Did RPGs ever get more peak than BFRPG?

Did RPGs ever get more peak than BFRPG?

>around 5 bucks for all of the rules needed to play the game, including GMing rules and a bestiary
>Based on the best edition
>Bundles and bundles of free supplements available to let you play any class or race imaginable
>Kickass modules based on the best classic fantasy modules out there
>Creator is based

When are you dropping D&D and going BFRPG?

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  1. 2 months ago

    what are the rules like?

    • 2 months ago

      It's BX D&D but with Race and Class. OP is just a shill. You can go back to playing something actually good like CoC, Traveller, or Double Cross.

      • 2 months ago

        it's also missing around half of the exploration procedures

      • 2 months ago

        You can't do dungeons or dragons in CoC, it would be shit

        • 2 months ago

          >You can't do dungeons or dragons in CoC
          Yeah, that's why it would be good.

        • 2 months ago

          Warhammer fantasy 2e is basically a D&D-esque fantasy dungeon crawl using the same mechanics as CoC isn’t it?

        • 2 months ago

          Pulp Cthulhu and Warhammer 2E are both great fricking games, and once you unlearn the trauma of bigger numbers better they do D&D better than D&D.

          • 2 months ago

            Warhammer fantasy 2e is basically a D&D-esque fantasy dungeon crawl using the same mechanics as CoC isn’t it?

            >dude your average base stat is 35-40 and you start with about a 20% skill bonus giving you a 40%~ chance to fail some menial task you’re supposed to be skilled in or miss attacks
            >is that an orc or some tentacle AAAA IM GOING INSANE
            >magic is totally gimped AND can cause horrific penalties so all combat devolves to doing nothing but basic attacks which you’ll miss half the time WHAT A GREAT SYSTEM

            The D100 system is garbage and WHFRPG 2e is a shit game

            • 2 months ago

              >game not intended for dungeon crawling doesn't bode with dungeon crawling
              what a shocking revelation

            • 2 months ago

              >you need to roll for everything all the time no matter what
              next time try reading the rules of the game you are playing

              • 2 months ago

                And when you do roll you fail. And when you get into combat you miss. And the combat is purely basic attack spam. Partially understandable for a horror game like CoC but for some fantasy adventure literally made to be a beer and pretzels dungeon crawl like WHFRP 2E it’s garbage

                >game not intended for dungeon crawling doesn't bode with dungeon crawling
                what a shocking revelation

                Thank you for agreeing with my point maybe you should’ve reiterated that to the chucklefricks I replied to, moron

              • 2 months ago

                >level 1 D&D player 50% chance to hit a goblin, depending on class and edition
                >beginner d100 char ~40%
                wow. I bet you play video games on easy and still get mad.

              • 2 months ago

                >GM can remove the leather armor and shield to make enemies easier to hit

                >WHFRP 2E
                >GM can do nothing to make you basic skills not crap, or enemies easier to hit, because its all baked into your stats as opposed to rolling against an enemies AC, except add nonsensical situational bonuses/advantage, something you could easily do in D&D too

                and of course you had to ignore all the other points made.

              • 2 months ago

                which points? the first two are the same thing, so the attack spam? That seems more like a skill issue on your part honestly. Fictional positioning is your friend. Learn how to play games beyond simplified wargames anon. Use your creativity and imagination in the scenes you find your character.

              • 2 months ago

                >Fictional positioning is your friend. Learn how to play games beyond simplified wargames anon. Use your creativity and imagination in the scenes you find your character.

                can just do that in a better system designed for combat that also gives me a better, funner toolkit

            • 2 months ago

              4th edition is much better. But yeah, starting characters are very underpowered, and even "tutorial tier" enemies like thugs, mutants, even stray dogs (lmao) can completely wreck their shit with one or two lucky rolls. But I've played it a lot, and over time came to enjoy playing as a highly flawed, vulnerable character that slowly gets more powerful as the story progresses.

            • 2 months ago

              >game not intended for dungeon crawling doesn't bode with dungeon crawling
              what a shocking revelation

              And when you do roll you fail. And when you get into combat you miss. And the combat is purely basic attack spam. Partially understandable for a horror game like CoC but for some fantasy adventure literally made to be a beer and pretzels dungeon crawl like WHFRP 2E it’s garbage

              Thank you for agreeing with my point maybe you should’ve reiterated that to the chucklefricks I replied to, moron

              You are factually wrong, proven by the fact that you are literally lying about the game you are samegayging about. Lying about a game is easier when you know more about it than a cursory glance at google.

      • 2 months ago

        Must be hard having shit taste

  2. 2 months ago

    >paying for books
    >the best edition still exists

  3. 2 months ago

    Give me a basic rundown of the mechanics.
    How does one hit an enemy, how does one climb a wall, how does one talk their way out of things?
    I imagine that it's based on D&D 3.5e, considering the 2006 date in your image, correct?

    • 2 months ago

      It's based on the Basic-Expert D&D rulebooks from the 80s. These rules were a streamlined alternative published parallel to AD&D and lacked the gritty detail, but also chaotic disorganization, of their sister ruleset.

      Hitting uses a D20 roll-high with your opponents armor class being a bonus to your roll (so descending armor). The only rules for climbing a wall are for the thief class, there's a set of thief skills that you roll under a percentile value for. Your charisma score has a modifier to npc or Monster reactions.

