Difficulty Curve

Does this game not have the perfect difficulty curve?

- Things are easy, it doesn’t even matter what attack you use
- You’re given a considerable amount of time to learn basic mechanics and each character’s unique ability
- Slow drips the magic system, first one character, then 2, then more when you’re ready
- A few tough segments and bosses but nothing you can’t beat after a few try
>Get to WOR
- Suddenly everything is just beating the living crap out of you
- Get slaughtered outright if you wander into the wrong area prematurely
- Boss fights are a mix of strategy and dumb luck, barely squeak by some of them
- Crazy top level boss enemies just wander around and jump you randomly and pelt the crap out of you with one hit kill attacks
>Last level
- A fricking relentless onslaught of bosses
- Need 12 characters jacked up to survive
- Might slog through for 4-6 hours before you realize that your characters aren’t good enough
- Just waves of increasingly ridiculous bosses and tough enemies with nowhere to buy new items and few spots to save
>Final boss
- Actually 5 different final bosses stacked on top of each other
- Last one immediately rapes you and leaves you to start with just 1 HP for every character

Can you name a better difficulty curve in a game or is this as good as it gets?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Any Final Fantasy after III is baby difficulty, only FF1/2/3 (original versions mind you) had some sort of difficulty and even then they were still easier than the JRPG standards at the time (DQ series).

  2. 2 years ago

    Why is it called Final Fantasy when there are so many sequels?

    • 2 years ago

      The company was going bankrupt and they legit thought it was going to be their last game. It sold well and they were able to survive.

      • 2 years ago

        That only explains the first one.

        • 2 years ago

          apply yourself

      • 2 years ago

        I can never understand how FF1 managed to save the company. Almost the entire time you play it you stare into the same combat screen and the combat is the most repetitive not in the series, but in the whole genre. And the graphics look like shitpickle. And the sequel has the most asswards character progression system ever conceived. FF didn't get good until the third game.

        • 2 years ago

          The competition from other RPGs at the time wasn't exactly fierce. All you had to do was be better than Dragon Quest 2.

        • 2 years ago

          FF1 benefitted from the RPG hype installed by DQ2 and was released one month before DQ3, meaning the "make your own team and choose your class" system was brand new for jRPGs at the time. That and it had a bigger, longer adventure than DQ2, stellar musics, and the closest jRPGs got to D&D at the time.

          >Almost the entire time you play it you stare into the same combat screen

          Just like any other JRPG, and at least FF1 had some sort of backgrounds in combat unlike DQs. Also while the enemies are in lower res than DQ, they still manage to look amazing

        • 2 years ago

          >FF didn't get good until the third game
          You're a lot more patient than I. I gave up after playing 1.

    • 2 years ago

      It might be the final, but it's a veeeery long fantasy.

  3. 2 years ago

    Bruh, I love FFVI, but you're way overselling it. In terms of difficulty, it's babby's first RPG.
    >- Suddenly everything is just beating the living crap out of you
    Only if you completely neglected Celes all throughout the WoB and somehow got to that point with no good equipment for her.
    >- Get slaughtered outright if you wander into the wrong area prematurely
    What area would this be? Again, only a possible issue in the early WoR if you neglected Celes and possibly Sabin. After that, most of the areas are roughly all the same in difficulty and more or less have to be due to the way the WoR is structured where you can tackle most sidequests right after obtaining the Falcon. Only possible exceptions I can think of are Cyan's Dream, the Phoenix Cave, and the Cultists' Tower, where more preparation is in order.
    >- Boss fights are a mix of strategy and dumb luck, barely squeak by some of them
    Examples? There's some tricky ones like Wrexsoul and Magi Master to be sure, but only if you don't know how to cheese them out or don't want to.
    >- Crazy top level boss enemies just wander around and jump you randomly and pelt the crap out of you with one hit kill attacks
    Deathgaze, I presume? Only a possible issue if all or most of your characters have levels at multiples of 5. Otherwise he's a joke. If you're referring to the 8 Dragons as well, just lol.
    >Last level
    Only a problem if you completely neglected all but your favorite four characters, and even then this can be mitigated if you just split those up between the three parties and have good equips, which you should if you did all or most sidequests and got all the loot you came across. Also, the bosses are jokes.
    >Final boss
    The whole sequence is kino, but very easy, again, so long as you're not doing something moronic like tackling it with underleveled and underequipped characters and start fricking around mid-battle. And Kefka's probably the weakest FF final boss other than maybe Necron.

