Diablo 4 has the worst story i have seen in a long long time

It's infuriatingly bad.

Have no idea what kind of losers worked on it but jesus christ how can you be so devoid of creativity?

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  1. 12 months ago

    worse than fallout 3?

  2. 12 months ago

    worse than diablo 3?

    • 12 months ago

      what was bad about diablo 3?

      • 12 months ago

        >pre expac, which anyone that knows anything knew was a bandaid applied after blizz severely curtailing the original mistake of a woke design team
        >infamous cash grab lottery percentages for loot at first as a low key way to sneak in mtx and have blizzard get a cut
        >builds barely worked to begin with needing those legs to enable anything halfway good
        >disneyfied diablo no pentagrams, no real impact of hell, most of it like saturday morning cartoon villains..in short no soul
        >diablo is a grrrl with no reasoning for it or background, just for le representation
        >kill cain for similar reasons with the most hamfisted plot you could imagine and a boss that seemed invented solely to annoy longtime fans with butterfly troony looking shit and no discernable reason to be in the story otherwise
        >literal rainbow levels to show how much they respect the setting and dislike chuds..there were tshirts sold to make sure chuds knew this
        >even post expac you couldn't repair the shallow story or attach enough icing to foundationally shallow mechanics to keep people interested the way d2 did

        This is the truth, known by any actual D2 fan, and I'm also the guy defending D4 here.

        • 12 months ago

          pretty much all of those arguments are pre xpac, so we can just ignore those since there have been updates and DLC to fix those issues, in some cases directly addressing them like with the auction house u mentioned.

          >diablo is a girl
          pretty sure its because he uses a girls body bro, its not like diablo has breasts, hes just slender with lifted heels

          >no pentagrams le no SOVL
          d3 has soul cuz its fun, simple as.

          >builds barely worked to begin with...
          same in d4. good luck playing an ARPG without items? not sure the argument here

          >literal rainbow levels...
          well literal god used literal rainbows in the literal bible. do you like literally even know what you are talking about? should d2 have christianity in it or not

          >defending d4

          >woke design team. disneyfied. le representation. butterfly troony. chuds.
          polgays KEK, i actually enjoy games and playing them. i dont really give a frick about politics

          • 12 months ago

            >its not like diablo has breasts,
            He has breasts wide breedable hips and frick me heels. Pic is a colored statue that blizzard themselves.

          • 12 months ago

            >defending d3
            >d3 diablo does in fact have floppy danglers on xer chest you're just to nearsighted or potato rig to see it
            >rainbows are christianity and muh polgays in the same post
            You're not even trying to be believable anymore.

            >muh writing and story gays
            Never read a single book for enjoyment so have no basis for comparison.
            >muh gameplay
            Never really came up with their own build in an arpg once and just follow what their favorite dad's wallet streamer told them to do nowadays, even with all the resources of the internet to read because they don't want to think for themselves.
            >muh mtx
            Probably the same third world slavs that will turn around in the next breath and defend garbage skinner crippleware games like POE.

            D4 is a good game, if you can't see it you're just not a good gamer. I can lead you to water but I can't keep you from pissing in it and rubbing your piss all over yourself to try to convince yourselves you're witty and enlightened.

        • 12 months ago

          pretty much all the wokeshit from d3 is far worse in d4. including the fact that the dev's self insert character goes from "extremely important walking macguffin" to "I AM THE MAIN CHARACTER" if wokism ruins d3 why are you riding d4's dick so hard? ah yes, you are poor and spent your hard earned wagie bux on some nostalgic dogshit, and that alone is enough to convince you the product is good

  3. 12 months ago

    i never played diablo

  4. 12 months ago

    >Somehow... Diablo returned

    Did they really think they could get away with this crap?

    • 12 months ago

      BRB jamming his soul stone into my eye

      How could this happen?!?!

      I bailed on the series after 3. The wow trannies took over.

      • 12 months ago

        Same. And I effectively remember nothing about the story of Diablo III, despite having played it when it came out.

  5. 12 months ago

    nepotism israelites

  6. 12 months ago

    They dont care.
    They can put out anything and people will still buy it just because it has the "Diablo" name on it.
    And it worked they still got your money they didnt need a good story just slap "Diablo" on the box and people like you will buy it..

    • 12 months ago

      Yes, but they lose the opportunity to make money on diablo 5. They are killing the franchise. You take care of your golden rooster, you don't kill it for a piece of meat now.

  7. 12 months ago

    So what is the plot anyways?

    • 12 months ago

      I don’t know anything about D4 but here you go: diablos back again and you need to kill a ton of monsters and grind for loot to save the day.
      >verification not required

    • 12 months ago

      Protagonist is saved by Mephisto after almost freezing to death
      You'r given lilith's blood so you can see flashbacks of her smugly smiling
      Have to go all over the world one step behind her only to watch her win
      She kills Inarius in a female empowerment moment
      Neyrelle, the girl from op's picture who's a huge mary sue comes up the super mega plan to kill lilith AND mephisto
      You kill lilith, Neyrelle puts Mephisto in a soulstone
      She betrays you and runs away with the stone to do something with it because she's like super smart and stuff and you would only slow her down so now the DLC is gonna be about finding her and stopping her from doing whatever she wants to do.

      Of course that i skipped through all the garbage like constant female empowerment, black empowerment, dykes hugging and Lorath crying and beliving in love again because of dykes, Andariel and Duriel being disrespected, Inarius being underused, etc.

