Dear GW, stop painting a black person into EVERY model preview.

Dear GW, stop painting a black person into EVERY model preview. It’s starting to ring very, very hollow and it’s clear why you’re doing it. Once in a while is fine. But everytime and it’s clear as day what you’re doing and makes me think of the new South Park episode only now.

Signed, a black gamer you used to played before “inflation” prices.

CRIME Shirt $21.68

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

CRIME Shirt $21.68

  1. 7 months ago

    Can you Americans please take your race anxiety and frick off, forever preferably?
    It's a goddamn toy and paint.

    • 7 months ago

      Yeah, blacks shouldn’t be part of white chapters.

      >burgeristani opinion

      >oi m8 black and brown people is just as bloody bri’ish as the rest uh us! they been here since roman toimes avent ya seen the bbc?

      • 7 months ago

        well it's more than that now. Netflix is making a biopic of Marlon Brando and cast Morgan Freeman to take the lead role. +1 for dei !!

        • 7 months ago

          >well it's more than that now. Netflix is making a biopic of Marlon Brando and cast Morgan Freeman to take the lead role. +1 for dei !!
          Is that true or are you just shitting me? Kek.

      • 7 months ago

        The British race nonsense is a result of American culture being force-fed to all of us through the internet for 20 years. Even Sweden was based in 2005.

        • 7 months ago

          Sweden was not based in 2005, and in fact not even in 1965.

        • 7 months ago

          American? Thought it was a dancing israeli thing.

        • 7 months ago

          >The British race nonsense is a result of American culture being force-fed to all of us through the internet for 20 years.
          I guess you exist in a world where the Brits didn't develop and perfect bureaucratic modern mass human migration over a hundred years ago as a result of, you know, having fricking colonies all over the world.

          • 6 months ago

            >speaks of history
            >ignores all history since 1945

      • 7 months ago

        >Presenting, a grasp of national citizenry that a six year old could find stupid.

        Dear GW, stop painting a black person into EVERY model preview. It’s starting to ring very, very hollow and it’s clear why you’re doing it. Once in a while is fine. But everytime and it’s clear as day what you’re doing and makes me think of the new South Park episode only now.

        Signed, a black gamer you used to played before “inflation” prices.

        Their jaw armour is bone white moron.
        Dude's been painted black-skinned to imply both internal depth of character (he's a Dark Angel, pure on the outside, impure at the core), and so that his face easily stands out at a glance from his armour.

      • 7 months ago

        >Yeah, blacks shouldn’t be part of white chapters.
        There are Blacks in the KKK. Heck, they even have Irishmen.

    • 7 months ago

      >once in a while it is fine
      it is not

      post yamaka

    • 6 months ago

      >visual representations of a pervasive Ideology are just in your head! Just consoom

    • 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago

      People are sick of this shit. Of being worked and manipulated all day every day and then gaslit when they ask for the manipulators to stop

      • 6 months ago

        *sees* black space marine. AHHHHHH I'M BEING MANIPULATED.

        And people say the left a snowflakes.

        • 6 months ago

          Yes it's only one space marine and not every single piece of entertainment, advertising, etc. "Why do you even care" isn’t a valid argument since someone obvious cares enough to be doing it.

          • 6 months ago

            "Why do you even care" is not an argument, it's a question.

            This is not terribly insulting as I don't have an irrational hatred towards different ethnicities.

            • 6 months ago

              London is now minority British and you wonder why people might not like a British company spamming Africans all over their product. It's probably a total coincidence, go back to consuming and stop noticing things.

              • 6 months ago

                Ok so the usual empty rhetoric, buzzword and rehearsed talking points.

              • 6 months ago

                How's Brexit going for you guys from what I've hear it's been a total shit show and most you regret it

              • 6 months ago

                Stupidest fricking idea ever, entrusted to the stupidest fricking people.

        • 6 months ago
        • 6 months ago

          No gaslighting here. No reinforcement of my point either I'm sure

        • 6 months ago

          I hate how leftoids don't understand what Snowflake meant.

          It's not about being "fragile" it's about believing yourself to be special when you're not. It's from these tumblerina's who think of themselves as special little snowflakes. The left just goes "no u" with rightoid insults without really understanding what they mean or how they work in any given context.

          • 6 months ago

            That's not what snowflake means. Snowflake is a catch all insult to suggest that your beliefs are complex and nuanced, but they melt the very second you get them riled up.

            • 6 months ago

              Lol no it references that every snowflake is unique and special.

            • 6 months ago

              the anon is correct, snowflake was the go to troll phrase for pre-Ganker trolls.
              typically used by some neckbeard lardass american incensed by others opinions.
              as in
              >you're not special you freakin snowflake
              Because every snowflake is unique

    • 6 months ago

      Go on anon. Give them the exact ratio of black/white they are allowed to paint on models.

      Don't you have some hospitals to airstrike Moshe

      • 6 months ago

        Pretty sure we got all of them already.

  2. 7 months ago

    Go on anon. Give them the exact ratio of black/white they are allowed to paint on models.

    • 7 months ago

      none - leave it to they people who buy and paint the models to decide which ethnicity a space marine is, unless there are good reasons in the lore for a chapter to be made up of only one ethnicity: Space Wulf chapter recruiting from Viking archetype

      • 7 months ago

        By this logic, they shouldn't be white either
        I'm sure that's what you meant

        That black space marine is probably the original Dark Angel in the poem of the same name by the poet Lionel Pigot Johnson. Lionel was deeply in love with a black guy whom he couldn't have, and so pined away with pen and paper. Tragic to be sure.

        Well shoot, that just makes it extra canonical! Who knew James was such a based history Chad?

        • 7 months ago

          Wild, ain't it?

    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      none - leave it to they people who buy and paint the models to decide which ethnicity a space marine is, unless there are good reasons in the lore for a chapter to be made up of only one ethnicity: Space Wulf chapter recruiting from Viking archetype

      By this logic, they shouldn't be white either
      I'm sure that's what you meant

      Well shoot, that just makes it extra canonical! Who knew James was such a based history Chad?

      >Space Marines should wear helmets


    • 7 months ago

      But if we don’t push forced diversity then our ESG score will go down and Blackrock won’t fund us anymore.

      At most 1/20

    • 6 months ago

      I'd say around 50% in penal batallions, otherwise about 13%

    • 6 months ago

      0% because you should be painting your skin tones in GREEN instead

  3. 7 months ago

    Dear Ben, get over it.

  4. 7 months ago

    >burgeristani opinion

  5. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      *obligatory joke about how griffith is a criminal and therefore spiritually black*


      The actual reason it's annoying is that Fantasy could have had some cool shit like Arabyans on war elephants with small cannons mounted on them and black prester john-type kings getting guns from the empire to fight hordes of ape beastmen in the jungles but instead we get this cringe nonsense.

      No one wants black people to just -be- black people, it's always gotta be "stick ngubu in victorian britain as a landlord from a family with a pedigree going back to King Arthur because frick you". It's not even "remember that one russian general who was half-black" or "that one black guy who was in the revolutionary french assembly" it's always just cringe shit that makes no sense because it never happened. Can't even get some frickin Haitian Empire kino because westoids are either afraid of offending someone over voodoo or just don't know it's a legitimate religion combining african gods and christian saints. As someone who isn't moronic/has some appreciation for actual african stuff, it's kind of disappointing.

  6. 7 months ago

    >Signed, a black gamer you used to played before “inflation” prices.
    So you bought some space marines back in 1987 and then never again?

    • 7 months ago

      >op references modern South Park

      I think his aunt bought a box for him once, that's eternal shitposting rights.

  7. 7 months ago

    Maybe you should've sent your post to GW's customer service instead of /tg/, that way it might've had a marginal effect. But you don't actually want to change anything, do you? You just want to whine impotently.

  8. 7 months ago

    That black space marine is probably the original Dark Angel in the poem of the same name by the poet Lionel Pigot Johnson. Lionel was deeply in love with a black guy whom he couldn't have, and so pined away with pen and paper. Tragic to be sure.

  9. 7 months ago

    >aaarrgghhhh noooo GW have previewed some new models and they are going to SELL THEM FOR MONEY!!! I HATE THEM SO MUCH AHHHHHH
    I guess since you morons went with the paint job this time I assume you couldn't find anything "uncanonical" about the weapon options or something wrong with the poses or whatever? One face was painted the wrong colour, you got close to perfection this time GW!

  10. 7 months ago

    >expecting a big corporation that doesn't actually care about their customers to stop virtue signaling in order to protect their image

    • 7 months ago

      >stop virtue signaling in order to protect their image
      You're operating under the erroneous assumption that diversity loses them more customers than it gains them. Seeing as they have a marketing department and you don't, I have to assume they know better than you do.
      Also, never forget that GW's target demographic literally isn't their players, because most of their revenues come from people who buy a box or two and never play with them.