    • 2 years ago

      Oh, and mind you, this is all assuming you're playing the game for the very first time and don't know all the ways to utterly break the game, such as exploiting Esper boosts to the fullest, 128 MBlock setups, optimal character equips, Genji Glove + Offering, Ultima and Quick spam, abusing exploits such as Vanish/Doom and Psycho Cyan, etc. You'd have to be completely new to RPGs or video games in general for you to have trouble with the game. If anything, the game is evidently balanced around that assumption.

    • 2 years ago

      I went to the Phoenix Cave first and was riding the struggle bus

  4. 2 years ago

    I don't even remember if these old jrpgs ever get fun because the beginning is always boring as frick, its always at least 10 hours of autoattack before you need to start thinking at all. Strategy rpgs are a far better genre, you start playing something like Fire Emblem Thracia 776 on the same console, immediately in the first level you have to think if you don't wanna die, if you're not paying attention you can easily lose characters which means a reset for 99% of players since it's permadeath. It's not really hard per say but there are a lot of risks you can take to get extra items and EXP which will help later in the game, point is you start playing and you're instantly engaged, you don't have to wait 30 hours for the game to drip feed you game mechanics at an excruciatingly slow pace which is how it feels playing old Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest.
    Sure the music, story, all that stuff is great but I just can't deal with the slow beginnings of these games any more.

    • 2 years ago

      10 hours is over halfway through ff4

    • 2 years ago

      Bro, hear me out... play FFVI: Brave New World rebalancing patch. It reconfigures stat setups/espers/fight difficulty, basically everything. It's a fricking fantastic mod and actually makes it challenging. You definitely have to think, right from the beginning.

      Bruh, I love FFVI, but you're way overselling it. In terms of difficulty, it's babby's first RPG.
      >- Suddenly everything is just beating the living crap out of you
      Only if you completely neglected Celes all throughout the WoB and somehow got to that point with no good equipment for her.
      >- Get slaughtered outright if you wander into the wrong area prematurely
      What area would this be? Again, only a possible issue in the early WoR if you neglected Celes and possibly Sabin. After that, most of the areas are roughly all the same in difficulty and more or less have to be due to the way the WoR is structured where you can tackle most sidequests right after obtaining the Falcon. Only possible exceptions I can think of are Cyan's Dream, the Phoenix Cave, and the Cultists' Tower, where more preparation is in order.
      >- Boss fights are a mix of strategy and dumb luck, barely squeak by some of them
      Examples? There's some tricky ones like Wrexsoul and Magi Master to be sure, but only if you don't know how to cheese them out or don't want to.
      >- Crazy top level boss enemies just wander around and jump you randomly and pelt the crap out of you with one hit kill attacks
      Deathgaze, I presume? Only a possible issue if all or most of your characters have levels at multiples of 5. Otherwise he's a joke. If you're referring to the 8 Dragons as well, just lol.
      >Last level
      Only a problem if you completely neglected all but your favorite four characters, and even then this can be mitigated if you just split those up between the three parties and have good equips, which you should if you did all or most sidequests and got all the loot you came across. Also, the bosses are jokes.
      >Final boss
      The whole sequence is kino, but very easy, again, so long as you're not doing something moronic like tackling it with underleveled and underequipped characters and start fricking around mid-battle. And Kefka's probably the weakest FF final boss other than maybe Necron.

