
>First game releases unfinished
>Takes 3 expansions to make it good
>First game randomly gets abandoned for a new game that is basically identical but with similar levels of polish to when the first game launched instead of operating on that standard in the first place, apparently due to fears of "over-delivering" their second game
>Second game ends up having the exact same problems as the first game
>Random update to make the game a F2P live service game with zero ins for new players
>Bungie has shelved most of the launch content for the game meaning if you paid for it on launch you've basically lost the 60 dollars you paid for the game
>Everyone hates the game now
What are your predictions for Destiny 3, bros?

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  1. 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      It wasn't always this way. Destiny was good for a brief moment before Bungie lost their fricking minds.

  2. 10 months ago

    >What are your predictions for Destiny 3, bros?

    More characters are revealed to have been super gay the whole time. Maybe Arach Jalaal is revealed to have actually been another really important lore character the entire time and is revealed to have a gay lover who pounds his bussy raw? Ikora can transition to black male Black person and ride Cayde's roboner. Zavala can frick Shaxx while crying about his dead wife and son.

    • 10 months ago

      youre correct. but vuvuzela's big blue wiener only belongs to asher mir.
      >ah vuvuzela! your wiener! it fills up my ass so well!
      and so on

      • 10 months ago

        With the revelation that Cloud Striders share similar technology to the vex I think it's fair to say that we're definitely getting 9ft tall gigachad Asher Mir. He'll skewer The Arbiter and suspend his limp body off the edge of the tower with just his wiener

  3. 10 months ago

    >What are your predictions for Destiny 3
    The people who still play this game are literal cattle who will continue to pay Bungie for the privilege of eating whatever shit the devs dump out.

  4. 10 months ago

    what makes me upset the most is that city below the traveler STILL is just an inaccessible skybox 500 years after launch

    • 10 months ago

      At least we got a raid there which was pretty cool.

      • 10 months ago

        They deleted it.
        It's been deleted for longer than it was in the game.

  5. 10 months ago

    Even the full price original game had the stupid hub world. You can't auto redeem tasks, you need to go to the third person view area with randos and run through warehouses. You need an hourly reminder that cosmetics exist. Everyone look at everyone else, look at the cosmetics you could wear!

    Somehow the game only got way, way worse from there. Like the endless forest place with infinite configurations. 2 maps.

  6. 10 months ago

    An unbelievably fun game ruined by israelites.

    its a damn shame

    Vault of Glass and Crotas End were some of my favorite moments in all of gaming

    • 10 months ago


      Taken King and Lords of Iron were kino too.

      • 10 months ago

        taken king was probably the last time i truly enjoyed the game. quit playing not long after.

  7. 10 months ago

    >make forsaken, which saves the game and is praised as being the best thing ever
    >the entire forsaken team in bungie is head hunted by another part of bungie to go work on marathon
    >the marathon team keeps pulling over the best devs in the company
    >the destiny team keeps having to hire new people who take at least a year to get on boarded with how shit works regardless of their past experience
    >destiny teams keeps putting out worse and worse content as even more good devs are put on the marathon team
    >destiny is nearing the end and marathon gets revealed
    >hundreds of people start begging to work for bungie to make marathon
    >literally no one cares about destiny and the fans are starting to turn on bungie
    >everything has been perfectly set up for jaded destiny fans to jump ship to a micro transaction filled live service slop to spend hundreds on and leave destiny to sink into obscurity

    the game was rigged from the start...

  8. 10 months ago

    >previous expansion launch
    >roam new planet and missions
    >15hrs a day all week, was fun and amazon, no bugs
    >new expansion launches
    >homosexual silver surfer
    >zero balance testing on new planet
    >public event bosses randomly one shot you
    >turrets one shot you
    >some lost sectors one shot you
    >planet event is a boss that one shots everyone
    >people death rush kill it
    >other planet even bosses one shot everyone
    >people death rush kill it
    I got over 1k hours in D2 and I couldnt play the new expansion longer then a week.