      In case you didnt know, BlackRock bought into GW a few years back after it was revealed that GW had the highest profit per company in all of Britain. I warned you gays that it was all downhill when that article came out, because then the vultures would come. Now warhammer is filled to the brim with shoehorned minorities and women. The new Cities of Sigmar army for example is ridiculous and the named character units are both Black women in european armor and it looks ridiculous. The tabletop is pozzed now for blackrock esg shit.

      well it's more than that now. Netflix is making a biopic of Marlon Brando and cast Morgan Freeman to take the lead role. +1 for dei !!

      If Daniel Day Lewis can portray Barack Obama, I have faith that Mr Freeman can pull this off.

      • 7 months ago

        Yes anon, because we all know that GW always makes good decisions and their marketing department is good at their job.

        • 7 months ago

          Well they must be doing something right, considering they keep raking it in.

        • 7 months ago

          Unless you present anything resembling evidence, I have to assume their marketing department knows more than a random tourist on a Swedish particle board carpentry forum.

      • 7 months ago

        Business Analyst here, it's unlikely to make a statistically significant difference to a big brand if it's just superficial images. For better or worse a bit of minor pandering isn't that important.

        One or two chuds might take an interest, or conversely be put off, but that's almost certainly a tiny minority (over representation of minorities in ads is kind of expected now, most either don't notice or at worst roll their eyes at it.) If it was more in your face/fundamental changes like femarines then they might start losing core demographic players. It wouldn't happen right away because brand recognition and network utility would keep them going for a while but you'd get a gradual falloff if the product changed too much. Customers will put up with a lot but most will quietly walk away if you piss them off too much. Outrage is fine, you can't please everyone after all, apathy is not.

        This depends to a degree what their core demographic is, the stereotypical kids with rich parents don't give a shit about any of it most likely but the adult grogs may well do. I suspect GW might be at least somewhat concerned about the latter or they'd have brought in femarines by now. That they haven't bowed to political pressure to do so implies they think it would lose them money.

        Hard to make judgements because we need to see their stats but I'm guessing 40k represents a single point of failure for them so I'd expect them to be more cautious about this IP than usual. They ain't Disney with a million other IPs, if 40k dies, so does GW.

        No I don't work for GW, they pay fricking peanuts and don't know what the frick they're doing with their IP a lot of the time.

        • 7 months ago

          As I said before, it's crucial to realize the grogs represent a very small percentage of their actual customer base. But perhaps you're right and they do need to keep them somewhat placated because the grogs themselves are part of their marketing strategy (keeping the product visible etc).
          Generally, I agree with your assessment of the political aspects, in that they don't matter to the vast majority of potential customers. Ganker is an echo chamber that's convinced itself everyone in the world is sniffing Ganker's farts.

          • 7 months ago

            I suspect they're more significant than that, it's impossible to say without the data but kids with rich folks is by its nature a smaller demographic - say the richest 20% of a 10 year age range of kids with an interest?

            Adult gamers with disposable income might well outspend them collectively. Even if individuals don't spend as much now we're into a much broader 18-40 demographic.

          • 7 months ago

            >Grogs are a small minority

            Have you literally ever been to any lgs ever?

            >in that they don't matter to the vast majority of potential customers. Ganker is an echo chamber that's convinced itself everyone in the world is sniffing Ganker's farts.

            I don't see how people can still hold this opinion. Like he said the problem is gradual drop off and apathy. The political shit hurts the product, we see it with lots of entertainment and it's why lots of it keeps going under and under performing. Normies are sick of woke shit, people do care.

            • 7 months ago

              >The political shit hurts the product, we see it with lots of entertainment and it's why lots of it keeps going under and under performing.

              No, this is why you blame it for under preforming. There's often other reasons that the stuff you hate does poorly, and you love to ignore the examples of "woke" shit that does well.

          • 7 months ago

            >The political shit hurts the product, we see it with lots of entertainment and it's why lots of it keeps going under and under performing.

            No, this is why you blame it for under preforming. There's often other reasons that the stuff you hate does poorly, and you love to ignore the examples of "woke" shit that does well.

            Barbie is the biggest movies of 2023(and well into the ranks of highest grossing movies ever) and it's every single thing you hate. Across the Spiderverse was a massive critical hit and it's everything you hate. The Little Mermaid was a terrible movie and it made shitloads of money despite being everything you hate.

            Lot of movies and comics and games and all sorts of shit are failures, there's more failures than successes in general. Forspoken failed because it was a shitty game. But you focus in on just the "woke" bits and ignore all the non-woke games that also failed. Was Gollum woke? Was King Kong woke?

            Hell, the reason people are making shitty games with "woke" shit in it is because a lot of woke has sold really, really well and people are trying to cash in.

            >You're literally doing exactly what he fricking said you morons do, and king Arthur wasn't fricking real dipshit.
            Neither is Warhammer 40k. So when it's got black characters as knights or vikings or anything else it's perfectly fine and acceptable.

            Progressive woke things fail over and over again and you morons still cope about it. The Bud light and target boycotts bring successful should show it's not popular. It was never popular.
            The ratio of successful to unsuccessful woke things clearly shows it's highly un-popular.

            Trying to pretend forespoken being woke wasn't a major factor in it bombing is pure delusion. That was the main controversy around that game. At minimum it proves that wokeness isn't something that can push a game, because mechanically it wasn't terrible, it was the writing. Same with Saints row. If they were pushing wokeness to take in the cash like you were claiming then these things would have gotten done boost from being woke, they didn't. Nothing does. You're just delusional. Wokeness is why manga btfo's comics.

            • 7 months ago

              Forsaken and Saints Row flopped because they were shit games with cringe MSU dialogue you daftie.

              • 7 months ago

                Yeah no, it was because they were woke garbage. Like I and other anon already said forespoken wasn't terrible mechanically, it's cause they were woke.

                Fricking saints rows writing was peak woke garbage, you're so fricking out of touch.

              • 7 months ago

                >forespoken wasn't terrible mechanically

                >Cringe MCU writing
                Yeah, woke.

                Not necessarily, just shit.

              • 7 months ago

                >Cringe MCU writing
                Yeah, woke.

              • 7 months ago

                You're an absolute fricking moron if you're insisting that saints row and forespoken's failure has nothing to do with how woke they are. God how long are you morons going to cope over this? Your woke shit sucks and people are tired of it. It fails over and over and over and over again and you cope and make excuses every time. EVERYONE was shitting on these games over wokeness, no one gave a frick about the game play because the woke shit already drive everyone away before these games were even out you moron.

              • 7 months ago

                Nope. I'm sorry but it's really not as big a contributor as you think. Take some deep breaths. Go for a walk.

              • 7 months ago

                Lmao, the cope is so fricking real.

              • 7 months ago

                Cope with what? Both games are garbage. They're so bad it overshadows any "woke" nonsense.

        • 7 months ago

          So why does GW constantly outperform their competitors? So far I've seen two theories to explain this:
          1. GW is just always extremely lucky.
          2. GW products were so incredibly good 40 years ago that people still buy their product today, just because the minis and rules in the 1980s were so absolutely perfect. This doesn't work for any other manufacturer of any goods on the planet, but it works for GW because their customers are "stupid" (unlike the customers of every other manufacturer on Earth).

          Another possible explanation for their success is that GW consistently delivers a very high quality product and that's why they've kept and grown their customer base over the decades but I'm being told by experts that that cannot possibly be it.

          • 7 months ago

            >very high quality product
            Are you actually this naive or did your mother drop you on your head a few dozen times too much as a baby turning you braindead? Have you been in a GW for the last 15 years? Jesus Christ.

            • 6 months ago

              The new guard models are better than the old ones. Same with Necrons. You can argue that the nu-marines look bad, but I dont have a horse in that race.

          • 7 months ago

            What competitors? Seriously, what competition does GW have anymore? Conquest has no marketing, nobody pays attention to Mantic, their biggest competition is probably OPR and they're a fricking free rules set for using GW models.

            5 years ago when Warmachine was on the rise and FFG came out with a new Star Wars game that sucked up a lot of the market, sure. That's the closest they've ever come to having real competition and even then they still cornered at least half probably 3/4 the entire market. Shame Covid and somehow even shittier decisions than GW managed to kill off both companies into shells of their former selves.

            • 7 months ago

              So it is luck then? GW is incompetent and never did anything right but Covid was a magic virus that boosted GW sales while also killing sales of any competitor?

              >very high quality product
              Are you actually this naive or did your mother drop you on your head a few dozen times too much as a baby turning you braindead? Have you been in a GW for the last 15 years? Jesus Christ.

