Did I miss much not playing this?

Did I miss much not playing this?

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Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

  1. 10 months ago

    yeah you missed out on the greatest ASShomosexual game there ever was.

    • 10 months ago

      >not s++
      lol git gud trash can they hard shut down any auto attacker for the entire game. chromie lucio and ragnaros are always picked by drooling morons that throw.

      • 10 months ago

        alex just isnt that good and i speak as a multi-masters player back before the game died
        her best build is w but literally no one stands in it for the heal ive had people walk out in it when theres no creeps no other players near us

        • 10 months ago

          flame bolt dragon form stomps pubbies into the dirt. the games player base is extremely low iq so dont even both with delay or area heals
          t. dekard kane master

      • 10 months ago

        >they hard shut down any auto attacker
        Too bad all the best characters can choose to do spell based builds

        >raynor at top
        he doesn't seem to be that strong

        He is very reliable and safer than he initially appears since adrenaline rush is big bait and sustain. The important thing for being good at all levels is the ability to clear waves and camps quickly to rotate to fights right after and exterminator is a godsend.

    • 10 months ago

      >raynor at top
      he doesn't seem to be that strong

    • 10 months ago

      It got ruined when Dustin Browder was forced out and nu-Blizzard got rid of the specialists and tried to force them into being assassins while also forcing team fight metagame instead of allowing for divergent strats. Really this meant that most specialists turned into wave clear assassins with push.

      I think the worst offense was their Tassadar rework because old tassadar could be devastating mix of support/specialist while being nearly impossible to kill.

      The new Tassadar feels like a standard mage assassin while his trademark abilities got nerfed into being sidebar talents that are just kind there to pad out his stats a bit and it feels like the nu-blizzard boilerplate design model of designing heroes to be "balanced" while old blizzard just kind made shit that they thought was cool and said deal with it.

      The only hero I genuinely hated was release genji who was the most broken hero ever released and stayed broken for a long time.

      Heros I had the most fun with were Raynor, Cho, Naz, and Anub/Garrosh. I dont think anything was more fun than playing the Cho'gall bomb build with bomb resets at lvl 16 and just dunking on people with upheaval twisting nether and getting nano-boosted by Ana.

      I also really liked the time in 2015 around when Sylvanas, KT and Thrall were released and everything was super janky then, i didnt like the time around when say Whitemane was released when it seemed like they really were standardizing the heroes and giving them obvious power budgets and a certain design philsophy had emerged that felt really like it was being designed by a computer algorithm rather than real people. I generally liked the og heroes more than the later ones with few exceptions. Miss piano build uther.

      I also did not like the comeback mechanics where you could be winning all game long and then suddenly one misstep late game and a dogshit team is suddenly equal level to you and wipes your core.

      • 10 months ago

        Upheaval was cool, but the hammer of twilight mixed with attack speed from your Q was just straight up busted.

        Stun someone against a wall and brutalize them with a hammer while gall spams shadowbolt volley.

        • 10 months ago

          Combining upheaval with twisting nether and then sometimes being nanoboosted often resulted in 5 man team wipes or at least 2-3 people dead instantly. Being able to displace a team at range and then nuke them down while also seperating them from their team mates instantly is extremely busted. Upheaval is like a ranged stiches hook that hits unlimited targets.

          The attack speed stuff was fun but it was more effective when you could infinitely stack the rolling balls and play chogall as like a ranged dps mage with tanking capabilities because if you can kill people instantly or chip away at their hp pool then you dont need to tank alot of damage if you can kill them first.

          My general philsophy for building ARPG characters is that I always build them as glass cannons first and consider defensive stats second because if you can wipe your targets before they can even damage you then you dont need alot of hp or resists or at least in the ARPG genre when you are gearing your character its much more efficient to focus on maximum dps as a priority at first and consider defense secondary. This applies to heroes as well as I think that burst damage is king in certain comps because if you can hit them with sudden damage they cant escape or cant heal then you suddenly have a 5v4 or 5v3 type situation that they cant recover from.