      In fact, I'm recommending the Brave New World patch for every FFVI fan. Absolutely worth a playthrough. Makes the fights fricking tough, and you really have to put some thought into the way you develop your party members.

      • 2 years ago

        Already tried T-Edition, and that most definitely scratched the itch I'd been yearning for. Kefka actually being a very hard final boss worthy of the name was sublime.

  5. 2 years ago

    No FFIV has beat curve by far. V is good too. VI is a god damn mess with a number of major problems including but not limited to a final boss that uses attacks that can be absorbed by easily obtained armor.

    • 2 years ago

      >it’s too easy if you read a guide
      One of the top 3 garbage post templates here

      • 2 years ago

        >he needed a guide to get Elemental Shields and Bum Rush

  6. 2 years ago

    >- Might slog through for 4-6 hours before you realize that your characters aren’t good enough
    4-6 hours on endgame enemies is more than enough to make any character in FF6 overpowered.

  7. 2 years ago

    VI is a great game but the difficulty curve is more like a difficulty hill. Assuming you’re approaching the game blind for the first time and not using guides/walkthroughs to know where all the best equipment is and how to abuse the mechanics of the game, the floating continent is by far the hardest part of the game. You don’t have any of the frick-you powerful spells yet since you’re limited to WoB espers, enemies inflict lots of damage and status effects, and you constantly have your health drained by ninjas you can’t run from. Topped off with atma weapon being the toughest boss relative to your likely level/loadout in the entire game. Everything in WoR is a cinch afterward, other than maybe the Phoenix cave and the tower of cultists waving you the middle finger if you don’t know what to expect from Magic Master.

    • 2 years ago

      Cyan's Soul can also be pretty annoying if you don't come prepared, particularly the first part where you have to gather your party back together, as it's one of the few areas that you cannot exit once you're in, so once you start the sequence, you're committed to finishing it. And if you don't go for the cheese X-Zone tactic, Wrexsoul can be fricking annoying to fight.

  8. 2 years ago

    I got wiped all the time in the beginning of the game. Ultros can one-shot you in his first fight and then casts confuse on the whole party at the Opera House. Lots of other bosses will wipe you easily as well. It's pretty smooth sailing until the WoR after that though.

    • 2 years ago

      I don't know how many people do this or not, or if it has something to do with the perceived difficulty of the game some people report, but putting everyone in the back row is very important. It halves physical damage, and almost all the characters have either Magic or specials that not only ignore row but also deal more damage than the Attack command does, Locke being the exception. So there's almost nothing but upsides to doing so.

      • 2 years ago

        This. Everyone should be in the back row, and no one other than maybe Locke and the girls should be attacking early game.
        Terra -> Fire
        Locke -> Steal
        Edgar -> Autocrossbow (hits everything, full damage from back row, no restrictions on usage, he starts with it. What were they thinking?)
        Sabin -> Pummel
        Shadow -> Throw Shuriken (they're 30 gil each...)
        Cyan -> Dispatch
        Celes -> Ice
        Setzer -> 7 flush
        Gau starts with a somewhat useful rage, but you can get others easily.

        • 2 years ago

          Pretty crazy how it's not until the WoR that you might actually consider putting characters in the front row and use Attack, and only then once you get the Offering paired with either Atma Weapon or Valiant Knife. The only other weapons you might want to use deal full damage from the back row, most notably Illumina and Fixed Dice.

          • 2 years ago

            Oh, and Offering plus Tempest on Gau, can't forget that one.

          • 2 years ago

            And even midway through WoB Terra and Celes get flails and Locke gets boomerangs.

            • 2 years ago

              Yeah, but you're gonna want the girls casting Magic, I'd think. Locke gets pretty good with double Hawkeyes, though, especially in the Floating Continent.

      • 2 years ago

        It's honestly moronic that physical specials ignore row, it's probably the single most unbalanced thing in the game aside from actual busted shit like Mblock.