      Lilith is probably the worst villain i've seen in such a long itme.

      • 12 months ago

        thanks anon. what a shitty, jrpg tier story.

        I’m not sure where the backlash is coming from, Diablo’s story was simple from the start. D2 had good presentation as you followed hood man and old dude, but the story beats are straightforward and easy to understand. I will say 3, 4, and Immortal’s story are presented in a more ‘standard’ way. Less interesting but the stories themselves are fine.

        D1 story was great. From start, where you return from war to your village, now ravaged by demons, to the end, when you learn that the only way to contain Diablo is to impale his soulstone into your body and battle his will for eternity. Kino.
        D2 does some stupid retcons like D1 protagonist being prince Aidan etc., D3 is even worse. From this thread I see that D4 isn't much better. Why the frick every bad guy has to come from the dead ad nauseam? It makes previous games pointless. They could use lesser evils, many of them are mentioned in D1 lore, it would be consistent.

        • 12 months ago

          >Why the frick every bad guy has to come from the dead ad nauseam?
          Because the average person likes moronic comic book shit like that. Look at Warcraft's story starting with Burning Crusade.

          • 12 months ago

            >Because the average person likes moronic comic book shit like that.
            Average person is moronic then. Imagine LotR, but Sauron somehow lives after destroying One Ring and the Fellowship must fight him in numerous sequels.

            • 12 months ago

              >saruman brings sauron back from the dead, as a cyborg!

              • 12 months ago

                >Melkor actually cloned Sauron, so you didn't kill the real one. But when you finally manage to do it, Saruman just goes back in time and prevents events leading to this outcome

          • 12 months ago

            What makes me laugh is that they even do this with minor characters. Is it that hard to design new mini boss that they must regurgitate king Leoric or Butcher again?

        • 12 months ago

          >the only way to contain Diablo is to impale his soulstone into your body and battle his will for eternity

          Thisis something i never liked. Has it ever been explained what woult happen if they, just, you know, not shoved the stone in their head? Diablo is trapped there, just keep it in a safe unreacleable place, like a deep hole protected by the horadrim or some shit. Diblo or other demons while banished to the soulstones have 0 power, no? At worst they can give people nightmares or hibbie-jibbies, but thats it, and sure as frick beats invading the mortal realm with an infinite army.

          • 12 months ago

            >According to David Brevik (during his gdc16 talk "Diablo: A Classic Game Postmortem", he said that nobody had planned that the hero would put the soulstone into his head. They were watching the ending cutscene some external team did for them, only wanting a "diablos death" scene, and suddenly that hero slams that gem into his forehead and all the developers were like "wtfffffff". But in the end, they stuck to it, so, yay to the creative freedom of those cutscene dudes

            That's why it wasn't explained in the game and feels out of place. Actually, the game states the opposite. Diablo wasn't able to possess king Leoric and that's why Lazarus brought his child. So shoving soulstone into powerful protagonist should work as intended. But why the frick even do this, when you can have Diablo sitting in his stone, powerless and defeated?

            • 12 months ago

              ah, that explains a lot.

            • 12 months ago

              >But why the frick even do this, when you can have Diablo sitting in his stone, powerless and defeated?
              Because your hero was strong, but a moron.

          • 12 months ago

            > Has it ever been explained what woult happen if they, just, you know, not shoved the stone in their head?

            Yes anon, that's literally the plot of Diablo 1. They buried Diablo's soulstone for hundreds of years, King Leoric built Tristram right on top of where it was buried and Diablo started to corrupt people.

            Prime Evil have A LOT of influence around their soulstone. If you destroy it, they escape. If you bury it, sooner or later someone will find it.

            You could say "why not cast it unto the sea", well, that's kinda the ending of Diablo 4 with Neyrelle's weird Moana travels, but i'm pretty sure there are sea creatures in the Diablo universe, or at least we have Drowned in Diablo 4, what would stop Diablo from corrupting mermaids and getting them to resurrect him?

      • 12 months ago

        You just did a valid service and saved someone from separating from their hard earned money to the Blizzard trannies

  8. 12 months ago

    Well yes, why wouldn't it be shit?
    Warcraft III came out 20years ago, and Blizzard has been unable to write a decent story ever since. What the frick did you expect.
    Were you in a coma for 20 years? The only alternative is you're a massive moron.

  9. 12 months ago

    i didn't buy it. i'm saving my money for grim dawn 2.

    • 12 months ago

      >Grim Dawn 2
      Get in line, I want Titan Quest 2 first. Only if Iron Crate does it though.

      • 12 months ago

        I'd like a Diablo 3, personally. Diablo 2 is the only game in this subgenre that I actually like.

        • 12 months ago

          >Diablo 2 is the only game in this subgenre that I actually like.
          I have no idea how people still hold this opinion. It's good but there have been so many good ARPGs.

          • 12 months ago

            They don't do anything for me. Titan's Quest, Grim Dawn, Diablo 3, Torchlight. They are all just kind of boring to me.
            I think I just like Diablo 2's setting, graphics, and classes.

  10. 12 months ago

    Wanna know what's funny? The entire plot before the assault on Caldeum is meaningless. Inarius found out everything we know by himself and he even beat us to the city. All that shit we did to learn of Lilith's plan, all that running around and fighting, amounted to nothing.

