Did the Internet ruin video games?

Did the Internet ruin video games?

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  1. 10 months ago

    It's an easy way to drain people of their money by peer-pressuring them.
    The golems would never have been seen walking near a videogame store before the internet.
    Unfortunately, there's no going back.
    All we can do now is wait for God to free us.

  2. 10 months ago

    becoming popular ruined video games

    • 10 months ago

      Games have been popular with kids scince the megadrive.

      Rental stores closing killed games and movies somewhat. Depopularised them. Stopped them from being complete products. Treats.

      Now entertainment is like a vice. Costing you your mind and soul to try something.

      Social life ended with cameras, mental institutions etc which took over somehow during this millenium. People tried to be free and be themselves on the internet instead.

      Evil stuff like facebook killed the internet. Google too. israelites maybe though it doesn't take judaism to be israeli. Money. Used to be anything that made money sold out. Up until then a thing was good.

      Some things never change.

    • 10 months ago

      i really don't recognize this medium anymore. everything is about story. and the gameplay (ACTUALLY PLAYING ACTUALLY !GAMING!) is worth nothing to a point where people just copy concepts from others
      >check out my fortnite cl- i mean this cool battle royale! no i didn't make this in response to the current trend! why are you saying these awful things

  3. 10 months ago

    it ruined everything

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah, ruined almost everything. Frick the internet


      Thirdies ruined everything. The internet was in a golden age until brown shitskin wienersucking streetshitting subhuman MOTHERFRICKING wienerSUCKERS started getting mass access to internet. When these animals. These lower than dirt pigs, these dirty DIRTY people got access...suddenly everything comes to shit... Everything wrong with gaming, the internet, entertaintment in general is because of third world fricking smells. Well i say lets fricking kill them all. GOD BLESS AMERICA

      • 10 months ago

        Nah, the people who ruined the internet were privileged first world c**ts who kept calling you a loser for talking to someone "on the WWW" and how "its not real".

        This is the same shit that happened with anime, how you were ostracized for liking it and now almost every fricker watches it

      • 10 months ago

        I don't want to agree with you, but I wouldn't mind there being a great firewall to prevent them (or us) from speaking or interacting with one another. Something like what North Korea has with Kwangmyong. If we can purge the third world from our websites then we could definately see another golden age.

      • 10 months ago

        cool, which third world country did you come in? I'd have to imagine you did come from one, as no reasonably educated first world citizen would reach this moronic conclusion

  4. 10 months ago

    Yeah, ruined almost everything. Frick the internet

    • 10 months ago

      I legitimately think the internet improved music. You still get garbage, but you used to ONLY get whatever shit labels pushed. Distribution of independent music is easier than ever and as a result, music is incredibly varied.
      Same argument isn't really applicable to video games of course since independent games did pretty well pre-broadband internet.

      • 10 months ago

        that was only up until the RIAA wiped the internet clean of any decent webcasters when they started to threaten owners of streams to pay royalty fees to their artists or they would face federal charges (or, i'm assuming at the very least heavy fines). forcing most if not all to either shut down, or to change their business models to run aggressively for-profit. that would include tripling the rate of ads, turning any good webcaster into an ad-infested shitstorm. digitally imported's well-curated club culture and forums were killed off due to this change. they stream mostly garbage now, they're not focused on underground music at all anymore.


        somafm somehow managed to escape this, but they've run under-funded almost every month since 2007 and are forced to run donation drives at the end of the month just to break even. they still refuse to run ads after all these years. one of the most important companies ever in my opinion, if they'd rather choose to die on principle, and keep living out of sheer will and determination.

        the aggressiveness of protecting copyright law is something we should be focusing more on, because it is destroying the internet and effectively and systematically erasing all traces of culture any time we let it happen.

      • 10 months ago

        Whenever someone mentions Justin Bieber or whatever the frick as a reason why modern music is shit (in 2023 lmao) then I know l can immediately disregard everything else they say. Too moronic to eat from anything besides the slop trough put directly into their face when an entire field exists.

  5. 10 months ago

    Normies having phones with broadband internet ruined everything

  6. 10 months ago

    twitter, facebook, instagram and tiktok ruined everything
    remember searching for something on google back in 2005 and the results would include all these custom webpages from actual people, now all you get is a billion articles made by newsletters and ai and social media results

  7. 10 months ago

    The internet didn't ruin anything. Web 2.0 and iphones did.

