Diablo 4

So did anyone here actually care about the single-player story? Lilith was pretty hot, although way too blatant a Kerrigan-esque character with even that hint of not being that evil.

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The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 12 months ago

    dead rogue

    • 12 months ago

      mental illness

    • 12 months ago

      is this fake or are the devs moronic?
      it’s rouge

      • 12 months ago

        rouge is lipstick, rogue is the profession

  2. 12 months ago

    I always thought that story isn't important, but diablo 4 one was offensively bad
    Most of characters were so shit, I couldn't relate or care about them in any possible way, and huge dramatic moments were annoying because of that
    People gave shit to leah from d3, but damn she was better companion than anyone in d4 except for donan
    And story itself was stupid

    • 12 months ago

      I thought the story for the original game was great, but I was also a kid at the time and nobody else in current year on Ganker actually played the first Diablo.

      • 12 months ago

        I did though, on very first playstation
        Except achieves in title screen that were fun to listen, I don't remember it actually having story

      • 12 months ago

        I did. It was comfy to just be the knight heading down into a mysterious however many layers of hell. Around that time my head was filled with stuff like Conan the barbarian, He man, and RPGs where you imagined your guy walking out from the castle going on an adventure where all you really saw was the overworld, forests, mountains.

        Idk why they bother with so much story in d4. People are playing it for the combat and loot.

      • 12 months ago

        I played both Diablos back to back a couple of years ago for the first time, and honestly, the story has always been shit. Diablo I had a very basic story, almost non-existent, and although II expanded on that greatly, besides the cinematics there is not much else going on. Also, the one where Marius releases Baal is probably the most stupid cinematic I've ever seen.
        Unrelated but it really surprised me how good Diablo I was at setting an atmosphere of dread and oppression, especially the music for the Hell level was 10/10. Diablo II doesn't even reach the toes in that aspect. Really impressive for a game to remain that good being almost as old as me.

        • 12 months ago

          You only played one of two that actually matter senpai.

          • 12 months ago

            >diablo 2 is phantom menace and attack of clones
            Absolutely based, but kids here won't forgive this

          • 12 months ago

            >diablo 2 is phantom menace and attack of clones
            Absolutely based, but kids here won't forgive this

            nah d2 is empire/return aka amazing and also goofy but satisfying

      • 12 months ago

        I liked how you basically had to piece the story together on your own from bits and pieces from shit the townspeople said and random lore books in the dungeon.

      • 12 months ago

        I played countless hours of D2 as a kid, both single player and online. Never paid any attention to the story. I just remember loving the demonic theme to the maps and bosses, but didn't care to read/listen to any dialogue. It still remains as my favourite game from my childhood. I have no idea why anons are trashing it ITT.

      • 12 months ago

        >but I was also a kid at the time and nobody else in current year on Ganker actually played the first Diablo.
        My god you're not some special snowflake for playing an early Blizzard game that isn't even some kind of niche and unheard of game.
        It's fricking Diablo 1.

    • 12 months ago

      The diablo 3 story was so comically over the top that some of the characters became memeable.

      >Zulton Kulle who is 100% totally not going to betray you
      >I wonder where Belial is hiding and why does this child emperor keep trying to get me killed
      >Azmodon isn't even mad you totalled his car and killed his wife, he's got like 6 more anyway
      >Deckard being Deckard

      I don't remember any lines from D4 yet but I'm sure it will come with time. I do enjoy the darker tone and art direction but I kind of miss the over the top feel of D3 at times.

      • 12 months ago

        dont forget extremely cute mary sue female side npc
        what ever happened to her anyway, she go off and live a long happy life with her lesbian girlfriend?

      • 12 months ago


        For D4 they just blatantly didn't finish the story. Lilith and Inarius are these incredibly important characters and creators of humanity, the Nephilem (why did this literally never matter in D4) and perhaps Sanctuary as a whole. So what do they do? Lilith kills, like, 4 guys, somewhat. Both of them can't do SHIT on their own. Then they frick up and die. Lilith doesn't get outsmarted as you literally just portal in front of her and press the "Stop Lilith's Plan" button.
        They failed at everything, they failed to drive the story forward in any meaningful way, nothing was accomplished and even this shit story was left blatantly unfinished with whatever the frick Mephisto is doing so they can sell 3+ expansion packs.
        Disgraceful. Even fricking Diablo 3 managed to have a complete, if shit, story.
        Donan was cool tho. Sucks he went down because he got touched by a germ.

        • 12 months ago

          >nu-blizzard can't write a story
          >the entire lilith character is on the fence between being a genuine bad guy but never outright evil because this pozzed company would never dare do that to a women
          >she's just sylvanas, just even more shit somehow

          • 12 months ago

            She is evil though. There isn't all that much difference between her and Inarius.

        • 12 months ago

          it's hilarious that Inarius just turned out to be moronic all along. how the frick that Black person was able to actually give out blessings like candy was dumb. it didn't even make sense why our character hated lilith that much when you've already ingested her blood

          • 12 months ago

            A thousand years of torture at the hands of the lord of hell might have warped his mind a bit.

            • 12 months ago

              he was left in hell by others angels after shit he did though

      • 12 months ago

        The funny thing is Zolton Kulle didn't betray you, you betrayed him.

        • 12 months ago

          lets be honest, you were just one step faster

  3. 12 months ago


  4. 12 months ago

    they did my boy inarius dirty, the angel design from d2 was peak diablo and its no surprise they decided to copy it for 4. d3 fricked up making all the angels unique and they stripped tyreal from his kino design. Incompetent devs thought they could do better and they couldn't.

    Didnt play the game watched a 10 min youtube video thanks for reading bye.

    • 12 months ago

      I like how they subverted the hell trailer in the game and they get their asses kicked instead

    • 12 months ago

      It's way better than D3 for sure. That alone makes it worth it.

      Diablo 3 is the kino episode 3 of Diablo. You got member berried by T4A.

      • 12 months ago

        lol no. d3 was the sunday morning cartoon of the diablo series. The arch angel cast look like transformer action figures. Not to mention how cartoonisly moronic everyone was.

        *manifests floating head* Azmodan: "haha! you may have stopped my attack on the top of the keep but you will NEVER stop my sneak attack going through the cellars!!! haha! My laugh is an evil one!"

        Not even Azula could make that game worthy of a second play through. Not to mention that d3 came out in the HEIGHT of the "dumbed down for future consol port" era.

        • 12 months ago

          So yeah, it was the kino Episode 3 of Diablo. Blah blah blah you like fours awakens.

          • 12 months ago

            No one liked D3's story, that shit was Other M tier.

            • 12 months ago

              I like it. The part where Deckard gets fricking annihilated by the mistress butterfly woman makes me clap every time.

    • 12 months ago

      Inarius was always a vain c**t who had temper tantrums and acted like a spoiled manchild. This has been baked into the lore by the Sin War book. It's why Lilith managed to coax him out of all the angels into creating sanctuary. Not saying that's good characterization but that is how Blizzard wrote him. I hope they bring back Malthael in some way or Imperius but we are probably going to get more Tyrael.

      Slightly on topic but there's also the Archangel Yaerius who we don't know much about but is said to have brought the faith of Zakarum to Sanctuary. He might play an important role in the future for a Crusader/Paladin/Templar class.

      • 12 months ago

        >Crusader/Paladin/Templar class.
        they did Johanna dirty by jobbing to random mobs and killing her off screen. she was one of the fricking nephalem who killed the incarnation of the 7 lords of hell. what the frick. I swear to god the writers barely read their own lore

        • 12 months ago

          Johanna was never the canon Crusader though, no one from HoTS was the "real" D3 classes.

          • 12 months ago

            basing it on the diablo page and the actual game not from HOTS.

          • 12 months ago

            >no one from HoTS was the "real" D3 classes.
            Valla is canon as she shows up in immortal and had a short stroy as well as Li Ming who was canonically Isendra's apprentice. Xul is also canon

        • 12 months ago

          Was it actually that Johanna or someone who took her name? The whole Nephalem thing was a can of worms they shouldn't have opened in the first place. They can't just pretend they weren't the most uber being in existence and then kill them off. It's hard to make even the prime evils seem like a threat when the Nephalem exists. They should have just made D4 about going after the Nephalem from D3. Would have been more interesting than chasing Lilith around imo.

          • 12 months ago

            >Was it actually that Johanna or someone who took her name?

            did you?

            >It's hard to make even the prime evils seem like a threat when the Nephalem exists
            they wrote themselves into a corner on that one. nephalem that were only recently awakened in d3(pc's) were strong enough to take on the fusion of all the lords of hell. just imagine how broken they would be 50-60 years which is when d4 happened.

    • 12 months ago

      Where's picrel from again? I forget.

  5. 12 months ago

    No idea I skipped the entire story

    • 12 months ago

      turned subtitles and dialogue off too.
      skipped every conversation and cutscene.
      whole thing felt like a waste of time.

      • 12 months ago

        you can turn off dialogue?
        damn, I might buy this then
        In the beta I was annoyed as frick when I had to walk with that b***h who talks all the time

        • 12 months ago

          yeh, it turns off ALL dialogue but thats not something that bothers me.

  6. 12 months ago

    I fell asleep multiple times during it. It just isn't good. Doesn't help that one character is literally crying about their mom and thinking they can take on Lilith immediately. Was funny when she lost an arm because she ran off for the PC to just break down the door.

    • 12 months ago

      That part was hilarious.
      I like how the door has low hp as well, making her frickup even dumber.
      But at least she didn't die to a fricking room decoration

      • 12 months ago

        His death was moronic, Blizzard clearly had no idea how to effectively kill him.

        • 12 months ago

          I like how Blizzards writers have this odd need to kill off every character they get rid of.
          Its hilarious in its absurdity

    • 12 months ago

      Yeah the little chinese girl was the worst part of the story imo. It's bad enough that she's a bratty precocious shit but she basically is the vehicle for Blizzard to tell the player they can't side with Lilith because 'uhhh no, sweety we are using the stone on Mephisto because I said so.' I like the going theory that she was a pawn of Mephisto from the start and manipulated everyone but they seem to have a hardon for making her the next Leah but ten times worse. At least Leah was cute and not annoying.

  7. 12 months ago

    It's way better than D3 for sure. That alone makes it worth it.

  8. 12 months ago

    spoil me Ganker
    is diablo in the game or not

    • 12 months ago

      And dlc will be about mephisto

      • 12 months ago

        what the frick
        how can you have a "diablo" game without diablo in it

        • 12 months ago

          Los diablos is doing the big sleep.

          • 12 months ago

            Female Diablo was hot, but it would be way funnier and cute if he possesses a little girl next.

        • 12 months ago

          I don't get why people make such a big deal out of this. You want the game to be called Lilith or something? It's a brand dude and it's obviously the world of Diablo.

    • 12 months ago

      His statue is, along with Baal. Mephisto is the only Prime Evil effectively in with any screentime.

  9. 12 months ago

    I'm glad both Lilith and Inariud died. They did not care for the Nephalem's offspring, and both only cared about returning back to their original places. If anything, most if their dialog screams regret for creating the Nephalem. Mephisto being behind everything was dumb though.

    • 12 months ago

      Lilith will just respawn in hell. That was the whole point of the soul stone, you have to trap demons or they just come back. Inarius is probably fricked though, angels don’t respawn they just get replaced by the Crystal arch.

    • 12 months ago

      >most if their dialog screams regret for creating the Nephalem.
      as they should, Nephalem ruined the series

    • 12 months ago

      Richard Knaak and his novels have been an objective disaster for Blizzard's game aside from Blizzard themselves.

      • 12 months ago

        >Richard Knaak and his novels
        I never realized that those books were an integral part of the setting. I can't actually criticize the story shit that happens in the games anymore because apparently those books are for the most part canon.

        Serious question, do the books actually make all this shit make sense. Are we just the fricking idiots here criticizing D4's story when the fact is D4 is just the conclusion to these characters' arcs in those fricking books? I almost understand now, why Blizzard's game stories are so shit, because some fricking morons in that company actually consider those novels canon.

        • 12 months ago

          It's especially dumb becuase that timeframe in Diablo's lore was picked because it didn't have too much of a bearing on future game plots, it was just expanding on a bit of worldbuilding from the game manuals.

          why is duriel such a fricking jobber? they made all this hoohah about andariel being summoned and Duriel dies like a b***h to your character. they're not even sure if he was the supposed "lesser" evil. no one gave a shit about him.
          >g-guys I-I'm a threat too!
          did he just pop out of hell to get attention?

