Dear VGC players... Stop cheating. >b-but I just want to save time! Stop cheating.

Dear VGC players... Stop cheating.

>b-but I just want to save time!
Stop cheating.
>b-but I am too lazy to play fairly!
Stop cheating.
>b-but the game makes it too hard despite having 7 billion QoL improvements to help me!
Stop cheating.
>b-but no one will notice!
If I kill someone without anyone noticing, does that make it okay?
>b-but you're probably bad at the game!
Stop cheating.
>b-but my friend gave this to me so I don't know if it was injected!
You stop cheating. Him stop cheating.
>b-but I got it from an egg from a hacked pokemon!
Stop cheating,
>b-but you shouldn't care if I cheat or not
Stop cheating.
>b-but I got this fair and square! I-I just happened to be at a 2009 event and got something that has only a 1/750384 chance in appearing!
Stop cheating.
>b-but you're acting like Versify!
If a moron correctly calls you moronic, then that probably means you're even more moronic than the moron.
>b-but judges let me do it!
Stop cheating.
>b-but *buzzword buzzword buzzword*
Stop cheating.
>b-but you can't act holier-than-thou! Y-You're just some random shitposter on the internet!
Stop cheating.
Stop cheating.
>Y-You will never be a woman!
Stop cheating.
>D-Do you want to ban like 80% of good VGC players?! Because they're all cheaters!
Yes. they need to be reeducated and reconditioned into better members of people. Moral corruption will never be tolerated in a just society
>N-No that's not fair!
Stop cheating.
No more excuses. Stop cheating.

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  1. 10 months ago

    We are the majority of the VGC community. And we are starting a boycott.

    • 10 months ago

      Stop cheating

    • 10 months ago

      I hope VGC dies

    • 10 months ago

      Lmfao what do you homosexuals think this will accomplish?? This is even more moronic than the Dex Cut outburst, and that didn't do fricking anything. Absolutely pathetic hahahaha

      • 10 months ago

        lick lick yummy boot

        • 10 months ago

          Not even, nig. I'm STILL seething about dexit. People """protested""" and the games still sold like fricking wild. You're little "movement" isn't going to go anywhere, and if you genuinely enjoy the trash games they put out (like I do), you'll learn to fricking live with it and just keep mindlessly consooming.

      • 10 months ago


        • 10 months ago

          Stop cheating

      • 10 months ago

        >This is even more moronic than the Dex Cut outburst
        Fricking obviously. #BBND was a rational response to Game Freak's lack of effort in establishing a convenient method for themselves to have every available Pokemon be transferrable to SWSH. This issue is entirely on the players for breaking ToS while not even having the decency to utilize the established item methods GF have implemented to make creating competitively viable a much more reasonable task.

    • 10 months ago

      Isn't this the moron who dirty edited a legit labour of love Ursaluna into a hacked one?

    • 10 months ago

      of course its the moron who got caught that wants to start this

    • 10 months ago

      You’re still a cheater and nothing will change that

    • 10 months ago

      Ginormous homosexual for whining about getting caught but he's right about the simulation aspect.
      Barrior to entry for VGC is fricking ridicolous which results in either
      >Widespread cheating
      >People rnging games which is 'legal' cheating
      >People investing 1000s of hours into their team.
      Can't think of another gaming tournament that has such a high barrier to entry to just compete on a level playing field, and this is before genuine ability comes into question.

      • 10 months ago

        >barrier to entry
        oh no, you mean to compete at the highest level I need to sacrifice and put time and effort in, like every other competitive scene in the world?

        • 10 months ago

          but you arent putting in time and effort to actually improving, that time isnt spent getting better at the game. it's just tedium for tedium's sake
          sounds like i hit the nail on the head about it just being about jealousy tbh

          • 10 months ago

            Jealous of a cheater? Immoral behaviors arent attractive at all.

            • 10 months ago

              what did they cheat at?
              how did they cheat? did they hack in extra crit rates or evasiveness?
              or are you just jealous they spent 40 hours testing their team on showdown instead of hatching eggs and ev training

              • 10 months ago

                >admits they broke the rules and are cheating
                >admits the people who gen their mons have a time advantage
                So there is an advantage/benefit (obviously, otherwise people wouldn't do it). They broke the rules, what are we even talking about? Are you salty your favorite player got disqualified?