    Lorath and the PC could've stayed in Kyovashad and gotten drunk the whole time, until Inarius ordered his army to move. There was no point to anything we did.

  11. 12 months ago

    All lies.
    The quests are really well done, including every side quest.

    I've done a shit ton of side quests, all voice acted, many have excellent writing.
    Main quest has good plot beats, proper respect to the old characters and themes, none of that D3 rainbow shit etc. In fact they are pretty hardcore with the horror theme to the point where I jaded Ganker user am disturbed by proper depictions of hellish events. I haven't seen any wokeshit/troony politics (one exception when logging in during early access every character was black, could have been random since skeen cola is selectable) and I've opened up all the areas enough for the extra skill points.

    The build systems are deeper than they first appear and morons are probably falling for the shallow take on them because they never knew how to build ARPG characters in the first place.

    It's a phenomenal game full stop.
    They finally got it right here to be fair and I had also written blizz off like anyone sane would but I was talked into the beta by a friend.

    I was fully expecting it to suck and remain playing Last Epoch which is still half done but frankly it ranks out of LE's league and set a new bar for these.

    Scream shill or shit your pants or whatever, but you'll only be missing out on the best ARPG in 20 years.

    • 12 months ago

      Asmongold plz

    • 12 months ago

      >including every side quest.

      Anon... most side quests are about using emotes, like "approach guards and use CHEER emote" "approach well and use WAIT emote"

    • 12 months ago

      thank you excellent post sir

    • 12 months ago

      I wouldnt go that far, but truth is that this game is amalgamation of everything good in ARPGs in last 20 years+borrowed some shit from other games.

      Blizz knows how to refine existing formula to perfection.
      And, it's only 8 days old, who the frick knows what it will be in 3-5 years.

  12. 12 months ago

    i knew troonyblizzard couldnt stick the landing on this one either so i waited and looked at the "game movie" on youtube and lo and behold its a complete shitshow moronic story

    glad i didnt waste 80 us on a game with no satisfying story, just another grindy clickergame

  13. 12 months ago

    Nobody plays Diablo for the story

    • 12 months ago

      Cool, tell that to blizzard so they stop shoving it in my face then

  14. 12 months ago

    When was it that that you realized that you aren't the main character in your game? That chink b***h is, you are just her sidekick/muscle.
    Spotlight-stealing DMNPCs are cancer, I wish videogames stopped doing that.

    • 12 months ago

      That’s what I noticed after watching the ending last night on YouTube. Ending is about her and not you. And for some reason she gets to tell everyone what to do and run off with the magic powerful thing and the bald white guy is like “we gotta respect her wishes, so we can’t go after her.”

    • 12 months ago

      >player has fluidity in background and motivation
      >instead of writing variations in dialogue to reflect this just make the player the sidekick for the real protagonist
      gaming, lol

    • 12 months ago

      I watched a twitch stream of the beta.
      When she starts bossing the PC around to find her crazy cultist mother I thought this would happen.

      D1 is a cool game, and it is still perfectly playable and even good. But it is just so limited, it content and replay value. It always was style over substance, with amazing graphics and cutscenes being the first impression. It would be cool to see something like Diablo, but massively expanded in terms of build options, enemies, tilesets, etc.
      The fact that it has no autistic zooming is a plus. That aspect, which D2 introduced, found its logical conclusion in PoE, which might be one of the most autistic games ever developed.

      What do you mean by autistic zooming?
      I'm not a big ARPG player, when I played D2 as a 12 year old I did the story and then stopped

  15. 12 months ago

    The only good Diablo was 1. It was atmospheric, creepy and felt like a proper gothic horror. There was no grindfest, because mobs didn't respawn unless you started new game. There was no ADHD zooming through screens. There was no loot pinatas, you often finished game geared in magic items, every drop was impactful. Quests you got were randomized on every game.
    I've recently tried to replay Diablo games. D1 was still great and I had fun. D2 was unbearably clunky and unbalanced, didn't like it at all. Also homogenized builds (STR to wear Enigma, rest in VIT on almost every fricking character). D3... I haven't played it, because I'm not a homosexual.

    • 12 months ago

      Diablo 1 doesn't even have builds. You can kind of play a melee rogue if you get a really lucky weapon drop, but that's about the extent of it.

      • 12 months ago

        That's not true, different characters had varied animation time for melee, shooting bow and casting a spell, so you couldn't make working spellcaster Warrior. Also every character had different stat caps.
        Also melee Rogue is pointless even with great weapon, as she adds her Dexterity as flat damage to bow attacks. With maxed DEX, you deal 80-90 damage with a white shortbow, and 92-110 with Windforce, the best bow in the game.
        Diablo 1 has builds, but they are predetermined when you pick your class.

        • 12 months ago

          You absolutely could make a working spellcaster warrrior. You just used the spells to support your meleeing.

    • 12 months ago

      ITs for different people. I agree with you D1 is a cooler game than D2. But D1 appeals to methodical dungeon crawling thats reminiscent of the ascii games it was influenced by, D2 is a different thing entirely

      • 12 months ago

        D1 is a cool game, and it is still perfectly playable and even good. But it is just so limited, it content and replay value. It always was style over substance, with amazing graphics and cutscenes being the first impression. It would be cool to see something like Diablo, but massively expanded in terms of build options, enemies, tilesets, etc.
        The fact that it has no autistic zooming is a plus. That aspect, which D2 introduced, found its logical conclusion in PoE, which might be one of the most autistic games ever developed.

