>Dead Space Remake. >Features better combat and level design

>Dead Space Remake
>Features better combat and level design
>Almost a 10/10, objectively better then the first in almost every way
>Has no real main menu, basically a glorified pause screen that immediately puts you back into the game
Its a cool idea but it has no sauce, give me a real main menu with music and design not this boring shit

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

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  1. 4 months ago

    Kys troony

    • 4 months ago

      >4 minutes
      Reset the clock

      • 4 months ago
        • 4 months ago
          • 4 months ago

            humor for pansexuals

  2. 4 months ago

    I don't think the gameplay is better, it is different. The necromorphs are slow and tanky and completely silent if you don't see them. In the original they are very fast, but take very little to be dismembered, and while they do attack from multiple angles, it is always an ambush with obvious music cue.

    That being said I really like the remake but the stuttering makes it less enjoyable. The hamfisted "hey btw I am gay" in one line and one audiolog can be ignored, the bad voiceacting of everyone except Isaac, Kendra, Ishimura AI is a shame but luckily the game is 99% gameplay with very few cutscenes. I can't make up my mind whether Nicole or Hammond were completely botched, both have awful VA and much worse face.

    • 4 months ago

      Nicole’s VA is the same from Dead Space 2, and she was fine. Hammond is the one who was completely butchered in terms of writing and voice acting.

      • 4 months ago

        She is not fine in DSR. Maybe you can say she has talent and the direction botched it but her lines were like she was going through a grocery list. Hammond too, but Hammond's lines were also completely cliche to boot.

      • 4 months ago

        Also Dr. Kyne. What an absolute blunder of a recast.

    • 4 months ago

      The slow necromorphs is so weird because apparently the fast versions exist. Problem is they're so rare nobody seems to know if it's a bug, intentional, or leftover content. I recall a video where a guy played through the entire game without seeing a fast one, did ng+ and saw one near the beginning, but never again.

      • 4 months ago

        I replayed the game 5 times, all on hard but one on impossible. I saw a fast necro once.

  3. 4 months ago

    The remake is worse than the original in so, so many ways that having slightly faster combat and a few QoL tweaks from 2 do not fricking even remotely begin to make it 10/10 or even better than the original, for that matter.

    • 4 months ago

      In what ways? I think it has better overall atmosphere, the intensity director, rebalanced guns and the peeling system makes up for muh LGBT or muh 10 seconds of shooting rock has bad animation.

      • 4 months ago

        atmosphere loses as much as it gains from room to room. The devs fundamentally do not understand horror and it shows in how they retooled so many scenes to be LOUD AND CRAZY SCREEN EFFECTS. The peeling system isn't even a peeling system. It's a shrinking system. They layered 3 models over the top of each other so when you shoot one, that out model sucks in a little bit to let the next model show from under it. Go find a corpse and put a round in the tip of his toes for max comedy. And this shitty lazy gore system made them shitty and lazy by using it for bloodless corpses scattered all around the ship which are a far cry from the og game which took every npc model and made torn apart versions of them in extreme detail. Rebalanced fricking guns do not ever remotely warrant a remake. You can just mod the fricking original game. The story is objectively worse. The voice acting is 1000x worse. The zero grav flight is a horrible fricking idea and always was in 2 as well. It's boring and uninteresting compared to jumping from wall to wall. Large chunks of the game were replaced with worse versions of themselves. And it's missing so much of the exquisite detail work the devs put into the first game. The most immediate one off the top of my head being the vid call work. The original game had all these little handcrafted visual glitches and audio issues that were synced up and perfect. The new game just puts a generic static filter over them and a hollow tin noise overlay. And then there is all of the race swapping bullshit and other political shit. These things matter the least to me when comparing the two works but that doesn't mean they don't merit mentioning.

        • 4 months ago

          which reminds me the other shit part of the gore system is that every single enemy HAS to fit that exact animation skeleton. Dead Space 1 has like, 5 or 6 varieties of slashers and 2 and 3 added dozens more with all sorts of interesting limb and gore configurations that twist the body, one way or another, into a slasher. In the remake every slasher looks EXACTLY the same from a morphological point of view. Honestly I could go on about the remake for hours and all of it's death by a thousand cut failings. There are small things I like here and there. Mercer's acting. The atmosphere of the crew deck. the zero g suction when doors open. But these are small things.

          • 4 months ago

            oh frick me anon I really wish you hadn't asked what's wrong with the remake because now all the bad memories are flooding back in


            • 4 months ago

              oh yeah and we can't forget the part where the character assassinate isaac's relationship with nicole for literally zero reason. Everything involving the writing is just so egregious. It's not even funny.

              • 4 months ago

                this game fired me up badly enough that I was actually started making a fricking youtube video essay. I don't fricking make youtube video essays and I never even finished this one. But I was writing a script and recording footage and workshopping editing ideas for weeks before I realized that nothing I have to say about this dumb video game that I love so much will ever cut through the "DUH BES REMAKE EVA" bullshit that is drowning the internet. Congratulations AAA slop gays. You won. You can have your remake. and the 2nd game will get remade too. can't wait to suffer through that.

                God. Just listen to how crisp and interesting the 2008 audio is vs the remake. So many details lost to the obsession with GWAPHICS

              • 4 months ago

                i should have gone to bed an hour ago, and like the 2008 original, this thread will get buried anyways. frick you op

              • 4 months ago

                Appreciate your efforts.

                I just link people this. You either get it or you don't.

              • 4 months ago

                Both are fine. The original keeps you more tense by not taking the control away, the remake shows you what the infector does in a cool scene and then the infector runs away and you have to deal with the necromorph while the rest of the morgue is a buffet for the infector. Both create tense moments in their own ways.

              • 4 months ago

                thanks for volunteering

              • 4 months ago

                Yes, the remake has a nice callback to DS2. Don't know what you mean by volunteering.

              • 4 months ago

                I'm awake now and at work. But one peek at this thread reveals enough rock bottom standards and copes regarding the remake to tell me I was right. To those of you that get it, I'm glad I'm not alone. To those of you who don't, you're as bad as the normies ruining your favorite games/genres.


              • 4 months ago

                I'm not hugely impressed by it but it could have been so much worse, anon.

              • 4 months ago

                A remake has one and only one way to matter in this life. Be better than the original or frick off. If it's worse, it's a waste of time. If it's only as good as the original, what was the fricking point? And the Dead Space remake is not even as good as the og, so its a waste of time.

              • 4 months ago

                What an insufferable pompous buffoon you are

              • 4 months ago

                pretty much, even if he has valid points regarding some things in the remake

              • 4 months ago

                Funny. I was thinking the exact same thing about you, normie.

              • 4 months ago

                >He wrote all this in a bait thread about a video game over a demake
                Anon that's really cbased

              • 4 months ago

                >and the 2nd game will get remade too. can't wait to suffer through that
                Doubt. The remake wasn't financially successful based on the data we have.