  9. 10 months ago

    >playing Bungieshit

  10. 10 months ago

    Destiny is genuinely the worst game I have ever played. I don't even count 1 and 2 as different games, considering how far backwards shit regressed after rise of iron.

    There's this threshold for games where they become so bad they're good after being so bad they're bad, and bungie went up to the very atom of where that line of "so bad it's good" begins, stuck two middle fingers up at their playerbase as a declaration that they have no intention of passing said line, and fed them more slop.

    I quit this game in 2021 and if you still play it after all of the disrespect of your time, your hopes, and your money, then you have genuine addiction issues and should seek help, you would probably also be the battered housewife in a relationship saying "You don't understand our love, he beats me because he loves me", though that'd never happen as you'll never be a woman.

  11. 10 months ago

    Who knew that gaas dotn frickign work and you should always plan for a base game with a few expansions and then down the line make a new f2p version if at all.

  12. 10 months ago

    I dropped the game the moment they turned it into a bounty fest

    • 10 months ago

      >bounties from day 1 were designed to just be things you do along the way if you want
      >players see bounties and feel an innate desire to do all of them even to their own discomfort
      >players blame the devs for even putting them in the game because they have no self control and if there is a checklist in the game they are compelled to complete it no matter what
      skill issue honestly.

  13. 10 months ago

    the worst part is, was how good the idea behind it was.

    Deathless men and women and whatever the frick the robots are, fighting and endless, unwinnable fight against the literal end of humanity, propped up by the final sacrifice of an unknowable alien object, against terrors from beyond time and the stars.

    I just wish it had came to something more. Also i will never understand what they fricking did to D2 after f2p. Even today i can't fricking tell what i'd need to get to be able to play.

    • 10 months ago

      the content linked to seasons to force people to keep playing to just not fall behind.

      • 10 months ago

        no, anon, i understand why they did it, greed, i don't understand what they did to it. There's so many Destiny 2: bugaloo titles i can't tell which is the correct one to grab (if any, not that i'm going to)

  14. 10 months ago

    I just want to play the old content

    • 10 months ago

      I guess you just had to be there.

    • 10 months ago

      I quit right when they announced sunsetting.
      I feel like even if I came back I would effectively be starting from zero because I remember each expansion having some serious fricking power level grinding.

    • 10 months ago

      >kept telling myself i'll play destiny 2 when they release a complete version like the first game so I don't have to frick with buying content
      >then they announce they're removing content
      well I guess i'm not playing your fricking game then

  15. 10 months ago

    has shelved most of the launch content for the game meaning if you paid for it on launch you've basically lost the 60 dollars you paid for the game
    This one was always the most confusing thing to me, how the frick wasn't there outrage?
    Outside of the Destiny community there wasn't a peep.
    Somehow even after these decisions are made there are antifans who are putting in 32 hours a week only to tell you how bad the game is, these people need to unironically be shot.

    The gameplay isn't good enough to warrant that kind of dedication, neither are the rewards.

    • 10 months ago

      >how the frick wasn't there outrage?
      People were upset but not enough to stop playing. I wish I had something different to play with my friends. If I did I would have stopped playing this a while ago.

      • 10 months ago

        there was outrage.
        but you cant do anything to change it or get your money back so why even bother getting mad, just accept it and move on.

        Destiny fans are like a battered wife making excuses or downplaying the actions of their alcoholic husband.

    • 10 months ago

      there was outrage.
      but you cant do anything to change it or get your money back so why even bother getting mad, just accept it and move on.

  16. 10 months ago

    My prediction is that I'm not going to buy it or play it, just like the first two games.

  17. 10 months ago

    Beyond Light is Destiny 3 mongoloid have a nice day already

  18. 10 months ago

    i just downloaded this last night because my friends want to play it. what am i in for? i don't plan on buying any of the expansions unless there's a sale

  19. 10 months ago

    They lost me when they removed the extra hubs from the game solely because they use an absolute dog shit engine which they already knew was dog shit during the development of the first game

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