>current players are 80% bots. >the tf2 peak was because of bots

>current players are 80% bots
>the tf2 peak was because of bots
has it been more over for tf2?

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  1. 1 month ago

    OW will never be better.

    • 1 month ago

      It is in every way

  2. 1 month ago

    tf2 players will whine about bots 24/7 but refuse to host and play on community servers

    • 1 month ago

      they do host community servers though, unfortunately the biggest are hosted by trannies and their sympathizers like uncle dane

      • 1 month ago

        so host a different one

        • 1 month ago
          • 1 month ago

            guy who is too moronic to host a tf2 server posts this image

      • 1 month ago

        Why the frick don't you host your own? Every dumb homosexual that b***hes about "NAZI MODS BANNED ME FOR NO RAISIN!!!!!!!!!!!!" Could just host their own fricking server. But they're too fricking lazy

    • 1 month ago

      delfy killed his server, there are no good ones left.
      No i refuse to badwater with sweaty troons

      • 1 month ago

        I play on a ton of popular community servers and I see people roasting trannies on mic and chat all the time so idk what homosexual ass servers you mfs are playing on

    • 1 month ago

      they do host community servers though, unfortunately the biggest are hosted by trannies and their sympathizers like uncle dane

      so host a different one


      I fricking hate valve wiener suckers

      • 1 month ago

        >users refuse to do the thing that would instantly solve their problem for no reason
        yeah it's their fault

      • 1 month ago

        how does that make me a valve wiener sucker? valve doesn't properly host their own servers, so users make their own which are mostly run by trannies and these same trannies are the ones denying any fault on valves part.
        its probably because they like their new safe spaces.

      • 1 month ago

        The tools are there for you to solve the problem. Do you know what Valve could do to "Save TF2?" Retool the main menu so that the game directs you to play on community servers. That's it.

        It's annoying as shit watching TF2 fans b***h and moan about how their game is dying because matchmaking doesn't work when they actually have an alternative option. So many modern games don't have that luxury. Anyone who isn't a 100% pureblooded consumer who doesn't care about games beyond playing whatever their friends are playing has at least one game they like that's dead forever because of end of service and TF2 will unironically never have to deal with that. You even have a source code leak that Valve doesn't give a shit about enforcing so you can continue to patch the game yourselves in modded versions if valve explodes and security slowly becomes an issue unto infinity. What's the fricking problem?

        • 1 month ago

          >Do you know what Valve could do to "Save TF2?" Retool the main menu so that the game directs you to play on community servers. That's it.
          I frankly wouldn't want sniper bots to be randomly connecting to my server, although at least I could hope to mass ban them if they have the same IP.

          But I genuinely don't get how so many people don't know that community servers exist.
          Community servers are generally better than casual since they don't have bots, you vote for a new map mid match (or it's a 24/7), and they will be able to run thousands of unique maps without needing Valve to officially add it to the game.

          Honestly the stupidest excuse I have seen people use to defend Valve is when they say that Valve added 14 maps to the game, no they did not. The sole intern who maintains TF2 literally went to the workshop and added the top maps from his favorite creators. Which literally anyone who operates a community server can do.

          • 1 month ago

            I mean the issue with griefers, cheaters, and anyone like that who gets off on the power of unfairly ruining someone else's day from a safe distance is that dealing with them is always going to be whack-a-mole. TF2's problems are because Valve has negative interest in playing Whack-a-mole, they want to work on whatever they feel like that day because they have infinite money.

            Community server owners are doing it out of passion so they're more willing to do the work of keeping bots out.

        • 1 month ago

          >decide to host a server
          >spend a considerable amount of time to make it decent
          >no one can even find it because the server browser is constantly being spammed by dogshit "server networks" like skial that host hundreds of servers while I just have a single one
          >most of the playerbase will ignore it because they're either using quickplay or already have a bunch of servers in their favorites and don't even use the browser anymore
          >I now have to spend even more time and effort to shill my server everywhere I can because who wants to join an empty server when they can join literally any other one
          >I spend money because running a server has a cost associated with it
          >I also have to constantly be a janny because anticheat is basically non-existent in TF2
          >all of this just to play fricking cp_dustbowl
          gee I wonder why most people don't bother

          • 1 month ago

            People aren't ignoring your server because nobody's looking you fat queer (they are). Your server is empty because you are a moron with shit taste and everyone else like you is glued to uncletopia.

