>disappears from your series

>disappears from your series

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  1. 1 year ago

    >as the series shifts into modern open world slop, it's iconography also disappears.
    interesting, it's almost as if zelda as we know it is dead.

    • 1 year ago

      >interesting, it's almost as if zelda as we know it is dead.
      Don't remind me

    • 1 year ago

      Correct me if Im wrong but hasnt the Zelda series uhhh always been pretty much open world

      • 1 year ago

        pretty much,

        SS was the only LoZ game that was pretty linear, mostly bogged down bythe Wii's early build.

      • 1 year ago

        pretty much,

        SS was the only LoZ game that was pretty linear, mostly bogged down bythe Wii's early build.

        Sometimes (in the better games) you are allowed to do some dungeons out of order, but the previous games had a much more focused experience. There was a “world”, but it was not “open” at all times. WW and TP are extremely linear despite having large scopes, for example, and arguably to their detriment. Nonlinearity is well and good on its own, but the key difference with the newest games is that there is no progression at all; every area is self contained. Nonlinear and ineffectual.

        • 1 year ago

          >there is no progression at all

          There is some, I just wish there was a little more. The waterfall-climbing armor is a good example and actually "unlocks" multiple spots throughout the game world.

          The climbing+glider unfortunately can be used to circumvent many puzzles, often by total accident, which isn't fun. When I'm in a dungeon I always have to be thinking "did they WANT me to climb at this point, or is there a puzzle I'm skipping?"

          Fundamentally I play games for the dopamine rush of "feeling smart" when I figure something out and this game's systems have too much overpowered bullshit going on that gets in the way of that.

          • 1 year ago

            the zora armor is basically the only thing, yeah, arguably Revali/Tulin as well but those are pretty cheaty.
            The game’s systems and overall design are extremely flattened out despite their breadth. When people pine for a hookshot or similar item, I think they’re looking for depth or at least speed.

      • 1 year ago

        >Semantic pedantics
        hi ribbit

        • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        Mostly the 2D games. 3D is far more linear

      • 1 year ago

        No. It's always been a labyrinth full of locked doors, that's DISGUISED as an open world. Except for Zelda 1, which is shit, and Zelda 2 and spirit tracks, which are long hallways that aren't even disguised as open worlds.

        • 1 year ago

          You have to be the dumbest football fricker to ever be on special teams. Zelda 1 is just as linear as all the others. Dungeons are hidden from you but there is still a set order you need to do them in because you need items from a different dungeon to progress inside or even open the way. There are may be 3 that you can do in varying orders, the same way OoT has around 3 dungeons you can do as adult Link however you want. Surprisingly the only item you can choose to ignore is the sword. And unless you are using a guide, Zelda II is as open and cryptic as Zelda 1. Zelda II’s Death Mountain has never been beaten in terms of difficulty and desperation it induces when you just want to live to get out of it, if only you could find the right doors.
          When people complain about BotW being “open world” it isn’t because the map is too big. It is because it lacks any focus whatsoever and the big map is empty and pointless. Even if you manage to die in BotW it never feels like a big deal. “Puzzles” have right answers but because of the nature of the game you can frick up royally and you will still make it through. A lock opened by anything remotely key shaped isn’t an obstacle at all.

          • 1 year ago

            >Dungeons are hidden from you but there is still a set order you need to do them in because you need items from a different dungeon to progress inside or even open the way.
            Sure, but you can get to most of them at any given time irrespective of whether you can actually enter of complete them, with no indication if you don't have what you need or just don't understand the challenge, which is confusing and bad design. Better Zelda games open the world itself gradually over the course of the game.
            >Zelda II is as open and cryptic as Zelda 1.
            Cryptic, certainly. World design? Frick no. It's totally linear. Go north, west, south to death mountain, then south more, then west a bunch, then crawl through death mountain 2. Eventually you get a hammer which lets you skip the first half of the world. The cryptic shit is figuring how how to get all the abilities and spells (the latter of which are all required to beat the game, which is bad design).
            >When people complain about BotW being “open world” it isn’t because the map is too big. It is because it lacks any focus whatsoever and the big map is empty and pointless.
            That's what I said. There's no direction, no design. It's just a big empty bowl. That said, BEING so big contributes to that problem. When you have such a vast expanse, it's not really practical to implement any kind of real level design. I mentioned elden ring in a different post, and while it does a better job in this regard by far, it still struggles in places, and despite being a very big game, in terms of playable map size, it's far smaller than BOTW and TOTK (which is a good thing)