              • 4 months ago

                neither were any of the first three games but EA, remakrably, stuck to making the series for three games straight.

              • 4 months ago

                They thought they could CoDify the franchise. DS1 and DS2 were financial losses but they built up a strong brand. All they needed to do was to scale back the budget and reuse the know how and assets and engine already built to make a good and financially sound third game but the executive meddling turned the project into a complete financial failure and ruined the brand. It's like the executive responsible for it said I am not only moronic I am the real deal.

                And it pains me because DS3 has enough to be a good game. All they needed to do was to scrap the ayy lmao new assets, make 99% of the game on the derelict graveyard with semi-open world gameplay, and recycle the weapons and necromorphs from 2. Add in a text log here and there instead of expensive acting and animating many of the cringe triangle love scenes. That's it, first green revenue number. Then milk it up for 3 more games and sell t-shirts or whatever for consoom.

              • 4 months ago

                The only thing I can feel thankful for in all of this mess is that they didn't delist the original from digital stores like how wienerstar of David did when they released the GTA collection.

              • 4 months ago

                This is how I felt about the Crash remakes which exposed even here the disgusting secondaries who wouldn't know proper direction if it hit them in the face. It makes me sick to see people clamouring for VV to work on another one.

                Keep at it. Never settle for less.

              • 4 months ago

                > was actually started making a fricking youtube video essay
                lmao are you me? I had a script and everything but then I realized I suck at reading scripts and the video won't matter anyway.

          • 4 months ago

            If I remember correctly, all the normal Slashers share the exact same male body type, with different heads and clothes slapped on.
            Even Isaac’s suit upgrades are lazy, reuse the exact same under suit, while slapping different pieces of metal on it, and the helmet looking the same from the back. The original had unique models for all the suits when you compared them, with their own little unique details that the remake lacks.

          • 4 months ago

            >Dead Space 1 has like, 5 or 6 varieties of slashers and 2 and 3 added dozens more with all sorts of interesting limb and gore configurations that twist the body, one way or another, into a slasher
            It's a basic trick, but it does SO much to un-gamefy the experience, and make things feel more unique and unscripted

          • 4 months ago
            • 4 months ago

              These are comparisons between the original and the remake? I can't even tell.

              • 4 months ago

                no, these are just original

              • 4 months ago

                These are all from the original trilogy.

          • 4 months ago

            It also annoyed me how most remake Necromorph's look off. The originals look like mimics (they look like an alien trying to wear a person), the dead dish eyes, the flesh is torn, blood, and skin tones could vary, but for the most part corpses look fresh. Meanwhile, remake had them look so clean by comparison, and they felt well put together when many felt cobbled together (I'm horrible at explaining things, hopefully someone gets it). Animations for the og game are pretty varied, and the unnatural movements they made, along with the animation tricks to make it look like they were moving crazy fast, sold you on how dangerous they are. The remake animations felt so basic by comparison.

            And dear lord the sounds for the necro's is just awful in the remake. A completely unnecessary change

            • 4 months ago

              someone please for the love of god post the "WHAT'S GOOOOOOOD NYYYYYIGGA" jump scare from the remake. I could use a laugh.

        • 4 months ago

          I agree with some of your points and disagree on others. I would say the peeling system is fine in normal gameplay when you don't try to prove a point by shooting a toenail and saying huh look how segmented it is dude. What makes the peeling system good is the fact that stripping down muscle actually makes that part of the body slower. That is a neat detail.

          Some VAs are worse indeed, but we have Gunner back, who is on his A game. Kendra is also as good if not better and the original VA for Ishimura did a good job too. The writing is definitely worse but the secret ending is better imo and ties the game into DS2 in a more cohesive way. It feels like a proper horror ending for the protagonist and demonstrates clearly just how bad the marker is. There are also some nice setups for the marker influence earlier, like the moronic Hammond's death scene which is not as moronic when you think about what they tried to convey.

          Zero-g is in my opinion better. It adds a nice pacing to the entire gameplay loop and it doesn't overstay its welcome.

          >Dead Space 1 has like, 5 or 6 varieties of slashers and 2 and 3 added dozens more with all sorts of interesting limb and gore configurations that twist the body
          And the remake doesn't?

          • 4 months ago

            >And the remake doesn't?
            Yes. They all reuse the same model, and there are no female Slashers.

            • 4 months ago

              What about the slashers that could spit acid?

              • 4 months ago

                They’re male.

          • 4 months ago

            I feel like in my playthrough the 'peeling' system just looked ridiculous where I'd shoot a limb with plasma cutter and it would just go red rather than making a more distinct cut in them. Just looked disappointing and weird. It's like the area that shrinks has to be very large or tied to entire sections of limbs.

            Aside from that one other issue with the remake is that the aiming is fundamentally worse visually and mechanically. It sucks that we lost aiming with actual lasers and have a glorified reticule, and this is just one of many remakes to replace better aiming systems with reticule slop. We used to aim in the same space that all the game actors move in, now we have to deal with the misalignment between our camera and our character when aiming and its just awkward and way harder.

        • 4 months ago

          which reminds me the other shit part of the gore system is that every single enemy HAS to fit that exact animation skeleton. Dead Space 1 has like, 5 or 6 varieties of slashers and 2 and 3 added dozens more with all sorts of interesting limb and gore configurations that twist the body, one way or another, into a slasher. In the remake every slasher looks EXACTLY the same from a morphological point of view. Honestly I could go on about the remake for hours and all of it's death by a thousand cut failings. There are small things I like here and there. Mercer's acting. The atmosphere of the crew deck. the zero g suction when doors open. But these are small things.

          oh frick me anon I really wish you hadn't asked what's wrong with the remake because now all the bad memories are flooding back in


          oh yeah and we can't forget the part where the character assassinate isaac's relationship with nicole for literally zero reason. Everything involving the writing is just so egregious. It's not even funny.

          this game fired me up badly enough that I was actually started making a fricking youtube video essay. I don't fricking make youtube video essays and I never even finished this one. But I was writing a script and recording footage and workshopping editing ideas for weeks before I realized that nothing I have to say about this dumb video game that I love so much will ever cut through the "DUH BES REMAKE EVA" bullshit that is drowning the internet. Congratulations AAA slop gays. You won. You can have your remake. and the 2nd game will get remade too. can't wait to suffer through that.

          God. Just listen to how crisp and interesting the 2008 audio is vs the remake. So many details lost to the obsession with GWAPHICS

          Based OGchad

        • 4 months ago

          Thanks for the effort posts even if they'll be drowned out by the remake trannies.

          • 4 months ago

            The effort hasn't evwn begun. T-5 hours.

