Did anyone like these Devil May Cry ripoffs?

Did anyone like these Devil May Cry ripoffs?

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 3 months ago

    Lol, DMC was shit compared to GoW

    • 3 months ago

      Abysmally garbage and infantile taste.

      • 3 months ago

        at least GoW enemies fight back
        but i guess a game sucks if you dont have a sea of afk monsters to air juggle for SMOKIN SICK CUHRAZY STYLE

        • 3 months ago

          Most of the people having issues with the combat are just being turbo autists. Yes, you spend a lot of time spamming certain attacks and it lacks a super deep combo system and it leans a little too heavily into QTEs but Kratos isn't a fricking martial artist, he's a ragemonkey. The weapons were fun, the controls were responsive and the magic abilities are exactly what they should be. Hurling thunderbolts and stoning people with a gorgon head completely met my expectations

          I haven't played GoW before. I've played DMC 1/2/3, but 1 was the only one I liked. I'm not a fan on the emphasis on combos that 3 had. Would GoW be a good recommendation?

          • 3 months ago

            GOW is less technical and more brawler-ish. A lot less emphasis on locking on and lot more grappling/throws. Might as well try the first one and see what happens, you get the vibe pretty quickly

        • 3 months ago

          Found the fujo, at least GoW was heterokino before Zaslav shot himself in the foot.

          You sound like the types of people that fall for Spike TV-tier marketing and buy shit like Dude Wipes.

          I haven't played GoW before. I've played DMC 1/2/3, but 1 was the only one I liked. I'm not a fan on the emphasis on combos that 3 had. Would GoW be a good recommendation?

          GoW plays like DMC for toddlers. The comparisons are disingenuous. DMC games are technical powerhouses. GoW is a caveman simulator with no tech.

          • 3 months ago

            >Dude Wipes

            What's wrong with wanting a clean butthole? Would it be better if I bought the wipes with babies and butterflies on it?

            • 3 months ago

              Not him but use toilet paper like a normal person. You're literally overpaying for treated TP.

      • 3 months ago

        Found the fujo, at least GoW was heterokino before Zaslav shot himself in the foot.

  2. 3 months ago

    The art direction was phenomenal. The gameplay is decent and satisfying. As a game, it's a million times better than the deluge of generic beat-em-up's of the old days, but of course you can't say that because it might give someone a heart attack. This game is a clone, but old Konami slop is based or something.

  3. 3 months ago

    Mid-2000s Sparta-ass shit

  4. 3 months ago

    *Castlevania: Lamment of Innocence ripoffs

    • 3 months ago

      I can't bring myself to call them DMC ripoffs even if I'm not the biggest fan of GoW. They play in a fundamentally different way and there's far too much usage of QTEs.

      This however was ABSOLUTELY a DMC ripoff.

  5. 3 months ago

    I hate DMC. I'm glad we're past this period

  6. 3 months ago

    I like them, but you cant deny the mark the beginning of the end for AAA gaming. QTEs, long drawn out walking segments, story being emphasized over gameplay

    • 3 months ago

      Metal Gear Solid did all of this long before GOW

      • 3 months ago

        This but it was actually good

    • 3 months ago

      Dude, that wasn't a thing in the original games. Why are you pretending you've played them? Old GOW was practically a Japanese game. The story is just whatever crazy nonsense they felt like, and the gameplay philosophy is entirely based around being as edgy and violent as possible without ever stopping.

      • 3 months ago

        Nta but by QTEs I assume he means what I do when using the term for GoW, which is "mash the highlighted button to kill the monster or execute a special move on their back"

        • 3 months ago

          To preform the final kill animations, yes, the combos are ridiculously simple, too. Pretending they're anything like DMC is ridiculous. To be clear, they're not as bad as the shitty reboot series, but those sections are there

      • 3 months ago

        That's just Mortal Kombat

    • 3 months ago

      Metal Gear Solid did all of this long before GOW

      Wtf, almost none of this shit is true

      • 3 months ago

        >long drawn out walking segments
        Walking around the REX for the first time
        Mash square a billion times to survive the electrocution
        >story over gameplay
        Hour long codec calls

    • 3 months ago

      They aren't even that similar outside of being 3D beat 'em ups.