          I think the main priority in hots is having a better engage than the other team or having the initiative and momentum because if you can start fights and dictate them on your terms you will almost always win. Thats why upheaval is generally the better ult.

    • 10 months ago

      I miss clapping booty cheeks with Artanis and Raynor in Diamond, no other ASShomosexual game has come close to that high

    • 10 months ago

      >Tychus and Cassia that high
      What fricking meth is he smoking they're some of the most susceptible to getting buttfricked by composition

      • 10 months ago

        title says before hogger release and in that time period they were the top tier ranged picks and composition did not matter at all for them
        nade build tychus was good into any comp
        cassia was simply uber tanky high damage carry
        the notion that tychus is only good vs tanks or cassia only good with blinds/versus AA heavy comps is plat level thinking, right up there with focus morales and "don't hit the tank"

        • 10 months ago

          >focus morales
          Ah, good times in aram having to Neo every single iota of bullshit coming my way and face tank the rest with medi-drone safeguard and cellular reactor until my team finally gets their shit together and collapses on them.
          Some of the healers genuinely feel great to play, even the simpler ones can give you a real rush as you claw victory from the jaws of defeat. Still can't tolerate Li li though, so fricking boring.

        • 10 months ago

          I was thinking less them being pigeonholed into a role and more their main abilities/traits getting shut down by just about every type of CC, which really sucks when they're on the lower end of attack range.

  2. 10 months ago

    I really miss my teammates dodging my medivh-portal and dekard-potions like the plague

    • 10 months ago

      I unironically do miss these things

  3. 10 months ago

    hottest girls in the game right here, bros.

    • 10 months ago

      Where is Orphea

      • 10 months ago

        In the trash

        • 10 months ago

          no u

    • 10 months ago

      >YWN purge disgusting subhumans with Inquisitor Whitemane

      Why live?

    • 10 months ago

      >no yrel

  4. 10 months ago

    You missed nothing, its a moba for people too lazy to actually learn how to play mobas.

  5. 10 months ago

    >Last ever project made by Blizzard where the devs clearly cared about it
    >Constant hype of who would get in and how they would play
    >Very fun, best MOBA after Dota
    but then
    >Extremely broken heroes released, game balanced around them rather than fixing the problem, causing massive have and have-not syndrome (Li-Ming, Kael, Gul'dan, Johanna)
    >Impossible to play casually because the default mode was pick-first-queue-after which meant every game was 5 assassins v 5 assassins, ruining every match
    >Some heroes clearly designed with pick-counterpick in mind, like Malthael, meaning they were useless outside of ranked because of the queue system
    >Overwatch Heroes, mainly Tracer, were the beginning of the end
    >Constant hero reworks that consisted of [Same hero, but favorite pre-rework talent was made baseline but dogshit] that did nothing but just make that hero a shell of its former self (Medivh, Alarak, Nazeebo, Muradin, this happened a lot)
    >Shitloads of money pumped into pro scene nobody wanted to watch (they repeated this EXACT MISTAKE with Overwatch btw) which only made the game less profitable
    it was incredible
    I'll always miss it

    • 10 months ago

      >hero reworks that consisted of [Same hero, but favorite pre-rework talent was made baseline but dogshit]
      I'm still mad about the zul'jin rework
      >have to land 150 auto attacks against heroes for w build to come online

      • 10 months ago

        Remember when Zul'jin could reveal every enemy hero on the map for like a second? That was cool.

  6. 10 months ago

    >dota but with stage gimmicks instead of any depth
    You kind of did, but it's no surprise it didn't last.

    • 10 months ago

      How is DotA deeper than HotS?
      I never played that or League because last hitting sounds like a goddamn chore.

