Cyberpunk 2077 sequel "Project Orion"

Now that CDPR announced they're working on a sequel to Cyberpunk 2077, what would you like to see in a Cyberpunk 2078?
Here's mine:
>blank slate protag
>less rigid storyline
>story missions that focus more on various playstyles than on being cinematic
>more verticality in the game world (like dogtown had in PL)
>cyberware that actually shows on your character (synthskin optional)
>don't make every single random story npc immortal/impossible to attack
>at least a fallout 4 tier character creation with various body types (not sex being called a bodytype)
Perhaps the biggest one:
>an honest marketing team
Hopefully they'll know better than to overhype it with features they'll never implement this time. The gameplay in PL is actually quite fun.

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  1. 5 months ago

    >The biggest disaster launch for a video game of all time
    >All of the original team that created the studio is
    >Showing fake gameplay, suppressing reviews, schilling for ESG investments

    Imagine being enough of a shit eater to care about this studio or a sequel for this game.

    • 5 months ago

      Some people like different games than you do.

      • 5 months ago

        can any autist explain how to play a single player story driven game for 1000 hours
        i've finished some game bundles multiple times and i still don't have that many hours

        • 5 months ago

          New builds, just enjoying the gameplay loop.

        • 5 months ago

          Replays, challenge runs, maybe it's a particularly large game so you can do 100+ hours or something per file.
          Someone would have to no life it but I could see 1000 hours in cyberpunk being possible if someone's just been playing since release and making new characters over and over.

        • 5 months ago

          Actual mental moronation, there's not 20 hours of worthwhile content in cyberpunk

          • 5 months ago

            Did hyperbole and pretending to be moronic get popular because it gets attention?
            Do you have a (You) addiction?

            • 5 months ago

              For somebody to put 1000 hours into cyberpunk they'd genuinely have to have something wrong with them mentally. No cap frfr.

              there is no surer sign that somebody is fricked

              • 5 months ago

                I'm not moronic like you so I don't have a massive grudge against the game, I wouldn't do it, but people put more hours into actual trash like cs and dota

              • 5 months ago

                I know you're mentally moronic but multiplayer games have an infinite amount of possibilities. This piece of shit game has less than 20 hours of worthwhile content. Probably closer to 10. So ALL that time is some moron driving around the barren city jerking his wiener for 1000 hours. That's something a mental moron would do

              • 5 months ago

                You said I'm mentally moronic then undercut your own argument 3 seconds later with moronic hyperbole, why should I treat you like anything other than a moron? Why are you even blowing this much time on a game that supposedly has so little to it?

              • 5 months ago

                >NOOOOO YOU'RE moronic
                fricking moron, lmao. That is your playtime isn't it, that's why you're so mad

          • 5 months ago
            • 5 months ago

              no johnny chungus I don't think I will

            • 5 months ago

              im literally johnny silverhand

        • 5 months ago

          I have 400hours because I like to turn up the volume and soak up the atmosphere around NC sometimes when I'm high

    • 5 months ago

      >>All of the original team that created the studio is
      Why do people always say this? No matter what studio, Ganker always claims the entire old devteam had left if the new game sucks.
      In reality CDPR just relied too much on crutches from W3 which don't suit the game they're trying to make. It's 6/10 with PL, nothing special. I'm cautiously pessimistic about the sequel though.

      • 5 months ago

        In all fairness, most people contract. I've never worked with the same dev team consistently.

      • 5 months ago

        >Why do people always say this?
        Because they're clueless. In big studios well over 50% of the dev team are temporary contracts hired to work on specific parts of a project. Studio can't afford to have people idling for years. Maybe they'll need engine devs first, then gameplay designers, artists later. So the composition of the team evolves over the year.s
        Applies to all studios.

        Besides, whether developper #2353 left the studio does not matter in the slightest, these people have little to no decision power on the design, writing and overall direction taken for the final product.
        When a game director or lead writer leaves, that's more concerning.

        • 5 months ago

          Key staff behind RED Engine left after W3 which is why 2077 had a lot of issues.

          • 5 months ago

            RED Engine is dropped in favour of Unreal for various reasons other than just devs leaving.
            Since game devs are now all trained on Unreal or Unity, it's far more convenient and cheaper to switch the studio to these general purpose engines.

            It's a byproduct of zoomers entering the market by learning an engine first before learning how to program.

    • 5 months ago

      Cyberpunk was only bad if you were a PS4 console pleb.
      It ran fine on my machine.

      • 5 months ago

        NTA, I first played when it was already stable and the lack of promised features was jarring. In particular the fact you couldn't adjust the way your character looks once you left the creation screen.
        Took them months to let you change hairstyle at a mirror, and then some more to actually include cosmetic surgery (which is featured in the game lol) and it still didn't have tatoos for whatever reason. Only PL fully restored it.
        It was just really underbaked. If it was just glitchy, people would have forgiven them. Witcher 3 released as a bugfest too but noone remembers that.
        Cyberpunk being just another glitchy release is a helpful narrative for CDPR, much better than false advertising.

      • 5 months ago

        even if you're 100% correct, they still marketed the game as being playable on ps4 and xbone first before PS5 and series x.

        • 5 months ago

          30 fps at 720p with constant drops to the low 20 is considered playable by console standards.

          • 5 months ago

            thats 30 fps at 720p with constant graphical issues

    • 5 months ago

      >The biggest disaster launch for a video game of all time
      We're talking about LOTR Gollum, right?

      • 5 months ago

        Gollum didn't have much hype, it's difficult to compare anything to CDPR post W3. Maybe Rockstar, but that's it.

        • 5 months ago

          Fallout 76 exists.

          • 5 months ago

            Todd had zero credibility by the time 76 released.
            And if you got hyped for some always online FOMO fallout 4 expansion pack you only have yourself to blame.

            • 5 months ago

              Everyone were hyped as frick for it.
              And better yet, the same morons were then hyped for Starfield because huur duur Todd didn't actually make F76, it was the C team and the A team is doing Starfield.

              • 5 months ago

                ESL, starfield dropped below the skyrim playerbase like a month after release. The only thing that keeps bethesda afloat is the franchises they own.
                Starfield didn't have nearly as much hype as 2077 had.

              • 5 months ago

                >something something player numbers after a month
                Sorry, I don't understand your moronic zoomer metrics.
                You're telling me you weren't shitposting about how "dead" Cyberpunk was after a month as well?

              • 5 months ago

                Do you not understand what being hyped is? Hint: it has nothing to do with what happens after the fricking release.

            • 5 months ago

              Don't kid yourself. He had plenty of credibility among normalgays for Fallout 3, New Vegas (they don't know what Obsidian is), Skyrim. Fallout 4 didn't quite have the staying power of Skyrim, but it still sold really well. Hell, even plenty of morons here considered his games good.

            • 5 months ago

              >And if you got hyped for some always online FOMO fallout 4 expansion pack you only have yourself to blame.
              And if you got hyped for Witcher with guns and cars, you only have yourself to blame.
              How's that homosexual?

              • 5 months ago

                Yeah, I pretty much agree. But they didn't advertise it as such.

              • 5 months ago

                They didn't advertise F76 like that either, yet somehow you "saw through it".

              • 5 months ago

                They said it was always online but you could play it 'solo'
                You could make the same claim about GTA V. I'm sorry you're just gullible and can't understand corpo doublespeak. I'm sure a few more dissappointing releases will hone your skills.

              • 5 months ago

                huh? Are you sure you're replying to the correct post?

      • 5 months ago

        We're talking about starfield.

    • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      But enought talking about Starfield.

  2. 5 months ago

    The campaign should be at least 100 hours long, 500+ side quests, and 2500 sq mi city

    • 5 months ago

      Depends entirely on the quality. If it's act 1 all over again, with all the same tedious unskippable garbage, then I'll just enjoy the gigs and never progress.

      • 5 months ago

        Gigs were Witcher 3 contracts with less storytelling behind them.
        >go there, go stealth or guns blazing, kill/steal/liberate someone or something, done.