  16. 12 months ago

    It cant be worse than Diablo 3. I refuse to believe it. Diablo 3 is the worst story in gaming unironically

    • 12 months ago

      It's not.
      What Ganker says is happening:
      >blizz has continued their troony lore rape and no gameplay
      What's really happening:
      >Ganker is too poor for d4 and thus assumes the worst and comes here to get dopamine trolling
      I don't blame anyone for assuming the worst with blizzard because they have been consistently the worst for decades now.

      Because Blizzard only cares about destroying the old lore and pushing women to the front.

      Surprisingly they respected the original themes and lore pretty well. There's a segment with senile Meshif calling the "new deckard cain" mage guy literally Deckard Cain about 50 times. A nice piece of writing with a drunkard leading you through a sandstorm. There are other things if you actually played through 2 a lot you'd recognize. Most here won't and are just here to shitpost about something they're not even playing.

      This contrasts with the D3 shit crew (esp. the original guys) who would rather you forgot about old white guys for their butterflies and troony whatever.

      It's very much not Disney this time around as well. The gameplay and customization is good and of appropriate depth for Diablo (definitely deeper than 3).

      No one is more surprised than me. A lot of companies got burned on troony and woke bullshit though at the expense of quality so it makes sense some of them are actually listening maybe. (Also see: Bud Light, Target, Walgreens).

      • 12 months ago

        The game is less than 200 dollars. Nobody is too poor for it.
        On the other hand, I played the beta and it was absolute trash.
        Story is likely trash because there are no good writers at the company.

        • 12 months ago

          >nobody is too poor for it
          >goes on to validate exactly what I said since isn't playing retail now
          >you lost out of the gate and I didn't even have to bring up your potato rig
          Get a job.

          • 12 months ago

            this game requires:
            NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 or AMD Radeon R9 280

            Intel Core i5-2500K or AMD FX-8100

            NO ONE IS TOO POOR FOR THIS GAME. its just dogshit 🙂

      • 12 months ago

        >This contrasts with the D3 shit crew (esp. the original guys) who would rather you forgot about old white guys for their butterflies and troony whatever.
        Why are you lying? Is it a shill thing? Did you just entirely gloss over the scrappy strong "POC" Mary Sue that treats you like an underling, is praised by all the characters and even the fricking game itself as "the most important and irreplaceable" while you're treated as a worthless nobody? The one who solves everything because "LOL my mother taught me science I'm gonna science the shit out of this!" She even fricking kill steals the final boss then betrays you for the "greater good" (and that's a good thing!) Fricking cringe.

        • 12 months ago

          This is real, isn't it. It's really this cucked, is it?

          • 12 months ago

            Yes it's real. Neyrelle is some chink wonderbaby raised by a heckin science cultist. When her mom tries to kill her you have to "save" her (but she could've handled it herself you just interfered in something you shouldn't have, chud) then she starts PMSing at you about how she's trying not to hate you for killing her murderb***h of a mom. She "graciously" forgives you then starts ordering you around to do all her errands. She won't even do her own laundry which is fricking weird for a chink. It's fricking schizo too because you can see the early story gradually drifting from your character being important with the Lilith Blood shit and the Wolf chasing you to the Wolf being MORE interested in Neyrelle for some fricking reason and Lilith Blood corrupting you so much Neyrelle is the only one that can be trusted. Because she's so fricking smart (she learned le science) and capable. Did I mention she's a woman of color? After you "weaken" Lilith she steps in and does her bullshit. Then she does more bullshit to wienerblock Meph. THEN she takes it upon herself to be a martyr (not the kind that actually dies tho lol) and protects the soulstone from (You) because you're too problematic and can't be trusted with anything important. This is not a fricking joke.

            • 12 months ago

              Wew I'm so glad I haven't paid attention nor was hyped for this. It will make millions like Immortal though.

            • 12 months ago

              oh god, i knew there was something wrong with that chick the moment she appeared. its one of the worst, most blatantly obvious mary sue self-inserts a writer has ever done in game writing. People who say D4 has good writing havent finished act1(or whatever its called) yet. I was also happy about the story at the beginning, but as it went on it went downhill FAST.

              • 12 months ago

                >I was also happy about the story at the beginning, but as it went on it went downhill FAST.
                I don't know if it was a writer change or a sudden blackrock mandate but it genuinely feels like your character was supposed to be important at first. Then all the plot points about you suddenly shifted to lil miss badass instead.

              • 12 months ago

                >Then all the plot points about you suddenly shifted to lil miss badass instead
                Its basically what wow did several times.

            • 12 months ago

              Based tranime anon telling it like it is. FRICK NEYRELLE. FRICK BLIZZARD. AND FRICK MEPHISTO'S FURRY FORM.

        • 12 months ago

          >No one is more surprised than me. A lot of companies got burned on troony and woke bullshit though at the expense of quality so it makes sense some of them are actually listening maybe. (Also see: Bud Light, Target, Walgreens).
          >i... it's not woke this time trust me... just ignore all the wokeshit
          >lilith dindu nothing akshually it's the white man angel that's wrong
          >short round bosses you around the whole game
          >she survives while all the men die like b***hes
          >your bro unceremoniously gets eaten by some random monster
          >but little miss slant girlbosses her way through everything
          not fooling anyone tbh

          You know I hate women and wokoids more than you in actual fact but you seem to have issues.
          Strappy whatever who is obviously the apprentice horadrim character just got her hand cut off...not all the way through it (because the side quests are unironically good content with good writing of their own) but at least I'm actually playing the game. I don't think a literally mary sue gets her hand cut off while being saved from dying by the old white guy horadrim.

