Did you get filtered by Escape from Tarkov?

Did you get filtered by Escape from Tarkov?

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  1. 3 years ago

    just got bored with it after like 4 years. gameplay is stale and is exactly the same as it was in beta, all spawns are set to pre defined positions every time, ammo is more important than the gun shooting it, the game is basically a time sink and with each update, you get penalized more and more for not putting 40 hours a week in.
    when it gets better I'll try it again

    • 3 years ago

      >as it was in beta

    • 3 years ago

      >games are basically a time sink

      • 3 years ago

        don't handwave the korean MMO levels of grind Tarkov is just because all games are a waste of time

        • 3 years ago

          I think the game is just as good in a match before the grind as it is after

        • 3 years ago

          it's very grindy but I'll take FPS gameplay and pvp over mmo gameplay grinding ez mode mobs anyday

  2. 3 years ago

    Can't get filtered by something I never bothered to play.

  3. 3 years ago

    No because i did not fall for a russian pyramid scheme scam game in "open" paid beta for almost 7 years.
    Loving every laugh so far.
    Wagie wagie go back in the cagie after the wipe this month, am i right?

    • 3 years ago

      >paid $100 years ago
      >hours of enjoyment
      >>durr wage cage
      what are you even saying, zoombaloom?

      • 3 years ago

        >paid $100 for a game
        >not even a collector's edition with physical merch
        >just a regular early access game

        • 3 years ago

          It's a video game not a happy meal

        • 3 years ago

          i bought it and did a chargeback on it before they got wise, so free game from shitty russians

        • 3 years ago

          Also I enjoyed the movie it paid for

        • 3 years ago

          why are gamers so poor and cheap?

  4. 3 years ago

    >Buy Tarkov
    >go to play the game
    >says there's an error and that there's no valid license for the game associated with the account
    >check bank account
    >charged 3x by the company for the game
    >contact support
    >they say there's nothing they can do, I'll have to rebuy the game on a new account (???)
    And that's the story of the time I pulled a chargeback on the Tarkov devs.

    Frick Tarkov.

    • 3 years ago

      >he got scammed

      • 3 years ago

        Got my money back so frick'em.

  5. 3 years ago

    I don't play russian shovelware

  6. 3 years ago

    I didn't get filtered but I got burnt out after 300 hours this wipe, thinking about coming back.

  7. 3 years ago
    • 3 years ago

      that is some of the lowest impact, least tense michelin man gunfighting I've ever seen.

      • 3 years ago


        • 3 years ago

          that wasn't an invitation to reply with another shitty, dark bullet sponge fest

          • 3 years ago


            • 3 years ago

              as cool as this is superficially, it's a fricking slog to have to do for the xth year after the xxth wipe. every single aspect of tarkov is a grind. and god forbid you come into a wipe two or three weeks late. doubly so when they arbitrarily decide the flea market is a level 20 unlock

              • 3 years ago

                >it's a fricking slog to have to do for the xth year after the xxth wipe
                >every single aspect of tarkov is a grind
                The thing about Tarkov compared to something like CoD is the persistent loot. You keep what you get and there's few games that have that aspect. Every game is just the same thing over and over again
                >and god forbid you come into a wipe two or three weeks late
                makes no difference
                >doubly so when they arbitrarily decide the flea market is a level 20 unlock
                ah this makes sense, you got filtered by the level 20 unlock

              • 3 years ago

                I guess you can say I got filtered. I've put probably a thousand hours in the game since 2017 and hit level 20 dozens of times. Tarkov in its current state is a completely solved game. everything from ammo and armor to where is worth looting is unchanged since alpha. tarkov is boring, uninspired and intentionally designed to sap dozens of hours out of your life each wipe before you can be competitive

              • 3 years ago

                > Tarkov in its current state is a completely solved game. everything from ammo and armor to where is worth looting is unchanged since alpha. tarkov is boring, uninspired and intentionally designed to sap dozens of hours out of your life each wipe before you can be competitive
                To be honest you're just describing modern gaming as a whole, but I feel that Tarkov managed to be a unique proposition in the FPS genre with its persistent loot

              • 3 years ago

                no. you just like tarkov. it's a dice roll based rogue like that masquerades as an FPS.

              • 3 years ago

                What other FPS has persistent loot?

              • 3 years ago

                literally every survival game.

              • 3 years ago

                Good point, glad my hideout can't get offlined

              • 3 years ago

                you realize your custom weapon presets persist from patch to patch right?d

              • 3 years ago

                your access to those presets aren't

        • 3 years ago

          jesus christ that sucked

    • 3 years ago

      you can't literally see shit
      is this what tarkotrannies have been shilling nonstop for years? lmfao

      • 3 years ago

        Why have flashlights in game if you want it to never be dark?

