Cyberpunk was unfairly derided by groupthink caused by the circumstances of its launch

All the sheeple who let social media narratives dictate their thought processes missed out on an amazing experience.

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  1. 11 months ago

    >game releases in an abhorrent state
    >random crashes, shit performance, lots of pop in and npc glitches
    I hate corporations so much

    • 11 months ago

      I never played the release version so it does not at all factor in my rating of the game.

      > All the sheeple who let social media narratives dictate their thought processes missed out on an amazing experience.
      That’s cool and all, but the promises are still unfulfilled. Why do you and others keep forgetting this fact?

      I never engaged with any of the pre-launch marketing so it does not at all factor in my rating of the game.

      • 11 months ago

        >I never played the release version so it does not at all factor in my rating of the game.
        A lot of people played the release version so it does factor in their rating of the game. And the release version was fricking garbage.

    • 11 months ago

      this. they knew they were releasing it in that, even went as far as to scan youtube and Ganker the day before fricking release for leaks showing the issues

    • 11 months ago

      This. I hate how modern people stopped treating companies like companies and somehow think companies are their friend

  2. 11 months ago

    My twink boyfriend with a receding hairline, I love him

  3. 11 months ago

    >you didn't purchase [[[product]]] (R) because you're a slave-minded sheep!
    >show them you're a free thinker and purchase [[[product]]] (R)!
    How about no

  4. 11 months ago

    I played it on release. It was terrible. It's now merely just bad with all the patches.

  5. 11 months ago

    It was announced in 2012. They had plenty of time to make a polished game in time for release. They failed.

  6. 11 months ago

    This industry, this whole westacucked continent, is so brainwashed and buck broken that it's insanely easy to just memoryhole embarrassing shit done by corporations and just move on as if nothing happened. Nobody talks about the catastrophic Wticher 3 launch or its graphical downgrades. Nobody will talk about troonypunk 2069 being a literal scam.

    Same how nobody is talking about Pfizer scandals anymore.

    • 11 months ago

      Doesnt she have a terminal disease like V

    • 11 months ago
  7. 11 months ago

    I played it and it sucked. Ran like shit too despite looking nothing special.

  8. 11 months ago

    > All the sheeple who let social media narratives dictate their thought processes missed out on an amazing experience.
    That’s cool and all, but the promises are still unfulfilled. Why do you and others keep forgetting this fact?

  9. 11 months ago

    > Cyberpunk

  10. 11 months ago

    >$0.65 has been deposited into your account.

  11. 11 months ago

    I had no issues with cyberpunk, I played like 8 months after release and there weren't any crazy glitches at that point. Didn't have any performance issues but I have a really good videocard. Not sure why its an issue. Gameplay was fine.

    • 11 months ago

      >gameplay was fine
      >t. from the trough

    • 11 months ago

      >I played like 8 months after release
      maybe they should have released the game 8 months later then...

  12. 11 months ago

    The bugs were the least of the game's concerns. The real problem was the fact that it was marketed as a Deus Ex immersive sim with RPG elements and cascading choices and ended up being kind of a linear moviegame.
    It's a good moviegame, I liked the characters and the story, even wholesome chungus man was amazing as Johnny, but that's still not what people were shilled.

  13. 11 months ago

    ive been playing it this week.
    imo the character sound too edgy and empathetic. Ok I get that its a cyberpunk universe so the edgy part doesn't bother me that much, but they're supposed to be hardened sociopathic street thugs so why the frick do they care so much about each other, why does female V sounds so motherly towards the spanish friendly guy (forgot his name) and cries when he dies. why do they act like groupies when dexter deshaws (the fat nig) hires them
    to me this is what breaks immersion the most. the streets are supposed to be cold and grim, everyone for themselves, doggy dog world. street thugs aren't supposed to care that much about people who are not blood related to them.
    also frick keanu reeves

    • 11 months ago

      Jackie and V were supposed to have been buddies for months by that point and have gotten through many fun little adventures, but it's all just brushed off in the little opening montage so it falls flat. Which is super odd imo because the game does a better job making you connect with characters later on.
      Plus, look, anon. It's not supposed to be a cold Sopranos tier crime drama. It's a silly videogame about people with fricking mantis blades coming out of their arms and one of the main characters is a cool rock star with a big dick who's also a badass commando reactionary who sticks it to the man and commits terrorism. It's a theme park.

      • 11 months ago

        >Plus, look, anon. It's not supposed to be a cold Sopranos tier crime drama. It's a silly videogame about people with fricking mantis blades coming out of their arms and one of the main characters is a cool rock star with a big dick who's also a badass commando reactionary who sticks it to the man and commits terrorism. It's a theme park.

        yeah well i wouldn't mind if the game wasn't a fricking movie with long ass first person cutscenes

        • 11 months ago

          Have you considered that this game might just not be for you, anon?
          Imo the cutscenes and the dialogue is the one thing this game has going for it. That and looking kinda pretty, I guess, but it's not the NEXT NEXT GEN SUPER REALISTIC game it was shilled as, either.