        • 4 months ago

          *munch munch* ha ha why do you care

        • 4 months ago

          which reminds me the other shit part of the gore system is that every single enemy HAS to fit that exact animation skeleton. Dead Space 1 has like, 5 or 6 varieties of slashers and 2 and 3 added dozens more with all sorts of interesting limb and gore configurations that twist the body, one way or another, into a slasher. In the remake every slasher looks EXACTLY the same from a morphological point of view. Honestly I could go on about the remake for hours and all of it's death by a thousand cut failings. There are small things I like here and there. Mercer's acting. The atmosphere of the crew deck. the zero g suction when doors open. But these are small things.

          Based connoisseur of smaller details. It's a shame more people don't notice these things.

        • 4 months ago

          That reminds me, did they remove these Nicole hallucinations on monitors entirely?

          They were pretty creepy and the sound design is great, there is this foreboding ambience that accompanies them.

    • 4 months ago

      This. Devs lack vision and don't understand immersion. There are so many details they did worse or just skipped entirely. They couldnt even recreate the busted gravity plating that smashes things against the ceiling. Sound design was ass too.
      For what it's worth I think they did recreate the aesthetic nicely and the turret section was better.

      In what ways? I think it has better overall atmosphere, the intensity director, rebalanced guns and the peeling system makes up for muh LGBT or muh 10 seconds of shooting rock has bad animation.

      >the intensity director
      Until you notice the same failing/exploding ventilator for the 5th time and it loses any impact.

      • 4 months ago

        >Until you notice the same failing/exploding ventilator for the 5th time and it loses any impact.
        The vents exploding was showing nicely how the ship was breaking apart and I had a necro burst out of it too when I thought it would be just another exploding vent. Another time a necro dropped from ceiling right before unrelated vent exploded. There is a lot to the thing and it kept me on my toes especially on the permadeath mode. Combine it with good headphones and it works.

  4. 4 months ago

    Dead Space 1 (the OG) was a pretty shlocky action game with CUT THEIR LIMBS OFF cartoonishly written in blood. It will never be a good horror game.

    • 4 months ago

      DS games are action games with some horror elements. Very early in DS1 you see the message cut off their limbs before even having a weapon. So you know there's a threat and how to defeat it. Then every enemy drops ammo, health kit or money. So much horror. But nah, DS3 is the worst.

      • 4 months ago

        Third person action horror is the best "genre" there is. REmake 2 and 4, Dead Space, these are the best games ever made.

        • 4 months ago

          2 sucked after station otherwise ye

          • 4 months ago

            What station?

          • 4 months ago

            What station?

            Oh you mean REmake 2? I loved the over the top labs. It was a cool change of environment and I wouldn't mind more lab levels in next REs.

            • 4 months ago

              my expectations were just set so high early on that once I hit the sewers I never felt it reach that peak again. i had a similar reaction to the castle in re8

              • 4 months ago

                I had no expectations going in at all. I have yet to play RE8 and I don't have high expectations either. RE7 was great for a single playthrough but I don't think it's a very replayable game due to how heavily scripted it is. I hope RE8 is more "free" in that way, closer to RE2/4 which have great replayability.

        • 4 months ago

          >REmake 2 and 4, Dead Space, these are the best games ever made.

          • 4 months ago

            suffer not the consoomer to live

    • 4 months ago

      >CUT THEIR LIMBS OFF cartoonishly written in blood
      They had to repeat that multiple times because play testers are genuinely brain dead.

  5. 4 months ago

    I like the remake but maybe it just my PC but it has so many fricking tech issues that were never fixed
    >Frequent pop ins
    >Cutscenes refusing to load
    >Makes fans go BRRRRRRRRRR
    >Important objects / NPCs dont load right in later chapters, and important quest items may not spawn in the last level requiring a reset of the entire chapter from a previous one
    These were on launch issues and they still happen to this day

    • 4 months ago

      It has unreasonably high CPU demand and if you don't have really good cooling it will pump the core temps a bit much for what it is. I have the game installed on NVMe and had none of the loading npc/items issues and I replayed the game quite a few times. But it is a common complaint. Do you have it installed on an SSD?

  6. 4 months ago

    call me when they remake dead space with anime girls

  7. 4 months ago

    >They're going to remake Dead Space 2 next and frick it up heavily instead of trying to fix the actually flawed 3

    • 4 months ago

      And then they will remake 3 and keep it as it is with universal ammo and weapon crafting. The moronic Isaac-Ellie-Elton John romance subplot will stay too. Ellie will have to be mixed race or deaf or something to meet the quotas.

    • 4 months ago

      Probably workin their way up to it.

      Watch them make Ellie that black woman with teh bug eyes thats in everything or something though.

      • 4 months ago

        >Watch them make Ellie that black woman with teh bug eyes thats in everything or something though.
        I can't blame her. They keep offering her roles, she is taking them. She said she wants to leave a memory for either her children or grandchildren and that's based in my book.

        • 4 months ago

          Thats nice for her, but only for her, I personally think its really distracting and avoid games that have her in them.
          >every other face in the game looks unique, even though they are face scanned
          >but you keep seeing this very distinct looking woman across multiple differnt games from different developers and genres as a prolific plot character

          • 4 months ago

            Would you refuse getting fat paychecks and making nice memento for your family? The only one to blame are the devs or execs who hire her.

            • 4 months ago

              Like I said, good for her, take them to the cleaners, Im not playing the games shes in just beceause the developers are moronic.

    • 4 months ago

      I really doubt that they will make any more Dead Space games. Its a miracle the remake even happened and its even more of a miracle that its actually good.

    • 4 months ago

      Imagine a ds 3 where you play the entire game as that terrified squemish guy in the intro section.

  8. 4 months ago

    >10/10, objectively better then the first in almost every way
    lol, they couldn't even get the plasma cutter right

  9. 4 months ago

    I remember nothing about Dead Space except that the jump scares were really loud, I guess that makes it a horror classic?

  10. 4 months ago

    it's a fun if pointless remake.
    In a perfect would we'd be talking about Dead Space 4 right now and how it fixed everything that was wrong in the previous game and the series is back on track
    Instead we are talking about a remake that is good but didn't need to happen of all the games to get remade Dead Space needed it the least it was perfect as it was.
    DS2 needs a remake even less.

    • 4 months ago

      >In a perfect would we'd be talking about Dead Space 4 right now
      I have good news anon, just pay $70 (to the publisher responsible for killing DS in the first place) for 3 games you've already played a decade ago and *maybe* you'll get DS 4 Unless EA decides to release Dead Space (2023) [Remake] before then 🙂

  11. 4 months ago

    >>Dead Space Remake
    uglier women, granny love interest and blackwashes
    Didn't play, therefore I won 😉

    • 4 months ago

      What about the gameplay though?