        • 2 years ago

          While I agree on principle, Magic-based attacks are almost always superior due to the Magic stat having much more weight than Vigor does in their respective damage algorithms. Only Quadra Slam and especially Quadra Slice are potentially better, and that's only until you hit higher levels when their net damage output starts reaching beyond 9999.

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah, thinking about it, only really chainsaw/drill would be hit by it. That said, Bum Rush really should've been physical.

            • 2 years ago

              I agree. It would make it weaker, but at least then you'd have an incentive to build Sabin as the fighter he was meant to be and not the weird muscly pseudo-mage he ends up becoming. A good weapon with a worthwhile special effect of some kind wouldn't hurt, either.

              Actually, if you want to talk about imbalance in physicals, look at Throw. Double defense and back row-ignoring damage at little cost. Now THAT's cash.

              • 2 years ago

                Throw also doubles as solid MT magic damage. I get Sabin and Shadow were supposed to be glass cannons, but they're just so strong that their weaker armor isn't even a consideration.

              • 2 years ago

                They are indeed strong, but only in the sense that they peak earlier than most other characters do. They fall off once you get the best equips that allow you to build invincible death machines with multiple attacks per turn.

              • 2 years ago

                Nah, Sabin is the king of the game. Bum Rush is best attack in the game, even ignoring how braindead easy it is to attain.

              • 2 years ago

                It's a great attack considering, like you said, how early and easily you get it and how it's free, and due to its power it reaches max damage very early on, but it is NOT the best attack by a long shot. It's single target (and can't be targeted at that), and only attacks once. Ultima is stronger and works on all targets and can be double-cast with Gem Box and quintuple-cast when pairing that with Quick (and if this seems expensive, it is, but an Economizer fixes that). Quadra Slice begins to handily outperform it around level 50 when used on a single enemy (takes forever to charge to it, though), and that's without a Hero Ring. Locke practically catches up to it with Valiant Knife + Offering + Hero Ring at level 50 or so (and that's at full HP - throw in the Red Cap trick, and it's a rout), and Setzer probably does just as good if not better with Fixed Dice + Offering. And don't get me started on Wind God Gau.

              • 2 years ago

                Stopped reading there. Have to give up the best sword in the game, or grind out 256 battles. Unless you beeline directly towards it, you will have at best one or two casters of it.

              • 2 years ago

                >Stopped reading there
                Then you're not debating in good faith. I'm simply stating facts, anon. Bum Rush is overrated. It's good for what it is (a free, easy ooga-booga instant 9999), great even, but it's not the end-all, be-all attack of the game if you bother to explore what other characters are capable off, even taking Ultima off the table.

              • 2 years ago

                You have to grind for Ultima. Bum Rush is free and immediate.

              • 2 years ago

                Then read the rest of the post. With just a bit more work, Bum Rush becomes outclassed by other attacks and combos, again, even discounting Ultima. All it has going for it is its sheer accessibility.

              • 2 years ago

                >after Ultima, he brings up Quick
                You're a fricking moron, dude.

              • 2 years ago

                And here comes the ad hominem, classic sign that you have no argument beyond "nobody should have to work for greater attack potential." Take Quick off the table too, if you must. You still have to deal with the fact that there's several multi-attack techniques and combos that will eventually shit on Bum Rush, a single attack that can never go above 9999, and unlike Ultima and Quick do not need excessive grinding to get up to speed, just a working brain and some knowledge of the game's mechanics.

              • 2 years ago

                >need Locke to have two endgame swords + high vigor + offering/genji glove
                >need Edgar to have an endgame spear + dragon horn/shoes + lucky Holy rolls
                >slap two earrings on Sabin and go nuts
                It's not even comparable. Even when Bum Rush sort of falls off, it still spoke for itself for the entire WoR. Sabin is king.

