did he deserve it?

did he deserve it?

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  1. 8 months ago

    All cucks deserve to suffer

  2. 8 months ago

    Nobody deserves anything. Things just happen, and you assign some sort of meaning to it. There's no "real" meaning.

    • 8 months ago

      nihilism is such a funny concept

      • 8 months ago

        It's fun until you fully comprehend the implication of nothing mattering. Then the void takes hold.

        • 8 months ago

          I understand it as: if nothing matters, then everything's great because nothing bad can hurt anything good. Vice versa applies but if you surround yourself with what you like, you're living it up

          • 8 months ago

            >if you surround yourself with what you like, you're living it up
            That just means you haven't fully comprehended it. None of it matters. Your pleasure doesn't matter. Your thoughts don't matter. Whether or not you really exist doesn't matter. Once this actually worms into your mind and you fully realise it, all joy from those activities evaporates.

            • 8 months ago

              I hate these demotivational morons who haven't even read a lick of Nietzche

              • 8 months ago

                Nietzsche's entire body of work can be summarised as a variety of copes in response to this realization. You may or may not buy into them, and they may make you able to function even in a pointless world.

              • 8 months ago

                thanks for sharing.

              • 8 months ago

                You're welcome, I hope you can find something that will immunize you.

            • 8 months ago

              It doesn't, this only effects you if you have a biased sense of importance. If you don't, the simple conclusion is: If nothing matters, then it doesn't matter if it matters to me. If it matters to me, that is all that matters. Even in the face of realization of the void you still hunger, you still tire, you still excite, you still get sad. This is simply an extension of that.

              • 8 months ago

                >this only effects you if you have a biased sense of importance
                Towards what?

                >If nothing matters, then it doesn't matter if it matters to me. If it matters to me, that is all that matters
                The former statement justifies a position of self negation, the latter a position of self realization.

                >Even in the face of realization of the void you still hunger, you still tire, you still excite, you still get sad
                So? Why does it matter? Because you think it does? Why do your thoughts themselves matter?

              • 8 months ago

                Just kys ya frickin nagative loser god damn

              • 8 months ago

                Why should I? Why shouldn't I? Hell, why "Why?"

              • 8 months ago

                So you can stop polluting other's people mind's with your bullshit.

              • 8 months ago

                You already know the question.

              • 8 months ago

                >Towards what?
                The ego
                >The former statement justifies a position of self negation, the latter a position of self realization.
                Your point being?
                >So? Why does it matter? Because you think it does? Why do your thoughts themselves matter?
                Exactly, a logical conclusion on objective value/reason not existing also doesn't matter, that's what it means for nothing to matter. It doesn't lead to a void, it leads to absolute freedom.

              • 8 months ago

                >The ego
                I don't see how it's exclusively applied to a person's ego; the point is that neither the self nor the whole have meaning. If it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.

                >Your point being?
                They're contradictory.

                >Exactly, a logical conclusion on objective value/reason not existing also doesn't matter, that's what it means for nothing to matter

                >It doesn't lead to a void, it leads to absolute freedom.
                No, it leads to a void. The freedom you're describing is merely embracing the void and no longer caring.

              • 8 months ago

                >I don't see how it's exclusively applied to a person's ego; the point is that neither the self nor the whole have meaning. If it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.
                A person with an understanding that they aren't innately special or important won't take the knowledge that nothing matters the same way a person who has that sense of ego will is what I'm getting at.

                >They're contradictory.
                I don't see how that matters, we've established that nothing matters, including the realization. Therefore with nothing beholding you to that fact, you can still choose to care about things anyway.
                >No, it leads to a void. The freedom you're describing is merely embracing the void and no longer caring.
                >merely embracing the void and no longer caring.
                I'd say that's what you would be doing arguing for this stance, you view it as a "void" because you think not having a greater purpose is one, I think not having one means that it's a canvas, to do as I like because I'm not beholden to a purpose.

              • 8 months ago

                >they aren't innately special or important
                Yes, but usually this is due to their focus being directed beyond themselves, into an external group or concept mattering more than themselves.
                In this instance, they would realise that not only was their external focus inconsequential to anything, everything is.

                >don't see how that matters
                It's not a question of it not mattering, or rather, IF that were the case, then it would be contradictory and wouldn't grant meaning, if it isn't then it doesn't matter at all.

                >because you think not having a greater purpose is one, I think not having one means that it's a canvas, to do as I like because I'm not beholden to a purpose.
                And, ultimately, the painting you make will rot and become dust. Why did it matter?

              • 8 months ago

                >In this instance, they would realise that not only was their external focus inconsequential to anything, everything is.
                That's true, but that resulting in the same despair wouldn't be the case either, it would be a possibility, but not the only one.

                >It's not a question of it not mattering, or rather, IF that were the case, then it would be contradictory and wouldn't grant meaning, if it isn't then it doesn't matter at all.
                I would disagree with the former, as despite it's contradiction on a purely logical level, we aren't purely logical beings. The ability for it to matter on a personal level with the realization at play gives it meaning, a loophole essentially.

