CS Go Guide

Is there a compherensive guide for CS Go that will teach me things like economy, grande throwing spots, spray patterns, key bindings you need to have etc etc?

I want to get better at CS but I know so little and there is so much for me to learn.

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  1. 11 months ago

    I'm a pro cs player, I charge $100/hr for lessons.

  2. 11 months ago

    I'm LEM in csgo but im still fricking stuck on faceit level 2?? is this normal? my leetify stats say i should be like faceit level 6 or 7 at least. im in NA btw

  3. 11 months ago

    Csgonades . Com is a great site for grenade spots, and throws.

    Workshot maps exist to pratice aiming, and reaction speed. Do like 20 minutes a day, or a few times a week, you'll get better. Do it when you want, don't just stick to these maps forever. I forget the names of the ones I used, but just look at the popular workshop maps on Steam.

    I'm pretty sure there is community guides on steam. I just watched tournament games, to see what high level CS should look like.

    A lot of it is just thinking logically, such as 'if there is one guy left, he could take these two routes, but this one is quicker...'. It's gamesense like checking corners, and being able to either click their head first, or deny their abilities (vision, control of an angle, or whatever). Don't let CSGO eat up all of your time, hackers do exist still, even if they're few, and far in-between for prime players. Just because someone has 'x' amount of hours, or is good, it doesn't mean they're not hacking necessarily, best thing to do is report, and watch the game playback afterwards. Youtube has guides, but I can't think of any to recommend, besides WarOwl, especially thr economy guide he has.

  4. 11 months ago

    There's tons of videos on YouTube. I think warowl used to make tons of tutorial content but I'm not sure anymore
    >I want to get better at CS
    Why though?
    All competitive games are awful full of awful people and cheaters. They are only fun if you have friends to play with
    Cs is notably bad because each match takes a long time and there is a high incidence of cheaters (compared to other games)
    Don't do it anon.

    • 11 months ago

      lol dont listen to this guy man. competitive games are fun af and i dont have any friends to play with and just soloQ

    • 11 months ago

      >each match takes a long time
      they've added a quick competitive mode where each match lasts half the time

  5. 11 months ago

    csgonades is excellent, but you have to practice them a ton to really hammer them into your brain. It's better to just learn a few of the really important ones first instead of trying to memorize as many as possible
    there's workshop maps for spray patterns and aim
    for economy just play matchmaking games. You might make some moronic buys sometimes but you'll get a feel for how it works eventually. Play enough and you'll become good at predicting what the other team's economy is like too

  6. 11 months ago

    learning movement and to shoot is the basis, after that learn shit like where to position yourself, the most basic thing that every silver and gold nova seems to forget is to use cover, always use cover.

    grenade spots, spray patterns and key bindings aren't stuff you should worry about, I went from silver 3 to DMG in a few months without learning a single grenade spot, they're important sure, but you there's more important shit.

    the spray pattern is something you'll have to get used to and just get a "feel" for it, watching youtube videos and trying to learn the entire pattern is worthless, it won't take you 30 bullets to kill someone, only around 3 to 5, and if you haven't killed him by then, then you're already dead and lost the gunfight.

    TLDR: use fricking cover, never be in the open, and just play the game, you'll git gud by just grinding it and muscle memory.

  7. 11 months ago

    the game is casual dont be moronic

  8. 11 months ago

    Play a better game? Like Quake

  9. 11 months ago

    I don’t understand cs. it feels so clunky and finnicky. am I really supposed to stop moving completely every time I want to shoot my gun? how do you avoid just panic shooting when you see someone? it feels like I have to wait 10 minutes after moving in order to hit the broad side of a barn

    • 11 months ago

      are you counter strafing? Just letting go of the movement key is not really enough, and your character will carry momentum. Instead you have to counter that momentum.

      For example, if you are strafing right, let go of the right button, and tap the left button. This will instantly stop you and make your gun accurate instantly.

      A real world example that helps me visualize the momentum/accuracy mechanic, imagine you are playing basketball. Obviously you will shoot the ball better standing still than if you were in motion. Say you are running to your right and have momentum to your right. Before you want to shoot the ball, you will need to shift your weight to your left to come to a faster stop. Once you are still you cant take a much better shot than if you are off balance to your right.

      One other piece of advice, avoid walking diagonally as much as you can. If you are holding D and W to walk forward and to the right, you will have to press A and S to achieve the same instant stop affect. This, in my opinion, is the most important advice when it comes to accuracy and shooting in the game that helped me. You should really only be using diagonals if you are trying to get from point A to B without any anticipated combat, or if you have a gun that you can run with such as an SMG or pistol.

    • 11 months ago

      vooCSGO's videos are actually legit once you get past the complete noob phase

      >how do you avoid just panic shooting when you see someone?
      this stops being a problem once you're more comfortable with using your movement to throw off their aim. You actually have a lot of time to aim if you're moving perpendicular and making it as hard as possible to hit, the tricky part is timing your shots with this evasive movement

  10. 11 months ago

    What rank are you?
    How many hours do you have?

  11. 11 months ago

    what the frick do you mean? are these even real words?

  12. 11 months ago

    CS2 is pretty close and i think to back to competitive but like in coach role.Very experience with excelent knowledge for the game.If you have interest or any questions, you can contact me here in DM or email me on -> [email protected]

  13. 11 months ago

    Since it's a thread for questions, I have one.
    I fired up CSGO one day to go look for some community servers with surf and so on, but all I saw was about 30 or so empty servers that seemed like fishy clones of one another.
    Then I googled "csgo surf servers" and found some sites that provide catalogues of servers for various non-official gamemodes, with ability to connect to them. I played some, then tried searching this server again in-game, but no dice.
    Am I doing something wrong? Are you supposed to use those sites? Is in-game server browser useless and I need to use something else, like downloading maps from workshop and then using "workshop maps" tab in menu?

    • 11 months ago


  14. 11 months ago

    buy aim AI cheats like everyone else or dont bother

    • 11 months ago

      Cheating isn't that bad on faceit, i lose more to toxic af team mates than to cheaters.

      90% of cheaters are brainlets and can't be bothered to use the map to their advantage, trapping them becomes easy even if they got wall hacks.

      Until you're lvl 10 faceit with 2400 elo i wouldn't worry about cheating, if you're good moving up won't be a problem. There's thousands of morons who boost their way to lvl 10 on faceit and play like absolute shit unless the map is Mirage or Inferno.

      Don't bother with MM unless you got a really good team to play with.

  15. 11 months ago

    I just memorize routes and run up behind people. I'm awful and have shit reflexes but can often come out of a s&d style game with 20ish kills, getting friend requests and hate mail. For me shooters are more about memorizing maps and behavior than anything else

    • 11 months ago

      I unironically think there's still a bunch of shit to be done in the meta at the top level by approaching the game from a completely different perspective

  16. 11 months ago

    If you are older than 16-17 it's too late to get into this great game

    • 11 months ago

      Shit well at least there's Source and 1.6

      • 11 months ago

        I mean into this specific shooter series as a whole, takes too much skill that oldheads just can't measure up

  17. 11 months ago

    idk if this is obvious, but there IS a difference between mindlessly dming and grinding dm with the caveat you are practicing different aspects of your mechanics. This past year I have consistently been climbing to the top of the leaderboards on my dm servers, learning new ways to take gunfights and winning fights I never thought I'd be able to win. You still have to be able to implement this stuff into a real game which is a whole other thing, but I feel like people are way too quick to dismiss the value of dm

    • 11 months ago

      how do you make sure you arent mindlessly dming and are grinding?

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