      But all that misses the point. The game is a streamlined, concise, well-organized way to do a dungeon crawl. It has all the necessary rules for resource tracking, time tracking, and dungeon stocking, without a ton of bloat. It has a few basic classes that cover what your character could need to do in a dungeon crawl. There's good support for hexcrawling as well but the game knows what it is (a dungeon crawl simulator), sticks to building good mechanics for that system, and keeps other systems to a minimum. It's efficient and elegant and isn't trying to be every game for every player. That's what makes it good.


      It's slimmer, cheaper, and has more free content than OSE, and doesn't add in extra classes or domain rules like ACKS. That being said it isn't as well formatted as OSE, which is my preferred BX clone. The rules are the same though so beyond issues of legibility and community, it doesn't matter.

      • 2 months ago

        Any game that doesn't have domain rules is fricking gay.
        I agree about the extra classes though.
        Although I do love subclasses

  4. 2 months ago


    Because the rules are quick, concise and don't have moronic acronyms like ACK

  5. 2 months ago


    too pricy
    lol, lmao

    >based creators
    Go back

    • 2 months ago

      >Too pricy
      >He pays for games
      >He pays for games based off games from the fricking 70s
      Lmao. Literally every good game in this hobby came in or before the aughts. Those games are so old at this point that there's no point in buying SHIT.

      • 2 months ago

        I pay for games.
        I have mountains of physical sourcebooks and supplemental material.
        The trove getting nuked didn't affect me in the slightest.

  6. 2 months ago

    I wish it didnt look like it was illustrated by school children, it deserves so much better.

  7. 2 months ago

    I love it. It is peak OSR and should be far more popular on this board as a true work of passion

  8. 2 months ago

    I'm not a big fan of the lethality.

    • 2 months ago

      It's not nearly as lethal as base B/X but not nearly as babyshit easy as 5e

      • 2 months ago

        >babyshit easy
        This is a DM problem, not a system problem.

  9. 2 months ago

    >Creator is based
    What do you mean by this? I thought Gonnerman was a leftist.

    >Did RPGs ever get more peak than BFRPG?
    Yes. The books BFRPG was based on (the Moldvay/Cook Basic and Expert sets) were better, as were the Mentzer Basic, Expert, and Companion sets.

  10. 2 months ago

    BFRPG is a really good system, it's what my group has used for the past decade. Really enjoy it.
    Best thing is it's open-source and you're not giving a dime to anyone because it's sold at-cost.

    The published modules are all solid, and Morgansfort is a fricking grind. It's written "For first level characters" but I usually have to give them a couple adventures or even enough to level first before sending them down into the ruins of the Isle.

    Most people here will argue with you about it because they have no idea what they're talking about. But Chris Gonnerman is a fricking BASED wizard. (Too bad he kind of got shook by the OGL stuff last year, but it was amazing to see the whole community to come together and make a version of their game that would still function no matter what WotC did legally.)

  11. 2 months ago

    Before this got derailed by deranged frickheads from both undesirable wings of politics, yes it is good.

  12. 2 months ago

    >predates OSR entirely
    >OSR morons don't call it a retroclone because it uses some modern mechanics
    >gonnerman makes a straight retroclone of lbb+greyhawk literally just for spite
    >doesn't listen to lbb purists screeching about playable dwarf clerics and no domain rules because he doesn't care
    can this guy get any more based or?

    • 2 months ago

      Not having domain rules is fricking moronic though.

      • 2 months ago

        >not having the domain rules that even people who actually played games nonstop rarely ever got to is moronic
        Lmao. No, it's moronic they were ever included, as even Gary's games barely got there (which the players basically ignored in favor of continuing to adventure but now with a castle to store all your shit, or just retired) and predictably his printed rules for "domain play" are threadbare and essentially just a gold sink for annoying survivors like Robilar with too much cash. 99% of play will be you dungeon delving or wilderness adventuring. The rest you might as well house rule yourself, with the minute amount of ink and thought Gary put into it.

        • 2 months ago

          Yeah most people will ignore domain rules that's fine. But ACKS has them and is very popular in the OSR and a lot of people do use them. I would want an OSR system to include domain level play rules because they're a good way to show your advancement as a character.

  13. 2 months ago

    What does BF offer that, say, White Box does not?

    • 2 months ago

      ascending armor class

    • 2 months ago

      ascending armor class

      Don quote me, but, White Box is more 0D&D and BFRPG is more B/X.

  14. 2 months ago

    >When are you dropping D&D and going BFRPG?
    Because i have D&D at home (3.5e). Seriously, why the frick should i switch a d&d for another d&d? I would rather switch to a non-d&d game altogether.
    >Inb4 you don't get it anon, this is BEST d&d!
    I have nothing but praise for the BFRPG project and yet my point still stands. I don't really like "d&distic" elements (abstract hp, vancian magic, once per x powers, classes, levels, etc...) and having to tackle that stuff once in a blue moon to humor my 3.5e brainrot friends fills my d&d quota more than enough.

  15. 2 months ago

    >Never game thread about bullshit statement that only makes sense as a bait material for someone utterly out of the loop of the hobby
    It's Easter Monday and its traditional in my country to chase people with buckets of water and soak them. I suggest chasing you with a bucket of bleach and force you to drink it.

  16. 2 months ago

    Already have for years. Party is around levels 8-11 and are currently going through Saga of the Giants.

  17. 2 months ago

    basic fantasy is one of my favorite retroclones. i like ose better because it has better formatting. I recommend checking out the equipment emporium. it is my favorite bf book.

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