diablo + hellfire

should i play diablo alone or play hellfire,is hellfire a sequel or an expanded version of the original diablo ?

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  1. 1 year ago


    But the gameplay fricking rules


    should i play diablo alone or play hellfire,is hellfire a sequel or an expanded version of the original diablo ?

    Play D1 vanilla and then play Hellfire. A full casual play-through is a blast and takes no time.

    • 1 year ago

      Hellfire is interesting, but there's a lot of roughness to it, I think you should play just Diablo first and then check it out with Hellfire to see what it's like that way.

      it's not the best gameplay in the world or anything, but it's not terrible either, it works for the game. I also don't think that Hellfire adds particularly much depth to this.

      Hellfire is an expansion pack for the original Diablo that was not developed by the original team. Sierra, the publisher, wanted to get more use from their publishing rights so they had one of their studios produce the expansion in Blizzard's stead.
      It adds some neat things (oils, running in town) and extends the life of the game but the content is generally not as good as the base game.

      Just play the original and try it afterwards.

      thanks,also,diablo discussion welcome of course.
      i played a lot of diablo 2 back in the day but somehow never got to play 1 beside a demo when i was young.
      also wich class should i go with,the manuals recommend warrior.

      • 1 year ago

        rogue or sorc, warrior is the hardest

        • 1 year ago

          Ive been trying to play it 'ironman' with bard and I'm really missing the warrior's shield and tankiness.

      • 1 year ago

        >the manuals recommend warrior
        Yeah, and it trolled me good, because I stormed through the game and then hit a brick wall at the 11th floor. You'll have to play smart and do some strategic item hoarding to play warrior which isn't easy as a first play, from my experience.

        • 1 year ago

          Those fricking succubi things in hell jesus FRICK. Took me hours of save scumming and just running in circles. Would have been a non-issue if I had a bow...

        • 1 year ago

          why do so many isomstric RPGs like Diablo have some insane difficulty spike that blindsides you halfway through the game?

          • 1 year ago

            I personally got double fricked because of a single at first amazing, and then later very poor, item drop. I got a unique mace on the second floor that let me run roughshod over the entire fricking game until floor 10, which is full of enemies that resist blunt damage. I of course did not know this until after I struggled my way through it. Had I not been doing half the damage I could have been doing I would have had a much easier time.

          • 1 year ago

            In the case of D1 it's because the hardest levels, in terms of monster spawns and enemy group composition, are completely full of projectile spam enemies that run away. For Rogue and Sorcerer this is rough but doable. The more dangerous enemies are the hell knights and possibly getting swarmed by the lightning serpents but that is pretty manageable with kiting. By the time you reach Hell you should have gotten a hold of how to deal with these things..

            For Warrior though it's just getting fricked. Succubi run away at the same speed you move at and being weak with both magic and bows means your options for dealing with them are really limited. Getting Teleport is your best bet but you have no guarantee of getting both enough +magic gear and a book for it in the same run. What's worse is the block stun animation can trap you if too many Succubi are firing at once. In spite of them fleeing they are no slouch in a fight either, those fireballs add up quick.

            Also fighting the hell sorcerers is a straight up fricking nightmare.

            • 1 year ago

              >be warrior
              >equip bow
              >shoot succ's
              That easy

              • 1 year ago

                It's still grueling. I liked to equip rings of the dragon and use stone curse, but it's grueling no matter what. The real answer is, on hell or even on nightmare you want to seriously consider ignoring advocates and using teleport to scout the map for the exit instead.

              • 1 year ago

                t. never played above normal
                Warrior has both low attack speed and accuracy with bows. Unless you get Eaglehorn in a very lucky drop you are going to be so outclassed in DPS by packs of succubi that you are going to chug as many potions as if you had just tried to run in to melee.

  2. 1 year ago

    The only reason not to is that Hellfire adds some spells that aren't in the original game. The additional levels feel like fan-made content, but you don't have to do them until you finish the original game.

  3. 1 year ago

    Hellfire with DevilutionX engine.

    There's 0 reason to play original Diablo.

  4. 1 year ago

    Hellfire is an expansion pack for the original Diablo that was not developed by the original team. Sierra, the publisher, wanted to get more use from their publishing rights so they had one of their studios produce the expansion in Blizzard's stead.
    It adds some neat things (oils, running in town) and extends the life of the game but the content is generally not as good as the base game.