              • 2 years ago

                >need Locke to have two endgame swords + high vigor + offering/genji glove
                I NEVER brought up this setup. Valiant Knife + Offering + Hero Ring at middling levels already matches Bum Rush's damage output, and that's with only decent levels of Vigor (around 80 or so). Throw in HP loss (say, from equipping Red Cap) and it's much better still. And none of those things are hard to get (save Locke himself and the Valiant Knife by extension, I guess).
                >need Edgar to have an endgame spear + dragon horn/shoes + lucky Holy rolls
                And what's wrong with any of this? Those are all loot you'll encounter from going about your quest anyway. Although personally, I'd rather have Mog with this setup, as he can achieve 255 defense.
                >slap two earrings on Sabin and go nuts
                Yes, we've established it's easy. I definitely have him in my party up until the point that I get the end-game equips that make him outclassed. Good to see you've at least conceded it does eventually fall off.

                Yes, technically, there are a handful of builds that outclass Sabin + Bum Rush once you're well past the point where the game has been broken wide open anyway (The only way to not be overpowered by level 50 is if you're the type to not put armor on Sabin because you didn't realise and it probably doesn't make a difference anyway).

                And besides even when you obtain those crazy (or glitched) endgame builds, Sabin will be right there as the 4th member of the group throwing in completely free 9k+ defense-piercing attacks every turn.

                By that point you can have a team of four characters who can either outdamage Sabin or do close to the same amount while being nigh-invincible due to superior equips, so why keep him around then? Hell, even something like Gem Box + Flare will likely hit double 9999 or very close to it. Sure, it's not free like Bum Rush, but Osmose remedies that real quick.

                I want to clarify I am not saying Sabin is bad by any means. He's still a good character, and I grant that his becoming outclassed happens pretty late into the game, and even when he does he's still a big asset come Kefka's Tower. All I'm saying is he doesn't have anywhere near the potential other characters do, especially if you take into account that he has among the worst equipment setups in the game. But eh, I suppose it's easy enough that it doesn't matter and you can use whoever you want in the end and you won't get punished.

              • 2 years ago

                >decent levels of Vigor (around 80 or so
                You are a fricking moron.

              • 2 years ago

                It's not hard at all to achieve. 37 base Vigor + 9 Vigor from Genji Armor and Red Cap means you only need 17 levels of Esper boosts to reach 80 Vigor, which is very doable so long as you're diligent.

              • 2 years ago

                Your posts are garbage and so is this thread.

              • 2 years ago

                I accept your concession.

              • 2 years ago

                Enjoy requiring 17 levels of grinding to reach the same level as Sabin, you pathetic shitposter moron.

              • 2 years ago

                No grinding required, anon. Just play through the game normally and switch to the required Esper to gain the boost when you're about to level up, and you should reach it by level 50 easy. Hell, I just checked my last save file and, what do you know, 82 Vigor at level 51 (with the equip boosts, of course). And again, just a little bit of HP loss already puts Locke well above Sabin in damage output at that point, since the added damage from HP loss isn't halved by the Offering.
                >pathetic shitposter moron
                I'm not the one throwing out ad hominems and failing to bring hard numbers and arguments beyond "it's easier" to the table.

              • 2 years ago

                Yep, you totally Esper leveled Locke naturally with his 2 (two) uses in the WoB, and him being the single hardest to recruit in WoR, requiring two full parties. Frick off, moron. you don't know shit.

              • 2 years ago

                >his 2 (two) uses in the WoB
                You wot? You have him for practically the entire WoB from beginning to end, and is or can be on your team all the way from Zozo when you first gain Magicite all the way to the Floating Continent. It's not at all a stretch to gain a good number of Esper-boosted levels there. And of course, once you do get him in the WoR, you just put him in your party and keep boosting him then. In fact, the only reason his Vigor is not higher in my save file is because I took three levels to boost his MP at levels 48, 49 and 50, the three levels that give the biggest MP boosts in the original game and allow him to potentially reach 999 MP at level 99, if I someday become arsed enough to do so.

              • 2 years ago

                Shit, meant four levels, actually. He also needs a boost at level 51, which is coincidentally where he is at the moment. Only Terra, Celes, Relm and Mog can get away with just three.