            • 1 year ago

              >There's no direction, no design. It's just a big empty bowl.
              You have no clue what you are talking about.

      • 1 year ago

        >1,2,3 where semi open world, the dungeon items allowed you to access new areas, and very few parts of the map where blocked by story progress.

        >Ocarina, MM, TP and SS are locked by story progress.

        >WW you can go to every island in any order except the ones with story that you have to do in order

        • 1 year ago

          I don't get why they don't just apply the WW idea of having a linear story while allowing you to go off at any point and do side stuff to the BotW formula that way the story doesn't have to repeat itself 4 times because it can't be certain which dungeon you did first while keeping a decent level of player freedom

        • 1 year ago

          *pushes up glasses* uhh ackshually... ocarina of time ish tecknically an open world game after you get the mashter shword and enter the adult timeline

      • 1 year ago

        OOT had level design, Jak and dexter had level design.
        the areas are large but there is thought and content put into them.

        BOTW is just miles of worthless geometry that looks like shit and has nothing in it.

        • 1 year ago

          Man I hope, one day, that you can learn to differentiate between facts and opinions one day because we don't have to agree with your discontentment just because you are butthurt about something. Nobody gives a shit about how you feel because it is demonstrable that a lot of thought was put into designing the BOTW landscape. You being unable to appreciate it doesn't prove there is a flaw in the design..You just don't like it and it's fine, but it stops there. You are not correct.

          • 1 year ago

            >because it is demonstrable that a lot of thought was put into designing the BOTW landscape.
            No it isn't you tendie gay

          • 1 year ago

            Not even the guy you replied to but this post was too moronic for me not to reply
            >demonstrable that a lot of thought was put into the BOTW landscape
            Go ahead moron, demonstrate for me

            • 1 year ago

              No, first, tell me what your argument to support his claim is. He says no thought was put in the world design and you seemingly agree with him without neither of you explaining your position and you want me to explain and justify mine? You first, but since I feel a strong as frick vibe of you not being willing to argue in good faith, I will assume you will tackle the "empty map" issue which is an issue with all modern open world games which doesn't invalidate the fact that the developers obviously put thought and effort into the world design, which does NOT mean you should be forced to enjpy this design nor does it mean that the world is designed perfectly, but it is diverse enough with enough useful to pointless details placed everywhere, sometimes with a purpose, sometimes purely for aesthetic to show that the developers didn't just randomly put placeholder bullshit everywhere which would have happened if they had half assed it.
              You seem to assume that thought/effort and quality are mutually exclusive. A very bad position to defend. Before you try to be a disingenuous punk b***h, just keep in mind that my argument is that the dev team did put effort, NOT that the end result is good or perfect because everytime there is a BOTE thread, you fricking haters shove your moronic projections down everyone throat as if everyone who even passively enjoyed this game are Nintenslaves who will never say anything bad about these games. BOTW and TOTK aren't even in my top 5 favorite Zelda games and I vastly prefer the sense of exploration and adventure in the empty ocean of WW than in BOTW. It's just a verifiable fact that BOTW's map had a lot of attention to detail put into it even with all its vacant space.
              Now if you want me to go take a bunch of screencaps of what I'm talking about just so you can get me to put actual work into my argument while you shit on it like a low effort Black person, go frick yourself.

