Did this game save mecha video games or did it just scare an entire generation of casuals from even picking up another mech-related game ever again?

Did this game save mecha video games or did it just scare an entire generation of casuals from even picking up another mech-related game ever again?

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  1. 9 months ago

    95% of the people playing this will never pick up another mech game in their lives.
    AC6 is selling well because people view it as robot dark souls, make no mistake.

    • 9 months ago

      the remaining 5% is still more than the current amount of surviving mecha fans in the world

      • 9 months ago

        >the remaining 5% is still more than the current amount of surviving mecha fans in the world
        I would bet on this. it's a win for the mecha fandom overall.

    • 9 months ago

      I wonder how many of that 95% will be able to finish the game "properly".

      • 9 months ago

        A lot of players are vets from Elden Ring and Soulsborne so it's possible some will tough it out. Maybe...20%?

      • 8 months ago

        What does it mean to finish it "properly?"

        • 8 months ago

          He means get all 3 endings. Or he should if anon has any sense.

          • 8 months ago

            Maybe he means never using Zimmermans, Songbirds, or Needle Cannons in any fights

            • 8 months ago

              >in any fights
              Including Worm?!

    • 9 months ago

      But also, a similar percentage would never have picked up one beforehand anyway, so it evens out.

  2. 9 months ago

    Mech was already saved.

    • 9 months ago

      >pic unrelated

      • 9 months ago

        >Zoomers actually consider this garbage good
        How is it even possible to have standards this low.

        Name one mecha game from this last 10 years more kino

        • 9 months ago

          Xenoblade 3

          • 9 months ago

            Cool mech designs but they're not playable.

            • 9 months ago

              wtf is this, face looks like devastator from bayformer

              • 9 months ago

                It's a Ferronis, what XBC3 calls humongous mecha.

        • 9 months ago

          Your average Gundam Battle Operation 2 match on Arctic Base. Especially at high cost.

          • 9 months ago

            arctic base fricking sucks

        • 9 months ago

          words don't mean anything anymore

          Your average Gundam Battle Operation 2 match on Arctic Base. Especially at high cost.

          this isn't the answer either

        • 9 months ago


        • 9 months ago

          13 sentinels

        • 9 months ago

          It's time for you to grow out of the
          shit, anon.

          • 9 months ago

            Frick off, mecha is inherently over the top, might as well go all the way.

          • 8 months ago

            have a nice day """""""real""""""" robotgay

            TomiBlack person Gundam was a mistake

        • 9 months ago

          Any of the ones that aren't jarpigs

    • 9 months ago

      >Zoomers actually consider this garbage good
      How is it even possible to have standards this low.

      • 9 months ago

        >forced amerifat zoomer meme
        Frick off and die you moronic brown amerifat you will never be white quit forcing your Black person amerifat zoomer meme

        • 9 months ago

          Fake /m/ anon, real Ganker tourist

    • 9 months ago

      >first game only has mechs in the final act, making you sit through a hundred of hours of a boring fantasy persona rip-off
      No, thanks

      • 9 months ago

        >persona rip-off
        are personagays this moronic

        • 9 months ago

          To take taht long to realize that personagays are the pinnacle of imbecility requires a certain degree of idiocy

    • 9 months ago

      >Trails of Hot Shit
      yeah no.

    • 9 months ago

      Is this the game with 2 world wars where only 1 person died

    • 9 months ago

      Next you're gonna say Chrono Cross is good

    • 9 months ago
      • 9 months ago

        >you can actually do that in AC6, minus the transformation thing
        >XBX gameplay is three homies in a row

        • 9 months ago

          An AC game that had transforming mecha would be sick.
          Honestly my dream game is basically just XCX with AC's combat instead of the turn based stuff.

        • 9 months ago

          An AC game that had transforming mecha would be sick.
          Honestly my dream game is basically just XCX with AC's combat instead of the turn based stuff.

          >Turn based
          Since when? But yeah skells are cool

          • 9 months ago

            >ATB with move outta red circle minigame
            Same difference

      • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        I didn't realize that Skells are basically just TSFs but this cutscene makes it obvious. In my defense I hadn't played Muv Luv back when I played X.

  3. 9 months ago

    It saved for me AND Fromsoft, they'll continue to make it for sure.

  4. 9 months ago

    It's been 10 long years.

  5. 9 months ago


  6. 9 months ago

    it will not do shit.
    Maybe a few AC clone will be made, but know that almost all people bought AC6 not due to mechas but due to fromsoft's popularity.
    They won't buy other mecha games, just like how they don't buy most soulslike.

    • 9 months ago

      most soulslikes are shit though purely cashing in on “le difficulty”

    • 9 months ago

      Speaking of AC clones I wonder what effect AC6 had on Daemon Ex Machina

      • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        the cringe anime aesthetic kills it for me but it had some neat ideas like the rougelite sections, going full on cripple and replacing your limbs, can throw cars and stuff, can continue fighting even when mech is destroyed, but again the anime aesthetic kills it, every time I play it I feel like I'm experiencing gundam age again

        • 9 months ago

          I feel like the hammy anime bullshit would be more palatable if it wasn't delivered so bare bones like.

        • 9 months ago

          I hated the anime art style too, but I felt there was a direction with it that the Switch couldn't do justice. And the story refused to get going until the 3rd act.
          My biggest wish for DxM2 is to expand on the ability to throw objects. Throwing cars in arcs was too clunky and not worth doing. We should be able to chuck cars like baseballs at enemies. Also being able to use light posts as low-durability swords. That way you can sortie without a sword, but grab a light post when you're in a bind. Go full Pacific Rim with it.

      • 9 months ago

        In terms of production chronology DXM2 was confirmed in the works before ACVI was first announced, in fact Tsukuda announced the existence of what we now know as Titanic Scion before the first sceeenshots even leaked of the yet to be named Fires of Rubicon.
        Now, maybe some mid-development influence might be felt, but at that point it becomes difficult to determine what influenced what and how much either of them just came to similar conclusions independently.

      • 9 months ago

        In terms of production chronology DXM2 was confirmed in the works before ACVI was first announced, in fact Tsukuda announced the existence of what we now know as Titanic Scion before the first sceeenshots even leaked of the yet to be named Fires of Rubicon.
        Now, maybe some mid-development influence might be felt, but at that point it becomes difficult to determine what influenced what and how much either of them just came to similar conclusions independently.

        Well Dark Souls sure as frick influenced Nioh development, I know different devs and studios, but still we don't live in a vacuum.
        I hope DXM2 would be more similar to AC than DXM1 did, starting with removing god-awful visible anime characters.
        It can still have anime plot and teenage drama, but it will be much more tolerable, if it's just talking emblems.
        Also colorable Arsenal emissions.

    • 9 months ago

      I will. I lost all hope of getting good mechwarrior game, so if someone will start making semidecent ac-clones I will eat them up.

  7. 9 months ago

    Any good guides for Decal Autism out there?

  8. 9 months ago

    True player

  9. 9 months ago

    >another mech-related game
    What other mecha games, Daemon x Machina 2 and Grendizer are destined to be niche.