        • 10 months ago

          Compare that to Cod, LoL, OW, Starcraft or any other popular pro games, the only time required to sacrafice is getting better at the game. Grinding for a team in no way improves your skills.

          It's not hard at all. You're just bad at it

          >You're just bad at it
          I could care less about the TCG which is why I'm so happy to shit on your holy cow without a second through

          • 10 months ago

            >Compare that to Cod, LoL, OW, Starcraft or any other popular pro games, the only time required to sacrafice is getting better at the game. Grinding for a team in no way improves your skills
            >Showing you understand how the game works and putting in the work for pokemon and items doesn't show mastery over the game

            • 10 months ago

              you understand how the game works and putting in the work for pokemon and items doesn't show mastery over the game

              • 10 months ago

                Okay moron, enjoy paying to get DQ'd

              • 10 months ago

                okay moron, enjoy your (You)

            • 10 months ago

              >Soft reset for 5 hours to get a pokemon with X stats
              >Look mum I'm an expert at this game
              Here is your (You), I refuse to believe anybody is genuinely this moronic.

              • 10 months ago

                if it takes 5 hours to get a pokemon with the right stats players who don't gen are majorly disadvantaged by cheaters in the time it takes to assemble a team

              • 10 months ago

                >Admit that it takes 30 hours per team not counting for changes after
                >Thinks having genned pokemon at an instant isn't a massive advantage

              • 10 months ago

                if it takes 5 hours to get a pokemon with the right stats players who don't gen are majorly disadvantaged by cheaters in the time it takes to assemble a team

                so why is your point that everyone should have less practice and therefor less experience and overall provide less skill to the game? and not that everyone should have the convenience of playing with whatever pokemon they want exactly as they want it and having all that free time to test ev spreads and comps?
                are you jealous beacuse youre too stupid to gen pokemon or something? or are you some kind of moron who only thinks its fair to drag people down instead of uplifting the less fortunate
                you sound southeast asian

              • 10 months ago

                my point is that genning is unjustifiable because it disadvantages people who spent time training their team and money buying the games to catch them in. you're dragging down the less fortunate even further by invalidating the time and money they spent playing the game legit. you sound too stupid to breed and train pokemon legit so you hack aka an american

              • 10 months ago

                i dont even play pokemon i just think youre inherently moronic about the way you view the world, childish and brown

              • 10 months ago

                your mindset is very entitled and you lack any self awareness. apologies to your parents for having a son like you

              • 10 months ago

                Hey! he told you he doesn't play pokemon! He`s right automatically.

              • 10 months ago

                Anon, I like genning, but I know I'm breaking the rules. If you enter any competitive environment knowing you're cheating you don't get to cry when you get caught.

              • 10 months ago

                >Raising a horse takes too long so it's okay to just create one for horse racing

              • 10 months ago

                >but muh genning
                learn to read a thread trail you illiterate Black person

              • 10 months ago

                >Admits genning gives advantage
                >Keeps lying to self to justify his lack of results

              • 10 months ago

                >ha ha see when I move the goalposts I am correct you are bad at game
                next you'll say, I was only pretending to be moronic!

              • 10 months ago

                I wish you were only pretending to be moronic

      • 10 months ago

        It's not hard at all. You're just bad at it

    • 10 months ago

      at least 5% of all banned players will troon out

    • 10 months ago

      Cool. Guess I can replace you whiny fricks by merit and so well with the mons I made legitly.

    • 10 months ago

      >"Competitive" Pokémon video game players going on strike
      Oh my fricking days, now I've seen everything

    • 10 months ago

      You motherfrickers did jack shit to both Sw/Sh and S/V. You think your 9 year old and their mother is going to give two shits? A lot of bland ass white people going to find out what being a minority truly is.

    • 10 months ago

      >VGC trannies boycott
      >the format dies
      >TPC makes a new 6v6 single battle format
      >VGC troons kys themselves

      • 10 months ago

        Brooo when people kys themselves, it makes me rofl on the ground as I lol aloud.

    • 10 months ago

      why are they crying when all they need to do it have above negative IQ to gen undetectable mons?

    • 10 months ago

      kek, these people literally have nothing outside of pokemon (a children's game), no shot they're going on strike. And even if they do, the actual players (read: not content creators) will still be playing.