    • 4 months ago

      Isaac is like 45. Nicole looks even older than her model in the remake in 2. Play the games you have such strong opinions about, I promise they’re pretty good for the most part.

      • 4 months ago

        tbh I think nu-Isaac was more of a crime than hagmilf Nicole. Fricker looks like Adam Sandler now.

        • 4 months ago


        • 4 months ago

          I think he looks fine. He looks like his VA and he has the space engineer look. But Isaac in DS2 is my favorite male protag both in looks and personality so that would be a shame for a potential DS2 remake.

  12. 4 months ago

    After playing it on goypass, I mostly agree, except for two key factors, which are so key that I just can't bring myself to say the Remake is better. These are:
    >the terrible animations
    Necromorphs are no longer twitchy, inhuman, insane beasts. They are blocks of flesh to be peeled off, slowly, part by part. They do not even duck under fire anymore, or even move at any speed that is any threat. They are oddly robotic, and it just kills me that the animation of a 2008 game is so much superior. Even the fast necromorphs seem like they teleport instead of moving fat. They look and feel exactly the same as the rest except for their teleporting ability.
    My theory is that the mo-cap made them lazy, but who knows honestly.
    >the sound design
    While this one has been harped on to hell and back, especially here, I haven't seen enough people really say how fricking DUMB and moronic the necromorphs sound now. Before, they sounded feral, insane, rabid and markedly non-human. Now, they're just gurgling morons that sound perfectly normal, like zombies even.
    These two factors coalesce into a single, immersion killing one. The monsters just aren't scary or even remotely unsettling. They are even funny, to be honest. If I could find the catbox file of when you see the necromorph run past a hallway right after acquiring the plasma gun.
    In the original, he moves past in a dead sprint making those disgusting gutural noises; in the remake, he briskly walks past you while mildly gurgling an AuuuAgh and just moves on. It's honestly hilarious.
    I don't hate the remake, but it's not as good as the original, not even close. The open structure of the game was a good touch, albeit I still prefer the original game's linear structure. I will unabashedly defend the Elizabeth Cross being Nicole twist though, makes much more sense.

    • 4 months ago

      >While this one has been harped on to hell and back, especially here, I haven't seen enough people really say how fricking DUMB and moronic the necromorphs sound now. Before, they sounded feral, insane, rabid and markedly non-human.
      Well said. I am sure you remember the first necro that runs from right to left in a hallway that is blocked by a crate (you have a pick up there). The first time I heard his HURRRRRGD I started laughing. The sounds of the necromorphs are a massive downgrade to the original which still manages to make my hair stand. But still as a whole the game made me shit myself more than the original, especially on impossible, because the intensity director is that good. As for the animations, they were supposedly made by ME: Andromeda staff and that should tell you everything. The zero g animations are the worst offender imo, the faces are surprisingly very well animated, perhaps due to mocap.

      • 4 months ago

        >I am sure you remember the first necro that runs from right to left in a hallway that is blocked by a crate (you have a pick up there)
        YES, that's the encounter I was trying to reference, although I typed the entire post in a hurry. It's such a distinct moment I remembered from the original, and it was butchered in the Remake from menacing to morbidly funny. Very sad.

    • 4 months ago

      >I will unabashedly defend the Elizabeth Cross being Nicole twist though, makes much more sense.
      I didn't like it. Nicole being made up is more creepy for me for some reason but I give them good points for adding Cross recordings in the Nicole's room if you are on ng+ and she acknowledges Isaac losing it.

      • 4 months ago

        >Nicole being made up is more creepy for me for some reason
        It's definitely creepier, but having Isaac hallucinate another person AS Nicole has more impact, while not as creepy. It makes Isaac that much more of an unreliable narrator.

      • 4 months ago

        >she acknowledges Isaac losing it
        This is weird, because at what point does she start seeing Isaac as Temple? When she gets on the shuttle to the planet?

        I've not played the remake and have no real desire to do so so for now i'll continue to enjoy the original as I see fit.

        It made me laugh how they brought the original level 3 RIG through, but didn't remaster it or anything, it's just the old PS3/360 model with a slightly updated texture that makes it look blindingly orange

        the remake is fine, Ganker just has a way of coming off as more vitriolic and critical than things deserve. if anything if i had to recommend the original or remake and could only chose one for someone getting into the series, i'd say the remake since it's just the more refined experience. and doesn't suffer from the writers not really knowing what they wanted to do with the franchise since they weren't even sure if a niche horror game would get a sequel.

        Yeah, it's fine. I didn't like it as much as the original, but it's still alright, and I imagine if I hadn't played the original I'd think it was great. I am hoping they make 2.

        • 4 months ago

          Hard to tell but when you have to protect Nicole/Cross from necromorphs, she is still sane and recognizes Isaac. He calls Kendra all giggly and Kendra is like "you.. met Nicole? Alright Isaac that's fantastic" Later on when you meet Nicole/Cross again, she is trying to help you stop Kendra so I assume Cross has already lost the plot at that point.

    • 4 months ago

      I think following Jacob and Liz’s entries across the Ishimura, only to find out they get killed by Mercer right in front of you was much better, and kept with the hopeless feeling of the game up until that point. Merger’s death was also worse in the remake.

      • 4 months ago

        The way Mercer dies in the og made my hair stand. The remake was laughable. Mercer was like noo how could this happen why do you want to kill me?

    • 4 months ago

      It’s fricking stupid how Isaac tries to save Kendra after she executes both Kyne and Liz. Her death was worse too.

      • 4 months ago

        yeah, Isaac is much more of a hero character in this one, much more than in 2 or 3 where he already has the "action hero" persona.
        I did like that he still tried to save Kendra, because he didn't want another human to die in front of him, makes him much more relatable.
        It does creat a narrative disparity in the sense that Isaac is supposed to already be batshit by the Hivema¡ind fight and Kendra just pissed him off, but I'm honestly willing to put up with a little narrative dissonance.

      • 4 months ago

        Someone on the writing crew must’ve really liked Kendra

    • 4 months ago

      If I'm perfectly honest I kind of like how stiff and robotic the Necromorphs are now.
      Might sound dumb but I think it fits better these things aren't a species they are just flesh robots puppeted by an eldritch horror
      They don't think or feel pain so seeing them lumbering towards you shrugging off every shot makes them feel like just walking meat and it's disturbing

  13. 4 months ago

    >Almost a 10/10, objectively better then the first in almost every way
    How does that EA cum taste, zoomer?

    • 4 months ago

      How the frick they're not bought out by some mega corpo yet?

  14. 4 months ago

    Why did the remake add that Cross was a prostitute who fricked half the ship?