                >And, ultimately, the painting you make will rot and become dust. Why did it matter?
                Why would it matter if it rotted or not? It's importance to me wasn't it's permanence, it was the act of making it, to see others enjoy or hate it. The emotion that runs inside of me, that cares not for an objective or greater calling felt it mattered. Even when I'm gone, when it and everyone who saw it is gone too, that and the reality didn't stop us from feeling things, that's why it's a canvas, not a void to me.

              • 8 months ago

                >It doesn't lead to a void, it leads to absolute freedom.
                More precisely you choose which option to accept, you can mope around if you want to but why bother

              • 8 months ago

                >Towards what?
                Yourself and the world. Let me turn your favorite question back to you: Why exactly is it bad if your existence matters or not? Even if you don't consider the eventual cosmic death of the world, the absolute majority of people already didn't matter in a world with over 8 billion people living in it, thus unless one wishes to leave a tangible mark on the world, they are free to seek out what kind of live they wish to have. If one fears that they do not matter, they fear the freedom their transient lives have.

                >The former statement justifies a position of self negation, the latter a position of self realization
                Both are completely valid points of view. As you say, one negates while one embraces, but both can give way to making the most of your life and to seek out your own personal joy and fulfillment in a world filled with pain.

                >So? Why does it matter? Because you think it does? Why do your thoughts themselves matter?
                Because I'm here, because I'm alive. Because I can feel the world and can feel pain in it, and think on it. Is it an animal and instinctive reasoning to wish to avoid pain? Yes, but that also does not mean it's invalid. I didn't wish to be born, it just happened. But I also don't wish to die miserably, thus I try to find my own bits of happiness here and there. It doesn't matter on the large scale or even the small scale depending on your PoV, but why should I stop because of something like that?

                tldr: You're homosexual and engage in intercourse with other men

              • 8 months ago

                >Why exactly is it bad if your existence matters or not?
                It's not. It just does or doesn't.

                >Both are completely valid points of view. As you say, one negates while one embraces, but both can give way to making the most of your life and to seek out your own personal joy and fulfillment in a world filled with pain.
                They're contradictory. Neither justifies the other.

                >Because I'm here, because I'm alive
                And you will die. Why did it matter?

                >It doesn't matter on the large scale or even the small scale depending on your PoV, but why should I stop because of something like that?
                Why would you do anything?

                p.s Why would it matter if I frick other men?

              • 8 months ago

                >It's not. It just does or doesn't.
                Okay, and what makes one's existence matters? Genuinely got me curious

                >They're contradictory. Neither justifies the other.
                And in my response I didn't imply they did

                >And you will die. Why did it matter?
                Because I was there.
                >Why would you do anything?
                Because I wish to do something.

                It really is that simple. One's personal wishes. If you come up against both of those same questions and the only answers you end up with are "There's no meaning because I will die, thus nothing I will do will ever matter to anyone, not even myself" then there's no point in continuing to live. To me, this seems to be the point of view you've taken, and I have to wonder, why haven't you killed yourself? And I say this without any of the typical shitpost malice or trolling. Why haven't you? A fear of death? If so I would be surprised, since the point of despair you've described can become so much that one's fear is overwhelmed by their hopelessness, thus making the final decision. One can only keep going if they have a certain attachment to life, and to me, it is the simple desire to be happy and feel fulfilled, so what keeps you attached when you feel that the world has nothing to offer when it lacks meaning?

    • 8 months ago

      Atheists are so boring. No wonder so many of them are depressed

  3. 8 months ago

    Any similar NTR kino?

    • 8 months ago

      Live a live
      Bahamut lagoon

      • 8 months ago

        Bahamut Lagoon director got dumped/cucked during development no?

      • 8 months ago

        I still cant believe how prevalent the NTR themes in Live a Live are once you finally notice them. I've never had a game ruined by such a small detail so hard before. Present Day is probably the only campaign lacing it, which is why its the best one.

        • 8 months ago

          Havent played viva la vida

          • 8 months ago

            It's a major a plot-point in the "final" campaign but there are traces of it in almost all of them in some manner. Like Distant Future also has a kind and soft doctor getting cucked by chad (who dies and the girl goes crazy lol). Present Day doesnt have any women in it so I think you can see the issue here.

      • 8 months ago

        >Bahamut lagoon
        the guy move on and live a better life while the princess is forced to raise her child alone because the knight is dumb enough to waltz back to the empire where he's the traitor and gets executed.

  4. 8 months ago


  5. 8 months ago

    >guy gets NTR'd
    >instead of settling with it he gets revenge
    This type of story is incredibly rare.

  6. 8 months ago


  7. 8 months ago

    Was Pray Game good?

  8. 8 months ago

    bot tier responses

  9. 8 months ago

    GOATed final battle music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t95KE42bD_Q

  10. 8 months ago

    >small peepee
    Yes, he deserved it.

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