
>replaying Deadfire
>gameplay and class combos are pretty fun
I mean, main quest being an anemic futile bore aside, what's supposed to be bad about it?

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Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    The games just boring as frick like it's predecessor

  2. 2 years ago

    Nothing really. I don't get it either. The game is fine.

  3. 2 years ago

    Autistic people shit on it because it doesn't push waifu shit hard enough and other drivel.

    The MSQ being "boring" is a bad argument anyway, since the alternatives which these people praise are also boring and suck shit.

    • 2 years ago

      kenshi has 0 waifus and a much more fascinating world than Blacks of the Caribbean.

      • 2 years ago

        They're not "blacks", anon. Your poor education is showing.

        • 2 years ago

          >doesn’t capitalize Blacks
          Actually yours is the one showing

          • 2 years ago

            Sorry, I'm not from burgerland. But that makes your ignorance on this topic even worse.

            >t. smartest BLACKED enjoyer
            Ayo, I came too much in yo wife, just clean it up later fr fr.

            Does the deadfire aumaua culture really remind you of certain black cultures and nothing else? If so, which ones.
            The most obvious ones do not involves blacks. But blacks are your go to topic, it seems.

            • 2 years ago

              it's even worse than that, they're black shitalians

              >Why the FRICK would you go with anyone but Vailians?
              Well, because they're black.

              They're literally Italian and I'm 100% dead serious. What do you think Italians look like if they spend lots of time in the sun?
              Also, their culture is derivative of traditional Venetian culture.

              This is easily the most brilliant aspect of the poe universe. They solved the diversity problem

              On one hand studios are forced to implement mandatory "diversity" quotas into games. On the other, the user enjoys coherent world building and there is no real black culture other than being parasitic (in the west) or boring primitive tribes (elsewhere). They used to get around this by having black characters come from *not africa* but act completely white. But that pissed off the crazies so they started making the black characters have shout out to real world African roots while also having cool fantasy stuff attached (annoying their target demo who cares about world building and has their immersion destroyed as we know those cultural traits made independent civilization impossible) But poe got around it.

              Rather than have the black characters come from *not africa* assimilate to the *not europe* where the game is set or retain irl culture - they did it backwards. They made a world with it's own geography and evolution and without a *not africa*. They made everyone either European or mesoamerican. And then they took one of those European factions and made them black. They have no connection culturally or evolutionary to irl africa and the game world makes that clear. They are not africans larping as Italians. They are Italians. And in this game world it happened to result in that pigmentation. They are not africans who became Italians - they are Italians who happen to be colored. No connection to real world blacks (evolution happened differently) so we can't seethe about subverting Italian culture, etc etc and the political types can't be attacked because they made the most advanced civilization colored. They don't like it cause they want more subversion but they can't publicly say "they aren't primitive enough!". And since they don't actually play games silence is sufficient.

              Quite clever. "Diversity" without the consequences

              • 2 years ago

                Tl;dr - Valians are a fantasy race; just like elves and dwarves. The only connection they have to irl africans is shared pigmentation - which means they have far less connection to irl africans than elves and dwarves have to irl europeans. Obsidian satisfied diversity quotas and protected it's playerbase from kangs

              • 2 years ago

                Only a smoothbrain would think the Deadfire is based of "not africa".
                Also, there are actual black characters in the game.

                That's how rotten burger brains are.

              • 2 years ago

                But he has a point. Despite looking like Black people, they are not perfect noble savages. They are essentially a megazord mix of PortugueseSpanishDutchItalian city states on maritime Empire overdrive.

                I would argue they are the "whitest" of all races in poe with their drive of exploration.
                Granted Redguards already did this as well, they are imperialistic and militaristic as well.

                Maybe they should have put more tanned "whites" in there with other vailians to make the point better. Again i only played poe1. There are supposedly tons of Vailian dwarves as well.

              • 2 years ago

                No one thinks deadfire is based on anything other than *not polynesia*. My point is that they completely eliminated africans from the game. There is no africa or irl black cultural influence. They got around "representation" by having their Italians all wear blackface and hoped no one would call them out. It was clever.

                Well change shit, it's too tame, but I guess looking at the art I know the type of homosexualry they were looking for. But I like the setting much more, even if I am a big sucker for age of exploration shit. Poe deserved better.

                This I dont see outrage for Redguards, although If the next TES in in Hammerfell some people will be insane and I bet it will, half the characters in Starfield are Black folk it seems.

                The only thing I dont like about Vailians ( which are also comprised of other races since everybody is a multicultural shitfest, hey kinda like central Europe in the 17th century). Is the very unappealing fake Italian.
                But one could argue the Aedyr shit is even more silly.

                My biggest gripe is no doubt the substitute for Orcs, Polynesian shark people are just a weird choice that looks good in your head but visually they are trash. And the Godlike are never really well used. However I have only played PoE 1.

                >well change shit
                Oh I agree. I normally hate coomer games because they attract coomers and I praise obsidian for avoiding. But if it were up to me (especially given how it turns out she is the last person who still values morality for it's own sake) - a truly evil character playthrough wouldn't be complete without physically and psychologically breaking siren and fully exploiting her ability to control others while enjoying the delicious irony of her having zero control over herself. Such cognitive dissonance would make for some truly evil fun. Plus sex slaves. But that would get them into trouble with the ratings people and I think anything less than full blown sadism would be out of touch with the rest of the world. Maybe they could have made the wearwolves Amazon freedom fighters instead?

              • 2 years ago

                Its a tight line, one thing is fanservice other thing is complete coomerism . Culturally today we lack the nuance for simply makes things "titillating" I am not english speaking native but I love this word that feel from use it seems.

                I am not even asking for mindbreak stuff, just simply make it more adult.

              • 2 years ago

                Truly a blessed word. Sounds like what it means.
                You're right it's a fine line. One also has to be careful because the very nature of an rpg makes romance even more cringe. Not only are you looking at pixels voice out bad romance lines, you're selecting the response. Self-awareness that my ancestors are shaking their heads with shame and wondering why I am romancing a computer when there are girls out there always makes me cringe. Romance ought to be personal not autistically put in a game.

                Maybe what they could do is just roll it back and make it fun for the same reason your aforementioned sword and sorcery. Enough with the romances and drawn out sex scenes. I'm here for violence and breasts. The level of romance/sex you should see is the same as going to a strip club with friends. Fun party vibe but stops escalating just before having other dudes around feels kinda gay

              • 2 years ago

                >I'm here for violence and breasts.

                Exactly aren't we all ? There is also a place for no breasts and gore, and bigger than life sword and sorcery is perfect for it. But it looks sleazy in stuff like GOT.

                Its a balance, Tyranny seemed perfect for it.

                >They solved the diversity problem
                >by raceswapping all whites into blacks
                I honestly can't tell which side should feel more offended by the treatment, the one who got canceled and appropriated or the one who got completely rewritten into another to be deemed acceptable.
                Regardless, it was such a bad solution it made hollywood look reasonable in comparison.

                Neither. Black people dont play crpgs anyway, they are all playing fighting games, and the ones who do are one bit closer culturally to being civilized.

                If only black people designedmade Vailians you would see the gigantic chocolate ass Palleginna would immediately acquire.
                If only.

              • 2 years ago

                >They solved the diversity problem
                >by raceswapping all whites into blacks
                I honestly can't tell which side should feel more offended by the treatment, the one who got canceled and appropriated or the one who got completely rewritten into another to be deemed acceptable.
                Regardless, it was such a bad solution it made hollywood look reasonable in comparison.

              • 2 years ago

                tbh the Valians don't really look Black. (Capitalized as per AP Style Guide.) Their facial structure and overall phenotype is white -- it's just that their skin is very swarthy. They're basically Sicilians or Calabrians who hang out in the sun all day.

              • 2 years ago

                Nah anon, they are not tanned white choco white people, you can clearly see from other portraits, they are African American come on. But its okay. Could be worse.

                They could have given them different hair colours maybe.

              • 2 years ago
              • 2 years ago

                I think in lore you may be right, more tanned than anything, but the artists didn't get the memo so it's just random burger blacks in portraits even in 2.

              • 2 years ago

                Fantasy races are always heavily influenced by irl history. They took a group of people and painstakingly made them have nothing derived from non-europeans. Down to basic mannerisms. Then (against a backdrop of political correctness) slap black face on these characters. The fact that they are so diametrically not black, if anything, reminds us how absurd pretending revisionist history is true. Because it's like the uncanny valley. Rather than mixing white traits into blacks to make then more sympathetic, the contrast is highlighted. It also awknolwedges how stupid the quota is. This is a good solution.

                >I'm here for violence and breasts.

                Exactly aren't we all ? There is also a place for no breasts and gore, and bigger than life sword and sorcery is perfect for it. But it looks sleazy in stuff like GOT.

                Its a balance, Tyranny seemed perfect for it.


                Neither. Black people dont play crpgs anyway, they are all playing fighting games, and the ones who do are one bit closer culturally to being civilized.

                If only black people designedmade Vailians you would see the gigantic chocolate ass Palleginna would immediately acquire.
                If only.

                My litmus test for if something is awesome vs. degenerate cringe is the dad test. If you would be cool having a beer and watching/playing the game while your visiting your parents - then it's good, and gets progressively better until it goes over that threshold. breasts are nice and can be enjoyed without getting weird about it. Sex scenes are porn and one should be ashamed of watching it in private much less with others

              • 2 years ago

                >My litmus test for if something is awesome vs. degenerate cringe is the dad test. If you would be cool having a beer and watching/playing the game while your visiting your parents - then it's good, and gets progressively better until it goes over that threshold. breasts are nice and can be enjoyed without getting weird about it. Sex scenes are porn and one should be ashamed of watching it in private much less with others
                You are a cringe normalgay and should really move on from Ganker.

              • 2 years ago
              • 2 years ago

                >The fact that they are so diametrically not black, if anything, reminds us how absurd pretending revisionist history is true. Because it's like the uncanny valley. Rather than mixing white traits into blacks to make then more sympathetic, the contrast is highlighted. It also awknolwedges how stupid the quota is.
                My dude you cannot possibly believe this was tongue in cheek.

              • 2 years ago

                Oh no - I don't think it was deliberate. But it is the only modern setting that has no kangs and comes hmpre-hardened against subversion. It was not a deliberate attempt to fight back, but it warms my heart knowing the setting exists.

                And this anon's post answers the question why PoE 2 got such a poor reception
                Fricking americans and others who perceive everything in regards to woke/anti-woke culture war
                As someone from the second world I never actually felt PoE 2 is a product of culture war or trying to push any agenda, but americans are just stuck in the narrative of everyone in the world pushing either woke or anti-woke propaganda

                This - they somehow stayed out of it. So even second worlders who are exhausted with American shit took note that it was a nice even game without propoganda. No irl black people pushing messages either way. Balance in all things.

                >Drinking water lowers morale

                Sobriety lowers morale. The only way people could bear the slave like conditions of being lower caste crew on a ship was being shit faced the whole time. It's why "impressment" (aka white slavery) continued for so long. The idea was, get shitfaced, sign up to work an absolutely mind breakingly shitty job; and then, with any luck, sober up 15 years later with enough money for your family to be comfortable and no memory of anything after your first drink.

                WHY IS LIFE SO CRUEL

                I really need to replay again. First time around I went full valian imperialist and was pretty disdainful these primitives were sitting on all this tech and not using it. But once political stability is restored and the more barbaric elements are suppressed.. they could really make their own slice of paradise. Let the rest of the world focus on science and industry. So long as they can guarantee manageable population growth, sanitation, housing, and food/beer for everyone just let them chill. Sure most are gonna devolve into barely sentient island people never thinking of the future. But the rest can make art and everyone can just chill the frick out. You won me over anon I'm not burning it down. Extraction rights are enough. They deserve a homeland.

              • 2 years ago

                That's funny, I went full on opposite the first time and sided with the islanders. My stepdad that JUST married my mom, is Samoan, hell the wedding had traditional dances and I got Samoan siblings now, so I have this sudden sweet spot for tropical island people and customs.
                That being said, their ass-backwards caste system on one end (Huana) and the might-makes-right utilitarianism on the other (Rauatai) can show the simplistic and brutal nature of these places sometimes, especially in how they treat each other. They're both pure monarchies following fairly rigid old-school tribalistic ways of thinking. The Rauatai specifically have a lot more going for them than meets the eye, since they're like an imperialistic and militaristic bunch of seemingly big dopey brutish island men, but their leadership (and Maia specifically) paints them as just as conniving and sophisticated as the Valians, even if they don't act like it culturally.
                I think once you learn all the different groups and how they relate to each-other, the game is quite a bit better. They spent a lot of time on a fleshed out world of politics among groups of people all vying for power over islands, just like actual imperialism back in the day.

              • 2 years ago

                Well I went in with assumptions that things played out like they did irl. Nowadays there are some tropical paradise islands that are peaceful and able to maintain living standards without environmental destruction via tourism money. But they didn't get there by themselves. During the exploration period Polynesia is not some degraded paradise lost Atlantis - it was a bunch of tech stagnated people who indulged in needless cruelty as a way of life - while also sitting on a bunch of resources the rest if humanity needed to make it to the moon. So we displaced the ones on resources and set up bases on the rest of the islands and brought them responsible government and an end to tribal violence. It happened but there was no hope of it happening on its own.
                In game - you later discover that the plot thickens and *not polynesia* figured out how to be Atlantis before we left our caves. Sure it's a down period now but they are ripe for a revival. And unlike in irl where a Polynesian ruler consolidating power just meant more directed violence - in game it could mean they finally recovered and are like Europe pulling out of the dark ages. Only instead of science and industry (and ultimately expansion) - their goal is satainable paradise. No need to expand which means no need for growth beyond comfort. They could be like japan if the emperor retook power without industrialization and kept the west away with magic instead.
                That was a fun twist considering how much they borrow from irl history

              • 2 years ago

                >In game - you later discover that the plot thickens and *not polynesia* figured out how to be Atlantis before we left our caves
                That's not even true. The Huana were grass skirt wearing savages, then the Engwithans came along and gave them a bunch of high technology, then time passed and the Huana went right back to being grass skirt wearing savages. Ukaizo is fantasy Tenochtitlan - It was an impressive city with early vestiges of advanced civilization, but despite that, they were still mostly savages.

              • 2 years ago

                Wait wut? I thought they were contemporaries of the engwithans who lived in parallel? And the Huana had some sort of collapse and conveniently fricked off just before the gods killed everyone to cover their tracks. Which is why their tech is so relatively intact - it is just old but was not on Ondra's radar? Shit maybe I'm remembering it wrong and they "collapsed" once the sex tourism went dry. I need to reread lol.

                If you are correct that explains why I was totally fine with letting the valians do whatever they had to do to put those artifacts to work.

              • 2 years ago

                The Huana were basically just on the cusp of entering the Iron Age when the Engwithans showed up. They were in the process of cultural advancement, but it hadn't fully taken yet. The Engwithans introduced all the advanced animancy gizmos, and then turned around and used the Huana as sacrifices, which set them back to the stone age.

              • 2 years ago

                huana just cant catch a break in this universe kek

              • 2 years ago

                > Engwithans introduced all the advanced animancy gizmos
                Advanced everything gizmos. "Magic" is a leftover remnant of Engwithan tech. Their throwaway medical technologies alone are 10,000 years ahead of modern times.
                It's interesting, from a philosophical perspective, that they so concerned themselves with souls (which are effectively finite patterns of information,) and with trying to manifest certain forms of immortality. Had they developed in other directions, they could have been out there building Dyson spheres.
                With the Huana, though, tech didn't stick. The average Huana IQ is probably around 85 -- not high enough to sustain a technological civilization without outside assistance.

              • 2 years ago

                The Huana were basically just on the cusp of entering the Iron Age when the Engwithans showed up. They were in the process of cultural advancement, but it hadn't fully taken yet. The Engwithans introduced all the advanced animancy gizmos, and then turned around and used the Huana as sacrifices, which set them back to the stone age.

                Hold up - I just reread it - the Huana were a massive empire at the time. They didn't have the soul tech that, to this day, no one else has. But Thanos sought them out because they were the only other empire with the resources required to make the other half of the project. So they were on top of their shit. Naive and easily fricked by Thanos, but not the primitives we see today

              • 2 years ago

                I kinda of agree, its that little wink when seeing I dont know Jessica rabbit scene Roger Rabbit, or Monica Belluci in Matrix.