              Ah yes I forgot. GW, who operate in an extremely niche market, can run a global network with hundreds of their very own stores. Where they sell ONLY their own product. That is quite unique in any business and in the tabletop gaming business it is unheard of. But they do it nonetheless.
              And they do it without ever making any good decision and without ever having any quality products to sell. Isn't that weird? How do you even explain something like that?

              • 6 months ago

                I would explain it as the creation of a toxic, exploitative culture of consumerism among a group that, in the UK at least, was alive in the 80s and still alive now. I don't think this whaling behavior really translated into the millenial and zoomer generations though, and GW is going to run dry of paypiggies 'ere much longer. Other companies have similar exploitative consumer paypig models, like Paradox's grand strategy games or your average contemporary media franchise, which celebrate the "lifestyle brand" meme.

                By the way, I wager you fall into the category of "ambassador".

          • 7 months ago

            Essentially, yes. They are a one stop shop so quite accessible for kids and their quality is pretty good across the board. There's individual companies that outperform them in some areas sure, Winsor Newton make better brushes for instance, but not across the board.

            Look at the shit minis board... not great but certainly good enough considering the thousands of minis they make.

            Remember, it doesn't need to be the best at everything to be worth buying. Convenient and good enough is usually fine. I can't think of any company that outright does *everything* better than GW.

            That's before we even get into the massive network utility and brand recognition. When all your mates play 40k and only one or two play warmachine you get more value out of 40k.

            Consistently shit quality would kill their brand but it wouldn't just drop off a cliff instantly (Marvel haven't made a huge hit movie since endgame and it took years for that to really hit them in the wallet).

            • 7 months ago

              Creeds daughter is boring and plain but nowhere near as bad as the rest.

            • 7 months ago

              What were they thinking with kill rig or whatever the beast snagga ork vehicle is? A 140 dollar vehicle being bad?

            • 7 months ago

              I like the
              Just keep your head down when driving err

            • 6 months ago

              The Marine power loader exoskeleton thing would work if it were a Guard vehicle, some kind of enhanced sentinel or something (or better yet, make it look like an actual construction vehicle and give it to the Genestealers).

              • 6 months ago

                I have one of these and the Primaris Dreadnaught- but they're both still boxed (and in my storage). Can the Invictor easily be built as a dreadnaught if you kitbash the two?

              • 6 months ago

                The marine baby carriers are pretty egregious when other armies (and even a necromunda gang) have cooler and better looking mechs.

                I don't really even care for the sister exo-skeletons, but they're a touch less dumb in my mind in that they're bulking out ostensibly human operators. The marine power armor inside of a bigger marine power armor is when things get way too GI Joe.

                Full disclosure, I'm a tau-gay, so my opinions on piloted suits are very strongly biased.

              • 6 months ago

                That's kind of what I mean. It's not unfixable bad, with a proper closed canopy it looks okay and mounting the guns on the arms pushes it to good.
                Quite a few of the failures are like that, where its just a near miss and a few details that need changing to elevate it. Pic related, the Taurox isn't a complete write off.

                What's wrong with the standard bearer? It's kind of generic, but nothing about it screams 'moron alert', like the Super Soaker Space Marines

                The guard standard bearer is pure kino but the rest is absolute shyte

                Yeah, I did wonder that as well. It's a bit of a bland pose I guess but not exactly egregious. Definitely the least shit of them.

              • 6 months ago

                Come on Bertha, I know the players rolled you over trying to hit that cultist but let's be reasonable.

              • 6 months ago

                The guard standard bearer is pure kino but the rest is absolute shyte

                What's wrong with the standard bearer? It's kind of generic, but nothing about it screams 'moron alert', like the Super Soaker Space Marines

                its a black womyn... because thats what guard needed. strong powerful black womyn who need no man in their command squads

            • 6 months ago

              The guard standard bearer is pure kino but the rest is absolute shyte

            • 6 months ago

              What's wrong with the standard bearer? It's kind of generic, but nothing about it screams 'moron alert', like the Super Soaker Space Marines

            • 6 months ago

              I like the Rogal Dorn and the Taurox. What's wrong with them?

              • 6 months ago

                >whats wrong with the taurox

              • 6 months ago

                Im sorry about your affliction, anon.

              • 6 months ago

                thats you, though

              • 6 months ago

                >Dorn Tank
                - Overgunned.
                - The small guns in front would break the first time the tank drives into a ditch.
                - Chaingun in the glacis plate is moronic.
                - Curved metal shapes inconsistent with other Imperial Guard armored designs.
                - Rivets on welded armor sections. Rivets attached to nothing (the main gun's shield).
                - Tiny mud vents that do nothing.
                - Too many pointless little details that exist only to create visual clutter.

                >Taurox APC
                - Hull mounted small-arms on a wheeled/tracked vehicle are turbo-moronic.
                - Depending on the turret options, the turret may not actually be able to rotate.
                - Sloped passenger compartment.
                - Quad treads are an actual thing, but the Taurox is a fairly compact vehicle, which makes it less valuable. The tracks themselves are too short- the point of having a tracked vehicle is dispersing a vehicle's weight across a wider area at the cost of speed, but the Taurox still has a small footprint, meaning high ground pressure.
                - Too many details.

              • 6 months ago

                you forgot the moronic hatch door on the taurox. you don't watch to be struggling with a hatch wheel when you're under fire and need to jump back in quickly. I suspect they went with this type of door because the taurox can be deployed in space but then forgot to give the damn things windows anyway

              • 6 months ago

                Yes, I should have mentioned the nautical hatches/vault doors on the sides and back. They included them because they thought it looked more heavy-duty/totally kewl. Trying too hard.

                How is it any less sandbox now?

                No unfolding storyline = Sandbox. Here's a setting to use as a starting point, create your own stories within it.

                Evolving narrative = Gay soap opera. Follow us. (disclaimer: everything we come up with will by necessity be terrible because it needs to align with our business interests)

              • 6 months ago

                >Here's a setting to use as a starting point, create your own stories within it.
                You can literally do that now

              • 6 months ago

                >How is it any less sandbox now?
                >any less sandbox
                >any less

          • 7 months ago

            GW has very good base settings (AOS, despite my own personal distaste, attracts some customers) and, despite people whining about them, good physical mini quality across the board with relatively appealing designs for painting, and they are simply the most well known of all the brands out there. If there are wargamers in your area, they will likely be playing Warhammer - wargaming companies exponentially benefit from network utility.

            This is also with the addition that all of their serious competitors, like Privateer Press, FFG, or Battlefront back in the day, shot themselves in the foot repeatedly. It's worth remembering that at one point Warhammer and GW were effectively falling apart because they, self-admittedly, do little customer research and they simply do the same thing they've always done - slowly reduce the value of their minis, increase cost, and keep releasing minis that look good.

            It works more today because their customers are not players, for the most part, the majority of them are painters and collectors - which is what Kirby aimed for, but he misjudged the audience of the time.

          • 7 months ago

            Honestly, is because the minis are accessible, customizable and have good quality.

            I just wanted to get into painting miniatures, and maybe playing some games. I bought a ASOIAF starter set with a friend to get painting into a best plastic-per-buck ratio and to frick up whatever I needed. Then, I got into Legion because I simply liked Star Wars.

            It was only when a friend bought me one of the new prints of cadian shocktroopers and I was amazed to find out how much detail, options and so on the minis had. I got converted in one set, and began to collect Killteams and paint my friend's for fun.

            Simply, they are good minis. Simple as that.

          • 7 months ago

            Have you ever met anyone moronic enough to buy Warhammer 40gay armies? It has nothing to do with your points 1 or 2 and everything to do with a sycophantic cum chugging fanbase that loves the setting no matter how moronic or autistic it gets. The game itself is an unbalanced piece of shit that is so slow and unenjoyable to play you'd be better off putting your manhood on the table and hammering it for 3 hours. This anti consumerist company is only kept afloat by the Rule of Cool and their legions of mindless fanboys that don't even play 40k.

  11. 7 months ago

    hehe "dark" angels

  12. 7 months ago

    Lionel Johnson died of a brain hemorrhage. Like a lot of the racist snowflakes in this thread will certainly do.

  13. 7 months ago

    In case you didnt know, BlackRock bought into GW a few years back after it was revealed that GW had the highest profit per company in all of Britain. I warned you gays that it was all downhill when that article came out, because then the vultures would come. Now warhammer is filled to the brim with shoehorned minorities and women. The new Cities of Sigmar army for example is ridiculous and the named character units are both Black women in european armor and it looks ridiculous. The tabletop is pozzed now for blackrock esg shit.

    • 7 months ago


      • 6 months ago

        Black person you're the one crying.