      >long drawn out walking segments
      In GoW I and II you can't go one minute before encountering a puzzle, a platforming section or an enemy.
      >story being emphasized over gameplay
      Absolutely not true.

      As someone who went back recently to God of War, there's a meme that people often spout which is to play these games on Hard in order for them to not play itself. That is a meme. Play them on Normal, the combat is not fun, you're just there for the spectacle. Making the combat harder just makes the game more annoying
      But I would also say that about DMC
      I've never played Xbox Ninja Gaiden but I bet I would feel the same way about that.
      I just don't think any of these games are all that good

      Harder difficulties change how strong your offenses are, and the combat in general is very unique (focus on grabs and resource management compared to the DPS heavy nature of DMC).

    • 3 months ago

      Waaaaaay too different from DMC. GOW is a whole package, great direction in every aspect, DMC sole focus is the combat (and godly OST), which is not bad at all, but makes it hard to compare to a game that trying to fill every base

      Only one this game is guilty of is Qte, and I blame RE4 harder for it, as TPS were a dime a dozen little after it came out

  7. 3 months ago

    They may be retro, but they’re not retro

  8. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      >twitter filename
      ninjagays, this is your mindset

    • 3 months ago

      >spams izuna drop
      haha.... my series is so much superior...

    • 3 months ago

      >NGBlackedgay not getting easily filtered for one second challenge.

    • 3 months ago
  9. 3 months ago

    As someone who went back recently to God of War, there's a meme that people often spout which is to play these games on Hard in order for them to not play itself. That is a meme. Play them on Normal, the combat is not fun, you're just there for the spectacle. Making the combat harder just makes the game more annoying
    But I would also say that about DMC
    I've never played Xbox Ninja Gaiden but I bet I would feel the same way about that.
    I just don't think any of these games are all that good

    • 3 months ago

      >I've never played Xbox Ninja Gaiden but I bet I would feel the same way about that.
      You have to beat the game on Normal to unlock Hard Mode anyway.

  10. 3 months ago

    Devil May Cry if it had testosterone

  11. 3 months ago

    Everyone ripped off something from someone. Who cares.

    DMC ripped off Onimusha.

    • 3 months ago

      Can you really rip off something made by the same company? Especially when it releases within a year of each other?

    • 3 months ago

      >Yamato is a just a reskinned Raizan

  12. 3 months ago

    set piece slop designed to fool smoothbrains into thinking they are accomplishing something fantastic by mashing

    • 3 months ago

      But enough about Bayonetta.

      • 3 months ago

        Stop playing on easy mode.

  13. 3 months ago

    Isn't DMC an Onimusha ripoff?
    If anything GoW ripped off Rygar

    • 3 months ago

      Came here to say this. They have way too many similarities to be a coincidence.

  14. 3 months ago

    God of War was a beat'em up, not a DMC rip off.

  15. 3 months ago

    >he didn't hold the devil's pot of tea

    • 3 months ago

      Still fricking slaps.

  16. 3 months ago

    This game mogs all of them

    • 3 months ago

      I won't lie. It's too fricking hard. I don't think I'll ever truly understand this game.


      Did anyone like these Devil May Cry ripoffs?

      They look fantastic but it's a douchey bro-game with bad melee combat like 99% of western games. Only recently in indie games can roundeyes make boss fights worth a shit and decently flowing movesets.

      • 3 months ago

        >bad melee combat
        t. never beat God Mode in 1 and Titan Mode in 2.