            • 1 month ago

              I fricking hate dustbowl but if I leave it out of the voting pool they'll simply go somewhere else because for some reason people want to play this dogshit map
              there are literal thousands of better custom made maps but no one wants to play them

      • 1 month ago

        >TF2 existed just fine as a video game for 10~years where we only had community servers
        >fast forward to today
        >zoomers literally dont know how to navigate a video game outside of clicking "matchmake"
        >somehow this secondary garbage is being treated as the main way to play TF2 by people who started playing it in the last few years

        • 1 month ago

          There's a reason why console garbage adopted matchmaking over server browsers.
          The average user is a drooling moron, we lost the ability to curate our own gaming experience in favor of shiny red button

        • 1 month ago

          that's because valve removed quickplay and replaced it with matchmaking. before that you could connect to a community server randomly, now you only join valve servers and have to search for community servers manually, that's why lots of them died out

    • 1 month ago

      >but refuse to host and play on community servers
      It's the only way to play anymore. Pubs are too bot infested to bother, but with community servers, people find a server they like and just stick with it, so you'll say "Nobody plays on community servers" because they won't join YOUR server, but there's hundreds of people playing on particular servers.

    • 1 month ago

      >Doesnt know about the secret vtuber server

    • 1 month ago

      As far as Valve's end goes, it would be as simple as updating the anti-cheat measures that are already in TF2. Its never something that can 100% be fixed, but it is a step in the right direction, which they have not really done so far.

      The only ones who Valve actually does anything about are griefers since they usually are just exploiting a bug, which could be as simple a changing a single line of code or adding a func_no_build to a map.

      >TF2 doesn't have 60k people in game all day, at most it has 30k during the peak hours of the day, AT MOST.
      I reread my posts and I have no idea where you even got the idea I'm talking about this from
      In fact, I even said it's 30k in another thread. You did misquote, I'm gonna assume you did because otherwise you seem cognitively issued.

      >, I even said it's 30k in another thread.
      > You did misquote,
      You are replying to another anon, thinking its me. Also how the frick are we supposed to know you said 30K in another thread, if you disagree with the claim that TF2 has only around 15,000 to 30,000 active daily players we are going to have to assume that you mean the figures Steam charts provides unless you say otherwise.

  3. 1 month ago

    If you unironically engage with match making shit you deserve to be shoved in a lobby with cheating bots.

  4. 1 month ago

    Game has been dead since 2011. The sad thing is most of the zoomies on Ganker probably only got into it longer after it became a live service hat trading game.

  5. 1 month ago

    same with cs2, it's all botted. both games are dead

  6. 1 month ago

    >most giftapults land into the hands of bots

  7. 1 month ago

    >teamwork.tf gays got some D-list eceleb to parrot their bullshit again

    • 1 month ago

      >screenshotting your own post.

      • 1 month ago

        you think that's the embarrassing part? imagine thinking that the guy botting sells on the community market place. its obvious its bought and sold on separate websites.

    • 1 month ago

      >These player numbers totally make sense bro!!!!

    • 1 month ago

      >t. what is scrap metal from weapon drops

      • 1 month ago

        its estimated that most of these idlers only sit in main menu for the crate drops and not in servers for weapon drops to for metal crafting since it takes a really long time to get a refined metal. what this poster failed to comprehend is that these cases are traded not sold on the community market place, which would be moronic since it just gives you money on steam.

    • 1 month ago

      You are very stupid

      • 1 month ago

        have a nice day, moronic Black person spammer.