      • 10 months ago

        League has more mechanically intensive heroes on average but the game as a whole is extremely shallow. Almost all items are passives, last-hitting is relatively easy, there's no buyback, no teleports, many characters have built-in counterplay (spells being delayed long enough for players to use their five minute cooldown short-range blink to escape it, that's a big one)
        Dota is a beast of depth. Average hero complexity is very low, only a little higher than HOTS, but the upper end of complexity (Chen, Meepo) makes TLV look like Aba.
        >Characters having turn rates massively changes how kiting is done
        >Constant cheap teleports means all 10 players have to be brain-on for map plays across the entire map
        >The ability to last-hit both enemy and allied creeps makes lane dominance much more skill intensive
        >Buyback makes the game a total bloodbath
        >Creep stacking, creep abilities
        >Agh's Scepter, Roshan, Agh's Shard, Refresher Shard, Tormenter, Outposts, Ward vision mindgames, smoke, team-wide item charges, etc etc etc
        Dota is just an endless list of smaller mechanics that makes a very complicated but cohesive whole

        • 10 months ago

          Is it too late to get into it? Or is it still popular enough to have actual beginners around?

          • 10 months ago

            dota's peaked at 600k today alone, it's still going super strong
            league is probably even more popular
            League will be much easier for you to learn but it's a SIGNIFICANTLY worse game than Dota is.
            if you've ever wondered about Smite, it's mechanically most similar to League
            if you want to play dota, obviously do the tutorials. Also watch PurgeGamers' "Welcome to Dota, You Suck"
            step 1 to playing dota is this: get used to the turn rate. You will feel as if your game is lagging, if you get used to this the entire game is your oyster. It's what filters LoL players from playing it.

            • 10 months ago

              >if you've ever wondered about Smite, it's mechanically most similar to League
              But more importantly it has a control scheme that actually makes sense for a game where you control one character.

            • 10 months ago

              Cool, thanks for the input and the detailed response m8
              I can still find almost instant games on HotS but I honestly don't imagine ActiBlizz will keep it alive beyond 2024 so I am looking into other MOBAs

              it's not, it's chess levels of depth, easy to pick up but hard to master on high levels, there's a ton of tiny nuances and even a tiny blunder can change the outcome of the game because there's almost no carry, solo queue is whatever though

              Yeah I've heard about how a tiny mistake can literally end the whole game and that does sound kind of ass but I guess I'll have to see for myself.

            • 10 months ago

              >it's mechanically most similar to League
              Yeah but being mmorpg directional movement makes the action game mechanics actually work. Smite can actually work as a skill based action game since it has the unifying movement mechanics to play against the 'everything is a skillshot' so that their is some atomic and tactical skill going into every single interaction. League fails both at being an action game like it wants to pretend to be and the strategy RPG it actually is.

        • 10 months ago

          Both games have very different approach to the genre. Dota is more about macro gameplay(your team try to out resources your opponent team), focus more in team play which isn't the best when you got match with 4 randos. League is more about micro play, focus in champions fighting(that why there a lot of skills have delay so you can dodge) thus mean you not completely rely on your team.

      • 10 months ago

        it's not, it's chess levels of depth, easy to pick up but hard to master on high levels, there's a ton of tiny nuances and even a tiny blunder can change the outcome of the game because there's almost no carry, solo queue is whatever though

  7. 10 months ago

    It was like a WoW-lite addiction. I got so good on Samuro they nerfed because of me. Then Blizzard went full woke shitting out this "Qhira" character
    and I was done

    • 10 months ago

      I fricking HATE Qhira so goddamn much, you have no idea
      >shit, obnoxious, arrogant personality
      >shitty voice lines
      >absolute fricking cancer to fight against because she has an escape, instant heal and hard CC that is also a fricking self cleanse
      I was OK with Orphea since she at least is cute and ended up being fairly balanced after her initial release but Qhira pisses me off even when she is on my own team.

      • 10 months ago

        meh i pwned everything with samuro. 3 blade style was god mode. then they severely nerfed it, solely because of me being on QM 24/7 tormenting noobs. i was done after that. I do miss being drunk on HoTS chat friday night, that place was /misc/-tier

        • 10 months ago

          it still is, you can log on right now and general chat is nothing but Black person spam and ranting

          • 10 months ago

            i thought wokeblizzard would have seriously cracked down on it. can you can still use the GG emoticon to spam Black person until someone reports you?