        • 5 months ago

          Yep, and that's what I liked.
          However, Witcher 3 doesn't have as many gameplay types. Gigs can be done stealthly, guns blazing and sometimes even diplomatically. Your stats also affect whatever approach you can go with, a high tech or body stat can allow you to use an otherwise unavailable passage.
          There's a gig in the badlands that I really liked. There's a big satelite compound filled with goons, but as a netrunner I just hacked into their camera and through it overloaded their generator. Gig complete in one nanosecond, couldn't be done as a different build.
          More open design like this would be great.

          • 5 months ago

            That type of design applied throughout and expanded upon would indeed be great. Even more reason to go linear.

            RED Engine is dropped in favour of Unreal for various reasons other than just devs leaving.
            Since game devs are now all trained on Unreal or Unity, it's far more convenient and cheaper to switch the studio to these general purpose engines.

            It's a byproduct of zoomers entering the market by learning an engine first before learning how to program.

            This was a concession they had to make after the fact. Without the proper designers around, RED Engine is just too time consuming and costly to train new talent in. Everyone learns Unreal so they just moved to that. I dread to think of the performance on the next game because of it.

      • 5 months ago

        I just wish they'd have some fallout-tier skips you could do by knowing where to go.
        Its such a pain in the ass to start a new game in cyberpunk and having to go through the beginning half of the game.

        • 5 months ago

          Yep, act 1 is honestly a slog. It's like one of those overly long game intros (ironically enough, cyberpunk also has one) with a very limited open world and a pretty long questline. But I guess if they just let you explore the full map, by the time you'd do the heist you'd be a demigod who could crush smasher like a tin can (even though you probably could anyway)

        • 5 months ago

          Yep, act 1 is honestly a slog. It's like one of those overly long game intros (ironically enough, cyberpunk also has one) with a very limited open world and a pretty long questline. But I guess if they just let you explore the full map, by the time you'd do the heist you'd be a demigod who could crush smasher like a tin can (even though you probably could anyway)

          It's basically like this:
          >do the lifepath quest (lenght varies, but still a fully fledged main mission for all of them)
          >now you gotta save a random chick from scavs with Jackie before you freeroam
          >tons of unskippable scenes
          >you're free to go now, but everyone's calling you every nanosecond and you gotta talk to jackie to get your car, thus pushing you into another quest
          Then the game still has the narrative urgency of the shard killing you, which doesn't help on your first playthrough. But the worst segement would have to be the heist one, specifically after you get 'killed'. Total slog, very long. Makes you think why they even bothered to make it open world if they're so unwilling to let you free.

          • 5 months ago

            True. It makes a 45 min segment feel like 3 hours. It just keeps going.

            • 5 months ago

              The lifepath quests were more than enough, they should have just made the rescue the first story mission. It'd clash with the watson lockdown but... who gives a shit? The lockdown was stupid anyway, never happens to a district again.

  3. 5 months ago

    I hope they deliver on coop or an online multiplayer mode, would be fun to drive around with chooms.

    • 5 months ago

      Maybe, but it'd probably just devolve into another GTA online grindfest.

    • 5 months ago

      Hell no

  4. 5 months ago

    >silent protag
    >Classes that impact how I talk and how I'm perceived
    But I don't expect those things from cdprojekt

  5. 5 months ago

    make the next game third person and soul-like
    just like

    let it die

    which is almost a cyberpunk game + soul like.

    make it vertical and several times less horizontal

    that mean remove cars and make the game more about moving of foot

    thats it my 2 cents

    vertical soul like third person and less sandbox

  6. 5 months ago

    Assuming it has to be open world again

    >Better direction, this was the first game's fatal flaw
    >Better synthesis between the main story, side quests, gigs, in-game economy
    >Height sliders, weight, musculature etc. and it all plays a part in game, even if its just some comments, some flings
    >More things to do in the city, hit up an arcade, go clubbing, get some BDs, drugs, drinking, really nail feeling of living it up in the city
    >Which leads to a story isn't as oppressive and urgent as 2077's (story clash is nothing new in vidya but in 2077's case it felt worse)
    >More sex appeal, more opportunities for sex, its a degenerate future but 2077 had extremely little of the sex side of things
    >Ideally streamline the attributes and perks to be more like Deus Ex, let us spec directly into the thing we want so pistols, SMGs etc. as well as Stealth, hacking, convo
    >This also leads to better cyberware and augmentation to enhance the build
    >Tighten up the driving so its better to control

    Ideally though it'd be something different from 2077. Not a big open world checklist game but a linear game. This allows them to laser focus the level design, the narrative, the choices and consequences, the combat, the stealth, the cyberware. A globetrotting adventure of intrigue, conspiracy, danger. Some levels are large open areas like a city district, full of side content and exploration. While some are bases, headquarters, camps, properly linear stuff.

    • 5 months ago

      I genuinely liked Cyberpunk because I clocked 100 hours in it, but it was so... bland I barely remember anything from it.

      Also, free roam in this game just sucks, it's boring, which is a shame.

      • 5 months ago

        I think that is due to the lack of synthesis I spoke of. Independently, all the pieces are there and work very well but once together it just feels lacking.

        While I'd like more side-quests that experiment with branching choices and different playstyles (especially a few more that relate to your origin of choice) I don't think I'd drop all of the protagonist's characterization.

        Love it or hate it, I personally liked V's personal conflict and the malleable dynamic they had with Johnny. My only real gripe is that I would have liked more options for the final ending. And maybe a main quest that doesn't have a dire enough time limit that it doesn't make sense to take your time exploring and doing side gigs.

        I think urgency of the main quest plays into the issues too. Story clash is too strong in 2077. We have about a month left once Act 2 kicks off but you can spend all that time fricking around but the game doesn't end as far as I'm aware. Perhaps enforcing a time limit would have made the story hit a lot harder and make us have to choose between staying ill equipped and outfitted but make progress in recovery or do side stuff to get money and gear but lose out on opportunities.

        • 5 months ago

          The whole dying thing is just not a good fit for this kind of game. Red Dead 2 had Arthur catch TB which actually made him weaker, but in a game like cyberpunk it'd just be annoying to have permanent debuffs on your minmaxxed character.
          So you just have a God tier character who has occasional attacks (in story missions only) that make them unable to even walk, but the second they end you can take down adam smasher in a nanosecond flat.

        • 5 months ago

          I can appreciate that people think it waters down the impact of the main story's supposed time limit when you're able to bumble around doing random gigs for cash, but I wouldn't personally want to be told that the whole game was on a constant ticking clock while exploring.

          Half the fun is taking your time enjoying random side-stories, customizing different builds, and taking in the atmosphere of the city. Not fast traveling from main mission to main mission until you're done.

          • 5 months ago

            I think that is due to the lack of synthesis I spoke of. Independently, all the pieces are there and work very well but once together it just feels lacking.

            I think urgency of the main quest plays into the issues too. Story clash is too strong in 2077. We have about a month left once Act 2 kicks off but you can spend all that time fricking around but the game doesn't end as far as I'm aware. Perhaps enforcing a time limit would have made the story hit a lot harder and make us have to choose between staying ill equipped and outfitted but make progress in recovery or do side stuff to get money and gear but lose out on opportunities.

            This shit would be so easy to fix.
            Leave all the side gigs and gang related shit for the start of the game before raiding the Arasaka Tower, and then after the player have exhausted all the side content and become the best runner in town, a prerequisite to continue the game, do the raide. After that the game becomes more linear with everything being about the player trying to survive.

            Lots of RPG in the past would do this. Have the open world at the start and do a more linear thing at the end.

            • 5 months ago

              it'd make more sense that way tbh
              like i get that V, Jackie, and T-Bug had been working together for a few months, but with how Dex was hyped up (plus hitting Arasaka in general), it still felt way too soon for something of that magnitude considering you'd barely have any chrome and you're 21k in debt

      • 5 months ago

        >but it was so... bland I barely remember anything from it.

  7. 5 months ago

    I know you're just gonna RP some joytoy prostitute atleast one playthrough
    dont frickin lie

    • 5 months ago

      I did a shadowrun esque larp

  8. 5 months ago

    I thought they did pretty well with their voiced protag lines, it never really disturbed any roleplaying.
    I would still love a literal who for a protag instead of the chosen one we got in 2077

    Also more weapon types. Smart weapons had so much potential but they all just felt the same.