  10. 9 months ago

    You asked the same question twice

  11. 9 months ago

    We shall see.
    It was a bunch of years of nothing, after Dark Souls 1 before market was flooded with clones and imitations.

    • 9 months ago

      >all future mecha games are going to be grim shit where we never see pilots

      • 9 months ago

        I am the pilot.
        And I don't need to se faces of corpses that I make.

  12. 9 months ago

    >Take Nexhuiz, OpenArena or other open-source FPS
    >Throw in /m/ elements like jumpjets, flight, vehicle forms and the ability for two players to combine into a stronger robot, along with destruction physics
    >Randomly-generated monsters to capture the Mazinger/Sentai/etc. audiences
    >Create a simple but reasonably powerful level editor, so that you don't have to learn a complicated tool like TrenchBroom to create new scenarios
    >In the grand tradition of SuperTuxKart, every mecha design is based on a software mascot
    There, I just saved the future of ga/m/ing.

  13. 9 months ago

    looks like dork souls. with flying.
    don't even have radar.
    turning on a dime.
    auto target for babbies.

    • 9 months ago

      To be fair I was flipping out over the "auto target" as well but it turns out it has a grip like a fat in a prison shower and this might as well not exist.

      • 9 months ago

        If you don't touch your stick at all it tracks better. You're the one who breaks it most of the time.

      • 9 months ago

        >Using the hard-lock
        The soft-lock is way better and functions the most like the old fcs. Just make sure to stay in its ideal range and it tracks amazingly well.

        • 9 months ago

          Some people used hardlock for at least IBIS and Ayre because they're zippier than a Pulverizer on meth. I know I did for the latter. Other than that yeah it's pretty shit and will probably get you killed on PvP.

          • 9 months ago

            Fair point, I know I did on NG+ when she started swooping around. But still release when shooting for the faster lock.
            If you fight her with your back against the invisible wall it messes with her AI and makes the fight a breeze. I can see how hard-locking would help otherwise though

            • 9 months ago

              I beat IBIS by abusing the shit out of the lance's tracking. It had an easy enough to learn tempo where using the lance guaranteed a hit and stagger. Took me more than a day to learn it, but once I did I woke up the next day and easily beat it. Ayre though, frick that.
              >If you fight her with your back against the invisible wall it messes with her AI
              I don't usually look to exploit AI and pathfinding most of the time. Only time I've had to rely on it was on Occupation of Arterial Carpals, I'm not sure if it's even possible to beat that mission without isolating the enemies with the wall. I'll try abusing the arena boundaries when I go for S-Rank though. I'll take all kinds of cheese if I'm playing against the clock.

    • 9 months ago

      Damn when will the ass man cucks stop striking us with passive aggressive homosexualery because their shit mech games are dead

  14. 9 months ago

    >did it just scare an entire generation of casuals from even picking up another mech-related game ever again
    I hope it did.
    the last thing I want is for a pozzed Armored Core sequel full of ESG shit.

    • 9 months ago

      I fricking hate the game, and now I have a new appriciation for it. Thank you Anon.

    • 9 months ago


  15. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      I wanted to shit on you, but the full image made me kek.
      Good job.

      • 9 months ago

        Not, mine, just wanted to share cuz it looked funny

    • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      I know I'm gay for wanting this but is possible to make robits that look like they could be mobile suits in this game?

      • 9 months ago

        someone made the sazabi already

        • 9 months ago

          I also made Sazabi, and have run into multiple others who have done the same. The legs are just begging you to do it

      • 9 months ago

        Sorta'. The silhouettes don't tend to match up a lot due to the chest, arms, and typical weaponry loadouts being mounted like fixed hardpoints vs held gear.

        There are enemies that are less cannon-fodder and can put up some fight called Heavy Cavalry that follow more typical Gundam grunt shapeliness. Here's a boss duo of them that start have more of a Zeta era feeling on their customs.

        • 9 months ago

          God I love LC and HC. I wish I was able to pilot one.

        • 9 months ago

          God I love LC and HC. I wish I was able to pilot one.

          >put absolute kino suits in a mech game
          >you can't use them
          what the frick guys

          From is actually in a good position with Armored Core, even if it doesn't sell the best Souls seems like it can basically fund them doing mech games they want to make.

          >even if it doesn't sell the best
          my man, ac6 had more concurrent players than DS3 did. Obviously fromsoft is also much bigger now, but I'd bet that AC is now self sustaining. The game has been very well received.

          • 9 months ago

            >I'd bet that AC is now self sustaining.
            It all depends on how the next AC game performs. ACV sold extremely well in the wake of Dark Souls 1, but ACVD sold like shit because ACV was shit and no one was hyped.

            AC6 is a fantastic game and my GOTY, but its positive rating on Steam is 86%. That is worse than Sekiro, which is 94%. Because of this, we're not going to get DLC, although I think we'll eventually see one more sequel.

        • 9 months ago


          • 9 months ago

            Are the bottom ACs obtainable?

          • 9 months ago

            wish there was a physical shield i could get. need gundam shield

            • 9 months ago

              closest you can do right now is bomb thrower. Has the right shape, just a little small

          • 9 months ago

            >hyper advanced space police
            >carries a PPSh-41

            • 9 months ago

              I'll have you know that it's a Suomi M31 and as SMGs go it's pretty darn good.

            • 9 months ago

              >Oppressive Regime aspires to be Soviet Russia.

            • 9 months ago

              A PPSh-41 chambered in 155mm literally hits different.

          • 9 months ago

            Want these parts so fricking badly
            I know that the entire point of Cavalry units is that they aren't modular and what you see is what you get, but would it be too much to ask for AC parts designed along the same lines?
            DLC when?

          • 9 months ago

            >ekrodomoi are clanners
            >cavalry are mobile suits
            >their MTs are wanzers
            PCA aesthetics utterly mog anything you can actually build

      • 9 months ago

        Some of the parts are designed by people that worked on gundam

    • 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      should make the head smaller

    • 9 months ago

      Actually amazing.

    • 9 months ago

      Gimme the fricking code homie, going to kill some Japs while they laugh their asses off

  16. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      Nice!! I got the same diorama + model too friend anon, it's really sweet. Just big enough to fit in most places but also enough to look impressive wherever it is.

    • 9 months ago

      why is the AC light brown when in the trailers they are shown to be gunmetal color!????

      also in the game your started ac is this color AND it has orange lights which are wrong since in the trailer it shows the lights being red

      these little small inaccuracies always piss me off

      • 9 months ago

        It’s not your starter AC, play the game

    • 9 months ago

      I really love Nightfall, but frick the pricetag for that edition of the game, I'll just wait for the model kit and build it.

    • 9 months ago

      There's a pc physixal edition??? Frick me I should've got it even if it's just a steam code, I like having physical games instead of full digital

      95% of the people playing this will never pick up another mech game in their lives.
      AC6 is selling well because people view it as robot dark souls, make no mistake.

      This but more realistically 90% instead
      I discovered the mech genre with AC6 and I now love it and wished I had discovered it earlier

  17. 9 months ago


  18. 9 months ago

    It might have if they didn't castrate the music or had an actually good story. Bad story and fun music or good story and bad music, but not both

    • 9 months ago

      The story was kino and like 40% of the tracks are good, the rest are just ok.

