEN MORE PISSED than Global was funny. They just came out with one for the Personal Quarters where I had to spam "ain't nobody using that shit, give us more than PSE burst grinding and trainias to do!" to them. We'll see if they show results on that.

          • 12 months ago

            >and the fact they didn't have a survey after it showed Japan was EVEN MORE PISSED than Global was funny
            Don't forget they tried starting an internet war between the two servers with this information to distract from their own incompetence.

  7. 12 months ago

    >b e n c h e d

  8. 12 months ago

    Why the frick dont they just add real content to this game? The combat is good but all the content is speedrun autism

    • 12 months ago

      thry pulled their entire fricking dev team to make sonic frontiers for some reason despite pso2 making more money for them in one year than sonic games have over the last decade
      Basically they had to get NGS out the door in time for Q2 of 2021 and then pull the team to do frontiers for Q4 2022 holiday shoppers
      sega tried to double dip with one team and ended up killing ngs in the crib

      • 12 months ago

        Sega also decided that instead of firing the guy that ruined pso2 they should promote him to make a new game.

        • 12 months ago

          yeah what you said
          HMZK must suck some mean fricking wiener because the JPs more than made it clear they wanted his head on a pike after pso2
          yet somehow, he not only lives, but is employed, its confounding

        • 12 months ago

          yeah what you said
          HMZK must suck some mean fricking wiener because the JPs more than made it clear they wanted his head on a pike after pso2
          yet somehow, he not only lives, but is employed, its confounding

          And he comes out of two years radio silence to say "we ain't adding shite!" to NGS.

          #Stunning #Brave #StunningANDBrave

        • 12 months ago

          You guys forget how fricking moronic japanese businessman are.
          See; the entire fricking shitshow of SEGA Japan Vs SEGA NA

    • 12 months ago

      lack of real content is what kills the game for me. they put out these empty and pointless genshin impact zones and do urgents that are just mashing your infinite iframes.

    • 12 months ago

      Because the Episode 5 director is in charge. AND they fricking all-hands-on-deck for Forge--er--Minecraft--er--"Personal Quarters" that barely anyone but like 5 people will autistically use.

      I can count on one hand the number of times I've gone to personal quarters.

      • 12 months ago

        >2 years
        >All hands
        >Nobody playing it
        People beat them over the head about "TEH QUESTS STOOPID!" and Sega didn't listen because during launch people were like "personal quarters, WTF?"

        They should End of Service NGS and go back to base.

    • 12 months ago

      this game literally has no combat team aside from the guy who makes the items and another guy who makes quests.

    • 12 months ago

      >come back to the game two years after the shitfest that is Aelio
      >somehow it hardly has any sustainable content whatsoever beyond chasing PSEs in combat zones
      >'Ver. 2' also makes the casual grind on gear even worse somewhat

      How the frick is this game still up to begin with?

      • 12 months ago

        >How the frick is this game still up to begin with?
        Gacha whales, and even they are unhappy.

      • 12 months ago

        NGS is relying on over a decade's worth of sunk cost whales from the JP side.

        • 12 months ago

          And from what I've seen they've usually been the most vocal about the game's poor state too, at least according to official surveys. Allegedly there were also in-game protests on their end of CAST players complaining about a lack of new parts for a time.

      • 12 months ago

        Unironically whales. PSO2 (and NGS by extension) get hardly any real funding or manpower since Sega see it as nothing more than a cash cow that will keep raking in money no matter what they do - and they're right, since all it takes is a small handful of whales spending a few hundred or more every SINGLE time a new scratch comes out to rake in huge profits. It's actually why they brought the engine overhaul to PSO2 a while before NGS launched and started running scratches with low effort N-versions of existing cosmetics - JP whales all sat there thinking 'wait why should we spend money on stuff we won't even want to use in NGS anyway?' and Sega panicked once they saw the huge drop in profits and had to rush things out.

        Whales are the literal only thing Sega truly care about (nevermind that driving out your F2P and other average players will also slowly drive away whales too due to having nobody to lord their thousands of dollars of cosmetics over, but apparently this concept is lost on Sega).

  9. 12 months ago

    what did gwizofthestars (sega community manager and /vg/ janny) mean by this? https://files.catbox.moe/q7p1ik.webm

    • 12 months ago

      >unironically recreating that "reddit moderator" troony image with his webcam on stream
      thanks I definitely needed to puke for no reason today
      Every time I think I'm going to check out the game again I'm reminded for free that this thing is running the show in NA

    • 12 months ago

      Thanks, i almost reinstalled ngs just to look at the quarters but I don't ever want to associate with this kind of crazy, homie is straight up a criminal.