    • 5 months ago

      >Also more weapon types. Smart weapons had so much potential but they all just felt the same.
      guns will never be fun if they keep casualing ammo systems

  9. 5 months ago

    Implement the big mystery in Gold, instead of claiming it to be solvable while not adding the solution until 2.00

  10. 5 months ago

    Hi, CDPR R&D team! Thank you for valuing our feedback!

    Less rigid storyline is what I'd like to see the most. I don't mind having a set protagonist (be it Nameless One, Geralt, V, or Henry), especially since it's clearly what CDPR is comfortable with doing, although giving them slightly more variety in responses and attitude based on the background would be be nice.
    Also, the storyline in the original feels kind of unpolished with strange tone changes between neighboring sentences, plot points that have been barely been introduced being utilized full force, and strange cuts to static. It's not a deal breaker, but I'd like the sequel to feel better in that regard.
    Less cinematic setpieces and more reactivity based on your build in main quests would be nice as well.
    Since the game will be likely set in Night City once more, I also want them to expand on its depth with more enterable buildings, including megabuildings.

    Otherwise, honestly, I'd be perfectly fine with the sequel being more of the same with minor QoL changes. They have a good foundation as of now.

  11. 5 months ago

    so are we gonna get an actual RPG now or are they again scrapping every promise half way through because of the success of GTA VI this time and try to emulate that?

  12. 5 months ago

    Cyberpunk Project "Onions"
    0 faith with nu-cd project red but i will buy it anyway on discount if i can't pirate it.

  13. 5 months ago

    While I'd like more side-quests that experiment with branching choices and different playstyles (especially a few more that relate to your origin of choice) I don't think I'd drop all of the protagonist's characterization.

    Love it or hate it, I personally liked V's personal conflict and the malleable dynamic they had with Johnny. My only real gripe is that I would have liked more options for the final ending. And maybe a main quest that doesn't have a dire enough time limit that it doesn't make sense to take your time exploring and doing side gigs.

    • 5 months ago

      >And maybe a main quest that doesn't have a dire enough time limit that it doesn't make sense to take your time exploring and doing side gigs.
      playing through it again I find it funny that this complaint all comes from a single line Victor throws at you where he mentions the ever elusive two weeks. All they had to do was not give a specific time frame, just that its going to happen sometime soon and nobody could complain as it means however long V takes in the city

  14. 5 months ago

    No Night City, no buy.

  15. 5 months ago

    I don't know how exactly it'd be implemented in random side content, but I think it'd be fun if we were actually part of a long-term gang, rather than just running as a solo merc.

    I really liked the Arasaka heist. The idea of working with a team of unique specialists and juggling loyalties to different benefactors and seeing how playing sides benefits you or bites you in the ass. Like choosing whether or not to side with Parker, or to rat her out to Dex. I'd like a system that expands on that with long term consequences and branching relationships within your team.

    • 5 months ago

      It's been a while since I played them but the shadowrun games nailed the feeling of being part of a crew taking what jobs you could, and I'm fairly sure there were missions you could only do with certain companions or having them there allowed certain routes etc.

      They're good fun and currently on sale on steam

      • 5 months ago

        It's been ages since I played Shadowrun games as well, but aren't they using cyberpunk more for aesthetics than anything?
        >inb4 cyberpunk is aesthetics
        Shut the frick up, Gibson is correct.

        • 5 months ago

          I don't think it's too different thematically, other than the literal elves and magic - megacorps are still megacorps and people either wageslave for a corp or live like shit on the fringes of society.
          I guess it's a little less completely fricked than cyberpunk and you're less likely to be ganked by gangsters on your daily commute.

          • 5 months ago

            >megacorps are still megacorps and people either wageslave for a corp or live like shit on the fringes of society
            Perhaps. That said, I was under the impression that dragons were the ultimate string-pullers of the Shadowrun universe.

            >I guess it's a little less completely fricked than cyberpunk
            To be fair, I like 2077's storyline for this exact reason. It feels like a deconstructions of the setting of sorts. Frick corpos? Well, Johnny went and nuked Arasaka, so much good that did him. You can't win, you piece of shit.
            However, yeah, Shadowrun is not as fricked.

            • 5 months ago

              >Perhaps. That said, I was under the impression that dragons were the ultimate string-pullers of the Shadowrun universe.
              Who did you think ran the corps?

              • 5 months ago

                I concede.

        • 5 months ago

          >Gibson is correct
          What did Gibson say?

          • 5 months ago


  16. 5 months ago

    timeskip to 2099
    Night City is one of two locations (Night City and somewhere in Europe or even New Orleans)
    RPG mechanics and focus on world reactivity
    double down on immersive sim elements
    Story focused on Night Corp and Morgan Blackhand
    Multiplayer on par with GTA Online 2 using pen and paper roleplaying elements

    • 5 months ago

      >Multiplayer on par with GTA Online 2 using pen and paper roleplaying elements

    • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        It's already confirmed, they didn't build a massive sandbox world to be experienced once in a 70 hour long campaign.
        seethe about it you homosexual

        • 5 months ago

          >they didn't build a massive sandbox world to be experienced once in a 70 hour long campaign
          Except that's exactly what they did with TW3.

  17. 5 months ago

    oh shit, we're getting more? I thought for sure the launch would've killed any potential sequel
    glad to hear it tho, game's got potential

    • 5 months ago

      It still sold like hotcakes, and it keeps selling well. It's among the 2023's top sellers on Steam and it's 23rd most played game there right now.

    • 5 months ago

      Anime, expansion and 3 years of patches sort of saved it.
      It's clearly they didn't know what they were doing at first and underestimated how much time they needed.

      • 5 months ago

        >spent almost a decade on it
        >restarted it like 5 times

        They had plenty of time, the leadership was run by morons. Who chased away the team that made Witcher 3 with idiotic backroom politics.

        • 5 months ago

          That's false.
          They only barely started development after Witcher 3 expansions.

        • 5 months ago

          That's false.
          They only barely started development after Witcher 3 expansions.

          Basically the 2012 cyberpunk trailer just made people think it was already in the works. More likely they had just acquired the rights since they still had a little known game called witcher 3 ahead of them.

          • 5 months ago

            It was a "we're hiring" video basically.

          • 5 months ago

            Inb4 someone posts that "promise" presentation slide, most of promises in which have actually been fulfilled.

          • 5 months ago

            So how long until Cyberpunk 2078?

            Exact date please

            • 5 months ago

              Who knows? It depends, they're doing a witcher 1 remake too and afaik they haven't clarified which one's coming out first.
              I'd much rather have them keep stuff under wraps than set ludicrous deadlines that result in unfinished games.

            • 5 months ago

              Dunno, depends on how long it takes them to learn UE5

  18. 5 months ago

    So now they want to make the game they promised us the first one would be.

    Holy crap this is dumb. maybe the chuckle fricks should have just made the original game they sold us on in the first place.

  19. 5 months ago

    >the same one but with new construction, more in the North Oak area, and the upper strata of downtown accessible. You can unlock AVs to travel around these areas much easier later on
    >+1 for more verticality and parkour options. Fricking add cyber skates or a hover board for the hell of it, they exist in the lore.

    >something less ticking clock, "you're super special", you know all the major players thing and more Edgerunners, "you're just trying to get by", making friends and a crew thing
    >more romance options
    >let us meet Morgan Blackhand at some point, even if just briefly

    >a focus on ally NPCs, maybe something like Dragon Dogma's pawn system where you can make a best bro that other players can recruit as a merc of their own
    >some sort of GTA:SA social system informed by your clothes and cosmetic choices. Have random peds make comments on your looks, influence dialogue responses and aggression levels with NPCs if you're dressed like a cop/corpo/ganger/solo/etc.
    >add Deep Diving to the game, akin to something like Systemshock where you can actually go into different building's systems to steal data or prep missions
    >Rockerboy minigames where you can play gigs in bars with a band
    >more minigames and activities in general that you can do with your NPC buddies
    >cars need general improvements. Maybe add Nomad customisation options that let you work on certain cars if you unlock it, but have to use cash if you don't
    >some sort of Media thing where you can use photo mode as an in-game mechanic a la Dead Rising, idk
    >MedTech modes where you buy substances at stores then "hack" them for daily effects a la TW3
    >third person mode for walking around, looking cool. Keep first person for combat
    >your apartment(s) serve as your gang's HQ, and can be customised to suit
    >just more of everything in general. More weapon types, more cosmetics, more cyberware types, etc

  20. 5 months ago

    >blank slate protag
    >less rigid storyline
    So like the hit game Starfield™

    • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      Sorry Todd, but I'll take Keanu mindvirus over "go and hunt the artifact piece #7" any day.