    • 7 months ago

      You will not be missed

    • 7 months ago

      That's capitalism baby, the market demands fiscal optimization

    • 7 months ago

      On the other hand, DEI and ESG investing is failing and getting walked back now, we're past the peak of it and in a few more years you won't see much of that shit at all anymore. Disney is in its death throes, as is the woke movement in general. A lot of these moronic leftists just cannot see the writing on the wall yet. Hamas won the culture war for the right.

      • 7 months ago

        They were literally trying to encode it into bank loan guidelines not too long ago. Don’t think for a second they are going to give up on it, they’ll just try to package it into a different form.

        • 7 months ago

          >They were literally trying to encode it into bank loan guidelines not too long ago. Don’t think for a second they are going to give up on it, they’ll just try to package it into a different form.
          This. ESG scoring is being renamed but it's not going away as long as they control the money printers. There's still a little wealth left to squeeze out of the west.

          • 7 months ago

            Rating agencies exist because upper management is made up of people who're rich enough to outsource independant thinking and decision-making.
            They pay people to do all the work of cooking all that data down to three letter codes and traffic light signals and that's what they use to guide the hand that signs off decisions.

            You too could make major corporate decisions as long as you can read the letters A-D and tell red from green.

            • 6 months ago

              I read the first word as "ratling" and the sentence still made sense.

      • 7 months ago

        It's not going away because these people are ideologically motivated and ESG still has tons of money to dish out.

        They won't stop because you have people like

        As I said before, it's crucial to realize the grogs represent a very small percentage of their actual customer base. But perhaps you're right and they do need to keep them somewhat placated because the grogs themselves are part of their marketing strategy (keeping the product visible etc).
        Generally, I agree with your assessment of the political aspects, in that they don't matter to the vast majority of potential customers. Ganker is an echo chamber that's convinced itself everyone in the world is sniffing Ganker's farts.

        Barbie is the biggest movies of 2023(and well into the ranks of highest grossing movies ever) and it's every single thing you hate. Across the Spiderverse was a massive critical hit and it's everything you hate. The Little Mermaid was a terrible movie and it made shitloads of money despite being everything you hate.

        Lot of movies and comics and games and all sorts of shit are failures, there's more failures than successes in general. Forspoken failed because it was a shitty game. But you focus in on just the "woke" bits and ignore all the non-woke games that also failed. Was Gollum woke? Was King Kong woke?

        Hell, the reason people are making shitty games with "woke" shit in it is because a lot of woke has sold really, really well and people are trying to cash in.

        >You're literally doing exactly what he fricking said you morons do, and king Arthur wasn't fricking real dipshit.
        Neither is Warhammer 40k. So when it's got black characters as knights or vikings or anything else it's perfectly fine and acceptable.

        Forsaken and Saints Row flopped because they were shit games with cringe MSU dialogue you daftie.

        who will insist to death that wokeness is profitable and not tanking entertainment.

      • 7 months ago

        2 more weeks

      • 6 months ago

        Also remember GW has a ~5 year release cycle so any reversion effect would be slow to appear

    • 7 months ago

      >Muh blackrock
      I thought that business had collapsed and that is why Disney movies are suddenly bombing?

  14. 7 months ago

    just get over it chuddie
    you'll buy it anyway

    • 7 months ago

      >Our fantasy settings are grim and dark
      It's cute that they still try to cater to people who started in the 80's and 90's. Which are not their customer base anymore.

  15. 7 months ago

    Here is an example.
    Cinema has been dominated by modernised super hero movies, now worth billions.
    Under mega corporations It has become a finely calculated product, produced and sold to the masses.

    Question to you -
    Does the profitability, marketability, consumer volme/ popularity reflect the best, highest quality cinema, story telling and art?

    • 7 months ago

      Well now those superhero movies have started to lose money because they didn't care about the core audience.
      The newest one was supposed to be a movie for girls and specifically gen z girls.
      Women were less than 40% of the audience. Gen z women were less than. 8%

      • 7 months ago

        >popularity increases
        Proof that something is bad.
        >popularity decreases
        Proof that something is bad.

  16. 7 months ago

    Do you frickwits think this actually works? lol. lmao, even.

  17. 7 months ago

    >South Park
    Fricking millennials and their obsession with cartoons and comics and shit. Grow the frick up, Jeremy, you're almost 40.

  18. 7 months ago

    The only color that matters is green, as the Americans say.

    • 7 months ago

      What's that rule called where a parody becomes indistinguishable from reality? Can't tell if it's trolling or someone genuinely being a frickwit.

      • 7 months ago

        Poe's law.

    • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      What's that rule called where a parody becomes indistinguishable from reality? Can't tell if it's trolling or someone genuinely being a frickwit.

      It's most likely legit but it would be funny for a large movement on Twitter to call for GW to lower their prices in the name of fighting racism. Last "big movement" I saw on Warhammer Twitter was the "Faces of Warhammer" which I think was started because a guy was getting a bit tired of women validating the stereotype of sticking their faces into an object they want to photograph in this case Warhammer miniatures.

    • 6 months ago

      if black guys really wanted to play warhammer the would have robbed a few stores by now, they are more interested in sneakers and yughioh

      • 6 months ago

        Everyone at my FLGS wears sneakers and they sell yughioh cards too. Should I be worried?

        • 6 months ago

          He's referring to hypebeast sneakers made in the exact same sweatshop in Indonesia that your friends wear, but arbitrarily priced to upwards of $3,000

          • 6 months ago

            No wonder black people are able to afford Warhammer then

  19. 7 months ago

    >Black nibbas give me anxiety pls stop omg
    >slamanders legion in the pick
    Ok newbie

    • 7 months ago

      >clearly Dark Angels
      What, you see a black Astartes and you assume he's a Salamander? Racist pig.

      • 7 months ago

        >Black nibbas give me anxiety pls stop omg
        >slamanders legion in the pick
        Ok newbie

        sallymanders arent black because they are african.
        they have a mutation and are black like obsidian. they are white bone structure and genetically with straight hair, they dont have flat noses and afros.

        • 7 months ago

          The vast majority of Astartes canonically have heavy bone structure and puffy features as a result of geneseed implantation interfering with their hormones, resulting in Acromegaly and puffiness.
          The only hardline exception to this rule is the Ninth Legion descendants, the Blood Angels, who canonically don't have this, and are quite beautiful.

          • 7 months ago

            Heavy bone structure does not equate to having bootlips and the nose of a gorilla with flared nostrils.

  20. 7 months ago

    The world is going one way and it's not the way you want it to go.

    Personally, I'm glad that shit-for-brains like yourself are getting weeded out. Who fricking cares if there's black people in stuff.

    • 7 months ago

      when do the people feel the results of this utopia?

  21. 7 months ago

    Dark Angels recruit from jungle death worlds youre surprised some of them have dark skin? You will not be missed

  22. 7 months ago

    These models look clumsy as frick. Would not buy.

  23. 7 months ago

    Why are there still Terminators, weren't Primaris supposed to replace firstborn?

    • 7 months ago

      Primaris can now use terminator armor

  24. 7 months ago

    Space Marines can change their skin color.

  25. 7 months ago

    put a chick in it and make it gay

  26. 7 months ago

    Indeed, he should be native american instead to keep true with lore.

    • 7 months ago

      shame the dark angels lost their native american. aesthetic over 20 years ago

    • 6 months ago

      shame the dark angels lost their native american. aesthetic over 20 years ago

      Are the feathers hanging from their shoulders an homage to that or just an angel thing?

      • 6 months ago

        The (overrated) story that the injuns are in is an in universe allegory that gets told to the DA as they go up through the ranks learning more of the chapters secrets.

  27. 7 months ago

    >Signed, a black gamer you used to played before “inflation” prices.

  28. 7 months ago

    at least 40k hasnt gotten to the point that aos has

    • 7 months ago

      >Most anticipated army refresh since AoS launched
      >Release two new special characters
      >They're both elderly ugly black women
      For what purpose?

      • 7 months ago

        > CoS rulebook has a huge two page spread of "lore" where one of the ugly black wahmen barges into a meeting, jumps up on the table, and effortlessly kills multiple leaders, then talks shit to multiple Stormcasts who outrank her (who immediately kowtow to her), flirts with her girlfriend, makes a bunch of demands, and then ends the entire story with a quip

        I wish I was joking, but I am not. It is the worst example of masturbatory writing the game has ever seen.

        • 7 months ago

          pics or it didn't happen

        • 7 months ago

          The connection between increase in "representation" and the sudden arrival of yas queen fanfiction power wank is similar to the connection between drowning and getting wet.

        • 7 months ago

          lmao you fail at reading comprehension. She was literally used by the Stormcast to do their dirty work because they didn't want to appear to be political.