          Duriel feels like he was supposed to have more of a role but they cut whatever part he was going to have and just threw his boss fight in the last part of the game because they'd run out of budget and just need to get the game out the door.

        • 12 months ago

          >Are we just the fricking idiots here criticizing D4's story when the fact is D4 is just the conclusion to these characters' arcs in those fricking books?

        • 12 months ago

          there are no D4 books. (yet) Only connection is they picked the characters from older books to lorerape.

        • 12 months ago

          At least watch a lore video before you post. Not sure if this is the best but that's the one I used.

        • 12 months ago

          >Serious question, do the books actually make all this shit make sense
          Anon, diablo 4's problem isn't characters motives, but decisions everyone around makes being pants on the head moronic
          For example angel doesn't really care about humans and how many of them die, he just wants to kill demon b***h
          Good enough!
          Him killing his own son, and not even checking his body for the key he came for? Yeah, not so much...
          Church people being buttholes who tax others? Okay
          Them becoming just ravaging hordes with everyone commenting how they are no better than demons? That's not, because it's not smt and living even under tyrannical regime would be better than killed by demons and having your souls trapped and raped for eternity.

    • 12 months ago

      No it's another case of blizzard killing off the big bad thats AKTUALLY someone else
      the Jailer

      • 12 months ago

        there is always a bigger bad or a calamity being staved off by the villain

      • 12 months ago

        well at least diablo escapes this "bigger bad next" one, because the setting conveniently lets them recycle same baddies over and over. maybe it even would be for the better, just let us kill Diablo at the end every time straight away, instead of these cringe out attempts at the story

    • 12 months ago

      lilith didn't particularly care about hell. it was inarius who pussed out in the lore

  10. 12 months ago

    This is your brain when you've been indoctrinated by the Californian education system.

  11. 12 months ago

    Blizzard can't make serious stories.
    They try and try then fall prey to their bad habit of
    >talk....... like this......

    • 12 months ago

      Fromsoft did it better.
      And by “it” I mean everything, obviously.

  12. 12 months ago

    the map design is an utter failure, no sense of progressing towards something if you ignore campaign quests
    the game feels so unfinished it’s kinda a shame
    this may be the last blizzard game we ever get and you can tell they tried to get their shit together but just did it qay too late and now they will suffer because of all the diversity hiring and troony parading interviews they did instead of just making fricking video games

    • 12 months ago

      I didn't even realize there were Acts until Act 5. This open world is fricking terrible for the sense of progression. The regions suck, every area looks the same, and the dungeons are generic

      • 12 months ago

        It feels likes there’s no identity to the dungeons and areas

        • 12 months ago

          When I played Diablo 2, and I mean the very first time at age 13, I knew the names of each area. Even now I could list every area of every act in order from Blood Moor to the Worldstone Chamber.

          I can't even remember the name of one Diablo 4 area and I've put 40 hours into the game since Monday. Not fricking one.

          • 12 months ago

            Tur Dulra sticks out to me at least, I skipped 3 because druid never showed up, always loved druid.

          • 12 months ago

            >Even now I could list every area of every act in order
            do it

  13. 12 months ago

    who the frick thinks she is anything but evil??
    >teehee i'm the Mother, i just want whats best for my children
    >proceeds to bring demons, brain wash people, make them sacrifice their neighbors to living statues
    >causing as much chaos as possible

    • 12 months ago

      homosexual drag queens think theyre good people for telling toddlers its ok to be gay and practice with dildos
      satanism is unironically all about giving into your selfish desires because God wanted you to be oblivious to reality and live in paradise and ask no questions

      • 12 months ago

        What does this have to do with the game and it's story?

    • 12 months ago

      Have you seen the alternative? Heaven just wants to exterminate all humans completely while hell wants to literally rape humans to death.

      • 12 months ago

        >Heaven just wants to exterminate all humans completely
        They decided to not bother with it since Diablo 1 achieves...

        • 12 months ago

          homie what is malthael? He killed more people than all demons combined. He probably wiped out like 80% of entire population

      • 12 months ago

        >Heaven just wants to exterminate all humans completely
        not really
        Inarius does because sanctuary failed at being its namesake and thus became another warzone in the eternal conflict, but even when he stabs lilith the high heavens are silent
        not to mention the angels once voted to leave humanity be and let them decide what they want to do, they obviously havent changed that stance ever since

    • 12 months ago

      They don't just randomly kill each other. Their neighbors were white christian fascists who deserved to be punched for not joining lilith's human union. So stop being an angel wing kisser, they just want to torture you anyway and instead join lilith in fighting for your rights.

      Also you get to smash succubus pussy as a benefit.

      • 12 months ago

        im actually ok with both heaven and hell fricking off and letting sanctuary function as it meant to, a refuge from the eternal conflict
        incidentally this can now be a reality because both its creators are dead, the high heavens seemingly dont give a frick and the seven evils will be again evicted once we remove mephisto

        • 12 months ago

          But won't Lilith just like...come back later though?

          • 12 months ago

            she might eventually, but remember that literally everyone but some cultists hate her, including the seven greater evils. she's not likely going to be in a position that she was in D4
            Inarius will also get replaced by a different Angel, but we know their stance already

            • 12 months ago

              >but we know their stance already
              we actually don't

              • 12 months ago

                itll be elaborated on but you might be right
                for all we know they were silent to Inarius because the High Heavens have turned into a part of Pandemonium

              • 12 months ago

                From remaining angel council, only one isn't fan of humanity and even when there were more, they decided to not genocide humans
                Them being silent isn't surprising, because they literally left him to be tortured in hell after all shit he did, so there no reason to talk with him

              • 12 months ago

                there's like 3-5 actually friendly angels (tyrael,auriel,that angel that trained eirena and MAYBE that guy guarding the pathway to diablo's lair and itheriel) the heavens have been buttholes the whole way

    • 12 months ago

      it’s just the religion bad trite you’ve seen 5000 times before. don’t expect creativity from blizzard

    • 12 months ago

      le ends justify le means or something idk

    • 12 months ago

      it's the usual blizzard homosexual shit of eleventh hour "uuuuu i was ackchually trying to save u from the greater danger"
      Blizzard knows how to make one "misunderstood female" character and that includes the character design

    • 12 months ago

      hmm the "good guys" barring a handful wanted to exterminate us while the "bad guys" wanted to rape frick us to death while our pale succubus mommy wants to give us superpowers and be her army. hard choice

      • 12 months ago

        Most deserve to be "exterminated" or rot in hell forever for rejecting His gift of eternal life.

    • 12 months ago

      She's definitely 100% evil but I wanted to help her because it's more interesting than the predictable Prime Evils invade Sanctuary for the nth time.

  14. 12 months ago

    Why would I ever play Diablo 4?

    • 12 months ago

      you have a limited library of completed games and experience or you are a hardcore gamer with nothing new to play

    • 12 months ago

      Best game in the series

  15. 12 months ago

    For some reason, only the reviewers and the "10/10 - GOTY" paid shills do. Because lo and behold, the players don't. It's always just context to go to different places with different music and do generally the same thing.

  16. 12 months ago

    I was enjoying it up until Act V. At that point it starts going off the rails and it’s clear that they were being rushed. Act VI goes full moron. We did get one cool cinematic out of it though.

    • 12 months ago

      which cinematic? i've seen the original one that came out years ago and the one with the angel with giant spider wings. is there another good one?

      • 12 months ago

        The one with the battle in hell.

  17. 12 months ago

    Lilith is just Diablo Kerrigan
    Sylvanas is just Warcraft Kerrigan

    Kerrigan buckbroke Blizzard so bad that all their female leads are clones of her

    • 12 months ago

      >Sylvanas is just Warcraft Kerrigan
      this is true
      >Lilith is just Diablo Kerrigan
      this is not

    • 12 months ago

      If Lilith was Diablo Kerrigan, than she would be forgiven for all her wrongdoing in the final act as they reveal Bigger and Badder Male ultra-villain and she canonically beats them.
      But there is still DLC to revive her and do this just like SC2.

    • 12 months ago

      Kerrigan was only ever good as the Queen b***h of the Universe after becoming the the same thing as the man she hated.

    • 12 months ago

      >Sylvanas is just Warcraft Kerrigan
      Sylvanus was fine in Warcraft 3, she only got extremely mary sue in the later WoW expansions. Hell, I don't think she even has any quest or dialogue in Vanilla or Burning Crusade beyond the one time you give her an amulet.

      • 12 months ago

        when people complain about sylvanas it's always post cataclysm sylvanas where she fricks up absolutely everything, comes out on top thanks to a shit story and gets off free of any consequences for her actions like Kerrigan because "uh it was to save you from a bigger evil".
        nobody complain about warcraft 3, it was good

    • 12 months ago

      Sylvanas yes, especially after the retcon in Shadowlands of having her soul split so she was totally not in control the entire time.

      Lilith is never really presented as a tragic heroine. She is a seductress in more ways than one and I think Blizzard did a surprisingly good job writing her throughout the story. It only really shits the bed on the last act. Lilith is Chaos incarnate and Inarius who was suppose to be Order is lost so the wander takes the role of putting things back in order. They tell you throughout the game that Lilith is the greatest threat to the Eternal Conflict and both Demons and Angels fear and hate her for disrupting the order of things. It's why the Angels are compelled to extinguish Sanctuary and the Demons want to corrupt it because it disrupts the order of the universe.

    • 12 months ago

      Kerrigan being "le good guy" and wanting to defeat "le really bad guy" was pulled out of the ass off nu-blizzard.
      In the original version of Starcraft the zergs were the bad guys and that's it.
      Kerrigan being infected was just the cool fact of zergs pushing evolution through humans and having a hivemind with human emotions.
      Zergs being
      > le good
      Was a moronic idea.

  18. 12 months ago

    Sirs, why don't they fix their servers?

    • 12 months ago

      This happened to me after I beat her and was halfway through the last cutscene. It rolled me back to before I confronted her...

    • 12 months ago

      Online only folks 🙂

      • 12 months ago

        >long hair(doesnt take care of it)
        >dogshit facial hair
        >town fool phenotype
        >dresses like a peasant
        who is this homosexual again?

  19. 12 months ago

    I just lost my second HC character in one day, these stupid little dungeon bosses are 5 times as hard as the elite packs and drop no health orbs
    Nice! Still having fun tho

    • 12 months ago

      Sorry little zoom.

  20. 12 months ago

    Co worker told me the story because I will never buy another blizzard game again. Only npcs would wate their time. KYS OP.

    But my NPC coworker was even floored at how shitty it was. He told me how it ended and I had the biggest shit eating grin. Only the troonys at blizzard could write such absolute drivel.

    With any luck Kek will grant me digits and blizzard employees will all die in a horrid fire

    • 12 months ago


  21. 12 months ago

    What class is the best for pure glass cannon dps? Or speedrunning I guess, I just want to get through the game quickly on a solo character during the downtime when my friend isn't on and I can't pick my coop character

    • 12 months ago

      You want Rogue for your solo character 100%.

    • 12 months ago

      Rogue 1000%. Nothing has really changed from the closed beta. It's basically Rogues/Sorc/Barb(end game ver) then everything else. Druid is fine but slow and Necro is just poorly designed and it becomes increasingly apparent when you hits 80+.

  22. 12 months ago

    Nothing amazing but Vigo's armor was kino. A lot of the voice acting is good too

  23. 12 months ago

    Frick that DMNPC chink b***h. Why do writers keep doing that? Spotlight-stealing DMNPCs are cancer.

  24. 12 months ago

    Inarius went out like a punk ass b***h.

    • 12 months ago

      he abd lilith
      what were they doing? it felt like nothing. even in d3 the ending felt like a huge deal
      in this it was just... nothing

    • 12 months ago

      He got pegged to death.

    • 12 months ago

      That's because he was a b***h. All the angels have such cool designs though, so it was a shame to see one go.

      • 12 months ago

        Eh, Imperius already had the angel with a spear gist so it was clear he was gonna get Lilith'd if not playercharacter'd.

        • 12 months ago

          Yeah but I can never get enough of those faceless, light tentacle winged thing. Loved them since I played Diablo 2 as a kid back in the day.

          • 12 months ago

            They are in fact a pretty cool design choice. It's a shame most angels don't come with a personality as interesting as their design.
            Malthael tried and he didn't exactly last long.

    • 12 months ago

      >Simps for a demon
      >Creates an abomination to Anu (PBUH), the nephalem and Sanctuary.
      >Angels seething
      >Demons seething
      >Wants to go back to heaven so he yeets his mommy gf to the void.
      >Angels: "Frick off homosexual we are giving you to Mephisto"
      >Frees himself from hell after the Nephalem does all the heavy lifting in D3.
      >Starts a shitty religion that falls apart at the first sign of failure
      >Dies like a b***h to a Demon that isn't even on of the Lessers let alone a Prime.