              • 1 year ago

                >but it is diverse enough
                There are 20 unique kinds of enemy in the entire game. Even the distribution of the difficulty of enemies is almost completely arbitrary, to the point where they had to implement oblivion style level scaling (which also had a dogshit map)

              • 1 year ago

                But have you evee put thought into teying to understand the kond of compromise they might have to make in order to make the rest of the content? That is my point. It's easy to say "lol only 10 enemies max", but trying to understand why they didn't put more or make the game bigger or give you exactly what you want takes more effort than shitting on the elements that you don't like.
                This is why I have a problem with haters in these threads because the argument seem to stem from a paranoid belief that Nintendo is outright evil and wants to frick with you and that only mindless drones enjoy the new Zelda games unlike le tortured "punished" OG Zelda fans. That is a bullshit position. Most people loved the shit out of BOTW and TOTK for different reasons than they would like OOT or WW. Trying to play the OG fan card by putting OG games on a pedestal to downplay the newer ones is like arguing that Orangegays are cattle slave Black folk because the OGs are all applegays. If you don't like oranges, I don't have to hate them because you argue that only slaves like them because you're an enlightened AppleBlack person. Especially since I enjoy both for different reasons that I can actually defend.
                Sorry, I'm getting sidetracked as frick with this fruit business. Yes the map is empty when you look at it as a big picture. It is through a lens that you start noticing clever details and references to older games put everywhere on the map.

              • 1 year ago

                Everyone who prefers th old stuff to the open world goyslop has nothing left which is why they hate these games more than they would otherwise.
                As an aside, don’t think the references on the map really mean anything at all. Calling a burnt down house Lynna City Ruins isn’t clever

              • 1 year ago

                Your emotions and that of the people who hate the games are not my concern and they don't invalidate the thought that the devs had to put into this game to make it feel alove. Sorry you and others didn't enjoy the games, but liking them doesn't make someone an automatic nindrone

              • 1 year ago

                It’s generally quite difficult to coax out exactly what people like about these games because it’s not the combat, it’s not the puzzles, it’s not the story, it’s not the music or art. Is it the walking around and finding locations where not much happens the attraction?

              • 1 year ago

                Most people like this because it's a sandbox Zelda game, but a lot of people liked the characters also and specific locations and weapon design and physics gimmicks and being able to construcr a literal (albeit, unfunctional) Metal Gear Rex out of Zonai parts and some of the character designs, etc.

                My point is that it's always easy to look at the game as a big picture and shit on it while it takes a bit more time to survey what people liked about the games. For instance, I, also, think Skyrim is shit, but I will never say it is a bad game because its massive success tells a different story..The reason why I like BOTW over Skyrim despite them being downright related is a matter of personal taste. As a general rule, I can't stand open world games because they're just pointless time consumers, yet, I find myself constantly drawn back into the pastel aesthetics of BOTW, the simples chimes and subtle notes of the music over the incredibly glorious orchestrals of the prior games, the wholesome flashbacks, etc. You actually get a sense of a story in BOTW which is mostly told through the ravaged environment that got taken back by nature. Some empty landscapes, when explored and coupled with some npc dialogue, tells of specific battles during the imprisonment war which you can notice in some landscapes that, without context, are just empty.
                The game REQUIRES you to explore, which is something a majority of similar open world games do not require or encourage you to.

              • 1 year ago

                I get that to a point but not really. I feel like you would have a better time reading a good novel than playing video games if that’s what the main draw was for you.
                About the machines, does anyone actually enjoy that shit? I only used them when absolutely necessary and found them to be a waste of time otherwise. I haven’t encountered anyone who went out of their way to build some elaborate contraption that wasn’t for a “crazy” video.

              • 1 year ago

                >because it’s not the combat, it’s not the puzzles, it’s not the story, it’s not the music or art
                Sure it is, it's all of the above. The puzzles shit all over OoT's, the combat is serviceable and fun with a lot of experimentation, the exploration is the best since LoZ, and the music/art is as good as ever. You're just blinded by nostalgia.