  21. 5 months ago

    I don't think they'll ever be another pathetic fandom than people who defend or like 2077. Stuck up your own ass so far that you simply lie in order to not be wrong. The game was a certified disaster no amount of revisionism will change that. Your hype was misplaced

  22. 5 months ago

    pls dont kill the mc at the end
    that fking sucks
    i already have that ending waiting closely IRL
    dont want to deal with that in game too

    • 5 months ago

      Say hi to Keanu for me.

      • 5 months ago

        my keanu is called brain tumor

    • 5 months ago

      Agreed. Vidya is escapism ffs

      • 5 months ago

        >Expecting escapism in a cyberpunk game
        What's next, will you play Silent Hill expecting a bedtime story?

        • 5 months ago

          >dude just be miserable the world is fricked lmao
          Go back

          • 5 months ago

            >Complaining about a setting whose core tenet is disillusionment with technological advancement being miserable
            No, you need to go back, you fricking manchild.

            • 5 months ago

              >technological advancement being miserable
              Woe is me, I can now jump high.
              Being a 'ganic' is literally just setting yourself up for being a weakling.

              • 5 months ago


              • 5 months ago

                >oh no, there's now a .1% chance I'll go CYBERNUTS!! (Great name btw)
                I can't help but feel immense dread at the thought of getting a sandevistan spine that both allows me to slow time and fixes my bad posture.

              • 5 months ago

                I like how they never even bothered addressing how Ganker was apparently so special that he was immune to cyberpsychosis even if you go full Adam Smasher and augment every single part of his body.

              • 5 months ago

                Well, V's already a schizo

              • 5 months ago

                He was built different (in the head)

              • 5 months ago

                >you go full Adam Smasher and augment every single part of his body.
                I fricking wish you could. Apparantely in the source material there are multiple types of fully mechanised bodies. Another fully cyberised character was Shaytan, whom you might remember as the moron too dumb to operate a mounted HMG. Sadly he just looks like a normal guy with silver skin instead of a cool mech.
                I'm suprised they didn't let you use those metalic skin colors since that's literally all they are. But I could rant about the shit character creation for hours.

            • 5 months ago

              Ok edgelord, who wants to play a game where your actions matter, right

        • 5 months ago

          why not? it can be one where you drift off to sleep, but wake up with paralysis, at some point you can move, but your demons dont dissapear anymore

  23. 5 months ago


  24. 5 months ago

    I'm 25 hours in. They fricking lied, this game is as much of an RPG as GOW2018. The dialogue is completely linear, your only options are
    >go on
    >[streetkid] go on said in a different way (absolutely zero influence on anything)
    >useless infodump request
    >useless infodump request 2

    this shit is fallout 4 all over again, any fricking dialogue choice is meaningless.
    At least GOW 2018 is honest about being a moviegame and the combat is fun, this cyberpunk shit gets boring so fricking fast when youre getting overexposed to sci-fi tech lingo every three fricking seconds, and the combat system is nowhere good enough to justify 15 mins cutscenes where you sit shotgun in a minivan getting yet another wall of text on braindances or some shit like that but hey, at least this is given to you via sarcastic remarks by a half naked girl. So cyberpunk!
    Frick off

    Oh and so far it seems that in terms of builds, it has the same variety as skyrim where no matter what you'll end up being a stealth archer.

    the game is pretty and does immersion pretty well, that much I'll admit.

    • 5 months ago

      > it has the same variety as skyrim where no matter what you'll end up being a stealth archer.
      You're a fricking moron.
      That's all.

    • 5 months ago

      I like the part in FF10 where I got to tell Yuna to frick off and I joined Yevon
      you fricking moron

      • 5 months ago

        they literally promised a "non linear story", so far this is as linear as it gets

        > it has the same variety as skyrim where no matter what you'll end up being a stealth archer.
        You're a fricking moron.
        That's all.

        Well, what alternatives do I get except for "try going stealthy then transition into a cover shooter when you inevitably get caught"? So far the game isn't really giving me many options but it could just be because I'm just getting started.

        • 5 months ago

          I'm replaying it right now and I literally spent 0 time in cover or stealthed with a full body/tech shotgun build just dashing into peoples faces and unloading Becca's shotgun on them, ripping shit with my gorilla arms in Berserk mode while being immortal.
          My problem is that they hey don't give me enough enemies to fight because everything just dies even on Very Hard.

          • 5 months ago

            sounds fun maybe I'll try going for a respec

            • 5 months ago

              It is, just do something like this.
              You can also get the dash tree in reflex if you want, but I got it very late.

              • 5 months ago

                Your build is almost identical to mine. It's good to see how much better they made melee since release. I remember that dumbass finisher animation that glued you to your enemy while you did a few impactless punches. Now you throw enemies at one another and watch them explode. It's great.

              • 5 months ago

                Nice seeing some people doiing these builds and that they work. I went with a hacker smart gun build, and then my two buddies that played afterwards all went the same just on their own. Havent been able to see how anything else works.

              • 5 months ago

                I did a hacking/pistol build. It works pretty well, but I am very squishy for Very Hard.

              • 5 months ago

                Yeah it works and pretty well.
                I was surprised by how useful the biomonitor cyberware turned out to be for the build.
                You never need to touch the healing key ever again, which saves tons of frustration when you're not paying attention during a fight.

    • 5 months ago

      Yeah if you really boil it down CP2077 is basically sci-fi GTA. There's barely any actual cyberpunk. None of your choices ever matter aside from the secret ending but that still leads to the same ending type. The story never really gets more interesting. The open world is just pointless filler. The quests are all the same drive here talk to someone kill everyone/stealth everywhere. The ending is literally just "pick a side with all morally grey options".

      The only thing good about it is the DLC, and even that was full of plot holes and some really contrived writing. You couldn't even get with best girl at the end.

      • 5 months ago

        >any actual cyberpunk
        Oh look, another Bladerunner baby

        • 5 months ago

          Name ten ways Pondscum improved on anything from bladerunner.

        • 5 months ago

          Or Ghost in the Shell, or Akira, or Bubblegum Crisis, or Snatcher or 99% of cyberpunk that's nothing like what CDPR produced

          • 5 months ago

            >how dare Pondsmith create something different, everything should be the same
            Frick off.

            • 5 months ago

              >it's not cyberpunk
              >NO IT IS
              >here's how it's not
              Go frick yourself homosexual

              • 5 months ago

                >here's how it's not
                Except you skipped that part, dipshit.

            • 5 months ago

              >out to create something different
              >ends up creating something worse
              Bravo, Mike.

        • 5 months ago

          How dare the sun exist.

        • 5 months ago

          More of a GitS guy, actually.

          >The ending is literally just "pick a side with all morally grey options".
          Cyberpunk isn't even morally grey, it's all 'evil corpos are unbeatable'

          I meant in terms relative to each other.
          >Join the evil corpo
          >Frick the evil corpo
          All with the same mission story beats with you staying fricked.

          NPC ending was legitimately interesting though.

      • 5 months ago

        >The ending is literally just "pick a side with all morally grey options".
        Cyberpunk isn't even morally grey, it's all 'evil corpos are unbeatable'

  25. 5 months ago

    are you sure it isn't "Project Onion"?

    • 5 months ago

      It's project ESG.

  26. 5 months ago

    I hope they sink billions of dollars into it and I see big explosions and very expensive assets on screen. They can't deliver anything else anymore so just keep throwing money at me

  27. 5 months ago

    >less rigid storyline
    How does the blank slate protag fit in this one?

