
Overwatch sucks, Paladins sucks, TF2 is old, and Gundam Evolution is actually dead.
SO! I want to make my own team-based fps.
What am I in for?
What engine should I use?
What courses do I take?
Where do I start?

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  1. 9 months ago

    I've heard really great things about Unity, seems to be the best engine around. Absolutely free and plenty of tutorials for beginners!

    • 9 months ago

      And grant IronSource backdoor access to my personal information and computer? I think not. israelite me once, shame on you, israelite me twice, shame on me.

  2. 9 months ago

    this ain't the right place for these kind of things, unless a bunch of dedicated autists decided to help you

    • 9 months ago

      True, but leddit is a dumpster fire

      networking and anticheats are the hardest parts


      • 9 months ago

        /vg/ has a gamedev thread

  3. 9 months ago

    networking and anticheats are the hardest parts

  4. 9 months ago

    Anon, making an FPS game by yourself, let alone a multiplayer one is an improbable task to do.

    • 9 months ago

      Hmm, is there any new, or coming, technology that I could use to make it more probable?

  5. 9 months ago

    >What am I in for?
    sorry to break it to you but it's too much work for 1 amateur especially if you don't even know what engine to use yet

    if you actually care about making a team based fps then you kinda have to join a team of people who already know what they're doing and help contribute

    • 9 months ago

      I'm set on Unreal but if there's anything better I'm all ears

      • 9 months ago

        A FPS should not be the first game you endeavor to make. Keep it VERY simple and once you are comfortable and got a pipeline down pat, look for people to make your dream FPS.

        • 9 months ago

          Damn I really wanted to make that dream game.
          I don't have much money so I cannot put anyone on a payroll

  6. 9 months ago

    >What courses do I take?
    This sort of thing is best left to savants who started programming when they were 12 and do it for fun, not you.

    • 9 months ago

      I've heard really great things about Unity, seems to be the best engine around. Absolutely free and plenty of tutorials for beginners!

      Why lie on the internet?

  7. 9 months ago

    You'll quit before you get 10% done. You'll get burnt out learning how to make a simple clone game, all the assets, coding, art theory, music theory, learning multiple programs just to make said assets, and throwing it all together in an engine.

    Unless you want to learn for fun, make a very simple game, or only learn one aspect of game development like 3D modeling or music, then I would put a halt to your dreams. Or you can try and prove all the nodev gays here on Ganker and /vg/ wrong

    • 9 months ago

      >Or you can try and prove all the nodev gays here on Ganker and /vg/ wrong
      Oh I intend to. You frickers haven't seen anything yet.

  8. 9 months ago

    5+ yrs experience using ue here, not as an fps developer but still
    a few tips
    working on a prototype is easy, turning the prototype into a releasable game is hard work
    you don't have the resources as a single developer to fight cheaters conventionally, implementing blacklists is easier, let the players blacklist the ones they don't want to play with. large companies can't do this because of many reasons but as an indie you can
    you won't have the money for matchmaking and dedicated servers, just let people host their own servers on their pc
    ue has some legacy netcode back from unreal 3 (yes, 3), but some of the modern features are nice, if you do settle on unreal just know netcode is a bit of a frankenstein's monster
    most tutorials and courses online are trash, some are downright grifters and thieves who take free stuff from github repos and make an udemy course like they came up with it
    idk i'll be here for 15 minutes if you want to ask something specific

    • 9 months ago

      How much money do servers cost and how would I go about hiring mods?

      • 9 months ago

        it depends on your game, how much lag you can tolerate, if you're targeting players from one region or across the globe
        a headless server (just logic, no graphics) for a not too complex game can be around 500 MB RAM, plus 1/10th-1/20th of your CPU depending on tick rate, etc. so you could arguably just get a computer and host the server in your own room, since it's a headless server you don't even need a GPU
        if you want to go global, just look at monthly rates for renting a CPU, divide that by your benchmarks, suppose you can run 15 games on a single PC, and you have 150 games on average at any single time, that's 10 PCs that you need to rent
        the problem is that it's hard to calculate prices because you don't know how many instances you can run, maybe if it's a very simple game you can run even 30 on a regular i7 which is fairly cheap to rent
        the problem is that it's a huge headache, because if you go for the dedicated servers route you'll have to start renting machines at least in US and EU, and you'll definitely need a devops engineer
        again, just don't

        hiring mods is something that depends on your country, ask a lawyer, or better, don't even think about hiring mods before you even have something that looks like a game

        • 9 months ago

          Point me towards learning materials, anon. I'm already a "dev" (if you count a flash game) but I'm always willing to learn.