              • 2 years ago

                Locke himself either requires eight (8) party members to even get him, or 4 and Mog, knowing where the Moogle Charm is. You don't do that shit on your fist playthrough. You don't go out of your way to recruit Locke on your first playthrough. This is your final (You), and I hope you choke on your vax.

              • 2 years ago

                You don't go out of your way to recruit Locke FIRST on your first playthrough.

              • 2 years ago

                You don't go out of your way to recruit Locke FIRST on your first playthrough.

                And now we shift the goalposts. If you'd said from the very beginning that Sabin is the best character IF you're a newbie to the game, I wouldn't have disagreed. Again, easy ooga-booga 9999 damage, and that's respectable for what it is. Objectively, if you know what you're doing, there's better.

              • 2 years ago

                Wastes a turn.
                Bum Rush is 100% free.

              • 2 years ago

                So use one of your X-Magic casts for Osmose and the other for Flare, and you'll have another four or five Flare doublecasts after that, depending on how much MP you have.

              • 2 years ago

                Bum Rush is literally a higher spell power than Flare. Look it up.

              • 2 years ago

                I know, 128 Magic power against 60. However, ideally you'd be using Flare with Gem Box, which all but closes the gap, and you'd be using that combo with one of the Magic powerhouses such as Terra, Celes or Relm, whose Magic stats dwarf Sabin's, especially given their equips grant more Magic boosts. So once you acquire the Gem Box, unless you completely neglected them in boosting their Magic and dutifully built up Sabin's, they ought to be surpassing Sabin with doublecasted Flares. And we're purely speaking about sheer damage output here. Utility-wise, they are straight-up more versatile characters, with far better equipment options, including 128 MBlock setups that make them pretty much invincible (though Relm can't have that combined with a Gem Box, unfortunately). Of course, you could always give Sabin a Merit Award to give him a similar setup if you're so inclined.

              • 2 years ago

                You really need to give it up.

              • 2 years ago

                So playing the game efficiently and intelligently is off the table for discussion? It's not like it's hard to get at this kind of setup, like, at all. Maybe just a teensy bit harder than literally going to Duncan's and receiving a massive frick you attack, I guess.

                Look, I get it, the average player probably doesn't know or care to know about the intricacies of the game's mechanics, so if we're purely to discuss things with that in mind, then yes, Sabin is God King of the game because he requires nothing of the player beyond inputting a circle on the dpad to watch monsters die left and right, and honestly, the game is so easy it doesn't need you to do anything beyond spamming whatever best attacks you have on hand at the moment, while healing occasionally.

                It doesn't actually mean Sabin or Bum Rush are hands-down the best, though - they may be middle-of-the-road in the hierarchy of broken-ass shit, but they're broken just enough and so easily obtained that you don't really need anything else, and that leads players to not look elsewhere for more efficient damage output because why would they need it? Can we agree on that?

              • 2 years ago

                >yes, Sabin is God King of the game

              • 2 years ago

                Bum Rush doesn't need any equip support, period, freeing up the gem box to use on a character who needs it more.

              • 2 years ago

                Please stop giving this homosexual an excuse to post.

              • 2 years ago

                >Bum Rush doesn't need any equip support
                It kind of does in the form of double earrings, not that it'd be weak without them, mind you, rather to help make up for Sabin's lackluster Magic stat. You would, of course, ditch them once they're no longer needed to reach max damage.
                >freeing up the gem box to use on a character who needs it more
                Uh, yeah, that's a given. Or were you under the impression that I was suggesting Sabin be using it instead of Bum Rush? If so, that wasn't my intention. I was comparing a powerful Magic caster doublecasting Flare vs. Sabin using Bum Rush.

              • 2 years ago

                >Or were you under the impression that I was suggesting
                I know exactly what you've been suggesting the entire fricking time. I am sure I know this game as well as you do, you're just obnoxious.

                >I was comparing a powerful Magic caster doublecasting Flare vs. Sabin using Bum Rush.
                Yeah no shit. Why though? Like, fricking hell, give it a rest goddamn.