    >story missions that focus more on various playstyles than on being cinematic
    Let's see here, stealth is an option (albeit more fun to play), you get different dialogue if you do some quests in a certain way (like killing all Wraiths in the concrete factory, undetected), some ended up locking the whole questline like if you snitched Panam on stealing a tank.

    >more verticality in the game world (like dogtown had in PL)

    >cyberware that actually shows on your character (synthskin optional)
    Well, maybe. Chrome fingertips doesn't seem that bad.

    >don't make every single random story npc immortal/impossible to attack
    Ally NPC walks in the middle of a firefight, dies, forced to restart. Yeah, good mechanics.

    >at least a fallout 4 tier character creation with various body types (not sex being called a bodytype)
    In other words: Sliders, more tattoo options, Penis 3, robowiener, chrome options...

    >an honest marketing team
    Kek, fat chance on that one, boy.

  28. 5 months ago

    I picked it up again over the holidays, it actually holds up now. Frankly the best thing to happen to Cyberpunk was Baldur's Gate 3, we'll see where they go with it.

  29. 5 months ago

    Actual fricking femboys
    Not an option to give the female model troony scars, but straight up flat chest
    More options in character creation is good, but actually do it right and not half ass it just for social good boy points
    Also official options for both exotics and unaugmented playthroughs

    • 5 months ago

      >Actual fricking femboys
      Got eat more micro plastics and drink more tap water homosexual.

      • 5 months ago

        Sorry anon, the water that comes out of the well on my land just has high calcium content, no plastics
        Come to think of it that may well be why I've never broken a bone in my life so far

    • 5 months ago

      tom boys have small breasts but not a flat chest,you are just a wiener sucking gay in denial.

  30. 5 months ago

    less GTA
    more Deus Ex

    • 5 months ago

      Pretty much

  31. 5 months ago

    Just don't lie in marketing like you did in the first game.

  32. 5 months ago

    >what would you like to see in a Cyberpunk 2078?
    how about the actual game they promised 2077 would be instead of another looter shooter

  33. 5 months ago

    all I can say is I wish all the schizos would die so you could discuss video games on Ganker

    • 5 months ago

      All I can say is I wish the standards Ganker use to have were still alive. This game is a well documented pile of shit. Why the revisionism and lie like it wasn't?

      • 5 months ago

        >Ganker use to have were still alive
        KEK this fricking LARPing newbie moron

        • 5 months ago

          Ganker from 2014 would have forgotten this pile of shit by now. It's literally on par if not worse than Far Cry 5.

          • 5 months ago

            Ironic post. Why haven't you forgotten about it by now?
            Oh wait, cause you're a LARPing tourist trying to fit in, that's why.

            • 5 months ago

              Because you gays keep spamming threads for it attempting revisionism for some weird reason.

              • 5 months ago

                Why are you even here, shazamtroony?

              • 5 months ago

                Why are lieing about the quality of the game?

              • 5 months ago

                That's fricking rich, coming from a shazamtroon.
                And an ESL as well.

  34. 5 months ago

    I don't care. I will never trust a filthy polack because of this shit game. Frick you if you enjoy this trash.

  35. 5 months ago

    you need to have anal parasites to enjoy this garbage.

    • 5 months ago

      sorry, normal people don't get those like you do, gaygay

      • 5 months ago

        haha you nasty homosexual.
        go enjoy your slop filth

  36. 5 months ago

    >they never went back and filled out the intros

  37. 5 months ago

    >Decent thread with a civilized discussion about strong and weak points of the game
    >Schizos have arrived

  38. 5 months ago

    Skyrim in the future, which is what I thought we were getting.

  39. 5 months ago

    3rd person
    joinable factions
    flying cars

    • 5 months ago

      Now that CDPR announced they're working on a sequel to Cyberpunk 2077, what would you like to see in a Cyberpunk 2078?
      Here's mine:
      >blank slate protag
      >less rigid storyline
      >story missions that focus more on various playstyles than on being cinematic
      >more verticality in the game world (like dogtown had in PL)
      >cyberware that actually shows on your character (synthskin optional)
      >don't make every single random story npc immortal/impossible to attack
      >at least a fallout 4 tier character creation with various body types (not sex being called a bodytype)
      Perhaps the biggest one:
      >an honest marketing team
      Hopefully they'll know better than to overhype it with features they'll never implement this time. The gameplay in PL is actually quite fun.

      And visible cyberware like robot hands

      better customization in general like vehicle customization and body customization

      • 5 months ago

        >can decide if im normal, circumsised, or vegana
        >cant be fat or swole
        >or tall or short
        >cant have chromed out skin
        >cant have robot arms/legs
        of course, the final thing is something modders fixed by just making the robot arms/legs a clothing item you can equip, but hoping for modders to fix things puts one down the bethesda path of game developement

  40. 5 months ago

    Cyberpunk BUT IN JAPAN
    >you are not realizing you have never played a cyberpunk game that was actually in japan
    >no shadow run hong kong does not count

    • 5 months ago

      Pretty sure GiTS had games.

      • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      But anon night city and America are video game-compatible shit holes where you can gun down a bunch of gangsters and no one cares in this setting, whereas Japan is practically a country in a bottle where perfection is enforced by Arasaka
      Not saying you can't do something in that setting, but it absolutely won't be like how 2077 was
      Honestly the only thing I could see it being is running afoul of that enforced order and having the rest of the game trying to escape those consequences
      Not exactly the kind of story you could believably have in any sort of sandbox in

      • 5 months ago

        Do they even allow guns in Japan?

      • 5 months ago

        >Japan is practically a country in a bottle where perfection is enforced by Arasaka
        Takemura outright tells you he grew up in slums.

        • 5 months ago

          Perfection doesn't mean the country is a utopia. it means all people should act in certain "perfect" way.

          • 5 months ago

            Does the PnP game say anything like that about Japan? Sure, I can believe that since we're talking about Japanese, but it sounds like headcanon.

            • 5 months ago
              • 5 months ago

                Not watching all that shit, but I assume that's a yes.

              • 5 months ago

                Korea is already pretty Cyberpunk tbh.
                >major corporations controlling all the countries' economy
                >great technological advancements
                >major division between socioeconomical classes
                >plastic surgeries
                >surveillance everywhere
                >highest suicide rate

              • 5 months ago

                The entire world is cyberpunk if we go by "high tech, low life."

              • 5 months ago

                Not to that extent, no.

              • 5 months ago

                Fine, the entire world except for certain regions of sub-Saharan Africa is.

              • 5 months ago

                Again, no.
                Most places aren't so bad that people want to jump off of bridges all the time.

              • 5 months ago

                >R*ssia throws poor people into the meat grinder and makes relatively well-off people live in their fake news reality, going beyond which is punishable
                >Ch*na has provincewide concentration camps and makes relatively well-off people live in their fake news reality, going beyond which is punishable
                >Japan is so destroyed by consumerism and pacifict policies people don't even want to reproduce
                >SEA is nothing but a huge sweatshop
                >Middle East is a huge sweatshop for poor people, a drug hub, and a slaver's paradise
                >West must militarize to save the last bit of influence it has but it prefers to live in an illusion and argue about illusionary concepts
                >Most places aren't so bad

              • 5 months ago

                None of this screams cyberpunk.

              • 5 months ago

                Cyberpunk is more about magically making Kenya and Somalia not shitholes while amerikkka falls apart... because it just does okay?
                It's a crime on world building they never go into any of this shit in the games, aside from note shards. Games are uniquely suited for relaying this information organically, the witcher series does it well too.

              • 5 months ago

                Is it canon that only the NUSA is fricked while everything else is great or is everything bad?

              • 5 months ago

                I was always under the impression that most of North America was a bunch of city states. I think the only clear cut thing is that Japan is sitting high and pretty, and maybe France?

              • 5 months ago

                >I was always under the impression that most of North America was a bunch of city states.
                Not at all, but the game handles relaying this info terribly. Apparantely the eastern half of the US is all NUSA, then a bunch of states west of that are marked as seperate but in the same color as the NUS because they're somehow affiliated but aren't full on parts of the NUS like the states in NUS proper because it's apparantely some compromise. Then Texas is colored in red, apparantely in conflict with the NUS but it's never elaborated on.
                It's such a massive step down from witcher 3 when it comes to politics, and that's the game where the outcome of a huge war depends on if you pick the option to shove someone aside forcefully.