  15. 4 months ago

    I made a post about this the other day but played the game recently and I'm still seething about how much they gutted the maintenance bay room in the remake, it's completely lost its eerie nature
    the baked lighting in the original meant you had some fantastic setpieces and that hanging tram is the best in the game and probably my favourite room in any game ever just because of how uneasy it makes you feel due to constant noise and changing shadows.
    clearly the people remaking it saw it was completely sanitised in the new engine so they forced you to turn the lights off to turn it into a boo haunted house.
    I think it's a good metaphor for the remake. ambient horror and fear of the unknown is too hard, so they just throw you in the dark, give you lots of WOW JUMPSCARES and occasionally put you on a timer to stress you out.

    • 4 months ago

      You can turn off life support if you want to keep the lights on.

      • 4 months ago

        different room. you're thinking of the refuelling room. in t he maintenance bay your option is to turn off the elevator, but you need that to exit the room

        a few other things that annoyed me
        >"and by the way Isaac, make us whole. did you hear that? I said make us whole. you're gonna make us whole, right?"
        >walking diagonally forward+right looks moronic
        >if you open a door coming out of zero gravity you do a mach 6 rotation to line up with the floor
        >encounters are just shooting until the scary music stops playing and then going back to exploring
        >in the original, Isaac would change his posture depending on his health level, hunched over at red
        >you could still kind of believe that the RIGs are for engineers in the original, while in the remake it looks like honest to god armour

        also, it's been way too long since I've played the original, is the Hivemind fight that fricking bad? you get to the ship and there are 20 crates just sat on the platform and you just spend 5 minutes dodging left and right

        Also, what the hell is this? This looks like a shitty bootleg DS2 Rivet Gun, and nothing like the Rivet Guns they used during Extraction.

        how that moron took off three of his own limbs with this is beyond me

        • 4 months ago

          oh yeah, and the fricking clearance level bullshit so that you can't open a locker that has 200 credits in it until you come back in chapter 8, because that could have been utterly gamechanging
          clearly just because they wanted to show off that the ship is open world now, which is cool, but frick that

        • 4 months ago

          >in the original, Isaac would change his posture depending on his health level, hunched over at red
          It's baffling they made Gunner record every line 3 times for three different states, green, yellow, red hp and add his increasing breathing and heartbeat the more you run but they dun goofed the animations for him.

          • 4 months ago

            >they dun goofed the animations for him.
            they dun goofed the animations in general. Everyone moves like a ps1 pre rendered cutscene.

          • 4 months ago

            I really hate that they removed Isaac’s hunched over posture.

  16. 4 months ago

    oh sweet a bait thread

  17. 4 months ago

    Also, what the hell is this? This looks like a shitty bootleg DS2 Rivet Gun, and nothing like the Rivet Guns they used during Extraction.

  18. 4 months ago

    I've not played the remake and have no real desire to do so so for now i'll continue to enjoy the original as I see fit.

    • 4 months ago

      the remake is fine, Ganker just has a way of coming off as more vitriolic and critical than things deserve. if anything if i had to recommend the original or remake and could only chose one for someone getting into the series, i'd say the remake since it's just the more refined experience. and doesn't suffer from the writers not really knowing what they wanted to do with the franchise since they weren't even sure if a niche horror game would get a sequel.

      • 4 months ago

        >I'd recommend the butchered EA remake and not the original version made by the actual devs, the one that god all the praise and reputation EA is now trying to claim for themselves
        have a nice day.

  19. 4 months ago

    Dead Space 2 is one of the greatest games ever made.

    • 4 months ago

      god the dead space 2 suit is so fricking sick

    • 4 months ago

      i'm scared anon.

      • 4 months ago

        Frick that fricking sun. I played it in complete pitch black with headphones on a huge TV and I almost shit myself.

        • 4 months ago

          The sun isn't the only scary thing in the game.

          • 4 months ago

            Come on baby just a little crumb of your pussy.

          • 4 months ago

            she's too pretty with both eyes

            • 4 months ago

              Don't worry she will be black in DSR2.

          • 4 months ago
            • 4 months ago

              here u go

          • 4 months ago

            WOW! Hot a What Baabhabhiat!

  20. 4 months ago

    How likely is a Dead Space 2 remake?
    I think the remake devs are working on an Iron game right? I honestly have no idea how good that will be or do considering how fricking shitty super hero games are right now.

    • 4 months ago

      Keep in mind not a single Dead Space made even $1 in profits and that very likely includes the remake.

      • 4 months ago

        >Keep in mind not a single Dead Space made even $1 in profits
        Still got like 5 games despite that. I still expect more Dead Space considering DSR was one of the first EA games in ages that got super high praise from journalists and gamers.

        • 4 months ago

          >An EA title mooching off the reputation of a IP and studio they murdered gets super high praise from ~~*~~*journalists*~~*~~ and "gamers"

        • 4 months ago

          How many company shares can you buy with high praise?

    • 4 months ago

      Don't worry, you already shown them you'll happily give them money for violated corpses of IP's they murdered.

    • 4 months ago

      fairly likely, the remake got great reviews and EA was testing the waters by sending out a survey asking if people would be interested in 2 and 3 getting remakes. but it's not top priority for EA compared to a licensed capeshit game since executives see marvel and think "much more popular with general audiences than some action horror game". so maybe after that they'd announce it.

      • 4 months ago

        You think most game publishers would be fricking shitting themselves when it comes to capeshift games considering how badly Avengers and Suicide Squad crashed and burned.

    • 4 months ago

      I'd rather just have a new DS game. 2 is perfect and 3 is better forgotten. DS1 had some rough spots that the remake mostly improved on (nu-Kyne and the overwatch suit are shit). Whatever happened to the Lexine plot thread from Extraction and Severed?

  21. 4 months ago

    >marvel shit
    >actual moving rcs thrusters

  22. 4 months ago

    Is it true that the game runs stuttery on PC? Some of the Steam reviews are scaring me a bit.

    • 4 months ago

      Yes, it has a 0.5 sec stutter every time you go to a new area sprinting. DF talks about it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYQFIsivzS8 The game is perfectly playable but it happes enough to be noticeable. I still spent 60 hours playing it so take it as you will.

    • 4 months ago

      yes, there's something called traversal stutter that happens due to how to game is loading areas in chunks or something - the game runs fine otherwise if you have a decent pc
      it is annoying though and it does kill my enjoyment of the game enough that i haven't replayed it as much as i would have

  23. 4 months ago

    Reminder that DSmake can be played for free on PC with an exploit

    • 4 months ago

      But then you can't contact EA support for help if you have technical difficulties.

  24. 4 months ago

    Has anyone completed this on Impossible mode? I'll probably take a swing at it, I've played it on Hard and died twice to bullshit reasons like running out of Plasma Cutter ammo because I picked up another gun and forgot to drop it off at the store so have its ammo filling up my inventory.
    Is the difficulty ramped up or is just permadeath?