            • 10 months ago

              I know someone who called everyone on our team Black folk at the end of literally every match, it took like a month for him to get silenced.

            • 10 months ago

              if you think that chat is bad, you should see what starcraft 2 general chat is like. it's sovl

        • 10 months ago

          >Samuro player
          If you're gonna admit to touching kids you might want to tell it to someone that can help you deal with these issues

          • 10 months ago

            did i traumatize you anon? next time don't blow your cooldowns on my clones kek

            • 10 months ago

              I think I would respect Samuro as a "high skill ceiling" character if he didn't have training wheels on when compared to the other difficult characters.

        • 10 months ago

          samuro got nerfed because of grubby, not because of some quickmatch random nobody knows
          sorry brother

          • 10 months ago

            >Grubby no longer streams HotS
            >not even monthly any more
            Kinda sad tbh
            He was amusing to watch.

            • 10 months ago

              who's even still streaming this game anymore? assumed it was dead in the water

              • 10 months ago

                Some... Korean guy? named FanHOTS
                I only know about him precisely because I searched for Heroes of the Storm on Twitch.

          • 10 months ago

            im better than overrated grubby, i watched his stream and hes always losing

  8. 10 months ago

    if only they added a normal dota2 style tryhard option instead of just playing on random maps

  9. 10 months ago

    I remember grinding for those mastery skins, the black default mount and the third pallette swap. Then 2.0 came around and everyone had fancy skins for everything. The stuff I played for became lootbox filler. They credited me like 700 lootboxes on the day 2.0 got released. I uninstalled after opening them. Frick them.

    • 10 months ago

      >Remember the excitement of hitting level 10, getting that super sick mastery skin for Muradin or Medivh
      >2.0 releases
      >See a fricking moron Muradin, clearly his first muradin game, walking around in the mastery skin I spent hours to obtain because it became a lowest-price-tier lootbox skin
      die blizzard

  10. 10 months ago

    It wasn't flawless by any means but how badly blizz mismanaged it is one of their worst sins

    • 10 months ago

      Since OW2 is coming to steam I really hope we get HOTS too.
      It deserved better

      • 10 months ago

        do you think it would help that much?

        • 10 months ago

          Not really. It would bring new people and that's always good.
          The rest would depend on Blizzard but who can trust them at this point

    • 10 months ago

      you dont like EEEE SPORTSSSSS?!

  11. 10 months ago

    I've come to say good night...

    • 10 months ago

      ok fetterman

  12. 10 months ago

    I know I msised a lot. I really liked this game, but I've only truly played it when the support for the game was basically over, so the hype is all dead. I'm hoping that M$ will revive it so we'll be able to play this game with new characters and skins.

    I don't like exclusive "badges" though, they totally should remove it from the game, specially the alpha and beta ones, or maybe they could give these to anyone who's read an article about the game development in this phased. Anything exclusive is bad and there are a lot of content paywalled/unobtainable because it was distributed with Blizzcon stuff or other events long gone.

  13. 10 months ago


  14. 10 months ago

    It was a nice fun game that got to the good parts really quickly. Quick match with the bros was usually a good time but it often leads to near unwinnable team comps. Loved chilling out and getting those big stacks as Zul'jin. Sniping someone with the guillotine got me hard sometimes.

  15. 10 months ago

    That is all

    • 10 months ago

      this was some of the most fun I've ever had in a moba
      got my friend who knew literally nothing about the game to be my cho'gall partner and it was the funniest and dumbest shit ever

    • 10 months ago

      this was some of the most fun I've ever had in a moba
      got my friend who knew literally nothing about the game to be my cho'gall partner and it was the funniest and dumbest shit ever

      When I was new at the game I played Cho'Gall with a friend who actually knew how to play and it really was a lot of fun. He was Cho so he was in charge of knowing when to go after enemies, when to retreat, how to position and all that, I just did my best to land spells.
      Cho'Gall has some of the funniest dialogues in this game, holy kek

