Digimon World

Your monster partner?
You fricked it, it turns into a literal shit eating moron.
Frick you

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  1. 2 years ago

    check this out, my metal greymon

    • 2 years ago

      Never figured out how to play the game as a kid. Then I played the game to the end recently, but I still didn't quite understand how everything worked. Avoiding getting a numemon wasn't hard though once I got the town upgraded enough.

      Cool never managed to get one myself. Instead I got Andromon for like three times which kind of annoyed me

      • 2 years ago

        Evolution guides help. If you focus on the bonus conditions and ignore the stats until very late game, it's not hard to get the ultimate you want. Each bonus condition adds a chance to evolve instead of dying and every digimon has at least two easy ones (usually number of battles and weight). You might need to save and reload if your digimon dies. I'm pretty sure Numemon can also randomly happen even if you meet the evolution requirements for a normal champion. So reloading if you get a Numemon when you don't want it also helps.

        • 2 years ago

          I didn't want to look at guides that much. I want to have an authentic experience like back in the good old days when you couldn't consult the Internet about things

          • 2 years ago

            I think some of these older games were made to be unnecessary complex just to force people to buy the guides.

            But that might be just a meme opinion people keep saying about some digimon games.

          • 2 years ago

            What I like to do is the following:
            First Monster: Train 3 times a day as a rookie, then go out and beat monsters, grow the town until champion. When he's a champion, go out and just do story shit. Frick training.
            Save all stat chips you can.
            Monster 2:
            Immediately abuse the shit out of all the stat chips you've collected, force-feed your baby mon every single thing, train the shit out of it until its a rookie. Then make a routine of training and beating monsters in the same day until its a champion.
            You'll have a gigachadmon that'll carry you through the game.
            Makes it possible to beat the game with just those two

            • 2 years ago

              I was only a bit irked I always got Andromon is all

  2. 2 years ago

    >Get Numemon.
    >Stuff it into the Monzaemon costume in Toy Town.
    >Coast through the rest of the main game.

  3. 2 years ago

    I prefer next order because its randomization each playthrough is much better

    • 2 years ago

      What randomization?

      • 2 years ago

        After picking your digi eggs your evolutions are completely randomized so you can't fall back on cheese strategies unless you over train like a mother fricked but if you're willing to do all that you probably don't care about the game anyways

        u prefer next order cus ur a casual b***h w/ shit ass taste

        Okay, I'm not stopping you from enjoying the broken exploitable piece of shit that is digimon world 1. You go ahead and enjoy that. I'd rather play fricking digimon world ds

        • 2 years ago

          dont respond to me idiot, ur wrong.

        • 2 years ago

          >After picking your digi eggs your evolutions are completely randomize
          so how you raise them doesnt matter at all? Sounds shit

          • 2 years ago

            It does matter a lot but next order is a lot more random in how digivolves happen. It's a number of days in real time, factored in by training or no training plus various hidden stats that is completely controlled by recent combat encounters, items provided, and various other things like elemental damage taken or dealt. So unless you're going out of your way to cheese it every play through is different

            • 2 years ago

              sounds shit

              • 2 years ago

                Yes the inability to cheat often does sound like shit. It's a good thing next order makes more sense to digimon lore than the other games since humans can only influence the data and not control it

              • 2 years ago

                knowing how to play isnt cheating, its knowing how to play

                much better than getting a shit mon cause you took too much lightning damage? Miss me w/ that shit

              • 2 years ago

                Knowing the optimal anything in q single player game, especially one as busted and with several abusable mechanics as digimon world 1 is cheating, and shitmons is hardly a concept with how friendship, teamwork and combination attacks/DNA digivolving works in next order. Next order is way more complex than digimon world 1

          • 2 years ago

            There isn't any evolution randomization in DW1. That guy just doesn't know how evolution works and how strict it can be.

    • 2 years ago

      u prefer next order cus ur a casual b***h w/ shit ass taste

    • 2 years ago

      Steam version? Steam version when?
      Release for Steam, please.
      Release it, release it for steam.

      • 2 years ago

        I've been waiting for a re-release of next order for ages. Sadly it's trapped on Vita and PS4 but I'd buy it again on PC and Switch if they did cause I'm sure as frick not buying survive. Next order though has licensing issues because some jpop shut wrote some of the music and I guess Bandai doesn't want to remove it or some shit last I heard

        dont respond to me idiot, ur wrong.

        Nice argument homo

        • 2 years ago

          >I'm sure as frick not buying survive.
          Your funeral.

          • 2 years ago

            My funeral for not wanting to play a shitty vn with only 100 mons?

    • 2 years ago

      And then the cycles of your 2 digi get fricked and you get stuck with an uneven pair which hinders you for the next 10 hours of gameplay. Great. Fun.

      • 2 years ago

        That only happens if one of your digimon are ko'd for an extended period of time. Prepare better and that won't happen.

        • 2 years ago

          It can also happen if one of your digis doesn't meet the requirements for the next stage evolution and dies as an Adult/Ultimate instead of progressing, while the other does.