  10. 12 months ago

    troony game

  11. 12 months ago

    he deserves his ban.

  12. 12 months ago

    syberbolt at least give context when you make the thread

  13. 12 months ago
  14. 12 months ago

    next video when

  15. 12 months ago

    >waste hours upon hours implementing NG into PSO2
    >now wasting development time to separate them

    • 12 months ago

      it still boggles my mind that they decided to go through all this shit of making a new game and killing off the old without asking for players opinions first. like not even a survey asking "do you guys want new genesis". someone at sega was like "frick player opinion do what I said"

      • 12 months ago

        "Frick player opinion" has been sega's motto for over a decade now. No clue how this shit company is still making money these days given the blatant disdain they show for all of their playerbases.

        • 12 months ago

          its mostly yakuza and somehow, sonic. Despite frontiers being a master class in how to make an "eh" game, apparently fans were starved enough for a decent title in the ip that it is the highest selling 3d sonic game to date. Absolutely bizzare shit.

          • 12 months ago

            Sonic fans will literally eat shit just for a whiff of Sonic's bussy.

            • 12 months ago

              for me it's tails

              • 12 months ago

                Shadow for me

                NICE wiener.jpg

    • 12 months ago

      I refuse to believe that sega brings any profit to segasammy at all
      all of it rides on pachinko

    • 12 months ago

      They're separating them now?

      • 12 months ago

        People (hi!) wanted to remove 60GB of base since they aren't doing shit with base anymore.

        PS4 had that since it launched there. Other platforms didn't, so they gave the other platforms this now.

        But the thing is: Certain items (music discs, notable) REQUIRE Base to even fricking play. So it's like "what is the point?"

  16. 12 months ago

    >We reserve the right to ban you for any reason or no reason, do you Agree? [Yes] [No]
    >Click [Yes]

    • 12 months ago

      banned for daily reactor crimes

    • 12 months ago

      Suck that corporate wiener some more

      • 12 months ago

        Your poor decision making skills are not the fault of any corporation, unless it's pfizer's fault you're such a sensitive homosexual

        • 12 months ago

          the only poor decision made was to play the game in the first place with trannies running the show

    • 12 months ago

      you got a point. sega literally has a clause in their tos saying they can ban you for any reason without notice. so it makes it even more funny that they made up a bullshit reason just to get rid of someone talking shit about the game. it's like that episode of king of the hill where they screwed khan out of his last paycheck under the bullshit reason "treason" at the unemployment office.

    • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        You have agency over your own actions. Don't mindlessly agree to get fricked in the ass and you won't get fricked in the ass.

        • 12 months ago

          >Accept tos because you won't break rules
          >get banned anyway because some troony who opens their mouth a lot doesn't like you

          • 12 months ago

            You'll never become a man if you keep making these lame excuses.

            • 12 months ago

              you're right. You on the other hand will never be a woman no matter what you do.

  17. 12 months ago

    so fricking glad i never switched to global. why would you play this over JP seriously? you just love troony wiener that much? what a shitshow

    • 12 months ago

      troony mod drama is just an icing on shit cake.
      JP just as Global has no fricking content, and what content it does have, is fricking terrible.

    • 12 months ago

      I never switched to globa but the blanket IP block when NGS first released stopped me from playing and without a doubt killed my team, friends and any sort of NA population that didn't move over when global finally hit.

      After the total trainwreck the first four months or so of NGS I felt like it was a good idea, seeing both of this guys videos recapping how little was done to the game during all this time makes glad I stuck to JP. Even if I still havent gotten past the IP block.

      • 12 months ago

        IP Block was removed, wasn't it?

        >and the fact they didn't have a survey after it showed Japan was EVEN MORE PISSED than Global was funny
        Don't forget they tried starting an internet war between the two servers with this information to distract from their own incompetence.

        I don't recall that, but I remember Leddit outright clowning Sega for the fact Japan was even more pissed about NGS's state than Global.

        is the game as fun as old pso2 now or its still giga farm and idle fest?

        It's still PSE Burst Grind, Giga Grind (if you do that, I guess who does though) and AFK with emote spam.

        I only play for sunk cost fallacy purposes at this point, it's clear Sega isn't going to fix shit. So I do my dailies and dip.

        Last I heard Sega were also starting to clamp down on non-Japanese players on JP servers and were planning on tweaking things so that any modification of game files wouldn't be possible either (making playing on JP virtually impossible unless you're able to understand Japanese, and eliminating mods as well) - though this was a while ago now.