    • 10 months ago

      GF and TPC, make an official version of Pokémon Showdown for the Switch. Please.

      • 10 months ago

        Done, but they dont host any competitive events for it.

      • 10 months ago

        I don’t understand how people can not recognize this will literally never ever happen because it’s entirely against the spirit of the game.

        • 10 months ago

          And its for the better. The training and raising pokemon aspect is one of the core aspects of the whole franchise and it makes sense that this plays a role in tournaments aswell even if some VGC twitter handles think thats stupid. If they had their way competitive pokemon would end up as a few guys comparing excel sheets

  2. 10 months ago

    >better members of people
    will always be my favorite part of this esl copypasta, i thank you anon for posting it without edit

  3. 10 months ago


  4. 10 months ago

    You managed to pry your nose out of the pokemon company's ass for 60 seconds and you wasted that time to write this post? I can never understand why people simp so hard for a company that legaly can not care about you.

  5. 10 months ago

    Why do you guys hate VGC players? I got into the top cut of Regionals a couple of times every year since I started VGC 2016.

    • 10 months ago

      I unironically respect smogon players more than VGCcucks at this point. Ladder Cart players are based. But I've lost all respect for VGCplayers. TCG has been looking real interesting though, I might get into that. But yeah you guys are all whiny entitled b***hes.

      • 10 months ago

        >Ladder Cart players are based
        That's basically the same thing but not in a best of 3 format.

        • 10 months ago

          I unironically respect smogon players more than VGCcucks at this point. Ladder Cart players are based. But I've lost all respect for VGCplayers. TCG has been looking real interesting though, I might get into that. But yeah you guys are all whiny entitled b***hes.

          Ladder Cart player here, Bo1 format )closed sheet*) VERY different meta with the most degenerate strategies ever, but still fun. The skill ceiling is a lot higher because more players.

        • 10 months ago

          To be honest, Ladder and Official are pretty much two different games.
          Ladderchads and showdownchads keep winning.

    • 10 months ago

      I don't really care about the cheating either way, but the b***h baby whining about getting caught is funny.
      >I caught doing something against their rules and I was punished, it's unfair!
      If you're gonna cheat, don't be stupid enough to get caught.

      • 10 months ago

        how do i reeeeech these kiiiiiiiids

        • 10 months ago

          VGChuds didn't cheat, they misinterpreted the rules

  6. 10 months ago

    Cheat more

  7. 10 months ago

    Stop Cheating, learn RNG.

  8. 10 months ago

    >has money to fly to Japan
    >can't cough up sixty buckerinos for Arceus

  9. 10 months ago

    Y'know what? Imma cheat some more just to spite you

  10. 10 months ago

    Why are you talking to yourself?

  11. 10 months ago

    >Why are you talking to yourself?
    Stop talking to yourself
    >But it's something real people say
    Stop talking to yourself
    >B-but it's not a strawman
    Stop talking to yourself
    >It's a rhetorical device, you idiot!
    Stop talking to yourself
    Stop talking to yourself

    • 10 months ago

      Stop cheating.

  12. 10 months ago

    In chess, you don't have to make your own pieces.

    • 10 months ago

      Pokemon tournaments aren't chess

    • 10 months ago

      And in Pokemon you don't have to make your own console or game, you just need to play by the rules in both cases

  13. 10 months ago

    he looks israeli
    is he israeli?

    • 10 months ago

      >is the name WOLF israeli

  14. 10 months ago

    Reminder that all the "anti-law" edgelords ITT are the biggest advocate of hanging black people for loitering.

  15. 10 months ago

    Did Wolfey ever say anything about this situation anyway?

  16. 10 months ago

    Frick all competitive pokemon players.
    Pokemon is meant to be a fun childhood adventure series with Battle Shounen elements. Not a tryhard competition where everyone uses the exact same teams against one another.

  17. 10 months ago

    I have no sympathy for VGCgays who don't actually play the game and then b***h about having to play the game to get the items and mons needed to build their teams. If I've got to trudge through GF's shitty games, they have to too. Honestly, the TPC officials should examine each player's save file to ensure they actually completed the main story in a legal amount of time with a legit in-game team. Hell, make them also provide a receipt or bank transaction showing they themselves actually bought the game or their family did.