              • 1 year ago

                There’s no point comparing this game to a real Zelda game because it isn’t one, you really ought to judge it on its own so let’s do that.
                The entire combat system is straight shit. The healing, the mash to win and the absurd damage formula make combat a mess. The “experimentation” is always worse than doing things normally as well.
                The puzzles are bad, that’s all there’s is to say. I did every shrine and there were only about 4 instances where I got stuck or thought, hey that’s clever. The rest was trivial. The music can be good at times but there’s nothing amazing and the filter makes it look worse than BotW.

              • 1 year ago

                >But have you evee put thought into teying to understand the kond of compromise they might have to make in order to make the rest of the content?
                That's exactly my point. Their priorities were dogshit. They should have focused on content diversity rather than quantity, even if it meant cutting the map to a fraction of its size.
                >Nintendo is outright evil and wants to frick with you
                Nintendo aren't evil, just greedy hacks, but some of their decisions do make me think they just hate the player. For example, TOTK's battery mechanic. Fricking pointless, get rid of it. Wings breaking mid air after like a minute. Utterly moronic, get rid of it. These are brazen anti-fun mechanics implemented for no other reason than to force the player to go grind, because frick you.

                BOTW and TOTK aren't bad because they're different, they're bad because they're incredibly repetitive, because their aesthetics are mediocre, because they're terribly written, and because they focus to an enormous degree on combat which is not particularly engaging, using statistical progression as a crutch to make it seem more complicated than it actually is.

                BOTW is closer to Skyrim than old Zelda. And that's not bad because it's a change, it's bad because Skyrim is fricking shit.

              • 1 year ago

                It's funny because Miyamoto told Aunoma that the game should have less enemies because muh quality over quantity.

              • 1 year ago

                The enemies are already dogshit except for lynel. Where is this quality at?

              • 1 year ago

                That's because Miyamoto is a fricking hack who thinks he's a god because he got lucky in the 80s. This is the man who green lighted nintendo labo. He's the reason the wii U was such a disaster.

              • 1 year ago

                I don't necessarily disagree with you, but it's more of a matter of taste than an objective observation in my eyes.

        • 1 year ago

          OoT Hyrule Field is nothing but a blank, huge empty plane with nothing to do filled with enemies even more repetitive than BotW/TotK's when you are a child and completely lacking in ways to get around until the middle of the game and even then when you play as a child again you are stuck with nothing but traversal so miserable that people just spam the roll button because it's faster than running at the cost of being annoying.

          • 1 year ago

            Hyrule field is a level hub, dipshit. Despite being physically pretty large, it's a small part of the game. The meat is the towns and dungeons.

            • 1 year ago

              Same with TotK then, except travel is unironically faster, you have more fast travel options, there is more to do, and there is vastly more meaningful content in any single TotK town than there is in all of OoT's towns combined.

              I'll give you dungeons, but if people can suck Majoras Mask off for 20 years and apologize for its lack of dungeons by saying that the involved questlines leading up to them make up for them, then I can do the same for TotK.

              BotW is ass though. Worst of both worlds.

              • 1 year ago

                >Same with TotK then
                No. In BOTW and TOTK, Hyrule IS the game. The divine beasts and temples are a tiny fraction of each game. The vast majority of both games are fricking around outside killing monsters. And that might be okay if the games weren't full of anti-fun mechanics and if they had like, 50 unique enemies instead of 10.

            • 1 year ago

              A small part of the game (that takes 3-5 minutes to walk across) (that you have to backtrack through about 50 times)
              Hyrule field in OoT is indefensible

            • 1 year ago

              >it's a small part of the game.
              You didn't play OoT.

              • 1 year ago

                he's right though, Hyrule Field doesn't matter in the slightest. it becomes reasonable OK when you get Epona

              • 1 year ago

                Hyrule Field is literally the area that you spend the most time in.

              • 1 year ago

                No it fricking isn't, unless you're just going back and forth across it for no reason

              • 1 year ago

                >Hyrule Field is literally the area that you spend the most time in.
                I cannot speak for you ofc, but I don't spend any amount of time in Hyrule Field, I find ways to skip being there, it's the most inefficient way to get around in the game. Like I said, Epona makes it FINE but I still just use shortcuts and play warp songs, who the frick wouldn't, a masochist? idk man. you do you.