          • 9 months ago

            There are no good learning materials for the programming side of games, but if you learn solid software engineering you'll have no problem coding anything you need. In the end it's all programming, the patterns are the same, except instead of calculating the orbit of some planet or some boomer's tax rate you're calculating how a multiplier will affect the damage over time value of a debuff.
            The Lyra Example project has some pretty decent code that you can use as reference. There's too, which as far as online material goes, is top notch. Then there's the Action RPG sample which is for UE4 but works on UE5 you may have to tweak the code a little bit to get it to compile. And just browsing through the engine source in general, it's not that bad.
            In general I don't like youtube tutorials at all, the code quality is extremely bad (with some exceptions)

            Sounds like I'll need to start a Patreon to help fund my game then. Would you agree?

            I think you should focus on having something that works first. If it's good the money will come, but you don't have anything yet so why bother thinking about stuff like that? Can you even make a line trace to test if a weapon hit something?

            • 9 months ago

              Oh I wasn't that anon, I just wanted to know how to code like those that came before me so I can actually be of use to a dev team.

              • 9 months ago

                I mean I think it's still the same answer, I really don't like yt tutorials. I've learned more about game programming from going through the Unreal Tournament source code alone than I did in months watching youtube tutorials before that. Seeing how they implemented something in the real world, in a game played by millions, is enlightening and no yt tutorial or online course is going to teach you that.
                I think real code from successful games is the best learning material.
                Books are good too, but they can be a bit abstract.

                >Can you even make a line trace to test if a weapon hit something?
                Yeah, I have yet to take the online course tho
                Yes I know there's a lot that goes into this. I'm just trying to figure out if money is the only wall. I can learn, and I have lots of time.

                If the game is good, you can easily start with community servers and then rent dedicated servers once you have the money
                If your game is good, the fact that players have to host their own servers isn't going to stop them from playing

              • 9 months ago

                How confident are you with LLM's? Would you advise against using them for code?

              • 9 months ago

                You mean ChatGPT or copilot? They’re good at popular frameworks like react but they’re terrible for unreal engine, I tried them a few times and the code wouldn’t even compile
                They’re still useful tools, like if you don’t know the name of an algorithm you can describe it to him and he will tell you what it’s called (as long as it exists) and how to implement it
                But if you ask him to instantiate a shared pointer to a damage number indicator I would bet on the code not even compiling
                Unless you’re asking something else by LLM?

                Not the same guy but I've had experience with ue4 as well. There was a tutorial series that Epic games did on their own channel years ago- multiplayer lobby I believe is what it was called. You could try starting with that but be ready to do some serious work to get it functioning with the latest version of the engine.
                As other anon said, there are other people out there that have put sample work and tutorials for others to use, but buyer beware as who knows if any of their work has followed best practices for prioritizing and limiting the use of event ticks for example.

                The epic videos can be pretty good but they’re generally very limited in scope, they’re good to learn about specific things

            • 9 months ago

              >Can you even make a line trace to test if a weapon hit something?
              Yeah, I have yet to take the online course tho
              Yes I know there's a lot that goes into this. I'm just trying to figure out if money is the only wall. I can learn, and I have lots of time.

          • 9 months ago

            Not the same guy but I've had experience with ue4 as well. There was a tutorial series that Epic games did on their own channel years ago- multiplayer lobby I believe is what it was called. You could try starting with that but be ready to do some serious work to get it functioning with the latest version of the engine.
            As other anon said, there are other people out there that have put sample work and tutorials for others to use, but buyer beware as who knows if any of their work has followed best practices for prioritizing and limiting the use of event ticks for example.

        • 9 months ago

          Sounds like I'll need to start a Patreon to help fund my game then. Would you agree?

  9. 9 months ago

    quit now
    get a job at a bank

  10. 9 months ago

    I think that as stupid as it sounds ypu need to think of the artstyle and premise first, what kind of vibe do you want for your game?

  11. 9 months ago

    By yourself? You better pray, cuz only divine intervention will make your work worth.

  12. 9 months ago

    Paladins doesn't suck.

  13. 9 months ago

    A random lurker here, where do I even start if I want to start to gamedev?

    • 9 months ago

      Type "how to make your first game" into YouTube. Pick whatever engine looks neat. Make small projects for several years until you can code and understand game design.
      Make a shitty game, make no money, repeat ad nauseam.

      Protip: make games you want to make instead of what you think will make you money. That way you have fun game deving.

      • 9 months ago

        I want to make games for Ganker.

        • 9 months ago

          If that's what you'd find fun go ahead.

      • 9 months ago

        >Protip: make games you want to make instead of what you think will make you money. That way you have fun game deving.
        I mean, that's the idea. But what I want to make is no small game

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