  19. 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago


  20. 9 months ago

    Beautiful. You even got a gun with a big ass scope

  21. 9 months ago

    I struggle to ever find a reason to use the heavier long distance thrusters over the "lightweight" thrusters since they have extremely nice recovery time, boost reload and EN drain. I prefer to use them even on my tanks because the reload time on boosts really feels like it gets me killed.

    • 9 months ago

      tanks dont have boosters scrublet

  22. 9 months ago

    Unfortunately mech and plane games don't appeal to normies and will always be niche.
    Ace Combat and Armored Core have been solid series.

    • 9 months ago

      Kek, don't fool yourself, everyone and his sister as played AC7, same with Ace combat 4

    • 9 months ago

      Did you see the total sales numbers for Ace Combat 7?
      What killed the Plane games genre were the hyper hardcore sims where you're throwing down 500bux for a fricking joystick. And a community so head up it's own ass that if you want to have "FUN" you will be reminded you're playing a FLIGHT SIM and not a GAME.

      • 9 months ago

        I wonder if you could map the buttons on two of those joysticks to plane Armored Core? It would be fun. And gives me ideas for building Mecha.

      • 9 months ago

        I just wish simgays and arcadegays would find a nice middle ground. Some games try to be that but they always skew towards the sim side of the spectrum to the point where they're intended to be played with the same thousand dollar HOTAS people use for DCS anyways. Hell, people say VTOL VR is the perfect middle ground between AC and DCS but
        >Lmao it's VR exclusive

        • 9 months ago

          We used to have those middle grounders if only because the tech that lets the hardcore sim shit wasn't fully able to be worked due to the fact the processors couldn't let go that super hardcore and the limitations of the the old game port interface kept Joysticks/Gamepads in check.

          I'd look at Tiny Combat Arena but again that is rather limited and pretty much a one man project. No clue where it's falling though on the spectrum as I'm not touching it yet because >Early Access. But I like what I'm seeing so far conceptually

          • 9 months ago

            I watch TCA's dev streams from time to time. It's also skewing towards the sim side of the spectrum but not enough to stop being a simcade since it's basically trying to be a Jane's Fighters clone. I'll probably buy it anyways but it does have some weak points, the biggest of which being the dev's firmness on never adding more aircraft. He wants to make this a Harrier only game not because it'll take too much time to implement other planes but just because he wants to and because "that's not how it worked back then". His flight model isn't detailed enough to warrant that amount of laser focus, it's not a sim so it can definitely be adapted to other planes. Lack of plane variety will hurt this game unless it somehow becomes an ultra moddable masterpiece. There's also the low poly late 90s PC style. It doesn't look retro or charming, it just looks outdated and that'll put a lot of people off. This point is more defensible since making higher fidelity models take more time and they'd need a better, more intensive shader to look good, but again his only justification on why he's doing it this way is "because that's how it was in the 90s".

            Ultimately I'm still looking for a good simcade that's between AC and DCS but I don't think this is it. At least WW2gays get IL-2...

          • 9 months ago

            There was already stuff like Su-27 Flanker in 1995, Falcon 4.0 and Jane's F-15 are from 1998, and yet they still made games like F-22 Lighting 3 or Jane's USAF in the following years.
            We just stopped having flight simulators of any kind (or mech simulators) because everyone was playing on console by then, save the enthusiasts who play DCS.

            • 9 months ago

              Are the later Novalogic games in the fun range (and is there ways to avoid the rather nasty crash bug for Lightning 3 that steam reviews are bringing up?)
              But yea an entire genre becoming "Enthusiast" tends to be a death knell for a genre because it just becomes elitism and just so opaque that you're never gonna get newcomers in.

              • 9 months ago

                Yes, definitely. All Novalogic games are light on the simulator aspect.
                Did you try dgVoodoo? It usually solves a lot of issues with older games.
                >But yea an entire genre becoming "Enthusiast" tends to be a death knell for a genre because it just becomes elitism and just so opaque that you're never gonna get newcomers in.
                The problem was that there was not a market for average players anymore, since PC gaming was almost dead, and you couldn't really have these kind of games on the PSX.
                Actually, the fact that games like MechWarrior 5 and Elite are on consoles as well gives me hope.

              • 9 months ago

                Yea I'll poke around at it just haven't had time to dig into looking into fixes as it's funny that's the only Novelogic jet game with a no positive review. (I wonder if physical copy of Armored Fist 3 will happily run on modern stuff. Gotta dig more into the weeds for this shit)
                Of course I'd be probably be playing on a gamepad because I got room on my power strip for the ancient power block of a Sidewinder Force Feedback won't fit and I'd have to find some way to get Game Port to USB and see if it's even compatible with modern systems if I wanted to lug out that giant again.

              • 9 months ago

                >Game Port to USB
                It's probably easier and cheaper to get a Force Feedback 2.

              • 9 months ago

                Wait they made a Force Feedback 2?!

                Yeah, I don't usually talk about the physics of Mechwarrior because it's just dumb. Americans whose only contact with mecha is BT love prattling on about how realistic it is unlike those darn japanese bug looking robots and ultramen (Actually heard that one once) but their movement as portrayed by the computer games is just moronic. They say it's stompy but it feels more like God's invisible hand moving a giant scaled up plastic minifig. Not the designs are very conducive to good walking and running animations, mind you.

                Really the original designs were never made for walking cycles. Look at how many old designs not Unseens were given radical makeovers so they could be given the ability to be put in dynamic poses like running or even fighting beyond static legs in neutral position with arm angling and maybe a torso twist..

              • 9 months ago

                That's what I mean, the original designs were driven by absolutely zero sense of industrial and mechanical design. There wasn't a single ball joint, swashplate or complex actuator assembly to be seen. It was all flat hinges. As it stood, the original designs would be physically unable to do anything but walk forwards and backwards since they'd lack the hip and femur mobility. But I digress, the revised designs basically make the old stuff just goofy obsoletes that I only look at for a laugh from time to time.

  23. 9 months ago

    >did it just scare an entire generation of casuals from even picking up another mech-related game ever again?
    Unless FoR is the series' Demon Souls moment it definitely gonna be this. But it's not like they're not going to continue the series or mech games will stop being sporadically released.

    Unironically, I think if the next Xenoblade game brings back pilotable mechs that will do a lot for mecha games in terms of casual reception as those games get a lot of press and attention and post-XB2 and 3 any future entry is a guaranteed million+ seller.

    • 9 months ago

      From is actually in a good position with Armored Core, even if it doesn't sell the best Souls seems like it can basically fund them doing mech games they want to make.

    • 9 months ago

      If this makes an idea of making a mecha game more palpable for the industry again, I'm all for it

      >Unironically, I think if the next Xenoblade game brings back pilotable mechs
      Jesus yes please, we've been asking for it. Even if it was something as simple as the Ouroborous forms

  24. 9 months ago

    Considering this and front mission 1 getting a remake I think casuals might be scared off forever.