    • 10 months ago

      Stop acting like the cheaters.
      Frick VGC players for waiting until they got caught to fight for more accessible games thus encouraging cheating communities. BUT gamefreak needs to get their shit together. Comp should not feel punishing on cart. Learning is through trial and error. You know what doesn't help people learn? If the trial or error phase punishes you.

      • 10 months ago

        >talking about accessibility
        Are we still complaining about having to buy 1 game + potential dlc every year?

        • 10 months ago

          No, they're complaining that despite competing in SwSh formats, that they have to buy SwSh to make a team in SV

          • 10 months ago

            I believe you meant SV formats. Anyways, so we're still complaining about the barrier to entry being having to buy a few games? Especially when the barrier to entry is way cheaper than other competitive games and this cost is negligible to the expenses it costs to fly to the events?

            • 10 months ago

              No, old players are complaining that they have to buy SwSh to compete in SV format even though they played in SwSh format

            • 10 months ago

              the complaining morons also participated in Swooshie tours

        • 10 months ago

          No learn to read

          >BUT gamefreak needs to get their shit together.
          homie, Game Freak has spent the last 3 gens making competitive teambuilding easy af. Stop cheating lmao.

          Learn to read

          >words words words
          Did you try not cheating at video games?

          Learn to read

          I'm not promoting genning. I'm saying that changing tera types every month (at best) should not feel punishing. If showdown didn't exist how would anyone do anything?

      • 10 months ago

        >BUT gamefreak needs to get their shit together.
        homie, Game Freak has spent the last 3 gens making competitive teambuilding easy af. Stop cheating lmao.

      • 10 months ago

        >words words words
        Did you try not cheating at video games?

    • 10 months ago

      >If I've got to trudge through GF's shitty games, they have to too.
      why? serious question
      do you just seethe bc they dont have to suffer like you? is it jealousy plain and simple?

  18. 10 months ago

    This entire situation is funny as frick seeing the meltdown over something so straight forward.
    It's reminding me of Ganker getting mad at the Baldur's Gate 3 Bear boogaloo when it's just a shitpost

  19. 10 months ago

    This sort of thing wouldn't fly in any other game tournament. Just stop cheating.
    >B-But it's hard!!!
    Not at all. There's a million different ways to customize a Pokemon in 2023 easily. You're just lazy.

    • 10 months ago

      In smash or other FGC, the only grind is to unlock a character on the roster once, Pokemon has far more variance on stats and a higher barrier to competitive play. Apples to oranges comp

      • 10 months ago

        Training in smash and breeding/raising Pokemon is literally the same thing. Stop cheating. Stop justifying cheating.

        Go play showdown if you have a problem.

  20. 10 months ago

    thats a strong word choice for not being very accurate

  21. 10 months ago

    >A bunch of white folks think they're above the rules because it's inconvenient for them

    • 10 months ago

      Are you really trying to make the situation about race? like, just like that?

  22. 10 months ago

    VGC is by far the shittiest format to play the game with its stale bullshit and has been for over a decade, seeing this shitstorm is fricking hilarious.

  23. 10 months ago


    >white boy getting his feelings hurt

    • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        White tears

  24. 10 months ago

    Beyond the meager doubles-only prize pools why would anyone play on cart with only a few formats when they could play any format they want for free on Showdown?

  25. 10 months ago

    You breed is not welcome on this board

    • 10 months ago

      Meant for

      at least 5% of all banned players will troon out

    • 10 months ago

      ywnbaw and stop cheating

  26. 10 months ago

    >submits to instant gratification
    >completely disrespected by half the community he takes part of
    >zero patience
    >unable to control his desires enough, grows fat from too much eating
    >ends up getting the death sentence because "Lol! I'm not a moralgay"
    >pretends like he is getting something important done by cheating:is just another no name doing battle he will forget in an hour
    >disposable pokemon games him unable to grow a friendship with his mons
    >parents are disappointed knowing that their son cheats in a children's pixel collection franchise.
    >imagines Sisyphus as a seething, whiny manchild who endlessly complains about how long it takes him to carry his rock up a hill despite knowing he will have to do it again in a week.