        • 3 months ago

          This. Everyone says they are too easy, square square triangle spam, but try that shit on the hardest difficulty you motherfrickers

          • 3 months ago

            They're only hard because 99% of Kratos' moveset and weapons are entirely ineffective! In every game you have to do weird workarounds to actually do damage. It's awful. These clearly were never tested or even intended to be played on anything higher than normal. They're supposed to be power trips and on the higher difficulties every glaring issue becomes shockingly apparent.

            • 3 months ago

              >99% of Kratos' moveset and weapons are entirely ineffective
              Normals in GoW I are mainly used for ringouts, to launch and to crowd control, but Artemis can deal good damage. Your real damaging tools are grabs (and collisions on God Mode) and magic. In II you have the Hammer which has incredible DPS and you have Rage that buffs your damage a lot if you didn't upgrade your weapons yet, but even here grabs/collisions and magic are king (and it's not a bad thing since it differentiates the game a lot compared to other action games).

              GoW games were not play tested in hard let alone Titan. They are meant to be played at normal. There is a difference between articial difficulty and a good hard game. Prince of Persia Warrior Within also have the same shit on harder difficulty. Doesn't mean it has good combat.

              >They are meant to be played at normal
              The games work very well on God/Titan Mode (even better than Normal since your offenses become more interesting) aside from two sections in particular, those being the Clone War/Ares in GoW I and protect the translator in II.

              • 3 months ago

                >protect the translator in II
                That shit on titan made me quit the game. Absolutely godawful.

              • 3 months ago

                >two sections in particular, those being the Clone War/Ares in GoW I and protect the translator in II.

                You're omitting the Theseus fight, which I hated more than any other part of either of those games. That second phase where he goes out of range and just spams icicles at you while summoning minotaurs is complete bullshit on titan mode because the icicles become one-hit kills and with the minotaurs being so tanky and the rolling not being as precise as you might want it feels like it's only a matter of time before one of them gets you because you rolled down-left instead of just down. And it wouldn't piss me off so much except there's no checkpoint so it's back to the very beginning of the fight and you have to spend five minutes grinding him down to half health again so he can one-shout you 45 seconds later. It was a fair fight even on hard mode but pure cheese on Titan just because of the instant kill ability.

                What grieves me the most about the one or two absolutely horrendous difficulty spikes per game at the higher difficulties is that overall the max difficulty runs were pretty fun and manageable once you got gud but then you would hit a brick wall that felt like a RNG that landed on "die" 99% of the time and it took all the fun out of it instantly. I beat Ares on God mode but there were multiple occasions when I died and there was literally nothing I could have done about it. Even if you play it perfectly there's like a 30-50% chance he just hits the win button and you just have to replay again and again until you get lucky in addition to being good

                I never even bothered with the hardest difficulty in III because I'm pretty fricking sure the final Zeus fight would just be more of that.

              • 3 months ago

                >What grieves me the most about the one or two absolutely horrendous difficulty spikes per game at the higher difficulties is that overall the max difficulty runs were pretty fun and manageable once you got gud
                Would you say hardest difficulty improves the game in someways compared to hard? From what I've read your damage is nerfed, enemy damage is buffed, same encounters, same AI. It sounds like it doesn't add anything. Each encounter would just take a bit longer to beat.

              • 3 months ago

                Yeah the enemy patterns don't change, it's just that the damage scaling means you have less margin for error so there's a little added intensity and you have to be a little more defensive and be very judicious wit your magic. The scaling from hard to hardest isn't TOO crazy, it's not like things just become insane damage sponges and you can still take out regular enemies fairly quickly so I thought, for the most part, it a nice challenge. It's just that there's one or two places where that extra scaling tips things over the edge into being unreasonable. God help you if you go into the clone fight without a full rage meter

              • 3 months ago

                Oh yeah, that too. In II in general magic and rage gained from kills is abysmally low on Titan, which is strange since GoW I didn't have that problem iirc.
                He's also annoying on Titan but can be beat pretty quickly and it's a lot less painful than Theseus.