  8. 10 months ago

    >wow the internet is so bad and awful and terrible! What a mistake amirite?
    >they always, without fail, talk about things exclusive to post-normalgay, corporate-dominated, engagement-driven internet
    Why are they always like this? The internet is great, it's corpos and glowies that are the mistake.

  9. 10 months ago

    Bo Burnham is good

    • 10 months ago

      the internet can be a force for good, but it isn't because of https://youtu.be/wcxlPywEWfg?t=3
      because to be a profitable or sustainable service, you have to not be the most interesting or most connective thing, you instead have to be the most evocative and addictive, where you can get the most eyes on ads for as long as possible. Youtube is a perfect example of this (not even talking adpocalypse or anything, but around the start of the game grumps maybe even) where people found that high effort stuff wasn't sustainable so instead they would go for content like lets plays and react videos because you could churn out a lot with a quick turnaround. Its basically the exact same shit that happened to vidya. The algorithm/curation based, new internet (tiktok, nu-youtube, twitter, facebook) made pretty much everything worse, including video games

      I think I don't like his comedy anymore, but eighth grade was a pretty great movie. The ending was very cathartic, and I have never been more happy to hear a kid do a rick and morty impression

      • 10 months ago
      • 10 months ago

        Youtube is legal piracy. Piracy pushes for freedom and scum provide compromises.

    • 10 months ago

      >dude everything is shit and le bad just be cynical and bitter like me btw did you know I'm le depressed?
      Frick off I refuse to listen to this demoralizing George Carlin wannabe shit.

  10. 10 months ago

    Bo redditman

  11. 10 months ago

    bo Gankerman

  12. 10 months ago

    No. Games died at around 2015. Up untill then everything was good game wise. I'm not sure what killed games. Xbox1 and PS4 being shit and it's games suffering massive downgrades...

    Yes I do. High resolution killed games. 720p first, but games performed poorly on the 360 and PS3, downgraded a bit but we didn't know about it. 1080p utterly fricked it. And the end of crt tv support. Nobody had a fricking 1080p screen. Not even for worthless blu rays. Fustom res for 768p screens weren't an option. The wiimote+nunchuck didn't befome standard.

    Everything turned to shit. The Division and Homefront were ok though, the division fricked mostly due to fricking resolution. May as well never have moved from the 360. PS5 and Xbox series aim at 4k. It's just a joke. Everything again may maynas well be on 360. Just at lower res.

    Resolution is the cancer killing games.
    It should never have moved from 320x240.

    • 10 months ago

      Xbox 1 had 12 bit colour, which was beautiful.
      But PS4's deep colour mode only worker on "supported tvs". You couldn't force it on like with a PS3.

      It makes a big difrerence and games are unplayable without it.

      3D should have become standard too. Post process 3D, in case your tv didn't do it itself. 3D looks amazing. I've never tried the no battery passive 3D glasss though. I suppose they would be ok. Shutter glasses reallynneeded to use AA batteries or have a wire to a refhargeble battery pack. Spefiql batteries for them were a joke.

      what the frick, did someone invite digitalfoundry hosts to this thread
      what are you people talking about

      • 10 months ago

        Digital foundry is cancer that pushes for hugh res. They have a hand in killing vudeo games. Never advertise them again.

        Invreasing res decreases graphics and framerate. It's that simple. Artistry suffers due to increased res.

        • 10 months ago

          oh sorry, honest to god I completely misread your reply, I thought you were complaining about consoles holding back tech crawl or something
          I thought people were coming into the thread complaining about graphics lol

          • 10 months ago

            Graphics are the main reason to explore/advance in games. Then music and story.

            It's better to save money and have a pc because you can do everything on it. You can create.

            But consoles have their place. Should be no fuss with them. Straight to being impressed. Good for kids at least. Fun.

            They used to also get more graphics out of their hardware fompared to pc due to their lower res and antialiasing, and specialised hardware.

            I wonder what specialised hardware could do now. Though I guess gpus are that. Maybe we need more of a super single threaded cpu, so devs can do anything... On pc. Then consoles come out doing that in hardware. Cheaper, faster.

            • 10 months ago

              *antialiasing should be interlacing.
              Interlacing is like free motion blur. It covers up stuttering while scrolling/turning and it's the same as progressive scan on still images.

              Games should use direftional interlacing. Where if you look up the frame is split into tall lines, and if you look horizontally it's split into wide lines. Double the performance available and looks better.