              • 2 years ago

                And this anon's post answers the question why PoE 2 got such a poor reception
                Fricking americans and others who perceive everything in regards to woke/anti-woke culture war
                As someone from the second world I never actually felt PoE 2 is a product of culture war or trying to push any agenda, but americans are just stuck in the narrative of everyone in the world pushing either woke or anti-woke propaganda

              • 2 years ago

                >I honestly can't tell which side should feel more offended by the treatment
                Pacific Islanders, who in typical patronizing dev fashion, suffered the fate they always do and got turned into funny animal people.

              • 2 years ago

                But they are cool shark people anon.

              • 2 years ago

                My step-dad is full Samoan born in Samoa. I should ask him how he feels about it and get back to everyone
                Likely he will think its cool or just don't care

              • 2 years ago

                Kind weird they are the stand in for Orcs, I really dislike them. As much as I feel indifferent for the bootleg furry hobbits.

                Game seems undecided if it wants to be a Faerun type deal or just be full different types of human.

              • 2 years ago

                >I honestly can't tell which side should feel more offended by the treatment
                Pacific Islanders, who in typical patronizing dev fashion, suffered the fate they always do and got turned into funny animal people.

                You're unironically starting to sound like a bunch of twitter leftists.
                >OMG this minority group should be offended by the supposed representation in this game.

              • 2 years ago

                >an obviously rightist ramble about fake racism
                >hurr you talk like them leftists

                stop trying to find some political shit in every piece of media you consume

        • 2 years ago

          >t. smartest BLACKED enjoyer
          Ayo, I came too much in yo wife, just clean it up later fr fr.

      • 2 years ago

        Too bad Kenshi looks like an eye-hurting abortion and plays much of the same, I genuinely can't bring myself to play games as fricking cookie cutter dull as PoE, but I am not desperate enough that I can make my eyes bleed with shit like Kenshi to compensate for it either.
        There is just no winning with CRPGs lately.

      • 2 years ago

        Its not a crpg.

        Kenshi is more make your world and waifus game. My kenshi has waifus anon. Sometimes they get killed but hey.

      • 2 years ago

        >play for 30 hours
        >buy a house in squin and set up some cooks, clothiers and miners
        >the cook decides to run into the bar and steal the raw meat off a counter instead of taking it from the designated raw meat storage crate
        >aggros the entire town
        >play 30 more minutes, my character dressed in holy armor and the pack beast following him get attacked by guards because of the disguise
        >decide to not savescum since it's my fault and should face the consequences
        >however the pack beast is bugged and gets attacked randomly by guards
        >reload like 6 times because of this
        >character finishes prison time
        >decide to buy new armor and weapons for it
        >it decides to ruin like a moron in a random direction for no reason, no jobs assigned, nothing
        >it does it again
        what a buggy piece of trash

  4. 2 years ago

    It's an ugly and boring game, simple as. Even D: OS2 ended up being more entertaining.

  5. 2 years ago

    "It's boring" is a shallow criticism for such a deep and unique RPG

  6. 2 years ago

    Yeah I don't get why the entire poe series is so boring. I love rpgs and crpgs. But these games are unplayable. Like I'd rather play some grognard DOS or apple ii game over POE. I don't know why . It's just really really dull

  7. 2 years ago

    I think it's mostly just people not actually playing it or even attempting to understand how the systems differ from your typical D&D type systems.

    • 2 years ago

      This is just you being unwilling to understand the opinions of others

      • 2 years ago

        >doesnt substantiate his criticism/opinion
        >expects others to value it
        nah im good chief

        There are no really broken abilities that gives you a satisfying power jump, like casting haste in bg. The story is a bunch of fetch quests for Blacks, whom I do not worship. Your shilling got me to buy it, and play it for like 8-10 hours, during which I was not entertained.

        >There are no really broken abilities that gives you a satisfying power jump
        You only played the game for 8-10 hours, you really expected there to be overpowered abilities 8-10 hours into the game? are you moronic?
        >The story is a bunch of fetch quests for Blacks, whom I do not worship.
        This was the real reason wasnt it? You got upset over the skin color of some of the characters?

        • 2 years ago

          the game just needs something to recommend it, and not everyone gets spiritual validation from doing fetch quests for Blacks.

  8. 2 years ago

    There are no really broken abilities that gives you a satisfying power jump, like casting haste in bg. The story is a bunch of fetch quests for Blacks, whom I do not worship. Your shilling got me to buy it, and play it for like 8-10 hours, during which I was not entertained.

    • 2 years ago

      i feel this
      In PoE1 the spell sfx/animations/effects/etc. were lacking and just feel like shit
      in PoE 2 that stuff felt like it got better but Im not sure anything will fix the fact that the spells are just weak

      just doesnt feel like im actually tossing out a fireball or lightning bolt when it just tickles people the same as any other spell
      maybe im just the magic version of unga bunga
      I was hoping that 9th level spells would be crazy but its all just meh for the sake of balance autism

      • 2 years ago

        There are no really broken abilities that gives you a satisfying power jump, like casting haste in bg. The story is a bunch of fetch quests for Blacks, whom I do not worship. Your shilling got me to buy it, and play it for like 8-10 hours, during which I was not entertained.

        There are extremely powerful spells in both PoE 1 & 2, did you even (know how to) play the game, anons?
        Spells are at times even more powerful than in D&D games because they can actually critical, both for longer duration on debuffs and most importantly for double damage.
        And criticals in Pillars are extremely consistent, even more than what you can get with a Trickster in WOTR.
        Fireball in Deadfire for example is very strong, meanwhile it's garbage in D&D.
        Spells in Pillars can also do BOTH nasty CC + damage at the same time.
        You probably aren't buffing & debuffing, which is also a necessity in D&D games.
        Simply increase your Accuracy and reduce enemy Saves.
        I'll say that CC got hit hard with balance autism in Deadfire comapared to PoE though.
        But Terrify still trivializes almost everything and not even undead are immune to it, plus mages get on demand at level 9.
        As for level 9 spells, only Priests have absolutely garbage ones..
        Druids have the strongest AoE damage spell in the game, Mages have the best single target machine gun that puts Isaacs Missile Storm to shame, and also a great AoE and the first time the Meteor Swarm spell is good.
        Hell, the level 1 Chill Fog spell alone is stronger than a lot of even BG tier spells.
        Kinda shitty they wienerblocked us from Xth spells despite having it show in the first Pillars, though.

        • 2 years ago

          how do you do a critical hit build in poe2? I am pure rogue, tried to do a 1dagger type of build but its not really performing well
          also how do I make magic OP like that? my spells suck

          • 2 years ago

            To understand criticals, you have to learn how the To Hit system works
            You roll your Accuracy + d100 vs enemy Deflection or Saves in the case of spells
            if the final result is 100+, it's a critical.
            So the way to go is to increase your Accuracy through buffs, and reduce enemy defenses through debuffs.
            There are also some passives or gear that automatically convert normal hits (50-99 roll) into crits.
            As far as buffs, a single class Priest is mandatory, so you're stuck with Xoti or a custom merc.
            Dire Blessing (3rd) and Devotions for the Faithful (4th) are key elements, always have your priest cast these two buffs as soon as battle starts, preferably Devotions > Dire Blessing
            Then go with Shining Beacon (4th) for save debuffing.
            To further reduce enemy saves, you have a few weapon modals, Morningstar for example adds a crippling -25 to Fort without a save on hit, Club is -25 to Will.
            But most importantly, through CC.
            Blind reduces accuracy and slows enemies, Chill Fog which is a just a fricking level 1 spell can aoe inflict this and lingers on forever, plus inflicts damage.
            Rest will depend on your party compositon, but Eder as Fighter Tank, Wizard Aloth, Priest Xoti & Druid Tekehu can carry any party even on the hardest difficulty.

        • 2 years ago

          >There are no really broken abilities
          >just doesnt feel like im actually tossing out a fireball or lightning bolt when it just tickles people the same as any other spell
          Try reading what abilities and magic do next time. There are some insanely broken and strong shit.

          Chill fog being 85 iq moron level of balanced doesn’t make it “fun” to cast like sequencer, contingency, or time stop. Go consult your discord sisters and come up with some actually fun spells and abilities.

          • 2 years ago

            By that logic BG2 is the only game with fun magic, then.
            Deadfire has pretty much the second strongest magic in these D&D tier games, even stronger than Angel & Lich spells in Pathfinder because it's as if your entire party had access to Mythic Spells.
            One cast of Great Maelstrom alone severely cripples the entire screen, 2 casts kills everything but bosses. Or just one if Empowered.
            Then one empowered Missile Salvo destroys almost any single target besides the unique superbosses.
            And there are also fun party combos with kits/multiclassing as well such as looping your Ascension status from Cipher forever to infinitely cast Cipher spells at no cost while ALSO constantly restoring ALL spell/abilities uses in the span of seconds for ALL party members including level 9 spells in one go, something that was only achieved through Wish loop in BG2 before
            Or using the Wizard clone spells since they actually copy your current weapon slots, including magical summoned weapons.

    • 2 years ago

      >There are no really broken abilities
      >just doesnt feel like im actually tossing out a fireball or lightning bolt when it just tickles people the same as any other spell
      Try reading what abilities and magic do next time. There are some insanely broken and strong shit.

    • 2 years ago

      >bloodmage/shieldbearer paladin
      >hat that gives continous buff to yourself and enemies around you
      >wall of draining to infinitely extend duration on can't die effect and heal from paladin lay-on-hands
      congrats you can now sacrifice health for infinite spells and can't die to anything but like 3 enemies in the game with un.-contestable dispel or one magaboss with will save to high for wall-of-draining to hit

    • 2 years ago

      There's nothing massively wrong with it. It's just threads about it got spammed by a shazam troon so much that a bunch of newbies thought spamming the threads was a meme, and then a bandwagon was born.

      >There are no really broken abilities that gives you a satisfying power jump
      No, you are fricking wrong. Pic related.

    • 2 years ago

      >play mage/battlestaff devoted class
      >DPS of a monk with the tankability of an Edér + utility spells
      trying reading what the abilities do next time

    • 2 years ago

      >he didn't play a druid ancient

  9. 2 years ago

    How the HELL did balance man allow this to remain at full power even after all the patches?
    >achievable early
    >extreme damage
    >big aoe
    >dual damage type
    >even has crippling debuff added
    >1 per ENCOUNTER, unlike most boring weapon stuff that's only 1/Rest

    • 2 years ago

      if you're a cipher it even counts as a weapon attack, giving you max focus instantly
      someone made an assassin/cipher multiclass that opened every fight with a Thunderous Report from stealth and it was ridiculous

  10. 2 years ago

    I'm not that keen on it for a few reasons.
    1) Massive change of tone - I loved the oppressive atmosphere of despair in PoE 1. The term "dark and mature" is a meme for a reason and a tired one by now as well but I think PoE is one of few games I've played thay deserves that deacription without irony. Deadfire, in comparison, while still far from marvel-movie tier is quite a lot closer to it than its predecessor.

    2) Characters - This one is admittedly quite subjective but while PoE has the one standout character that everyone remembers I felt that the rest wrre on the whole fairly good with the exceptions of the blue aumua whose nane escapes me and Grieving Mother who was heavily edited before release and no longer makes sense. Deadfire's cast is a step down; the three returning party members don't add much, the musketeer girl is flat, and the gay fish is not as bad as he's made out to be but is uninteresting. The pirate orlan guy was okay but frustratingly the "sidekick" characters who I actually liked more than the main cast had little dialogue and no interactivity outside of Fassina in one of the DLCs.

    Also they added RPG romances and poor ones at that.

    3) The main plot just plays out with the player character having almost no impact or agency. The side plot of determining the political fate of the deadfire was of more interest to me than the shattering of the fundamental natural order of the universe because of that.

    I've definitely played worse, and I liked it enough to play it more than once, but still far fewer times than I've played the first.

    Admittedly it does have some gameplay improvements though.

    • 2 years ago

      >the "sidekick" characters who I actually liked more than the main cast had little dialogue and no interactivity outside of Fassina in one of the DLCs.
      Rekke and Ydwin have a lot to do and say during both the Beast of Winter and Forgotten Sanctum expansions. You even learn more about Rekke nation and why he was exiled.

      • 2 years ago

        I enjoyed how terrified Ydwin was when she saw the white void and realized what she'd condemned herself to.

  11. 2 years ago

    >Ydwin & Rekke vastly more interesting than any of the full companions
    What did they mean by this
    Also, why the frick did Sawyer spend so much money on
    >ship combat
    >companion reaction system

    • 2 years ago

      Is that the troony split personality of the elven wizard?

      • 2 years ago

        Why is this place so obsessed with trannies?
        Anyway, Ydwin is the pale elf cipher henchman you meet at Neketaka who tried to separate her soul from her body.
        From her initial dialogue alone she, alongside with Rekke, seems vastly more interesting than pretty much every other companion in the game. Such a shame neither of them was not full fledged companion.

        • 2 years ago

          Oh yeah Ydwin pissed me off.
          I actually like a lot of the companions, but I'd happily swap nearly any of them out for Ydwin to be fully "fleshed" ou

      • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      >ship combat
      was promised during crowdfunding so higher ups at the company wouldn't let him cut it

    • 2 years ago

      Ydwin was going to be a full fledged companion but they didn't have the time and budget to implement her properly, so she was relegated to a sidekick. If there ever is a PoE3, I do hope both Ydwin and Rekke return as companions. Rekke in particular has a lot going for him with his mysterious nation that was for some reason isolated from the rest of the world and worshiping a single god.

      The final conversation with him potentially foreshadows of things to come.
      >"You do not know Yezuha. I hope you do not have to. But I fear you will."

  12. 2 years ago


  13. 2 years ago

    Second time actually giving this a try (more than a couple hours, at least). First time did everything in Nekataka and gave up about a year ago.
    For some reason, I'm really enjoying it more than the first time. Maybe since I grasp a lot of the politics more easily this time, and the mechanics. I think the first time I was overwhelmed with all the different local groups and companies and shit, but now things make more sense.
    Going with a Howler (Corpse Eater + Bellower). It's making me laugh shouting at a corpse to make it explode and then eating the dude it killed.
    Also, I really REALLY like the setting, but I've always been a sucker for tropical shit. Shame Deadfire's """"success"""" likely soured their view on this part of the lore (especially the Aumaua, my favorite race) and I imagine Avowed will be mostly focused on muh elves to play it safe

    • 2 years ago

      >For some reason, I'm really enjoying it more than the first time.

      RPG`s rely on metagaming a lot. First attempt at any new setting + gameplay mechanic leads to overwhelming stream of new information that hard to handle. That`s why people who are not autistic find it boring and core audience of such game is small and at least mildly autisitc (normal person would not spend several hours at character creation) or have OCD (you can tell it by how ritualistic "builds" work). Second attempt make it easier to gasp both setting and game mechanic.

      For me, i dropped Poe 1 in third act first time (Because third act again overwhelms you with new lore, faction, party member with extensive dialogue etc). And only after White Marsh i replayed and liked it a lot actualy, first because i was less burnt out by third act, second because White March is real Poe 1 late game content.

  14. 2 years ago

    >main objetive is to stop Eothas from turning the world into From Software tier
    >oh but you actually can't lol!
    I still can't possibly grasp how Sawyer thought wienerblocking the players so utterly was going to be anything but badly received
    Imagine if you couldn't kill Irenicus in BG2 or stop the demonic invasion in Wrath of the Righteous
    And then to add insult to the injury you have to hear the gods act like a bunch of bumbling morons
    It completely ruined the gods even more than the first Pillars did, it's not that they're just fat man made soul golems, but useless soul pinnatas to boot, so completely chained to the domains/personalities the Engwithans designed they apparently can't do shit or act beyond that

    • 2 years ago

      Eder x Alistair is my OTP

    • 2 years ago

      >Imagine if you couldn't kill Irenicus
      But Irenicus isn't a God, and in Wrath you can become so powerful that you might as well be one. The entire point from the start isn't to defeat Eothas in a fight, but to figure out what he's doing and then convince him to stop.