                >What grieves me the most about the one or two absolutely horrendous difficulty spikes per game at the higher difficulties is that overall the max difficulty runs were pretty fun and manageable once you got gud
                Would you say hardest difficulty improves the game in someways compared to hard? From what I've read your damage is nerfed, enemy damage is buffed, same encounters, same AI. It sounds like it doesn't add anything. Each encounter would just take a bit longer to beat.

                Titan mode makes collisions very strong, nerfs weapon attacks while leaving magic intact (except for Quake), making the combat more focused and unique. It's the way to play imo but Theseus and Translator will make you cry.

              • 3 months ago

                Oh yeah, that too. In II in general magic and rage gained from kills is abysmally low on Titan, which is strange since GoW I didn't have that problem iirc.
                He's also annoying on Titan but can be beat pretty quickly and it's a lot less painful than Theseus.
                Titan mode makes collisions very strong, nerfs weapon attacks while leaving magic intact (except for Quake), making the combat more focused and unique. It's the way to play imo but Theseus and Translator will make you cry.

                My bad, didn't read you were referring to GoW III Zeus on Chaos. He's a joke in that game because you can just loop air grab him over and over. If you don't do that it's still not that hard.

            • 3 months ago

              GoW games were not play tested in hard let alone Titan. They are meant to be played at normal. There is a difference between articial difficulty and a good hard game. Prince of Persia Warrior Within also have the same shit on harder difficulty. Doesn't mean it has good combat.

              this is cope on a level I didn't think was real. Get Good.

              • 3 months ago

                Anon it's the same game on both hard and very hard. With just changed damage and health bars. That is called artificial difficulty. It doesn't enhance the gameplay in anyway. Compare that to how much NG and DMC changes at harder difficulties.

              • 3 months ago

                >That is called artificial difficulty.
                So tired of morons parroting this. When enemies have more health, you have to actually learn how to dodge attacks to survive.

              • 3 months ago

                You can just do a non damage run. Nothing is stopping you from adding in your own challenges. The fact that RNG like bossfight bullshit exists in the first place is the proof that devs didn't playtest it at harder difficulties properly.
                I'm not sure you're understanding on why we play at higher difficulties. It is not to brag on saying look I can beat the game at highest difficulty. It is because game actually becomes more fun or different. You can't become very good at any action game on your first playthrough. It has to be exciting enough that you would come back. Each fight taking longer doesn't make it exciting.

              • 3 months ago

                >That is called artificial difficulty.
                So tired of morons parroting this. When enemies have more health, you have to actually learn how to dodge attacks to survive.

                Ninja gaiden black did higher difficulties right. New enemies and bosses which were more difficult. It wasn't just more enemy health and more damage taken.

              • 3 months ago

                these bosses sucked
                crinja gayden sucks

              • 3 months ago

                NG is unbearable on higher difficulties, you are high if you think its already shitty bosses are somehow better with random minions thrown in.

              • 3 months ago

                >It doesn't enhance the gameplay in anyway
                It does, though, because God of War 1-2 are real action games with good movement, combos, grapples, blocks, counters, and everything you need to handle different enemy types and the infinite combination of enemies they can throw at you. On easier difficulties you don't need to utilize all of your tools to survive. On Titan and God mode, you do. So yes it does enhance the gameplay, because you are forced into engaging with the systems more tactically and efficiently.

                "Artificial Difficulty" only happens when your gameplay systems are barebones, so you just spam attack for 5 minutes instead of 2 minutes at your enemies without actually changing the way you play at all. This does not happen in the earlier God of War games. Ironically, it does happen in nu-GoW which is why those games are terrible.

            • 3 months ago

              >99% of Kratos' moveset and weapons are entirely ineffective!