          The fact is they are telling an actual story here with proper gravitas and atmosphere and I'll give them their due in spite of your reductionism to try to look angry aloof and cool..on Ganker...
          I get it guy, it's blizzard but also I'm not a one trick mind and retain the ability to be objective.

          It's like you just glossed over everything to pick out only the bits you hate, and are hyperbolizing every element so much you probably meet yourself bullshitting in the future and thus use that to enhance your bullshittery in the present.

          >Spy x Family is the wokest shit the "housewife" is le stronk POC assassin see that always has to come in to save Lloyd Forger's ass and don't even get me started on Mary Sue psychic moe girl that the entire plot revolves around

          See how easy it is

          • 12 months ago

            >comparing comedy anime and woke vidya
            Stick to food analogies.

        • 12 months ago

          Yes it's real. Neyrelle is some chink wonderbaby raised by a heckin science cultist. When her mom tries to kill her you have to "save" her (but she could've handled it herself you just interfered in something you shouldn't have, chud) then she starts PMSing at you about how she's trying not to hate you for killing her murderb***h of a mom. She "graciously" forgives you then starts ordering you around to do all her errands. She won't even do her own laundry which is fricking weird for a chink. It's fricking schizo too because you can see the early story gradually drifting from your character being important with the Lilith Blood shit and the Wolf chasing you to the Wolf being MORE interested in Neyrelle for some fricking reason and Lilith Blood corrupting you so much Neyrelle is the only one that can be trusted. Because she's so fricking smart (she learned le science) and capable. Did I mention she's a woman of color? After you "weaken" Lilith she steps in and does her bullshit. Then she does more bullshit to wienerblock Meph. THEN she takes it upon herself to be a martyr (not the kind that actually dies tho lol) and protects the soulstone from (You) because you're too problematic and can't be trusted with anything important. This is not a fricking joke.

          >game canon dunks on you with a stronk female potatofaced PoC mutt

          glad i avoid AAA shit nowadays

      • 12 months ago

        >No one is more surprised than me. A lot of companies got burned on troony and woke bullshit though at the expense of quality so it makes sense some of them are actually listening maybe. (Also see: Bud Light, Target, Walgreens).
        >i... it's not woke this time trust me... just ignore all the wokeshit
        >lilith dindu nothing akshually it's the white man angel that's wrong
        >short round bosses you around the whole game
        >she survives while all the men die like b***hes
        >your bro unceremoniously gets eaten by some random monster
        >but little miss slant girlbosses her way through everything
        not fooling anyone tbh

      • 12 months ago

        The game has Black folk in it, so I will not buy a game with Black folk in it. I bought the Korean version of Lost Ark instead of the Amazon one because the Amazon one had Black folk in it. I will not play any game where there are Black folk who have a speaking role or impact the plot in a meaningful way.

        • 12 months ago

          Based. If I see Black folk in media nowadays I just lose interest.

  17. 12 months ago

    a) It's Activision.
    b) Diablo's story has never been good

    • 12 months ago

      >b) Diablo's story has never been good
      First one had a simple, serviceable story with memorable characters and there was nothing wrong with it.

      • 12 months ago

        Also top tier atmosphere.

        • 12 months ago

          That arpeggio, man. It will never leave me.

  18. 12 months ago

    What a very organic thread. Not RPG btw.

  19. 12 months ago

    Because Blizzard only cares about destroying the old lore and pushing women to the front.

    • 12 months ago

      Seriously. Your character in D4 is just the moronic sidekick to a strong womyn girlboss. She even kills the final boss instead of (You). What the frick.

      • 12 months ago

        Why does this .webm make me so angry and sad? Is this what we call empathy?

      • 12 months ago

        >She even kills the final boss instead of (You). What the frick.
        Absolute crowning moment of cuckery, worthy of a USA product

  20. 12 months ago

    Sacred Gold (2004) is still the king of lore when it comes to action rpgs.

    >huge world map filled with cues, books, quests, different biomes and cultures
    >you can go almost anywhere you want from the beginning
    >each class has its own magic/skill tree
    >great variety of enemies tailored to their own biome
    >game rewards exploration and wanderlust players
    >Crow's Rock Castle and Braverock are the only cities in any rpg that felt close in size to real cities

  21. 12 months ago

    >playing Diablo for story

    It's just a looter shooter rpg.

  22. 12 months ago

    And they still got your money in their bank account and you will continue buying Diablo 5,6,7,8 etc. and every wow expansion because you're a brand loyal pay piggy that needs to buy everything with Diablo,Warcraft etc. on the cover.
    They dont have to try to get your money so why should they?

  23. 12 months ago

    just play path of exile you morons. its free and better

    • 12 months ago

      alternatively, and much better: stop playing arpgs, they are the most degenerate form of rpg ever created and they make the people who play them into corrupted beings.

      • 12 months ago

        >the most degenerate form of rpg ever created
        That would probably be like clicker/incremental rpgs not ARPGs.