      • 1 year ago

        games that encourage exploration and trial and error are not the same thing as being open world

      • 1 year ago

        there is a difference between old school open world and ubisoft open world

        • 1 year ago

          Correct, and the difference is that actual open worlds are dogshit. Structure and level design are key to an engaging experience. Good "open worlds" are just well constructed hubs, or cleverly disguised mazes. Consider for example, Elden Ring. Not a perfect game by any stretch, and it doesn't have enough content for how fricking large it is. But, this partly mitigated by the fact that both the arrangement of the continents and the areas within the continents are structured like long hallways guiding you from one challenge to the next, causing you to always have a feeling of progress (which, for 90% of the game, is reaching the erdtree, ever present and constantly visible everywhere in the world, getting visibly larger as you get closer to your destination). Compare this with switch zelda, where you're dropped into the field and largely left to your own devices. Sure, there are points of interest, and yeah, some areas which are obviously inaccessible without increasing your stats and getting better equipment, but the vast majority of the world can be visited in any particular order and, unfortunately, will have more or less the exact same shit wherever you go. It even has oblivion style level scaling to be sure you don't get completely overwhelmed in places where it wasn't intended, and also so that you never reach the point where parts of the map become mechanically pointless (even if, in terms of content variety, they ARE pointless). The issue with this system is that it gets fricking stale very fast. This is the issue that Nintendo should have addressed in 6 years between BOTW and TOTK, by adding in many more new enemies and environments and structuring the world better, not adding dumbass cars with built in anti-fun timers.

          • 1 year ago

            I agree but elden ring is still dogshit and dark souls did it better.

      • 1 year ago

        Is metroid an open world moron?

        • 1 year ago

          metroid is a girl

        • 1 year ago

          Zelda games being open world really Russells your jimmys huh?

      • 1 year ago

        Some of them, but not most of them. The world is usually segmented with said segments requiring progression items to access them.

      • 1 year ago

        Modern open world and SNES open world are two completely different genres.

      • 1 year ago

        ALBW is close and even then it feels like I'm pushing it.

      • 1 year ago

        >no one on Ganker knows what the word open world means anymore
        what the frick happened? If the game is gating you for world progression (metroid/zelda) it's not an open world you morons. where did all you newbies even come from we never had an issue understanding terms like this before.

        • 1 year ago

          >If the game is gating you for world progression (metroid/zelda) it's not an open world you morons
          By that logic open world games are an extreme rarity, then, since even Ubisoft games gate your progression.

          • 1 year ago

            If you focus on games recently being made then no that's not true. Just Cause and Far Cry 2+ both do not gate the world, only the story. I didn't say "gate your progression" I said "gate the world progression". GTA was a bit of a hybrid back in the day (since you still unlocked new cities in some of them) but for the most part it was still open world where you completed missions by going to the marker in the world rather than the world opening up gradually as you play the game. The later GTAs abandoned that old unlock a new city thing and are now full open world.

            On the other hand metroid and zelda only give you a small portion of the map to play in with everything else gated off. When you get a new item or power a sliver of the map is added on to the playable area and in order to progress the next objective is usually in that area. This repeats until the end where you finally get the full map.

      • 1 year ago

        open world isn't the same as sandbox

      • 1 year ago

        >Zelda series has always been open world
        no, it's practically a top-down perspective Metroid game. you may be able to find heart pieces sometimes but that's it. Link to the Past had a few hidden equipment items to obtain, but it hasn't been done since.

        You have to be the dumbest football fricker to ever be on special teams. Zelda 1 is just as linear as all the others. Dungeons are hidden from you but there is still a set order you need to do them in because you need items from a different dungeon to progress inside or even open the way. There are may be 3 that you can do in varying orders, the same way OoT has around 3 dungeons you can do as adult Link however you want. Surprisingly the only item you can choose to ignore is the sword. And unless you are using a guide, Zelda II is as open and cryptic as Zelda 1. Zelda II’s Death Mountain has never been beaten in terms of difficulty and desperation it induces when you just want to live to get out of it, if only you could find the right doors.
        When people complain about BotW being “open world” it isn’t because the map is too big. It is because it lacks any focus whatsoever and the big map is empty and pointless. Even if you manage to die in BotW it never feels like a big deal. “Puzzles” have right answers but because of the nature of the game you can frick up royally and you will still make it through. A lock opened by anything remotely key shaped isn’t an obstacle at all.