  25. 9 months ago

    anybody done any getter robo emblems and willing to share the code??

  26. 9 months ago

    The last thing mech vidya needs is people aping this garbage, Sekiro stagger system for mechs is the dumbest idea ever.

    • 9 months ago

      This. I hate the stagger shit and richochet so much. I wouldnt be so assblasted at this if it wasnt a main numbered ac.

    • 9 months ago

      This. I hate the stagger shit and richochet so much. I wouldnt be so assblasted at this if it wasnt a main numbered ac.

      Sounds like a skill issue.

      • 9 months ago

        >this babby game is hard because of please hold still so I can hit you mechanic
        You so babbies and your it's le hecking so hard shit just gets dumber and dumber.

        • 9 months ago

          It's fricking hilarious that less than 5% of players bothered to finish the game.

          • 9 months ago

            The vast majority of gamers will absolutely not play through a game three times for different endings. The fact that From had the balls to retain that element of AC is miraculous.

          • 9 months ago

            I"m playing it very slowly, replaying every mission 10 fricking times to get all the logs and as high rating as I can without guides.
            Speedrunning is moronic, why should I shorten my time with the game I love? I won't see the first ending for the next 20 fricking hours at least.

            • 9 months ago

              My man, you're gonna be replaying those missions for the 2 other endings, alt versions, alt combat logs, etc.

          • 9 months ago

            that goes for a ton of games in general for whatever reason. it's only real rotten when it affects a game's feedback like reviews imo, like the vast majority of Baldur's Gate 3's reception coming from people who can't even finish Act 1

          • 9 months ago

            what gets me is how many people beat the so called filter bosses, despite those supposedly being so infamous they caused refunds, when so many other games have most people not even making it past the first level. 90% of players beat the helicopter and 60% and previously growing beat the Ball guy before he was nerfed.

      • 9 months ago

        How much goydollars is From providing you to drown out criticism, Mr. Zimmerman?

    • 9 months ago

      You'd really hate Battletech then.

      After all turns out getting hit by heavy fire can overload gyros and balancers and not only cause stagger but cause Knockdown

      And bad use of Jump Jets can result in mechs falling down or taking a trip to snapsville.

      • 9 months ago

        >After all turns out getting hit by heavy fire can overload gyros and balancers and not only cause stagger but cause Knockdow
        That's not at all the same as even the lightest weapons build up stagger and freezes them/you perfectly still even it midair doesn't even fall. Though I don't think that would fit an AC game either though.

        • 9 months ago

          Being hit by ten machine guns has the same effect as being hit by one AC/20

          • 9 months ago

            >takes ten machine guns hitting you to achieve the same effect as one in AC 6
            So you agree it's way different

            • 9 months ago

              Those machine guns can be man carried conventional rifles. They also slip over on roads for some reason.
              Also Sekiro was until very recently From's best modern game.

              • 9 months ago

                It's fricking hilarious to see a failed piloting check on roads and see a mech just eat shit and possibly knock out the pilot because he slipped.

            • 9 months ago

              >So you agree it's way different

          • 9 months ago

            >takes ten machine guns hitting you to achieve the same effect as one in AC 6
            So you agree it's way different

            Been replaying AC3 and am pretty sure you stagger often from getting hit by "light arms" like rifles. Pretty sure actually most hits cause your current movement input to 'stall' for a quarter of a second causing you to re-input it.
            If only the stagger system did not cause so much extra damage.

    • 9 months ago

      I prefer sekiro stagger to handguns interrupting melee, the real issue is kicks bypassing the stagger meter and the various ways it can be extended.
      Ricochet is fine in theory but engagement range is way, way too short for any weapon that's not a shotgun, and warnings/firing delays for heavy weapons can frick off.

  27. 9 months ago

    It's doing well, and a lot of early talks mentioned that this game was being drive tested to see if it lands. Stuff like the multiplayer being pretty bare I think they said was just so they could test the waters. I think it's pretty high odds it gets at least an expansion game, and that could really cement it as the definitive mech game of the generation.

  28. 9 months ago

    >That Qubeley boss battle

    I finally understand how this shitter is a final boss level threat so often. Kino fight tho

  29. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      how did you get the legs to be two colors

      • 9 months ago

        From what I'm seeing, it's decals. Same tricks apply when making a right proper Red Shoulder.

  30. 9 months ago

    if people don't buy other mecha games, no. and only a very small percentage will play other mecha games

  31. 9 months ago

    Only when devs start pumping out AC clones.

  32. 9 months ago

    Bamco is probably scrambling to get a team to make AC6 but Gundam with 10% of the budget right now instead of, well, asking From to do it

    • 9 months ago

      honestly I'd be cool with something like Gundam parts dlc or something.

      • 9 months ago

        Bamco is probably scrambling to get a team to make AC6 but Gundam with 10% of the budget right now instead of, well, asking From to do it

        FromSoftware already made a Gundam game

        Gundam Unicorn PS3 game was done by them. of course only released in Japan

        • 9 months ago

          Was it any good though?
          With how Bandai is pushing gunpla lately, a Gundam Breaker by From doesn't sound too bad
          Or a 30MM game

          • 9 months ago

            It's a Gundam game, of course it fricking sucks

  33. 9 months ago

    Why do people think a fairly approachable mecha action game is going to scare people off? Sure, there's the people crying about boss fights, but that's never scared people en masse away from a genre before.
    If this was one of those insanely clunky, completely esoteric nightmares, sure. But AC's always just been an action game where you can optimize weight. It's got completion rates on par with any other popular game, maybe even a little higher.

  34. 9 months ago

    Hello frens
    I’m a newbie to mecha and really only played Titanfall 2 and AC6.
    What other games are fun mecha?

    • 9 months ago

      zone of the enders

  35. 9 months ago

    It did an appropriate amount of gatekeeping, I think. Enough that I don't need to do any myself, anyway, if you managed to beat Ibis then you're probably okay to be let through the gates.

    • 9 months ago

      > getting soulsborne babbies into it is gatekeeping
      have a nice day

  36. 9 months ago

    Hopefully the latter

  37. 9 months ago

    Mecha games are known to sell like shit. This was remarked in the industry, including by big people.
    AC6 only sold well due to FromSoft.
    Mazinger is releasing a game in November, I expect less than 500 reviews after one year on steam.

    • 9 months ago

      Maybe ACVI proves mech games can sell well but not when they're selling themselves on being from some existing mecha IP like Gundam or Mazinger. There's no story catch up you have to do with ACVI, you just pick up the game and play it, and while it being a From game definitely helped shift copies there's got to be something to be said for the fact series newcomers can pick it up without feeling out of their depth.

      • 9 months ago

        Anon, ask yourself this. Even if ACVI was the same, it would not have done well without the hype FromSoft got, especially with Elden Ring.
        It's not for nothing Zone of the Enders started underselling with ZoE2, each later projects selling worse than the last, ZoE2MARS selling less than 100 000 copies worldwide on PS4/Steam, and most were bought in Japan

        Daemon x Machina did managed """alright""" sales but only good by mecha games standards.