        • 12 months ago


  24. 12 months ago

    >dev team is now made up of 19 year old Chinese women
    >why is...

  25. 12 months ago

    Only a complete moron will play their game, so why bother?

  26. 12 months ago

    Anyway does anyone have hot snippets with the demon lady to share? Something like Diablo's nice swingy hips in 3.

  27. 12 months ago

    haha feels good to be part of the streets gang

  28. 12 months ago

    What the frick I am looking up some videos and there are no actual CGI cutscenes but badly animated in-engine shit? Really? In a Blizzard game? And the game looks like shit, like a game that's 5 years old? What the frick is this?

  29. 12 months ago

    Most of you are poor shitters with terrible third world tastes or other parasocial hangups so here is the new ARPG ranking in proper lineup with D4 release:

    Grim Dawn

    Others are of no consequence and don't deserve mentions. Honorable mention to TQ for its place in history.
    If you don't like D4 because Ganker is full of trannies here to troll and you buy what they're saying, just go down the list until you find one you do like. LE would be more competitive if it were more than half done is all I can say.

    • 12 months ago

      You forgot the number one option that should be suggested for all dedicated ARPG players: Killing Yourself

      • 12 months ago

        Not an RPG

        • 12 months ago

          Prove it.

    • 12 months ago

      >terrible 3rd world tastes
      >grim dawn
      LMFAO. I KEK'D. LOL.

  30. 12 months ago

    Also if you need me to help you make other decisions similarly impactful to your budget like eating out 1.5 times I won't be available as I'll be playing D4 or lifting.

  31. 12 months ago

    Getting all of the cinematics to look like diablo 1/starcraft 1 era blizzard stuff must have taken so much time, it's uncanny at times.

  32. 12 months ago

    >The only people defending it are just calling others poor
    This game really is bad, isn't it?

    • 12 months ago

      well the story is garbage wokeshit, the gameplay is sovlless "open world" dogshit combined with a simple streamlined singular skill tree for each class. its not just worse than d2, its worse than d3.

      • 12 months ago

        >dogshit combined with a simple streamlined singular skill tree for each class. its not just worse than d2, its worse than d3
        Holy crap. I think I'd rather buy Tower of Kalemonvo when its finished.

        • 12 months ago

          thanks for funding my soda addiction, Anon

    • 12 months ago

      I just can't be assed to even try it... I had a blast with both d1 and d2 but d3 was such a wet fart I can't trust the ip anymore.

  33. 12 months ago

    Cool cinematic then inarius stabs lilith with the spear
    >walks around a bit and then she just pulls it out and stabs him the back, dont even get to see his face


    • 12 months ago

      i was genuinely confused at this. i only watched the game movie so yeah. there really isn't anymore context to this? As the viewer i was thinking "there is 0% chance lillith is dying here"

      like, if you play the game are you expecting inarius to die already? it would make more sense if that was the case.

      Did you see they made a pop star music video for diablo too? completely unhinged what this franchise has become

      LMAO oh god... oh no...

    • 12 months ago

      >I stab you
      >no, me

      Kino visual quality as always from blizzard, but this has to be the lamest confrontation in diablo history.

      • 12 months ago

        These are the people that gave you avatar thrall

    • 12 months ago

      That cutscene was so infuriating. It was like 1 hour long, so much effort, so much budget, hell the writing started being good when Lilith confronted him about killing her son and mocked him because he wasn't going to be accepted by heaven again

      But no, they had to pull some "female empowerment" moment so inarius needed to have some "fragile white male" meltdown so feminist Lilith could STAB HIM IN THE BACK! BOOM! POWERFUL! She never loved him, chud, can't you see?

      I don't get why the writers hated both Inarius and Lilith so much to disrespect them this way. If anything Inarius got it better because all character development Lilith had 99% of the game was smugly smiling at the camera.

      • 12 months ago

        >I don't get why the writers hated both Inarius and Lilith so much to disrespect them this way. If anything Inarius got it better because all character development Lilith had 99% of the game was smugly smiling at the camera.

        Look the D3 happy disney shit of angel and demon in cartoon love was the actual aberration here.
        They were doing a theme of heaven ignoring mortals, they put the one guy in the Penitent armor and he kills himself fighting for you to drive the point home they're also being ignored by heaven.

        I just saw it as a reset to the proper horror environment that started in D1 rather than going out of my way to look for obnoxious leftist political analogies and I can't stand leftists more than anyone on this board. A proper horror environment involves heaven forsaking the mortals in their little purgatory called Sanctuary and depicting their false hope placed in the angel worship. These things were done in proper form imo.

        There's a difference between political propaganda and actual writing themes with some grounding to me. Here I see the latter, for a fricking change.

        Now, if they're true to typical leftist form the expansion/dlc whatever will have Reyshanda or whatever her name is come back with a new lightsaber hand to show the protag and all the demons how it's done. They can't resist pouring that shit into the second season if they think they've got a foothold as we've seen with other big shows such as Westworld.

        They have a foothold now with D4, save this post and see if they squander it later come expac time.

        • 12 months ago

          >I hate leftist and leftist narratives
          >shills for diablo "yass queen slay!" cuatro
          Not really sure if legit moron or legit shill.