              • 5 months ago

                Apparantely cuba is so influencial that everyone in dogtown is scared of them.
                Also the soviet union is still around despite being the same ineffective, disfunctional multiethnic colossus it's always been.
                But yeah America fractures because... corporations okay?

              • 5 months ago

                Is it canon that only the NUSA is fricked while everything else is great or is everything bad?

                Huge swathes of Europe are underwater, chunks of Korea are decimated by biological warfare, Latin America is slightly better than it is IRL but they fight each other more, but chunks of North Africa are actually really well off because they had a super strong space program while the USA's and USSR's fell to shit.

                There are a few shards about it in game. The "High Flyers", African space companies, basically went rogue during the war by dropping a few meteorites on people and told the larger corpos to gtfo. That said, they're still not as powerful as the rest of the world, they just have the lead in one important industry.

              • 5 months ago

                >t. never been to mainland china

              • 5 months ago

                Russia, middle east and SEA aren't advanced. They are just shitholes.

              • 5 months ago

                They do have technologically advanced areas.

              • 5 months ago

                >Japan is so destroyed by consumerism and pacifict policies people don't even want to reproduce
                Shoutout for mentioning the clown shows that are Russia and China. But do you really think the last thing a small and narrow mountain range island chain needs is more bodies when they already have 140+ million of them? Bet you think korea is also doomed since they dont want more mouths to the 50 million on a territory that is double the size of one of the micro states in eastern europe

              • 5 months ago

                >Bet you think korea is also doomed since they dont want more mouths to the 50 million on a territory that is double the size of one of the micro states in eastern europe
                NTA, but I mean it is basically a feminist dystopia. Their birthrate is literally 0.4, which is the lowest in the world. Huge populations aren't neceseraly a good thing on their own, but you have to keep in mind the population is rapidly aging with few young people. The oldgays will never vote to lower their retirement age or to lessen their pensions, but there's noone to pay for them anymore. I'm curious as to how it'll play out more than anything.

              • 5 months ago

                moronic mutt.

              • 5 months ago

                What variety of butthurt third-worlder are you, anon?

              • 5 months ago

                Asia (or rather the exotic orientalist outlook on it) inspired the western authors to create Cyberpunk as a genre and the Asians, for the most part, played along with it

  41. 5 months ago

    1. A functional game.
    2. An interesting world. We got this near future garbage dump that wasn't pretty or fun or interesting.
    3. More fricking RPG elements. I didn't want a reskinned, buggier GTA game. I wanted a digital version of the tabletop game.

  42. 5 months ago

    They're going to focus on multiplayer.

    Don't get your hopes up for an experience equal to 2077, "Project Orion" is CDPR's attempt at monetising the IP to "GTA Online"/"CoD" levels.

  43. 5 months ago

    Choices that actually matter and a city you can interact with further than just shooting goons.

  44. 5 months ago

    Would you deny yourself the most epic cybernetic adventure of all times?

  45. 5 months ago

    An actual RPG

  46. 5 months ago

    The worst part was Meme King being your forced companion. Everything up to big chungus was fine, and there should have been a path to wipe him from your brain permanently like an hour after it happens if you wanted

    • 5 months ago

      I liked the banter between Ganker and Johnny. He also had some character development, going from a dickhead who wants to kill you to a dickhead who just keeps insulting you.

      • 5 months ago

        My point is, it’s fine for one run at most for posterity’s sake. But after one run I was over it. Considering that all the flashbacks and interactions with the brain Johnny prove that the loser dickhead was a trashy piece of shit while alive, I just wanted the option to flush the fricker. Or at least a mod for it.

      • 5 months ago

        Keanu might be a very good person irl, but he's kind of a bad actor and pretty bad at voice acting. I don't know, maybe the director told him to be like that in the game.

        • 5 months ago

          Agreed. But it’s like anon said. If they want a side quest with Johnny then fine, make it optional. But as rpg design, it’s kind of horseshit to force a character on you.

        • 5 months ago

          It's probably the direction being all over the place, or maybe him not being given the context.
          It also happens during the final quest where Victor is getting pissy at you for no reason. I mean the lines read as neutral enough, but the delivery is very spiteful or even agressive.

          • 5 months ago

            I took that as Vik not being good at serious emotional conversations and choosing to put up a front of frustration rather than deal directly with the issue. Similar to how he walks out and calls in Misty when you're recovering from the heist. The guy is still watching and dwelling on the same fight from a long time ago, he doesn't process emotions very well.
            That said, I think Keanu is just as clumsy a voice actor as he is a regular actor.

            • 5 months ago

              He behaves in a pretty somber and respectful way during Jackie's funeral, and he's compassionate towards V after the heist. Just seems really bizzare for a ripperdoc to be so agressive towards his patient who's also his friend.

              • 5 months ago

                I might just be making excuses for the inconsistency here, it definitely felt jarring. I tried to look at it from his perspective, knowing V is dying: V just stumbled into his clinic, possessed by Johnny, threw his patient off the bed, and demanded treatment. He was caught completely off guard and could have thought V was already completely gone, and didn't know or have time to react properly.

          • 5 months ago

            Very possible. Or it might be it’s just as likely, if not more so, that he’s not that good of an actor.

  47. 5 months ago

    Ax the leveled gun system. If they want to keep it an RPG then they ought to do the guns like they are in games like Fallout, with specific guns having specific stats and their power roughly scaling with availability. Preferably while keeping non-trash guns relevant with perks or with good unique versions like the Iconic items in the first game should have been.

    Also ax the crafting system if its just going to be buying bog standard equipment with extra steps. That thing was terrible.

    • 5 months ago

      It's much better post the 2.0 patch. Gear is still levelled via the tiers, but there are only 5 tiers and each gun has fixed stats which only change tier-to-tier. i.e. every Tier 2 unity is the same. One of the worst things about the original game (and W3) was the constant loot shit where you'd stumble upon some random mook with a better weapon than the unique one you got for a quest one level earlier.

  48. 5 months ago

    >what would you like to see in a Cyberpunk 2078?
    Return of the bozo gang so I can fight killer clowns. Third person mode. More crazier guns and melee weapons(yeah some borderlands shit since the game already has a loot system). Setting is still night city. Dungeons/battle zones. Neno wire to pull/disarm enemies in combat and hang enemies for stealth kills. Also mantis arms allow you to hang onto or crawl up walls. Rocket powered sludge hammer. Life paths having more of an impact on story and side missions. Also add rocket boy and law man as life paths. Companions or mercs you can hire. Pump action china lake. No more johnny(he had his game and his story wrapped up neatly).

  49. 5 months ago

    Goofy ahhhh walking sim yap fest. go to location yap for 20 minutes kill 5 enemies end quest.

  50. 5 months ago

    An rpg would be a nice fricking start.

  51. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      Am I the only one who thought his voice didn't fit?
      Also, what's dogtown supposed to be in the source material? Why did the original release omit it entirely?

      • 5 months ago

        Don't think Dogtown was Pondsmith's idea, Barghest and the local militia is one of the worst concepts i've ever seen in a open world.

      • 5 months ago

        >Am I the only one who thought his voice didn't fit?
        I liked it. He sounds like Henry Rollins.

        >Also, what's dogtown supposed to be in the source material?
        They did lore videos on it. It's pretty much what it says in game: the inner part of Pacifica which fell to shit when investment fell out and became a "combat zone" during the corpo war.

        >Why did the original release omit it entirely?
        They'd planned for it to be some sort of wild "combat zone", but it was just one of those things they never finished. Looks like it never got past the concept art stage (bar the one moment you see an AV unload into one of the towers when you first meet Placide). I imagine that's where the mech battles were going to take place.

  52. 5 months ago

    How much of a delinquent brat you have to be to get blacklisted from the Crystal Palace?

  53. 5 months ago
  54. 5 months ago

    Liked these small 'briefing' sequences

  55. 5 months ago

    less fricking talking. holy shit its so boring.