    >resists his worldly desires to the point of having complete free will over his actions
    >admired by the community for not only raising organic mons, but also beating the injectcel despite his extra hours of "training"
    >profound patience
    >lean and healthy from him occasionally giving up food and water to further strengthen his mental resistance.
    >Ends up a billionaire for his motto "Slow and Steady wins the race."
    >Realizes that the reward of good battle mons is not the goal as his ability to journey is the true reward
    >Treats every pokemon he uses as a gift and nicknames them to remember his moments of his own journey.
    >Parents die in peace knowing that their son has adopted the patience, perseverance and integrity taught into him
    >imagines Sisyphus as happy
    >"I realize that everyone, not only me, walks around in a cricle infinitely. For every man no matter the wealth wakes up, drinks and sleeps everyday. This circle is what keeps us healthy. However it is up to a man to perceive this circle, this world, as happy or depressing. So how can one seek intellectual superiority when he is merely walking on a tiny blue ball?

    • 10 months ago

      i get youre just doing it all for replies but this is sad man

      • 10 months ago

        not sad enough compared to jailed ones

  27. 10 months ago

    >>b-but no one will notice!
    >If I kill someone without anyone noticing, does that make it okay?
    Start cheating.

  28. 10 months ago

    you sound filipino

    • 10 months ago

      its not a coincidence they are complaining about having to buy the games

  29. 10 months ago

    This has to be the funniest thread. The amount of mental gymnastics cheaters have to go through.

  30. 10 months ago
  31. 10 months ago

    Based Japanese winning worlds with their hand raised mons

    • 10 months ago

      the power of friendship and responsable parents.

  32. 10 months ago

    Why didn't they just catch the whatever they needed legit and fixed them up in pkhex? Or did they up their anti-cheating recently?

    • 10 months ago

      buying games is very hard
      *pays for a flight, accommodation and food in japan*

      • 10 months ago

        Hard to believe these morons would just generate them out of thin air. Especially knowing how the Japs are and their anti-cheating autism. Time for bed, and I'll sleep knowing I'll never be this fricking moronic

    • 10 months ago

      They probably didn't want to slog through legends arceus just to get a legal lando or whatever. I know I wouldn't but then again I haven't bought any pokemon games recently so it's not really a concern for me.

      • 10 months ago

        Why would you specifically need Landorus from Legends Arceus? Couldn't you just use one you caught back in gen 5 or something?

        • 10 months ago

          They'll start to spout "B-B-BUT 0IV ENAMORUS" even though no one uses her

        • 10 months ago

          >Couldn't you just use one you caught back in gen 5 or something?
          Anon, how are you saying this sincerely?

          Imagine if someone who played literally any other game in the fricking world just said "hey why not just use the one you got from the games that released 13 years ago". Not everyone played the game then. Some people who play competitive may not have had cognitive functions then.

          • 10 months ago

            And judging from recent events, they don't have cognitive functions now.

          • 10 months ago

            okay, so use the one you caught in ORAS or UltraSun/Moon then? Or just fricking get Legends Arceus? Or could it be... you don't actually play the games?

            • 10 months ago

              you can get landorus in BW, BW2, ORAS, USUM, SS, and PLA

              You don't even need to play the game or own the dlc, you can just trade for it you moron.

              It's sad you have to spoonfeed him this stuff. They should know this already. "pro players" my ass. These morons keep self-exposing themselves and it clear they don't play the games. It's fricking pathetic.

          • 10 months ago

            you can get landorus in BW, BW2, ORAS, USUM, SS, and PLA

            • 10 months ago

              oops forgot pokemon dream radar and GO

          • 10 months ago

            You don't even need to play the game or own the dlc, you can just trade for it you moron.

          • 10 months ago

            >Some people who play competitive may not have had cognitive functions then.
            They don't have cognitive functions NOW.

          • 10 months ago

            't you just use one you caught back in gen 5 or something?
            >Anon, how are you saying this sincerely?
            >Imagine if someone who played literally any other game in the fricking world just said "hey why not just use the one you got from the games that released 13 years ago". Not everyone played the game then. Some people who play competitive may not have had cognitive functions then.

            s t o p

  33. 10 months ago

    Am I insane for thinking this controversy is way too late in the game to be taken seriously? It's easy as frick to get a perfect Pokemon these days, it literally takes 10 minutes to dump candies into something, cap off their IVs, change their nature, and give them every move they need. I can't sympathize with these dudes now.
    10 years ago, they would have had a point, except GF didn't do shit even with the droves of shiny, perfect nature perfect IV fricking event move legendries in Apricorn balls. Them b***hing about it now, when GF made it easier than ever to make a team, just feels stupid. It's not even a fricking grind anymore.