      >Archangel of Wisdom: Malthael.
      >Finds the World Stone
      >Tells the Archangels their true purpose it to guard the stone.
      >Commands the respect of all Angels and Demons, even the Archangel of Pride kneels before him.
      >Has cults all over the blasphemous Sanctuary that revere him.
      >In all his infinite wisdom decides the only way out of the Eternal Conflict is to eradicate all life: angels, demons, humans.
      >Nearly succeeds, reduces the population of the universe in half (Thanos of Diabloverse).
      >Is defeated by a literal godkin Nephalem a perfection of the might of Angels and Demons.
      >Even after his death the world hasn't truly recovered. The faiths across Sanctuary are shattered. Has a lasting impact on the lore.

      • 12 months ago

        Anu was a homosexual so anything that's an "abomination" to him is good.

        • 12 months ago

          Okay, Tathamet.

      • 12 months ago

        yeah nephalim being a literal god who can solo the best of the best from both heaven and hell was pretty cool imo

  25. 12 months ago

    >Lilith was pretty hot
    The internet is full of hot women, no need to pay money for that, you coomer.
    Diablo is about fighting Diablo. At least it used to be.

  26. 12 months ago

    Neyrelle did nothing wrong

  27. 12 months ago

    3k damage gets transformed into 160k nuke with all my stats bone daddy is op

  28. 12 months ago

    The worse a story is, the harder the developers try to force you to consume it. Every time I had to listen to dialogue that the game wouldn't let me skip, or make me light a candle or stir some potion, or whenever the camera rotated to show off some kino cinematic set piece, I wanted to just turn the game off. It's so self indulgent and sickening

    • 12 months ago

      Isn't that the fricking truth. You can always notice the difference between something in a game just being cool and a game that is desperately trying convince you that something is, because the devs were either insecure about it or so up their own ass that they think the audience will not understand how "fricking awesome and epic and cinematic" this thing is unless the pacing and presentation are one step away from them explaining it via live commentary.

      • 12 months ago

        Man, I noticed this right away in D4 and it seeps through in every single one of the countless cutscenes. Every one of them is drawn-out and trying extremely hard in that really awkward way where they completely fail to land. It wasn't so bad in the intro video, where Lillith is summoned, but then you get that insanely drawn-out shot of the player character riding his horse in the snow, which lasts easily 5 times as long as it needed to to set up what it was doing. Then you get these equally drawn-out minor cutscenes in the little village of like 7 psychos (complete with 1 random Black person for some reason), that conclude with that INSANELY drawn-out, tedious, fart-huffing scene of the guy dragging your body on his cart, while harking and spitting snot into the snow, it's like 3 minutes of this guy walking 10 meters, and in case it wasn't obvious that they're trying really hard to get you to take this seriously, they accentuate this absurd near-satirical scene with chunks of poetry overlaid over the scene.

        I was flabbergasted. It was SO AWFUL it's almost unbelievable.

        And the game never gets better. It doesn't improve from there at all.

        I just don't understand how it's possible for them to be so shit at their jobs.
        But the worst part is all the people saying that the story is actually "good". Motherfricker, what?

        • 12 months ago

          >I just don't understand how it's possible for them to be so shit at their jobs.

          It's because everyone gets a trophy these days, so even people bad at their jobs get praised. People can't handle criticism anymore.

        • 12 months ago

          My biggest problem is that they injected this contrivance that the PC can see events past or even see exactly what Lilith is doing. And what makes that so much worse is that the PC is given massively contradicting information (owing to bad writing) about what kind of person Lilith is. Like the player is supposed to conclude that her methods are psychotic, but we're supposed to realize that in fact, she's doing everyone a favour. It's just actually insane she belittles the PC for abusing the free will she and Inarius gave them but it's been so fricking flagrantly obvious that SHE has this fricked up aura that basically takes away people's self-control i.e. free will.

          Another problem is Inarius himself. It's obvious he at some point was on the same page as Lilith wanting humanity to stand up to the forces of Heaven and Hell and he gives the same fricking tired "humanity has abused its free will to make shit decisions" speech to the PC but instead he blames humanity for being shit.

          And you have to sit there and ask the stupid fricker where he's been the past three games. The past three games are the result of an angel, Tyrael, half-successfully steeling humanity against the forces of Heaven and Hell. Why in the frick would Lilith and Inarius not give Tyrael any lip service when it's so abundantly clear he achieved the thing they wanted through the Horadrim. Yes, Tyrael wasn't incredibly successful because at the end of the day the Horadrim fell apart but you can't fricking blame Tyrael for the events of Diablo 2 he was singlehandedly trying to contain three fricking Primes on his own with seemingly zero backup.

          • 12 months ago

            itll be elaborated on but you might be right
            for all we know they were silent to Inarius because the High Heavens have turned into a part of Pandemonium

            The blue haired writers they brought didn't play the old games. They watched a 2 hour retrospective on youtube at 1.5x speed.

            • 12 months ago

              The entire story is based on the books, they didn't really have to do much.

              • 12 months ago

                what books?

              • 12 months ago

                Blizzard made some books about diablo a while back iirc. Mephisto's rape dungeon and Lilith and Inarius are all in there.

              • 12 months ago

                right. I know the Sin War trilogy, but that was about the original conflict thousands of years ago. Or did you meant the bluehair writers are so shitty they could only steal this plot and do it all over again?

          • 12 months ago

            bit of a lorelet take, see

            >autists think Lilith isnt evil because she manipulates and deceives others, including the player, into thinking she isnt evil

            is this what morons getting filtered looks like

            she doesnt want sanctuary and the people there free, she wants to become a prime evil and use humans as her own personal army
            what makes this easier is that the prime evils and inarius look even worse by comparison

            the entire point of lilith is that you ate her aids petals and are influenced by Liliths actions, which can be considered morally ambiguous in a vacuum, but shes clearly evil when you look at everything she does
            she claims you get to have free will whereas the alternative to refusing her is just getting slaughtered by her or her followers
            she poses as some motherly figure who wants humanity to rise up, but it would be through serving her anyway as her personal army
            she uses Elias and whoever else to start a cult that enslaves demons, but in the end they are still being used to summon Andariel who would then feed on their suffering, she would again be a patron rather than an enslaved slave
            whatever undertone you think there was about her intentions is just manipulation and deception that women are rather capable of

            >Another problem is Inarius himself.
            they were, then Lilith decided that Sanctuary should be her personal army while Inarius grew weary of this relationship and realized he fricked up when the Sin War erupted
            he despises humanity because they are the reason he cant return to the high heavens, even if it was his own moron decision that created them in the first place
            then again hes always been portrayed as a narcissist so it tracks hes up his own ass and blame lilith, humans, other angels and his own followers for his frickups

            >And you have to sit there and ask the stupid fricker where he's been the past three games.
            mephisto's rape dungeon, he only got out between D3 and D4 and rebooted his church

          • 12 months ago

            Inarius was tortured by Mephisto for a thousand years or something, which is why he's a mental wreck. As soon as any doubts set in he remembered the rape dungeon and completely fell apart.

            • 12 months ago

              I didn't play the D4 and from the "movie" I watched I likely missed the line that explained where Inarius was the whole time. I guess that just makes him a convenient throwaway idiot, which I'll admit is better than what I thought he was. It makes more sense now why he's some whiny b***h who just wants to go home, you can't blame him for wanting to throw in the towel.

              • 12 months ago

                >I didn't play the D4 and from the "movie" I watched
                opinion discarded didn't bother reading the rest of your post.l
                i fricking cannot stand people like you that will watch a butchered 'cutscenes only' video and then assume you know all about whats going on in the game and the lore and even dare to criticize it. Your kind has ruined this site

              • 12 months ago

                I don't have time to play dogshit games anymore. I have spent more fricking time on Diablo than you can imagine. Contrary to what you may think I give enough of a frick try to know as much as I can before I say some shit. I understand that there are numerous pieces of shit out there who are on some moronic hate-bandwagoning but I hope you can see those frickers wouldn't admit to having only watched to cutscene compilation.

              • 12 months ago

                >here's a bunch of reasons why nothing I say about the game matters
                thanks for clearing it up

              • 12 months ago

                Fine, then I guess that makes you some stupid motherfricker who still gives Blizzard money given that you have all this first-hand knowledge of the lore having played it yourself.

              • 12 months ago

                >who still gives Blizzard money given that you have all this first-hand knowledge of the lore having played it yourself.
                Swing and a miss, but to be fair I have a friend that works at Blizzard who hooks me up with 500 blizzard bucks every year so no money is coming out of my pocket and no money is being added into theirs from me playing.

              • 12 months ago

                >bbbbut it was free for me unlike you youtube watchers
                Cope, time is money

              • 12 months ago

                I'm not gonna play your trannie game.
                If I can't understand the story through lore and cutscenes then frick you.
                I'm not giving you my money bobby.

  29. 12 months ago

    Why were you people expecting D4 to have a compelling story?
    Diablo's never had a compelling story.
    The setting is the only interesting thing about it's narrative

  30. 12 months ago

    >diablo without diablo

  31. 12 months ago

    so what is the story of d4? are there any references to previous games?

    • 12 months ago

      yeah you get to fight duriel. remember him? and you remember he was hard? lol.

  32. 12 months ago

    I only played the demo but the diversity quota girl was annoying and I knew they were going to have her in the spotlight so I didn't buy the game

  33. 12 months ago

    >Caring about Blizzard's writing
    >after D3's writing
    >after SC2's writing
    >after "morally grey" WoW writing
    Just coomsoom their cinematics and their OW porn because that's all they're good for.

    • 12 months ago

      Funny how you don't mention wc3 terrible marvel movies style writing or d2 "everyone is incompetent moron" writing
      Just saying

  34. 12 months ago

    Diablo seems like a chump and a dumbass compared to his brothers, tbh

  35. 12 months ago

    >covered boobs

    • 12 months ago

      breasts too small anyway

  36. 12 months ago

    Nyerelle is focused on wayyyy too much. Someone had a big hard on for her during development

    • 12 months ago

      This, and my biggest issue with her and the story was that she was making all the important decisions in the end.
      She chose who to use the soulstone on, and she chose to run away with it without our input.

      I'm not asking for multiple endings where the soulstone decision mattered/who we sided with (though that was be great), but at least let OUR character be the one to call the shots.

      As it is we were killing major demons left and right, yet I felt like we hardly mattered; it's like we were just hired muscle with a convenient link to Lilith.

      • 12 months ago

        womyn stronk

        • 12 months ago

          You could be a woman yourself as the player character so I am pretty sure it's just
          attempt, as everything is lately.

          • 12 months ago

            This, and my biggest issue with her and the story was that she was making all the important decisions in the end.
            She chose who to use the soulstone on, and she chose to run away with it without our input.

            I'm not asking for multiple endings where the soulstone decision mattered/who we sided with (though that was be great), but at least let OUR character be the one to call the shots.

            As it is we were killing major demons left and right, yet I felt like we hardly mattered; it's like we were just hired muscle with a convenient link to Lilith.

            That is all bullshit from WoW, where developers had to have many players in epic events raid, while not creating 25 similar NPCs, praising each player as the one and only hero.
            D1 have all focus on player - you go down, you find Diablo, you kill him, you are the hero, focus and center. Same with D2 - NPCs give you advices and directions, but it is you, who investigate, win, being talked to by bosses etc.
            And since D3 there are developer's character, that is the focus - it is not your story, but story of some random homosexual now - not in single sidequest, but in the entire game. You are not hero, who uses mercenaries, you are mercenary now - imagine being hired NPC, that only provides holy freeze aura and occasionaly deals some damage. You are not the Hero anymore - you are one of the guys, that happen to be around. And that is complete bullshit. Same shit had happened with Borderlands beginning from 2 - some bad moronic dungeon master had wanted to make a movie about how he sees his favourite character from bl1 in his fanfic fantasies.

  37. 12 months ago

    Why did they have Inarius take away the soul-stone only to give it back to the party 5 minutes later?
    What was Inarius even planning to do with it anyway and why did he just give it to Prava instead of doing that thing himself?
    Why did Andariel get summoned without Taissa being sacrificed as her vessel?
    Why does Taissa promptly forget everything that happened and behaves like a b***h towards us when we meet her in the jungle?
    What was Lilith actually planning to do once she ururps Mephisto's power?
    Why did we got through all this ridiculous song & dance to learn Lilith's plan when Inarius and his army found out about it completely by themselves? We could've sat around Kyovashad for the entire first 5 acts getting drunk and absolutely nothing would've changed. Literally everyone knew about the Citadel army marching on Caldeum and we could've just joined them.
    What was the point of having Donan randomly die to a fricking piece of furniture? There was no reason why he needed to die and no emotional investment. He could've keeled over from a hamburger-induced heart attack for all it mattered to the plot.

