Diablo IV

Anyone here playing the beta?
I think it's fun

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 year ago

    Heard it plays like Diablo 3, which is a gigantic red flag.

    • 1 year ago

      It does. Mob density is low and you're not in the rifts so it might seem different but really its D3 wearing D2 mask.

      • 1 year ago

        I wish, it's really D3.5 with a little immortal on top.
        >can't spend stat points
        >casters skills scale with weapon damage, meaning you'd run around with a hunking 2-hander for dps
        >+main stat from gear is the main way to increase dps

        The only thing that's good is the skill tree, which a dumbed down version of poe.

        • 1 year ago

          >can't spend stat points
          I love statements like this because they automatically act as a filter for who actually knows what they're talking about.

          People like you larp about how spending stat points in D2 actually did anything when it was literally
          >put enough points into dex/str to use gear
          >everything else into vitality

          • 1 year ago

            Anon, I should be free to frick up my character all I want.

          • 1 year ago

            >put enough points into dex/str to use gear
            >everything else into vitality
            except for dex:
            >maxblock on a paladin with holy shield
            >50% block on a necro with homu
            >30-50% for sorc, trapsin, etc with monarch
            except for energy when leveling first day of ladder before respec for more mana
            except for niche builds like glass cannon bowazon pumping dex

          • 1 year ago

            We've been over this many times anon. D3 and they way it works (and by extension D4) is shit.

            • 1 year ago

              >Play Last Epoch
              >Beekeeper gloves drop in the first 5 levels
              >Your shaman is now a low level god
              >Similarly in GD they understand all of those itemization concepts
              >Nor are they influenced by either microtransaction or nublizz weird numultiplayer doctrine, whatever it might be now but I bet there are internal documents that have stupid anti fun words on them like "balance and accessibility"
              It's hard to convey to those without a lot of arpg time how accurate that picture is and why D2 remains more popular than 3 to this day. There is nothing exciting I've seen in 4's screenshots for items which seem to fall into the same ol' korean grinder "+3-5% to stat" trap. Set pieces in 3 might be considered a slight improvement which this document doesn't really address but they're kind of locked down to one playstyle like wow gear as well as they usually require all your slots.

              Last Epoch and GD have all of those itemization concepts down pretty well and much better build and multiclass trees to boot.
              Last Epoch furthermore has the polish, innovative dot stacking mechanics. shielding mechanics, plenty of others, story with a cool time travel theme, better end game mode.

  2. 1 year ago

    It's mediocre

  3. 1 year ago

    The only playable female in roster is wizard.
    Everything other "girl" is a horrible abomination.

    > Pic related. Druid.

    • 1 year ago

      Good luck guessing gender of this necro...

    • 1 year ago

      Good luck guessing gender of this necro...

      my necro is cute as hell

      My Rogue is cuter.

      >put all this effort into player character models
      >in-engine cutscenes already look old

      Don't get me wrong, these ARE impressive visuals for a game like this aka where you're never really meant to see character this up-close. But cinematic cutscenes also mean Diablo 4 is stepping into the area with every other game that focuses on presentation and it loses.

      • 1 year ago

        Also it's fricking boring and you really know this because we already have two threads full of balding coomerism and not a single mention of gameplay.
        Now post the minimalist boring as frick UI, I will once again declare Last Epoch the winner of the ARPG inheritance, and blizzdrones can continue to eat their gacha shit and take their corporate HRT, ignoring all signposts directing them back onto the highways of sanity and taste while third world streamers try to eke out their next honda payment on youtube by shilling this utter mediocrity.

        • 1 year ago

          is last epoch worth buying now?

          • 1 year ago

            I found it pretty engaging even long before they put in MP recently so I don't know what you look for in ARPG but for me the story, theme, and build variety is just the top of the line out of what's out there right now. I'm a big Grim Dawn fan too but they really have something there over GD with a lot more polish. It has a better engine than the current set (minus D4, I am sure their engine delivers the bland unimaginative shit gameplay and setting well), more responsive, better end game modes than anything I've ever played.

            Only reason I'm not playing it is just letting it bake out of EA and for the missing subclasses to get finished for the whole experience. I think they have some placeholder cinemas instead of the finished ones too in some places but it's just fricking good.