      • 2 years ago

        >But Irenicus isn't a God
        Neither is Eothas, he and his siblings are pretty much just Reapers from the hit sci fi video game and novel franchise Mass Effect Legendary edition

  15. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      they work for the setting really well tbh

      • 2 years ago

        Nice delusional cope

      • 2 years ago

        Name one person who wasn't mentally ill who ever sided with the black italian israelites. The RDC you can at least somewhat respect, but the Vailians are complete pond scum usurer parasites.

        • 2 years ago

          Vailians are the only ones who have something to actually offer the setting since they are the only ones that care about Animancy.
          Animancy is the key to EVERYTHING from the creation of the gods to the cycle of life and rebirth.
          And as far as their current goals, the ability to teleport all over the world is still miles more than the other factions have to offer.

          • 2 years ago

            What do they do with all this technical knowledge? They invent magical viagra and market it to aging petty warlords. They are bottom of the barrel in terms of morals, philosophy and goals.

            • 2 years ago

              If Engwithans weren't so criminally dumb as dirt I'd be in favor of bringing them back. Liberate the soul constructs from their portfolios, or something. Alas...

              I can only hope that at least folks in Yezuha have their shit together.

          • 2 years ago

            >sends you and other people to certain death cause they're fricking with shit that they don't understand
            >"le epic science is key to everything, bro!"
            Yeah no, frick off. I'd rather side with the decadent empire that is not even present in Deadfire than the Vailians.

            • 2 years ago

              >sends you and other people to certain death cause they're fricking with shit that they don't understand
              Yeah, that happens when you're still at the initial stages of such world altering experiments.
              As if the Engwithans had 100% success rate when hey started truly experimenting with Animancy.

              >"le epic science is key to everything, bro!"
              If you had actually played the game then you'd know this is true no matter how much "le plebbit" memes you want to spout. The game outright spells it out to you Animancy is the key to EVERYTHING of note in the setting.
              Even the entire cycle of rebirth has been enhanced by the Engwithans from its initial states.
              Nevermind the fact the fricking gods themselves of the setting are only there because of "le epic science"

              What do they do with all this technical knowledge? They invent magical viagra and market it to aging petty warlords. They are bottom of the barrel in terms of morals, philosophy and goals.

              True, but in Deadfire you get to be the one directly behind fostering the entire discovery of teleportation, and there's sure to be more to follow.

              • 2 years ago

                >Even the entire cycle of rebirth has been enhanced by the Engwithans from its initial states.
                >Nevermind the fact the fricking gods themselves of the setting are only there because of "le epic science"
                So animancy leads to mass suicide cults? Seems like a good reason not to do that.

              • 2 years ago

                You WILL study animancy and you WILL be happy

          • 2 years ago

            Josh seems to have a boner for both, for Black person Italian civ in the new world that will turn into a superpower with animancy, but then there is also obvious fantasy Murica DEFIANCE BAY analogue so I think both will merge right in time for 19th century equivalent of napoleonic wars and then WW1 with the aedyr empire.

  16. 2 years ago

    It's a based game.

    • 2 years ago

      I never understood why these games' fanbases were so pitted against each other. Why not just play both?

  17. 2 years ago

    /v/edditors seething about black people. That's really it. The writing and gameplay are both serviceable on their own, but the ability to play a role in the RPG, and story reactivity to your general actions, major choices (sometimes from the previous game), build, and background, is basically unparalleled in the RPG genre. Outside of games that wholly focus on narrative, like Disco Elysium.
    >tldr: PoE isn't a bad game, it just makes Ganker seethe because Ganker is moronic.

    • 2 years ago

      Most accurate post in the thread

    • 2 years ago

      I dont see that much reactivity but then again not even BG2 had that much.

  18. 2 years ago

    1. naval combat sucks ass
    2. the game is too easy
    3. the main story is piss weak
    Those are the only major complaints I had, overall I thought it was pretty good and better than the first game.

    • 2 years ago

      >2. the game is too easy
      Only at release. Now it's potentially extremely difficult.

  19. 2 years ago

    >play crpg
    >character passes the skill check-> roll through content like it didn't exist
    >character fails the skill check -> get waffle stomped by enemys and cannot progress cuz you built your character wrong

    is this good gameplay?

    • 2 years ago

      When has that ever been a thing since the reload simulator that is Age of Decadence

    • 2 years ago

      Yes, it's called "learn the game, carebear".

  20. 2 years ago

    does aloth just suck as a wizard?
    considering making a merc team since some of these people are annoying af (looking at you xoti)
    maybe an all wizard team to use some of these broken abilites more

    • 2 years ago

      Aloth can be very powerful because Wizards have many broken spells.
      The key as with everything is buff + debuff + casting the actual good spells
      1. Chill Fog & Slicken, Fleet Foot, Spirit Shield
      2. Combusting Wounds, Infuse with Vital Essence, Merciless Gaze
      3. Expose Vulnerabilities, Fireball, Minor Blights, Alacrity
      4. Maura's Rape Tentacles for Chockepoints
      5. Enervating Terror alone wins the game
      6. Minoletta's Burst is instant win, Gaze of the Adragan for Petrify (which you do before casting the other Reflex Spells for easy crits)
      7. Delayed Fireball can be abused multiple times from Stealth, even at 0 Stealth since it's a ranged ability, Wall of Draining allows for a lot of looping combos with some multiclassing abilities
      8. Wilting Wind destroys the entire screen
      9. Missile Salvo for single target, Meteor Shower for aoe
      As you get stronger spells you kinda start using the lower level slots for buffs, especially the no recovery ones like most Wizard buffs: Fleet Floot, Alacrity, Spirit Shield, Vital Essence, Displaced Image

    • 2 years ago

      >considering making a merc team since some of these people are annoying af (looking at you xoti)

      Use sidekicks

      • 2 years ago

        Mirke looks like she's voiced by one of those extremely annoying e-celebs.

      • 2 years ago

        Vatnik should have been a full companion. Frick, I would have taken any of them over the ones we got, except Mirke.

        • 2 years ago

          To this day I can't comprehend the idea behind the sidekicks, what is their purpose and why someone decided to turn the most boring NPCs into fully fleshed out companions, while making NPCs with actually interesting backstory sidekicks with no content.
          Everyrthing about the companions and narrative design in Deadfire is stupidly backwards.

          • 2 years ago

            Eh, for multiple playthroughs.
            Between the sidekicks and build your own companions, multiple playthroughs can be a bit interesting. If you're sick of hearing eder quip or xoti b***h she's not getting her harvest there's that option.
            Now wanting certain sidekicks to be fully fleshed out companions, yeah, I get it, but then just existing isn't a detriment, just more options. If I get the urge to do another playthrough sometime I'm going to do a full custom party + maybe a sidekick or two.

          • 2 years ago

            The idea was to replicate the BG1 experience, where you can pick up traveling companions, who are "native" to the environment (in the sense that they exist independently of your playthrough and have simple backstories,) but don't endlessly nag at you or demand that you solve their personal problems.

          • 2 years ago

            It's about fricking your fricking game by modern sensibilities, Pallegina is a perfect representation of poe.

            A snowflake bird Black person that wants really hard to look cool.

            The idea was to replicate the BG1 experience, where you can pick up traveling companions, who are "native" to the environment (in the sense that they exist independently of your playthrough and have simple backstories,) but don't endlessly nag at you or demand that you solve their personal problems.

            That would work if the main story was decent.

            • 2 years ago

              If she was white would you have an issue

              • 2 years ago

                Probably not she would still be terrible. I only hate her cause she represents Josh vanity.
                Make her a romance option and I have no issue.

              • 2 years ago

                >I only hate her cause she represents Josh vanity
                Very schizo anon

              • 2 years ago

                I know.

                You see I really loved Icewind Dale games and old black Isle. I expected better.

              • 2 years ago

                >Make her a romance option and I have no issue.

              • 2 years ago


                But why not.

              • 2 years ago

                I like you

            • 2 years ago

              pallegina is also great because she literally worships the merchant ducs of the valian republics.
              like imagine you were so sure of your own cultural superiority, you took the orders from the greediest most self interested people on the planet as something holy and automatically good

              • 2 years ago

                She's fricking gross and Josh has no imagination.

          • 2 years ago

            Honestly, I don't get why people praise the sidekicks so much. Rekke and Vatnir are probably the most interesting of the bunch. Ydwin gets annoying after a time with her reddit atheist dialogues and how religion is evil and none but her are right. And the other three, especially the black dwarf guy are just shit. I'd much rather have Maia and Serafen who are at least likeable than more than half the sidekicks.

            • 2 years ago

              how do you possibly find maya likeable? is it her complete lack of personality , her whispering voice or her annoying cultural superiority?

              • 2 years ago

                Maia unironically had far more personality than half the other characters. She also wasn't an insufferable c**t like Fassin or Ydwin.

          • 2 years ago

            they ran out of money and time so they named the unfinished companions sidekicks

  21. 2 years ago

    Man, it's crazy how food buffs are in Deadfire.
    Crusted Swordfish for example makes ALL casters even better, and solves almost all penetration issues in POTD, especially as you can buy them infinite times at Neketaka, and then because you don't really have to rest in Deadfire, the effects go on for weeks of game time.
    Then you add Captain's Banquet to your tank and he becomes immune to the only annoying thing in the game, Charm/Dominate.

  22. 2 years ago

    is the turn-based mode good in this game?

    • 2 years ago

      >is the turn-based mode good in this game?

    • 2 years ago

      It's not quite as good as the Owlcat Pathfinder games' turn-based mode, but it's decent. I personally still prefer the RTWP for Deadfire, though.

    • 2 years ago

      RTwP is much better, and I say this as someone that prefers turn-based.

      • 2 years ago

        I dropped it the moment I did the first battle and realized the no recovery wizard buffs all cost an entire turn to cast

    • 2 years ago

      It inverts a lot of what's good and what's trash in the game. Anything that interacts with recovery time as a penalty is suddenly a complete nonissue while anything that buffs it is kind of shit all of a sudden.

      • 2 years ago

        So Dex is shit stat in turn based?
        I like Deadfire's rtwp a lot, especially if you wanna crank the speed down a bit for intense moments, I don't ever really care to try the turn based mode since it seems like it was bandaged on

  23. 2 years ago

    >wizard gets just one spell per level
    Damn looks like the ladies thought even sorcerors got too much variety.

    • 2 years ago

      *equips a spellbook*

    • 2 years ago

      That's not even the shit part. The bigger problem is that there are so many spellbooks that are pretty good that I had to multiclass my wizard because the total apathy I felt on level up sucked the fun out of leveling.

    • 2 years ago

      Wizards are actually the most broken class in Deadfire because they are the ONLY ones who can spend all level up points into passives since their active abilities are also gained through grimoires, and switching between them costs but a pitiful amount of time in battle.

  24. 2 years ago

    Been playing alot of Crpgs on my Deck and happened to realize i've owned this one for years and haven't touched it. It's just as good gameplay wise as planescape or Baldurs Gate. Still jank as frick because of Rtwp but hey that's why games like Baldurs gate 3 exist. Personally love Obsidians lore and worldbuilding and the graphics are a feast for the eyes. Didn't know their was people who hated it.

    • 2 years ago

      It's an extremely divisive RPG from what I've seen since even before release.
      First off, this board is more tolerable overall to race/class/setting hot topic bullshit, and still there's a lot of shittalking it on that merit, you can imagine how it was elsewhere.
      Second, besides the dumb politics that people get uppity about, it has some "interesting" narrative decisions. I'm with the idea, and a lot of people brought this up before, that the game should have used a different protagonist. Too much baggage on The Watcher.
      I agree the mechanics are top notch, and the world is beautiful. I'm actually asspained the game didn't do so well because I would have loved a third, instead we get Avowed (might be cool but its not what I want).
      Also the engine is SHIT. Obsidian could never iron out some kinks, having a good video card is actually detrimental and you have to do some janky ass shit to make the game not stutter like a madman (still stutters though, like the every 12 seconds hitch kind of stutter). Like I have a 3080 and I have to do asanine shit like limit my monitor to 60hz, frickin Unity

      • 2 years ago

        >Limit my monitor
        Get RTSS and limit the EXE to 90fps. Works for me. The in game frame limiter still ends up with stutter hilariously enough, but RTSS doesn't.

    • 2 years ago

      It's an extremely divisive RPG from what I've seen since even before release.
      First off, this board is more tolerable overall to race/class/setting hot topic bullshit, and still there's a lot of shittalking it on that merit, you can imagine how it was elsewhere.
      Second, besides the dumb politics that people get uppity about, it has some "interesting" narrative decisions. I'm with the idea, and a lot of people brought this up before, that the game should have used a different protagonist. Too much baggage on The Watcher.
      I agree the mechanics are top notch, and the world is beautiful. I'm actually asspained the game didn't do so well because I would have loved a third, instead we get Avowed (might be cool but its not what I want).
      Also the engine is SHIT. Obsidian could never iron out some kinks, having a good video card is actually detrimental and you have to do some janky ass shit to make the game not stutter like a madman (still stutters though, like the every 12 seconds hitch kind of stutter). Like I have a 3080 and I have to do asanine shit like limit my monitor to 60hz, frickin Unity

      no, something like dragons dogma is “divisive”. This game was a significant flop, but there is a few mentally cross dressers who have a parasocial relationship with ones of its devs, so they spam the board with threads about it as well as the studios other flops, like tyranny. When people to tell them to get back to their discord, they consider getting any sort of response a victory.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah anon, excellent representation of the usual kind of divisive discussion this game has going for it I was hinting at, spot on. I almost thought I was on Ganker for a moment, just solid execution.

        • 2 years ago

          >spent the last three weeks spamming sawyer selfies on a half-dead board

      • 2 years ago

        Please take meds
        Poe 1 and 2 are best 2010s crpgs b t w

        • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            I know, why should I?

  25. 2 years ago

    so how do you build a cipher in this game? seems interesting so I made ydwin into one
    I kinda assumed they are more like a crowd control/charm type of caster

    also what inspirations should I be aiming for? int and dex seem pretty good

    • 2 years ago

      Int/Dex/Per is all ciphers need.

      Ciphers are pretty fragile so you're best of going ranged weapons unless it's multiclass with something sturdier.

      You can also multiclass with rogue, cipher needs to do weapon damage to use it's powers so if you multiclass it with a weapon damage class you end up getting to cast more cipher powers than if you're single class (since you do more weapon damage -> more focus) but single class has stronger powers.

      Charm dominate abilities are good, disintegrate does a shit-ton of damage, and Ancient Memories lets other party members regen resources which isn't a big deal 90% of the time but the best ability in the game for the grindy boss-fights.

      • 2 years ago

        diff anon here
        im not a min/max metagay guy at all, and i try to stay away from absolutely broken shit, but my question is: if i dont care about the 8th/9th level spells, is there any reason NOT to just make something part fighter? that health regen always seems nutty
        i know there's some great combos out there, but im asking from a "cant decide multiclass.... so fighter?" kind of thing? if i want someone to be a bit tankier i mean. im kind of a midwit and my entire team besides eder seems kind of squishy (playing on vet)

        • 2 years ago

          If you want to be in melee range and not die fighter multiclass almost always a good option.

        • 2 years ago

          The health regen is really not that big of a deal as having high deflection is more important if your goal is to tank, multiclassing in deadfire works if you make the two classes you're multiclassing in work with each other (and there are a number of ways to do this for every combination, which is why to me multiclassing feels a lot like creating your own custom class by mixing and matching). Otherwise you're better off staying single class.