    • 12 months ago

      To unequivocally demonstrate Inarius was a baddy and not on your side, just in case you had any sympathy for him.
      He was never going to use the stone, he just wanted to frick with you because he's a baddie.
      Someone else was sacrificed, off screen.
      Because Taissa is a shades of grey neutral character that worships a snake tree, while you are a goody.
      "Free her children" probably by killing lots of them.
      Because Neyrelle had some hunches and we have to respect her wishes.
      Because he RELAXED.

      >"Also I was going to the same place as you, which I told you to go to, but came here separately of everyone else
      Just to be clear, game is full of this and it feels like someone in blizzard learned basic game design tricks to hide loading/npc changing shit and really wanted to show them off
      Like lorath sends you to the shop, so they could load him on the horse model, instead of animating it
      >"And I have a different accent now."
      Shitton of characters, especially in first zone have this

      But yeah, you have a point about her being weird, I was so annoyed by storytelling that didn't even noticed

      >Shitton of characters, especially in first zone have this
      I think all signs point to Diablo 4 being rushed into production.
      There's lots of weird little issues and I think they prioritized the beta Acts so they would have at least something to deliver. The engine is basically D3.
      The visual and story style being basically what every grognard says (just make it gothic dark like D1-2) instead of some kind of reinvention could be because Blizzard didn't had procrastinated too long doing that already.

      Blizzard was bleeding staff due to all the degen shit and most tech companies seem to have done frick all over covid.

      • 12 months ago

        for 5 years of "rushing" the results are indeed rather meh

        • 12 months ago

          Diablo 4 lost like 3 project leads I think, they had almost the whole staff turnover.
          In other circumstances I think they would have cancelled the game and reused assets later, but I think Blizzard was on it's last legs and needed to ship something successful no matter what.
          So they just made a hodgepodge game, had a $200 million marketing budget and will rely on cosmetic shops and weird monetisation to stimulate revenue.

          Revenue, but not profit. I think Blizz needed a market signal that it was still function so it could keep it's shareprice.

    • 12 months ago

      They were re-doing the plot up until two months before release, anon

      • 12 months ago

        screams of failure, if true

  38. 12 months ago

    I'm in

    • 12 months ago

      The difficulty tiers are kind of messed up. By 55 I was stomping WT3, but when I went to WT4 enemies had so much health it was getting too annoying to progress. Now I'm 68 and it's getting too easy again.

      • 12 months ago

        my problem is i'm extremely squishy

        • 12 months ago

          Holy shit they made the werewolf form dirty.

  39. 12 months ago

    Why the frick is Inarius so easily accessible and acts like a 20 year old bro? You run up like 3 flights of stairs in some random ass monastery at the beginning of the game and he's just hanging out. Every scene he's in he's always like "Heh I'm the best just trust me bro *glaring insecurity from voice actor*". Like isn't this homie thousands of years old? I get it le twist is what if god is le bad man!! But that's gay. If you're gonna ape Paradise Lost or whatever else, make it semi interesting

    • 12 months ago

      >God is le bad
      >Paradise lost


  40. 12 months ago

    Blizzard has never been able to write a good story

  41. 12 months ago

    Man the storyline clearly got rushed to hell and back, pun intended, right past the parts you were meant to test in the beta.
    >The whole shit with Taissa clearly being two different characters glued together last minute
    >Mephisto's unexplained shit
    >Kill Andariel single handedly, nobody even blinks about it despite shitting their pants seconds ago
    >Duriel randomly in a back alley as you walk along
    >Not a single comment from a necromancer PC as you stand in front of DEAD RATHMA
    >Literally broadcasting to Elias you undid his immortality
    >Lorath: "Let me do the talking..."
    >None of that mattered and you immediately get the soulstone back
    >Donan's moronic death but making sure to resurrect the literally insane church b***h right before that for absolutely no reason
    It was just a hilarious rollecoaster. Still had fun, but like watching a B movie writing with high budget sort of fun.

    • 12 months ago

      80% of things you listed are blizzard's staples, since wc3 at least, maybe even starcraft or diablo 2
      >Duriel randomly in a back alley as you walk along
      Pretty sure that was supposed be "member diablo 2 act final boss, looking for baal dude, lol"
      > past the parts you were meant to test in the beta
      First zone was full of shit writing and characters, if anything it got better after you went to others

      • 12 months ago

        I don't know, man. Blizzard has lazy shit and bad writing, by all means. But the first acts of D4 are just that - bad. As in "god I can't believe someone would find writing this drivel anything but depressing".
        The thing about the listed shit that list is beyond that, though. It's downright incoherent.
        >Meet Taissa
        >Save her ass (twice)
        >Vows to repay debt and is now full on fighting Lilith and Elias
        >Everyone is all like YEAH LET'S GO
        >She limps away in the background with the rest being like YEAH DUDES
        >Taissa is now randomly standing in a hut in the swamp
        >Has gotten there ahead of you
        >"Btw I was a witch all along"
        >"Also I was going to the same place as you, which I told you to go to, but came here separately of everyone else and also never told anyone is where I live"
        >"And I have a different accent now."
        >"Anyway frick off I have no reason to help you HOR AR DREEM lmao"
        Like it is OBVIOUSLY a glued together last second shit they didn't even properly rewrite, not even a case of bad writing. They even forgot to give the b***h a different accent.

        • 12 months ago

          >"Also I was going to the same place as you, which I told you to go to, but came here separately of everyone else
          Just to be clear, game is full of this and it feels like someone in blizzard learned basic game design tricks to hide loading/npc changing shit and really wanted to show them off
          Like lorath sends you to the shop, so they could load him on the horse model, instead of animating it
          >"And I have a different accent now."
          Shitton of characters, especially in first zone have this

          But yeah, you have a point about her being weird, I was so annoyed by storytelling that didn't even noticed

          • 12 months ago

            Oh yes, the lazy copeouts for loading screens are clear. It's the "she sends you that way, doesn't mention it's where she comes from, and you just randomly stumble upon her dressed like a witch when trying to find someone to give you directions" shit that makes it hilarious.

    • 12 months ago

      >Man the storyline clearly got rushed to hell and back

      Do people somehow forget that they have said that you're not getting the entire story on release?
      Did people forget that the actual story content starts releasing with seasons?
      Are people forgetting that this is just the extended beta until season 1 starts?

      • 12 months ago

        Are you the Riddler?

        • 12 months ago

          Nobody would know, because clearly the average person couldn't solve any riddle if they can't even read a product description

      • 12 months ago

        >Do people somehow forget that they have said that you're not getting the entire story on release?
        What the frick happened to video games where we have people defending not getting a finished product.

    • 12 months ago

      >Man the storyline clearly got rushed to hell and back
      Well yeah. They literally rushed this game when Diablo Immortal got such severe backlash. Every aspect of the game bleeds from this.

  42. 12 months ago

    >name of the game is Diablo
    >entire saga is a history of Diablo
    >in the latest Diablo there is no Diablo
    It's like Castlevania without castle. Who the frick would want side story being main focus of mainline game? Not to mention, that game looks like russian tundra full of depression with equally boring soundtrack.

    • 12 months ago

      Gee I wonder if they will be saving Diablo and Bhaal for the two already confirmed DLCs already prepared for release, after we beat one of the THREE Prime Evils in the first storyline.

  43. 12 months ago

    No, Blizzard only makes stories where their grey female with drippy eyeshadow lectures everyone she encounters in a low murmuring condescending voice. It is fricking dumb capeshit level writing and delivery.

  44. 12 months ago

    I don't even play or care about the franchise.
    I'm just here for the demon mommy.

    • 12 months ago

      There are better succubi out there, anon. Ones that don't have a wider jaw than Olivia Wilde.

    • 12 months ago

      >demon mommy.
      She's based on Slaanesh

      • 12 months ago

        Not, really
        Slaanesh is about wanting to be the best
        She's just hateful b***h who makes others evil

        • 12 months ago

          >Slaanesh is about wanting to be the best
          You're fricking moronic

          • 12 months ago

            no you

      • 12 months ago

        >She's based on the sadomasochistic rapist torture god of wanton pleasure and endless entrapments in the pursuits of such
        You need to shut the frick up.

    • 12 months ago

      >Safe Horny Lilith
      No thanks

      • 12 months ago

        >twitter meme spammer
        go back

      • 12 months ago

        What the frick does safe horny mean?

    • 12 months ago

      >barely any breasts
      >resting b***hface
      >"we have kerrigan at home"
      Acquire some fricking taste, I beg of you. Don't be that guy whose entire personality is getting horny whenever he sees a millimeter of skin.

      • 12 months ago

        >barely any breasts
        >resting b***hface
        >demon mommy
        those are her best qualities you pleb

        • 12 months ago

          Sorry, I like attractive women.
          Not Blizzard's attempt at trying to make a sexy character within the boundaries of their socjus dogma.

      • 12 months ago

        I thought about it and Lilith's design actually humanizes her. Like the angels, the demons appear to have a standard body with the horns and shit. What sets Lilith apart is that she actually puts on clothes, like clothes are what actually sets her apart from the other demons. Was this a conscious design? Can't say, probably have to wait on the artbook for that. But she's clearly more conscious of being approachable than the standard-fare lust-demon.

        I feel like of all the ways Blizzard has gone to shit, this might be something they still understand. Kerrigan took off her clothes post-Brood War, which symbolized her wholesale loss of humanity... which she promptly regained following WoL. Still, the symbolism matters. Or maybe they just veto'd her being half-naked.

        • 12 months ago

          Given what they did to Andariel it's more likely they covered up Lilith not for symbolic purposes but because they didn't want lust-demon imagery. Same thing happened to Alexstrasza, somewhat.

          Like, were it not for their host bodies, we should expect Mephisto, Baal, and Diablo to appear very similar.

  45. 12 months ago

    >druid is weakest class
    >their class quest is fricking stronghold, so no matter what it will be 2 levels higher
    Blizzard really fricking hate them, and to lesser extent barbarians

  46. 12 months ago

    >So did anyone here actually care about the single-player story?
    We play Diablo for the lore and the stories

  47. 12 months ago

    >Tyrael disappeared
    >He just did ok? deal with it, chud
    nice writing

    • 12 months ago

      The story was pretty cool. it had a lot of emotional parts like the part with Vigo and all of Donan's parts. Lorath and whats her face Nyrelle? were okay I liked them together but the end made me question why the frick no one was mad this little one handed b***h took the damn soulstone for who knows what reason??

      The whole war in hell part was kino. I wish we got more of that tbh. The end with lilith and Inarius was gooddddd.

      but also some things were left very vague and what the frick was that for?
      What was duriel's part in lilith plan? Andariel was going to be fed on to grant humans more power but duriel? also who the frick was Ashava?
      Also whats up with the snakes and the tree of whispers. they are made to feel like they are out of the cyclical conflict between heaven and hell. where?

      Everyone hated Tyrael when he became the token black human paladino but now he is missed?
      But yeah he is mortal and mortals die of old age. Lorath is one of the first new age horadreum and he is old as shit. Tyrael is most likely dead from old age.

      • 12 months ago

        Tyrael left out of nowwhere. he didn't die of old age or anything

      • 12 months ago

        you write like such a redditor

        • 12 months ago

          does leddit hurt you? i hope so.

  48. 12 months ago

    This shit was created by the chatGPT AI or something like it.

  49. 12 months ago

    Why spend money on a good story when you can just peddle your skinnerbox cancer to the braindead masses?

  50. 12 months ago

    story was fine. better than i expected and good enough. endgame is what matters anyway

  51. 12 months ago

    i preferred the horadrim characters and the backstory of elias in side-quests to the main focus
    mephisto was just a huge to be continued question mark, the player character seems certain lilith is only out for evil-doing despite overwhelming evidence in the opposite direction, even in her dying breath she says you have no fricking clue what you're doing and she's likely right
    inarius died like a moron and did moronic things overall, he was pretty underwhelming, double-digit IQ angel
    i don't really care about neyrelle honestly, she's a bit of a mary sue and is just boring
    i really think some of the side quests and overall atmosphere / world building are superior to the main story

    • 12 months ago

      >the player character seems certain lilith is only out for evil-doing despite overwhelming evidence in the opposite direction, even in her dying breath she says you have no fricking clue what you're doing and she's likely right
      Don't worry, you'll be reviving her and she will turn into Kerrigan4.0 and carry you on her back to defeat Mephisto and she gets the killshot in a cutscene after you beat the boss fight.
      Blizzard can't help themselves.