    • 4 months ago

      Just hard + permadeath. Plasma cutter doesn't tend to drop much ammo so you need different guns or restock at shops. I ditched it when I could and used flamethrower, force gun, contact beam. Contact beam for bosses, flamethrower for firewall and ammo conservation and force gun when I didn't want to be ambushed. Force gun is the most op shit along with contact beam and ammo for force gun sells for a lot so keep it with you whether you want to use it or not.

    • 4 months ago

      impossible is just hard with the 1 life limit
      did it with only the plasma cutter and just min/maxed as much ammo, kits and stasis packs i could by selling everything else
      i even did all the side stuff for the upgraded stasis unit that fries necros which i've read that some people avoid due to it being optional and not wanting to do any backtracking and risk a weird spawn of enemies they aren't prepared for
      biggest things are knowing the 2 leviathan fights, the hive mind battle and where all the one hit kill stuff is like the mining deck section where you gotta plant the beacon and how to deal with the nuke room and medical laser room on the valor without getting yourself clipped
      it's really not that bad and i guess you can always save scum each chapter if you don't feel like replaying the game

      • 4 months ago

        The stasis upgrade is imo almost mandatory on impossible plasma cutter only run because it kills guardians and pregnant swarms with a single hit and you have no efficient way to deal with them. I would also add you should carry force gun in your inventory unequipped for ammo drops you can sell at the store. Valor is the worst part of the entire run. Nuke room, medical laser, and the worst of all, the core engine with fires bursting from pipes. On my first run that was hard I died twice and both were on Valor. The leviathan and hive mind are a joke compared to these instakill rooms and I was sweating bullets going through it on impossible.

        • 4 months ago

          it is very handy, i've just read a lot of anons suggesting to skip it due to the extra time it takes to get which isn't really that bad, i liked having it.
          swarms are the worst. at least most pregnants have explosive bottles nearby that can take them out fairly easily if someone chooses to not get it

  25. 4 months ago

    >People shitting on the remake
    Finally, actual human beings are talking about it instead of shit eating cum guzzling consumer NPCs

    • 4 months ago

      Black person all Ganker does is shit on the remake and 90% of it is just talking about the fricking bathroom signs get the frick out of here.

      • 4 months ago

        >90% of it is just talking about the fricking bathroom signs
        Nope, you just choose to disregard everything else or stop and cry "no no no!".

      • 4 months ago

        anon made 5 posts right at the start of this thread and never even mentioned the signs

  26. 4 months ago

    Why'd they have to do it dirty like that? From faceless stormtrooper to Overwatch character.

  27. 4 months ago

    >objectively better then the first in almost every way
    Frick no.
    All remakes/remasters are shit. Original or bust.

    • 4 months ago

      >All remakes/remasters are shit.
      Not true because RE4R exists.

  28. 4 months ago

    >Dead Space Remake
    >Features better combat
    No it didn't

  29. 4 months ago

    The remake was pretty fricking good.
    I think that being able to backtrack in the Ishimura is fun, and being able to return to areas to find new stuff is a good idea.
    I was hesitant about getting all the guns for free instead of buying them, but the mods you can buy to add abilities seem like a good tradeoff. Also zero G is so much fricking better, if you're one of those gays who defends the old system you obviously haven't played the game.
    I really liked how the game opened up about the drama between Isaac and Nicole, and how Isaac comments on it.
    Plus, Isaac speaking more now feels better; I get why people would want him to shut the frick up at all times to take in the atmosphere, but I think Isaac works better as a character rather than a mute protag with gun.

  30. 4 months ago

    wiener goes where?

    • 4 months ago

      She would look better if she weren't a lamp.

      • 4 months ago

        Get your hands off my wife.

  31. 4 months ago

    >Ganker gives nothing but praise to RE4 Remake despite changing the tone writing and cutting out some sections from the original
    >But Ganker shits on Dead Space despite it being more faithful to the OG and with almost no cut content.

    Why is this?

    • 4 months ago

      i don't do that and neither should anyone else

    • 4 months ago

      Unironically people just seething about the troon bathrooms.
      Which makes sense in universe to have because CEC is a megacorp that would definitely show off that kinda shit just to improve their public image.
      Remake is better than OG in my opinion, I know it's not perfect but it feels really well made.

    • 4 months ago

      Turns out RE4 is the better game both OG and remake.

      • 4 months ago

        Dead Space is better than RE4 in almost everyway

        >Better enemy variety
        >Great monster designs as well as character designs
        >Cool as frick dismemberment that is gory and fun
        >You can move and shoot
        >Real time inventory and hud
        >cool sc-fi setting and lore
        >Sick ass death scenes that make RE4s death scenes look tame as frick
        >Story isn't total dog shit
        >No cheesy Marvel tire bullshit
        >real atmosphere and even a few spooks unlike 4
        >no shitty escort
        >Hardly any QTEs
        >In game all the time never bogged down by cutscenes
        >great weapons and tools
        > no shitty island section
        >amazing sound design and graphics that shit all over 4
        >No crappy "lore" from previous games bogging it all dow

        • 4 months ago

          I agree. RE4 < DS1 < DSR < RE4R.
          I can get behind RE4R < DSR too.

          • 4 months ago

            The true ranking is
            DS2 > RE4R > DS1 > RE4 > DSR > a wet fart > DS3

    • 4 months ago

      You guys are literal dilletantes. You argue in bad faith about your artistic aspirations and motivations for criticism while creating unusually poor visions for what you understand to be ideal in any narrative-driven experience. You're just making shit up to expound, explaining things for the sake of explaining them; knowing the actual issue with the game's story never had anything to do with your personal interpretation, but your own dismissive attitude. The same people here who dislike RE4 Remake eat up shit like Final Fantasy VII: Remake with time-jannies shit. Some of the absolute worst storytelling I've seen in a game in a long time, splashed right there on the front page of the image board for months.

      But okay, you must judge a game on the critical failures it has. So what did RE4 do wrong? Did it have any glaring issues with tone? I don't think so, audiences understand the moods their supposed to feel 100% of the time. Did the dialogue come across as burdened and inorganic? No, everything spoken felt real and at the very least, definably necessary. Was the cut content inherently vague or nebulous? Yes, lots of the content removed from the game was, if you had any inclination to watch an interview about the original RE4, added way later in post-production.

      • 4 months ago

        RE4R removed QTEs and that frankly is unacceptable.

        • 4 months ago

          Yeah, now you actually have to time your inputs instead of watching a throbbing macro on screen.

          • 4 months ago

            Shut it homie, zesty poop sniffer

            • 4 months ago

              I win.

    • 4 months ago

      >Ganker gives nothing but praise to RE4 Remake despite changing the tone writing and cutting out some sections from the original
      Because the story changes were good.
      >But Ganker shits on Dead Space despite it being more faithful to the OG and with almost no cut content.
      Because the story changes were bad.