    • 2 years ago

      Best by far is Ascendant Cipher.
      Key is the Kitchen Stove weapon with Thunderous Report skill, you get it at Neketaka at the end of the Cornet of Waves quests from Dereo.
      Cast it from Stealth as battle starts, and you'll immediately get full Focus, plus highly damage lots of enemies.
      Proceed to spam Cipher spells then, best ones are
      1. Soul Shock for AoE damage before you get Amplified Wave
      2. Mind Blades so long as there are only 2-3, preferably 2 targets left so it bounces like mad between them.
      Recall Agony for tough targets.
      4. Body Attunement to reduce enemy AR
      5. Borrowed Instinct to highly increase your Acc and reduce enemy saves
      6. Amplified Wave is king of AoE damage, Disintegrate is king of single target damage including tough bosses
      7. Ancestor's Memory is the ultimate survivability skill, it allows your casters to regain all their spells during battle including high level slots. Cheese it with Priest Salvation of Time (6th) to loop it forever, also to loop Ascendant status from Cipher too.
      8. Time Parasite is amazing both for buffing & debuffing.
      9,.Death of 1000 Cuts is Disintegrate on steroids, Driving Echoes is just instant win as well due to the massive Penetration boost.
      I actually find the Charm/Dominate spells rather unnecessary, I prefer to just herd enemies around the tank and aoe spam them to death.

      diff anon here
      im not a min/max metagay guy at all, and i try to stay away from absolutely broken shit, but my question is: if i dont care about the 8th/9th level spells, is there any reason NOT to just make something part fighter? that health regen always seems nutty
      i know there's some great combos out there, but im asking from a "cant decide multiclass.... so fighter?" kind of thing? if i want someone to be a bit tankier i mean. im kind of a midwit and my entire team besides eder seems kind of squishy (playing on vet)

      Multiclasses take a loathsome time to gain new spells/abilities compared to single class, for casters it's really annoying.
      Healing is plentiful and cheap, Tekehu for example has Nature's Balm for Robust to all party members that's instant cast.
      There's a ton of regen spells too like Circle of Healing, Moonwell.
      But most importantly, 95% of the time only your tank (Edér) should be getting hit.
      Key as always is to send him AHEAD of the party, while rest of the party is stealthed.
      This means enemies will fully focus on Edér, AND you also benefit from the absurdly broken -85% recovery time from stealth with your casters.

  26. 2 years ago

    Is this the most gorgeous looking CRPG of our time? It's fricking beautiful.

    • 2 years ago

      Absolutely, some serious eye candy. Pictures don't do certain things justice though. The entirety of Nekataka is awesome, I want to live there. Even in The Gullet, frick it.
      Also solid music
      >That pub theme

    • 2 years ago

      despite not caring much for the gameplay, yeah this game really does look good
      most spells dont look that great imo but fireball has a very satisfying explosion

  27. 2 years ago

    Warlock is fricking fun. Berserker/Evoker. Casting combusting wounds and then Spamming minoletta precisely piercing burst, torrent of flame and fireball with bloodlust/blood thirst/spirit frenzy/fleet feet to GOTTA GO FAST and then going melee with Lord Darryn Voulge+Carnage, , Ryngrim Repulsive Vusage, Zandethous Draconic Fury, and an Essential Phantom carrying another Voulge... and using Avenging storm/storm of the seven bolt/lightning ball from my items when I want to go full moron

  28. 2 years ago

    PoE's ridiculous attack speed system was one of the things that ruined it for me. Large weapons were completely pointless.

    • 2 years ago

      The amount of moronation I see in those threads is incredible.

  29. 2 years ago

    >8th spells delayed to 16 instead of 15
    >9th spells delayed to fricking 19 instead of 17
    >10th spells MIA despite being teased on first Pillars Spellbook UI

  30. 2 years ago

    >enemy shouts "Merla!"
    >enemy whimpers "Ekera..."
    >enemy hums "Bazzo..."
    >enemy chants "LAVARU BION SIK"

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago


  31. 2 years ago

    Does anyone have the complete collection of portraits that the artist made before Josh demanded they be more “realistic”?

    • 2 years ago


      Really he demanded more ugly?

      • 2 years ago

        No, those edited portraits were always just glow up versions by others.
        And one of the initial official portraits (Edér) was actually changed to be more handsome on release

        • 2 years ago

          Well that xoti looks better.

  32. 2 years ago

    Durance being in would have literally salvaged Deadfire's cast

    • 2 years ago

      i love durance but i couldnt take another essay about the gods by that man again, but the cast was missing an old man character now that i think about it...

    • 2 years ago

      He’s in the DLC in a way

    • 2 years ago

      I dont care if he fricking raped a saint. Chris should have made all companions for POE 1 and 2.

      Okay maybe not all but most.

      Since crpgs dont have the benefit of a DM Chris seems to know that you need some unfolding of companion npcs that make sense and accompanies the story.

    • 2 years ago

      As cool as the guy can be, he's long winded and pretentious, just like every other Avellone character, and there's only so much of his lectures I can take.

  33. 2 years ago

    Time Parasite really is something else
    Man, Ascendant Ciphers have ruined the game for me.
    I can't play anything else now.

  34. 2 years ago

    Why the FRICK would you go with anyone but Vailians?
    >Huana mostly ooga booga muh culture muh birthright tier with indian caste shit, surrounded by natural wealth yet do nothing
    >Rautai is more concerned with military prowess and ships ships ships than anything
    >Principi a bunch of moronic pirates who only care about themselves
    Vailians on the other hand are the only ones who seem to have an interest in fostering Animancy which the player character directly knows is the key to EVERYTHING in the setting, including the creation of the gods and even the cycle of life and rebirth.
    Even if it would take them ages to reach the level of Engwithans, the teleportion process alone which is


    prototyped carries massive consequences for the world, especially when traveling through one fricking district of Neketaka takes 3 hours.

    • 2 years ago

      >Why the FRICK would you go with anyone but Vailians?
      Well, because they're black.

      • 2 years ago

        They're literally Italian and I'm 100% dead serious. What do you think Italians look like if they spend lots of time in the sun?
        Also, their culture is derivative of traditional Venetian culture.

        • 2 years ago

          Not that anon but form the art they look like african americans doing fake italian. But its not only an issue with vailians, most races are shit in eora. Its like they were done super quick.

      • 2 years ago

        it's even worse than that, they're black shitalians

  35. 2 years ago

    I unironically think that Deadfire is the best game released within the past 15 years.
    From a conceptual/worldbuilding point of view, it's incredibly rich and unusually consistent. The game takes place in the very distant future, where post-industrial societies live amidst the ruins of very advanced nanotech/posthuman constructs. This isn't a "new" theme -- it's a fairly established science fiction subgenre -- but it has never been handled before in non-print media, and it's incredibly subtle and well done in PoE 1/2.
    From a philosophical and psychological point of view, it's equally subtle and interesting. The core premise is the notion that kith (humans and various gene-modded variants) have become completely incapable of fending for themselves without the gods. (Who, in reality, are extremely powerful posthuman hiveminds that mostly act to constrain and restrict human industrial and technological development in the interests of stability.) One god sees this, is moved to pity or disgust, and decides to break the chains that bind humanity to the gods.
    > "Oh no no no, we're all gonna permadie because this crazy guy wants to sever our link to the gods!"
    > "Sever your link to the gods? You idiots, you CREATED the gods! But you want no responsibility for this. You don't remember what you are. You want to be led."
    There's much more to it than that. From accurate depictions of caste-based societies, to cults that worship the heat death of the universe. Comparing this game to Baldur's Gate is like comparing Shakespeare to The Very Hungry Caterpillar. (And, yeah, Baldur's Gate is The Very Hungry Caterpillar in this analogy.)
    This game was literally too deep and too subtle for its audience, maybe 0.01% of whom actually understood it.

    • 2 years ago

      >I unironically think that Deadfire is the best game released within the past 15 years.

      It's the best CRPG released in recent memory at least.
      The main weak points is the meh main narrative, meh companions and boat combat.

      • 2 years ago

        The main narrative works very well as literature, and as food for thought. As a game plot, it could be better. But at least it's not "(you) have to defeat the demigods/reapers/demon army and save the entire planet!"
        The fact that you're not the actual protagonist is refreshing. Remember that in Greek, "protagonist" refers to the one who acts, the one who drives the plot. In this game, the disaffected deity is the protagonist, and the player character is basically reactive... Indeed, is forced to react to events as they unfold.
        But you have to become very powerful to hound that mighty sort of protagonist and survive those events, and you need allies, so the game manages to stay interesting.

        • 2 years ago

          >The main narrative works very well as literature, and as food for thought. As a game plot, it could be better. But at least it's not "(you) have to defeat the demigods/reapers/demon army and save the entire planet!"
          >The fact that you're not the actual protagonist is refreshing. Remember that in Greek, "protagonist" refers to the one who acts, the one who drives the plot. In this game, the disaffected deity is the protagonist, and the player character is basically reactive
          If Eothas is the protagonist, then the protagonist is absent from 90% of this narrative, and the narrative itself consists of the protagonists going to several places to literally just eat while a pest bothers him, and then breaking a thing.

          As a literature, it could maybe work as a short story, and if we had a good perspective on that protagonist. Instead there are 60ish hours of things that have absolutely nothing to do with our supposed protagonist and his actions, and a central character who has no role in the supposed main story, other than being a very minor nuisance to the protagonist.

          • 2 years ago

            The protagonist in this game is literally beyond you. Though he's driving the plot, his motivations aren't revealed until very late. You may be a very minor nuisance, but you nevertheless have to:
            - Figure out what exactly he is.
            - Figure out what he plans.
            - Figure out where he's going, and why.
            - Try and determine if he can be stopped.
            - Act as a forward observer for the other gods, and aid in their efforts to stop him.
            - Forge local alliances to prepare yourself, and others, for what is to come.
            - Represent humanity's interests in dealing with the bickering and divided gods.
            So there's a lot on your "to do" list. Sure, the plot is mostly driven offscreen, your power never rivals the protagonist's, and he does nothing but move underwater and eat glowing rocks -- for reasons that are not perfectly clear to you -- until the game is 75% over. But that's okay; it gives you time to try and figure things out and orientate yourself in the setting.
            Hitting level 6, sailing to Neketaka, losing yourself in the city, its slums, and the ruins beneath it --- I think that this is the most fun that anybody can have with a modern cRPG. Unlike Pathfinder, you don't need to turn off your brain to enjoy it.

      • 2 years ago

        How is mah boat combat continues to be mentioned in relation to deadfire considering it is a none-issues since almost forever?

        You can just skip to regular combat as soon as encounter starts

    • 2 years ago

      I like the PoE games more than most but your description here makes it sound far more compelling than it ever actually is in-game. The concepts are neat but Obsidian could never seem to tie that into an actually interesting plot hook that makes you WANT to dig into the story.
      Truth is these games are far more fun when you just ignore the main quest and most of the default companions, and just sail around the map doing quests and dungeons.

      • 2 years ago

        Yep. I initially really disliked the game when I tried playing it like the first, as a story and character gay. But I did come around after playing the game as a simple exploration/combat romp with a custom party on my second run. That I could have a trio of Soul Blade, Beguiler Inquisitor, and Devoted Crusader as the core of my party and there was almost no overlap in their abilities and combat roles, and they all oozed flavor was honestly not something that I had expected from a sequel to PoE. They've done a very good job with the class system.

  36. 2 years ago

    Why can't the other gods do anything against Eothas?
    Why are they utterly useless?

    • 2 years ago

      They spend 90% of their time bickering and circlejerking

    • 2 years ago

      Because they don't have any physical bodies that can contain them to interact with the world directly. Even the one Eothas is using is an ad-hoc, inferior vessel.

  37. 2 years ago

    >enemy is Lagufaeth

  38. 2 years ago

    Well for me it's the fact that all the classes were bloated into doing everything, from DPS, to CC or even Support. That killed any and all enjoyment I had for the combat and class system, then they completely fricked Éder's characterization, which broke the camel's back for me. Stopped then and there and never looked back since release.

    • 2 years ago

      >then they completely fricked Éder's characterization,
      But he's pretty much the same as the first game

      • 2 years ago

        >Stern but soft spoken simple man who will call bullshit where he sees it
        >Swashbuckling sharp-tongued scoundrel with a heart of gold
        u wot m8

        • 2 years ago

          >sharp tongued
          You didnt play the game, troony.

          • 2 years ago

            The jokes coming out of his mouth probably cut deep into my enjoyment of his character's butchering, so that's likely what got me confused.

          • 2 years ago

            >Stern but soft spoken simple man
            He's exactly that in PoE2
            >sharp-tongued scoundrel
            Eder always had a sharp tongue, constantly making snarky and disparaging remarks towards people in the first game due to how tired he was of everyone's shit.

            which one do I believe

            • 2 years ago

              Just play the game and decide for yourself. Or watch a video and make comparisons.

              • 2 years ago

                Oh in that case I know it's neither. He wasn't sharp-tongued and then they retconned his characterization

              • 2 years ago

                >they retconned his characterization
                And how did they do that?

        • 2 years ago

          >Stern but soft spoken simple man
          He's exactly that in PoE2
          >sharp-tongued scoundrel
          Eder always had a sharp tongue, constantly making snarky and disparaging remarks towards people in the first game due to how tired he was of everyone's shit.

    • 2 years ago

      >Well for me it's the fact that all the classes were bloated into doing everything, from DPS, to CC or even Support.
      Yeah no. Different classes shine at different things.

      You telling me a Cipher is better at healing and support than a Cleric?

      • 2 years ago

        >You telling me a Cipher is better at healing and support than a Cleric?
        No, read again.

  39. 2 years ago

    I liked the ship combat

  40. 2 years ago

    >time to do Hasongo
    >level 17
    >in game time: 210 days
    nothing personnel Eothas

  41. 2 years ago

    Was Thaos the only Engwithan still "alive"?
    Would be nice if there was an Engwithan Lich or something like Larloch in D&D who was already a lich by the time Netheril fell

  42. 2 years ago

    Tyranny was more interesting.

    But when you create a sword and sorcery setting with gigantic skull statues with blood coming out of their eyes yet have not breast cup princesses of mars and dinosaurs you just know Obsidian is gay.

    Same with Eora, It a setting made by hipsters gay shits. Like a pretty painting with no message whatsoever in it. Its just there.

    A pity since PoE showed promise especially with some companions.

    • 2 years ago

      >breast cup princesses of Mars
      Okay fair - but where would you put them? Verse is generally annoying, but they did make her a good portrayal of life in the chorus. If she walked around with breasts advertised someone would just rape her and pass her off. The Vendrian queen maybe could have but was she old? And she dies anyways. I guess siren kinda fits the boat. They should have just made her 18 cause she's basically in a princess Leia and Jaba the hut situation only with the helmet instead. That could have gotten dark and would have fit tyranny setting (comparing where so was before helmet to now would be like a human pre and post-lobbotomy - keeping her as your b***h would basically be like labotomizing your *special* slaves. But would immediately turn the game into a porno. Other than that I can't really think of where it would be appropriate since it is war time and supposed to be dark setting

      • 2 years ago

        Well change shit, it's too tame, but I guess looking at the art I know the type of homosexualry they were looking for. But I like the setting much more, even if I am a big sucker for age of exploration shit. Poe deserved better.

        Tl;dr - Valians are a fantasy race; just like elves and dwarves. The only connection they have to irl africans is shared pigmentation - which means they have far less connection to irl africans than elves and dwarves have to irl europeans. Obsidian satisfied diversity quotas and protected it's playerbase from kangs

        This I dont see outrage for Redguards, although If the next TES in in Hammerfell some people will be insane and I bet it will, half the characters in Starfield are Black folk it seems.

        The only thing I dont like about Vailians ( which are also comprised of other races since everybody is a multicultural shitfest, hey kinda like central Europe in the 17th century). Is the very unappealing fake Italian.
        But one could argue the Aedyr shit is even more silly.

        My biggest gripe is no doubt the substitute for Orcs, Polynesian shark people are just a weird choice that looks good in your head but visually they are trash. And the Godlike are never really well used. However I have only played PoE 1.

        • 2 years ago

          Redguards used to have very mild connections to irl africans (other than reduced intelligence and willpower) and did not stray from in universe lore to represent irl politics. I have a feeling that will change and that's why people will ape out. Obviously it is fantasy and all races are new. But you have to put in the effort to prove no connection like poe did and tes used to.
          I'll admit the fake Italian can be a bit grating - it's like looking at those portraits the Haitians made of themselves larping as French. Or white kids listening to hip hop. But gotta be fair - if the in game universe doesn't bring in irl crap, I can't either. Still hard to forgive the stupid accents since they are represented by the most boring companion - bird person.
          >PoE deserved better.
          That it most certainly did. Idk how they managed to frick up the characters so bad in round 2. They had 11 characters in poe - all but two of which (bird person and blue barbarian) were between good and fantastic. Just recycle the good ones if need be. But instead they bring back bird person and turn eder into a cuck. Then gave us companions with such gripping back stories as "I'm obviously subverting your party and insulting your intelligence but you can remove me cause I'm a feminist"; "a fish but gay!"; "I can't write pirates but if we make him a midget no one will notice", and best of all - "let's tease the most interesting character yet but make her a sidekick". Such a wsste

          • 2 years ago

            My biggest criticisms for Poe comes down to the fact they choked their own franchise. And it kinda sucks. Maybe its Josh autismo to blame.