          • 2 years ago

            That doesn't happen in next order because there is always a next stage available regardless of training levels because every life cycle last 20 days. Even if you did by some moronic miracle frick yourself that hard your rebirth cycle would start at the same time assuming your digimon wasn't ko'd for a whole fricking day

            • 2 years ago

              Dude, it happened to me so you can't just say "that doesn't happen". My Adult didn't make it to Ultimate and died. Was I shitty? Yeah, probably too obsessed with exploring early on rather than training but I didn't know they'd desync.

              • 2 years ago

                I've played the game probably 3 dozen times and I've never heard of anyone getting desynced like that without actively letting their digimon fail but if you say it happened I'll have to take your word for it

      • 2 years ago

        Just get to the point where you can essentially extend your digimons' lifespans indefinitely

  4. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      What are some other examples of honest advertising?

  5. 2 years ago

    >They draw a star of david
    >Evilmon is summoned because of it
    How was the anime so based?

    • 2 years ago

      the writer for tamers is megabased but he filtered the ameritrannies too hard so the sequel he was writing probably got shitcanned, death to burgersharts and adventure genwunners

      • 2 years ago

        >Mind-tentacle-torturing a young girl
        >Having the malicious AI feed off her misery

        • 2 years ago

          It doesn't really "feed" off of her misery. D-Reaper uses Juri as a way to interpret the human world. Due to the fact that Juri is a depressed child with an overly harsh father its understanding of humans was kind of wonky, though, but thats it, no "feeding" involved. They're just using her for data.

          • 2 years ago

            No, they actually make it a point that D-Reaper keeps replaying the death of her mother over and over, and that it feeds on her misery

            • 2 years ago

              Does it FEED off of it? Really? I may be misremembering but if it did then that would mean freeing Juri would make it "starve", right?.
              However, Jian's dad had to mod Terriermon in order to defeat the thing since saving Juri would do nothing..

              • 2 years ago

                Its naturally strong, but they make it a point that it gets stronger from essentially torturing Juri

  6. 2 years ago

    >aim for greymon
    >get centarumon

  7. 2 years ago

    >How about we make one of the characters a tomboy, and the other a kitsune guardian?
    >Eh, I don't know. In folklore those foxes always bang the girl
    >Just make the kitsune female, except in Germany

    • 2 years ago

      Juri is more of a tomboy than Ruki

      • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        Never could decide who the top would be in that relationship. Both work quite well for it

        • 2 years ago

          Ruki would initiate, make it awfully obvious she wants it.
          The moment Renamon discovers Ruki likes getting overpowered and dominated, the brat gets tamed.

      • 2 years ago

        Who drew that ?

  8. 2 years ago


    Goddamn, adding one more to follow.

    • 2 years ago

      He does good shit

  9. 2 years ago


  10. 2 years ago

    What would be your dream Digimon game anon?

    Mine would pretty much be a cross between the Digimon Story titles and survive:

    >JRPG with monster collecting mechanics, but also choose your own adventure narrative systems
    >You play as a character you can customize, in a big dramatic story
    >the choices you make alters the progression of the plot, and the personality of your main partner digimon, who is likewise a major character (Maybe each character has a few partner digimon, or at least you do, and you can "assign" some of the digimon you collect to be the partners who have a role in the story too)
    >other human characters and their digmon also have slightly altered personalities and evolutions depending on how you interact with them, but not with the same fidelity as your partner digimon
    >The game uses a huge interconnected branching evolution tree, so you can make your partner into any other Digimon, maybe each Digimon also has some assigned personality values that alters their dialog somewhat
    >uses a Dusk/Dawn esque battle system, rather then CS's simplified battle system
    >Otherwise comparable to CS in scope/format, but with more varied dungeon designs and less going back to the same areas over and over

    • 2 years ago

      What about just making a linear adventure game with only digimons as protagonists ? Imagine having something like X Evolution in a game format.

      • 2 years ago

        there's an anon on digimon general on /vg/ making a digimon mystery dungeon game

      • 2 years ago

        Digimon World 4 did that

        • 2 years ago

          But that was a bad implementation of the idea.

          there's an anon on digimon general on /vg/ making a digimon mystery dungeon game

          Doesnt sound like the same thing. I meant just a linear adventure game with a fixed protagonist.

    • 2 years ago

      Oh, also, since Bamco also made Pokken, a DIgimon version of Pokken would be fricking sick

    • 2 years ago

      I want a V-pet sim like that one Wonderswan game and one of the things you can make your digimon do is go on expeditions that play like Mario Party Advance but the dice rolls are tied to your digimons stamina and you can camp out so you don't have to reset your progress constantly.

    • 2 years ago

      digimon world 1

    • 2 years ago

      I actually fricking loved DW2, so that but:
      >not moronic loading times
      >AP, or whatever the frick it was, is more forgiving in terms of how much you can acquire per Jogress
      >no level limits, AP should only dictate what your Digimon evolves into
      >option to turn off attack animations (I'm assuming the original had this but I don't remember)
      >expanded roster

  11. 2 years ago
  12. 2 years ago

    hey the gabumon i got first turned into tyrannomon because i liked watching the numbers at the gym area go up instead of exiting and doing other things
    i see number go up and i am satisfied
    thats all there is to it
    i run into the forest to grab a few mushrooms and buy some meat in the city and i go back to training.
    frick you op ive never once evolved into the shit pile

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