    • 5 months ago

      Press Y

      • 5 months ago

        >doesn't work during calls
        >works sometimes during car rides, usually doesn't
        >doesn't work if you don't stand in the correct spot
        >doesn't work at random
        >works only to then stop working
        Of all the things to frick up, skipping dialogue shouldn't have been one.

  56. 5 months ago

    >flying cars
    >women that are actually attractive
    >NPCs that don't look like mannequins
    >realistic NPC A.I.
    >more cybernetic and cosmetic enhancements that aren't just chrome skin, weird pupils, and robot limbs
    >immersive open world

    • 5 months ago

      forgot better character creation

  57. 5 months ago

    >get rid of the open world
    >give us hub levels where you can do stuff like buy weapons, character upgrades and so on
    >you can select different missions to advance your standing with specific factions and earn cash
    >another thing you can spend cash on is the purchase of better housing/hideouts which turn into new hub areas once you acquire them
    >shift the focus of the game more onto landing big scores, getting rich and becoming a criminal legend
    >tell the sun to frick off it's called Night City for a reason

    • 5 months ago

      I don't mind it being open world, but I think going with the witcher 3 approach of having several seperate maps would've been better.
      It'd also help load times, which after DT was added are really bad (when loading saves, fast traveling is pretty seamless)
      It'd also allow the player to explore several distinct locations

      • 5 months ago

        >It'd also help load times, which after DT was added are really bad
        Loads on my machine

        • 5 months ago

          I'm sure Velen also loaded well on some PCs, but it was still a long loadtime for most people.

          • 5 months ago

            I don't know what you mean by most people.
            How long is a "long loading time" for you?

  58. 5 months ago

    The aug system, even after 2.0, still needs better refinement. Currently there are too few ones like Sandevistan or double jump that really makes a difference in gameplay. The new deus exes got it right when it came to augs. Where almost every single one of them changes drastically how you approach a problem-

    Every single aug should be like a classic trait from the old fallouts. Superhuman capabilities with serious downsides. So a near pure human(ish) run would be viable as you are squishy as hell but avoid the major debuffs that come with the super powers

    Kudos for the poles for getting aug pricing right though. It the new system going full premium tier 5 borg costs more then a luxury car

    • 5 months ago

      Are you saying Berserk doesn't change the way you play?

    • 5 months ago

      >this game should be like fallout
      Why don't you go play fallout instead?

      • 5 months ago

        why dont you learn to read dipshit

  59. 5 months ago

    Improve the models.

  60. 5 months ago

    more troony shit

    probably worth a pirate

    • 5 months ago

      But modifying your own body to basically make you half computer is okay?

      • 5 months ago

        i won't be pilpuled by such a weak argument
        i don't want troony shit as we know if in media, it's disgusting

        the only way i could tolerate it is if the troony says "israel needs to be dismantled and forever wiped off the map"

        • 5 months ago

          Claire says "Free Palestine"

        • 5 months ago

          I don't like dogs because I was mauled by one as a kid and spent weeks in hospital.

          But I'm not going to go around saying "Don't put dogs in media" because I'm not a whiny little snowflake who wants to control what media everyone consumes.

          • 5 months ago

            trannies are very different from dogs
            i won't accept that a man becomes a woman because it's impossible
            if in game there would be "trannies", there actually wouldn't be any trannies because if we are to believe trannies, they're the opposite gender, and if it was true, then in the game they would never identify as a troony, the troony would be a woman if it was a man before, and advanced tech would make him a bionic female but you wouldn't be able to tell basically

  61. 5 months ago

    >blank slate protag
    I fricking hate that shit. Immediately makes the world feel less immersive.

    • 5 months ago

      Exactly they should make it so your backgrounds matter more than flavor text and a 15-20 minute opening scene. More than anything, forcing me into being a gang banger subhuman merc with Jackie was the the most offensive shit.

  62. 5 months ago

    Here's what I'd like to see in terms of Characters and Story:

    >New protagonist (Since V either dies, becomes Johnny or can no longer use cyberware), but game still remain in Night City.

    > The potential to have ally's travel with you throughout the game.

    > Regina become a key supporting character.

    > Features Lucy and Falco from Edgerunners, with Lucy being a potential ally.

    > Mitch and Claire return as potential love interests and/or allies

    > Far more love interests overall as opposed to only one major one per sexual preference. (Add some Bi characters)

    > New Lifepaths like Anchorkid (Born in the slums in Night City to immigrant parents from an undisclosed country), Wizkid (A kid in Arasaka academy place by overworked parents), and Neopkid (the child of a high ranking corpo). In all three life paths the stories intertwine to the main story when the protagonists parents are killed.

    >More NPC's with inhuman implants or modifications. Let's see some people who have robotic horse legs, or have wings/jetpacks, or spiderlegs, or detachable heads. Let people go absolutely bonkers with their self identity, and don't hold back.

    • 5 months ago

      >More NPC's with inhuman implants or modifications. Let's see some people who have robotic horse legs, or have wings/jetpacks, or spiderlegs, or detachable heads. Let people go absolutely bonkers with their self identity, and don't hold back.

      We had folks who had a grenade for a nose and their entire skin made out of chrome. Is that not insane enough for you?

      • 5 months ago

        >We had folks who had a grenade for a nose
        A dumb joke character
        >entire skin made out of chrome
        This is their replacement for purely synthetic bodies btw, everyone who went full chrome was supposed to be smasher tier and barely recognizable as a human. Corners were cut to say the least.

    • 5 months ago

      The last one sounds like Alita: Battle Angel

    • 5 months ago

      >Mitch and Claire return as potential love interests and/or allies
      >love interest
      Fricking disgusting

  63. 5 months ago

    >tfw johnny calls you vincent during the last conversation with him

  64. 5 months ago

    I don't want the people that made this game to do orion. Can we get an overhaul just like the one that turned CP2077 into trash?

  65. 5 months ago

    Penis 3

  66. 5 months ago

    The next logical step after the Silverhand schizo relic story and everyone sucking Judy's metaphorical girl dick is a companion system similar to the one in bethesdas shit games.

    • 5 months ago

      >companion system similar to the one in bethesdas shit games.
      This is honestly a must in an CRPG that is based on, or at least wants to somewhat emulate, a tabletop pen and paper RPG. Which Cyberpunk is.

      This is why companion/party systems are essential in so many RPG franchises. Johnny Silverhand HAD a party. V technically HAS companions but they're just not following him outside of their setpiece personal quests. Which is insane because this game already has coded NPCs that work with you on those quests and there are multiple mods that make them recruitable in the open world like Skyrim/Fallout games. Huge missed opportunity.

      • 5 months ago

        I expect that's gonna major selling point for sequel. The switch from having a tulpa who has things to say about almost every side quest in the game to literally nothing would feel quite jarring, almost like a downgrade.
        Plus I'm sure most people would like to gun down scavs and voodoo Black folk with their waifu.

        • 5 months ago

          >Plus I'm sure most people would like to gun down scavs and voodoo Black folk with their waifu.
          Hopefully they let trigger design them this time

          • 5 months ago

            Don't hold your breath.

            • 5 months ago

              Old news.
              EGS fund is cancelled because nobody cared enough to invest.

              • 5 months ago

                Why do people keep calling ESG EGS?

              • 5 months ago


              • 5 months ago

                Anon, they've been sucking on that pozzed wiener since 2018. And that ESG announcement was recent. Smack dab in the middle of seething about it.

                Ugly muttrannies are going nowhere.

              • 5 months ago

                I know it's recent.
                What's more recent is ESG getting canned.

              • 5 months ago

                Again, don't hold your breath buddy. Best we can hope for are proper modding tools this time around. So Asian modders can do their magic.

              • 5 months ago

                Never said they won't do it of their own volition., just that ESG incentive is irrelevant now.
                You can take the ESG bonus out of a company, but you can't take out the rainbow colored leftoids.
                Maybe it's time to start up your own fund, advocating for hot women.