    • 10 months ago

      Americans are just entitled, this reminds me of how chinese are very defensive of spending money for in-game advantage, they think they deserve it and you are in the wrong for not doing it the intended way, their way

      Truth be told if trick room got banned from competitive or a zero IV item appeared no one would have to cheat and they would still cheat because they like having an advantage, to be above those that don't

      Let's not forget that their egos got bruised too, something unforgiveable to people like this there's no scorn like that of a thief caught mid act, it's everyone fault but them

      If anything I'm enjoying the fireworks, it's always nice to see a cheater getting caught, there's some catharsis to it as they dig their heels deeper and deeper despite being in the wrong

    • 10 months ago

      It's not the training that's the issue, it's obtaining them. Half of the meta in this format is Pokemon not actually obtainable within Scarlet and Violet without transfer from other games. To give the most extreme example, one of them is literally only obtainable in Legends Arceus, you can only get one per playthrough, and for some god forsaken reason, it's stats are generated at the start of the playthrough. It's also Trick Room compatible, so if you want to use it that way and want that optimal 0 Speed IV, there's no way to reset for it that doesn't include literally starting the game over from scratch and playing the full 10+ hour story again.

      >you should be able to do this though, if you can travel to an international event you can buy a game
      Sure, but consider that some people exclusively play competitive (especially the ones going to those international events, who could not give a shit about a game with no competitive like Legends Arceus). Should they really need to buy and play a game they don't care about to have access to a tool in a competitive scene?

      They shouldn't have hacked, it's in the rules. They were dumb if they hacked and if they got caught that's on them. But I also can understand why people would hack when shit like Enamorous exists. Would you pay $60 for an Enamorous?

      • 10 months ago

        >Would you pay $60 for an Enamorous?

        You could always borrow a copy of the game. Trade with another player or use gts. Cheating is bad.

        • 10 months ago

          >Borrow a copy of the game
          It's still 10+ hours per reset if you want that 0 Speed IV to be optimal, of a game you may not give a shit about if you only like competitive.

          >Trade with another player or use GTS
          Does not answer the issue because there is no guarantee this is not hacked, effectively making it irrelevant. Unless you can specifically find someone you trust, and even then, the above full-playthrough-per-reset applies.

          I agree, these people should not have cheated. But similarly, GF should not create a competitive scene where cheating is so heavily incentivized.

          • 10 months ago

            Let's put it this way:

            >Your team is your responsibility. Enamourous is not mandatory but, if you want to use it, it's up to you.
            >Cheating is bad.

            • 10 months ago

              >>Your team is your responsibility. Enamourous is not mandatory but, if you want to use it, it's up to you.
              Not how a competitive scene should be handled. Imagine you went to a chess tournament and they said the Rooks had to be bought seperately and also you had to run a marathon for the right to get two of them.

              "Bro it's your choice to use that tool, if you want rooks on your side, you should do the required marathon and pay for them"
              That isn't fairness or responsibility or anything like that.

              >Cheating is bad
              Ignoring the fact there is no meaningful moral quandry to genning Pokemon, I agree that cheating is a bad idea in that you shouldn't break the rules stated in the first place. However again, GF should not so heavily incentivize cheating either.

              • 10 months ago

                >muh chess, cheating is bad BUT-

                NTA, but terrible example. Rooks are part of the game. You don't need a hisuian pokemon to win games. There was no "muh 0 speed Enamorous" in the finals and no hisuian pokemon in the grand finals this year. "Pro" VGCplayers, the ones who are suppose to be the
                "best" seems to be having problems getting pokemon , meanwhile there are normies who don't even play competitive and they don't seem to have these issues getting these mons. Curious.

              • 10 months ago

                Even if the player were to accept that they simply can't have an optimized Enamorous, just having one AT ALL (and guaranteeing it isn't hacked, aka not having it from a trade) requires owning an entirely separate game and completing that game.

                This is also only one example, it's a meta littered with Pokemon that are simply not obtainable within the game itself.

                >you don't need X to win games
                What you're describing is not a competitive scene. Healthy completition should be built on flat ground with no barriers to entry for obtaining tools to use in that scene.