    • 12 months ago

      The Lilith part was spot on. WE KNOW what Mephisto does if he is in sanctuary. he fricks shit up. But the way our player character mindlessly does EVERYTHING Mephisto says is questionable to say the least.

      The Inarius part tho i disagree. He is exactly how a holier than thou person would act. He is only in it for HIS reward. He has no problem lying and manipulating the faithful to suit his needs. He put in all his chips on the belief that if he killed Lilith he'd go back in heaven. It failed and the church is in ruins. Also why did Donan waste his magic potion just to die 5 minutes later. moronic ass mofo.

    • 12 months ago

      To be fair the whole part of the main character is pretty ??? to begin with.
      They are just like there, and then someone tells them to go there and talk to someone, then they get Lilith aids and they hop around murdering lesser and prime evils for sport with no real reason or sense of direction.
      Incidentally, Lilith tells you
      Yet never thought to show up in your path and be like, so hey! there seems to be a misunderstanding here.

      • 12 months ago

        If Lilith showed up pre Donan shit i would have sided with her.
        After it's a hard sell. She is evil af.

        • 12 months ago

          Gotta break some eggs to make omelettes and all that.

      • 12 months ago

        My biggest problem with the player character is how everyone just randomly go "yeah if this soulstone shit that we have been working on for 60% of the game fails, u can just go and kill her lol"
        b***h I'm a guy with poison traps and a crossbow.

        • 12 months ago
          Cult of Passion

          >b***h I'm a guy with poison traps and a crossbow.
          LEL it was more accurate for me, as a barbarian gigachud

  52. 12 months ago

    They literally didnt need anything but a grimdark low-detailed story akin to Diablo 1. Oh well, another forgotten abortion from Blizzard.

  53. 12 months ago

    yeah man I got a chub every time she showed up on screen
    wish she would peg me nocap

    • 12 months ago

      this is why the High Heavens won't let you back, Inarius.

  54. 12 months ago

    I really hate it when they can't make a good story, it's the 4th Diablo game, and not a single NPC character is memorable.
    They should learn from the souls series, even with the new IP Elden Ring we could have posts talking about the dung eater for months.

    • 12 months ago

      >we can have totally deep and riveting conversation about the epic hero the dung eater!!!!
      >threads consist entirely of shitposts and witless renaming of the character for (you)s
      Fromdrones really are brainless mutants

  55. 12 months ago

    >search youtube for diablo 4 all cinematics
    >its 6 hours long? this should be like 12-15 min
    >its all ingame complete trash
    >fastforward forever
    >there is only ONE actual ingame cinematic after the intro movie that was shown 2 years ago
    >in the process I manage to skip across ACTUAL homosexual CHARACTERS

    laughing out loud. rolling on the floor laughing my ass off

    • 12 months ago

      er non-ingame cinematic

    • 12 months ago

      there was homosexuals in game? wtf who?
      you mean lesbians? that was kino. they offered their c**ts to my gigachad barbarian. fr fr

    • 12 months ago

      >there's gays in diablo 4
      if they aren't being tortured in hell where they belong then that's all I need to hear, I don't give a shit if its fun or not I'm passing on this game
      did the same thing for God of War when I found out there was a homosexual side quest

      • 12 months ago

        Do you want a prize or something?

        • 12 months ago

          tolerating any form of homosexualry no matter how small is unacceptable

          • 12 months ago

            Strange, by that logic you should have killed yourself long ago and yet here we are.

    • 12 months ago

      are you off your meds again

      • 12 months ago

        this guy

        oh youre too autistic to understand he was supposed to be gay? 🙂

        • 12 months ago

          are you a woman by any chance?

  56. 12 months ago

    This guy comes off as a massive jobber.

    • 12 months ago

      >honey we have diablo at home

    • 12 months ago

      duriel was the real jobber. dude didn't even have a story beat attached to him. he just shows up

      • 12 months ago

        Yeah Duriel definitely feels like they cut a chunk of MSQ out and then they just shoehorned him into that part because they'd already made assets, they already programmed him, so might as well

  57. 12 months ago

    >with even that hint of not being that evil
    Did you just skip every single dialogue and cutscene?

  58. 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      It's made only better by the fact your team just fought and won against a truck sized undead dragon nanoseconds ago.
      And he was the one leading the fight.

    • 12 months ago

      >killed an actual demon dragon 3 minutes ago
      >died to a wall decoration

  59. 12 months ago

    I had no interest in Diablo 4, but after seeing a friend playing the intro chapter, and especially that church cutscene, I was very impressed with how good the presentation of this game is.

    The Lilith introduction really feels like a top-notch cinematic piece and I wonder if the game keeps up this quality and intensity over the rest of the chapters or not?

    • 12 months ago

      Not really. There's like four of those outsourced cutscenes in the game which are pretty good, everything else falls flat.

    • 12 months ago

      Yeah, the presentation remains pretty much the same. Storyline itself is shit as always, but the ambience and everything else around it is pretty great. They get little details correctly and big plot point poorly.
      Basically like any blizzard game.

  60. 12 months ago

    >hype up Lilith and Inarius
    >they basically do nothing and die
    >ending is just the diablo 1 ending but with mephisto instead of diablo
    Though to be fair expecting good writing from Blizzard nowadays is moronic.

    • 12 months ago

      the ending to diablo 4 is the dlc ending. this is the act 1 ending.

      • 12 months ago

        uh-huh. so we will be left with unfinished story just like in D3 after further dev is cancelled

        • 12 months ago

          How was D3 unfinished, you literally kill every single demon

          • 12 months ago

            Yeah, and then they would need to deal with (You) somehow.

          • 12 months ago

            there was suppose to be whole second xpac, although details are unknown. probably would involve the nephilim themselves to conclude their storyline

  61. 12 months ago

    Hahaha ha you fricking moronic losers actually sat through blizzards story hahahahahaha

  62. 12 months ago

    >autists think Lilith isnt evil because she manipulates and deceives others, including the player, into thinking she isnt evil

    is this what morons getting filtered looks like

    she doesnt want sanctuary and the people there free, she wants to become a prime evil and use humans as her own personal army
    what makes this easier is that the prime evils and inarius look even worse by comparison

    • 12 months ago

      video gamers are dumb people

  63. 12 months ago

    >can't find the unique i need for my build

  64. 12 months ago

    black or brown men=good
    white men=bad
    same popular formula they use in wow lore and hollywood

    • 12 months ago

      she wasn't good either though

    • 12 months ago

      Lorath is white and unequivocally the best person in the ensemble. Lilith is a woman and evil beyond redemption.
      Prava is a woman AND black and the most evil c**t of everyone combined.

      • 12 months ago

        what white man in this is portrayed as bad? Elias i guess?
        but vigo is portrayed as good at his end. the man who takes you to thru the deserts is white.
        The religious head of the church is a BLACK WOMEN and she is moronic.

        lorath is an alcoholic that needs costant motivation while the only bad thing the fat black dude did was caring for his son too much also the real protagotanist is the cripplled mutt girl and you KNOW it, stop pretending

        • 12 months ago

          Bad bait, I accept your moronation.

          • 12 months ago

            >no argument, resort to insults
            always the same with you people, are you going to tell me to have sex now? don't worry i accept your concesion

            • 12 months ago

              I'm not him but you're moronic. And yes, I do accept your concession so don't even bother responding.

    • 12 months ago

      what white man in this is portrayed as bad? Elias i guess?
      but vigo is portrayed as good at his end. the man who takes you to thru the deserts is white.
      The religious head of the church is a BLACK WOMEN and she is moronic.

    • 12 months ago

      trump is going to jail

  65. 12 months ago

    hello i hate snakes and spiders

  66. 12 months ago

    I only want to know 2 things about this game:
    -Does Leah make an appearance?
    -Is Tyrael still a Black person?
    Other than that, I literally don't care.

    • 12 months ago

      And he is most likely dead. He is mortal and old by this point.

      What's he up to?

      malding over the Nephilim

    • 12 months ago

      Leah is erased from existence since her soul got Diablo'd. Leah 2.0 is her replacement aka Neyrelle. Chink Leah.
      Tyrael is MIA but yeah probably. No reason he wouldn't be.

    • 12 months ago

      Leah is dead and Tyrael doesn't show up.

  67. 12 months ago

    What's he up to?

    • 12 months ago

      probably jobbing to someone

    • 12 months ago

      Waging war against hell, like always

  68. 12 months ago

    Characters are so damn ugly that it feels like an indie
    They try to be too deep and also we are le chasing a demon AGAIN
    Those hacks don't know how to tell a story in the fricking korean mmo called diablo 4

  69. 12 months ago

    did they fix the scuffed HDR?

  70. 12 months ago

    >still no argument
    *cries out in pain as he strikes you*
    have fun with the chink mutt in the dlcs morons

    • 12 months ago

      What's the matter? Too scared to give me a (You)?

  71. 12 months ago

    Yeah I liked it, the final sequence in hell was pretty good. Last cinematic was kino.

  72. 12 months ago

    I want to care about it but open world ARPG format makes a poor vehicle for storytelling

  73. 12 months ago

    This game is a perfect 10. Admit that you were wrong, Ganker.

  74. 12 months ago

    They dont explain why killing Lillith or Inarius is even important, the whole reason the Eternal conflict exists is because demons and angels immediately revive when killed, only the soul stones operated as a prison to halt this process. Lillith will be back just like Mephisto in short order.

    • 12 months ago

      >They dont explain why killing Lillith or Inarius is even important
      because even the diablo team has no idea why
      they see that 2 important looking character, set up a flimsy story about them hurting fee-fees of some people so now we need to kill them
      >only the soul stones operated as a prison to halt this process. Lillith will be back just like Mephisto in short order.
      you really believe anyone in the dev team remembered this?

      • 12 months ago

        Now that you mention it; that is literally the plot of every Blizzard game from SC2 onward.


        • 12 months ago

          OHSHI- they found out. SHUT IT DOWN!
          t. bobby

    • 12 months ago

      probably because the were only two "big" characters left un-lore-raped yet

    • 12 months ago

      >They dont explain why killing Lillith or Inarius is even important
      because even the diablo team has no idea why
      they see that 2 important looking character, set up a flimsy story about them hurting fee-fees of some people so now we need to kill them
      >only the soul stones operated as a prison to halt this process. Lillith will be back just like Mephisto in short order.
      you really believe anyone in the dev team remembered this?

      >They dont explain why killing Lillith or Inarius is even important
      because Inarius's following is a large faction on Sanctuary. The conflict is more local after the events of D3 blew the frick out of all three sides.
      if this isn't important, why was any of it?

      • 12 months ago

        >because Inarius's following is a large faction on Sanctuary
        it doesn't even matter, it's a religion, yet from the very first minutes of gameplay you're supposed to ridicule it as seen by the first action, write some gibberish on the amulet before burning it, what was this point? It's not like it's fanatism, Inarius does exist, he is one of the creators of Sanctuary.
        This is yet another problem with blizzards' teams, real-life ideologies bleed into games, but it doesn't work, because religion in Diablo doesn't have the same position as a real one

        • 12 months ago

          >real-life ideologies bleed into games
          dang, I thought something was up these last 10 years,,

        • 12 months ago

          >yet from the very first minutes of gameplay you're supposed to ridicule it
          that's what you took away from it lol and that says more about you.
          what's being ridiculed is the eternal conflict and that's why lilith is more than another kerrigan/sylvanas.
          she wants it to end, which sounds nice, but only by her terms, which is bad.

    • 12 months ago

      >because demons and angels immediately revive when killed
      It seems the way they write the lore is that the Evils are restored to their original selves upon death but the Crystal Arch produces a new angel, imbued with the same deep good value but a unique individual. So if Tyrael dies, he isn't revived but a new Angel of Justice is born.

      Seems stupid to not have the systems be symmetrical.

  75. 12 months ago

    they didn't even fricking explain WHY we're trying to stop her when she literally IS the only one willing to help mankind against the butthole angels and butthole demons. wtf kind of story is this? and oh boy that asian self insert OC is going to get possessed by the stone again isn't she? meph is guiding her to probably gather shards of the black soulstone or some shit to allow diablo and baal to comeback. holy frick what a bunch of hacks

    • 12 months ago

      She doesn't want to help anyone, she wants a personal army and more power to rule over hell. She's just a mirror image of Inarius, he wants a personal army to march on hell to kill Lilith and return to heaven. They both don't give a shit.

