Did the fit convince you to join him? Or was it his beliefs if so?

Did the fit convince you to join him? Or was it his beliefs if so?

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It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 4 weeks ago

    Literally who

    • 4 weeks ago

      ave, true to caesar

  2. 4 weeks ago

    Honestly, I just wanted to frick the pack mule slaves.

  3. 4 weeks ago

    I just found it fun to piss him off by messing up every pre-Vegas Legion-related quest, so he's technically obligated to spare me the one time because otherwise the Legion's kinda screwed. Guy goes through every little detail and makes you swear not to frick up again on penalty of death, then you can botch the operation near the end of the game and get away scot-free because you're the only guy who can doctor in the Fort.

  4. 4 weeks ago

    I never got far enough to meet him, always got bored and dropped the game. It's a slightly improved FO3.

    • 4 weeks ago

      failed bait but I loled so here's a (You)

      • 4 weeks ago

        >failed bait but I loled so here's a (You)
        100% serious. I think the farthest I ever made it was getting to Vegas and finding Benny. I never finished FO3, either. Beat FO1 and 2 a million times back in the day.

  5. 4 weeks ago

    NCR were masssive cucks
    House was a boring rich douchebag
    Didn't knew about Yes man

    Legion were the most interesting and coolest

    • 4 weeks ago

      More cool than the courier?
      Frick House, frick the NCR, frick the Legion. I'm taking over Vegas and forcing everyone to dress like Elvis on penalty of crucifixion.

  6. 4 weeks ago

    The ncr convinced me to join him

  7. 4 weeks ago

    I like how he makes philosophy experts seeth with his incorrect use of Hegelian Dialectics while still conquering most of the Southwest. As long as Caesar has an heir, the territory will stay stable and the Courier is probably the heir. It might be beneficial for the NCR too but having the various cliques and factions focus on the enemy east of the Colorado instead of fricking each other over.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Caesar is too low INT to properly grasp Hegelian Dialectics

      • 4 weeks ago

        Its not that he's low int, I'm not a philosophy major but most arguments against him that aren't "slavery/sexism ebil" argue his ideology is flawed because of his incorrect use of Hegel. Doesn't change the fact he conquered 86 tribes and built a nation from nothing but moron tribes. So he's pretty smart but still flawed

  8. 4 weeks ago

    nah boone was my spotter bro so I couldn't join the legion. I probably would have gone yes man if my game didn't start crashing a ton after 100 hours

  9. 4 weeks ago

    No, the legion was (intentionally) poorly written and unsatisfying to play for. You can't even call out Caesar and his flaws properly even if you hate him, it's just hollow redditisms where you finally convince Lanius to run away in a literal "And then everyone clapped" dialogue.

    Graham and Zion valley had more interesting and better written politics in a half hours worth of DLC than the entire legion storyline in the main game did.

    Avellone is a pseud, but worse he's a coward.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >No, the legion was (intentionally) poorly written and unsatisfying to play for. You can't even call out Caesar and his flaws properly even if you hate him
      That describes the entire base game.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Graham and Zion valley had more interesting
      funny you say that, but the only thing I really liked about that dlc is the Survivalist's logs

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Hurr durr lets slaugher a bunch of people who had not bothered you, to save a bunch of mexican illegal immigrants whom attacked vault dwellers first.
        >Oh no, one is a hot bawd, let's pretend you only spared her out of pity, and write as if you knocked her up by accident as part of taking care of her.
        >Miscarriage happens. Tfw karma....
        At least that piece of shit did not get to continue his genetic line.
        >Main plot of the dlc is that "white people are evil violent oppressor savages, while mexicans are noble savages", they even painted the caucasian group with white paint, and put "white" into their group name, to present them even whiter. It was clearly anti-white narrative.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >Hurr durr lets slaugher a bunch of people who had not bothered you, to save a bunch of mexican illegal immigrants whom attacked vault dwellers first.
          there's no such thing as "illegal immigrants" in a post-nuclear world, and they were fricking EATEN by your vault dweller buddies, wtf you on about lmao

          • 4 weeks ago

            Vault dweller camp log, they were attacked first, than this psycho survivalist came and started killing them off too. Also in a post-apocalytic world, if you are attacked, and you kill your attackers, it's fine to also eat them.

            • 4 weeks ago

              it was a warning message about clark. do you seriously think the new overseer would just write down that they killed and ate 30 people? This being the only clue is not enough lol. But I mean keep defending cannibals, like there wasn't an abundance of flora and fauna available around there... it was a "paradise" for no reason.

              • 4 weeks ago

                It's ok to eat mexicans, they are fauna too, and it's their tradition, going back to Aztec times, where they cut out of a heart of a living person and ate from it, and cartels still practice it to this day, so if mexicans can eat from each other, others can eat mexicans as well. Thus the vault dwellers did nothing wrong. Plus, they should have kept out of the USA, because when they came there, it still existed, and they came there illegally, so it's ok to kill them and eat them. It would solve real world USA's immigration and housing problem, plus would drive down the price of meat too. Don't eat goyslop taco, eat the mexicans instead.

  10. 4 weeks ago

    he's his own value engine homie

  11. 4 weeks ago

    I only played legion playthrough once, in a "frick the libs" playthrough, his society does have a few good points, as in not letting women run amok, banning drugs, and wiping out raiders whom harass his caravans, but otherwise it's too backwards due to shunning tech, and destructive, such as flooding Camp Searchlight with radiation.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Based on Caesar's "Hegelian" dialectical materialism, the shunning of tech is deliberate so the Legion doesn't become dependent on things they can't reproduce and react better with the NCR.

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