            Poe2 dug the hole even further, I am not looking forward to avowed and at this rate we wont get a Poe 3.

            All my b***hiness comes from love, because frick I dislike Owlcat and Larian games anyway.

            They should have made all companions Chris style, its the most interesting way to have them, unfold them slowly and have interesting backgrounds. Bend the knee and have romances since it calls attention to your game BG 2 and god forbid Dragon Age trannies woudl make poe have more attention. And romances shoudl just be side content, its just there to even further flesh out companions, PST did this well just improve on it.
            Make the combat more meaningful and with more powerful abilities frick balance.

            That what comes up from the top of my head.

    • 2 years ago

      >Tyranny was more interesting.
      Only conceptually, in executions it dropped the ball so hard as it was made out of lead.

      • 2 years ago

        That was what I meant by my post but more thematically.

        • 2 years ago

          I still cannot believe the game ends as you're getting ready to confront the "big bad".
          holy shit

          • 2 years ago

            I kinda feel like all Obsidian games ever since alpha protocol etc are sabotaged mid way by someone.
            Its weird.

            I have zero hype for avowed, I would honestly prefer if they helped TES6 quests be a bit better since I fricking hate Emil in Beth.

    • 2 years ago

      I just wanted henchmen jesus christ why is it so hard to not scrap features from your other game series.

    • 2 years ago

      >But when you create a sword and sorcery setting with gigantic skull statues with blood coming out of their eyes yet have not breast cup princesses of mars and dinosaurs you just know Obsidian is gay.

      Shit man, I finally found someone who verbalized whats been bothering me about Tyranny from the get go.
      I just couldn't put it into words and reading your post feels like an epiphany.
      Thats exactly it; It feels like Sword & Sorcery setting that was neutered to hell and back because of current year. Which is why it feels like this grating contrast where on one hand there is torture, gore and genocide and clearly some themes that try to be mature under an evil Overlord but for some reason any adult themes related to sexuality feel like they are closer to a saturday-morning-cartoon instead.

      • 2 years ago

        For Tyranny, I agree. Tyranny's setting would have done well to have heavy Conan like typical sword and sorcery aesthetics. I felt at odds when I was playing it too. The game feels more like a saturday morning cartoon, I feel like robotnik even though the game could be so much more, but they tried making a game about being a brutal dictator jive well with modern sensibilities. I want my blood chalice gore big tiddies cRPG damnit.
        That being said, Pillars 1 and Deadfire have a different tone, one more down to earth. How people dress and act I feel like fits the universe very well.
        Actually having played Deadfire for a second time and exhausting most conversations, there is very little "current year woke shit" like people are pretending there is. Honestly, to me its just people who dislike darker skinned people, and think that if a game involves them heavily, regardless of the content within, the game is "hipsters gay shit" or whatever.
        In a pirate/colonization setting that's basically an alternate version of the Caribbean and other local typical piratey areas? I feel like there's nothing wrong with how Deadfire portrayed any of it. In fact, if anything Deadfire plays it a little TOO straight sometimes, but that's just getting nitpicky. Deadfire doesn't try to portray anyone really as inherently better than anyone else, everyone has their faults, everyone is conniving and power-hungry, everyone is willing to frick over everyone else.
        Hell, even the typical "muh innocent tribal villagers woe is us" trope is blasted apart since they have a shitty terrible caste system they all bathe in and use as an excuse to act like dickheads to their own race.

        • 2 years ago

          >Hell, even the typical "muh innocent tribal villagers woe is us" trope is blasted apart since they have a shitty terrible caste system they all bathe in
          No to mention how brutal some of the tribes can be, and iirc it was even stated that prior to the arrival of the RDC and Vailians, the Huana were committing human sacrifices, which the game portrays as pretty bad.

          • 2 years ago

            >No to mention how brutal some of the tribes can be
            if i recall in tikawara you have the chieftan actively selling out his people and literally moved them to a shithole where there's no food, in hopes that valians will bring coin and build a trading post and they can flourish. they even built a """"trading post"""" out of an old shipwreck.
            and no one can say a damn thing because he and the warrior caste have all the say, and everyone is starving. the villagers are even thinking about eating the sentient fishmen children that they stole and put into cages for slave labor, and a group of them are talking about which part of the single dwarf that is stranded there might taste best "for fun". all because of the hubris of the chief and the caste system that doesnt allow dissent.
            Meanwhile, the one person who seems like a decent person in this village, the priestess, cursed the expedition group that would have actually ended up bring in the Valian trade, trying to sabotage the whole thing in the first place with murders. huana, as presented in the game, are largely buttholes

            • 2 years ago

              The tikawara chiefs plan actually works though as long as you dont frick the VTC over, which is a big if admittedly. Tikawara definitely had a lot of morally grey shit going on as even the best intentioned dude on the island still tried to get someone unjustly executed

        • 2 years ago

          >Actually having played Deadfire for a second time and exhausting most conversations, there is very little "current year woke shit" like people are pretending there is.
          I never felt that Deadfire is really woke in any way, beside maybe a lot of badass female characters (but it pulls that off alright as well). What really bothers and ultimately makes me hate the game is chaotic, all over the place writing that feels like a number of at least somewhat capable writers going real hard on writing donut steel self-contained and self-absorbed characters into their little pieces of Pirate fanfiction for PoE until the whole shitshow ultimately disappears up it's own butthole.

          Yeah, that surmises what I hate about Deadfire well enough - it feels like instead of writing PoE II, everyone (including Josh) wrote a bunch of Yarrrr PoE fanfiction and called that a day.

          • 2 years ago

            I still find the setting of deadfire really interesting, the problem is as you said the fricked up writing

            • 2 years ago

              All the faction stuff and NPCs I find pretty well-written, even the little towns and their squabbles. My main issue is, unfortunately, a lot of the main companions + how they present the narrative of the actual main plot.

        • 2 years ago

          > there is very little "current year woke shit"

          >Actually having played Deadfire for a second time and exhausting most conversations, there is very little "current year woke shit" like people are pretending there is.
          I never felt that Deadfire is really woke in any way, beside maybe a lot of badass female characters (but it pulls that off alright as well). What really bothers and ultimately makes me hate the game is chaotic, all over the place writing that feels like a number of at least somewhat capable writers going real hard on writing donut steel self-contained and self-absorbed characters into their little pieces of Pirate fanfiction for PoE until the whole shitshow ultimately disappears up it's own butthole.

          Yeah, that surmises what I hate about Deadfire well enough - it feels like instead of writing PoE II, everyone (including Josh) wrote a bunch of Yarrrr PoE fanfiction and called that a day.

          There's a dwarf that immediately pounces on you for thinking he might be a miner instead of his passion for selling dresses.

          There's a literal gay bathouse that the gay fish likes to frequent. The gay furry tries to rape you as soon as you meet him. His character is really gay. I know that about him because the game made sure to remind me every few lines of dialog, just like it did with the fish.

          There is an awful lot about communism. Then all the reddit tier pirate dialogue and gender neutral sea shanties.

          > I want my blood chalice gore big tiddies cRPG damnit.
          You'll never get it because you keep stockholm syndroming for cucklord hipster shit. I'm not even angry anymore it's just tiresome watching such denial from homosexuals.

          • 2 years ago

            Literally everything you just posted is untrue.

          • 2 years ago

            >gender neutral sea shanties.

            That sounds legit and very modern obsidian. Let me guess its a 5050 femalemale sailor situation right?

            • 2 years ago

              I don't think I've heard a single female singer in the shanties, he may be a schizo and you may be fricking his ego

              • 2 years ago

                It may be so but I dont trust obsidian anymore.
                And while I did play POE it left me really disappointed.
                Dont even want to pirate POE2

                The game is trying very hard to be mature and artistic pleasing and different, but when it gets down to it the factions and companions are just boring and shit.

              • 2 years ago

                My phoneposting autocorrected fueling to fricking, but it works in this case because you two sound like a couple of homosexuals

            • 2 years ago

              It depends on your crew. For example if you have an all male crew you will hear only males singing and viceversa.

          • 2 years ago

            >gender neutral sea shanties.

            That sounds legit and very modern obsidian. Let me guess its a 5050 femalemale sailor situation right?

            He's wrong and also an idiot. There are two versions of each sea shanty depending on whether you have a female crew member or not.
            male only:

            • 2 years ago

              Aaaaaaa help I'm being oppressed

          • 2 years ago

            >Look everyone! I am so jaded I literally have to make shit up to get myself angry or, as I like to call it, "tired"!
            >It's the SJW's fault I am like this! Surely not my clinic depression I am letting go on rampantly!

          • 2 years ago

            >The gay furry tries to rape you as soon as you meet him
            What? That shit never happens.
            > I know that about him because the game made sure to remind me every few lines of dialog, just like it did with the fish.
            Did you actually play the game or are you pulling this out of your ass? Not only does the furry not want to rape you, his sexuality is never discussed. The guy is open for one night stand with either a female or male Watcher, but that's ONLY if you ask him. Tekehu's character also isn't centered around his sexuality either. It's about him becoming jaded with the watershapers and trying to be a proper leader to his people. Yes, he is open about his promiscuous life with both men and women, but he doesn't talk about it nearly as much as you say, and he only asks you once whether you are single or not. You can easily reject him and he never brings it up again for the rest of the game. Seriously, has /misc/ rotted your brain so much that the moment you read a single sentence about a fricking pirate of all things being sexually promiscuous you get some sort of PTSD induced seizure while foaming at the mouth?

          • 2 years ago

            and here is the shizo that can't skip an obsidian thread if his life depended on it!
            have buttaids idiot
            because of lies like your post is I delayed playing deadfire it's great and nothing like you say for 2 years and tried PKM instead it's shit and full of woke writing

  43. 2 years ago

    See also picrel. The "black" guys there are actually Italian identarian protestors. Hahaha.

  44. 2 years ago

    xoti is so fricking annoying holy shit

    • 2 years ago

      OH MY GAUN

  45. 2 years ago

    Being an Aumaua and roleplaying any situation where it helps Aumaua over others is so comfy

    • 2 years ago

      >t. low iq peruvian

  46. 2 years ago

    Do people who hate on Pillars story at least agree that it runs circles around DOS2 story?

    • 2 years ago

      Oh for sure, PoE1 is one of the few games with an actual good main story, sadly the writing in deadfire is a step down from the first game

  47. 2 years ago

    Is there a way to switch between "realtime" and turn based mode at any time like in pathfinder?

  48. 2 years ago

    I loved PoE1, it has some of the best written NPC companions ever, Durance and Zahua are GOTY. Yet to play the second game.
    I play those on the hardest difficulty from the start (but I look up first what are some good builds).

    • 2 years ago

      You liked Zahua? I thought everybody hated her. Why did you like her? I wonder if I should take her on my next playthrough.

      Do people who hate on Pillars story at least agree that it runs circles around DOS2 story?

      The story is S-tier, and the setting, if you really think about it, is an all-time great.

      • 2 years ago

        Zahua is the male kung-fu grandpa that views suffering as a path to enlightenment. He's constantly on hallucinogenic drugs and talking complete nonsense.

        • 2 years ago

          >He's constantly on hallucinogenic drugs and talking complete nonsense.
          His personal quest is my favorite. I don't think there's ever been another RPG that literally let you go on an acid trip.

          • 2 years ago

            Most WRPGs usually have a quest like that really. Even Fallout 76 has a quest about it.

            • 2 years ago

              Any examples you can give?

              • 2 years ago

                NTA, but FNV: Honest Hearts has a "tripping quest", which are often a very juvenile depiction of such substances. They are medicine, literally, not for just amusement.

              • 2 years ago

                Doesn't that shitty grindfest Assasin Creed valhalla/vikings/whatever have an entire questline about doing mushrooms and spirit traveling among the aesir pantheon? Never played it but saw some video on juutube.

  49. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Slumming in the gullet
      Chewing svef every day
      Spending the evenings at the public bath
      I love this place.

  50. 2 years ago

    cRPGs are a bottom tier genre. No mechanical skill required from the player, only game knowledge. Inferior storytelling that even an average GM could come up with. Not to mention a railroaded story that makes replays with different party members terrible in comparison to roguelikes/lites. And a plethora of bloat and unnecessary addon systems that always make the games chores.

    • 2 years ago

      Why are you on this board anon? Are you having mental health problems?

  51. 2 years ago

    written by blue haired prostitutes. story and writing are terrible

    • 2 years ago

      I'm married and I do this all the time.

      That said Deadfire's writing is kinda shit and all over the place.

    • 2 years ago

      I feel like this is a result of people complaining that the first game was too serious and dry with it's dialogue and overall choice, so Obsidian attempted to make it more light-hearted and humorous. I think some jokes land, while others not so much. Honestly, I hate this trend of every RPG trying to be either funny or self-aware these days. Pathfinder is another example.

      • 2 years ago

        I feel like deadfire is a wonderful middle ground with what you said in mind. Compare to divinity, or tyranny, most characters are down to earth and if they say silly shit, even that almost never takes me out of the game or setting like some other rpgs.
        The tone is a little lighter than the first, but I feel like they did it in a great way. In fact most characters are pretty serious, their attitudes overall match the setting.
        I definitely held the viewpoint that the first game was a little too dry, but people act like deadfire is LOL ZANY when in reality you could talk to NPCs in a city sometimes for an hour straight and the only joke is one your character tries making where someone responds to you like you're a fool. I really think the anti-SJW type crowd tried making mountains out of, not even molehills, almost nothing really.

        • 2 years ago

          Wanted to say further, the issue with interactions like that is that often there's not enough things for YOU to decide to say.
          You have
          1) Kiss
          2) Fart in her ear
          I find that Deadfire has seemingly random sometimes selections for how you respond to situations. The writing for the world and the NPCs is great, but the PC sometimes is... off. That scenario should have at least had 4 options.

          • 2 years ago

            Player choice is the bane of artistic vision.

        • 2 years ago

          >but people act like deadfire is LOL ZANY
          Agreed. People say it has "lol so random" humor, but outside of a few select moments it never felt that way overall.
          >I really think the anti-SJW type crowd tried making mountains out of, not even molehills, almost nothing really.
          Same thing happened with Tyranny and the first Pillars of Eternity. They are just easy targets for /misc/schizo and keyboard warriors.

          • 2 years ago

            I think the anti sjw shit is magnified by how mediocre the games are.

            The games feel limp.

      • 2 years ago

        there is smart humor and there is blue haired prostitute humor

  52. 2 years ago

    You WILL eat the Hardtack and drink the Water, and you WILL enjoy it.

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      >Drinking water lowers morale

      • 2 years ago

        You can't store water too long in pre-modern conditions before it goes "bad", which is to say, it starts growing algae and shit. This is why ships always stocked (weak) booze instead of water; the alcohol content kept anything from growing in it (for a while), whereas water wouldn't last the voyage.

  53. 2 years ago

    First Pillars is harder than Deadfire, right?
    I recall some enemies being BG tier of annoying like Vampires, Vithtrack packs, Mushrooms
    In Deadfire it feels you mostly fight humanoids who don't have anything as far as special abilities

  54. 2 years ago

    It's just PoE without a marketing tailwind from early 2010s Kickstarter enthusiasm

  55. 2 years ago

    Man, Deadfire legit needed more dungeons.
    I can recall many in the first Pillars, I can't recall any actually long dungeon in Deadfire besides Undercity or DLC Sanctum I guess

  56. 2 years ago

    Can anyone help with a single class Barbarian Build?
    I want to try a full melee char this time as I always go for caster heavy parties with Edér as a tank.
    Barb seems very interesting due to some of the instant recovery abilities, what weapons to spec in and rush for?

    • 2 years ago

      Beserker/Devoted + Great Sword is a strong build

      • 2 years ago

        Axes devoted > sword devoted
        Bleeding cuts >>> whatever the awful greatsword modal is called
        just grab monastic unarmed training for a backup weapons

    • 2 years ago

      Oh, single class. I would pick the Furyshaper subclass because at PL8 you get a totem that allows your party to regenerate health by dealing damage.