      • 12 months ago

        >She doesn't want to help anyone, she wants a personal army and more power to rule over hell. She's just a mirror image of Inarius, he wants a personal army to march on hell to kill Lilith and return to heaven. They both don't give a shit.
        Lilith DOES give a shit, that is the problem, she caught wind that some of the other demons and angels that helped found Sanctuary were plotting to kill the Nephilim and she chimped out and killed every single one of them aside from Inarius. The only thing she gives a frick about is Sanctuary at this point.

      • 12 months ago

        >She doesn't want to help anyone
        >They both don't give a shit
        this is only true for inarius. she gives a shit about mankind aka the nephalem. you could see her actual thoughts when she was with rathma. Elias was right about who are we to judge a higher being's perspective on what is good or evil
        >she wants a personal army
        it's to stop the homosexual angels and moronic demon lords
        > more power to rule over hell
        she needs the power to fight back so sanctuary can be a third independent power.

    • 12 months ago

      please wait for the DLC where we'll learn that she was a misunderstood tragic hero who had to do it in order to fight a bigger evil and it will be presented as a mind-blowing revelation

      • 12 months ago
  76. 12 months ago

    Mephisto talks just like Zoltun Kulle now.

  77. 12 months ago

    I care about the story only insomuch as it was basically a giant prologue to the real Diablo 4 which will eventually come in the form of a Lord of Hatred expansion featuring Mephisto as the main baddy trying to release his brothers, probably with a Witch Doctor or similar style class to go along with it, leading into the 2nd expansion, Lord of Terror, where the true Diablo is finally unleashed again and he ends up being the big final end boss of the game, probably with a pure paladin / crusader class included.

  78. 12 months ago

    >Lorath uses the tree of whispers to find out where Lilith is
    >Inarius and the church are already at the city before he even reaches the tree
    Am I wrong or was this moronic?

    • 12 months ago

      Inarius entire plan was just to wait and see where Lilith is going after he couldn't find key in the stick he killed his son with,
      Dunno why we couldn't do the same

  79. 12 months ago

    Can we save "Poor Leah" in D4?

  80. 12 months ago

    They're gonna start rolling content out in waves, right...................?

    • 12 months ago

      Battle pass starts in a month or so.

  81. 12 months ago

    >The effects of death have long set in, her body pale and rigid. Her fists are balled, even in death gripping tightly to her weapon.
    did they really fricking kill off Johanna in a literal side quest? she died to a bunch of rogue knights. what the frick?

  82. 12 months ago

    what if we took diablo 2, didnt care about story, but added all the d3 shit, MMOify the game, all the microtransactions
    there you go d4

  83. 12 months ago

    why is duriel such a fricking jobber? they made all this hoohah about andariel being summoned and Duriel dies like a b***h to your character. they're not even sure if he was the supposed "lesser" evil. no one gave a shit about him.
    >g-guys I-I'm a threat too!
    did he just pop out of hell to get attention?

  84. 12 months ago

    >Lilith was pretty hot

  85. 12 months ago

    It just keeps tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down.

    • 12 months ago

      People are just b***hing abut the servers and monetization.

      • 12 months ago

        there are legitimate gripes about it. it's somehow worse in some regards even compared to diablo 3.

      • 12 months ago

        Is that not a valid gripe?
        >Blizzard forces you into online only
        >Their servers are shit

        • 12 months ago

          just consume product

          • 12 months ago

            dont forget the bugs

        • 12 months ago

          Servers don't work as intended within the first 3 days of release? Shocker. The game is still a fricking technical marvel in comparison to other slop that came out this year.
          I don't even think the monetization is that bad. $70 is unfortunately the new norm and $10 every quarter of a year for a battlepass isn't anything out of the ordinary either. The $100 early access thing was a b***h move though.

          • 12 months ago

            >The game is still a fricking technical marvel
            in what way

            • 12 months ago

              It's a AAA game from 2023 that I can run at 1440p 60 fps on a GTX 1070. It's pretty good in the optimization department.

              • 12 months ago

                standards surely have fallen

              • 12 months ago

                >"An ugly as frick game works, this is good technical prowess"
                the game runs on a ps4 anon

            • 12 months ago
              • 12 months ago

                blizzard has the best interns

  86. 12 months ago

    Inarius is fricking moronic
    >Leads army into hell
    >Sees lilith
    >Abandons his army to go chase her
    >Gets ganked
    >His entire army dies
    You mean to tell me this entity that's thousands of years old is that fricking moronic?... He just runs off after Lilith with no plan, no idea what's in that cave, no backup... They write these characters like they're 17 year old morons.

    • 12 months ago

      his entire plan of killing Lilith and forming a cult/religion around himself to be accepted back into heaven is moronic from the get-go.

    • 12 months ago

      He doesn't give a shit about anything except killing Lilith, so or does make sense. He doesn't even like humanity, creating humans was a mistake that cast him out of heaven.

      • 12 months ago

        Yea but if he really wanted to kill her, and he was written like someone who actually has a brain, wouldn't he like make an actual plan, and then execute that plan? As opposed to just like mindlessly suicide rushing Lilith? Reminds me of the Dothraki suicide rush cavalry charge in GoT...

        • 12 months ago

          Anon Inarius is a fricking mental wreck after the shit Mephisto did to him. He wants to go back to heaven and he wants it NOW. It doesn't even occur to him that maybe they don't want him coming back until Lilith points it out to him, at which point he has a mental breakdown.

  87. 12 months ago

    As a demon mostly focused on seduction, Shouldn't Lilith be way more attractive than she is? Even the barbarian lady is better

    • 12 months ago

      Yes but this is nuBlizzard.
      You know, the guys that turned portraits of women into fruits.

      • 12 months ago

        At least giver her some hair ffs

  88. 12 months ago

    they just couldn't resist could they?

    • 12 months ago

      yep, noticed that too.

  89. 12 months ago

    Leahblo is hotter than Lilith.

  90. 12 months ago

    I'm confused.
    How are you guys missing the story so much?
    Lilith wasn't doing anything benevolant or good, she wasn't played up to be a "i'm actually doing this to stop the bigger evil!" or any of that nonsense like Kerrigan/Sylv.

    Her story in D4 is literally just "frick this, sanctuary sucks, I want to be the new ruler of hell" and then she tries to do that.
    Thats what the entire act 6 story was about. That's why Mephisto helps you get to him before Lilith gets to him. Lilith was going to steal his power for her own and use it to rule over hell.

    You guys are going on an awfully far detour to try to make D4s writing into something it's not

    • 12 months ago

      It's that to base your entire game and story around a character to have her be removed in 3 days of playtime is insane and the fast track to blizzard doing their usual aktually its a bigger god youre going to kill tomorrow bullshit

      • 12 months ago

        That's literally exactly what they did in Diablo 2 though.
        Takes like 2 days to get through that game and Diablo is dead and dusted at the end and the big expansion barely even mentions him.

        >Lilith wasn't doing anything benevolant or good
        indeed, she doesn't do jack shit, yet every single "flashback" has her mumbling "muh savior, muh freedom" between two genocides.
        and once again, it's a blizzard game, she WILL be revealed to be an actual misunderstood hero, because they killed every single franchise by trying to push this trope, you can hope to escape it but you won't

        Did you miss the entire part where what the PC is seeing via the blood petals is a altered version of what actually transpired where Lilith makes it out to where she's the good one?
        The hammer that point home multiple times throughout the story. The PC can't actually trust the visions they're seeing other than the very broad strokes and locations.

        Mephisto is looking out for himself. The PC and his gang are concerned that Lilith will consume Mephisto and be something worse than him.

        It's weird because it seems clear Lilith isn't worse than Mephisto given Mephisto's record. And the PC and his crew seem to buy Mephisto's line that Lilith will be worse than him. And it's strange how they know Mephisto's coming back one way or another so wouldn't it just actually be better rolling the dice with the b***h who created the world rather than the c**t who has yunno, consumed an entire civilization in Kurast. I mean shit, at least you can talk with Lilith.

        >It's weird because it seems clear Lilith isn't worse than Mephisto given Mephisto's record. And the PC and his crew seem to buy Mephisto's line that Lilith will be worse than him.
        Until, you know, they stab Mephisto in the skull and suck him into the Soulstone at the end of the game.
        Also, this is Mephisto we're talking about here. He's the king of manipulation in the Diablo world, and has been corrupting and manipulating humans for thousands of years. The PC and their party are just a few more in a long long line of people that got duped by him. Except unlike most of them, the PC and party managed to break free and "stop" Mephisto in the end.

        • 12 months ago

          Theres no way in hell a game based around a battlepass and transactions doesnt have forced cycle of villians and continuation unless blizzard really just shit the bed this fast even on their own cash grab schemes

          • 12 months ago


            • 12 months ago

              What I mean is, stabbing mepehisto and ending the cycle is highly unlikely considering this is a multiplayer game with world events and a battlepass that encourages constant content and a story cycle like they do with WoW; Otherwise fantastic singleplayer story and I actually enjoyed it

              • 12 months ago

                Anon this has nothing to do with the game being multiplayer, demons have been coming back since diablo 2. There is no way to break the cycle.

              • 12 months ago

                Im aware, capturing mephisto does make it interesting though is all. I Really hope we get a harder Lilith fight honestly , something that makes actual use of this multiplayer stuff. I enjoy the world events.

              • 12 months ago

                >stabbing mepehisto and ending the cycle is highly unlikely
                Are you legitimately moronic?
                The story we have now is not the end of the story. There's planned updates coming that will continue the story, and there are two major expansions currently being worked on that will also continue the story.
                The story isn't over. What we have right now is essentially the prologue and act 1 of a 3 act story.

        • 12 months ago

          >they stab
          That wasn't the plan until not-Leah decided that was the plan. She made the unilateral decision and the PC went with it. Just like she made the decision to run away with the stupid soulstone.

          I feel like something is fundamentally missing from the Diablo universe. And that is someone, possibly even Tyrael, making it well known that you cannot stand in the presence of an Angel or Demon without their supernatural mind-bending power swaying you to their way of thinking. I feel like everyone on the fricking planet has enough empirical evidence that the Angels and Demons have the powers The Marker and that you have to execute your plans without question upon meeting either of them.

          I actually want a scene of Tyrael in his mortal form explaining this shit, actually explaining that the reason why he went mortal is so that he loses that malignant aura. He could actually say, "I'm the Angel of Justice, JUSTICE. And though I can grow as an individual, mortals will be infected with a blind sense of justice, which very often becomes revenge, and that doesn't work out very well. Lilith is the daughter of Hatred; she is reasonable but those around her cannot be. We are very similar. When I die, my replacement may or may not relearn what I have learned, but in the meanwhile, I will use my remaining time to rebuild the Horadrim, without their zeal for justice. Deckard Cain was a great product of a flawed system, we shall start with men like him and ensure there will be more."

          • 12 months ago

            Tyrael is Wisdom now, not Justice.

          • 12 months ago

            >And that is someone, possibly even Tyrael, making it well known that you cannot stand in the presence of an Angel or Demon without their supernatural mind-bending power swaying you to their way of thinking.
            That's not how it works. The high tier Angels and the prime evils or upper lords of hell, sure. But your rank and file demon or angel has no such power.

            • 12 months ago

              >That's not how it works.
              I feel like the rank and file "demon" we slaughter wholesale is just a shitty mortal monster race that inhabits hell or Sanctuary that Hell has co-opted. And there is no equivalent in Heaven.

              I feel like all the Angels we see and all the Boss Demons we see have this ability. Sure, they can produce children that are mortal who have the same mindwarping influence but they are in fact the incarnation of their virtues and vices. Diablo is Terror. Tyrael is/was Justice. There probably isn't an Angel of Wisdom, he rebranded himself as that because that's what he's now selling. Lilith is the daughter of Hatred, she's taken on Mephisto's qualities but neither of them can turn it off. Hypothetically either of them can shed their heritage like Tyrael.

              I mean frick it, nothing I've said is canon but it is the logical line of thought if Blizzard cared enough to write an actual setting rather than ass-pull.