    • 11 months ago

      >doggy dog world
      please kys

  14. 11 months ago

    >groupthink caused by the circumstances of its launch
    circumstances like delivering less than half the game they promised, presented and hyped up in promotional material, interviews and demo footage?

  15. 11 months ago

    >have a i7-9700k, 64g ram, 2080s
    >played through the entire game in the first two weeks of launch on PC
    >some bugs, some slight performance issues but overall i didn't experience any bugs
    6/10 imo
    But then -
    >buddy has a better machine with a 3080
    >game constantly CTDs and won't go above 25 FPS regardless of settings
    >other buddy tries to run it on a base PS4
    >we all know how that went
    I had a good enough time with the game, but to act like it was an abhorrently broken buggy nonsense piece of shit at launch is being disingenuous.

  16. 11 months ago

    The game sucked and still sucks. Kys shill

  17. 11 months ago

    I played it at launch with top notch hardware and had relatively few glitches and bugs, but that personal experience doesn't the countless scores of people who were literally unable to play the game even on consoles it released for. The launch was inexcusable and (deservedly) massively damaged their reputation.

  18. 11 months ago

    Even if you ignore the horrible launch, it's just a mediocre open world shooter with colored weapons, perks that are mostly "+1% to dick damage", a few dialogue options and Keanu Reeves.

  19. 11 months ago

    No, it was fair. Game to this game isn't finished.

  20. 11 months ago

    Not really.
    Console plebs and homosexuals that cannot go trough a few bugs are one thing.
    Game being utter shit full of homosexualry is another.
    Less didlos and transhomosexuals and more breasts and depth.

  21. 11 months ago

    >the opening montage of the game was supposed to be the entire two acts
    >jackie being killed was supposed to be the big act 2 twist/ending that lead to the ending with act3
    >johnny silverhand wasn't a part of it at all beyond being mentioned in a couple of background news reports
    >CDPR got Keanu on board somehow
    >scrap the entire acts 1-2 of the game and turn it into a shitty montage
    >haphazardly stitch together the rest of the story into a 3 act structure despite it only serving as the closing act originally
    Game was doomed from the minute Keanu came aboard.

    • 11 months ago

      if legit, that explains a lot
      I didn't give a shit about jackie dying. I wanted to grind rep from nothing.

      the game's biggest fault was its just boring. even ignoring the bugs, ignoring the lack of actual content, ignoring the repetitive fights, ignoring the god awful class system. it was just boring as frick. the entire game was just what if you dont matter and nothing you do matters and nothing you ever did matters. cyber punk is supposed to be grim and doom but you find what you want and drive to get it. this was just doom porn combined with jerking keanu off.

      • 11 months ago

        It's still unverified but that was what a disgruntled ex employee that worked on the game claimed a few months after it launched.

        • 11 months ago


          • 11 months ago

            You're going to have to find it yourself. I don't have random tweets from ex devs from 3 years ago bookmarked.

      • 11 months ago

        If you send Jackies' body to Vik then the ending part at least has a little impact.

      • 11 months ago

        This, hence the suicide option makes most sense to me. OC and Keanu are two eternally defeated fricks and the world benefits from their deaths

    • 11 months ago

      being killed was supposed to be the big act 2 twist/ending that lead to the ending with act3
      You were meant to be able to save Jackie at one point

  22. 11 months ago

    Yea gang raped to put it mildly frank

  23. 11 months ago

    the game would be a lot better if they added proper driving ai and with that a police response that isnt just people spawning next to you.

  24. 11 months ago

    nah, frick them, it was really pathetic how much they wanted to hide the actual gameplay, from making the 2019 E3 gameplay private at the last minute to agressively claiming every single video that got leaked, they knew what they were doing and deserved the shitshow

  25. 11 months ago

    Someone must have blown out the part of your brain where you can hold memories because you don't remember all the issues at launch, or all the info coming out before game release.

  26. 11 months ago

    >Cyberpunk was unfairly derided by grou-

    • 11 months ago

      Motherfrickers sold physical copies of the game day one and despite the actual evidences they still try to gaslight the players?
      Thanks goodness for physical copies, man.

    • 11 months ago

      Thing is, a bunch of these bugs, like the despawning crowds, are still in the game. This game was coded by apes.