              • 5 months ago

                I don't have Larry Fink money homie
                I only have shitposts and retweets

                but I AM honest when I say that I will never buy a game with ugly females

              • 5 months ago

                I don't have Larry Fink money homie
                I only have shitposts and retweets

                but I AM honest when I say that I will never buy a game with ugly females

                i don't think we have much to worry about. none of the girls in the first one were particularly ugly.

              • 5 months ago

                They were literally all hideous

              • 5 months ago


              • 5 months ago

                Disgusting goblina Dios mio

              • 5 months ago

                im sorry would you rather have this?

              • 5 months ago

                >oh you don't like DOG'S SHIT? well then what about DIARRHEA?

              • 5 months ago

                you would jizz your pants if a chick who looked like this came up to on the street and asked for directions

              • 5 months ago

                That thing is beyond disgusting. I see actually pretty women IRL.

                I feel sorry for Amerimutts living in such a dysgenic shithole they think this goblin is anything other than dogshit.

              • 5 months ago

                just because you're racist doesn't mean she's ugly

              • 5 months ago

                Im lowkey conflicted, sometimes she doesnt look that bad, then picrel comes along and she looks like a dollar store sex doll. Did insomniac frick up that bad?

              • 5 months ago

                >sometimes she doesnt look that bad
                Sometimes you're just high

              • 5 months ago

                Give some counterexamples

              • 5 months ago
              • 5 months ago

                >yellow fever gay
                homie kys

              • 5 months ago

                racism is cringe

  67. 5 months ago

    >what would you like to see in a Cyberpunk 2078?
    If it's open world:
    -infinite respec so i don't have to use mods to try new shit without restarting
    -an expansion on cyberware, both variety and having quest/dialogue reactivity (ex: some more egregious stuff like the maelstromers do with their faces)
    -if done properly, some form of ng+
    -dual wielding
    -letting npcs be followers/companions after you finish their questlines (though i'd be iffy on having an outright crew)
    -more interaction between named npcs
    -randomly encountering npcs from time to time

    and while bethesda gets flak for the radiant quests, i can't think of a reason night fricking city would the police scanner quests
    plus little qol changes like letting the player level up iconics/cyberware tiers at once if they have the mats, or giving throwing weapons something that shows their trajectory like grenades already do

    for such a "big city", it feels sorta lonely and empty

    • 5 months ago

      >-dual wielding
      It's weird because there are enemies who dual wield, even jackie dual wields. You can get BOTH of his guns, but you can only use one at a time, despite them being identical. You also use certain guns one handed anyway, no excuse really.
      >for such a "big city", it feels sorta lonely and empty
      Yup, just 100% a playthrough and it feels BARREN. It's crazy how much better Witcher 3 is at this.

      • 5 months ago

        >You can get BOTH of his guns, but you can only use one at a time
        That's actually the reason I mentioned it lmao I just got them today and thought their gimmick would have been dual wielding

        The next logical step after the Silverhand schizo relic story and everyone sucking Judy's metaphorical girl dick is a companion system similar to the one in bethesdas shit games.

        >companion system similar to the one in bethesdas shit games.
        This is honestly a must in an CRPG that is based on, or at least wants to somewhat emulate, a tabletop pen and paper RPG. Which Cyberpunk is.

        This is why companion/party systems are essential in so many RPG franchises. Johnny Silverhand HAD a party. V technically HAS companions but they're just not following him outside of their setpiece personal quests. Which is insane because this game already has coded NPCs that work with you on those quests and there are multiple mods that make them recruitable in the open world like Skyrim/Fallout games. Huge missed opportunity.

        Tbh I was surprised it wasn't something added in 2.0

  68. 5 months ago

    >more in-depth romance/joytoy options
    >viewable braindance collectibles
    >third person option
    >better driving mechanics
    >flying cars

  69. 5 months ago

    Players should be able to frick all romance options regardless of gender. This isn't real life. Iife, it's fantasy wish fulfillment for frick's sake.

    If I wanna frick the tom boy techie latina b***h, let me do it.

  70. 5 months ago

    slate protag

    These are always a terrible choice for a protagonist.
    It's better to be given a few lines of what your character is and then role play based on how you interpret that.

    The only time a blank slate is good is in tabletop where you can bounce ideas off of your GM and players to develop a character that is yours and fits in the narrative.

    • 5 months ago

      well it's not like they did it on purpose, the did it because they had to get the game out the door because they had been working on it since 2013

  71. 5 months ago

    Hoping the next game is a prequel for some prime smasher vs prime blackhand kino

  72. 5 months ago

    What fricking build do I play. Someone tell me.

    • 5 months ago

      The one you want. Any build with minimal thought put into it is sufficiently overpowered by the time you're slotting high tier cyberware

  73. 5 months ago

    A better actor than keanu, that guy honestly ruins the game for me. I get that normies pog for him but he was by far the worst part of the game

    just let me hang out and do missions with jackie

    • 5 months ago

      >just let me hang out and do missions with jackie
      the jackie buddy cop first mission was based. doing solo missions afterwards without a true #2 really backing me up kinda sucked

  74. 5 months ago

    it's gonna be just like the first one. maybe a little bit more expanded, but that's it. the simple fact is that it's extremely time-consuming to create a giga large open world that is not boring to run around in. just look at rockstar. look at all the time it's taken them to make gta6 and the map isn't even that much larger than the gta5 map. but look how long time it's taken them. and the game still isn't out yet. i bet cdpr are gonna work on this for about six years and then they're gonna throw it out there because the ~~*investors*~~ will start getting impatient and they'll of course think that they'll be able to get away with releasing it prematurely because it worked so insanely well the last time (and it did. all you motherfricking homosexuals on here simp for this game like there is no tomorrow. "woohooo! cyberspunk is good now! yaayyyy!! REDEEMED!!!" and all that fricking homosexual piss you come up with here, like the disgusting fricking simps you all are). so yeah, that's what i think will happen.

  75. 5 months ago

    They should look at the Yakuza map for inspiration. The way that everything is tightly packed together, and there's an explorable interior or a piece of content hidden around every corner is exactly what a cyberpunk setting should feel like.
    If anything, get rid of the cars, and make the maps smaller overall.

    Try to make combat actually fun, because combat does not feel fun in 2077

  76. 5 months ago

    literally all they need are deeper quests and more world interactivity

  77. 5 months ago

    If they're smart they should go with Edgerunners type of artstyle

  78. 5 months ago

    If they don't completely abandon the plot threads set up by 2077, the next game will be about AI and the blackwall. And it should be, because that's the most interesting thing about the setting. Expand on cyberspace, expand on the rogue AI, etc.

    Otherwise all they need to do is improve enemy AI, give the combat and RPG sides of things more variety, and open the world up to be more interactive outside of gigs and main content. The game will be golden, and that's not even asking for a lot. Companion systems and other things like that would be cool bonuses.

    • 5 months ago

      legitimately the infrastructure they've already set up is perfect for a really spectacular sequel so long as they don't sabotage themselves.

      • 5 months ago

        Yea pretty much. PL directly addressed most of the "bad gameplay" and "it's not an RPG" complaints people had with the base game. They literally just need to do what they already are and Orion will be good.

  79. 5 months ago

    I bought this game a while ago and have been playing through it and enjoying it. Reading this thread makes me wonder if I’m playing the same game. I really do not get the vitriolic hate it gets.

    • 5 months ago

      yeah im really enjoying myself as well. feels really immersive aside from the fact that you can't watch the braindances on your own

    • 5 months ago

      Its good now, but it was trendy to hate on it when it was released

  80. 5 months ago

    I genuinely cant think of improvements beyond "more". It's already perfect. Maybe set it somewhere more interesting than america

  81. 5 months ago

    I want them not to have shitty celebrities ruin the damn script.

  82. 5 months ago

    I hate when morons place additive values to something where it doesn't make sense.

    >Xbox 720 xD
    >Wii-U-2 xD

    • 5 months ago

      >A man.
      >His woman.
      >And their bull.

      Checks out.

  83. 5 months ago

    I like it when the main storyline is not heavily focused on. Majority of time is spent on side stories, of which some slowly tie in to the finale of the main quest.

  84. 5 months ago

    not a rushed game that is all

  85. 5 months ago

    I'd like to see a fricking RPG for starters, and not a looter shooter.

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