          • 7 months ago

            Keep telling yourself that, bud.

            Frick are they the new Dark Angels?
            They look kind of sick
            If it weren't for Primaris I'd be playing Warhammer 40k again

            You can literally just play with firstborn marines if you want. Hell you could run firstborn infantry units as Primaris ones with Primaris statlines and I doubt anyone would give a shit as long as it was abundantly clear what was what and you weren't mixing them (as in, all of your tactical squads were run as intercessor squads, all of your assault squads were assault intercessors, etc). That's honestly the direction the game seems to be going in, I wouldn't be surprised if 11th ed got rid of the distinction between Primaris and Firstborn marines entirely and just had unified units as a way of placating marine players so they don't get too upset that their models are all being softsquatted.

            • 7 months ago

              The new Primaris stuff plus HH stuff looks sweet. Thats what i want.

            • 7 months ago

              Ok at this point anything I say will seem like pathetic whining but I just cannot appreciate the squat marines

              • 7 months ago

                You don't like Primaris models, but you don't like squat marines?

                Just get mk3/mk4/mk6 marines from HH sets (the mk6 are dirt cheap since they were in the new starter).

                Or, you know, play a faction that isn't Marines. There are 20 other factions other than loyalist Space Marines that you can choose from.

              • 7 months ago

                I want to play Dark Angels and have the models look like the artwork, that's all
                The Mk 3 and Mk 6 would be fine but they aren't the right armour for 40k

              • 7 months ago

                That's fair. Shame though, the older DW terminators from Dark Vengeance are pretty sick looking, as are the various characters themselves.

                You might be able to cook something up with HH marines and bits from the new and old Dark Angels upgrade sprues. Might be worth looking into Killteam or Boarding Actions to see if you could run a small force of all-Terminators. Could be enough of a reason to pick up some models and get painting.

            • 6 months ago

              No need to tell myself anything, unlike you I'm blinded by an agenda. It's outright stated that Aventis used her to kill the corrupt officials on behalf of the Azyrites.

        • 6 months ago

          I just read that:

          - The people she murders were basically Azyrite bootlicks who were just sending out crusades to get deleted in the dozens while making themselves rich(BASED)
          - she tells the stormcasts that Hammerhal will no longer be flying sigmar's gay colors, but will be flying their own nation's colors (BASED)
          - she reforms the military, less "hurr morons with swords + stormcast" and more "actual soldiers, commanders, military theory that isn't "ummmm just charge at the enemy"

          Like you basically have a Marian-style reform of the Cities military, a purging of foreign elements profiting off the wasting of good lives, and the founding of stronger national identities. These are insanely based things that you would never see in a single other piece of mainstream fiction. You can't see this because, well...

          Like you just hate Black folk and women, man. This is not a "stronk wammen" or whatever, you just cannot accept a Black person, you cannot accept a vegana person, you are broken by your hatred

          • 6 months ago

            How the frick is GW getting away with putting settler colonialism into a game and calling it a crusade anyway? I dont see anyone really criticizing this

            • 6 months ago

              This may shock you but people don't generally consider fiction made for games to be some serious political statement nor is it necessarily the case that writers endorse something just because they choose to portray it.

    • 7 months ago

      its only a matter of time really

    • 6 months ago

      AoS was meant to tank GW as a brand though. It's meant to be bad. Kirby thought it and killing off WHFB up as a way to lower share prices so that Hasbro could come in and make an offer and secure him a big fat golden handshake retirement.
      Well, either that or Jervis Johnson was fricking his wife.

      Those are the only ways that any of his actions before the board gave the boot make even a lick of sense. Like, nothing he did, or the reasons he gave for doing those things, make any sense UNLESS you are trying to hurt GW on purpose. From his rambling diatribe on the stand at the Chapterhouse Lawsuit, where he had his lawyers try to copyright the human skull, and the words "Space Marine", yo his shuttering of Black Library RPG and the Specialist Games division, to AoS. He probably hurt GW's bottom line in ways we can barely imagine. Mantic wouldn't even still exist if it wasn't for him for a start.

      • 6 months ago

        was or has Hasbro ever been interested in acquiring GW? seems like a acquisition that the CCA in the UK might try and stop

      • 6 months ago

        Delusional head cannon. GWs brand was already getting tanked buy a product known as WHFB.

      • 6 months ago

        We could save ourselves an entire thread if we just lay it out like this:
        - GW includes black marines in almost every release to make their product more ESG friendly which increases investment, which increases share value
        - GW doesn't care about the racial makeup of the playerbase, they just want them buying models; players that are indifferent to skintone on marines outnumber people who give a shit probably ninety-nine to one. A lot of players don't even have paint to paint black skin. A lot of other players don't even have paint.
        - So long as the possible benefits from making token efforts to include racial diversity in their products reap them financial rewards with a minimum of backlash and effort, they will continue to do so.
        - This is also why female marines are unlikely to magically materialize, because it might push up their shareholder metrics, but it would also require more effort than including a single head in a few kits that looks plausible when you hit it with the most Hollywood chocolate black-man paint-job possible.

        AoS is another can of worms and frankly, is the best theory I've heard beyond gross incompetence. I know jack and shit about AoS, but the scarred up old black lady legitimately looks like a racist caricature.

        • 6 months ago

          Both theories are moronic, you don't devalue a company before a sale and said gross incompetence lead to massive growth and sales compared to the WFHB.

      • 6 months ago

        Stock market trend that catapulted GW inot its current spot started with a releas of the 1st General handbook for AoS, so if Kirby wanted to tank the share pices he shouldn't have allowed some suplemen book get released few months in.

  29. 7 months ago

    Don't space marines change their skin based on environmental conditions? Even if you make the argument that different units in an army might not be homogenous because they were deployed in different environments until right before the battle, all members of the same squad should always have identical skin colour.

  30. 7 months ago

    Whats up with this guy? Why does he wear the hood?

    • 7 months ago

      So that the Dark Angels can pretend that their chapter serfs are midgets instead of xenos horrors. Be kind to them, it's all they have left of their homeworld. Which they blew up.

    • 7 months ago

      Watchers in the Dark are multidimensional aliens that have helped the Dark Angels and the Lions since Caliban. They exist outside of time and hate Chaos. They are not physical beings and cannot be harmed in any way whatsoever. For the most part they just carry stuff relics around for the DA and appear out of thin air to hand you a sword when you need it, but sometimes they lead them to secrets to stir shit up.
      They are the ones who are responsible for bringing back the Lion and giving him the ability to walk in the Forest, which I guess is how he sees their dimension.
      They've been part of the DA lore since the 90s, although back then it wasn't clear what they were.

      • 7 months ago

        I wish they had more models. I know 40k I'd grimdark sometimes, or whatever, but I'd like an army of cute little dude and big strong dudes

      • 7 months ago

        > Lion and giving him the ability to walk in the Forest, which I guess is how he sees their dimension.
        The lion coming back with super powers paired with all the groids convinces me that 40K is trying to become the MCU.

        • 7 months ago

          Then they shall fall as the MCU did.

          • 7 months ago

            I don’t think they will. The paypiggies dont have anyone else to go to.

        • 7 months ago

          >The lion coming back with super powers paired with all the groids convinces me that 40K is trying to become the MCU.
          Lol. Because there weren't plenty of heroic over the top characters with inhuman strength and abilities in 90's GW.
          Fricking have a nice day you zoomer c**t.

          • 7 months ago

            >false equivalency

            • 7 months ago

              No an argument.

              • 7 months ago

                CharacterHammer is bad in general, but were the 90's characters Primarch equivalents? Did the game have as much of a focus on named characters?

              • 7 months ago

                >but were the 90's characters Primarch equivalents
                I mean, relatively, yes. Its just jumping the shark further and further. It only became ridiculous to you because you know have a normie equivalent you can compare it to.
                >Did the game have as much of a focus on named characters?
                Overpowered characters, certainly. Superpowered, even. Psykers absolutely wrecked in the early editions.

              • 7 months ago

                >It only became ridiculous to you because you know have a normie equivalent you can compare it to.
                I'm not the anon who brought up Marvel (this guy):

                > Lion and giving him the ability to walk in the Forest, which I guess is how he sees their dimension.
                The lion coming back with super powers paired with all the groids convinces me that 40K is trying to become the MCU.

                I'm saying he's right, and it's invalid to claim 90's 40k having characters is equivalent to modern 40k with Primarchs and an unfolding narrative.

              • 7 months ago

                Why, because now they have superpowers?
                No, they had them before.
                Because they are stronger?
                Doesn't matter of the superhuman is 7, 8 or 12 foot tall.
                And in any case my argument was purely with him. Yes the 40k lore has changed since the 90s. It hasn't changed in terms of wanting to ape the MCU or another franchise.