                One slot with a Gem Box build
                One slot with an Offering build

                Plenty of room for Sabin to be a top contender for the two remaining slots, with his totally free big-damage ability that requires no relics or special conditions to be viable beyond random target selection (earrings not necessary in this context as none of the competition does better without similar relic support). Plus Sabin has been around for the whole WoR so he's going to have solid high-end magic selection, not to mention being a capable caster by then if you've been boosting magic for his blitzes.

                Please stop giving this homosexual an excuse to post.

                sorry. Last one I promise.

              • 2 years ago

                >Plenty of room for Sabin to be a top contender for the two remaining slots, with his totally free big-damage ability that requires no relics or special conditions to be viable beyond random target selection (earrings not necessary in this context as none of the competition does better without similar relic support). Plus Sabin has been around for the whole WoR so he's going to have solid high-end magic selection, not to mention being a capable caster by then if you've been boosting magic for his blitzes.
                All fair points, anon. I can respect this. I'd still rather choose someone else for other reasons, but you're right, Sabin does make a good backup Magic user since you'd have spent all game building that stat up.

                I really don't see what I've done to get under your skin to this extent (I've yet to call you a moron or any of the other insults you've hurled at me all thread long, and I have even conceded a number of points), but whatever. Let this be the end of the matter.

              • 2 years ago

                I never called you a moron, that was the other guy

              • 2 years ago

                You're good then, anon. If I came across as obnoxious, know that was never my intention, though I probably "flexed" too much in the course of the discussion.

              • 2 years ago

                Yes, technically, there are a handful of builds that outclass Sabin + Bum Rush once you're well past the point where the game has been broken wide open anyway (The only way to not be overpowered by level 50 is if you're the type to not put armor on Sabin because you didn't realise and it probably doesn't make a difference anyway).

                And besides even when you obtain those crazy (or glitched) endgame builds, Sabin will be right there as the 4th member of the group throwing in completely free 9k+ defense-piercing attacks every turn.

  9. 2 years ago

    This was my exact experience being 12 when this game first came out. It kicked my ass, hard. Bosses mostly, enemies not so much. FFIV was still harder.

  10. 2 years ago

    Game felt hard as balls for me especially the floating continent, later realized that Osmosis and Drain jeopardize nearly every single monster there. Atma Wpn could be cheesed with Slow.

  11. 2 years ago

    there's a few bosses where you have to trick the AI into doing what you want it to, but otherwise you really don't get a difficulty curve in pressing A over and over and over. Play it for the story, characters, music, world, art, etc

    • 2 years ago

      >A over and over and over.
      The best way to perceive the difficulty curve in FF6 is to ignore your abilities and just press A over and over.
      People who say this have much lower intelligence than the median JRPG fan (which isn't high in the first place).

      • 2 years ago

        Ignore the JRPG haters, they've been doing it for years and won't stop no matter what.

        • 2 years ago

          ff7 is my favourite game but it's not because of the gameplay

  12. 2 years ago

    It is a perfect RPG. I saw some nig saying 13-2 was his favorite FF lol

  13. 2 years ago

    More importantly, do you consider Terra a good trance representation?

  14. 2 years ago

    Ultimate FRICK YOU FFVI Team Composition:

    Aegis Shield
    Mystery Veil
    Force Armor
    Hero Ring
    Marvel Shoes

    Force Shield
    Mystery Veil
    Force Armor
    Gem Box
    White Cape

    Pearl Lance
    Paladin Shield
    Red Cap
    Snow Muffler
    Dragoon Boots
    Dragon Horn

    Genji Shield
    Red Cap
    Snow Muffler
    Merit Award
    Marvel Shoes

    • 2 years ago

      Where is atma weapon.