      • 2 years ago

        How easily destroyed are the totems?
        And do they have an area of effect for their powers to work?
        Also, does the Terrify totem auto terrify or has to pass enemy saves?
        The Action Speed Totem at 1 also sounds pretty powerful

        Beserker/Devoted + Great Sword is a strong build

        Why Greatsword over others?

        • 2 years ago

          >How easily destroyed are the totems?
          I only played Furyshaper at low levels, but I didn't have much of a problem with totems being destroyed. Most likely they scale with power level.
          >And do they have an area of effect for their powers to work?
          >Also, does the Terrify totem auto terrify or has to pass enemy saves?
          The latter
          >Why Greatsword over others?
          I prefer two handed weapons with barbarians and Great Swords have a good variety of uniques. Twin Eels gives you +25% critical chance with religion maxed.

          Honestly though, Barbarian single classes are quite mediocre

          Axes devoted > sword devoted
          Bleeding cuts >>> whatever the awful greatsword modal is called
          just grab monastic unarmed training for a backup weapons

          The Great Sword modal gives you +50% damage which is pretty good

          • 2 years ago

            >Honestly though, Barbarian single classes are quite
            Berseker is great as long as you pick up a source of intellect resistance like modwyr(talking sword thing i may have mispelled)

            • 2 years ago

              Even then they're kinda mediocre. On the other hand, I think Barb is probably the *best* class for multiclassing. There's so much absurdly good shit you can get extremely early in the tree. They go great with any physical class and even go well with a lot of caster classes.
              Now that I think of it, I've never tried Barb/Shifter druid. That might be interesting.

              • 2 years ago

                >I think Barb is probably the *best* class for multiclassing
                Its either barbs or paladins for sure. Im actually running fanatic in my current playthrough. Eagerly awaiting lvl 19 for sacred immo+spirit tornado shenanigans.

              • 2 years ago

                Sacred immo is shit in PoE2
                You have to devote your whole build to not have a nice day (items reducing raw damage, adding CON, heals...) to produce mediocre damages

                Also monk is both best single and best multi

              • 2 years ago

                Theres multiple ways around it like barring deaths door+salvation of time cheese. Even the inclass options of greater lay on hands+exalted endurance will mostly mitigate the self damage

  57. 2 years ago

    Xoti is kinda greasy, I am glad they tried to improve the game a bit, but I wish it had more options.

  58. 2 years ago

    It's a bunch of homosexualy hipster shit and Black person (Capitalized as per AP style guide) worship with boring mechanics and an anemic MQ no one who isn't flirting with AGP already could possibly be invested in.

    Your life has to really suck in order to consider an escape to a digital Pulse tribute in Orlando fun.

    • 2 years ago

      IQ so low it barely moved the needle on the IQ Detector.

    • 2 years ago

      Imagine being this moronic. Imagine being this pleb.

      • 2 years ago

        IQ so low it barely moved the needle on the IQ Detector.

        eh he's just a boring troll or moronic, but he got his daily (you) dopamine so good job galohis

        • 2 years ago

          So you mean the poster or Sam Hyde?

    • 2 years ago

      but but blacks peepz are HEKKIN COOL

      • 2 years ago

        They are in this game and setting, yeah

        • 2 years ago

          55% Ocean folk
          20% Mountain dwarves
          10% Meadow folk
          5% Island aumaua
          10% Other

          Okay I want to see more other vailians outside fricking Black folk. That would be nice.

          Greedfall reminded me of POE2 btw. Buts its a much more simple setting.

          • 2 years ago

            Why is there more ocean folk around in a setting about riding around the ocean. Very confusing

          • 2 years ago

            >Greedfall reminded me of POE2 btw. Buts its a much more simple setting.
            i mean they both deal with themes of multiple countries colonizing unwilling indigenous tribes

  59. 2 years ago

    Honest question, did they write Xoti to be as unlikable as possible? Everyone else is okay but I just hate this character so much I just keep her around to see the dumb shit she's going to say next.

    • 2 years ago

      Idk I found her far more likeable compared to the rest. What do you hate about her?

    • 2 years ago

      Idk I found her far more likeable compared to the rest. What do you hate about her?

      She seems to be super marmite. You love her or hate her. Idk why, she always seemed alright to me. But then again I find her accent to be cute af but I bet a lot of people could find it grating

    • 2 years ago

      She's the most insufferable c**t in the game which is saying something

    • 2 years ago

      It's ironic that the sidekick companions are also the best companions.

    • 2 years ago

      She tried to write her really likeable, and they tried way too hard. It still works if you're a moetrash waifgay or a fanfiction enjoyer, but otherwise eah, she's quite damn annoying.

    • 2 years ago

      I love her

      Cant stand Ydwin though

    • 2 years ago

      You ever hear the expression "never stick your dick in crazy"? And you know how that expression doesn't refer to "stand on a street corner and scream at pigeons" crazy, but nominally-functional-but-life-is-always-fricked-up-with-some-sort-of-drama crazy?
      Xoti is that crazy. At first blush she passes as a capable adult, but the longer she talks, the more you realize she just doesn't quite have it together.

      • 2 years ago

        I mean, is it even her fault when Eothas literally sends her lovecraftian dreams nightly?

        • 2 years ago

          Literally the same excuse my bpd ex would use

      • 2 years ago

        Then why didn't they give the player more options?
        I honestly dont mind the Vailians and snowflake bird Black person. But I really dislike the bootleg Orcs. Everything about Aumaua is ugly as shit.

        cRPGs are a bottom tier genre. No mechanical skill required from the player, only game knowledge. Inferior storytelling that even an average GM could come up with. Not to mention a railroaded story that makes replays with different party members terrible in comparison to roguelikes/lites. And a plethora of bloat and unnecessary addon systems that always make the games chores.

        You kinda have a point. That is why they can never decide if they want a visual novel or a combat focused game.

        • 2 years ago

          Aumaua are the best race, especially the Rauatai ones. What's not to like about tribal nipponese militaristic naval water orcs?

          • 2 years ago

            Rautai is fine, but island aumaua are literally dumbfrick savages barely beyond ooga booga status

            • 2 years ago

              All the factions look like absolute shit.

  60. 2 years ago

    Maia and Serafen getting along I think if my favorite of the companion interactions. I didn't expect them to get along since she's military and he's a pirate, but I think they even talk about getting drunk together for fun.
    What about you guys? Who are your favorite companion duo? The second would be Serafen + Eder for me. Eder is such a simple farmer guy he kind of considers Serafen kind of like a pet, and it makes me laugh how huffy Serafen gets about it.

    • 2 years ago

      I have legit never used anyone but Xoti, Aloth, Eder and Tekehu in my multiple runs.
      It can't be helped, the other companions feel either garbage mechanically or boring and far too one sided in the case of Pallegina.
      Serafen class is the epitome of what the frick were they thinking, it's Wild Mage from BG2 except without all the good parts of it

      • 2 years ago

        >I have legit never used anyone but Xoti, Aloth, Eder and Tekehu in my multiple runs.
        That comp definitely seems like the easiest to play in all my playthroughs of deadfire. Or at the very least its the one i gravitate to the most. Eder definitely feels like the hardest to remove out of a party considering how fricking good swashbuckler is at tanking. I can only assume palegina is supposed to be your alt tank but ive never understood how to make that work as single class pally or herald

        • 2 years ago

          Pallegina is the best healer in the game. Herald Pallegina lets you get the song that causes HP regen, overlapping with the song that causes characters to heal based on damage dealt, combined with the paladin aura that also causes HP regen.
          Add in the Shield that causes HP regen in an AoE around her, and the healing Invocations chanters get, and she's a great healer who isn't limited to a set number of casts.
          Plus, she also doubles up as a Summoner in that configuration.

    • 2 years ago

      Wild Mind is funny, I've used Serafen in my last run and most of the time it's beneficial. He only ever once nuked himself to death (I keep him away from others). The only REAL annoying miscast is when he turns enemies invis. But when he double casts or maxes out his Focus, it can be real fun. But I like nutty RNG in games, he does well for me. Plus I like his character, he annoyed me starting off but he grew on me, and he has a lot of interactions in dialogues since he's the pirate of the bunch.
      Maia is okay once you get some levels down. I prefer Geomancer for the wizard self buffs + debuffs mixing with ranger skills. Maia + Merciless Gaze + The Red Hand = Fat hits early on. Plus being half wizard gives her a lot of options in general between shots. Her personality is... yeah... But at least, unlike Tekehu, she's a Aumaua who won't say "Ekera" so much you want to fillet them. Also she's a race traitor who hates how most other Island Aumaua are dumbfrick back-water townies
      I still have never used Pallegina. Maybe next run...

      • 2 years ago

        Oops this was meant for

        I have legit never used anyone but Xoti, Aloth, Eder and Tekehu in my multiple runs.
        It can't be helped, the other companions feel either garbage mechanically or boring and far too one sided in the case of Pallegina.
        Serafen class is the epitome of what the frick were they thinking, it's Wild Mage from BG2 except without all the good parts of it

  61. 2 years ago

    How the FRICK does one have fun with melee in Deadfire?
    Casters seem so much better for the simple fact they can hit multiple enemies (entire screen sometimes) for heavy damage + CC even at the early levels, MULTIPLE times.
    Barb Carnage damage seems pretty disappointing, at least so far
    The Recovery time system only seems to penalize melee even further due to your limited targets

    • 2 years ago

      I've always felt like it was the opposite... Have a decent tank and your melee can go to town. My Chanter/Barb goes to town on people. if anything the recovery time system penalizes casters because they have recovery time + casting time + potential concentration breaking while casting.
      If you're a barb make sure you pick up Thick Skinned, and idk what you're using, 2H for the big deeps carnage hits? if you're feeling too slow with the recovery time switch to dual wield, pick up two weapon style. Wild Sprint is a good ability too btw.
      Pick up some deflection items, or "of troll" equipment for the health regen. How far in are you?

    • 2 years ago

      I feel the same, although I generally find casters in rpgs more fun and interesting to play. casters have more abilities to play around with. I tried to play a barbarian for my 2nd playthrough but ended up getting bored switching to a wizard half way through.

    • 2 years ago

      >Casters seem so much better for the simple fact they can hit multiple enemies (entire screen sometimes) for heavy damage
      I dont feel this at all on potd. Pure aoe damage spells do jack shit unless empowered and even when they are empowered ive never seen them out right kill targets like I would want them to for the opportunity cost of not just casting aoe CC instead.

      • 2 years ago

        Wizards in particular have to really specialize in order to make their AoE spells reliable, but if they DO specialize it's super strong. Like, you can get to power level 18 or something with Fire Spells as a Wizard, which is equivalent to being nearly character level 40. Do that and Fireball turns into a nuclear missile even without Empowerment.
        Your innate Power Level is a huge deal in the game. My one gripe with Deadfire's mechanics is that it doesn't emphasize how important PL is early on.

      • 2 years ago

        Wizards in particular have to really specialize in order to make their AoE spells reliable, but if they DO specialize it's super strong. Like, you can get to power level 18 or something with Fire Spells as a Wizard, which is equivalent to being nearly character level 40. Do that and Fireball turns into a nuclear missile even without Empowerment.
        Your innate Power Level is a huge deal in the game. My one gripe with Deadfire's mechanics is that it doesn't emphasize how important PL is early on.

        Accuracy is only a problem in POTD until your Priest, who definitely should be single classed, reaches level 7. And accuracy is directly tied to damage, including spell damage.
        You then can open fights from Stealth with both Devotions + Dire Blessing in the span of seconds to easily handle any accuracy issue.
        After that just cast a Chill Fog or debuff the enemy with Nature's Mark, Shining Beacon, etc.
        Just at Neketaka you also have the Ring of Flame which gives a whopping +10 Acc to Fire Spells as well.
        Aloth with Merciless Gaze can easily Fireball shit to death after being buffed, even with his "low" Might.
        You don't have to go all out on Power Level, but Fire has numerous boosts.
        Nekataka also also has the cat pet for an extra +1 to Fire, but I prefer the other feline that adds extra crit to spells.
        And then you have the Flail from Dunnage for +2 Fire PL, and later the Axe for +2 at that fire naga temple map area.
        Last but not least, Delayed Fireball can be spammed multiple times from stealth without breaking it even during combat.
        Stealth is actually rather broken with ranged spells or attacks, because enemies can only detect you if you are undert their circle of vision.
        So even with 0 Stealth you can at least buff + summon as much as you want with ~0.5 Recovery TIme, then cast an offensive spell and get a "free" spell still after that with low recovery.

        • 2 years ago

          Accuracy is a complete nonissue in the game even on potd. Its penetration thats the issue which you have to mostly brute force through power level stacking

          • 2 years ago

            Penetration is the true non issue.
            Neketaka vendor sells infinite Crusted Swordfish which completely solves Pen problems caster wise, and he also sells +2 weapon pen food, but I'd rather my tank be on Captain's Banquet so he doesn't get offed by Charm/Dominate.
            If you don't rest, which you don't have to, food lasts for almost a month of in game time
            +2 permanent pen completely solves this.

    • 2 years ago

      Play a fighter/monk, it can stack so many additional attacks you will demolish groups in melee

      Cleaving stance + swift flurry + disciplined strikes + heartbeat drumming + clear out = crazyness

      Or multiclass anything with Trickster
      Ryngrim repulsive visage is OP

      • 2 years ago

        I am so fricking pissed deadfire didn't do well
        The classes and multiclassing is so fricking kino

        • 2 years ago

          It did pretty well actually. It flopped in terms of day 1 sales because, well, Obsidian went full moron. They delayed launch by a month a few days before it was meant to release, then released streamer copies immediately so they all spoiled the entire game by the time everyone else could have it.
          It's had pretty strong sales ever since though, it's one of those games that did well with a long tail rather than a huge day 1 landslide.

          • 2 years ago

            Hmmm, I just remember the lead behind it constantly b***hing about it. I want a third Pillars game, I love the setting and the gameplay, but I don't know if slow burning will ever get a sequel

            • 2 years ago

              They did b***h, and continue to do so. The odd thing is I don't think they even realize how badly they bungled the launch. Delaying it for a month with almost no notice was absolutely suicidal by itself, but then IMMEDIATELY opening it up to streamers? That just generates bad will. Why would you even do that?
              There was a LOT of interest in Deadfire when it was meant to come out, I think one streamer was pulling close to 200k viewers on the first day he got it. And all that energy got dissipated by the delayed launch.

              • 2 years ago

                I was a huge fan of 1 and I didn't even realize deadfire came out until like 3 weeks after launch, it felt like I saw 0 advertising

              • 2 years ago

                There wasn't. Deadfire had its release date listed on its steam page though, which is more than can be said for Tyranny, which wasn't even given a release date a week before it came out.
                Obsidian has/had some great developers and writers, but man, their leadership is completely fricking clueless about basic shit.

              • 2 years ago

                By that point management was already making a deal with Microsoft to sell the company so Deadfire stopped being a priority

    • 2 years ago

      Make a monk or a Warrior/Wizard multiclass.

  62. 2 years ago

    There's nothing wrong with it, it's just that PoE got popular for mostly insubstantial reasons like catching the right early Kickstarter wave on social media. Deadfire is just what an RTwP CRPG is and how it sells without that.

    • 2 years ago

      But both Pathfinder games sold better, including Kingmaker, despite the fact Owlcat was a literallywho studio back then

      • 2 years ago

        gimme numbers, I can see a bump for the Pathfinder license/system but I also think if Owlcat that employs starving Russ slaves sold like Obsidian that employs obese California ticks the former would be a success and the later a failure, especially after PoE did so abnormally well.

        • 2 years ago

          I don't have numbers, but Sawyer himself admitted Kingmaker sold better than Deadfire, and Kingmaker is way more of a normie repellant than it due to far more obtuse rules and the fact Owlcat legit enjoys still adding challenge to the game even on Normal mode.

          • 2 years ago

            It could easily be like they sold 50k more copies or something at full price, not double or triple. And like I said a small advantage to KM sales is a colossal hit for Owlcat and a crushing failure for Obsidian

          • 2 years ago

            Normie repellent rule wise, however from a marketing standpoint easier since they have brand recognition.