        • 1 year ago

          There is plenty of discussion about the mechanics on /d4g/, nobody discusses the mechanics anywhere else, because at least on Ganker, anons are more interested in creating ugly characters and then being outraged about it.

          • 1 year ago

            i'm kind of ok with all the women characters being ugly tbh. frick coomers and trannies.

            • 1 year ago

              But D4 females are actually pretty cute. Old grandma druid aside.

        • 1 year ago

          there is no FRICKING way that basedjak came from that scene in the sopranos i saw that episode only a fricking week ago

  4. 1 year ago

    so it's all meta gayging and killing monsters? who the frick plays this?
    diablo ii and even iii both captured me from the beginning. here you just go from place to place, no interactions, like it's some shitty mmo

  5. 1 year ago

    >level 1, no armor
    >huge ass wolf bites you
    >it takes 2% of your health
    garbage game

    • 1 year ago

      >level 1, no armor, every RPG ever
      >get stabbed with a sword
      >instead of instantly dying and being impaled you only lose 2% health

  6. 1 year ago

    my necro is cute as hell

    • 1 year ago

      Ok now show us a female necro

    • 1 year ago

      My Rogue is cuter.

    • 1 year ago

      I will now buy your game
      >exclusive on shit-platform
      maybe not

    • 1 year ago

      I'm going to say something controversial and say that I like it

  7. 1 year ago

    Generic and soulless crap

  8. 1 year ago

    I refuse to play anything from Blizzard ever again
    The woke must burn

    • 1 year ago

      Is Blizzard somehow more woke than any other big vidya companies?

      • 1 year ago

        They have to after the lawsuit

      • 1 year ago

        I tend to avoid all AAA because of that but blizz is right up there with EA,disney, and netflix at this point. All corporate roads lead to Vivendi and Blackrock at some point now. You don't have to keep buying AAA luckily esp. if you can put down the console that is raping your wallet anyway.

      • 1 year ago

        If MS takes them over, you're gonna see the wokeness dialed up to eleven. We're living in a cursed timeline.

  9. 1 year ago

    I spent more time downloading it than actually playing. It's so bland on every level. Maybe it's just a bad first act to open the game with, I don't know.

  10. 1 year ago

    diablo 2 is better

  11. 1 year ago

    >ask NPCs something
    >camera wrestles control away from me as it SLOWLY pans to the character
    >for every single dialog topic you have to manually choose
    Who in the FRICK thought this was a good idea?

  12. 1 year ago

    Is it really supposed to be easy?
    I'm only at the beginning, but so fat I'm just one shotting mobs.

    Even the one boss I fought was a joke.

    • 1 year ago

      Have you never played a Diablo game before?

  13. 1 year ago

    Ugly characters aside from sorcerer and rogue females. Other than that, surprisingly fun. Love the story so far. Yes, I play RPGs for story.

  14. 1 year ago

    The shill script so far is that only repeatedly farming bosses at level 100 is the actual game and the rest is supposed to be bad.

  15. 1 year ago

    it made me go back to playing d2 again which has been wonderful

  16. 1 year ago

    I made the mistake of giving druid a chance and had a horrible time. Then I rerolled necro and thought it was fun enough. Definitely will buy it for $10 in like 2026 or something.

  17. 1 year ago

    Ah yes, the Blizzard shilling is in full force. Go frick yourself troony, chingchong, Black person, diversity hire homosexual. Not an RPG to the utmost degree.

  18. 1 year ago

    Played it for a couple of hours. I think this is the final straw with blizzard for me.
    I used to be excited for whatever blizzard did back in the day. Starcraft, warcraft, diablo.
    I think just mediocre talents are clogging up blizzard irvine.

  19. 1 year ago

    choose wisely anon

  20. 1 year ago

    so this is the first time I ever played a diablo game. Only played some hours as druid and it was fun. So is diablo just a normal single player rpg and it has some endgame dungeons you can redo as much as you want ? Or do you replay the whole game ?

    • 1 year ago

      >So is diablo just a normal single player rpg and it has some endgame dungeons you can redo as much as you want ?