  27. 11 months ago

    >amazing experience
    I dunno about that, a lot of the systems were still pretty bad
    I agree most people complaining about it never played it though, probably 99% of people on Ganker for sure

  28. 11 months ago

    it's a cool game, but holy shit is it fricking buggy

  29. 11 months ago

    >people are literally shilling games that took 2+ years to become playable at a very basic level with only a fraction of what was promised
    You think that you'll end up with a No Man's Sky, but truth is you'll end up with an Anthem instead

  30. 11 months ago

    True, just whiny manchild consolehomosexuals. Game was fine day 1 on pc.

  31. 11 months ago

    good point OP
    I'll pirate the current version and let you know what I think

    just kidding I'm never going to play this shit

  32. 11 months ago

    I played it at launch and found it very boring, but I also didn't really care for any of their other games.

  33. 11 months ago

    No... NO!
    CDPR has been extremely rude with interaction with fans. I am no room to give them the benefit of doubt. I will be playing game, I have around 2k hours in CP2077. But being ignored like this, in a stream... no, you guys have been extremely rude and I think that reflect on sales.

  34. 11 months ago

    >release a completely different game to the one you've been advertising for 10 years
    >it's generally just really shit to boot
    >people are outraged
    What's the problem?

  35. 11 months ago


  36. 11 months ago

    Nope. The game was removed from digital storefronts because of how busted it was.
    The backlash was deserved.

    • 11 months ago

      It was only removed from console platforms. Gonna be honest with you dude, consoles are shit. They perform poorly and never get any good games. I think it should have never been released for ps4.

      • 11 months ago

        The game's entire experience is removed from my personal memory, besides the best ending where the OC and Keanu mutually commit suicide. That genuinely redeemed the time I pissed onto 2077

        • 11 months ago

          yeah, but I loved the overall theme, trafficking, drug trade, weapons manufacturing. You can almost ignore the main plot and just enjoy the side content. Which is what I did.

          • 11 months ago

            What side content? You mean the missions. Not the "actual side content".
            The missions are shit whether they're Story or Side missions. The gameplay is shit. I love the setting, and that's why I hate the game so much. The Night City in game is cardboard. It doesn't look like the putrid reality that Night City is.
            The game deludes itself as Blade Runner.
            It's more akin to a melodramatic Saints Row.
            It was dreamed to be a full-engagement Transmetropolitan.
            Or merely a video game of the Cyberpunk pen and paper game.
            As is it barely scratches the Cyberpunk itch, it barely captures the vibe.
            The real world provides more of a Cyberpunk 'feel' than the official video game falsely representing the setting.
            All my criticisms would be alleviated if CDPR didn't feel it necessary to put the Cyberpunk IP into a stranglehold just to realize their mediocre vision.
            If it was called FUTUREGHOST: 2077 or something apparently dumb as the plot or creative process behind the games contents itself I'd not be here b***hing to myself and you right now anon.
            I spit on you, this game, and the nation of Poland
            *commits suicide w the chosen one*

        • 11 months ago

          I would have loved a ending like the "(Don't fear) The reaper" one but in which you went with the intention to frick everything up using your life and Johnny's as collateral. The ending in which you stay in your body is just too fricking shit.

          • 11 months ago

            Eh, the shoot self in head ending was such a blindside that it actually relieved me of all the gunk I was feeling "playing" the """game""". It really torques my testes knowing anons call Max Payne 3 a movie but slobbered down CDPR's half-baked spew.
            Nothing can redeem that the very experience of the game subject you to the plot of the chip in your head, and how that entire plot does not predate but justifies having Keanu Reeves on board. They should have made the games story the Netflix show, made the game a pen and paper realization. (As close to one any developer could get)

      • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      That's not really what happened.
      What actually happened was the game came out on PS4 and absolutely did not work. CDPR was flooded with tweets and (supposedly) calls to their support lines saying to refund them, and CDPR said that players would have to go through Sony to deal with that.
      So all those people then started hitting up sony support saying that CDPR said to get with Sony, and Sony said no, frick that, we're not dealing with a bunch of angry players and took the game down from the store to stop the madness then issued an automated, no questions asked refunds for anyone that bought the game digital.

      So while it technically was because the game was broken, it wasn't until CDPR pissed off Sony by telling the fan base that it's Sonys problem to deal with that the game was removed from the store. Had CDPR never said that Sony has to deal with it the game probably would have never been taken off the store.

  37. 11 months ago

    It sold 14 million copies in about 48 hours

  38. 11 months ago

    Played it at launch. It was a mediocre turd, even without the bugs or performance issues.

    Played it again after watching Edgerunners, and yep, still a mediocre turd.