        >It is because it lacks any focus whatsoever and the big map is empty and pointless.
        but it's not, navigating the world using the main mechanics makes up a good portion of the gameplay. it might help to think of the overworld as a character you interact with. and sometimes it's moody and sometimes it is laid back.

    • 1 year ago

      true bestie

      • 1 year ago

        have a nice day ACgay

    • 1 year ago

      And nothing of value was lost

    • 1 year ago

      Triforce is just some abstract story bullshit that doesn't even matter to the game. (unless you like fetchquests lul) The important iconography is the sword and shield which are present.

      • 1 year ago

        They're in the process of killing the sword off and the shield has already been relegated to some worthless breakable thing in a mountain of other breakable things.

        • 1 year ago

          even in Skyward Sword it was a sidequest reward for doing the boss rush

    • 1 year ago

      …and that’s a good thing!

    • 1 year ago

      The iconography remains in the game though

    • 1 year ago

      Zoomers are a plague that ruin everything.

      • 1 year ago

        They truly deserve the shit world that's coming for them. God I miss when underageb& on the internet were just spamming XD and other dumb emoticons, these drooling morons are so much worse than I could have ever imagined.

    • 1 year ago

      The iconography is still there but the actual thing isn’t relevant anymore. It may or may not be held by Zelda, but if it is then how it used to function was retconned

  2. 1 year ago

    i don'nt think they've disappeared totally. i feel there's sometimes random release

    • 1 year ago

      There's a triforce in the new starship troopers game on the inside cover of the rocket launcher loading spot

    • 1 year ago

      A man of culture

  3. 1 year ago

    sorry boomer zelda is about pastel dragons and crafting now

    • 1 year ago


  4. 1 year ago

    You don't need a plot macguffin when there isn't really a plot anymore.

    • 1 year ago

      Exactly, it was just some plot device that helped stitch together the stories.

  5. 1 year ago

    >Be cornerstone of entire series
    >Replaced because the new director hates you on a subatomic level

    Comic books do this shit all the time. Even if you're afraid of triangles how hard is it to humor the series lore?

    • 1 year ago

      You collect it and use it in SS and it appears on Zelda's hand when she seals Calamity Ganon in BotW. TotK has its own set of McGuffins so it would've been redundant.

      If there's anything that got ignored by recent games, it's not the Triforce itself but the three golden goddesses. They're always just vaguely referred to as the old gods while Hylia is considered the most important one.

      • 1 year ago

        The Golden Goddesses fricked off never to be heard from again (except to flood the world) and left behind an aspect of the world that will come back infinitely to try and kill everyone, Hylia actually takes care of the people. Which one would you worship?

        • 1 year ago

          Hylia is a petty and selfish prostitute that makes everything she's involved in worse.
          The Golden Goddesses only act when necessary or when prompted according to their own strict guidelines.
          Reject the false goddess.
          Glory to the three virtues.

          • 1 year ago

            Hylia gave up her immortality so that she could more effectively keep the people of the world safe. The Golden Goddesses only ever show up to punish people who rightfully won conflicts and might have established a new, non-Hylian government, like fricking over the Twili or fricking over Ganondorf.

            • 1 year ago

              >The Golden Goddesses only ever show up to punish people who rightfully won conflicts
              Who could be behind this post?

              • 1 year ago

                I'm right though, you never see them intervene if a Hylian uses the Triforce as a weapon, and the Hylians have done some seriously fricked shit like the Shadow Temple

              • 1 year ago

                Hylia gave up her immortality so that she could more effectively keep the people of the world safe. The Golden Goddesses only ever show up to punish people who rightfully won conflicts and might have established a new, non-Hylian government, like fricking over the Twili or fricking over Ganondorf.