  34. 12 months ago

    Did you see they made a pop star music video for diablo too? completely unhinged what this franchise has become

    • 12 months ago

      What in the actual frick

  35. 12 months ago

    It's been a hoot to me over the decades, seeing all the various Blizz fanboys continually fall into despair, saying "they used to be good". They were never good. Diablo and Warcraft were always garbage, you were just dumb little kids who ate anything served to you.

    • 12 months ago

      >Diablo and Warcraft were always garbage
      I've replayed Brood War, WC3 and Diablo II many years later and they were a lot of fun, and even though I didn't care too much about the story, it was always standard fare fantasy with its good moments. I haven't played D3 but all this woke shit and the general turn in writing that I can't really express is so on the nose and annoying. I didn't play Starcraft 2 either but I've seen the story and it was unbearable. Absolute trash writing even for pulp fantasy.

      • 12 months ago

        >I've replayed Brood War, WC3 and Diablo II many years later and they were a lot of fun
        Yes, you were a mouthbreather then and you are a mouthbreather now. Garbage in, garbage out.

        • 12 months ago

          i played d2 resurrected without playing it on release. tbh i like the story of d2, what is so shit about it? its literally just "diablo is going to frick things up, and you have to stop him" theres really nothing extra on top of that to be called out as shit. im curious as to what your reasoning for why diablo is shit is.

          • 12 months ago

            Braindead dopamine clicker offering no challenge until you play it three times in a row. Grind bosses on repeat is basically the game. Brought in a whole slew of tards into the genre and set up some truly awful standards.

            • 12 months ago

              >braindead dopamine clicker
              this is every single jrpg
              >offering no challenge
              this is pretty much every game, unless you play autistic shit like geometry dash or osu! even then, a game is only going to challenge you trivially. a real challenge? 400lb bench
              >grind bosses on repeat
              it was pretty fun to me.

              what i gathered from your reply is that you are just seething over people liking something you personally don't like

              • 12 months ago

                >what i gathered from your reply is that you are just seething over people liking something you personally don't like
                This is called projection, mouthbreather-kun. You are having an emotional response to a game you enjoyed being fairly criticized. Calm down.

              • 12 months ago

                >fairly criticized
                you didn't list any objective/measureable quality of the game tho. not everything is projection anon, i don't even really like the game. i just didn't think it was shit as you stated (still without any actual evidence)

              • 12 months ago

                I listed objective qualities of the game, undisputed even by its reasonable fans. It's just that you like what I consider shit.

              • 12 months ago

                so what are some examples of non-braindead dopamine clickers that offer actual challenge? you just gave extremely generic statements that are obviously associated with bad quality. the game isn't braindead, the difficulty is fair and reasonable, and it's genuinely enjoyable grind in the game and experiment with different builds.

                See how i can say some baseless and meaningless shit that completely contradicts the meaningless baseless bullshit you said? will you now present actual arguments or continue to have a mental breakdown over me asking your to clarify your opinion

              • 12 months ago

                If you found Diablo 2 to be a challenge, you are a mouthbreather. It's impossible to die before Hell if you have basic motor skills. Enjoying D2 grind is degenerate gambling behaviour where you repetitively click your mouse for dopamine hits as you hunt for best in slots. There's virtually no experimentation, builds suggest themselves readily. Wow, I'm so upset though, aaaaa, breaking down, nooo...

              • 12 months ago

                i mean it's reasonably challenging, if you do literally nothing in the face of enemies you will die. i dont really think if the game was harder that it would be better either, so minutely arguing about the difficulty of the game seems pointless to me. i'm just pointing out how moronic your non-arguments sound and to my befuddlement you are actually engaging with those moronic baseless arguments kek. you must be really slow

              • 12 months ago

                I accept your concession.

              • 12 months ago

                i didn't concede any of my arguments, if you had basic reading comprehension you'd realize your opening arguments are still just as vapid and moronic as when you first posted them. here's some insight that i'll surely have to spoonfeed you eventually: i don't even like d2 that much. its just an arpg, not much better or worse than other arpgs i've played and it gets some extra points for basically pioneering the entire genre. the game is good, it's not shit. if you wanted to "objectively" measure the game then you would realize it's not shit. but to you, it's shit because you don't like it. that's a fair opinion, it just has no basis in the reality of the product, only your personal and subjective experience with the product.

                Do you now understand? because if you don't i'm getting bored of spoonfeeding you the reasoning behind why your opinion is 60iq.

              • 12 months ago

                Cry moar.

              • 12 months ago

                >posts moronic opinion
                >fails to clarify it
                i'll accept your concession on this debate, thank (you). you may resume your mental neurodegenerative mind-break in peace.

              • 12 months ago

                Whatever helps you cope, bro. Have a good one!

              • 12 months ago

                Lightning-enhanced, multishot bosses.

              • 12 months ago

                You are replying to another anon. I played those games casually, I didn't grind 200 hours in Diablo II. Just played the story again. It's an OK story for a fricking videogame.

              • 12 months ago

                That's not really the "D2 experience" though and not what I was criticizing about them. Anything is fine if you blow through it for the story and don't care much.

              • 12 months ago

                thats a little disingenuous considering the first thing you said to me about liking the games upon 2nd playthrough is calling me a mouthbreather. now you weren't criticizing them for that? you are just blindly seething about people that do so much as play d2 and enjoy it. Now it's a fine game to play? kek

              • 12 months ago


              • 12 months ago

                so you are criticizing the "D2 experience" or the game itself?

              • 12 months ago


              • 12 months ago

                fair enough, you really are a moron. good for you.