      • 10 months ago

        exactly, that was the great part, the Gall didn't need to know how to do anything other than use their abilities to kill shit

        was a great way to get someone new into the game without being overwhelmed with other mechanics and just kinda be attached to you and watch what you're doing

        also him picking up his mount was peak

        man I miss this game

  16. 10 months ago

    Murky was probably one of the funnest heroes I've played

  17. 10 months ago

    I’ve been permabanned twice for language. It was a lot of fun but after two bans I’m done with the game. Same case with DBD

  18. 10 months ago

    You missed old Blizzard's last work but besides that not really

  19. 10 months ago

    I miss playing cho, got to max rank and fricking semolished people. Everyone thought they could just kill you until suddenly they realized how much damage,cc ,and survival shit he had.

    Best character in any moba bar none, even though the Gall I used to play with turned out to be a massive jerk I still miss the good ol' days.

  20. 10 months ago

    Funny how LoL players laughed at this game when it released but now, even when it's dead, it's miles better than LoL now.

  21. 10 months ago

    Last thing I remember about this game is when Fenix released and he was giga broken and in every single fricking game

  22. 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      Why does the gane look like shit when I play it? I have max settings but effects like Malganis ult never look like that on my screen

      • 10 months ago

        huh... now that you mention it, I don't think I see that blue wave between him and his target when I play either.
        Maybe it shows on replays?

  23. 10 months ago

    I liked playing zagara. Shame she mostly was just good for clearing waves.

    • 10 months ago

      Level 1 Zagara absolutely wrecks my shit regardless of who I'm playing, but as far as I can see she doesn't scale all that well until she reaches max level.

      • 10 months ago

        yeah watching people lose to the level 1 hydra was always funny but once you play against people who aren't that stupid it doesn't work that well. Playing with randoms as a wave clear hero just seemed like a bad idea because if you skip out on a team fight to push uncontested people ignore what you accomplished and focus on how you didn't help out in the fight. That said I wasn't really good enough to know when the right time to go help the team fight or to push was.
        Eventually I mostly played chromie instead and all I remember is chunking people with a long range snipe and nothing else.

  24. 10 months ago

    >Was so good at Medivh that in Diamond/Master/Grandmaster (small playerbase so same players) people would target ban him to keep him from me
    >Medivh had a 30% winrate at the time
    I think I was pushing 70% winrate with him
    then they ruined him with his rework so he could appeal to mouthbreathers
    nothing i love can stay good
    i wish i was dead

  25. 10 months ago

    the most fun hero they released in the dying era of HOTS was probably Blaze
    holy shit he was so fun to play with his not-bunker ult

    • 10 months ago

      playing illidan with an abathur hat was probably the most fun i've had in a game in the past 10 years

  26. 10 months ago

    this game had a bunch of unironically great ideas and concepts, and it was pretty fun for a while
    i forgot what its main problems were though, or why i stopped playing it
    it was way too casual (no gold, no items, shared exp, etc) so that's probably why
    blizzard also just let it die because they've been in the slow process of going belly up

    • 10 months ago

      >blizzard also just let it die because they've been in the slow process of going belly up
      Felt more like a spite thing imo. "You're not going to engage in e-sports? well FINE we'll just kill the game"

    • 10 months ago

      >I forgot what its main problems were
      This is what you forgot
      >Open HOTS
      >Pick hero
      >Match starts
      >5 assassins on both teams
      >Constant one-shots and no teamfights because no healers or tanks
      >Having to hearth all the time because everyone would just poke each other out because no healers
      >Objectives just get taken and retaken and retaken and retaken because whoever takes the objectives is left at 30% HP
      >Either quit playing HOTS for the day or desperately hope the next time you queue up you get the holy grail of games with actual QP team comps
      I sincerely blame the waning popularity of HOTS as a casual game on the fact that it didn't enforce role queue

      • 10 months ago

        You forgot
        >decide to be the solution to the problem and play a tank
        >get put into a match that is 100% tanks and healers
        Why couldn't quick match just be normal?

        • 10 months ago

          >Pick Tank or Bruiser
          >Enemy team full of hard CC chains
          >Own team has maybe a slow or root at most
          Every goddamn time

      • 10 months ago

        I thought they added a draft pick for non-ranked?