      • 2 years ago

        sold better by what margin? no one knows outside of particular studios involved, and we have no idea what numbers was Sawyer's twit based on. like really, how does he know the figures for PKM sales? it's not like it went public. might have been word of mouth thou
        >Owlcat was a literallywho studio
        irrelevant since Pathfinder is a well known and good-selling RPG brand and PKM was the first time it was coming to vidya, marketing-wise both pafthinder games were miles ahead of PoE2

        Also well I played both and I contributed to PKM sales as well, so what? I still rate PoE2 higher than PKM as most players do - pic very related

        tl;dr pathfinder had better marketing, pillars are better games

  63. 2 years ago

    I wish Demons & Angels were a part of the setting.
    You have Imps and... that's it as far as classic outsider creatures?
    Everything else is just undead, beasts or constructs. I guess some oozes and spider mindflayers.
    PoE's bestiary needs to be more high fantasy

    • 2 years ago

      Eh, how would Angels work with the God system in the universe? I guess the gods could have more heralds unique to them
      >tfw no angler headed 4 tittied angel of ondra waifu

  64. 2 years ago

    Why the FRICK did the shark people settle from Deadfire in Rautai, despite the fact it's meant to be unhospitable as FRICK and constantly pelted with heavy storms?
    Doesn't make any sense.
    Go settle in some area close to a comfy river like anyone else.

    • 2 years ago

      Because they are badasses? Why do you think they have +2 Might? And think about their options. No one else wants to live in Rauatai, its a great spot for a strong, semi-aquatic to flourish where others wouldn't.
      It's like in Elder Scrolls, Argonians live in the Black Marsh, a poisonous fricking shithole swamp where anyone trying to advance for territory is defeated first by the environment.
      Or real world - glorious fricking Nippon. Good luck getting our kawaii waifus mongol scum, I'm behind 7 divine typhoons
      At the very least it's a great base of operations, which is how they treat it. Hence why they are colonizing, so they don't have to always deal with their stormfront shithole continent
      And look at them now, with a strong, disciplined, and powerful navy that is just as influential as the others, despite being tribal fricking fishmen

    • 2 years ago
  65. 2 years ago

    >enemy is Fampyr
    >oh but it's actually pronounced as Vampyr anyways

  66. 2 years ago

    Do you gain anything by establishing peace between the Bardattos & Valeras?
    Feels like you just get cucked out of a powerful armor or sword

    • 2 years ago

      The correct path is to try to make peace, then fail by giving ridiculous answers during tge talks, kill them all, and take all the items in both houses

  67. 2 years ago

    The people who "invested" in Deadfire eventually turned a profit, but it took a few years.
    Bros, I hope Avowed does super well, so we get a PoE3...

    • 2 years ago

      Same man. Same.
      But considering their silence, I'm worried.

  68. 2 years ago

    >other than the main story being absolute shit whats supposed to be so bad about it?

    Nothing. That's literally it. The gameplay and class combos being "pretty fun" gets old after 10-15 hours, and all you're left with is an awfully dull and boring story that goes no where until the final 10% where it goes right off the cliff.

    • 2 years ago

      >The gameplay and class combos being "pretty fun" gets old after 10-15 hours
      Still fun for me after 5 playthroughs

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      The combat and classes is the best out of these recent CRPGs.

      This is enough to carry it, especially when the alternatives are weak as frick narratively as well.

      • 2 years ago

        >especially when the alternatives are weak as frick narratively as well
        Eh. Deadfire would be a better game if you could opt-out of its narrative. More dungeons would be also welcome. Or at least an option that lets you skip to SSS without having to do 2/3 of the shitawful main quest first.

        • 2 years ago

          Maybe that is the best way for crpgs now that you say it.
          Put a full companion quests and write them decently, have multiple revenge, romance etc.
          Just have the main character wander around like mountain blade clearing dungeons and saving realms and have a skeleton main quest.

      • 2 years ago

        >The combat and classes is the best out of these recent CRPGs.
        Yeah poe2 is now my gold standard for multiclass power fantasy in crpgs.

      • 2 years ago

        >The combat and classes is the best out of these recent CRPGs.
        Yeah poe2 is now my gold standard for multiclass power fantasy in crpgs.

        Idk bros. Deadfire feels too easy compared to the first one that it lessens the quality of combat, at least for me. Even in potd, only Gorecci and Digsite pose a real threat.

  69. 2 years ago

    I just got PoE 1 on sale. Was thinking about going Wizard or Paladin, leaning towards Paladin because I haven't played a CRPG in like 20 years and was never that good at them to begin with, but damn I wanna try a wizard because I always play melee/warrior types... anybody got any build recommendations or tips?

    • 2 years ago

      try cipher
      its a warrior/caster type with fun and OP spells
      and it fits the story of PoE

      • 2 years ago

        ended up going with Wizard. Made it to Gilded Vale on hard difficulty, no problems so far. Really liking this game's atmosphere.

        • 2 years ago

          Nice choice anon, PoE1 is great.
          Its can be a bit dense, but once you understand the lore, specifically the name of the Gods a bit more, its a lot easier.
          My advice is just spread out Durance's monologues to not frontload it. I mean, he kind of does this for you already, but heed his advice.
          Have fun! Wizard is a great class, lots of variety.

        • 2 years ago

          Oh and ignore all the "special" NPCs you see. I forget what indication they have, but they have a different colored name and they're literally donut steel kickstarter backer stories. Literally whatever story these people wanted to give their characters they allowed, so you have some serious fanfiction mary sue action going on.
          Just ignore them for the love of christ and the atmosphere will remain intact.

          • 2 years ago

            The best part is the very first one is the lesbian couple angry about others wanting them to have children.
            Funny how that one stays with you forever.

        • 2 years ago

          Cipher is probably the most fun in PoE 1 due to how absurdly powerful Cipher spells are starting from Mental Binding at Power Level 2, and the fact you can cast your spells "forever".
          Wizard is stuck with Vancian casting until Level 10+ when your level 1-4 spells start becoming per encounter.
          For Wizard, be sure to get Minor Blights as soon as level 5, because that's a really efficient spell.
          Besides that just spam Chill Fog, unironically.

  70. 2 years ago

    Is Forbidden Fist really the strongest Monk subclass?
    Nazpalca seems annoying as frick due to the many ship encounter battles for bounties etc where you can't prebuff with drugs

  71. 2 years ago

    It's a shit visitation.

    I dislike Owlcat blandness, even if their next game is not in that fricking mess that is golarion.

    Larian were cute in Divine Divinity days but have ever since become fricking clowns.

    Dragon age became the most ugly troony fantasy to ever come out of crpgs.

    Poe seems to be the most visually beautiful and hipsterish but at least attempted at being different game and setting. But everything about Obsidian and Eora just turns me off. No I hope we dont get poe3 nor whatever the frick avowed is.

  72. 2 years ago

    >have to go to the undead rape island in Deadfire to find a simple pair of Antlers
    what the FRICK

  73. 2 years ago

    >the game is a anemic futile bore
    >what's supposed to be bad about it

    • 2 years ago

      Main Quest isn't even 95% of the game

  74. 2 years ago

    Shit game.

  75. 2 years ago

    troony game

  76. 2 years ago

    Is it probably the best looking crpg of the little renaissance we had? Yes.
    Is it still as gay as the other crpgs, frick yes.

    Jose lost the magic form Icewind Dale times.

    • 2 years ago

      He was clearly happier fatter during the IWD dales.
      Just look at Sven from Larian, he's looking like a decrepit Lich now too after OS success.

      • 2 years ago

        I would like to understand why they lack the consistency of old high adventure stuff but it's a difficult topic. Pillars is just as bad as PKM or Divinity.

        I'm not a storygay but writing engaging stories just dont seem to appear as easily, the combat in all crpgs renaissance is decent and does the job.

        But yes Pillars is the more beautiful no doubt. Maybe it really is cultural.
        We just dont have it in us anymore. And Poe is a victim of the times.

        • 2 years ago

          Owlcat and Larian are literary behemoths compared to the dipshits writing deadfire and outer worlds

          • 2 years ago

            I'm starting to think that you've never played an Owlcat or Larian game.
            Deadfire is literally fine literature compared to WotR.

            • 2 years ago

              I have about 400 hours in both kingmaker and wrath. Like 90% of the writing in deadfire is some variation of bad, cringe, horribly voice acted, or pointless and nonsensical when it pertains to player dialogue. In those games I would think "what would my character say in this situation," here it's more like avoiding a minefield to get to the [shrug] or [say nothing] option if there's even one available

              • 2 years ago

                >Four options
                >3 normal responses
                >One joke response
                Where’s the minefield anon

              • 2 years ago

                I love Deadfire but the WORST aspect of it, the very worst aspect is the player dialogue.
                Sometimes I'm just in awe at how terrible my choices are.
                Sometimes I have 8 longwinded choices and other-times I have three, one of which is [remain silent] and the other is YEAH WHAT IF I SHAKE MY BUTT AT YOU?
                I actually like the NPC and world writing, even the companions (besides Xoti) I really enjoy. But god damn the PC writing is abysmal.
                They should have laid out more consistency in how they approached.
                I do like how things you say ARE tied to disposition and people will treat you and say things to you differently depending on how you answer, but the actual content of what is said is strange sometimes.
                I find myself using the [say nothing] more often in Deadfire than any other comparable game

              • 2 years ago

                Then you have shit like this where you wonder why they even let you choose in the first place. Even the Fallout 4 devs were smart enough to at least hide that every option was the same

              • 2 years ago

                I get what you're saying, but I think if you turn on the [Show Personality/Disposition] setting, you'd see that some of those will increase certain personality scores.
                Yeah I still feel the way they did a lot of those encounters was bad, where "why even let you choose in the first place", but at least there is a /little/ more going on behind the scenes.

              • 2 years ago

                >imaging having issues with dialog options in vrpg that actually let you build your character in a natural way instead of [Lawful]/[Natural]/[Evil] markers by dialog choices
                anon I ...

              • 2 years ago

                The real shitshow is what they did to the "Gods".

              • 2 years ago

                Didn't they add some woedica loyalty scenes in one update where she goes "we're just pretending to be moronic for the sake of your feeble mind handling our discussions" or some shit, talk about putting a bandaid on an industrial gas leak that could've been easily avoided by not having them all ape out in the first place

              • 2 years ago

                It's a real shame it pisses me off. It not terrible really, it's just low effort.
                It's an interesting pantheon, primed for some murder of Gods down the line.
                The whole setting is interesting but as I said above it feels sabotaged by disgusting modern sensibilities bilge.
                With some tweaks Eora would be actually good.

              • 2 years ago

                Honestly, they didn't do anything that wasn't already done in PoE1.

              • 2 years ago

                >I have about 400 hours in both kingmaker and wrath
                Stopped reading there. Anyone that has that many hours in one game let alone two has deep mental problems.

              • 2 years ago

                The frick you talking about? One playthrough of Kingmaker or Wrath can exceed 100 hours.
                You have deep mental problems. You post on /vrpg/ and yet you don't play these games at all.
                As an aside, the writing in Deadfire is about 2000x better than the writing in any Owlcat game.

              • 2 years ago

                >you don’t play the games because you didn’t replay them another 3 times after beating them once

              • 2 years ago

                The whole point of those games is buildhomosexualry. If you don't re-play them, you arguably don't "get" them in the first place.
                Of course, you wouldn't know this, as you have never played them. You are just here to shitpost.

              • 2 years ago

                >The whole point of those games is buildhomosexualry.
                Only for the maladjusted.

              • 2 years ago

                stop being a joke, there is nothing wrong with those dialog lines

              • 2 years ago

                main plot btw

              • 2 years ago

                lol, moron. Did you even play the game? "Say nothing" is always the best option when dealing with the gods. This is intentional.
                They get pissed off when you keep interrupting them with your cringe opinions and commentary.

              • 2 years ago

                Maybe you should take their advice with your own posts

                Also anyone else please tell me there's a blood pit you can feed this b***h to in this one

          • 2 years ago

            >Owlcat and Larian are literary behemoths
            >When contrarianism turns you braindead

            • 2 years ago

              >i-if I cut out the "compared to" part h-he'll look really dumb for sure!!! *cries and shits pants*

              • 2 years ago

                i hate her so much holy shit

          • 2 years ago


            • 2 years ago

              written by blue haired prostitutes. story and writing are terrible

              Where's that copy pasta about Gorion's testicle wrinkled face again. Also a good way to really wow the player with your writing prowess right off the bat

  77. 2 years ago

    if I wanted to play this game turn based should I dump dex or something?
    I hear that some of the stats are 100% useless in TB mode

  78. 2 years ago

    Can you change companion portraits for something better?

  79. 2 years ago

    IX MARU!

  80. 2 years ago

    Ekera...a wave the size of a mountain....

    • 2 years ago

      Ekera, a bulge the size of an arquebus.

  81. 2 years ago

    I wish Deadfire/PoE was more high fantasy, simple as.
    Such as travelling to some of the gods realms like you do in The Beyond.
    PoE was already forest/cave wilderness exploration, they could have done more with Deadfire.

    • 2 years ago

      >Such as travelling to some of the gods realms like you do in The Beyond.
      You literally do this in Deadfire. The White Void and Wael's sanctuary.

    • 2 years ago

      On the contrary, I think the high fantasy aspects are worst part of the setting. The best written quests in Deadfire revolved around political factions and real world themes such as colonialism and inequality.

      • 2 years ago

        Completely agreed. Once you get a grasp of each faction and their nuances and sub-factions, its the best part. They did a great job with the factions and their goals and NPCs.
        Every-time I had to be halted by some monologuing ego-maniacal """""""deity""""""" in-between is when things got kind of weak.
        Its one of the reasons why I think having the main character from the first game be the main character of the second was a mistake narrative. So much God-baggage attached to them.
        But anyway, point is yeah, I loved the low-fantasy stuff. I don't think I'd want more of the "high-fantasy" parts, it's a nice tone overall.

        • 2 years ago

          I disagree I want real high fantasy again, not stupid like Faerun or WoW or might and magic, but something like PoE was turning out, still reasonable and believable but with magic.

          If middle earth is low fantasy then yes I want low fantasy as well.

          • 2 years ago

            PoE is fairly unique in that there's a rational explanation for the gods and for magic.

            • 2 years ago

              That's one thing I would fix. It's very autistic to just spew it out so clearly it's very dumb.

              I would make the truth part of the setting conspiracies, something that the player if smart could figure it out but never spell it out. Keep it nebulous and mysterious.

              • 2 years ago

                >Keep it nebulous and mysterious.
                The entire point of the series is that nations and people are advancing and discovering the mysteries of the universe and world. Thaos tries to hold back the future and fails just like the gods fail in stopping eothas.

              • 2 years ago

                I know what they are trying to do. I still think they lay it out too plainly for players.

              • 2 years ago

                Easily 80% of the people who played the game still didn't get it. If anything, PoE is arguably too highbrow.

              • 2 years ago

                Its like a prequel to arcanum, except with more Black folk.

          • 2 years ago

            >not stupid like Faerun or WoW or might and magic
            Me, I'd kill for an rpg with HoMM3's aesthetics. Actually, not just aesthetics. I want Evil Eyes in my party, and Manticores, and Gorgons, and Behemoths. Might and Magic never scratched this particular itch, and HoMM, while having rpg elements, is still too much of a strategy game.

  82. 2 years ago

    What's the best Chanter ability vs single target?
    Seems most their offensive spells are only good for groups

  83. 2 years ago

    I swear I just heard Serafen about to die and say "Do your frickin' job, Maia"
    Wonder if I'm hearing things

  84. 2 years ago

    They turned Eder into a cuck.

    • 2 years ago

      How misleading.
      He boy's mom is dead. The boys father is dead. Eder wasn't even around when the mother got with the boys father.
      The boy got sucked into a cult.
      Eder formed an attachment with him, like in a protective ward way.
      Do you know what a cuck is? Eder was not with this woman when she got a husband, nor when she had the kid. She was not cheating on Eder with anyone, Eder was entirely out of the picture.
      Eder is just being a good man, honoring someone he cared about, regardless of what could or could not have happened in the past. I don't expect someone who thinks what he did was cuck worthy to understand though. Shitpost away, homosexual.

      • 2 years ago

        >inb4 this is just cuck cope
        Also, Eder did say he wanted children of his own eventually.

      • 2 years ago

        >inb4 this is just cuck cope
        Also, Eder did say he wanted children of his own eventually.

        this is just cuck cope
        >inb4 but i put inb4
        i don't care

        • 2 years ago

          Thank God you will never procreate. Or as you would put it, thank God humanity will cuck you.