      Yes and no, A history:

      >d1 one of the first iteration of moving turn based to action
      >more roguelike tighter cramped halls, darker aesthetic
      >multiplayer was kinda thrown in, exploits galore, primarily single game crafted so you had not much to do after beating the hardest difficulty

      >d2 perfected a lot of things, more broader outdoor area, skinner box formula for end game rare drops that would actually change your build and play approaches
      >mp had much more support, ladder etc. (ladder is a grind competition essentially of who can beat what via poopsock), scaling of enemies based on party size
      >end game now has newgame+ difficulties, trading became such a focus offsite speculation sites appeared and stone of jordan ring became the actual currency of d2 because gold was essentially worthless with infinite inflation
      >duping exploits, 3rd party cash sales, game turns mainly into boss run optimization

      >d3 moron devs decided on more disney/lbgtq aesthetic, killed off one of the series principal characters one Deckard Cain with some troony butterfly woman or maybe to save on VA who knows
      >corpo greed led them to institute the cash auction house and make all drops lottery ticket unfun levels of rarity
      >shallow korean grinder gameplay got blasted across the entire dsphere, and they dropped it all to reconfigure the whole game for the expansion which saved it from complete debacle
      >still kept a lot of the shallow grinder feel, leaving people unsatisfied next to the d2 feels

      >grim dawn is released which inherited the real legacy of d2

      >immortal is mocked offstage since shitty mobile game

      >last epoch is released which improved on d2 formula immensely, better story, better endgame

      >d4 is phoned in from wherever, as blizz tries to recapture past glory with formulas, diversity, and inclusion, anything but innovative gameplay or story

      You are here.

      • 1 year ago

        okay anon, but you still didn't tell me anything about the gameplay loop. You have a mainstory you finish, right? What happens after that? What do you grind? where do you grind?

        • 1 year ago

          Typically it's always been basically:
          >finish normal difficulty and one turn of the story
          >you get items and quest reward stat boosts
          >run nightmare difficulty another repetition of the story (essentially d's newgame+ mode)
          >better items, quest stat boosts again
          >hell difficulty
          >same thing again
          If your build sucks you start hitting a wall until you get some better item to progress, or you try a different approach
          Grind in d2 was boss runs because it was the best return of items/time.
          Grind in d3 was a combination of boss runs but moreover to make your build massively efficient flying over regular levels for speed, then the rift levels they started adding with the expansion, treasure goblins etc. (procedural generated end game levels with some roguelike environmental bonus/malus), so massively efficient build under weird conditions, or maybe some support build variations if you have some fellow poopsockers.

          I'm not giving blizz money for d4 because I can tell it's mediocre just from the itemization stats in screenshots as I've played so many arpgs already but it should be similar.

          • 1 year ago

            okay thanks anon

  21. 1 year ago

    Imagine for a second giving money to greedy corporate sex predators who literally named their convention hotel room the 'Cosby suite' so that those greedy sex predators can then lecture you about your implicit male biases and correct your male gaze. I wonder if they come up with any of these ideas while they are simultaneously extracting sexual favors from some young intern in exchange for nepotism.

    Srsly asking out of curiosity. I can't imagine sustaining this degree of cucked hypocrisy. I think my head would implode. Rather just not give them my 60 or 70 lol

  22. 1 year ago

    Any male that plays as a female character in video games is gay

    • 1 year ago

      Cool drawing but I exclusively play as female characters. It's easier on the eyes.
      If you think about it, playing as another man is gay as hell.

  23. 1 year ago

    Watering down to make everything woke and inoffensive = insipid, hollow and boring game world
    Do they also display a "woke disclaimer" on-screen message when you start the game? i.e. "this game was made by a diverse team of programmers and artists, who are at least 50 percent black and 75 percent woman and 66 percent non-binary" I got filtered from Assassin's Creed when I saw that, couldn't even make it past the first splash screen

  24. 1 year ago

    The beta was excellent and at this point, I'm absolutely convinced that people here are just shitting on it because it's labelled "Blizzard" and they would give it a solid score if it wasn't coming from them.
    The only lefit criticism that one can make about the beta is that classes aren't balanced and Sorc / Necro have to be nerfed while Barb and especially Druid need serious tankiness and damage bonuses.
    That's litterally it, everything else is on point. Atmosphere, graphics, gameplay, story.

  25. 1 year ago

    Not an RPG. Action 'RPG's are essentially grind-based mobile games.

  26. 1 year ago


  27. 1 year ago

    The only way I can describe is viscerally gratifying. While the renewed complexity it supposedly has over 3 is purely cosmetic and without any substance, it's enough. There isn't much to the game but it feels satisfying

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