    • 9 months ago

      Doesn't that just prove that mecha themselves aren't impossible to sell, you just need some good faith in the developer?

      Anon, ask yourself this. Even if ACVI was the same, it would not have done well without the hype FromSoft got, especially with Elden Ring.
      It's not for nothing Zone of the Enders started underselling with ZoE2, each later projects selling worse than the last, ZoE2MARS selling less than 100 000 copies worldwide on PS4/Steam, and most were bought in Japan

      Daemon x Machina did managed """alright""" sales but only good by mecha games standards.

      That's because sequels of mid games usually sell worse, even if they're better. DMC3 was the worst selling DMC game, because everyone remembered 2, which sold fairly well.

    • 9 months ago

      >I expect less than 500 reviews after one year on steam.
      I looked up the devs, Microids, and its not looking good for this new Grendizer game.

  38. 9 months ago

    All you need is Gundam Breaker x Fromsoft. Reboot the story into the MC being a junker who likes to do custom MS.

    • 9 months ago

      fromsoft won't ever work as third party beside with maybe Sony and that's a big maybe considering Japan studio, who they worked quite a lot with, do not exist anymore.

      Doesn't that just prove that mecha themselves aren't impossible to sell, you just need some good faith in the developer?

      That's because sequels of mid games usually sell worse, even if they're better. DMC3 was the worst selling DMC game, because everyone remembered 2, which sold fairly well.

      You would need a studio with as much hype as current fromsoft, good luck with that.

      • 9 months ago

        Anon, who publishes fromsoft games?

        • 9 months ago

          Trick question, Fromsoft self-publishes domestically.

        • 9 months ago

          From Soft publish their games on their own.. They only publish internationally with Bamco
          I think the only exception was bloodborne and deracine being co-owned by Sony and i'm not even fully sure.

          • 9 months ago

            Demon's Souls too.
            DeS and BB are understandable as they're both games made for Sony under commission, it's a Bayonetta situation with those two.

          • 9 months ago

            Sekiro was published by Actiblizz.

            • 9 months ago


  39. 9 months ago

    We need another Battle Assault

  40. 9 months ago

    I'm an optimist at heart.
    >AC6 will make From release more AC
    >AC6 will make all those indies motivated to actually finish their AC clones (C'mon P6 and Hammer)
    >AC6 will make indies who didn't care about mecha start considering it
    >AC6 will make the West release good mecha games, not just shooters with mecha on the background
    >AC6 means we'll get a good Mechwarrior and Heavy Gear 3 will be announced
    >AC6 will mean mecha shooters, simulators, tactics games, you fricking say it and it'll be real
    >AC6 means Front Mission, Gungriffon, Assault Suits and so on will be revived
    >AC6 means we'll get mecha in Xenoblade again and Kojima will do more mecha after FedEx Simulator 2 (Which will also have more mecha than it would have without AC6)
    >Frick it, AC6 means Bandai is gonna tell Project Aces to make a mecha game because frick you
    I don't actually believe any of this BUT IMAGINE.

    • 9 months ago

      I mean the first three are plausible, at least.

      • 9 months ago

        I know, I made it a scale of "will definitely happen" to "ludicrous" on purpose.

    • 9 months ago

      >AC6 means we'll get a good Mechwarrior and Heavy Gear 3 will be announced

      I'd love to see that but after what happened with the last heavy gear revival that might be hoping for too much ;_;

      • 9 months ago

        I like to pretend that never happened. Still, DP9 managed to fish the tabletop out of the pits of utter irrelevance with Blitz and they're doing a new numbered edition. I think there is hope yet for another video game.

        • 9 months ago

          DP9 is doing okay this decade, can't wait to see how they frick it up. As for a new HG vidya title, Assault was such a complete frick up that DP9 is only willing to collab if they get ultimate oversight over the game, which means bye-bye any interested devs that aren't already huge fans, and 99% of fans don't have the capability to make games. Blitz doesn't even have a MegaMek like wargame adaption for computers. The only way to play digitally is via tabletop sim with another player. Even if DP9 did somehow fish an interested dev I doubt it would play like HG2, they'd probably just make a Titanfall clone or less likely an Armored Core clone. I'd have higher hopes for a Votoms game, which still isn't high but is a tiny bit higher.

      • 9 months ago

        I actually work on Heavy Gear for DP9 and what

        DP9 is doing okay this decade, can't wait to see how they frick it up. As for a new HG vidya title, Assault was such a complete frick up that DP9 is only willing to collab if they get ultimate oversight over the game, which means bye-bye any interested devs that aren't already huge fans, and 99% of fans don't have the capability to make games. Blitz doesn't even have a MegaMek like wargame adaption for computers. The only way to play digitally is via tabletop sim with another player. Even if DP9 did somehow fish an interested dev I doubt it would play like HG2, they'd probably just make a Titanfall clone or less likely an Armored Core clone. I'd have higher hopes for a Votoms game, which still isn't high but is a tiny bit higher.

        says is essentially correct, Assault traumatized everyone to the point where video games are off the table unless we get veto power, which probably means nothing any time soon but considering the damage Assault did it might be worth it

        Ironically enough Heavy Gear 3 would have been closer to Titanfall than the previous games

        • 9 months ago

          >ronically enough Heavy Gear 3 would have been closer to Titanfall than the previous games
          Presuming you're not full of it and LARPing, what do you mean by that? I'd be an FPS where you could occasionally go into Gears?

          • 9 months ago

            Yeah, you would be able to get out of the Gear and fight on foot. It was also going in a much more fantasy-esque direction, a lot of the details are here: https://www.unseen64.net/2021/06/12/heavygear3-savage-entertainment-pc-cancelled/

            If you want proof I’m on the inside: on page 282 (it may change by release but it’ll be at the start of the Northern vehicle section) there’s an art piece of two Hunter Paratroopers and a Koala jumping out of a pair of Orca transports. These Hunters will have the old-style “loaf heads” instead of the modern angular version.

            • 9 months ago

              Page of the RPG 4e rulebook, anyway

            • 8 months ago
        • 9 months ago

          Yeah, you would be able to get out of the Gear and fight on foot. It was also going in a much more fantasy-esque direction, a lot of the details are here: https://www.unseen64.net/2021/06/12/heavygear3-savage-entertainment-pc-cancelled/

          If you want proof I’m on the inside: on page 282 (it may change by release but it’ll be at the start of the Northern vehicle section) there’s an art piece of two Hunter Paratroopers and a Koala jumping out of a pair of Orca transports. These Hunters will have the old-style “loaf heads” instead of the modern angular version.

          Assuming you're legit, man thats tough. Thanks for your work anon. That art does look pretty cool, its a shame it fell through.

          • 9 months ago

            HG3 being canceled is pretty small potatoes compared to the mid-2010s where the Arkrite RPG, Dreadnoughts, and Assault all imploded before they could be released, and the only thing left was Blitz which was at the time being run by an incompetent idiot who wrecked the game through faction favoritism while strangling the miniatures line by devoting all the development resources to giant stupid-looking tanks nobody could afford instead of units people would actually want to use in their armies. It’s a fricking miracle HG managed to pick itself back up after that.