  5. 1 year ago

    Hellfire is interesting, but there's a lot of roughness to it, I think you should play just Diablo first and then check it out with Hellfire to see what it's like that way.


    it's not the best gameplay in the world or anything, but it's not terrible either, it works for the game. I also don't think that Hellfire adds particularly much depth to this.

  6. 1 year ago

    Just play the original and try it afterwards.

  7. 1 year ago

    I'd avoid Hellfire. It was developed by a separate developer instead of Blizzard North and the general content is not up to the same quality as everything in the base game. Enemies have stiffer movement. Dungeons have no real rhyme or reason. Sound is a lot choppier.

    Warrior start is the way to go. Sorcerer is really broken.

  8. 1 year ago

    Hellfire was hated by original devs. It has terrible reputation amongst fans. It adds bloat to game. Play D1 with deviloutionx. Don't play hellfire

    • 1 year ago

      what does deviloutionx do exactly ? id rather play without mods.

      • 1 year ago

        It's not a mod. That's a decomp project source port. At most it has settings you could enable like running in town, widescreen, changing between zoomed out camera (zoomed in camera is how original game acts). I believe original had issues with image scaling and stuff like that. Maybe it worked fine on CRT? DevilotuinX looks very sharp with my settings.

      • 1 year ago

        Widescreen support.

        However, if you want the most pure gameplay, just go vanilla no mods. Widescreen messes with the monster AI in a little bit because it lets you see farther than the monsters can.

        • 1 year ago

          >Widescreen messes with the monster AI in a little bit because it lets you see farther than the monsters can.
          This is not nearly as pronounced in the first game, and more a problem with the second game, where you actually go out and fight in daylight and other places which aren't dank and dark. The first game is just overall a lot darker, outside of I suppose the caves, where there's lava pools, where I guess it can make a more pronounced difference at times.

      • 1 year ago

        It also adds a stash so you don't have to carry gold in your inventory and +magic gear around. A hundred pages, too.

    • 1 year ago

      >people hate thing so you also have to hate thing
      I've played vanilla D1 100 times, Hellfire is fun, who cares?

      • 1 year ago

        Someone new to the franchise might care? Its additions are bad.
        Also most people don't play Diablo1 100 times. Its great that you enjoyed it but I wouldn't play it a lot.
        However for a game that I play 100 times expansion pack no matter how bad would be interesting.

  9. 1 year ago

    I don't mind Hellfire, but save it for a re-play

  10. 1 year ago

    Hellfire is okay-ish if you want to try out the special classes (monk, bard, barbarian). The added content is mostly meh, apart from the equipment.

  11. 1 year ago

    One of those games with the perfect mix of creepiness and comfiness
    >That music
    >The dull blue late evening light with the warm orange glow of house windows
    >The mostly deserted town, but inhabited by a few friendly characters
    >The short sprinkles of creepy lore about how mysterious riders hunt down and murder anyone who tries to leave
    Wish we could get another game like it

    • 1 year ago

      If I was rich, I would hire Matt Uelmen to do some music (and even more importantly, sound design), for some new game which tries to capture these kinds of aesthetics and feelings.

  12. 1 year ago

    Why is this game so memorable? i played it last year for the first time and it just stuck in my mind, i mean it's no masterpiece by any means but it's living in my head rent free.
    I haven't played Diablo 2 but thankfully i didn't take people opinions about skipping the first game and jumping to the second one.

    • 1 year ago

      Same, I'm a complete zoom zoomer who played it for the first time a few months back and been craving something with a similar vibe. Diablo 2 has too much exploration of new locations and new lore for it to feel like the same bizarre creepy little experience as the first

      • 1 year ago

        I love the zoomed out map like this, it makes the place more believable and these graphics are timeless, it's almost look like CGI.

      • 1 year ago

        I don't know much about medieval cathedral placement, but I always found it weird how a small town would have such a frickhuge church.

        • 1 year ago

          I'm from a pretty small village which has a quite large 11th century church in it, and to be fair the church itself doesn't look overly big, it's all the catacombs and dungeons that the Horadrim had built specifically beneath it. The cathedral is more of a cover.

    • 1 year ago

      I like Diablo 2 a lot but playing hundreds of hours of Path of Exile prior to trying it for the first time kinda ruined the experience for me. I'm genuinely surprised the makers of that game didn't get sued to oblivion for the amount of shit they blatantly copied from the Diablo series. At some point I really do need the original Diablo a playthrough at least once though.