      • 2 years ago

        moron. You don't even know the definition of the word "cuck."
        The curious thing about Eder is that, by the end of Deadfire's main campaign, he's a mythic-level warrior who has confronted gods and can take down dragons single-handedly. Do such men ever really settle down? The heroes of the ancients -- Bellerophon, Cadmus, Perseus -- generally met with unusual ends, struck down by their own hubris, or died as kings.

        I agree he isn't a cuck. But raising the kid of someone you had a crush on instead of finding new love and having your own kids is sub-ideal. It sounds a lot like living in the past for love lost rather than for yourself and yours. That being said...

        They turned Eder into a cuck.

        Cuck is too far - Eder saw his brother become an Eothas and die in the war with the Dyrwood. He himself almost joined up and has earned a fair amount of wisdom about faith the hard way. Seeing an old friend's kid almost make the same mistakes is a way to put all that misery experience to use productively. The only thing that that makes it a bit weird is that the friend was a woman. If it was a dude this would be open shut.
        Either way - the best ending is to let the kid kill himself. Eothas needs souls and Eder's conscience will tie him down if he lives. So let the kid die and eder move on

    • 2 years ago

      moron. You don't even know the definition of the word "cuck."
      The curious thing about Eder is that, by the end of Deadfire's main campaign, he's a mythic-level warrior who has confronted gods and can take down dragons single-handedly. Do such men ever really settle down? The heroes of the ancients -- Bellerophon, Cadmus, Perseus -- generally met with unusual ends, struck down by their own hubris, or died as kings.

    • 2 years ago


      And this anon's post answers the question why PoE 2 got such a poor reception
      Fricking americans and others who perceive everything in regards to woke/anti-woke culture war
      As someone from the second world I never actually felt PoE 2 is a product of culture war or trying to push any agenda, but americans are just stuck in the narrative of everyone in the world pushing either woke or anti-woke propaganda

  85. 2 years ago

    Can I skip the first game? Not really feeling it.

    • 2 years ago

      Sure, but that makes me wonder if you'll feel this one at all either.

    • 2 years ago

      How far in are you? It gets more interesting in act 2 and then the peak of PoE 1 is getting into the white march dlcs

  86. 2 years ago

    >Level 8 abilities gained only at level 16 instead of 15
    >Level 9 abilities gained only at level 19 instead of 17
    You'll never know how fricking MAD this makes me

  87. 2 years ago

    How hard is Forgotten Sanctum on POTD?
    The Soulbound Robes you get there seem pretty fun to use but frick if I only get to use them for 5% of the game

  88. 2 years ago

    >Animancy is a massive part of the setting
    >can't play as Animancer in BOTH games

    • 2 years ago

      They stayed too close to Baldur's Gate classes for nostalgia purposes.
      For instance, Monk feels so extremely and jarringly out of place in-universe that it should have been a different class entirely.
      Brawler or something. Yeah it might step on the toes of Barbarian but it's just so weird, and hence why you almost never see a single monk character besides the, admittedly based, drugged up incoherent mess that is Zahua. Make the Barb focus almost entirely on weapons and the brawler could have shit like grappling, some of the weird monk shit, or even alcoholic themed abilities. Would fit the setting way more than some mystery monks.
      I agree, Animancer would have been a neat class for Deadfire. It's not like you carry your class over from 1 in the first place.
      The issue with THAT I feel is that there's a lot of toe stepping on Cipher, but they could have pushed hard with the, already in-game narrative, of SCIENCE - The class.
      Make a hybrid Alchemist/Cipher class that relies not on inherent psychic powers, but on, well, animancy. Contraptions, experiments, potions, etc etc.

      • 2 years ago

        You will play a gunkata flintlock machine gun monk and you will like it

    • 2 years ago

      Animancy is akin to science
      It's a work of planing experiments, constructing intricate mechanisms, trying to figure out the enigma of the souls/universe and shieet
      how is that supposed to work as a class? like a gadgeteer? I don't think it fits in rtwp

  89. 2 years ago

    What kits actually have FUN and gameplay changing mechanics?
    Like Blood Mage, Beckoner, Ascendant etc
    I'm looking at Druid & Priest and they're all just + PL shit or spells for free shit

    • 2 years ago

      assassin actually makes you care about setting up big stealth attacks

      but most kits don't really do enough on their own to be gameplay changing unless you combine them in a multiclass: f.ex. Steel Garrote + Trickster, that actually gets enough weapon damage from trickster that the health steal from steel garrote is meaningfull, or any martial class + priest of wael that can use they wael defence-buffs to survive melee

  90. 2 years ago

    >next stop: DEATH

    • 2 years ago

      Chanters can't stop winning. S-tier multiclassed, S-tier single-classed with upgraded Eld Nary and dragon summon that can tank megabosses.

      • 2 years ago

        What's the best pure Chanter tool for single target/bosses like Cipher has Disintegrate etc
        Thrice & Eld Nary are amazing for AoE
        Or for single target do you just use summons?
        Also, should you go for Animated Weapons or the Draggo

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah summons for single targets

          Weapons are stronger offence (but it's a bit of a pain to actually use all the abilities of all 4 weapons), while dragon is mostly a tank. I'd get both + prestige for level 9 abilities, the other ones aren't all that good. For most of the game weapons > dragon, but against big melee bosses (3/4 megabosses, beast of winter end bosses) just summoning dragon over and over on troubadur can tank them forever while weapons can't really touch them.

      • 2 years ago

        For me, it's Bellower.

  91. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      I can't believe Thaos died of Ligma

  92. 2 years ago

    Trying to enjoy pure Monk but it's been an utter bore so far compared to casters due to the lack of good AoE abilities

    • 2 years ago

      Black person just use WotEP (AoE force of anguish, skyward kick, stunning surge) or dual mortars (with whispers of the wind and resonant touch)

      • 2 years ago

        I'm still level 8.
        Nowhere near PL 8 or 9 abilities.

  93. 2 years ago

    The gods are not real.
    Simple as.
    Pillars 3 with the return of the true primordial gods to fix Eothas' gamble never EVER

    • 2 years ago

      >Pillars 3 with the return of the true primordial gods to fix Eothas' gamble never EVER
      I suspect they might have gone that route with the opening of Ondra's Mortar and return of Yezuha. Kinda hope so as well, since that place worships a single God, who might be the true god of Eora. Then again, who knows.

  94. 2 years ago

    How do I cope with the fact that I love this series so much and its likely a third is never coming out

    • 2 years ago

      Don't worry, anon!
      You have lived to see PoE degenerate into a Skyrim clone for max casual appeal.

      • 2 years ago

        Don't be a pessimist, it can still get cancelled.

        • 2 years ago

          Hopefully it doesn't, and sells well due to the max casual appeal, and then they just funnel some of the earnings into Pillars 3

          • 2 years ago

            This. It's our best hope. The marketing disaster means the business people can't justify a poe3 right after the PR baggage from 2. But they at least acknowledged the good IP. So they made something with safe mechanics attached to the risky IP. If avowed does well then the IP will be rehabilitated and POE3 could be created using the same logic as avowed. Only this time it is safe IP implemented with potentially "problematic" crpg mechanics.
            It's a good strategy to get the business people on board with a POE3 by partially burying the old marketing failure. Let's hope it works. Good news is that Microsoft is at least good enough at business that they will ensure at least a competent level of marketing

            • 2 years ago

              I bet its going to be about those aedyr phalanx back in the empire.

              But I dont believe in it nor would I care if I ever saw this setting again.

      • 2 years ago

        Well if there is TnA mods I am all for it.

        My main love hate relationship with PoE is akin to really beautiful painting but where someone on the border someone took a dump. So mods might mitigate it.

    • 2 years ago

      It hurts me more that we will never have Arcanum 2.

  95. 2 years ago

    I get the feeling that you don't like me much.
    Was it something I said?

  96. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      It's like they called in some 5 year old with a speech disorder and asked him to repeat words like vampire, saurid, etc.

      • 2 years ago


  97. 2 years ago

    >3 CON
    >3 RES
    >Max MIG, INT, PER, DEX
    Yep, it's Deadfire time.

    • 2 years ago

      Con is whatever but 3 res seems fricking unbearable if you get caught with any kind of debuff

      • 2 years ago

        You won't unless you are tanking.
        Especially since 99% of battles can be started from stealth with your backline.
        Also, Supress Affliction is instant cast anyways.

  98. 2 years ago

    >want to start new run
    >remember the entire Port Maje
    >and the entire initial Nekataka quest gathering

    • 2 years ago

      This motherfricker fooled me into thinking I was in for a masterpiece on a budget crpg with his intro talk right in the beginning, right in the middle of the fricking great Eothas dungeon and Raedrick castle assault. Which looks like a perfect tabletop castle setup assault or Thief level.

      Then I get to Defiance bay meet some local quests and Sagani and uninstal the game again.

      • 2 years ago

        >hating on Sagani
        In a world of snowflakes you hate on the down-to-earth mother valuing her peoples traditions and her family.

        Sagani is easily top 3 follower.

        • 2 years ago

          Sagani was great. Her companion quest ending in
          >holy fricking shit I missed out on seeing my children grow up for this meaningless bullshit
          was legit sobering, even if you could see it coming from a mile away.

        • 2 years ago

          I dont like how she is written but she's alright. I said this before but she's supposed to be an ezquimo but talks like a modern 21th century person. I guess they didn't have time to invent some peculiarities. Yes I know shes been around civilisation for some time, she still sounds off.

          But you are right.

          Her pet is cute as well.

          I will never get over pimp Vailians and some parts of the setting I might just as usual with this franchise and give up.

          • 2 years ago

            I might just force myself to finish both games but it will be out of pure spite and hate for the other crpgs out there, mainly Larian, troony Dragon Age and boring ass Pathfinder.

            I dont know.

      • 2 years ago

        Of all the things to hate on, you hate the one character whose experience and morality tale escape the purple haired bubble most creative live in and was actually applicable in real life and to most of humanity. Just seems mundane at worst and certainly not top 10 things to whine about.

        Sagani was great. Her companion quest ending in
        >holy fricking shit I missed out on seeing my children grow up for this meaningless bullshit
        was legit sobering, even if you could see it coming from a mile away.

        This. Wasn't too big of a mind frick - but first playthrough I was accidentally too on the nose about how her journey is a silly tribal thing with no objective meaning beyond whatever she and her people needed it to be. So instead of coming home having learned the lesson that being away from her tribe was supposed to remind her how crucial it is to ensure the success of the next generation or to lead her people - she comes home and goes "frick. My kid died a death I could have prevented and the rest of them didn't forgive me and moved on with life. So now I am alone all because of a stupid metaphor. Time to walk into the tundra and die now". That one helped me realize irl that it doesn't matter if a religion or tradition has no rational basis - if the people make it work because they believe it works - sit back and smile while they teach the God damn rabbit about their ancestors cause it's worth more than a dozen fedoras.

        I dont like how she is written but she's alright. I said this before but she's supposed to be an ezquimo but talks like a modern 21th century person. I guess they didn't have time to invent some peculiarities. Yes I know shes been around civilisation for some time, she still sounds off.

        But you are right.

        Her pet is cute as well.

        I will never get over pimp Vailians and some parts of the setting I might just as usual with this franchise and give up.

        Honestly I prefer modern trad midget portrayal to irl alcoholic. Made her more sympathetic and applicable to modern circumstances

    • 2 years ago

      Nekataka is based though... I love running around it pretending I live there. Even the slums... Once you learn the layout and where quests are at its quite nice. Also, what's wrong with Port Maje? It's introductory sure, but it's not that long and if you know the dialogue and what you're supposed to do its easy to rush through it all.

      • 2 years ago

        Maje on POTD is sleep inducing.
        Not that it's hard with just a Beckoner merc, but there's legit 10+ enemies per pack on the Digsite

        • 2 years ago

          Oh I see. Yeah I've never done POTD admittedly, and I get some roadblocks on vet (I don't metagame or know the best strategies, I just play what I like and make custom parties mostly now).
          That dig-site seems like cancer on POTD

        • 2 years ago

          Just use a druid with charm beast dude

          • 2 years ago

            Mind = blown

  99. 2 years ago

    Why can't Magran see/recognize Durance?

  100. 2 years ago

    Race you to the coral~

  101. 2 years ago

    Valeras or Bardattos

  102. 2 years ago

    It's over...
    Nothing in the game feels as fun as single, pure Ascendant, Blood Mage, Druid or Chanter.
    I'm trying so hard to progress past these multiple melee runs, but the lack of AoE is sleep inducing tier of boredom compared to casters who just spam AoEs as early as level 1.

  103. 2 years ago

    Why didn't the audience cancel Edér for his blatant racism?
    Orlan Lives Matter

    • 2 years ago

      don't let them forget
      eder WILL pay for the things he has said

      • 2 years ago
        • 2 years ago

          Eder is perhaps the most based character in any recent RPG. Him and Serafen are good bros.

  104. 2 years ago

    >Running around Nekataka at night
    Game is mad comfy sometimes

    • 2 years ago

      I know this sounds weird but the overall 3d art style design in Pillars reminds of 90s french adventure games. Instead of modern already made assets.

      • 2 years ago

        I don't get that impression, at all.
        Anyway, what game? It looks awfully nice.

        • 2 years ago

          I am serious, the 3d is chunky but well designed and despite my hate for many things in Eora its one thing they did well.

          The details inside the houses are graet.

          Its Atlantis the lost tales, quite a really comfy adventure game. Frick I miss adventure games, its the only games my sisters and mother played with me and just disappeared. I think it makes sense women would love more narrative smooth adventure shit instead of today forcing them to be a pro CS player.

          • 2 years ago

            No, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it doesn't look good. Deadfire especially is downright beautiful. But your screenshot's colors and lighting set a kind of mood that I don't think PoE captures.

            >Atlantis the lost tales
            Ahh shit, my library had it. I used to look at its box many times, but language barrier prevented me from ever borrowing it. Thanks anon, I'll definitely play it.

        • 2 years ago

          Even if you dont play it I recommend the soundtrack. Its amazing.

      • 2 years ago

        Comfy nekataka anon here, I see what you mean. It has that almost grainy transparent PNG look to it. Your image looks like a lot of indoor nekataka areas, and some islands. Ekera, I sees it.
        Also good thread lads, we about to be autosage. I may make a deadfire thread if no one else does at some point later because normal pillars threads are usually about just PoE1 and shitposting

  105. 2 years ago

    Thread is now blessed by Sawyer

  106. 2 years ago

    >tfw Deadfire literally killed the franchise
    What do you think could have prevented it?
    For me
    >main character can actually fight & kill Eothas Golem
    >no Sidekick bull, Ydwin and Rekke are full companions
    >no companion reaction system & ship combat draining important resources better spent elsewhere
    What else?

    • 2 years ago

      >not making it a direct sequel
      >toning down the pirate aspect of the marketing

    • 2 years ago

      >ship combat draining important resources
      what resource draining are you talking about?
      it's a text based mini-game with very simple logic and a couple of illustrations

      Nah, the game direction is fine. the only thing killing the franchise was the marketing

      • 2 years ago

        Sawyer himself stated ship combat was a big drain of resources

        • 2 years ago

          you've got a source for that?
          legit interested
          like ... how?

    • 2 years ago

      genuine question, did people really expect to be able to fight Eothas? I never even considered it being an option since he's like 100 times more powerful than you could ever be

      • 2 years ago

        I think people say that just for SOMETHING to happen. Nothing fricking happens.

        Frick this setting. Companions are boring, quests are boring.

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah it's amazing how bad and vapid almost all the quests are. I just did the undercover bathhouse one and instead of doing something fun with the concept it was basically one intimidate check and quest complete

          • 2 years ago

            As I said a thousand times yes it looks pretty.
            But its a game made by eunuchs.

            Tyranny was sanitized as well. Most modern obsidian is complete utter trash. Sorry Josh.

          • 2 years ago

            The Beyond Experiment with the Animancers is kino
            Same for the Undead Settlement
            Nemnok is fun too
            Besides that's it's mostly bland indeed barring DLCs

  107. 2 years ago

    I would prefer if they just scraped Eora and made a new setting.

  108. 2 years ago

    >Ship Combat Music

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