      • 2 years ago

        Shit's overrated, mang. Due to how its damage growth algorithm works, it doesn't get that good until something like level 55, and overwhelmingly good until around level 70, at which point you're pretty much murdering everything regardless. It doesn't confer any stat boosts or special effects beyond ignoring defense, and you have to be in the front row to maximize its damage. The only character who it makes sense to give it to is Locke since he's not fit to be a mage and doesn't have a good special, and you're probably better off giving him the Valiant Knife instead (until you hit around level 70, that is) since that also ignores defense and its damage increases with HP loss, whereas Atma Weapon's decreases.

        • 2 years ago

          Meanwhile, Illumina confers 255 Attack (same as Atma Weapon), +7 to all base stats, +50% Evasion and Mblock (though in the original game only the latter matters), auto-criticals, can be used from the back row, AND random Pearl castings at DOUBLE damage thanks to the auto-criticals. Sure, around level 50ish Atma Weapon+Offering probably outperforms it slightly, but it's not that far behind in damage on average and all the other benefits make it much more worth using.

  15. 2 years ago

    >everyone can use magic
    >even the thief

    • 2 years ago

      To be fair, some characters are much more cut out to be mages than others. Locke has a very mediocre Magic stat and few equips able to boost it significantly, and Cyan is even worse. You can, of course, use Esper boosts to try to make up the difference, but it'd be silly to do so as they are clearly meant to be fighters. Sabin is the odd one out here, as he also has a mediocre Magic stat and his stats suggest he should be used as a fighter, but all his good Blitzes, including Bum Rush, are Magic-based, and he has no really special weapons to speak of, so you're basically forced to boost Magic to make him a powerhouse.

    • 2 years ago

      Black Mage was the best class in FF5, so starting with FF6 they decided to make everyone a black mage.

      • 2 years ago

        So what about SaGa? I thought it was supposed to push you to your limits?

      • 2 years ago

        >Best class

        I think you meant blue mage

      • 2 years ago

        >Black Mage was the best class in FF5
        Behind Blue Mage, Ninja, Samurai, and Chemist, maybe.

  16. 2 years ago

    what's a good party comp that requires little to no grinding for ff6

    • 2 years ago

      I'm the gay that's been debating ITT. Sabin, Shadow, Edgar and Gogo would be my pick. They get all their best damage output (particular to them, that is) with no effort. Maybe switch out Gogo with Setzer later on when you get the Fixed Dice, or Mog if you can be arsed to grab his Snow Muffler.

  17. 2 years ago

    I love FF3. I don't actually understand how you can view any part of it as hard. Maybe the Tower of Magi if you don't get the gimmick.

  18. 2 years ago

    I played a natural magic run, and it fixed so many issues with the game that I'm not sure I can play it normally ever again.

    • 2 years ago

      I've yet to try it, but I definitely will at some point. Maybe combine it with CES for added challenge.

  19. 2 years ago

    What are some less talked about Rages for Gau? I usually end up using Templar a lot not because it's absolutely great but because Fire2 has a quick animation and gets the job done most of the time.

  20. 2 years ago

    FFVI difficulty curve:
    easy early game
    easy middle
    easy late game

    • 2 years ago

      pretty much lol you'd have to never have played an RPG before to have trouble with it.

  21. 2 years ago

    It's a good game but it's balanced like trash. Completely easy throughout. Unless you're like level 35 there's no challenge in the WoR. You can reach 45 in half an hour with the airship and 50 is godmode and also insanely easy to reach. Too easy to do 9999 damage and the boss hp doesn't reflect that with nothing going over 65k. Too many multiple hit attacks combined with the ease of hitting the damage cap. Stats are worthless except Magic. Stamina is a troll stat. Mdef is broken as shit and the final boss has an ultimate move that will hit you by 200 with days of charge up and then on occasion he'll randomly cast Ultima instantly and hit everyone for like 3-5k. There's no super bosses or challenge content. Brachiosaur and Siegfried don't cut it. Czar Dragon and Omega Weapon were nice for that but the game had been out for over a decade at that point so every old player knew how to roll them over. It needed hard shit at launch to play and explore with novelty.

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