      • 1 year ago

        >I like Diablo 2 a lot but playing hundreds of hours of Path of Exile prior to trying it for the first time kinda ruined the experience for me
        I was fortunate enough to revisit D1 and D2 before diving into PoE.
        After going into both of them back to back, I can only say that Blizzard North was channeling something amazing and they're two of the best games I've played.

        • 1 year ago

          They really got things right with D1 and D2. Sure some D2 acts are a bit shaky, but D1 and D2 Act 1 are absolutely stellar

    • 1 year ago

      most rpgs are bloated and aimless, diablo has such a strong premise that it almost feels like a survival horror game at times. one location, descending deeper and deeper into hell.

    • 1 year ago

      The sound effects shit on those of any game made today. Every enemy has intensely evocative noises for every attack and death.

      The music is S tier. Nothing you would ever listen to outside the game, but it's creepy as frick and builds the atmosphere on its own. Tristram's theme is insane. Peaceful but uneasy. No idea how the hell he accomplished that.

      The slow move speed and your low relative power level (you are a dude, with a sword) reinforce the feeling of dread and helplessness.

      The townsfolk are given enough personality to feel like real people.

      It's a horror game before it's a Diablo-like. I find D2 way more fun and replayable, but D1 shits on it in terms of atmosphere.

      Everything in it works in synergy with everything else. There's no clash between the music, art, and game styles.

  13. 1 year ago

    Since Diablo was released, we never got a clone that had the same "one big dungeon" concept. I have 0 interest in Diablo 2 because it lacks that. And every Diablo clone copies Diablo 2 now.

    • 1 year ago

      The original Torchlight is one big dungeon like Diablo and has some of the same staff and composer, it's much more akin to D1 than D2. The art-style is cartoony, but the gameplay is solid and familiar. It's a fun playthrough if that's what you're looking for.

      • 1 year ago

        Thank you, I'll give it a try.

    • 1 year ago

      yeah, I feel the same way.
      same with the pacing and difficulty. Diabloclones nowadays give the player too much power too quickly, so you lose the tension and strategy the first game had.
      instead you can cast the kill-all spell to clear rooms, sift through the 72 items that dropped while maybe picking up one, before moving on.
      yes i'm mad

  14. 1 year ago

    The big problem with a lot of Diablo clones for me is that they don't have that gothic horror atmosphere and usually just lean into generic fantasy. I don't know what the solution is because following both Diablo's aesthetic and gameplay would be too much of a ripoff though

    • 1 year ago

      That is literally Path of Exile, 99 percent of that game is shamelessly copied straight from Diablo 2. I've enjoyed playing it but damn is that game derivative

      • 1 year ago

        >what if we took the worst part of Diablo II, and made it 400x more complex and player hostile
        I tried to like PoE but jesus christ as soon as I opened that skill tree I was out of there. Oh if I make one wrong choice among these 100s I can end up with a totally unviable character? Really great game design.

  15. 1 year ago

    Hellfire sucks. All of the new assets look amateur mod quality, the new quests are shitty unfunny jokes, the alien lair is stupid and doesn't belong, the crypt is just the cathedral but worse. When you descend levels in the alien hive you get cringe voiceovers from the boss straight out of Diablo 3.
    The monk looks a red chimp with marfan syndrome, the other two classes do not get new art at all. The voiceover quality from the monk sounds distinctly differnt from the rest of the games audio and it's jarring.
    The oils are neat. Sleepwalk in town is convenient. Otherwise, it's all very poor quality.
    I recommend playing without it because there are so many parts of Hellfire that disrupt the atmosphere that makes Diablo 1 so enjoyable.
    It's a shame because as we see in every Diablo thread, we all wish there was more Diablo 1 since the genre is dominated by Diablo 2 style games.

  16. 1 year ago

    Hellfire gets kinda overhated because the original creator of D1/2 gets really butthurt about anything that strays from its vision. At worst it's kinda mediocre and unnecessary.

  17. 1 year ago

    any good D1 clones you recommend playing?
    i've lost count how many times i replayed 1 and 2 at this point

    • 1 year ago

      The only one that really plays similarly is Torchlight, the rest stray too close to D2 imho. I haven't put much time into it but Flare is a FOSS Diablo type game. The little but I've played is pretty solid.


      • 1 year ago

        i'll give flare a shot, thanks

        • 1 year ago

          anytime anon, free is free

  18. 1 year ago


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