    • 1 month ago

      >t. what is scrap metal from weapon drops

      not only that but you also have bots that squat every raffle website and claim everything they manage to win, steal inventories from API scammed accounts or steal saxons? Selling cases isn't the only way to make passive profit in tf2. all you need to do is type "how to make money in tf2" on youtube and write the bots to do exactly what the tutorials say.
      This entire post creates an alternate reality universe where the only way to make money on tf2 is to sell cases, just to make their argument sound believable. If you have <=100IQ you can easily pick up on this mistake and see this entire post collapse like the WTC

    • 1 month ago

      So how exactly is teamwork.tf wrong?
      Its only showing players who are in game at the present moment?

      Also, those bots could also be trading, and when you got 7000 traders simultaneously you can actually rig prices with artificially demand and scarcity.
      Hell the fricking NYSE is largely botted for a similar reason.
      Just because you can't believe it doesn't make it not happening.

      It even makes more sense if these bot farms are hosted in countries where energy is cheap and the value of these virtual items is worth a lot more and you don't have to provide information to an organization like the IRS after 200 trades. Like Russia, India, Argentina, or Turkey; which is probably where they are from anyway.

      He only broke reddit which kept sucking Valve's wiener for some reason
      He's a tftuber thoughsobeitly

      Yeah and you believe TF2 has at least 60,000 people in game at any given moment. Which makes you more moronic.

      • 1 month ago

        >Yeah and you believe TF2 has at least 60,000 people in game at any given moment. Which makes you more moronic.
        Misquote or brain damage?

        • 1 month ago

          Misquote? No that is what Steam's player charts would suggest for a typical day.

        • 1 month ago

          TF2 doesn't have 60k people in game all day, at most it has 30k during the peak hours of the day, AT MOST.

          So how exactly is teamwork.tf wrong?
          Its only showing players who are in game at the present moment?

          Also, those bots could also be trading, and when you got 7000 traders simultaneously you can actually rig prices with artificially demand and scarcity.
          Hell the fricking NYSE is largely botted for a similar reason.
          Just because you can't believe it doesn't make it not happening.

          It even makes more sense if these bot farms are hosted in countries where energy is cheap and the value of these virtual items is worth a lot more and you don't have to provide information to an organization like the IRS after 200 trades. Like Russia, India, Argentina, or Turkey; which is probably where they are from anyway.

          Yeah and you believe TF2 has at least 60,000 people in game at any given moment. Which makes you more moronic.

          it's confirmed that most of the botnets are run in Russia.

          • 1 month ago

            >it's confirmed that most of the botnets are run in Russia.
            Figures, you have to be living in a country that is so poor that even a $0.03/sale is considered lucrative and has cheap energy.

            God, I simultaneously love and hate Russia.

          • 1 month ago

            >TF2 doesn't have 60k people in game all day, at most it has 30k during the peak hours of the day, AT MOST.
            I reread my posts and I have no idea where you even got the idea I'm talking about this from
            In fact, I even said it's 30k in another thread. You did misquote, I'm gonna assume you did because otherwise you seem cognitively issued.

            • 1 month ago

              I replied to wrong person yeah

    • 1 month ago

      >minimum amount of money you can provide to steam is 5$
      that's only if you want funds in the Steam wallet, you can buy anything listed on Steam for the price shown

    • 1 month ago

      This is wrong in so many levels, who even wrote this shit?

  8. 1 month ago

    Non-issue Non-ironically.
    Just play on private/community servers. You DO meet the account requirements to play on those servers, right anon?
    >inb4 "honey, there's trannies in my server"
    great. someone to target, dominate and ruin their day. You're good enough at tf2 to stomp a troony, right anon?

  9. 1 month ago

    Tf2 was never good

  10. 1 month ago

    >most of the bot farms are in Russia

    • 1 month ago

      Not quite. Most botters are polishmen that use services that are hosted in russia by other polishmen, since it's easier to host there than in their own c**t

  11. 1 month ago

    Old news since 2017, still liked because Zesty thoughsoeverbeittheless

  12. 1 month ago

    nu-TF2 players are so dumb holy shit.

    • 1 month ago

      newbies don't know how incompetent Valve has been for at least a decade with this game.
      They probably think Valve that made the game is the same Valve as now.