        I have a friend that also quit at the same time I did in the middle of 2021 that recently played through all the shit they added since launch and yeah, he basically said the same. From what I can tell based off what he said and what I saw when he streamed it a couple of times just to show the state of things these days, a few things have been added or improved that should have been there at launch but the game STILL barely has any content and still feels unfinished. From what I saw it looks exactly like it did back when it first came out and the game basically rushes you to max level desperately, throwing ridiculous levels of EXP at you just to speed you through the already thin content - and that's not very flattering given how wildly unfinished it was back then.

        >but the game STILL barely has any content and still feels unfinished.
        The twist with the "episode" before this last one was cool. It was hinting that we were possibly going to go to space and the moon station more.

        >Nope, we aren't adding new areas (probably a good thing given the state of the ones they introduced) and you're going back to Ayyyylmao to grind there more. #PlzBeExcited!
        >You aren't getting anything other than instances because we don't have a live service team, we put the ENTIRE dev team on one thing at a time.

        Expect a casino in 2040.

        • 12 months ago

          IP block is back up but Ryuker exists and is working again so it doesn't really matter.

    • 12 months ago

      Last I heard Sega were also starting to clamp down on non-Japanese players on JP servers and were planning on tweaking things so that any modification of game files wouldn't be possible either (making playing on JP virtually impossible unless you're able to understand Japanese, and eliminating mods as well) - though this was a while ago now.

      The content is literally an hour until now, now it'll be 15-30 mins every 1-3 months.

      The drip feeding is insane, and the fact they didn't have a survey after it showed Japan was EVEN MORE PISSED than Global was funny. They just came out with one for the Personal Quarters where I had to spam "ain't nobody using that shit, give us more than PSE burst grinding and trainias to do!" to them. We'll see if they show results on that.

      I have a friend that also quit at the same time I did in the middle of 2021 that recently played through all the shit they added since launch and yeah, he basically said the same. From what I can tell based off what he said and what I saw when he streamed it a couple of times just to show the state of things these days, a few things have been added or improved that should have been there at launch but the game STILL barely has any content and still feels unfinished. From what I saw it looks exactly like it did back when it first came out and the game basically rushes you to max level desperately, throwing ridiculous levels of EXP at you just to speed you through the already thin content - and that's not very flattering given how wildly unfinished it was back then.

      • 12 months ago

        >Last I heard Sega were also starting to clamp down on non-Japanese players on JP servers
        They permanently banned one of their more positive content creators simply for a joke about being a foreigner, as if everything about him didn't already give it away.

        PSO hasn't been PSO since PSOBB, PSO2 is decent but its a shallow mockery of what PSO is supposed to be. At least PSU got a private server where they're willing to make changes because vanilla is ass in all cases of phantasy star. PSO2 doesn't have shit but waiting for Emergency shit and hoping something drops then back to lobby troony degeneracy. People pretending PSO2's assfrick dumpster fire is good because NG is worse is the best joke I've heard in years as a long time series veteran.

        Most people praising PSO2 started with it.

  18. 12 months ago

    >unknown thread
    >made by unknwon youtuber
    >shilling his unknown twitter
    >spreading shitty forced drama
    not getting my engagement numbers
    not getting my clicks
    not even getting the herbs i have growing in my field

    • 12 months ago

      On my way to seal your herbs anon

    • 12 months ago

      but le trannies!!!!!!!!

      • 12 months ago

        but Anon trannies are a problem and by not admitting this you support them. You're not a troony supporter are you?

        have a nice day troony

    • 12 months ago

      but Anon trannies are a problem and by not admitting this you support them. You're not a troony supporter are you?

    • 12 months ago

      Shut the frick up homosexual, I watched his hours long criticism months ago and I don't even play the game. I wanted to see what happened to the game. The OP didn't even shill the youtuber.

  19. 12 months ago

    What stings the most about the fate of ngs is even if they announced eos tomorrow, there wouldn't be enough fans left to give a shit. Between this and every other blow ngs has taken, NA's freakshow problem aside, this game is fricken dead man. Just frickin dead. And it ain't coming back either.

    • 12 months ago

      I had to wait like five minutes a pop doing the "Seasonal quest" despite there being 8 players at the fricking quest desk IN A FULL POPULATED BLOCK.

      The game is beyond dead, and the fact HKZK came out and said "we aren't doing shit" speaks volumes about Sega throwing in the towel.