              • 10 months ago


                I don't know why you people keep bringing this mon up. I play ladder like a crack-addict and I think I've seen just one in the past month. No one uses this thing, it has a 2.03 usage rate on pikalytics, with 1.27 usage Therian form. Wouldn't cresselia fit your narrative better? (not like it would help your argument) Buit I digress, there's this thing called trading that has existed since Red and Blue. You don't have a pokemon? Trade for it. Need another one-per-save pokemon like Urshifu? Make a new Switch profile. Hilarious you bring up "flat-ground competition" when it's genners who making perfect IV'd pokemon unlike someone who has to play the games normally and get pokemon with desirable EV's. Your brain is warped.

              • 10 months ago

                NTA, but I don't anon legends arceus and I traded for 5 copies of each pokemon, including enamorus.

                VGC players are somehow more moronic than smogon ones.

              • 10 months ago

                >VGC players are somehow more moronic than smogon ones.
                I spent years making fun of smogongays. I now realize that was a mistake, who knew how moronic VGC players actually were? They might actually be the dumbest group of people out of the entire competitive pokemon scene, which is quite the feat.

              • 10 months ago

                >GF should not so heavily incentivize cheating either.

                Anon, are you implying that you're easy to corrupt? Like, so morally weak that gf is making you to do stuff you don't want to do?

      • 10 months ago

        why wasn't this a problem in gens 6 and 7? oh yeah it's because you're hypocrites and you would have no arguments left if trick room was removed. you don't need a 0 speed iv enamorous to play, a 5-14 one is just fine. you would be more likely to lose the game to a crit flinch or para than an opponent running one with a lower speed IV if cheating was banned. back in gens 6 and 7 you had to transfer a lot more pokemon and nobody complained. using a niche gimmick and under used pokemon to justify cheating is dumb.

  34. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago


  35. 10 months ago

    Imagine how healthy the competition would be if not everyone was able to just gen the perfect team in an instant. You'd have to dedicate yourself to a team setup potentially before knowing the full meta, without knowing the perfect synergy with your team. Maybe you couldn't always get the exact Pokémon you wanted and had to comprimise with a different, slightly less optimal one. Suddenly not everyone will have the same teams with the same shinys everywhere, and it would promote creativity and actual skill in team building.

    But because you can't 100% guarantee your team to be optimal, you fear this and support genning instead.

    • 10 months ago

      No other competitive scene has an element of "purposefully obfuscating the fairness" in this manner for good reason.

      • 10 months ago

        Stop cheating Black person

  36. 10 months ago

    I can't believe how fragile and egotistical VGCplayers are. It's really fricking pathetic you Black folk do all these mental gymnastics to avoid following the rules. First you're bootlicking Gamfreak because of the dexcut and now you're mad because you realize you're not above the rules. I will never support you homosexuals out of principal. Play the fricking games or don't, It's your choice.

  37. 10 months ago

    i hate doubles so i really like the meltdown of these genners

  38. 10 months ago

    I'd love to know how many of these gays tweeted #thankyougamefreak

    • 10 months ago

      A lot of them
      HoodlumCalem now thinks he can complain as if he wasn't the biggest dicksucker of the the dex cut

  39. 10 months ago

    Dear pokemon fans.... Stop buying.

    >b-but I love pokemon!
    Stop buying.
    >b-but battles are fun!
    Stop buying.
    >b-but my imagination is weak despite having 7 billion pokemon and anime!
    Stop buying.
    >b-but no one would care!
    If I kill someone without any care, does that make it okay?
    >b-but I want to support the creators!
    Stop buying.
    >b-but my friend gave this to me!
    You stop buying. Him stop buying.
    >b-but I got it for a very good price!
    Stop buying.
    >b-but you shouldn't care if I buy or not!
    Stop buying.
    >b-but I bought this fair and square! I-I just happened to be at a 2009 garage sale and got something that is rare on ebay!
    Stop buying.
    >b-but you're acting like a communist!
    Stop buying.
    >b-but republicans let me do it!
    Stop buying.
    >b-but *buzzword buzzword buzzword*
    Stop buying.
    >b-but you can't act holier-than-thou! Y-You're just some random shitposter on the internet!
    Stop buying.
    Stop buying.
    >Y-You will never be a woman!
    Stop buying.
    >D-do you want to ban every game and DLC? Because they all cost money!
    Yes, there has to be no charge and reconditioned into free software. Capitalism and greed will never be tolerated in a just society.
    >N-No that's not fair!
    Stop buying.
    No more excuses. Stop buying.