              Nearly every graphical trick should improve performance. Eg lower res when turning fast to simulate motion blur and make turning more smooth.

              Games need to be real time to incorporate and train reflex actions. Instead of think and then do later, them closer together. The same time even. Connected more. Live life instead of experience it.

              Widescreen is another frick up in advancement. Wasting around half your performance for peipheral vision.

    • 10 months ago

      > I'm not sure what killed games.

      it truly is a mystery. pic related, the average 2023 game dev

  13. 10 months ago

    Xbox 1 had 12 bit colour, which was beautiful.
    But PS4's deep colour mode only worker on "supported tvs". You couldn't force it on like with a PS3.

    It makes a big difrerence and games are unplayable without it.

    3D should have become standard too. Post process 3D, in case your tv didn't do it itself. 3D looks amazing. I've never tried the no battery passive 3D glasss though. I suppose they would be ok. Shutter glasses reallynneeded to use AA batteries or have a wire to a refhargeble battery pack. Spefiql batteries for them were a joke.

  14. 10 months ago

    Eternal September ruined everything.

    • 10 months ago

      A larger market for games shouldn't hurt them. It should make them more profitable, so devs can hire more people to make games grander.

      The problem with games being profitable though is it invites buttholes that just care about money. Creates an industry. Invonves university. So involves degeneracy and brainwashing.

      Games used to be fun, now they're formulaic, disgusting and addicting.

      Nothing high quality has ever been profitable, but now with billions of potential players devs have a chance. Used to be a suicidal endeavor to be an artist.

      A shame everything good is copied, even before it's out.

  15. 10 months ago

    The internet should have gotten rid of stores and publishers. Artists should be paid directly. Not sure why any put up with it rather tham having a website for their game where people can pay if they liked a game, learn about it, provide feedback, download it and make friends.

    Also should have killed censorship. Govt even.

    Guess ease of use/laziness triumphs. Central hubs that tax for collecting things and ruining them win due to masses being scum.

  16. 10 months ago

    Nationalism killed everything. Everyone used to have their own identity and everyone assumed everyone else was American. Everyone pretended to be American. America was the home of freedom. But people were id'dz people didn't get to self define who they were and were stuck with how they had already been established. They looked to extend that instead of be whatever's right and good, fun.

    Fricking moderators, cops, flags, cowards. And an influx of people that depended on others for their mind, never really having one.

    Maybe most people have always been bad and giving the mob power ruins everything. No stars, just space echoing nothingness.

  17. 10 months ago

    Anonyminity killed things somewhat

    Some people tried their best and let the rest take credit. Raising the bar. Most didn't, just carried on whatever pestilence they submitted to.

    So people, anon, are sucked under, fit the form of fool. Join the herd. And get followed if they try break free. Stuck in mediocritu forever.

    Capcha is more of a chore than repeatedly making new accounts as they are banned. Freedom always intimidates parasites. Maybe better to always try to be someone. Be amazing. Don't see nearly any of that here anymore.

    Spam and annoying aren't freedom. And lesser versions of it are virtually everything here now.

  18. 10 months ago

    No, corporations ruined gaming. They also ruined the internet.

  19. 10 months ago

    Kinda feel like the ease of acess and inclusion from corperations has led to the fall of the gaming community and the internet. It's a space where people can advertise celebrities/ecelebs/rappers/industry plants/ect to your average mindless consumer. Shit is sanitize just to fit for everyone.

    >Got to have some well known actor for normalgays to latch onto your game(deadspace remake)
    >Got to show how diverse and progressive you are in your hit multiplayer game(Overwatch)

    >Got to make your game realistic because the mindless consumer are so attracted to realism in something that was suppose to be a medium to escape real life, so you gotta have a huge budget to make everything photorealistic

    >Got to create a game that is a walking sim with little to no gameplay. It's super mature and is actually a big allegory for life or some bullshit so people can relate to it and show how smart they are.

    The internet paved the way for your average joe who is obsessed with these things to enter the video game medium, and have allow corporations to cater to them instead of you and I.

  20. 10 months ago

    It's hard to say for sure what killed everything, but it must be the people in power giving into the wrong people

  21. 10 months ago

    Everyone's so mean spirited and venomous now online. I know it sounds ridiculous to say here of all places but I'm almost but certain it's because the report button gets abused too much. Everyone goes back to that fricking report button every game seems to have.