    • 3 years ago

      bf hardcore is 10x less shitty than this spraynpray garbage

  8. 3 years ago

    where the frick do I find a car battery
    the back walls of interchange used to be a good spot but I only find electric motors now

  9. 3 years ago

    the gameplay is kind of fun but the game is shackled by being a grindy experience

    if there was less grind and the game was more about just going in and earning something cool over something to sell for cash then I'd be interested in playing it more. for now I can get the same thrills in a more interesting setting with better gunplay in Hunt

    • 3 years ago

      >and the game was more about just going in and earning something cool over something to sell for cash
      what kind of cool thing do you have in mind? If you don't need the cool thing and sell it for cash is it not something cool?

      • 3 years ago

        a unique gun, a unique resource that can be used to do something interesting, a unique piece of gear or clothes, etc. something that can change up how I play the game and is limited enough that I want to obtain it but can never have enough of it

        • 3 years ago

          >something that can change up how I play the game and is limited enough that I want to obtain it but can never have enough of it
          What do you have in mind specifically that would fit with the theme? There are unique pieces of clothing via boss drops but it's not going to give you grappling abilities n sheeit

  10. 3 years ago


    • 3 years ago

      This is what filtered me.

      Knowing that the game whenever it is finally released is still going to have shit desync netcode.

  11. 3 years ago

    >1.7 MB
    >2.37 MB
    >2.48 MB
    >2.31 MB
    >1.24 MB
    further proof that tarkovbabs are mentally moronic mouthbreathers

    • 3 years ago
  12. 3 years ago

    where are my sp tarkov chads at? mods to make the game harder or easier + improved bot + custom weapons like the scar and famas. ps. frick nikita

    • 3 years ago

      Bread and Butter needs to hurry up and come out for 2.0. All the other AI/spawn mods are so low quality compared to it.

      • 3 years ago

        he's working on updating it afaik, there's a temp fix download someone posted in the comments of the modpage

  13. 3 years ago

    I want to try it but the whole "shoot an entire magazine into someone that has been playing for longer than you to take off half of his health" just doesn't do it for me. Shame

    • 3 years ago


      • 3 years ago

        just get the bolt action more expensive than the SV98 and fill it with the best ammo that you can't even get without a dozen hours of grinding

        • 3 years ago

          That webm wasn't a rebuttal

          • 3 years ago

            why are you blogging?

            • 3 years ago

              It's a thread to talk about Tarkov, is posting Tarkov webms blogging in your mind?

        • 3 years ago

          do you really think it's that hard to find a mosin and some snb? early wipe I had several mosins and plenty of snb within the first week.

  14. 3 years ago

    best part about these webms is that this guy is running around killing moron bots

    • 3 years ago

      None of these webms feature bots that I can remember

  15. 3 years ago

    Tarkov is literally people who are too dumb to hack vs hackers

    The developers literally ban anyone who mentions that the majority of the playerbase is hacking.

    Game still has no anti-cheat btw

    • 3 years ago

      don't forget that nikita publicly promotes cheaters since they're the ones that end up buying multiple copies of the game

  16. 3 years ago

    I got the game recently and am enjoying it but what the frick is up with the performance. The game runs like dogshit for me no matter what settings I use. My pc isn't great but I feel like I shouldn't be getting dips to 30 - 40fps even on low settings on some maps. 2060, 16gb and a 2700cpu should be enough for the game right?

  17. 3 years ago

    >two people swing on each other at point blank range
    >they're both seeing the enemy ghost from 2 seconds in the past
    >roughly align enemy with screen center and magdump
    >pointfire spread + fullscreen vaseline + screenshake kicks in
    >who croaks first is decided by who has a higher rate of fire and favorable desync roll
    >this is supposed to be a skill-intensive, competitive PvP FPS experience

    • 3 years ago

      no bro you just got filtered by the hardcore survival fps. it's not a pile of shit, you are

      • 3 years ago

        Black personkitas slav code is just tuu guud #filtered #hardcore

      • 3 years ago

        It's honestly hilarious when you figure out how large a factor the desync is. Landmark, though he's a genuinely good player, has the image he does because his playstyle is so focused around abusing it.

  18. 3 years ago

    Every time i play it, i can't stand PMC. 1 in 10 players outside of labs, and 1 in 3-4 players in labs are cheating. It's not even a cope, the economy compliments career cheating for third worlders too well, and the time to ban is so fricking long that there's always a large profit margin.
    If you can put up with it you're either too stupid to notice or so immune to anger that it doesn't phase you, kudos either way, but it's simply not something i want to put up with in a game that has a resetting progress system.
    It might have some of the best recoil mechanics in the genre, but that's not enough to make me want to put up with the surrounding bullshit month after month.