              Bruh there are youtubers who do runs on the hardest difficulty levels without upgrading a single weapon or their health / magic and they're not using glitch exploits or anything, just the regular moveset. There's a couple bottlenecks where the difficulty scaling goes to shit and I will freely admit those parts can be bullshit and I complain about them frequently. But in general the hardest difficulties in I and II are demanding but not impossible

              The clone fight sucks but you can use level 3 Army of Hades to essentially give yourself temporary invulnerability and hug your family to give them health and refill your rage meter

              The Ares fight sucks but once you know the pattern you will eventually beat him if you get a lucky round where he doesn't tag you with his gay ass sparkle attack or corner you with the moving pillars. It's mostly a test of perseverance because the various cheap shots will make you want to ragequit. A horribly unfair fight but I have beaten it.

              Theseus is a lot like Ares. You need a nearly perfect run and you will die repeatedly for bullshit reasons but eventually you'll manage to grind it out if you can stomach the repeated attempts

              The translator is a matter of baiting out enemies in small groups until you get to the large round piece at the end, then you have to go apeshit with magic, not lose track of the summoners and go for max DPS. You can use dogs as projectiles and there's a trick where you can lock the translator behind the metal bars in the beginning an guarantee he doesn't get hit while he kills the first few enemies

              I have done all these things myself and I'm pretty good at games but not like insanely good. You just need to be at like a B-plus level

            • 3 months ago

              Hold triangle to launch enemies and they can't fight back in the air launched. Certain enemies are better to be approached with fast attacks, others you can use a couple quick attacks and a strong attack to stagger. You also unlock the ability to parry which knocks down enemies. That isn't to mention when you're able to grab enemies and able to swing them around harming other foes.

          • 3 months ago

            GoW games were not play tested in hard let alone Titan. They are meant to be played at normal. There is a difference between articial difficulty and a good hard game. Prince of Persia Warrior Within also have the same shit on harder difficulty. Doesn't mean it has good combat.

  17. 3 months ago

    Yeah I like them . I prefer games where you don't need to lock on to esecute your moves. Much like ninja gaiden and rising . in dmc You end up holding a button down the entire game and its not as fluid to switch between different enemies.

  18. 3 months ago

    No, total trash. The beginning of Sony's IP bankruptcy. All their shit is boring as piss and it started there.

    • 3 months ago

      No that was Uncharted

      • 3 months ago

        Uncharted 2 was good thoughbeit

  19. 3 months ago

    >Devil May Cry ripoffs?
    Uh ma'am? we call these Rising ZAN likes and Berserklites

    • 3 months ago

      Weak bait they are far from being ripoffs. The games forged their own niche in the character action genre. They were actual considered casual games for normies back then. Boy how times have changed.

      Bro tip: All beat em up's/hack n slash games are descended from kung fu Master. Accusing 2000's games as being clones of each other is moronic, period. There was already a long tradition of games before that point.

  20. 3 months ago

    Weak bait they are far from being ripoffs. The games forged their own niche in the character action genre. They were actual considered casual games for normies back then. Boy how times have changed.

    • 3 months ago

      Anyone who calls GoW casual hasn't done the family defense part of Ares fight on hard.

      • 3 months ago

        Does it really count when you consider devs themselves didn't do it?

      • 3 months ago

        The series was absolutely marketed to casuals back in those days. The series always was marketed towards them. It just changed its face to what the new modern casuals like with the reboot games. Sony wouldn't have kept pumping out those sequels for no reason they were selling very well for their time.

  21. 3 months ago

    As a kid who watched Clash of the Titans (1981 version, frick the remake) and Jason and the Argonauts about 100 times each this was my fricking jam.

    I still refuse to believe anybody has a sincere problem with the first 3 games. If you want to say DMC or Ninja Gaiden or whatever is superior, fine. But don't tell me these weren't well made games. They had good pace, good design, good combat, a story that was admittedly derivative and super edgy but was very competent by PS2 standards and they looked great.