  22. 10 months ago

    Paid multiplayer killed it somewhat. Microphones too probably. Need some way to communicate, but that is best done on intuition. Doing what should be done. Build a bond that way of being reliable. Trash talking is stupid.

    Free multiplayer encourages single players to try a multiplayer mode.

    Multiplayer games need to incorporate a way of breaking the ice so teaming up is possible. The Division had gestures. When playing they seemed out of place in a good way. A hand wave. An offer to join a group, why not, and then a much better experience.

    Mentorship in games is a great thing and a kind of end game for good players. Kick ass, show off, show how it's done. Wait for them to catch up. Be a machine team together.

    The harder the difficulty the better that is.

  23. 10 months ago

    giving children smart phones ruined the internet

  24. 10 months ago

    Console games used to be ports of arcade games, arcades leading the way in technology and ideas.

    That needs to be resumed somehow. Come up with something that needs to be done. Then whatever hardware it takes is what gets put into a cabinet.

    Could habe arcades running off server farms. Of nvidia's geforce now. Or cryptocurrency miners shared processing network.

    Cabinets mostly specialised controllers. Like motorbikes, fighter wienerpits that rotate, skis, guns etc, but stuff that hasn't been thought of.

    Pay for the performance required to render it. Short and amazing. But costing a dollar and a few billion dollars worth of computing power.

  25. 10 months ago

    Intersectionality ruined video games

  26. 10 months ago

    I'm ready to be made fun of for liking video games again. Please? It was much better then.

    • 10 months ago

      If you like anything made in the last several years, but Arcane you are defective.

  27. 10 months ago

    Ai might save games. Luckly there is more good than bad in art for Ai to be trwined with. Almost ignoring the degeneracy of the last decade.

    So the internet may be the saviour that frees us. Then leads us. Then Ai trained off it's own art. Then people competing with ai for excellence. Symbiotic relationship where eachother fills in the blanks so a complete product is acheived.

    Dedicated jobs in finding the best man and machine has done to train ai to higher excellence.

  28. 10 months ago

    eSports and the corporatization of online gaming ruined gaming.
    Back when online was just a way to connect to new guys to goof off with it was golden.
    Now it's focused on players just optimizing the same stale (usually forced) metas, grinding to maximize player retention, and completely anti-social premades who deiced to take a break form discord catfish sexting each other to sweat their ass off in a casual loby.

  29. 10 months ago

    Nope as with everything, post 9/11 government and alphabet soup agencies ruined everything. They couldn't just be relatively wealthy elites they wanted more and more

    • 10 months ago

      360 had some great games. 911 was ignored by most of the world. I didn't even make the connection between it and the war in Iraq until it was spammed on /b/. At least we moved on from WW2, though Vietnam could have lasted forever. And we already had Desert Storm which was the same thing.
      Terrorists like soup agencies and cops were reasons to be extra free. I even expected returned soldiers to overthrow the govt and kill all cops. The forces of freedom vs their total opposite. But the army was betrayed when Iraq was set up with another govt. Should have left them without one. Nobody needs govt. Iraqis playing music etc loving America would have been cool. Another Japan.

      00's were good times. Newsmedia was finally discredited, irrelevant. So was govt. We nearly had a world without one. We realized politicians and co were dumb as frick and we didn't need them. Artists leading the way was the future. It was a good thing to stop pretending the bad guys were on our side.

  30. 10 months ago

    Sony killing Home, The Getaway 3, Wipeout, and Ico devs killed Sony.

    The Killzone 2 preview being prerendered did too. Killsone 2's colourisation after the 2007 version killed it, as did the removal of secondary fire. Multiplayer was good, but it was laggy.

    Frames rendered ahead
    Multi core

    All are bad. Should prioritise everything and set what's most important to be done best. CPUs should have stayed single core and single thread. At least single thread. If having to use multi core then switching betwen them like a rotary engine. Alowing the previous core to cool down.

    Frames rendered ahead/prerendered frames induces lag and fights the user's controls. Wastes performance. All to make multi core crap more smooth. You can't even turn it off on PC anymore. It's artificially higher fps at the cost of everything else.

  31. 10 months ago

    Some moron is posting AI chatbot shit.
    Stop it

  32. 10 months ago


  33. 10 months ago

    Moderation makes people timid. Moderation killed the internet, which killed videogames.

  34. 10 months ago

    Japan killed the world and videogames. Stupidity is now standard.

  35. 10 months ago

    Nope but tik tok ruined Bo Burnham songs

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