  13. 1 month ago

    As a *sniffs violently with one nostril* TF2 player with over 3500-ish hours,
    I don't care.

    • 1 month ago

      what happened to the second nostril?

      • 1 month ago

        traded it for an unusual

  14. 1 month ago

    why do people lie, it's about 60-70% of players are bots, not 80%.

    It is sad still yeah but come on let's be truthful

  15. 1 month ago

    Try 90%, same with CS2. Most casual lobbies are just farming bots and they're the vast majority of "players"

  16. 1 month ago

    Zesty broke the community in one video

    • 1 month ago

      He only broke reddit which kept sucking Valve's wiener for some reason

      >troonyfortress mindbroken by a fricking Asukagay

      He's a tftuber thoughsobeitly

  17. 1 month ago

    >troonyfortress mindbroken by a fricking Asukagay

  18. 1 month ago

    >current players are 80% bots
    >the tf2 peak was because of bots
    Wow fricking shocking.

    It was unbelievable that people actually thought that TF2 was more popular than ever. I can't remember the last time I saw a person who wasn't a hyper TF2 autist even talk about the game. Like, just use your eyes. Have some vague awareness of the cultural zeitgeist. The game's prime was over ten years ago.

  19. 1 month ago

    >finally uninstalled tf2
    its over over

    • 1 month ago

      >uninstalled over years old news
      bet you barely played anyways

  20. 1 month ago

    is there a fandom more delusional than tf2 troons?
    every thread about this video has been pure schizo babble

    • 1 month ago

      Looks like reasonable discourse from me. You seem to hyperfocus on one gay who's incomprehensible though, not surprising since you seem more interested in shitposting than anything else.

    • 1 month ago

      Looks like reasonable discourse from me. You seem to hyperfocus on one gay who's incomprehensible though, not surprising since you seem more interested in shitposting than anything else.

      people on Ganker get crazy and call each other Black person over the smallest things don't act like this shit is awe inspiring, it's not impressive how dumb the conversation is, it's normal, if it's not tf2 then it'd be a black woman in a game or a gacha game having breasts less smaller than normal or complaining about Elden Ring being open world or something.
      People get crazy and sperg out about everything, don't act like we should be above that because we all already know that we aren't, this place of the internet is made for garbage discourse and that's what anyone should expect.

    • 1 month ago

      sunk cost fallacy, these people spend thousands of hours and money in the game and now have to delude themselves into thinking that this game is actually alive and not infested with bots

      • 1 month ago

        30k for a 17 year old game is alive tho
        the cope was morons thinking the 200k was real and not bots idling in the menu for new crate drops

        • 1 month ago

          Try 7K, iTF2 hardly ever crosses 10K nowadays. The numbers are dwindling year by year as legitimate players leave the game because of lack of support and the rampant bot crisis making the game unplayable.

          • 1 month ago

            Zesty already addressed play count in his video, that's outdated

  21. 1 month ago

    This adhd zoomer shooter was never good

    • 1 month ago

      what does zoomer even mean anymore

    • 1 month ago

      This game came out when zoomers were still shitting their diapers.

  22. 1 month ago

    People are still playing TF2? I stopped in like 2012. It's been twelve years . . . it's been seventeen years since the game came out.

  23. 1 month ago

    let's all remember that often times tf2 items are used to launder CS2 items, the valve economy is shady shit, even if item cases don't produce that much money they can still be useful for people running networks of scams or bots in other valve games.

  24. 1 month ago

    tf2 was over 10 years ago

  25. 1 month ago

    players are 80% bots

    • 1 month ago

      people use valve apis to count the players in community and casual servers and it's nowhere near the steam's official player count
      steam playercount charts are irregular and don't have a consistent pattern like every normal healthy videogame
      player counts massively spike and drop within short timespans which doesn't happen in normal games outside of tuesday maint and game server maint times

  26. 1 month ago

    what do you call that specific type of mask spy wears?

    • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      it's a balaclava, although in spy's case it appears to be form-fitting and very thin

      • 1 month ago


        kk, i thought due to the different eye opening and the batman like mouth opening itd have a different name.

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