            • 9 months ago

              Yeah from what little I know DP9 was hurting pretty bad in the 2010s. Nice to see them doing better with Blitz 3.1 and 4e RPG. I hope that someday a HG3 would be possible. Having beaten AC6 recently, having a faithful triple A mecha game makes me cream myself still. I want to see that kind of polish applied to these other mecha video games with their revivals. I think From nearly knocked it out of the park with AC6 and should definitely be seen as a standard to live up to. MW5 is embarrasing by comparison.

              • 9 months ago

                I mean that’s the other reason we haven’t done anything, DP9 doesn’t have the resources to make something with a modern level of polish. Even Assault was just a jankier MWO. Realistically it would have to be a tactics game of some sort, which probably isn’t what people want out of Heavy Gear (ironically enough)

              • 9 months ago

                >which probably isn’t what people want out of Heavy Gear (ironically enough)
                I'd be more than happy with a Front Mission, MechCommander, Cyberstorm type of strategy Heavy Gear title. It might be dissapointing to the vidya sim only fans but I think most Heavy Gear fans also like the tabletop material as well as just general mecha. It doesn't even have to be that polished if it's an adaption of Blitz like MegaMek. I would like more polish out of a 3D action title but I'd be willing to give more leeway to a small company like DP9 than I do PGI and their pools of money that they make off of MechWarrior Online for MW5 to come out the way it did.

              • 9 months ago

                My dream would be a Heavy Gear game in the style of Front Mission

              • 9 months ago

                >MW5 is embarrasing by comparison.
                Sometimes I just wish someone would take all those MW mechanics and make a better MW game that isn't MW. Mechwarrior 4 is almost a quarter of a century old and it's still better than what we have now, what gives?

              • 9 months ago

                >what gives?
                The market, and especially investors. It was already a gamble to releases a mech game in the year of our lord 2015+4, from an IP that was dead for almost twenty years.
                They only way to convince investors to finance this endeavor was to have "features" that bring in players and money = C O N T E N T. Hence the procedural generation.
                Trying to sell a 15 hour game with wonderful handcrafted missions to zoomers was too much of a risk. It's already a miracle we got a single player game without micro transactions at all.

              • 9 months ago

                >MW5 is embarrasing by comparison.
                Sometimes I just wish someone would take all those MW mechanics and make a better MW game that isn't MW. Mechwarrior 4 is almost a quarter of a century old and it's still better than what we have now, what gives?

                Is MW5 that bad? I think AC6 has way way way more polish, so in that sense MW5 is kinda lackluster, but the basic gameplay and customization was pretty fun, and I confess to getting the same good feeling running at least 2 LB-X guns and coring a mech with one shot to the torso as I do running around with double Zimzams in AC6.

              • 9 months ago

                MW5 isn't terribad, just boring and lackluster a lot of the time. For those who played MWO it's just a singleplayer reskin and for those who didn't, like me, it's got other flaws. Things like a squad/platoon (Well, Lance) based game having almost no commands is quite the issue for me. You have like 4 commands, of which one is just a "disengage" and the other only works half the time (I heard telling a lancemate to go to the pointed position fails sometimes because the raycast can collide with your own mech but I'm not sure if that's true). This lack of tactical options combined with Battletech's characteristic low range in combat (Seriously, "Long" Range Missiles in tabletop Battletech do 600m max. Heard they go up to 1km in MWO) turns every combat into a frenetic mosh pit of mechs pointblanking each other. I don't think that's very engaging. AC6 also has a lack of real long range but the mobility and variety of weapons and builds make up for it. Meanwhile MW5 is as if every deployment was the G1 Michigan mission except you're a slow moving turret.

                tl;dr it wants to be a tank on legs game but plays like a beat 'em up. MW3 and MW4 unironically feel like mech skinned tank games. That's just the combat anyways, I have some gripes with other gameplay decisions. Also I still like the game, I just wish it was better. A LOT better.

              • 9 months ago

                Even AC1 still mogs every Mechwarrior game. Just think about how even in the PS1 days jumping or boosting felt like using your machine's raw power to overcome its weight whereas every Mechwarrior game makes jump jets work like you're pulling your robot up with a string until you arm gets tired.

              • 9 months ago

                Yeah, I don't usually talk about the physics of Mechwarrior because it's just dumb. Americans whose only contact with mecha is BT love prattling on about how realistic it is unlike those darn japanese bug looking robots and ultramen (Actually heard that one once) but their movement as portrayed by the computer games is just moronic. They say it's stompy but it feels more like God's invisible hand moving a giant scaled up plastic minifig. Not the designs are very conducive to good walking and running animations, mind you.

              • 9 months ago

                Dude, they play completely differently. It's like comparing Ace Combat to Armored Fist.
                If we want to say that Japanese mecha design is better, sure, but the games can hardly be compared.

              • 9 months ago

                It's a fair comparison. Mechwarrior games always forced themselves to be very primitive. Japan even did first person mech gaming better with Gungriffon.

              • 9 months ago

                >Mechwarrior games always forced themselves to be very primitive.
                Well, consider the platform that the original MechWarrior was made for first. a 386 could not handle a game like Gungriffon or Armored Core. But yeah the later entries could have tried to be more mobile and faithful to Battletech, the universe it's set in. It's funny that a game like Heavy Gear 2 did things that the MechWarrior games still haven't explored. I'm still not sure how much you could compare MechWarrior to Gungriffon and AC though. Half Life and Stalker might fall under the umbrella of FPS but it doesn't mean they play that much alike nor should one game be shat on for not doing what the other game does except out of personal taste.

              • 9 months ago

                >Japan even did first person mech gaming better with Gungriffon.
                If you really want to go there then it's Steel Battalion.

              • 9 months ago

                Eh, SB is still japanese so anon's point stands.

      • 9 months ago

        What do you mean?

    • 9 months ago

      >>AC6 will make indies who didn't care about mecha start considering it
      and they will only use AC as a framework and won't consider anything else. This is a cursed wish.
      I like AC but I do not want at all all future Mecha to only be ACs.

      • 9 months ago

        I wouldn't mind people making AC clones if they actually pulled it off. So far all we've seen is unfinished attempts. I actually want at least one to succeed just like Project Wingman managed to succeed as an Ace Combat clone.
        >I like AC but I do not want at all all future Mecha to only be ACs.
        If not AC, then what? Doubt there are many people itching to make their own Battletech ripoff or a PS2 VOTOMS game. Personally I'd like those to be a thing.

        • 9 months ago

          >>AC6 will make indies who didn't care about mecha start considering it
          and they will only use AC as a framework and won't consider anything else. This is a cursed wish.
          I like AC but I do not want at all all future Mecha to only be ACs.

          Why does /m/ hate Daemon X Machina

          • 9 months ago

            What in my post makes it seem like I hate it? I've literally only ever played the demo and watched a playthrough, could be fun for all I care.

          • 9 months ago

            it controls like ass, and was trapped on a shit console for too long

            • 9 months ago

              But enough about Armored Core

          • 9 months ago

            Because it's bad. Sorry if this is the first time you're discovering that some of us have standards and don't just unconditionally love everything with robots in it like the moron in the "wow cool robot!" meme.