      At this point going back to base would be the best thing Sega can do. Add more quests there and the game would be WAY more fricking optimized (given it had to run on the Sony Velveeta Shells and Cheese) than NGS. The fricking Sonic quest dropped frames during the jump pads.

      • 12 months ago

        >and the fact HKZK came out and said "we aren't doing shit"
        He hasn't. It's the series producer talking about the future of the game lately. HMZK is completely silent as his style has always been to use everyone around him as a shield. Investors just see a steady number of Japanese players scratching and don't ask any additional questions, while fans focus their hate on whoever shows up in streams and interviews.

  20. 12 months ago

    PSO2 hasn't been good since Ep3.

  21. 12 months ago

    Daily reminder for gwiz to kill is homosexual self.

    • 12 months ago

      40% is high chance, but it's far from 100.

  22. 12 months ago

    Old PSO2 private server when?
    The real reason nobody plays base anymore is that SEGA literally does nothing to support it. Infact, they removed SG from it meaning they actively DON'T want people to play it.
    Private servers could have events, custom-made content, demonetize fashion stuff... it would be so based and I have no doubts that fans would be far more competent than sega at this point. It wouldn't be hard. sega does nothing. Never in my life have I seen such incompetent, out of touch developers. Literal monkeys could do better.

    • 12 months ago

      >hey actively DON'T want people to play it.
      I can't even get 200% instances running anymore and all my last remaining classes are 80+. RIP to getting an easy 10,000,000.

      Shit, all Sega has to do is make Rainbow keys AC or SG and they'd be raking in money on people trying to finish the grind faster on base and NGS. But instead they make level 70 skip passes for the classes on NGS and then raise the cap to call it a day.

  23. 12 months ago

    i’m still pissed the frick off they never did an ultra hard endless with the ep6 bosses. i fricking hate ngs there’s so much more that could have came from the base game, it’s not fair

  24. 12 months ago

    is the game as fun as old pso2 now or its still giga farm and idle fest?

    • 12 months ago

      It's not. There's no point in wasting your time with it.

    • 12 months ago

      >is the game as fun as old pso2 now
      no, and it never will be.

    • 12 months ago

      they just banned some random with the most views for criticising their game from a year ago without any warning. they clearly don't care what people have to say or deserve your time/money.

    • 12 months ago

      We just started round 2 of halpha, we are literally back to aelio doing the same shit at launch

  25. 12 months ago

    >it's actually been 2 years since this piece of shit came out
    Holy shit l mao

    • 12 months ago

      I wonder how many people just completely fricking dropped the game towards the end of July 2021?

      • 12 months ago

        i come back every few months to do random shit on luster in the base game. i couldnt give a single frick to play ng

      • 12 months ago

        I had already considered the base game FUBAR after the ep3-6 clusterfrick, so I just played NGS on JP for 2 days, confirmed that they had learned nothing and were trying to build a game on the bad parts of PSO2 while removing the good parts, then uninstalled it forever.
        They couldn't even bring back the fricking player rooms after so long. Instead you get roblox shit.

  26. 12 months ago

    PSO hasn't been PSO since PSOBB, PSO2 is decent but its a shallow mockery of what PSO is supposed to be. At least PSU got a private server where they're willing to make changes because vanilla is ass in all cases of phantasy star. PSO2 doesn't have shit but waiting for Emergency shit and hoping something drops then back to lobby troony degeneracy. People pretending PSO2's assfrick dumpster fire is good because NG is worse is the best joke I've heard in years as a long time series veteran.

    • 12 months ago

      I still remember first hearing about PSO2 way back when it was first announced, and it was probably the most hyped I ever was for a single video game after having spent a large chunk of my teenage years playing PSO on the Gamecube. Though then it was delayed and then basically cancelled entirely for the west until recently, and even when it did arrive it was still ridden with the cancerous levels of gacha that the JP version had and then some (somehow it's WORSE on Global with all the market bogging). Frankly I'm angry they considered it close enough to PSO to slap the '2' on the end, and then you have NGS which is effectively PSO3 but renamed purely because they were scared whales would suddenly stop buying scratches ahead of time if they released a proper new game (which funnily enough they actually did towards the end of Episode 6, which is likely why they ended up having to fast-track NGS to the extent they did - the game was, and arguably still is, in a alpha state). And then there's the Global team just to throw the icing on that proverbial cake.

      Seeing the game in the state it is now is simultaneously depressing and enraging.

    • 12 months ago

      Base is fine. It's not going to be PSO1 again, but it's serviceable for what it was doing.