        • 10 months ago

          even in the good times the queue times were not great and now it's all-capitals DEAD

  27. 10 months ago

    The one undeniably good thing about HotS is that it had recognizable characters. Every other ASShomosexual just has a bunch of nobodies, with totally irrelevant lore. Nobody cares about a new release except for the mechanical additions. Even on that level, HotS had BETTER mechanical innovations than any other ASShomosexual. Shit like Cho'gall, Medivh, Ragnaros, Deathwing, etc. are totally unique and have absolutely no comparison point in any other games in the genre, where the most unique heroes only do skillshots or hooks. When they announced a new fan-favourite from Warcraft or Starcraft, people shit their pants. When LoL or HoN add a new hero, you can't even say "who?" because they're just random shitty OC. HotS was like Super Smash Bros.; while other games in the genre are like Street Fighter or Tekken, just adding bland characters or reusing the same ones constantly.

    • 10 months ago

      until they randomly added a black woman

    • 10 months ago

      >HotS was like Super Smash Bros
      and you are quite right since those are games for casual new to the whole genre

  28. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      don't remind me

  29. 10 months ago

    I'm happy to see HOTS talk on this board

    It was good for a while, I'll miss those times. Specialists were my favorite.

    >5 stacking a lane at countdown and using Sylvanas to kill a tower for 500exp before the minions could get out
    >split pushing with Zagara and covering the entire map in creep, worming out of the bushes constantly

  30. 10 months ago

    It still is the best MOBA around. I'll play it until it gets shut down. Here's to hoping for a Steam revival.

  31. 10 months ago

    It was (maybe still is, haven't played in a while) the most fun ASShomosexual, and a ton of fun back in 2015-2017. I do miss playing it with my friends, it was a blast and blizzard had a ton of fun designing the characters. It started going downhill when the overwatch heroes were introduced.
    I kind of want to play again, if only I could get it to launch on linux

  32. 10 months ago

    What moba should someone who is generally bad at videogames play

    • 10 months ago

      HOTS is the easiest to learn the basics but it's dead and you probably have to just play ARAMs
      LoL is mechanically more difficult than DOTA but is also ultimately shallower and a worse game
      DOTA is simple on the surface but is extremely complex in terms of game mechanics (characters easy, game hard).
      Skills in DOTA transfer well to other MOBAs, it's really difficult to go from being experienced in a not-dota game to dota

      • 10 months ago

        >it's dead and you probably have to just play ARAMs
        QuickMeme is very much alive, even when I pick Assassins I get a game anywhere between literal seconds and one minute.

      • 10 months ago

        I've heard HOTS requires the most team coordination, but then again I know nothing about this genre.
        Generally I like games without much teamplay, I just like being left alone and getting kills however I can. Generally the characters with all their cool abilities seem fun but I don't like feeling like dead weight.
        Skill issue I suppose.

    • 10 months ago

      Each and every moba is infested with wannabe pro players even at bronze ranks. If you go in knowingly that you suck, you will be the punching bag for every kid and manchild that lost the game and is looking for someone to blame. Stay away from mobas if you have any respect for your time or your mentally well being.

  33. 10 months ago

    You can still download hots and find a match pretty quickly
    You did miss out on the greatest Multiplayer Online Battle Arena: Battlerite

    • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        >overwatch clone when overwatch has always been dogshit

    • 10 months ago

      was disappointing tbh
      bloodline champions, especially it’s first few builds, was the actual peak of pvp arena games
      still to this day I have yet to play a game that had an automated in-game tournament mode as good as blc had

  34. 10 months ago

    >Quickmatching as Lunara and landing into a no support game
    No apologies for the despair I shall unleash.

    • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      >Half my health is gone and the other half is DoT stacks
      Seeing that horse in no healer matches fills me with endless despair

  35. 10 months ago

    >team refuses to draft any cc

  36. 10 months ago

    This is such a homosexual kind of thread. You can still play this game. If you don't want to play it then just say so.

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