            But enough about Armored Core

            AC controlled perfectly since day 1 and PS has always been the best console with the best controllers, cope harder and stay filtered.

            • 9 months ago

              Brand loyalty is the exact opposite of having standards, 0/10 you need to work on your trolling.

    • 9 months ago

      All of that is possible, and each one happening makes the others more likely.

    • 9 months ago

      You forgot to add:
      >a new Macross video game will be made and it will release on PC

      • 9 months ago

        >Game that lets you switch between plane and mecha seamlessly
        >Plays as AC in one mode, plays as AC in the other mode
        God I wish.

        • 9 months ago

          Also preferable to have action happening in space as well, not just planet-based.

          • 9 months ago

            >Balteus in three dimensions and they get to go proper Itano autism
            Oh God. Please rethink what you wish for. Then again I do want to dodge Macross missiles thrown by spaceships and blade them.

  41. 9 months ago

    at least we are getting a second game like how
    AC4 got AC4 For Answer and AC5 got AC5 Verdict Day

    • 9 months ago

      It'll probably be DLC. That's just how it works these days: Monster Hunter no longer releases a Ultimate/G version, they do a big expansion instead. Even Pokemon broke the tradition of releasing a third, definitive edition in favor of DLC. Now how that DLC is even gonna work is beyond me. Might be a completely different story on another planet, might be a prequel story or it might just be a bunch of parts and non story missions.

  42. 9 months ago

    I just want Bandai to let us buy our armored core as a kit

    I'd pay at least $100 for the ability to have my in game mech turned into a HG 1/100 Bandai kit

  43. 9 months ago

    That ice worm fight was kino as frick

    • 9 months ago

      I won't miss

    • 9 months ago

      go back

  44. 9 months ago

    Dark Souls fans are insufferable, and a cancer on gaming. I hope they continue to nerf the bosses so these frickin zoomers go back to Elden Ring.

  45. 9 months ago
  46. 9 months ago

    This is my buffalo
    He's taking a nap
    Sweet dreams and much spirit will be will be bestowed upon you but only if you respond with "Sleep Tight" to this post

    • 9 months ago

      Dogshit mech, stop spamming

      • 9 months ago

        I think it looks cool.

    • 8 months ago

      >This is my buffalo
      >He's taking a nap


  47. 9 months ago

    >mecha games
    Trick statement.
    First, you should need to save video games in their current state.
    Casuals love to play From Soft games.
    >noo but they're le hard!
    Play games made before 1999.

  48. 9 months ago

    One of the reasons AC6 is so much more appealing than most mech games is that it's not anime influenced. It's not that mechs are unpopular as a total concept, just that anime mecha are really moronic. Nobody with any taste looks at a Gundam and thinks it looks cool, but they watch that AC story trailer and think those mechs look badass.

    • 9 months ago

      >just that anime mecha are really moronic
      Anon, do you even know where you are? Also be honest, how much mecha anime have you even watched? Gundam is more gritty than you'd think (I wont deny some of the moronic shit either though)

      • 9 months ago

        None, because it all looks like cartoon shit.
        I'm only on the board due to AC6. Anyone who is here for any other reason is my inferior

        • 9 months ago

          AC is anime sorry Black person

        • 9 months ago

          AC is anime anon. Literally look at all the official art of human characters in the franchise.

    • 9 months ago

      What the hell are you talking about AC6 was the most animesque game in the series

    • 9 months ago

      >is that it's not anime influenced
      >the entire fricking plot is straight lifted from Eureka Seven + Gundam 00

      • 9 months ago

        It's E7s plot with flavors of Gundam 00 but also the Xylem was straight up just the Macross combined with island ship from Fafner.
        Scub Coral ELS Festum versus 621/Ayre CULTURE DLC when?

        • 9 months ago

          I wonder, who is stronger, ELS Setsuna or whatever 621 becomes in ending 3.

    • 9 months ago

      >see, unlike most mecha games, Armored Core is about the characters

      This is what I'm hearing right now

      • 9 months ago

        Nah, he's just a gay westoid that writes things like Souls is a WRPG because he doesn't want to be considered a weeb for liking something from Japan.

    • 9 months ago

      shut up stupid

    • 9 months ago

      >Nobody with any taste looks at a Gundam and thinks it looks cool
      Was with you until you made this obvious bait.
      Not only do Gundams look good and even the old original designs hold up, but normies love Gundam and most of the newbies to AC6 kept making remarks about playing as a Gundam.

      >just that anime mecha are really moronic
      Anon, do you even know where you are? Also be honest, how much mecha anime have you even watched? Gundam is more gritty than you'd think (I wont deny some of the moronic shit either though)

      AC is anime sorry Black person

      AC is anime anon. Literally look at all the official art of human characters in the franchise.

      You're replying to bait, but no AC is not anime. You're the same weebgays from the AC general that keep posting the same 25-year-old irrelevant supplemental book to prove that AC should be full of giant titty moeblob waifus.

      >is that it's not anime influenced
      >the entire fricking plot is straight lifted from Eureka Seven + Gundam 00

      Anon was baiting about it not being "influenced" by anime but the plot being similar to anime series is very different than weebshit like Trails that care more about being over the top and "2cool4school" compared to AC where the plot is outlandish but the people and mecha are more grounded than Gundam. The presentation is not anime influenced.

      • 9 months ago

        >mecha are more grounded than Gundam
        anon by the end of ng++ we can probably take on Quant Setsuna and win

      • 9 months ago

        Where the hell is this moronation coming from? All mecha video games are inherently anime influenced because japan was nearly the only one that made mecha content before video games were a thing. Even the most western developed mech sim you could trace its lineage back to a mecha anime. Also you seem to be mistaken for thinking all anime is moe garbage when it's not. Armored Core has more over the top shit than a mecha anime like Votoms.

      • 9 months ago

        Go watch operation yashima again and play the ice worm mission

  49. 9 months ago

    what's there to be scared about?

  50. 9 months ago

    >save mecha video games
    >scare an entire generation of casuals from ever picking up another mech-related game
    These mean the same thing, Anon.

  51. 9 months ago

    It got more popular because of Dark Soul's reputation, we might get a small upsurge of mecha games for a while. But it won't be a regular or constant thing, I'd like Bandai to shit out a few good Gundam games like in the PS2 days, but that isn't happening.

    • 9 months ago

      it's insane how to use as reference, the armored core subreddit had 7000 members in 2022. Now it has almost more people than ANY other mecha media subreddits including Gundam.

      AC got from niche franchise to extremely popular, it's probably the first mecha game that EVER sold truly well.

      • 9 months ago

        Whole thing reminds me a little of pirates of the carribean. It's not like it immediately set the world on fire with one hundred full budget pirate movies releasing forever, but it did prove there's no genre curse that means it can't sell. Like any other property, you just need a name, a reputation, and a budget.

        • 9 months ago

          it does saddens me a bit that a good majority of the newcomers won't really touch anything else mechawise. Some people take it as a gotcha "see? mecha are popular" but it doesn't work like that.