      Hell, Episode 6 sort of got the mojo back after 4-5 screwed up. But they threw that aside to run head long into NGS and can't even fricking optimize the games areas after two years.

    • 12 months ago

      I miss PSU. I wonder how much they got paid to do that collab for some shitball gaming website I can't remember.

  27. 12 months ago

    >they rebranded the game to NGS to try to get more players
    >now its rebranded again to ver2


  28. 12 months ago

    >imagine having to wake up everyday as gwiz
    >people on /trash/ hate you for being shit at erp
    >people on /pso2g/ hate you for derailing criticism of the game and censoring criticism of you as a cm
    >the official discord hates you for above too
    >twitter hates you because your shitty forced meme posts are uninformative and having nothing to do with the game's content
    >psoworld hates you so much even mentioning you gets users moderated
    >people in game hate you to the point of refusing to even interact with you
    I'm genuinely impressed hes managed to piss off that many communities and not even atleast be funny, just one sad mother fricker

    • 12 months ago

      The official discord supports him though, however it's quite funny, because some of this people shit talk behind his back on their private discords.

      • 12 months ago

        Well of course, what the frick are they going to do on the "official Discord" where he's a moderator?

      • 12 months ago

        You mean all? If you don't defend him you get a huge Target on your back.

    • 12 months ago

      Mentally ill tend to alienate people, yes.

    • 12 months ago

      If Kiwi Farms wasn't shitting the bed I'd bring up that video where he deadass said something along the lines of wishing to make estrogen mandatory for kids or some shit live on a stream.

      • 12 months ago

        You mean this?

        what did gwizofthestars (sega community manager and /vg/ janny) mean by this? https://files.catbox.moe/q7p1ik.webm

        • 12 months ago

          Yeah that one, guess I overlooked it

  29. 12 months ago

    I cannot get into NGS. It's completely antithesis to how PSO always played. PSO is supposed to be about exploring labyrinthine dungeons. The open world design robbed the game of any necessity to group up for content and made it absolutely nonsensical on how to navigate to progress. That doesn't even touch on how the new lighting engine completely ruined my old PSO2 cosmetics which now look like utter shit.

    I never even beat the first fricking story mission. Literally the first thing you're supposed to do after the tutorial because I can't get strong enough due to them having spread skill points over fricking shrines you need to find across the map, some of which are near high level mobs that are purely damage sponges since now damage numbers don't mean anything apparently and all your damage is now based on percentage?

    Seriously how the frick do you even play this game.

    • 12 months ago

      It's a wasteland of dead content and badly designed systems. Nobody on the dev team with any real power plays the game, so they never once realized how unfun it is or how shit the experience must be for new/returning players.

  30. 12 months ago

    I'm glad that PSO2NGS is such a gigantic flop
    Sega is a Black person troony company and deserves to lose all that money that they've been hemorrhaging

  31. 12 months ago

    >Spending money in the first place
    lol, lmao even.

  32. 12 months ago

    I literally got banned for saying that the community managers gaslighted the player base when they said "Oh no guys. Version 2.0 is a SERIES of updates. It'll be an ERA of PSO2:NGS, not one single 2.0 update" during the Headline +.

    They don't even hide it anymore.

    • 12 months ago

      Deserved it.

  33. 12 months ago

    >finish lvl 200 tpd
    >finish lvl 999 masq
    >finish lvl 100 tpd solo
    >eternal loner title
    feels good being a gameplay chad while rest of playerbase piss and shit their pants

    • 12 months ago

      Then you should have stopped playing ages ago. NGS has nothing worthwhile for gameplay.

    • 12 months ago

      Report to my pq rn

    • 12 months ago

      Holy autism, I do just enough to get the cosmetic then frick off, so it was like 100 for masq for me.

      I have the shitty mask and the moronic edgelord cape as rewards.

  34. 12 months ago

    What happened with this? Did it get any better?
    I really got a great deal of enjoyment in experiencing the condensed content of 10 years of the Japanese game delivered over like a year in the english version PSO2. Really circumvented my usual gripe with having to deal with the drip feed content of living games. But I simply couldn't keep myself occupied, now that we were caught up with Japan and were back to the drip feed.

    • 12 months ago

      Better than NGS launch? Sure.
      Good? Not in the slightest. The devs admitted they have no vision for the game, and even minor fixes take months to implement.

  35. 12 months ago

    >Get god weapons and units in base
    >worthless in NG
    >no easy way to level or grind weapons/units
    >PSE bursts fricking suck
    i havent played since they added the desert. it's just so boring.

    • 12 months ago

      also i miss my old waifus.

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