          • 12 months ago

            The ending is so boring as it's just Neyrelle getting mephistoed.
            Would have been more exciting if the sequel hook was Inarius being revealed as becoming a lord of Hell and possibly changing the balance of the war, while Lilith somehow found a way to be reborn as human, so just like Tyrael she changed herself to escape her nature, but where Tyrael wants to help humanity Lilith wants the power of the Nephalem and wants to become the next step in becoming more powerful than either hell or heaven

    • 12 months ago

      >Lilith wasn't doing anything benevolant or good
      indeed, she doesn't do jack shit, yet every single "flashback" has her mumbling "muh savior, muh freedom" between two genocides.
      and once again, it's a blizzard game, she WILL be revealed to be an actual misunderstood hero, because they killed every single franchise by trying to push this trope, you can hope to escape it but you won't

    • 12 months ago

      Mephisto is looking out for himself. The PC and his gang are concerned that Lilith will consume Mephisto and be something worse than him.

      It's weird because it seems clear Lilith isn't worse than Mephisto given Mephisto's record. And the PC and his crew seem to buy Mephisto's line that Lilith will be worse than him. And it's strange how they know Mephisto's coming back one way or another so wouldn't it just actually be better rolling the dice with the b***h who created the world rather than the c**t who has yunno, consumed an entire civilization in Kurast. I mean shit, at least you can talk with Lilith.

    • 12 months ago

      That doesn't make sense with scenes we have in the game where Lilith is alone, talking to herself.
      Why would she lie there?

      The answer: This game was written by fricking idiots.
      You cannot make sense of this or give a definitive answer because neither did the writers.
      This is a common issue with Blizzard. Multiple people write different parts of a story and no one oversees it. That's how you get characters spiraling into chaotic evil while having a side arc of them honoring the virtues and values of their friends to root out evil.

      • 12 months ago


        That's literally exactly what they did in Diablo 2 though.
        Takes like 2 days to get through that game and Diablo is dead and dusted at the end and the big expansion barely even mentions him.

        Did you miss the entire part where what the PC is seeing via the blood petals is a altered version of what actually transpired where Lilith makes it out to where she's the good one?
        The hammer that point home multiple times throughout the story. The PC can't actually trust the visions they're seeing other than the very broad strokes and locations.

        >It's weird because it seems clear Lilith isn't worse than Mephisto given Mephisto's record. And the PC and his crew seem to buy Mephisto's line that Lilith will be worse than him.
        Until, you know, they stab Mephisto in the skull and suck him into the Soulstone at the end of the game.
        Also, this is Mephisto we're talking about here. He's the king of manipulation in the Diablo world, and has been corrupting and manipulating humans for thousands of years. The PC and their party are just a few more in a long long line of people that got duped by him. Except unlike most of them, the PC and party managed to break free and "stop" Mephisto in the end.

        >Did you miss the entire part where what the PC is seeing via the blood petals is a altered version of what actually transpired where Lilith makes it out to where she's the good one?
        >They hammer that point home multiple times throughout the story. The PC can't actually trust the visions they're seeing other than the very broad strokes and locations.
        The blood petal visions are Lilith talking directly to the PC, even though it's supposed to look like it's a vision of the past. It's not. It's DISTINCTLY not a vision of the past, and it's DISTINCTLY explained in the game that it's not a vision of the past.

        • 12 months ago

          That's moronic.
          Lilith is moronic.
          This shit makes even LESS sense.
          Why the frick is she sabotaging herself. She could just NOT do that and completely frick you over.

          • 12 months ago

            Because, again, it's explained at the end of the game. Lilith is setting you up to be her champion and to use you as her general to command her army into hell so she can take over.
            Literally everything that she does in the game up until the very end is a part of that plan.

        • 12 months ago

          >The blood petal visions are Lilith talking directly to the PC, even though it's supposed to look like it's a vision of the past. It's not. It's DISTINCTLY not a vision of the past, and it's DISTINCTLY explained in the game that it's not a vision of the past.
          Completely missed that and I am not finding a source. Where and how is that stated in the game?

        • 12 months ago

          lol that was just an excuse to give neyrelle the soulstone and set up the dlc. lilith didn't particularly care about you early on in the story. her entire history and motivation was to use her nephalem children to frick over heaven and hell and do their own thing with sanctuary

    • 12 months ago

      its complete garbage either way

      • 12 months ago

        That's not the point and you know it.
        Why should anyone give a shit what you morons think of the plot when a) you didn't play the game and b) you don't even understand the very basics of the plot as a result of a?

        Even in this thread after I pointed out that they didn't set her up to be a hero, there are multiple people going "www-w-ww-well sh-sh-ss-s-ss-she will b-b-bb-be a hero in-in-in th-th-tht-t-t-the DLC!!!"

  91. 12 months ago

    KEKW so many newbies in here seething about D4 because they can't cope about it

    the game is good, stay mad

  92. 12 months ago

    Why does the player just completely trust mephisto too is completely odd

  93. 12 months ago

    Inarius cutscene is representative of D4: All pretense and nothing delivered.

    Inarus pinging all the demons in hell and then couldn't even pierce a fat boy with his spear and took ages to bring it down instead of just burning everything with holy light and having even hell itself retreat from his presence. But then to put a cherry on top he got b***h clapped by Litlith.

    And to think those two were once powerful enough to create the whole fricking world. Writers really couldn't do exalted celestial/infernal powers for shit. They're just common people in funny dresses.

    • 12 months ago

      >And to think those two were once powerful enough to create the whole fricking world.
      ou really think in 2023 Inarius was going to do shit when every single male character of every single blizzard game turned into either an incompetent b***h who can't do shit without the help of a woman or a corpse (or both)?

      Mephisto is looking out for himself. The PC and his gang are concerned that Lilith will consume Mephisto and be something worse than him.

      It's weird because it seems clear Lilith isn't worse than Mephisto given Mephisto's record. And the PC and his crew seem to buy Mephisto's line that Lilith will be worse than him. And it's strange how they know Mephisto's coming back one way or another so wouldn't it just actually be better rolling the dice with the b***h who created the world rather than the c**t who has yunno, consumed an entire civilization in Kurast. I mean shit, at least you can talk with Lilith.

      because it's all a setup for future content where Mephisto will turn real bad evil (just like diablo 2, because blizzard will advertise it as a nod to this game), everyone will pretend to be surprised by the fact that the lord of hatred, seen as the most cunning of all, is in fact evil
      then lilith will just swoop in, make a monologue and everyone will clap
      it's so fricking on the nose it's embarassing

      • 12 months ago

        This is probably right, considering how easily you
        'kill' Lilith in the game being completely advertised around her when she was as easy as the first boss and not some huge world event is baffling to me otherwise

  94. 12 months ago

    Yes i enjoyed the story and i look forward to the expansion to see if neyrelle's been manipulated from the start into helping Mephisto destroy the only thing that could stand against Hell's invasion or not.

    I'm all in with seeing how Heaven will react to Hell trying to take over sanctuary once Mephisto, Diablo and Baal recover.

    Sad about Deckard being gone, questioning where the FRICK Tyrael is, but yeah, i liked it

    idk why im posting this because this shit thread is 80% memeshitting on the game and/or blizzard, but yeah.

    • 12 months ago

      It's ok to like it
      You just have shit standards
      I'm really not even dunking on you, you just don't care that this is bad quality writing. That's fine, I do the same for a lot of my favorite games.

      Just don't think that "idk i like it" is in any way an argument as to this story NOT being poorly written or that Blizzard has been pulling these same mistakes for decades now.

  95. 12 months ago

    This thread makes me realize that Inarius really needed more screentime because people are way too confused about the things he does.

  96. 12 months ago

    Every time Lilith is on-screen, it’s kino.

  97. 12 months ago

    Mephistochads will feast once Neyrelle becomes his host

  98. 12 months ago

    Why are angels such jobbers? Every time you see an angel fight on screen they just get completely obliterated.
    How is this eternal war being fought if angels lose every battle?

  99. 12 months ago

    Did they kill off the cast from 3 or what?

    • 12 months ago

      More about that and Tyrael in D3XP2. So literally never ever.

    • 12 months ago

      from what I know

      - Lorath was in Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls
      - Leah, Adria, Cain all dead
      - Tyrael is either fixing up the heavens because Diablo royally fricked up that place, or because he decided to become mortal and now he's becoming an angel again he needs to go through some shit? Or alternatively, he only shows up when the Prime Evils are fricking up shit (except in Diablo 1 when literally nobody knew the soul stones could be corrupted and the Prime Evils were breaking loose)
      - Dunno where the Nephalem is but Mal'thael killed off like 90% of humanity in Reaper of Souls, the remaining D2 and D3 characters probably died from that and the actual Nephalem guy is either retired, defending something or died a very boring death and could be in a random grave somewhere. That's what I like to think at least.

    • 12 months ago

      Lorath is from reaper of souls but he's hooded and younger since iirc 4 takes place about 50 years later.

    • 12 months ago

      Meshif from 2 gets killed as well as the female crusader pc johanna from 3

      • 12 months ago

        >They killed fem crusader
        fricking gay

        • 12 months ago

          she dies in a hilarious way. jobs to random knights that turned to thieves offscreen and gets stripped of her armor and left on the dirt.

          • 12 months ago

            >Kill and humiliate a religious blonde haired woma who was probably straight as well.

          • 12 months ago

            not her, they made the title called johanna, did you even follow the quest?

            • 12 months ago

              her apprentice took on her name in honor of her memory. it's not a title.

            • 12 months ago

              did you?

          • 12 months ago

            Oh shit I just realized that sidequest was about her kek

  100. 12 months ago

    It's just status quo bullshit, nothing changed, and the ending is just a repeat of Diablo 1 but with Mephisto corrupting a character instead of Diablo.
    The plot had barely any impact on gameplay, your own character was just a supporting character to the characters who actually did impact the lore, and the villains are all morons.
    There were no twists, no big revelations, it makes the story in Diablo 3 seem exciting in comparison.

  101. 12 months ago

    Any kino characters like Farnham in D4?

  102. 12 months ago

    It's ok but so far there's just way too much of it, some c**t constantly tagging along and gobbing off in your ear
    Like shut the frick up and let me go kill shit in peace

  103. 12 months ago

    Is the full game released already?
    Or is it still early access shit

    • 12 months ago

      full release was on 6-6

  104. 12 months ago

    why does your character want to kill Lilith again?

    • 12 months ago

      so blizzard can go "ackchually she was protecting u from the greater bad what did you do you idiot you complete nincompoop, you idiotic sack of shit, you doomed everyone by doing what you were forced to do by the very game"

    • 12 months ago

      because NPCs tell you to do it
      your character is a b***h, you almost die in the cold because mephisto wanted to use you by killing your horse and you do what he tells you to do, the first non-violent npc orders you to pay for his spear and you do it.
      You're a limp b***h

      • 12 months ago

        >your character is a b***h
        I didn't play Diablo 3 but in 1 and 2 the PC was a champion of their respective backgrounds not just some schmuck wandering the woods. They all answered the call to investigate the horror but in D4 they're just a someone with that background.

        For the sake of having a game the PCs from D1 and D2 have to "level up" but the canon fact is that they were fricking Level 100 jacked motherfrickers setting foot into Tristram. The D4 PC is a nobody, he's some dipshit that falls into Lorath's lap.

  105. 12 months ago

    any bets how long till the Latinx mary sue shoves the stone in her head and restarts the entire thing

    • 12 months ago

      yeah that's the dlc

  106. 12 months ago

    I thought it escalated pretty well. Andriel's presentation was way cooler than I even thought. Shes in the trailer but its not how she appears in game.

    Ya Duriel showing up was cool but I was also confused as to how/why because Andy's summon was such a big deal (and Duriel was even suggested but hey they brought both anyway?) Theres a lot I want to know about new lore, the Tree of Whispers.

    Do you think Nyrelle is going to Skovos? That was cut content from 3 and I still stick by a comment Tyreal saying to Lorath about, "Any word from our Horadrim in Skovos?". Unless Nyrelle is going across to Tristram land for whatever reason.

    • 12 months ago

      >was also confused as to how/why because Andy's summon was such a big deal

      the rituals are just a racket to kill as many people as possible, like how Inarius pointlessly murdered an entire city to make example out of them

    • 12 months ago

      The Lesser Evils were recruited by the Primes to stop/slow anybody investigating the Primes. Andariel was meant to stop the Sightless Eye, the source of the Rogue in the first game. Duriel was put in Tal Rasha's tomb to catch the PC.

      There was no reason why Lilith should have summoned them, as neither of them would support her especially as she schemed to attack the Primes. The Primes were the Primes, their sovereignty was basically unquestionable. It was just a cheap stupid throwback to Diablo 2 same as the Butcher.