    • 3 years ago

      >the best recoil mechanics
      lmao what, the game literally takes over compensating recoil for you after the 5th or 6th round
      dozens of different round types, calibers and armor penetration values, yet the very core of the gunplay makes burst and semi fire inferior to outright magdumping in most situations
      it's absolute garbage gameplay design

  19. 3 years ago

    No, I just play for 1-2 weeks when it wipes then I quit until next wipe besides hopping on once in a blue moon.
    Actually makes me enjoy the game unlike when I treated it like a second job, which it seems to want me to do.

  20. 3 years ago

    Got it 4 months ago.
    Played it for about a week before I got frustrated by the hackers and moved on.

    Cool game concept.
    Hackers ruined it.
    Not worth my time.

  21. 3 years ago

    I loved it but the rampant RMT fueled cheating finally killed it for me. Game would be absolutely hilarious If they implemented kill cams right now or replays and that’s why they don’t

  22. 3 years ago

    Got around 700h~ on account. My bro stopped playing because of downtime being too big. 30min of prepping and getting into the game to die from 1 shot. Tried playing solo after last wipe but because of new job I have fallen really behind now and kind of don't feel like playing when I am low lvl shitter and everyone is geared already. Lvl 20 market is cool when you play along wipe but sucks when you drop in in the middle of it.

  23. 3 years ago

    My main issue with tarkov is that i already know what gun im good with, so in end up grinding up to those weapon setups and then just using that like forever
    Like running other gear is just a waste of time and effort if i know i will be doing good with certain setup, also I ended up doing always the same shit and even finding the same players doing the same routes over and over again
    That being said, I had a lot of fun hunting pscavs on reserve by staying late in the raids and hunting pmc on resort, but at that point the game was more COD for me than anything else, I enjoy more late wipes than early wipes

  24. 3 years ago

    Nah im just waiting for it to be on Steam.

    • 3 years ago

      It will never be on steam anon, the peak of the gameplay was before the first twitch events, the peak of popularity was during the twitch events, and now its all downhill

    • 3 years ago

      You'll be dead before that happens, BSG won't ever subject themselves to refunds or player reviews for their forever alpha scam

  25. 3 years ago

    When the frick is ammo getting a rework? The fact that you have entire calibers that are noob traps is horrible. One of the only good starting/poverty rounds, 7.62 PS, also invalidates all of the starter armor. It's a hot fricking mess and the only people that defend it like it the way it is so they can shit on new players easier.

  26. 3 years ago

    >floating gun

  27. 3 years ago

    nope, played last patch for a good amount of time. made it to level 30, got my air filter done. started playing this patch but my buddy ragequit and I just didn't want to play solo all the time. great game even with all the flaws.
    once you get hooked on tarkov a lot of other games just don't cut it anymore. it's like game crack, nothing compares to the surviving and fighting other players while you experience a primal fear that only high stakes games like tarkov can provide

    • 3 years ago

      People quit the game once the feeling of fear isn't there anymore, I didn't gave a shit at some point and didn't want to waste other fricking 6-10 minutes looking at some UI to get equipment

      • 3 years ago

        that makes sense, I never quite got the that point though. I'm not sure if I'll play the game again though, it's a great time but also a huge time sink. if they were to fix the desync (lol) I likely would though

        your access to those presets aren't

        until what, you get the weapon bench? that shouldn't take long. you shouldn't be focused on intricate customization before that anyways, it's a waste of time

  28. 3 years ago

    The level 10 market sucked let alone 20. Doing the same quest over and over only to be out paced by a guy who no life's the shit out of it sucks. It wasn't so bad when a mosin could punch well above it's weight class but now it's a two tap bolt in a game with major lag

    Everyone knows what to get, where it spawns, and anyone who plays more snowballs to victory. Let alone a lot of the quests suck to do.
    The bones are good but God it needs a lot of work, and I'm not sure some of the ideas are good. Vehicles and linked maps are going to be a rough fricking implementation

    • 3 years ago

      >Everyone knows what to get, where it spawns, and anyone who plays more snowballs to victory.
      they changed that recently from what I understand. loot is pretty much entirely random, probably too random though because it's caused more people to take up the rat playstyle

      • 3 years ago

        It's way too random to a point where there are far less PvP encounters, everyone just hits random crates, fills their bags/does their quests and gets the frick out.

  29. 3 years ago

    Im afraid to play graphically demanding games, because my GPU is 5 y.o.

    • 3 years ago

      Just use one of the many free temperature checkers, moron. you really don't have to worry unless your gpu is hitting over 80c/~170F and spending small amounts of money on cheap fans can majorly affect your PC's temperatures.
      Also use compressed air or a leafblower to keep dust and hair from fricking up your heatsink's effectiveness.

  30. 3 years ago

    i never played it because way back before it came out the devs were annoying homosexuals who constantly shilled it in stalker threads

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