    • 10 months ago

      >Consumerism is...LE BAD!!!
      >NO I haven't taken a single a single economics course..why do you ask?

  40. 10 months ago

    Whats the difference between seniors and masters finals?

  41. 10 months ago

    >Is using hacked pokemon in a VGC tournament cheating?
    Because the rules say so

    The argument is that easy and should stop here. But what most of these players fail to understand is that this tournament is NOT a tournament based on a battle simulator. It is NOT about finding the best battler. The tournament wants to promote the whole game and the journey associated with it. So from their point of view the grind is actually part of the tournament in a way. You can think that is extremely stupid but that is what TPC wants and what these players have (unknowingly )agreed to. If they just wanted to just find the most skillful player they would probably just use Showdown themselves. But that would go against the spirit of the games and how they want to promote the series

    • 10 months ago

      It's only cheating if you get caught. Genning is faster and can be done in a way that evades hack check, why would a competitive player cede that time advantage

      • 10 months ago

        >It's only cheating if you get caught
        This. "Cheat" and do it in a way so you dont get caught. If you get caught, its on you and you deserve no sympathy.

      • 10 months ago

        >It's only cheating if you get caught

        There is no point arguing over that age old question. Is it still cheating? Did you really win if you did not play by the intended rules? Maybe or maybe not

        • 10 months ago

          I had more fun which means I won in the end

  42. 10 months ago

    This event solidified in my mind that I am never going to play competitive pokemon. I was interested in it before, but to be able to be DQ'd just by having ANY genned mon in your box, not even being used, is complete bullshit. Frick TPC, there is no excuse. Be a contrarian homosexual all you want.

    • 10 months ago

      No one cares.

    • 10 months ago

      its fine, you probably wouldn't have amounted to anything significant anyways.

      • 10 months ago

        Indeed, this is why

        >Is using hacked pokemon in a VGC tournament cheating?
        Because the rules say so

        The argument is that easy and should stop here. But what most of these players fail to understand is that this tournament is NOT a tournament based on a battle simulator. It is NOT about finding the best battler. The tournament wants to promote the whole game and the journey associated with it. So from their point of view the grind is actually part of the tournament in a way. You can think that is extremely stupid but that is what TPC wants and what these players have (unknowingly )agreed to. If they just wanted to just find the most skillful player they would probably just use Showdown themselves. But that would go against the spirit of the games and how they want to promote the series

        is also bullshit.

        The tournament itself only matters when (you) can contribute to something. When (you) can make it into the finals.
        If it's not about the best battler it's just not worth it.

  43. 10 months ago

    Are we gonna have this exact thread on repeat for a month straight?

    • 10 months ago

      Probably not, but I personally will shit on every VGCplayer I see from now on

      • 10 months ago

        I dunno man this is like the second one I've seen this week and we've had repeats of it for years.

        • 10 months ago

          Not him but I post it sometimes as well.

          Stop cheating.

          • 10 months ago

            >Stop cheating!
            Stop cheating.

  44. 10 months ago

    This is on gamefreak for not releasing a way to give a pokemon 0IVs. People have wanted this since fricking gen 4.

    • 10 months ago

      This is only a problem for legends, it was easy to get a 0IV SPD Ditto in the raid.

      • 10 months ago

        >not having a 0IV Ditto from 4 gens ago
        I genuinely don't get why these "competitive" players act like they need to catch a new Ditto every gen.

        • 10 months ago

          Because they don't catch Pokemon anon

  45. 10 months ago

    Literally make me

    • 10 months ago

      >*disqualifies you*

      • 10 months ago


  46. 10 months ago

    >hack them so they look legit
    >trade them to myself
    I actually don't know the method in which they were checking does it only block a mon if it doesn't pass or is your whole save not valid for tourney play?

    • 10 months ago

      One of them tried using Urshifu that had data saying it was obtained in SV rather than SwSh

  47. 10 months ago


  48. 10 months ago

    Verlisify is probably creaming his pants to this lol

    • 10 months ago

      Oh he is.

    • 10 months ago

      he uploaded like what, 8 videos on this alone in one day? all the exact same thing worded differently 8 times

    • 10 months ago

      Stop dickriding. No one is giving him views

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