    I can see how they're not everyone's favorites but if you're going to tell me they flat-out suck you're just a contrarian who's no less of an edgelord than Kratos himself. My only real beef with the GOW games is how cheesy a few parts were on the highest difficulty

    • 3 months ago

      They are all fun games. Pretty much everyone that likes action games would agree. People complain because these were just casual games back then. When you point out issues with combat, people get stupidly defensive. They weren't even play tested at higher difficulties properly.
      Main problem regarding them would be the story. First game didn't took it self very seriously regarding story, so it was fun. That's the main issue with second and third game. Kratos was always unlikable, but when game tries to deliver a "serious" message, that's when it becomes ridiculous.
      I also didn't like some designs in third game. It didn't felt like ancient Greece at times. Don't get me wrong, it's still a beautiful game.

      • 3 months ago

        Most of the people having issues with the combat are just being turbo autists. Yes, you spend a lot of time spamming certain attacks and it lacks a super deep combo system and it leans a little too heavily into QTEs but Kratos isn't a fricking martial artist, he's a ragemonkey. The weapons were fun, the controls were responsive and the magic abilities are exactly what they should be. Hurling thunderbolts and stoning people with a gorgon head completely met my expectations

    • 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      You're not supposed to be reasonable on /vr/ you're supposed to be trivalistic and screech at everyone as if your life depends on winning an internet argument. Please leave.

  22. 3 months ago

    GoW 2 is the best hack and slash game ever made

  23. 3 months ago

    ITT: butthurt weebs

    • 3 months ago

      GoW isn't even the best Western made action game. DmC 2013 is. It has much better combat than any GoW and PoP games. GoW fans can't make any arguments so they resort to personal insults. Truly a casual bunch.
      People's main issue with DmC 2013 is the story. Both GoW 2 and 3 have much worse stories than DmC 2013.

      • 3 months ago

        People like Prince of Persia for the platforming and the setting, the combat was the weakest part, especially in Sands of Time

  24. 3 months ago

    God of Tech Demos

  25. 3 months ago

    The first one was okay and the third one was genuinely good, but I didn't really like 2 at all and I'm not sure why.

  26. 3 months ago

    The first two game are fun and that's enough in most cases. The game doesn't have to be a masterpiece to be enjoyable

  27. 3 months ago

    None of the Western games feel like DMC or Bayonetta to the extent that I would want to play them just because I like DMC. It's like Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter.

  28. 3 months ago

    GOW is hack and slash, DMC is character action, they're different genres. Might as well compare Streets of Rage to Street Fighter.

  29. 3 months ago


    higher difficulty NG revolves around abusing i-frames with landing UT, izuna drop, guillotine throw, and occasionally flying swallow if the enemy doesn't hard counter it or randomly ignore the hit. I don't know where you get this idea that GoW requires patience because the fiend challenges in NG are more tedious than pretty much anything else in action games.

  30. 3 months ago

    God of War 2 was better than any of the DMC games. Arguably the best action game of 6th gen.

  31. 3 months ago

    Dante's Inferno was better than both.

  32. 3 months ago

    It BTFOd DMC so hard to the point of killing the franchise, the only reason DMC 5 was allowed to exist cause GOW gave up on being an Action game in favor of snoy movie shit.

    • 3 months ago

      DMC almost killed itself specifically because it was trying to ape GoW.

      • 3 months ago

        How so? It isn't the PS2 games, they didn't want to handle DmC and gave it to a western studio, and then they went with 4 and 5.

        • 3 months ago

          I still remember when DMC4 HD and DmC HD were released at roughly the same time, and it was clear Capcom were testing the waters to see which one they would stick with going forward.

        • 3 months ago

          >How so
          They introduced Nero that had a universal grab system, made him easier to pick up and play compared to Dante and had the Savior as a boss. They clearily wanted the GoW audience (by simplyfing some mechanics and adding some spectacle), but they also tried to have Dante in there so the game was a half-baked mess that sold below what was expected. Then DmC came which was even worse.

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