  39. 11 months ago

    You're right. It is time we individually deride it for its shit story and weak execution of its advertised concept. It will be irrelevant except for retrospective analysis one year after Starfield's release.
    Three to five years after that you'll be able to prompt via AI a superior "Cyberpunk" game that's more Cyberpunk than 2077 and without a creative director who's bankrupt in that regard and can think only to advertise fully realized role-playing game in a provided elaborate setting yet making the whole time a 30hour Hardcore Henry movie staring Keanu Reeves as your personal hologhost.
    Cyberpunk is the biggest negative creative turn-around in gaming. Promised everything and met with nothing I can't get from fricking NETFLIX

  40. 11 months ago

    They lied in their marketing campaign for the public and did shit corporate practices to sell their ubsoft tier game that was also a unfinished umpolished clusterfrick, frick off, Black person. OP is a homosexual.
    They deserve all their hate and no amount of patches will make the game be anything better than meh and it will never be what they advertised, thus they will never recieve a penny from me and if you spend money in it you are a coomsumer drone moron that likes to suck corporate wiener and eat shit

  41. 11 months ago

    this game doesn't even have all of the promised shit after like what? 2 years?
    cmon it's a fullpriced game and it was literally unplayable on launch. cdpr should shut the frick up

  42. 11 months ago

    CDPR cashed their consumer trust in and then realized they gotta pay the stupid tax for it.
    Consumer trust they shouldn't have had in the first place because Witcher 3 was also in a shit state during its launch.

    • 11 months ago

      I don't know if you realize this but CP2077 sold over 20 million copies as of a year ago.
      This idea that they lost the gamers trust is completely and totally wrong. This site does not mirror reality.

      • 11 months ago

        >This idea that they lost the gamers trust
        werent trying to imply that tho

        • 11 months ago

          Then what in the FRICK did you mean when you said
          >CDPR cashed their consumer trust in

          • 11 months ago

            they baited people into preordering and hoped people wouldnt refund. Which is what happened. This doesnt imply that they lost it per se, just that they used their gamer trust bucks to earn themselves a nice paycheck.

            • 11 months ago

              Fair enough.

  43. 11 months ago

    CDPR should get down on their knees and beg to Trigger for instantly flipping the public's opinion. I'm positive that the only reason for this "overhated" shit is solely because of the anime.

  44. 11 months ago

    No, the game sucks dick. Which you know all about it.

  45. 11 months ago

    >missed out
    We can still play the game, anon.

  46. 11 months ago

    >Promise laundry list of builds and customizations
    >Prune it all to three back stories that all lead to street kid anyway
    >Even with all cut content can’t stop T-posing
    I say between promise and delivery it needed even more hate.

  47. 11 months ago

    Shut the frick up.

  48. 11 months ago

    The same exact thing is happening with FF16

  49. 11 months ago

    >people mad because it didn't run on the console it was advertised for
    >people who imagined an entire super-game that was never shown and are STILL mad because they think the devs "promised" something they never did

    I thought it was somewhere between a 7/10 or 8/10 depending on how much you like the story and that it was otherwise a relatively functional, fun follow up to TW3

    • 11 months ago

      I've bought it on sale and I've seen a couple bugs, like cars spawning halfway through ground, or a special effect not getting cleared out after a dialogue with Johnny.
      I agree the game's a 7/10. Good visuals, atmosphere, decent gameplay, still leaves some options. But the hate absolutely is deserved, they aimed too high, promised too much and in the end, delivered not just too little but also broken stuff.

    • 11 months ago

      I completely agree with your post.
      This is essentially also my sentiment towards the game.

  50. 11 months ago

    >the circumstances of its launch
    Yeah it was shit. That was the circumstance.

  51. 11 months ago

    I don't reward companies that release unfinished games with my finished dollars

  52. 11 months ago

    It reminded me of Fallout New Vegas with worse writing and even worse characters. Still a decent time.

    • 11 months ago

      It's less impressive than Fallout 4

    • 11 months ago

      >Fallout New Vegas with worse writing and even worse characters

  53. 11 months ago

    I like this game so much but I have no idea how to defend what I like. I guess I just have to except that I have shit taste in games. I'm like this with Egosoft too. Thousands hours.

  54. 11 months ago

    Agreed but Witcher 3 is overrated as frick so it all balances out.

  55. 11 months ago

    it seems pretty good now, no major bugs i've noticed and the game is actually really fun
    but nobody can deny that the game at launch was a massive disaster. i've never seen a major release that buggy, not even in Bethesda games

  56. 11 months ago

    Reminder to all the homosexuals ITT defending this heaving pile of shit, you support the shit state of the modern games industry and should never b***h about it. Also your taste is abysmal and I hope you all choke sucking CDPR’s wiener

    • 11 months ago

      Battlebit is awesome

  57. 11 months ago

    Normalgays started conflating the quality of Edgerunners with the game so much that now even the devs have started to.

    • 11 months ago

      Never watched the anime.
      Just liked the plot, aesthetics, music and themes of the game.

      • 11 months ago

        I saw part of the first episode, I don't like studio trigger, so I clicked out and never continued. I just like the game.

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