      • 12 months ago

        they made it clear they were going to use Andariel to give power to the humans. Most likely by consuming her while she feasts on the prisoners. some weird cannibalistic cycle suits the cannibal city.

  107. 12 months ago

    I just wanna know why did Andariel and Duriel show up? It makes sense in 2 that Lesser Evils want to hang out with the big boys in the Prime Evils and frick shit up, why would they hang out with Lillith? She likes to frick angels. Race traitor.

  108. 12 months ago

    >Diablo doesn't show up
    Imagine relegating the guy the game is named after to DLC.

  109. 12 months ago

    I did the intro story line in the English dub, Spanish (EU) dub and the Jap dub and she is pure fricking sex in all three of them.

  110. 12 months ago

    Diablo is woke trash and always has been.

  111. 12 months ago

    what is stopping Lilith from respawning exactly ?

    • 12 months ago

      Someone has to resummon her. And the dude who summoned her is died.

      • 12 months ago

        how did azmodan and belial got to sanctuary in d3 then

    • 12 months ago

      Only the Prime Evils and Lesser Evils respawn. And the Angels all respawn but as new incarnations of their ideal.

      Lilith was the offspring of a Prime. She's immortal but does not have respawn. Like Rathma her son, he was immortal, but when he dies he's gone forever. The Nephelem are also immortal, but they do not respawn.

      • 12 months ago

        rakanishu gets resummoned in d3 iirc

  112. 12 months ago

    I really liked Andariels redesign

    • 12 months ago

      >when the wooden shackles break off revealing her spike limbs
      kino. Also it’s funny how Andariel gets a whole ritual for her entrance but for the Duriel fight he just pops from ground out of fricking no where

      • 12 months ago

        Andariel fight was in Sanctuary and she needed to be summoned there.
        Duriel fight was in hell and didn't need to be summoned as he was already there.

        • 12 months ago

          Oh yeah that’s true. Still kind of funny how he gets no intro or dialogue he should’ve at least been like “LOOKING FOR LILITH”

        • 12 months ago

          Didn't you fight him in Caldeum? You only get to the hell-gate afterwards.

  113. 12 months ago

    somebody justify to me why I should spend $110 emubucks on this game
    I'm on the edge
    edge me bros

    • 12 months ago

      is that really what $70 burgers = in emuland?

      • 12 months ago

        plus $7 israeli customary tip

    • 12 months ago

      if u hated 3 you'll hate d4 even more. don't let the shiny graphics activate your lizard brain. it might get better with more dlc but right now it's kind of fricked

    • 12 months ago

      Game was made to pander kids who loved diablo 2

      • 12 months ago

        if u hated 3 you'll hate d4 even more. don't let the shiny graphics activate your lizard brain. it might get better with more dlc but right now it's kind of fricked

        thanks you convinced me not to buy this game for another day

    • 12 months ago

      The endgame is the worst the series has ever been.

  114. 12 months ago

    ...is this real? this is some tortanic type garbage

  115. 12 months ago

    >Forced to save Negress
    >She lies and claims you killed Inarius

  116. 12 months ago

    Everyone forgetting that Lilith is in diablo 2 and is killable, shes just coming back.

  117. 12 months ago

    I'm listening to all of it once so I can just skip skip skip skip skip for all future shit. I hope there's an auto-skip though

  118. 12 months ago

    Why was Inarius suck a fricking loser? Because Lilith is a woman she has to be more competent?

    • 12 months ago

      It's one of the most classic tropes in literature and theatre. Love and longing. Lilith isnt any more competent than Inarius and that's the ultimate reason for their romeo and juliet downfall. Mephisto cares not for his daughter and shes rebelling

    • 12 months ago

      because he is a fricking loser. he was trapped in hell for years. he is excommunicated from heaven and what does he do? oh woe is me. remember when i used to be in heaven? i member...
      that is his whole personality.

  119. 12 months ago

    so what is the fricking point of the sidequests aside from renown? they're tedious and the rewards aren't really worth it. who the frick thought it was a good idea to give out shitty rares and a cache of herbs as a reward?

  120. 12 months ago

    >to many sitting at campfires talking scenes
    >to much escorting
    I skipped prob the first half of the story but you can tell with the tone of the game when the story is starting to get good and thats when I started to actually watch the scenes. Story def felt to long but it was fine, thing I disliked the most was how they did Duriel in.

    • 12 months ago

      feels like almost all the dungeons are "go get that thing to bring back to this door to get to the boss"

  121. 12 months ago

    What are the chances Lilith will be brought back in the future?

    • 12 months ago

      She can't be killed and will reincarnate like all others demons, so pretty high
      But I doubt we'll see diablo 5 this decade, so...

      • 12 months ago

        >t. didn't play the game

        What are the chances Lilith will be brought back in the future?

        Zero. She's dead. She doesn't respawn like the prime evils do. She's an immortal, like Rathma, but also like Rathma, once she's dead, she's dead.

        • 12 months ago

          She gets fought in Diablo 2 and killed, youre wrong. She'll be back. Shes not specifically a great evil but shes obviously powerful enough to return, unless they actually stick with the romeo and juliet story with inarius

          • 12 months ago

            That's not the same Lilith that's in Diablo 4, and is also considered non-canon considering it was added in like a decade after LoD came out.
            Insofar as Diablo 4 is concerned, Lilith has been locked away from Sanctuary for a thousand or so years and has just recently in the last couple of months managed to make it back. Diablo 2 happens about 80 years before Diablo 4. 1000 years of imprisonment with he release less than a year before Diablo 4 would have her imprisoned during the events of Diablo 2.

  122. 12 months ago

    I skipped the whole thing to get to the endgame that I was hoping to use as a PoE league waiting room
    that didn't really work out either since the game is so complex that it takes 30 minutes to master everything and because whoever came up with the scaling system should be drawn and quartered

    • 12 months ago

      what is the alternative to scaling? oneshotting everything just by leveling up? infinite number of world tiers?? you scale harder then mobs if you build right.

      • 12 months ago

        >what is the alternative to scaling? oneshotting everything just by leveling up?
        >infinite number of world tiers??
        No. A set number of world tiers with an eventual cap that you reach and can't progress past it.
        Why is it so hard for some of you morons to understand that the neverending carrot on a stick is not good game design. Diablo 2 is the perfect ARPG and that doesn't have any scaling or infinite number of world tiers or any of that shit.

  123. 12 months ago

    Isn't the stock market suposed to go up after a big release as the fastest selling game ever?

  124. 12 months ago

    KEK I fricking called it. I said the same thing on release day. She reminded me so much of Kerrigan that it baffled me. I wondered if anyone else felt that as well.

  125. 12 months ago

    >It has begun ...
    >The time is nigh ...
    >They have awakened ...
    >This has just happened ...

  126. 12 months ago

    Is it weird I somewhat felt sorry for Mephisto as he was in the body of a wolf? I have no idea why.

    • 12 months ago

      nah he’s fine also the wolf body was kind of cool

    • 12 months ago

      I think Lorath said he was known to take the form of a wolf and it was probably more energy efficient since he was so weak

  127. 12 months ago

    >bring back meshif just to kill him 5 minutes later
    Why tho? He's rather forgettable and not a single person is a Meshif fan but doing it still felt mean-spirited

    • 12 months ago

      happened to Warriv. you find his corpse en route to the cathedral in diablo 3

    • 12 months ago

      they had so many npcs where you meet them and it was easy to spot they'd be dead soon

  128. 12 months ago

    I can't remember after playing Diablo 3, lads...Mephisto is weak in 4 because he was slain in Diablo 3 right? Where the hell is Diablo himself, still gathering power to come back or what?

    • 12 months ago

      Mephisto wasn't directly in D3. You killed him, Diablo and Baal in D2.
      But in D3, Diablo absorbed the powers of Baal and Mephisto to form the Prime Evil, basically.

      • 12 months ago

        That's right...sheesh I should've remembered that. I played 2 more than 3 much more.

      • 12 months ago

        >But in D3, Diablo absorbed the powers of Baal and Mephisto to form the Prime Evil, basically.
        He absorbed the powers of the greater and lesser prime evils and quite literally destroyed them in the process.
        diablo 4 made diablo 3 basically non-canon. there's a few characters here and there that mention stuff that happens in 3, and Lorath is straight up from 3, but everything else acts like it doesn't exist, including the demon lore.
        It's really fricking bizarre.

        • 12 months ago

          blizzard should rename to retcond

    • 12 months ago

      after they all left the black soul stone they slowly slowly started regenerating in hell

  129. 12 months ago

    I want to know does Diablo 4 feature naked crucified women on sticks like in diablo 1, or is it pg13.

    • 12 months ago

      It features nothing. Only washed out color filtered smudges. It may no longer be smeared watercolors like D3 but somehow they managed to have even less artistic content. And nothing explicit. Even the gore looks boring.

  130. 12 months ago

    they butchered her design and made her look too much like Kerrigan

    • 12 months ago

      of course
      blizzard knows literally one character design for "evil" women
      kerrigan, lilith, sylvanas

  131. 12 months ago

    She is a female character in 2023, of COURSE she cannot possibly be evil or have any faults or flaws AT ALL.

    • 12 months ago

      anon she is quite literally the devil, in every sense of the word

      • 12 months ago

        The people who unorganically, form the top down, dictate what is popular nowadays are literally worshipping the devil IRL. Why would they portray the devil negatively?

    • 12 months ago

      they portray her as a bloodthirsty savage killer that is doing everything she can, including near genocide, to become the new lord of hell and rule
      but sure, she can't be evil or have any faults or flaws i guess because some dipshit that didnt play the game says so.

    • 12 months ago

      and she would NEVER*** serve. right?

  132. 12 months ago

    It should've been all about Donan and his son, every scene they were in was kino.
    Frick the other boring ass girl and her mom.

    • 12 months ago

      you could tell Donan's kid who I forget his name was gonna get cucked from the very first scene with him.

      • 12 months ago

        donan is literally the only likeable character in this.even lorath kind of sucked but was only save by his sexy 10 pack a day voice. I hated everyone else especially neyrelle(notleah). you can just tell that she's some writer/producer's pet insert

    • 12 months ago

      >Did act 2 before act 1 so I saw Yorin get completely fricked over by Lilith
      >Did act 1 afterwards which ends with Lilith going muh baby boi he dindu nothin'
      Honestly was more funny than anything.

    • 12 months ago

      Every scene he's in he cries about muh son, muh son, muh son, it's fricking pathetic. And he dies in a pathetic way in the end, getting poked by some random fused skeleton in a pillar. But it was clear how pointless and stupid that character was from early on: Lilith, who hates me, abducts my son? But he means nothing to her! Yeah, sure, but he means everything to you, moron! Queue idiot son get skewered by a soulstone. Blatant tear jerker, look how sad, dark and dramatic this game's writing is, we're so edgy, yea. Pathetic. More finesse and elegance in a rockslide.

    • 12 months ago

      Fricking this and then they kill him off in the most unceremoniously stupid way possible.

    • 12 months ago

      donan is literally the only likeable character in this.even lorath kind of sucked but was only save by his sexy 10 pack a day voice. I hated everyone else especially neyrelle(notleah). you can just tell that she's some writer/producer's pet insert

      Neyrelle WILL be the next lord of hatred

  133. 12 months ago

    Anyone who plays D4 is a blatant pedophile for supporting Activision's stance on championing FGM and Grooming.

    There needs to be a "That Devil Game" website exposing streamers

  134. 12 months ago

    Does D4 have Tyrael and is he still a Black?

    • 12 months ago

      Who nose

    • 12 months ago

      D4 doesn't have a single character from the entire franchise. It's just a weird fanfic mod that slightly alters D3's engine and graphics, but with more bugs, freezes, and dc's.

      • 12 months ago

        Why is it called Diablo when Diablo hasnt been part of it since D2

        • 12 months ago

          >Why is it called Diablo when Diablo hasnt been part of it since D2
          For the same reason Blizzard Entertainment is still called Blizzard Entertainment despite not having any original staff or even still owning itself.

        • 12 months ago

          diablo was in 3

          • 12 months ago

            Diablo troon out in 3, we don't talk about it

            • 12 months ago

              hey, but at least he was in it

        • 12 months ago

          Why do you care if you don't even play the series? Fricking moronic shitposters give yourself away with your ignorant posts. have a nice day homosexual.

      • 12 months ago

        But Meshif is in it! You all remember Meshif right?

    • 12 months ago

      Nah his bro Inarius is in it

  135. 12 months ago

    All trannies are evil.

    • 12 months ago

      >All trannies are evil.
      tbh most white men are just pretending they're trannies so that they can get their jobs back over minorities.

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