              • 7 months ago

                No idiot. Because now they keep meeting up to have slapfights with no consequences, just like capeshit.

            • 7 months ago


  31. 7 months ago

    I don't care if every single model they ever paint in the future and for the rest of time is a black person. Those aren't my models on the store page and that isn't my color scheme when I buy it. I don't act like a homosexual because a store-bought canvas from an art supply retailer incidentally has a black dude on the wrapping paper (which is what you are: a homosexual)

    Stop pretending that you're artificially angry about this or that you're not going to buy it anyway homosexual.

  32. 7 months ago

    >paying $50 (whoops! that was from a month ago; it's $75 now!) for 5 cents' worth of plastic: A-OK
    >someone else painting a model with dark skin for a photo: NOOOOOO I'M LOSING MY MIND THIS IS THE END
    why do moronic scum-sucking moron Ganker users fixate on stupid minor moronic shit while ignoring actual problems

    • 7 months ago

      Insane seething leftoid

    • 7 months ago

      Lol, what's wrong? That leftism not generating enough readies to keep up?

  33. 7 months ago

    Are you being forcrd at gunpoint to paint your models exactly like the official model previews?

  34. 7 months ago


    Barbie is the biggest movies of 2023(and well into the ranks of highest grossing movies ever) and it's every single thing you hate. Across the Spiderverse was a massive critical hit and it's everything you hate. The Little Mermaid was a terrible movie and it made shitloads of money despite being everything you hate.

    Lot of movies and comics and games and all sorts of shit are failures, there's more failures than successes in general. Forspoken failed because it was a shitty game. But you focus in on just the "woke" bits and ignore all the non-woke games that also failed. Was Gollum woke? Was King Kong woke?

    Hell, the reason people are making shitty games with "woke" shit in it is because a lot of woke has sold really, really well and people are trying to cash in.


    >You're literally doing exactly what he fricking said you morons do, and king Arthur wasn't fricking real dipshit.
    Neither is Warhammer 40k. So when it's got black characters as knights or vikings or anything else it's perfectly fine and acceptable.

    • 7 months ago

      >Neither is Warhammer 40k. So when it's got black characters as knights or vikings or anything else it's perfectly fine and acceptable.

      No it isn't it's cultural appropriation.

      • 7 months ago

        cultural appropriation is a bullshit concept for morons
        try again

        • 7 months ago

          Ah, I see so the leftist concepts are only stunning and brave until they're used against something you like? Gotcha.

          • 7 months ago

            not a leftist
            dont use a fricking argument that you yourself dont believe

  35. 7 months ago


    Anon wrote:
    >...Black people aren't knights, or Samurai, or vikings. Leftoids desperately cling to anything they can find like HEY THERE WAS ONE GUY WHO EXISTED as an excuse...
    You're doing exactly what he's describing, and as already stated, with a fictional character who was created specifically because he would stand out.

    Nobody is claiming that there's some physical impossibility with blackness and knighthood, but there is a big difference between Medieval storytellers creating an exotic character (Medieval Dutch people wouldn't have even comprehended "black identity" as we would, since none of them would have even ever seen a black person, only that they'd heard there were far-off people with black skin), and the omnipresent shoehorning seen in modern media. If you're going to have a black character in a fictional context where they are out of place, you should have some explanation rather than just trying to pass it off as normal (even Sir Morien has a backstory), because otherwise it clearly betrays an ideological agenda.

    Counter-example: I don't know if you're familiar with Legend of the Five Rings, but it's a game setting based on feudal Japan (with a dash of other east Asian influences). People would consider it extremely jarring if there were Congolese or Scandinavian-looking characters injected into the story simply for the sake of DIVERSITY, without any explanation, and yet it's supposed to be accepted without question in a feudal European setting.

    • 7 months ago

      L5R has European characters in it. Shit, if I recall correctly the Tortoise Clan has gaijin blooded samurai, and even had full gaijin samurai in it after the clan was formed.

      And we're talking about 40k, where space marines recruit from entire planets of people, and skin colors tend to vary across planetary areas. That seems sufficient enough of a reason for space marine chapters to have black/asian/etc people in it, no matter their cultural roots.

      • 7 months ago

        >L5R has European characters in it.
        Yes, along with some not!Arabians and not!Indians. They're specifically called out for their foreign origin, instead of passing it off as if Rokugan is multicultural. This is different from having (as an example) a fantasy not!Britain where 1/4 people are inexplicably black/whatever.

        OP's post was about 40k, but the conversation moved on to racial representation in games media in general.

      • 7 months ago

        40k has always had monoethnic planets.
        Stop larping as if this is somehow motivated by "realism"

        • 7 months ago

          >40k has always had monoethnic planets

          • 7 months ago


            • 7 months ago

              Provide even one source.

      • 6 months ago

        Something about space Black folk just sounds so funny - and unlikely

  36. 7 months ago


    Litteral gaping mouth howling seethe and buthurt tears. Pull yourself together it's not that serious.

  37. 7 months ago

    Black but European culture is the definition of most African-descended people Americans encounter. It is strange to them when they meet people who don’t fit this reality or a place where there isn’t a black population to kick around/fight against something that happened in the past.

  38. 7 months ago

    Lying on the internet for attention remains popular, I guess.

  39. 7 months ago



    Barbie is the biggest movies of 2023(and well into the ranks of highest grossing movies ever) and it's every single thing you hate. Across the Spiderverse was a massive critical hit and it's everything you hate. The Little Mermaid was a terrible movie and it made shitloads of money despite being everything you hate.

    Lot of movies and comics and games and all sorts of shit are failures, there's more failures than successes in general. Forspoken failed because it was a shitty game. But you focus in on just the "woke" bits and ignore all the non-woke games that also failed. Was Gollum woke? Was King Kong woke?

    Hell, the reason people are making shitty games with "woke" shit in it is because a lot of woke has sold really, really well and people are trying to cash in.

    >You're literally doing exactly what he fricking said you morons do, and king Arthur wasn't fricking real dipshit.
    Neither is Warhammer 40k. So when it's got black characters as knights or vikings or anything else it's perfectly fine and acceptable.

    L5R has European characters in it. Shit, if I recall correctly the Tortoise Clan has gaijin blooded samurai, and even had full gaijin samurai in it after the clan was formed.

    And we're talking about 40k, where space marines recruit from entire planets of people, and skin colors tend to vary across planetary areas. That seems sufficient enough of a reason for space marine chapters to have black/asian/etc people in it, no matter their cultural roots.

    cultural appropriation is a bullshit concept for morons
    try again

    This is the brown power of leftoids. It's like your brain is so smooth you miss ever point.

    In 40k factions are analogues to real world cultures. Representing them as diverse is dumb because 40k isn't about in universe lore it's largely on the nose references and like the other anon said, meta narratives. It's why you have the angry primarch named ANGRon. Or Lion El'johnson leading the Dark Angels. (a gay poet named Lionel Johnson wrote a poem called the Dark Angel about being gay.) So you look like and idiot going on about "uh the have multiple recruitment worlds so they should be diverse!!" Because news flash, the in universe lore is nonsensical and was already mentioned by other anon can't justify having these factions in the first place. Dark Angels are Arthorian knights mixed with some polish and native American themed. They should look like those people. Tallaran are based off of Arabs and thus look like Arabs. This isn't difficult you're just being moronic. You're insiting that black vikings and knights are fine based off of weak arguments or like what was said by two anons, extreme outliers. It's cringe and it's political just like a white dude dressing up in a kimono and larping as Japanese is cringe.

    • 7 months ago

      >Representing them as diverse is dumb because 40k isn't about in universe lore it's largely on the nose references and like the other anon said, meta narratives

      40k is about whatever GW wants it to be about. They own it, they can do as they please. Or should private institutions be subject to public oversight in order to have them put forth the "correct" ideological points?

      • 7 months ago

        They can do what they want with it, just as they will be ridiculed and criticized when they do stupid things with it.
        >nOOOOOOOO don't attack my heckin corporino!!!!!

      • 7 months ago

        Are you in highschool? That's moronic argumentation and a ridiculous and irrelevant strawman. With your dumb logic you can't say anything is about anything because people can change what it's about later. You're only saying that because you don't actually have a good argument to refute the point that using universe lore is dumb when you have primarchs like ANGRon and Lion (gay poet) El'johnson. These are observations about what it clearly is, and what GW made it to be. They made the lore this way, what's your point?

        They can do whatever they want but why bring it up? It's a dumb leap of logic to say because we think what they're doing currently is dumb or contradictory to things they did in the past means I want the government to force them to stop putting cringy diversity models in my game. I have the right to criticize them as much as they have the right to do what they're doing.