              • 12 months ago


              • 12 months ago

                Yes, you are.

              • 12 months ago
              • 12 months ago

                you got me there, although you are still moronic, and i'm actually not.

              • 12 months ago

                Cry moar.

              • 12 months ago

                npc dialogue looping. kek, cmon bruh.

              • 12 months ago


              • 12 months ago

                >heh, i'll pretend i don't care!
                >by replying like a dog everytime he beckons me!
                kek, still waiting on your arguments.

              • 12 months ago

                No. This is the D2 experience, by the way, mindless repetition for dopamine hits.

              • 12 months ago

                you are the only one mindlessly repeating yourself. lel.

              • 12 months ago

                Because that's what you are into, StillWaiting-kun. Is this really going over your head this badly? Sad little mouth-breather.

              • 12 months ago

                no it's not, i'm just trying to get your opinion on the game. i think we got somewhere, you are criticizing the general experience of people that enjoy diablo 2 for many hours? Or is the game itself flawed to the extent that playing it to completion is already shit?

              • 12 months ago

                I believe ARPGs are fundamentally harmful and Blizzard is a predatory developer. To me, these things are so self-evident that I can't take anyone who doesn't see that seriously.

              • 12 months ago

                >That's not really the "D2 experience"
                It literally is for 99% of people that played the game.

              • 12 months ago

                It isn't the essence that was codified and monetized in countless other games.

              • 12 months ago

                Believe it or not, the majority of people who play these games play them once or twice and move on. You fabricated an idea for yourself that these people are common and that the games are life ruining. Further, you seem to believe that the game is somehow at fault for the lifestyle choices of the player. I advise that you stop posting and touch grass. It's just a game.

              • 12 months ago

                Cope, blizzdrone, World of Warcraft exists, all the similar games exist. I can hate the conner and the conned just fine. The writing was always on the wall.

  36. 12 months ago

    Lilith was the good guy and you're just Mephistos pawn.

  37. 12 months ago

    Astroturf thread. Watch this trash disappear after ~~*their*~~ marketing campaign stops.

    • 12 months ago

      Well duh, 2023 is kinda weak on game releases, this has been the biggest in months (hogwarts legacy was the last one). Why wouldn't people talk about it?

      It's just that the game is bad, in gameplay, design, story, etc. so it will die down.

      • 12 months ago
        Bobby Kotick

        tbqh from my personal experience of seeing it happen on this board usually it's "fans" of the game posting epic dunks like
        >"tfw you cant enjoy the most kino rpg ever" and it's a reaction pic taken straight from their game.

        admittedly, to me this was most obvious when there were like 25 bg3 threads up at once. i cant really tell if this is astroturfing cuz theres like 2 or 3 d4 threads up only

        >what i gathered from your reply is that you are just seething over people liking something you personally don't like
        This is called projection, mouthbreather-kun. You are having an emotional response to a game you enjoyed being fairly criticized. Calm down.

        5 WoW Tokens has been deposited to your accounts.

    • 12 months ago

      tbqh from my personal experience of seeing it happen on this board usually it's "fans" of the game posting epic dunks like
      >"tfw you cant enjoy the most kino rpg ever" and it's a reaction pic taken straight from their game.

      admittedly, to me this was most obvious when there were like 25 bg3 threads up at once. i cant really tell if this is astroturfing cuz theres like 2 or 3 d4 threads up only

      • 12 months ago

        the bg3 spam shit was "ironic" shilling to protest the board having generals or something, a moronic crusade. an autist or two picks a game and "champions" it to make other people dislike it.

  38. 12 months ago

    Today I learned people gave a shit about Diablos story after 2. Hell 2 barely makes any fricking sense to begin with.

  39. 12 months ago

    v lost. we won

  40. 12 months ago

    I’m not sure where the backlash is coming from, Diablo’s story was simple from the start. D2 had good presentation as you followed hood man and old dude, but the story beats are straightforward and easy to understand. I will say 3, 4, and Immortal’s story are presented in a more ‘standard’ way. Less interesting but the stories themselves are fine.

  41. 12 months ago

    I never knew the plot of D2 and I have 2k hours in it. You just don't care about that since I've only played multiplayer in the LAN place with friends.

  42. 12 months ago

    Not an rpg
    Barely a game even
    It's just microtransactions: the "game"

  43. 12 months ago

    Blizzard really listened to their fans.
    Their fans cried about how Overwatch 2 and Diablo immortal were free so they listened and put a 70$ pricetag on it.
    They still kept the
    >always online
    >30$ skins
    >15$ horse skins
    >10$ normal battle pass or you can buy the "accerelated battlepass" version for 25$ which starts you out on the 20th level aand gives you an additional exclusive item you can only get in the "acceralated battlepass".
    of f2p games in though.
    Get some money out of them upfront in case they leave early without buying anything and then still keep squeezing out more from the dedicated fans who stay and decide to keep playing with microtransactions like a f2p game.

    • 12 months ago

      what the frick, really? glad I didn't buy it

    • 12 months ago

      I've paypigged a bit for LoL/DotA and I can't believe I fell for the hats grift.

  44. 12 months ago

    Just make another diablo 2 and dont adapt it to consoles

  45. 12 months ago

    All modern games have horrible stories. No matter if Diablo IV, FFXIV, Horizon games, etc.

    All of them are like a exposition.

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