                They outright enabled Ganondorf before the events of Twilight Princess

              • 1 year ago

                >Starts out with genuinely good intentions of freeing his people from the shackles of their desert lands and get to live in a fertile green land so not to live in said desert shithole
                >Gets drunk on power and becomes evil over time (combined with all those times he gets defeated by Link and Zelda)
                >After Ocarina of Time he's pretty much hated by everyone including his people to the point everyone equates him with literally Satan (and ironically he is the physical personification of hate of the setting's local Satan that got killed)
                >Gets reincarnated at one point after he looses his Tri-Force fragment
                >His people try to raise him to be good, but he ends up becoming evil eventually
                >And a whole lot of other stuff happened to him

                You know? I would like to see a Ganondorf that doesn't start out as evil from the get go. Hell, he wouldn't even realize he's Ganondorf. He would be a powerful Gerudo warrior mage that travels the world and meets a kid Link that he takes as his disciple after the latter suffers personal tragedy. Link grows up to be himself a warrior with multiple skills of arm and mastery of magic and sees this Ganondorf as not only a teacher but a father figure...which would be pretty tragic if that Ganondorf slowly would realize that he is Ganondorf and that he will at one point turn to being evil. Hence all this training of Link and cooking up a master plan to perma-seal himself off for good since he doesn't want to be evil nor to become like his previous incarnations. That would've been an interesting take on the character.

              • 1 year ago

                On one hand "good" Ganondorf might be neat.
                On the other ToTK making him an absolutely evil butthole with no redeeming factors was also enjoyable as hell.

              • 1 year ago

                Sounds gay. Under no circumstances should Ganondorf ever be a good guy. I would just like a more reasonable, reserved version like we used to get. Remember how he actually used to talk to you instead of just blasting you with evil magic for being alive in his presence?

              • 1 year ago

                >Remember how he actually used to talk to you instead of just blasting you with evil magic for being alive in his presence?
                Blasting evil magic is OoT Ganondorf’s favorite hobby when near children though.

              • 1 year ago

                He only did that when Link refused to answer a question and pulled a sword on him

              • 1 year ago

                Link was being an butthole for no reason, to be fair.

              • 1 year ago

                Damn kids deserve it

              • 1 year ago

                Horrible basedjak comic
                Why do these people exist?

              • 1 year ago

                OoT Ganon had so much more presence than any other it's insane. I'm so sick of BotWslop bros.

              • 1 year ago

                What do you mean? TOTK Ganon has tons of great moments like...uh...that part from OOT but you're in the room for it...and...uh...Draganon, that totally wasn't moronic at all.

              • 1 year ago

                Webm you posted is unironically kino

              • 1 year ago

                TOTK has lot more screentime than any Ganon before him, but he's still just "Evil Overlord"
                The only difference between him and Calamity Ganon is the shittalking, not even Mercer can salvage his writing

              • 1 year ago

                Not sure what you mean by presence here but I thought WW Ganon improved on a lot of what OoT Ganon did, which I guess makes sense since they're supposed to be the same Ganon

              • 1 year ago

                The only reason people keep bringing it up is because he has so many iterations already, it would be a neat experiment. And if it doesn't work out, they probably weren't going to revisit that version of him anyway.

              • 1 year ago

                >Starts out with genuinely good intentions
                Anon you HAVE met his mothers, right?
                I don't think they taught their little king of thieves to be an upstanding gentleman.
                And then there's the forever unanswered question of the Triforce's mind rape.

              • 1 year ago

                >she has zonai symbols on her clothes and a secret stone in her forehead
                that's neat

              • 1 year ago

                Ganondorf never had good intentions, he abandoned and fricked over the Gerudo in Ocarina of Time and literally never even talks about them in any of the games

                Sounds gay. Under no circumstances should Ganondorf ever be a good guy. I would just like a more reasonable, reserved version like we used to get. Remember how he actually used to talk to you instead of just blasting you with evil magic for being alive in his presence?