      • 7 months ago

        >No argument.

    • 7 months ago

      >They should look like those people
      Actually, they should look like whatever I want them to look like. I bought them.

  40. 7 months ago

    >Still using stunning and brave

  41. 7 months ago

    OP is right? Look at it like this if a white 'eavy metal painter paints a character with brown skin isnt that essentially black face by proxy? Very problematic to my mind, black isnt a costume or a paint job some white dude can just grant to a model, black is sacred and special.

    We need black people to complain about this so they stop doing model black face all the time.

    • 7 months ago

      >OP is right?
      OP made no arguments.

      • 7 months ago

        OP is correct, it is pandering shit when GW does that, the question is not if hes wrong to say that (hes correct) its whether it matters, its certainly a red flag and a warning when compared to AoS bullshit with the wokeness

  42. 7 months ago

    OP is a homosexual who can't even get a burner mail and actually contact GW.

  43. 7 months ago

    >when soulless marketing doesn't target me specifically, that's bad
    >when soulless marketing does target me specifically, that's good
    All parties involved are pay pig cucks. Fricking rubes

  44. 7 months ago
  45. 7 months ago

    My brother in Christ YOU paint YOUR models. They could release female space marines and id shave the breasts off with an exacto knife. Clearly OP is a no games no friends homosexual if he doesn't have a racist beer hammer league of his own.

  46. 7 months ago

    No one in this thread actually plays 40k.

    • 7 months ago

      Because Kirby was right, people care about models not the games

  47. 7 months ago

    I've only ever met one two or three blacks that play wargames in over 20 years playing. All whites, asians, and mexicans.

  48. 7 months ago

    These are always the absolutely funniest threads on/tg/ bravo Hiromoot

  49. 7 months ago

    Frick are they the new Dark Angels?
    They look kind of sick
    If it weren't for Primaris I'd be playing Warhammer 40k again

  50. 7 months ago

    >It’s starting to ring very, very hollow and it’s clear why you’re doing it.
    To show off different ways you can paint a model?

  51. 7 months ago

    Are they so thick now to explain their T5? Originally they were only T5 when B2B to show how they protect each other with their shields.

  52. 7 months ago

    >mad that dark angels are dark

  53. 7 months ago

    Weird how nobody can sculpt Asians. Lol. The Warlord Japanese are like Mickey Rooney.

  54. 7 months ago

    You realize it's to demonstrate dark skin tones on the model? Same reason they depict a bunch of different factions on the back of the box.

    • 6 months ago

      If that's the case, then why wasn't done in the promotional shots for models in the prior 40 years?

  55. 6 months ago

    Why does it bother you so much that black people exist? Insecurities?

    • 6 months ago

      The better question is why it doesn't bother you, you weird little deviant. In any time but this insane era we live in, you'd long ago have been killed for your perverse nature, loxism, and constant lies. But it's all coming to an end for you soon, troon. All the contradictions that define your existence will unravel and the world will remember you for the despicable, homosexual pedophile you are in reality.

      • 6 months ago

        they can exist.
        but they should go exist over there, not where i am.

        look at france here [...] and look at it now.
        Go into any LGS or GW and let me know how many black people you see. They are pandering to people who dont even play their fricking games

        >Why does it bother you blacks exist
        It's not their existence that bothers me. It's the crime, violence, and a laundry list of negative traits that surround them and follow them where they go- and this is an absolutely undeniable pattern.
        As to when GW paints miniatures black?
        Most of them don't look like black people- the Sisters of Battle model they painted black looks like Terry Crews in a wig, and otherwise it looks like white people wearing shoe polish facepaint.
        The last time I saw a badass black miniature was the special Catachan miniature that looked like Carl Weathers from Predator.
        Also it's an undeniable fact that Carl Weathers and Billie Dee Williams are every white guy's black uncles, change my mind.

        So, psycho racism. Thanks for the honesty.

        • 6 months ago

          Why stop there anon tell us more about this laundry list of negative traits of an ethnic group that clearly dosn't bother you

          >Look at me! Look at what a good person I am!

          • 6 months ago

            >bro I'm racist so anyone who says they're not racist must be pretending

            sociopathic behavior

            • 6 months ago

              >I'm just sooooo open-minded *pats self on back*

              • 6 months ago

                >interact with black people every day
                >they're fine so long as you don't go into the sketchy slum areas of town
                >"bro you're just PRETENDING to not hate them, secretly I know you want to wipe them out just as much as me"

                You go outside, pal?

              • 6 months ago

                >false assumptions, attributions

    • 6 months ago

      they can exist.
      but they should go exist over there, not where i am.

      look at france here

      Warhammer is the game of the huwhite man and im sick of pretending its not

      and look at it now.
      Go into any LGS or GW and let me know how many black people you see. They are pandering to people who dont even play their fricking games

    • 6 months ago

      >Why does it bother you blacks exist
      It's not their existence that bothers me. It's the crime, violence, and a laundry list of negative traits that surround them and follow them where they go- and this is an absolutely undeniable pattern.
      As to when GW paints miniatures black?
      Most of them don't look like black people- the Sisters of Battle model they painted black looks like Terry Crews in a wig, and otherwise it looks like white people wearing shoe polish facepaint.
      The last time I saw a badass black miniature was the special Catachan miniature that looked like Carl Weathers from Predator.
      Also it's an undeniable fact that Carl Weathers and Billie Dee Williams are every white guy's black uncles, change my mind.

      • 6 months ago

        Why stop there anon tell us more about this laundry list of negative traits of an ethnic group that clearly dosn't bother you

        • 6 months ago

          >gets shot and robbed
          >completely unbothered
          Anon entire US cities are warzones because of these Space Marines. Stop being a cuck.

          • 6 months ago

            >he thinks US cities are warzones
            you're an absolute moron. Violent crime in the US is at one of the lowest points its been in roughly a century since we started tracking that sort of data.

            I wish posting /misc/ outside of /misc/ was a bannable offense.

            It is if you fricking report shit like you should.

            Also the fricking Dark Angels are a fleet based chapter, they recruit from a variety of worlds, getting triggered because they have a variety of skin tones is moronic

            • 6 months ago

              Shouldn't most worlds that aren't monobiomes have a variety of skin tones anyway because that's how humans work?

              • 6 months ago

                Yes, unless recently colonized, over about 10k years you'd see skintone drift due to vitamin D disparities. There's a fantastic paper on melanin and the adaptation of losing it vs keeping it being related to your latitude, and how exceptions like the Inuit proved the rule (basic gist is that the inuit's heavy reliance on very fatty fish and seals provided enough vitamin D that sunlight absorption through the skin was less relevant)

              • 6 months ago

                Skin tones don't make your race different, there are albino nogs and poojeets that look inhuman, let alone not Aryan.

            • 6 months ago

              Did you think I said they just became warzones? They've been warzones since the Space Marines moved in in the 60s, hence the ridiculous gun crime stats compared to other first world countries. If you take Space Marines out of the data, white Americans commit gun crime at roughly the same level as Germans and Canadians. Every one knows this, which is why no whites would think of walking through South Central or Southside Chicago but anyone can stroll through any neighborhood in Vermont or New Hampshire. This isn't controversial, you're just a self-hating loser. Also, stop samegayging the thread, you aren't fooling anyone.

        • 6 months ago

          >I have never lived around or had to interact in any meaningful way with scholarly space marines at any point in my life

          • 6 months ago

            >work with black adults every day at work
            >they are quite pleasant to be around. drink with them after work sometimes.
            >work at school, so I also work with black children every day
            >they can be pleasant but can also be quite shitty because children and because some are like "I ain't gone listen to no wyte man" because their parents are moronic and taught them that

    • 6 months ago

      *sees* black space marine. AHHHHHH I'M BEING MANIPULATED.

      And people say the left a snowflakes.

      Why do you love blacks so much that you insist they be put into everything, and you go out of your way to argue with people who disagree?

  56. 6 months ago

    Warhammer is the game of the huwhite man and im sick of pretending its not

  57. 6 months ago

    As long as we don't get strong black gay women marines in 40k I don't care.

    40k as a setting is way too "toxic" to ever get pozzed like Star Wars or be pozzed from the start like Age of Shitmar anyway.

  58. 6 months ago

    If GW weren't cowards they'd give us a white Salamander or White Scar.

    • 6 months ago

      hah, as if GW would ever give the White Scars anything

      • 6 months ago

        Are you stuck like five years in the past or something, white scars have had support for a bit now. More than some Xenos factions.

  59. 6 months ago

    I'm pretty racist but I can't say I even noticed that

  60. 6 months ago

    What kind of moron is still buying this shit. Just get a resin printer and be done with it.