      • 4 months ago

        >caring about story
        lmao frick off, both games stories were shit
        only the lore is cool and they didnt ruin that
        gameplay is king and both games remakes improved on the gameplay a ton

  32. 4 months ago

    >woke shit implemented
    men will never be women

  33. 4 months ago

    If this thread is somehow still here in 7 hours, I'm coming back with a vengeance.

  34. 4 months ago

    thank you for reminding I need to replay 2.

    • 4 months ago

      I'd read that crossover.

  35. 4 months ago

    >adds unnecessary voice acting to the silent protagonist

  36. 4 months ago

    The Steam discussions leading up to this game were pure kino. I wonder if that one mega comparison stillryt400 thread exists. The OP was analyzing shit like it was a Kojima trailer.

    • 4 months ago

      Well that explains how I failed the captcha

  37. 4 months ago

    >Almost a 10/10, objectively better then the first in almost every way

    Buy an ad homosexual

  38. 4 months ago

    Wasn't the 4th game about ellie langford looking for Issac?

  39. 4 months ago

    Ok, but self-inserting as an anime girls is pretty gay bro

  40. 4 months ago

    They should've just remastered DS 1 instead of trying to redesign it, it would've gone over so much better

  41. 4 months ago

    >remake lets you change to previous armor designs after upgrading
    >Isaac now speaks and he actually shows his Engineer knowledge really well, being the one suggesting the plans and fixes for the ship
    >a lot of nice rebalances to the weapons making all of them viable
    >a much better node upgrading system too
    >Flamethrower is now actually good and fun to use especially to burn off the flesh
    >new content with the sidequests
    >the ishimura is now fully backtrackable and open, working alongside the sidequests and randomization system
    >with the sidequests, theres now a new randomization system with enemies spawns and scares so no playthrough will be the same
    >new FLESH system makes shooting necros more fun and satisfying
    >way better zero gravity sections
    >new ending in NG+ that nicely transition into DS2
    I really do enjoy this remake, i love the OG but its hard to go back to it, mostly because i played so much of it and i know where all the scares are. Playing the remake a few times, its always scary to me because i never know where the necros will spawn and what scares will happen.
    I will admit they ruined Hammond's character as he was my fav but the pros definitely outweigh the cons

    • 4 months ago

      >Flamethrower is now actually good and fun to use especially to burn off the flesh
      The first time I saw the charred black flesh I was sold on it. One of the most fun weapons in vidya. Really a shame the necromorphs keep repeating a single animation when stunned by its stream. It would be a kino flavor if they were flailing their arms around etc.

    • 4 months ago

      >Flamethrower is now actually good and fun to use especially to burn off the flesh
      The first time I saw the charred black flesh I was sold on it. One of the most fun weapons in vidya. Really a shame the necromorphs keep repeating a single animation when stunned by its stream. It would be a kino flavor if they were flailing their arms around etc.

      >"let me list off le marketing blurbs why demake is so heckin chungus!!!"
      >"zomg demake is the best vidya wapon!!!!! SLAY"
      anon at the start of the thread ripped this shitty demake to pieces, frick off

      • 4 months ago

        most of his issues stems from mostly little details or aesthetics which is up to the individual really. And the story which really no one truly cares for? The story in OG was also as generic as you can get it was nothing special.
        In the end what really matters is the gameplay, and between the two, i enjoyed my time with the gameplay for the remake more.
        If you're still gonna cry about then i can't help you, just piss off and don't reply to me

        • 4 months ago

          >demake pissbaby shitting on the classic game to shill dumpsterfire garbage demake

          >noooo you can't enjoy weaporinoooo on my le heckin private army forum
          Say mudkipz.

          samegay harder pissbaby

          • 4 months ago

            >samegay harder pissbaby
            It's not so fun when you stare your own moronation in the mirror huh?

            • 4 months ago

              Wanna try that again, ESL-kun?

          • 4 months ago

            I never shat on the classic though, i still love it. But i enjoy PLAYING the remake more now because of the improvements to the gameplay.

            >what really matters is the gameplay
            Dead Space has never been anything .ore than a slow paced third person shooter with a fun twist on how you defeat your enemies. If you strip out all of the sound effects, visuals, and atmosphere, your left with a very bland game. You could do the same thing to something like old school Halo or Counter Strike or DOOM and those games would be diminished, but would remain infinitely closer to how enjoyable they are because their gameplay is the main source of entertainment. Dead Space's main source of entertainment is the art and sound that has been expertly draped over a basic third person shooter with a cute gimmick that plays into the world the presentation packages it all up in.

            I disagree, the gameplay will all of its combination of stasis uses, kinesis, unique and fun weapons, different enemy types, the sense of exploring the ishimura are all excellent. They're part of the gameplay, and as i said the aesthetics issues is up to the individual. Im fine with most of the changes but has issues with some of them but overall doesn't ruin my enjoyment of playing the game itself.

            they should deduct your pay for mentioning that part.

            What's wrong with that word? What else am i gonna call it then? Like i replayed it 3 times already and i could never fully predict where enemies would spawn. And the random scares too, as an example in one playthrough i was using the tram and it actually stop in the middle of traveling and the power cut off, next playthrough it never happened but instead the tram has necromorphs making noise on top of it but they never went inside.

            • 4 months ago

              >I never shat on
              yes you did
              cry harder pissbaby
              don't forget to redeem some English lessons next time, Rajesh

              • 4 months ago

                What part then? Show me where i shat on it.

        • 4 months ago

          >what really matters is the gameplay
          Dead Space has never been anything .ore than a slow paced third person shooter with a fun twist on how you defeat your enemies. If you strip out all of the sound effects, visuals, and atmosphere, your left with a very bland game. You could do the same thing to something like old school Halo or Counter Strike or DOOM and those games would be diminished, but would remain infinitely closer to how enjoyable they are because their gameplay is the main source of entertainment. Dead Space's main source of entertainment is the art and sound that has been expertly draped over a basic third person shooter with a cute gimmick that plays into the world the presentation packages it all up in.

          • 4 months ago

            Dead Space is fun as frick what are you on about?

            • 4 months ago

              That was embarrassing to watch

            • 4 months ago

              >point of the gameplay is to save ammo and cut of their limbs
              >nope the point of this gun is to just waste ammo into their bodies

              • 4 months ago

                Spray and prey is fun

                Wow anon. I'm sure your enjoyment of that clip had everything to do with holding down a single button for few seconds and had nothing at all to do with the combination of sound and visual feedback of three necromorphs being simulataneously shredded by bullets in all their wonderfully animated and bloody glory. I'm sure that exact clip would be equally as exciting if it were a white block in a grey box moving forward into the middle of three black boxes and holding a button down until the 3 black boxes despawn.

                Anon I don't know what kind of argument your even trying to make here anymore. no shit the sounds of the gun and the animations help make the combat feel better. no good combat looks like total shit and sounds like total shit.