      • 9 months ago

        >Sunrise tries to "reach wide audience" by turning Gundam into complete shit show
        >Fromsoft just makes a fricking spiritual successor to Eureka Seven and captures normie attention

        • 9 months ago

          Gwitch had some really bright moments, though it was my first gundam. The "Guel goes to Earth" episode and episode 0 were both fantastic, and suletta and miorine's relationship was handled well. I would like to see a future gundam that went harder on the space politics, factional maneuvering, and "shadow wars on the eve of a revoltion" feel. I was told none of the other Gundam series deliver on political struggles in a satisfying way at all so I didn't bother going back to earlier parts of the series.

          • 9 months ago

            Gundam 00 s1 is actually pretty good at that point. It has a really global view of the events rather than focusing solely on the "heroes".

            The main issue is that s2 is much more standard, although it takes place after a timeskip, so it's not like there are dropped threads or anything, it just goes in a different direction.

        • 9 months ago

          The big thing is that AC did not do well because of mechas, it did well because of fromsoft now being normie tier in popularity.
          If the exact same game had released 10-8 years ago, it would have stayed pretty niche.

  52. 9 months ago

    I don't get why From doesn't just get with BANDAI and monetise Gundam whale autism and start popping out parts DLC for popular Gundam grunts and some hero units. Could probably split the proceeds and still satisfy their greed.

  53. 9 months ago

    Too early to tell, but it largely depends on Bamco's sales expectations post-Elden Ring, and how much it has sold so far. Its sales on Steam are sitting at around 1.3 million, and its physical sales in Japan opening weekend were just under 1 million. If we assume that the PlayStation versions hit at least 1 million each in other territories (the Xbox version has probably only hit about 500k), then it sits at between 4 and 5 million now, not a bad start for a numbered entry in an obscure series in a niche genre.

    As for the effect on the genre, it is also too early to tell. Daemon X Machina might have a sequel in development, or might get a new sequel following AC6's success, but we won't know for a while. To be honest at this point general audiences associate mecha with JRPGs more than anything, as evidenced by the constant begging for a Xenogears remake. Whether AC6 will re-ignite interest in the mecha-action subgenre will have to wait to be seen.

    >or did it just scare an entire generation of casuals from even picking up another mech-related game ever again?
    No, every moron who picked it up as the flavor-of-the-month game hated it, but those people have 0 self-awareness or media literacy and would probably buy anything mindlessly if their favorite streamer started playing it. The consensus (going by Steam/metacritic) is that the game is great, just hard like every other FromSoft game. If the user core for either was lower, there would be more indication the average player hates it.

    What is most impressive to me is that the story is just Dune with corpos instead of houses and people barely talk about it. Everyone just b***hes about "muh audio logs"

    • 9 months ago

      Well it's FromSoft so the later thing maybe skipped instead of a five hour lecture about someone's deranged fanfiction that is passed of as Lore. After all Dark Souls """Lore""" is on par with a schizo's conspiracy board and about as rational as it.

      What I find odd is I look at an odd angle of streamers who really never were into /m/ content and some of them just tearing into AC6. It'll probably boost sales as honestly with me I wasn't trusting the PVs/MVs dumped from From because those things lie constantly and I had to wait for streamers to confirm or deny if they didn't go full moron and make it Armored Core 4 but now with more brown and gray.
      Since Armored Core 4 killed any interest I had in the series. People say V might be the worse but at least it's playable and not DBZ fighting shit with near teleporting CPU ACs.

    • 9 months ago

      >Daemon X Machina might have a sequel in development, or might get a new sequel following AC6's success, but we won't know for a while.

      You mean the sequel that's been known to exist before even the first leaks for AC6? Motherfricker what rock do you live under?

      • 9 months ago

        Not him but I guess it's been so long without news that people are straight up starting to forget. Checked their Twitter a few days ago and they were talking about the 3 years anniversary but still nothing on DxM2.

      • 9 months ago

        Not him but I guess it's been so long without news that people are straight up starting to forget. Checked their Twitter a few days ago and they were talking about the 3 years anniversary but still nothing on DxM2.

        I legit didn't know a sequel was confirmed (or if it did pop up it left my brain completely). I wasn't a big fan of DxM so I've never paid close attention to news about it.

        DxM was always more impressive to me as a new AA IP that sold well, and always represented a sign in the shift of development attitudes during the Switch era. The game itself is good, but feels stiff when you should feel more fluid, if you get what I mean. Knowing a sequel (might) still be in development is cool since the team can definitely improve on what was there to make it really great.

    • 9 months ago

      as many have pointed out, AC6 lifts a surprisingly large amount of inspiration from E7, 00, and votoms rather than Dune.

      • 9 months ago

        The Dune stuff was probably just a random idea someone blurted out during a brainstorming session and they went with it. Then they remembered it halfway through and shoved in a worm boss. The RLF doesn't even feel like a proper Fremen reference.

    • 9 months ago

      >audio logs

      In 2023?

    • 8 months ago

      Well no, the interpersonal drama is way off and the PCA is no House Corrino. But there are definitely parallels.

  54. 9 months ago

    Yes, and? When it comes to the more niche genres, the best thing you can do with a new franchise/new title in an old franchise after an awfully long time is to throw a net as wide as possible and hope enough people stay for the sequel. That is when you ramp things up.

    The monoculture is dead, and creating a generation-defining game like FF7 is just a fool's dream.

  55. 9 months ago

    The only streamer that I follow who was playing it was Usako from KemoV but she said she'd been waiting for a new AC game for a while so she's not a newbie.

  56. 9 months ago

    i bought a console just to play ac6
    im not playing anything else
    worth it

  57. 9 months ago


    You could've at least posted Tower City Blade. Anyways, whatever that fanbook is I found the booth page for Part II but not Part I, weird.

    • 8 months ago

      Fanbooks in Japan aren't the same thing as fan shit in the west. They're literally works done by official staff and released to fans. Fate/hollow ataraxia was released originally as a fan disc sequel to stay night.
      Companies do fanbooks and fandiscs all the time. Atlus loves doing official fanbooks.

      • 8 months ago

        That explains why the cover looks nice, and I do guess if it was a fanwork in the western sense it'd be called a doujin book instead. Still weird, why not just publish it under From's name proper if it was made by From staff? Not like they have a tightly crafted canon to protrect.

  58. 8 months ago

    >scare an entire generation of casuals
    I'm still having difficulty reconciling that anything close to 1/10th of the players couldn't et part the tutorial boss.
    Balteaus was a good build check but shouldn't have taken more than 2-3 hows.
    Cel should've been the thing that filtered people out of the game, not mostly dodgable missile spam and refusing to use your BEST WEAPON on the helicopter simply because it's in the air.

    • 8 months ago

      >that anything close to 1/10th of the players couldn't et part the tutorial boss.
      nothing but a moronic Ganker meme steam has 93.2% have cleared it and most of that about 7 percent missing would be those who haven't actually started playing it yet. Seriously 93.2% is rather high for steam achievements.

  59. 8 months ago


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