  61. 6 months ago
    Games Workshop Marketing Dept

    >Dear GW, stop painting a black person into EVERY model preview



    Games Workshop Group PLC
    Willow Road, Lenton, Nottingham, NG7 2WS, UK

  62. 6 months ago

    I paint everyone white, even my Zulus

  63. 6 months ago

    Almost every human in the imperium is black , its not diversity if it's canon

  64. 6 months ago

    ITT: secondaries

  65. 6 months ago

    I wish posting /misc/ outside of /misc/ was a bannable offense.

  66. 6 months ago

    Seethe harder frickface. 40k is for everyone except for racist pieces of shit like you.

  67. 6 months ago

    >play coc warhammer
    >do not care about new models. got all the ones I need because I'm not playing a game designed to encourage me to buy more models

    Simply stop playing 40k

  68. 6 months ago

    GW has become another weapon against racism and white patriarchy and I'm so fricking here for it. Cry harder chuddies!

    • 6 months ago

      False flag poster spotted

      • 6 months ago

        Cry harder chuddie. Don't like it? Then why don't YOU quit the hobby instead of expecting GW to turn its back on BIPOC and transpeople? I'm sure there's plenty of other games you can play ... Oh wait, GW is the only wargame people actually play. LMAO. Yeah. We're here to stay. You don't like it but you can't leave. Guess you'll have to learn to live with it ... Or just stay seething and losing forever 🙂

  69. 6 months ago

    >when the chuds flee to boring as historical games to play with geriatrics
    >When the chuds flee to dead as frick games like infinity, KOW or oathmark to play with the literally nobody
    >all to escape the big bad black queen


    • 6 months ago

      >be me
      >play historicals and alternative wargames to avoid warhammer chuds
      >this anon says the chuds are fleeing to the games I play to avoid them


  70. 6 months ago

    How do you get so seethingly buttblasted over a black toy soldier

    • 6 months ago

      White fragility lel

  71. 6 months ago

    >they're yourdudes paint them however you want! Creativity is what makes painting GW minis so unique compared to paint by the numbers historicals!

  72. 6 months ago

    Americans are more deranged by modern black people to the point of being desperately paranoid of dropping a face of
    more than Germany with their relations to modern day israelites to the point where Germany is the more mature and less self-destructive and embarrassing country.

    A good way to troll "whites" from America is to make them believe that they'll stand to lose something, literally anything if they concede something to one of their minorities. You'll never hear the end of how an enemy is out to get them to destabilize or co-op everything they hold sacred.

  73. 6 months ago

    i only paint mine white because its easier

  74. 6 months ago

    White fragility is why I moved back to Africa. Best move I ever made. Ghana is the greatest country on earth and I love being so close to my ancestors. Nobody plays warhammer here though

  75. 6 months ago

    Idgaf about the "politics" of this, but with space marines, doesnt their skin color change as a result of the environment theyre currently in? Like, in a tropical/high UV region they'd all be "black" and in a relatively sunless area they'd all be "white"??

    In other words, the whole force would have to simultaneously be the same skin color, right? And then if they all were deployed to a different spot, their skin color would correspondingly all change once again??

    • 6 months ago

      Yeah here we go:

      "Melanchromic Organ
      Phase 13: This implant controls the amount of melanin in a Marine's skin. Exposure to high levels of sunlight will result in the Marine's skin darkening to compensate. It also protects the Marine from other forms of radiation."

      So, if the geneseed is working properly, wouldnt Imperial Fists (for example) all have dark skin in one environment and then all have light skin in another?

      If im understanding that correctly, the only quibble-worthy thing would be to have mixed-skin-color squads since theyr melanochromic organs should all be operating uniformly

      • 6 months ago

        Who cares. 40k has undergone dozens of retcons. Inclusion and diversity matters more than some dumb space fairy tale.

        • 6 months ago

          Yeah sure people can paint how they want sall good

          I think the intention was that those changes occur in extremis, not as part of their day to day.

          Plus, the 'radiation' argument is utterly bullshit. If it actually did, not a single Blood Angel would look lighter than Wesley Snipes during a new moon.

          I guess. I just always figured their skin tone would adjust super fast like how their blood coagulates super fast. Land on an equatorial region of a planet close to its sun? Boom Justin Trudeau blackface in seconds.

        • 6 months ago

          malicious leftoid butting into a hobby to ruin for their religion (ideology)

          Yeah sure people can paint how they want sall good

          I guess. I just always figured their skin tone would adjust super fast like how their blood coagulates super fast. Land on an equatorial region of a planet close to its sun? Boom Justin Trudeau blackface in seconds.

          moronic apathetic hobbyist that will be confused when the rot advances and the setting, lore and game are finally destroyed outright

          this right here is why you should care about GWs bullshit

      • 6 months ago

        I think the intention was that those changes occur in extremis, not as part of their day to day.

        Plus, the 'radiation' argument is utterly bullshit. If it actually did, not a single Blood Angel would look lighter than Wesley Snipes during a new moon.

      • 6 months ago

        I think the intention was that those changes occur in extremis, not as part of their day to day.

        Plus, the 'radiation' argument is utterly bullshit. If it actually did, not a single Blood Angel would look lighter than Wesley Snipes during a new moon.

        Salamanders have a faulty mutation that makes them too dark

        No idea why you black shitposters keep bringing this up.
        No other chapter is going to look that dark besides Salamanders who are freaks.

    • 6 months ago

      Anyone who has even cursory knowledge of 40k lore could easily use it to justify damn near anything. Gene-seed quirks have been used to justify anything from different skin colors to blood cravings, to bony protrusions that the guys sharpen into claws to straight up bad luck.

      Want to have bizarre marines with female faces, or mutant faces or whatever? They're Bile's experiments, or cursed by Slaanesh or they were captured by Dark Eldar remade and released as a joke or something.

      Doing shit like this used to be regarded as good. You were engaging your creativity, engaging with the setting and modeling your dudes how you wanted. After all, they're "your dudes".

      Nowadays, people seem to believe that GWs marketing material is some ultimate arbiter of what's allowed and what isn't and how things should be done. Chuds will come at you with all this stupid shit as if it's any of their fricking business how you paint and model your guys.

      • 6 months ago

        bugmen like this one love to post their afrika (death) korps and deus vult black templar comic on X but throw a hissy fit when people take to task the shitty troony flag marines

  76. 6 months ago

    /tg/ has fallen like the rest of the west.
    Billions must die.

    • 6 months ago

      nothing's fallen. GW's acceptance of inclusion and diversity is an objective improvement and lifts the entire hobby up.

      • 6 months ago

        Thank you for confirming you're just shitposting. I was losing hope for a second there.

        • 6 months ago

          Ok why don't you explain to me how 40k has gotten worse without resorting to racism, sexism and transphobia. What exactly about 40k has gotten worse (aside from the price)

          • 6 months ago

            The cicatrix maledictum and bringing primarchs back.

            I liked it better when it was more sandbox.

            And making necrons talk.

            I actually have no idea what trans issues have to do with 40k one way or the other

            • 6 months ago

              If you haven't noticed, chuds find a way to shoehorn their fear of trans people into literally anything

              • 6 months ago

                I think you and the chuds deserve each other youre both a bunch of weirdos calm down

              • 6 months ago

                It's transfolx, shitlord

            • 6 months ago

              How is it any less sandbox now?

          • 6 months ago

            - As bad enough as edition churn would be on it's own, the rules have become progressively worse over time
            - Centering the game around vehicles/monsters/characters. "Muh elite forces."
            - Turning it into a soap-opera with no stakes, tension; fixated on main characters more than ever before.
            - Marine wankery has always been bad, but it's worse now than ever
            - Everything related to Primaris Marines
            - Primarchs
            - Leagues of Votann, Custodes, Knights
            - More goofy/internally-inconsistent unit types. (less regard for military simulation).
            - Chaos having terrible factions and rosters

            It's also not-
            -to mock infantry kits including female models shoehorned into the unit for diversity points

            • 6 months ago

              > Vehicles are actually good now for the first time in almost ever. This is bad thing how?

              Single handedly redeems 40k in your path

          • 6 months ago

            >explain how 40k has gotten worse without mentioning these things that have made it worse

            • 6 months ago

              >this is what secondaries actually believe

              • 6 months ago

                >only people who don't own any models would care that new models are full of women and Blacks

          • 6 months ago

            The fanbase has become too racist, sexist and homophobic.

      • 6 months ago

        >quality and creativity tanks
        >prices go up
        A metaphor for America. True pottery.

    • 6 months ago

      You first homosexual.

  77. 6 months ago

    Who the frick cares that isn't a dribbling idiot?

  78. 6 months ago

    Don't Salamanders exist for this exact purpose already

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