              • 4 months ago

                >demake Black person can't grasp mechanics vs aesthetics
                I'm shocked. Truly.

              • 4 months ago

                How a gun feels and sounds when shooting is not aesthetic you Black person
                That shit is key to making gameplay pop. if combat sounds and feels like shit it won't feel good to play no matter how smooth the gameplay it's self is.

              • 4 months ago

                >sound isn't aesthetic
                >animation isn't aesthetic
                Jesus Christ where does EA hire you dipshits from? Special Ed classes?

                Recoil is a gameplay mechanic. Rate of fire is a gameplay mechanic. Hit stun is a gameplay mechanic. Gory sound, blood spray, hit reaction animation. These are ALL nothing more than presentative facades layered atop the actual gameplay. This conversation is over. You are literally not equipped to even have this discussion and I'm not going to spend my time educating you on basic game design.

            • 4 months ago

              Wow anon. I'm sure your enjoyment of that clip had everything to do with holding down a single button for few seconds and had nothing at all to do with the combination of sound and visual feedback of three necromorphs being simulataneously shredded by bullets in all their wonderfully animated and bloody glory. I'm sure that exact clip would be equally as exciting if it were a white block in a grey box moving forward into the middle of three black boxes and holding a button down until the 3 black boxes despawn.

            • 4 months ago

              >point of the gameplay is to save ammo and cut of their limbs
              >nope the point of this gun is to just waste ammo into their bodies

              I'm so fricking glad the remake made the alternate fire mode actually useful and make sense

              • 4 months ago


              • 4 months ago

                The pulse rifle is the worst gun in the remake just felt like saying. give me the Dead Space 2 pulse rifle any day of the week.

              • 4 months ago

                only by proxy of it being a normal gun meanwhile all the others are chad mining tools.
                The remake also makes it seem worst because of the improvements and rebalances, kinda funny now to think that in OG the flamethrower was worst than the pulse rifle but now its the opposite.

                You absolutely can pick up spikes and kill enemies with them in the og but they buffed the shit out of it in 2, poser.

                I could never kill them with it, at best they get knocked back and fall on their back and that's it. Also spiking them to walls is way cooler

              • 4 months ago


                Forgot to mention another improvement
                You can now use Kinesis to pick up spikes
                That actually fricked me up a few times replaying the OG when i realize you cant pick up their spikes and stab them with it.
                That being said i kinda wish they brought the javelin gun into the remake

                >demakexisters furiously shilling demake
                watching xhem read off their shit and ignoring chadanon ripping demake into itty bitty pieces at the start of the thread keeps getting funnier and funnier

      • 4 months ago

        >noooo you can't enjoy weaporinoooo on my le heckin private army forum
        Say mudkipz.

    • 4 months ago

      they should deduct your pay for mentioning that part.

      • 4 months ago

        I don't even know what Mark Eting expected when he made that post.
        It's literally just the marketing bulletpoints. Like, did his manager not tell him that this isn't plebbit?

      • 4 months ago

        I don't even know what Mark Eting expected when he made that post.
        It's literally just the marketing bulletpoints. Like, did his manager not tell him that this isn't plebbit?

        Not that anon but the game does randomize Necromorphs
        Not all the time of course the game is still scripted but it's clearly got a randomizer machinic to it compared to the OG.

        • 4 months ago

          it never works outside of roguelikes

          • 4 months ago

            It works really well here for the horror effect.

        • 4 months ago

          Every time you return to any of the rooms you get a random event. That means even if you do strictly the story path and nothing else, there are still plenty of mandatory backtracks so no playthrough will ever be the same. That makes it very good imo.

          it is very handy, i've just read a lot of anons suggesting to skip it due to the extra time it takes to get which isn't really that bad, i liked having it.
          swarms are the worst. at least most pregnants have explosive bottles nearby that can take them out fairly easily if someone chooses to not get it

          If you get the stasis upgrade before Valor you have to be extra mindful as you cannot stasis the two exploding necros for 100% comfortable kill. But there are metal sticks nearby for easy TK kills so it is definitely worth getting as soon as you can.

          • 4 months ago

            I also think it makes it very good.

    • 4 months ago

      Forgot to mention another improvement
      You can now use Kinesis to pick up spikes
      That actually fricked me up a few times replaying the OG when i realize you cant pick up their spikes and stab them with it.
      That being said i kinda wish they brought the javelin gun into the remake

      • 4 months ago


      • 4 months ago

        You absolutely can pick up spikes and kill enemies with them in the og but they buffed the shit out of it in 2, poser.

        • 4 months ago

          you're talking to a pajeet shill that likely never played the game, anon

    • 4 months ago

      lets you change to previous armor designs after upgrading
      Holy hell this, i fricking hate the military suit and it sucks you gotta change to it to get the full upgrade and you can never go back to the engineer suits again.
      I hate it so much i scrapped my NG+ playthrough and played the whole game again but only with the lvl 3 suit and never upgrade it again ever because its my fav overall design

      • 4 months ago

        >shilljeet doesn't realize everyone can tell it's him samegayging

  42. 4 months ago

    >Almost a 10/10, objectively better then the first in almost every way

  43. 4 months ago

    Zero g flight has never been as engaging as jumping from wall to wall.
    Wow. How exciting. Free range of movement with no constraints just means boring range of movement with no engaging gameplay.

    Hopping from wall to wall is fun, disorienting in combat, and puts Isaac on the same relative playing field as both Leapers and Lurkers instead of strafe firing them to death. You can even mag boot on the fricking walls or ceilings in the remake.

    Zero G flight should have been a mid game upgrade in conjunction with wall hopping, that has a hyper limited fuel resource to limit how broken it is in combat. Run out of fuel mid flight? I sure hope your trajectory is currently moving you towards a wall to crash against and not the void of space

    • 4 months ago

      >Wow. How exciting.
      Yes unironically. It was atmospheric. Watching all the things around you lift up and float in the air or vacuum, the silence of space accompanied by little twoosh of your suit was kino.
      >Zero G flight should have been a mid game upgrade in conjunction with wall hopping, that has a hyper limited fuel resource to limit how broken it is in combat. Run out of fuel mid flight? I sure hope your trajectory is currently moving you towards a wall to crash against and not the void of space
      Interesting idea but nothing ruins horror more than restarting from a save/checkpoint.

      • 4 months ago

        >Yes unironically. It was atmospheric.
        lolno it wasn't, it was complete dogshit, since demake completely failed at aping DS2's suit thrusters, so now the model just looks like a fricking Unity asset flip stiffly janking around

        it's so fricking bad

      • 4 months ago

        >watching things lift up and float around you
        Has absolutely nothing to fricking do with how boring zero g FLIGHT is, AND that exact type of event already exists in the 2008 original, you poser piece of shit

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