                This is a much more reasonable take. Ganondorf should be an evil man with concrete goals and plans, not this nebulous force of chaotic darkness that Nintendo keeps presenting him as.

          • 1 year ago

            >t. Bokoblin

    • 1 year ago

      >Be cornerstone of entire series
      It's not, it's the MacGuffin of the series. It's a plot device.

    • 1 year ago

      Pretty much, Aonuma has subverted the series multiple times since he got the director role somehow.

      In MM he openly mocks the triforce and hyrule gods through stone temple.
      In WW he literally shows through the story that your actions in Oot didnt matter and Ganon returned, Hyrule was flooded and at the end its clear the European setting is supposed to be forgotten.

      Thankfully that game wasnt comercially succesful and we got Twilight Princess, but of course SS had to come and retcon the original Hyrule genesis to be something of a female god against a male god or whatever, now we got a baphamet marrying and eve like character... thanks aonuma.

      • 1 year ago

        Aonuma is based, if it wasn't for him we wouldn't have had TP.

      • 1 year ago

        Wait he directed MM? How he could go from that to WW and ToTK?

        • 1 year ago

          He didn't, the guy who directed MM was Koizumi, the current people directing the series are Aonuma and... I think it's Fujibayashi, the guy who worked with Capcom on the Oracle games and then did SS.

        • 1 year ago

          He co directed MM, if you read any behind the scenes stuff you'll see that koizumi really did most the work that made that game iconic. The time mechanic and all of clock town are his ideas, while aonuma did the dungeon designs.

          • 1 year ago

            >aonuma did the dungeon designs
            I guess this means their theme/aesthetics because the ones in ToTK were style over substance.

      • 1 year ago

        Aonuma hated MM and had little to do with it. Koizumi was still in charge back then. Aonuma took control and started really fricking things up with WW.

      • 1 year ago

        I never get tired of reading "Guy who only likes the America-pandering Zelda games seethes about the rest of the series" posts.

  6. 1 year ago

    It's called Legend of Zelda not Legend of Triangle Things

    • 1 year ago

      Why is it called the legend of Zelda when Zelda is never there at all

      • 1 year ago

        You play as Zelda in every game retaed

  7. 1 year ago

    triforce is like the crystals in final fantasy, it only gets referenced sometimes

  8. 1 year ago

    BOTW and TOTK are shit. here's why
    >no great soundtracks, just ambient piano farts
    >no themed dungeons, just shrines
    >no good combat, weapons just break and you have to continually replace them because that's fun
    >no good story, told in piecemeal out of place to try and be different
    >VA but it's terrible
    >no fun overworld to explore
    >no key items
    >no replayability
    >no green tunic
    >no magic meter
    >no hookshot

    • 1 year ago

      OOT is 32 MB and has more content and replayability than this garbage

      • 1 year ago

        OoT has actual copypasted caves.

        • 1 year ago

          atleast it has the most unique dungeons in the entire series, each with their own assets and enemies. botw had 2 dungeons copypasted 100 times.

          • 1 year ago

            TP has better dungeons than OoT

        • 1 year ago

          Don’t talk about copypasted content when defending the new games

      • 1 year ago

        I'd agree if I was 10 years old, but I bet my ass that you don't even have 100 hours in OOT in all of your collective save files.

        • 1 year ago

          Indeed, because I finished it and moved on. Just because nu-zelda has a bunch of toys for autists and adhd to endlessly play with doesn't mean its good.

          • 1 year ago

            >OOT has more replayability
            >You didn't put more time in OOT than in BOTW
            >WELL OF COURSE I DIDN'T, DUH!
            You make it too easy.

            • 1 year ago

              What do you think the "re" in "replayability" means?

        • 1 year ago

          That's a poor argument because the intention of open world games is to needlessly draw out play time. I probably do have 100 hours in Ocarina by this point, but that speaks to the fact that it's good enough to want to replay, a factor sorely missing in BotW and TotK. If I ever replay Breath I'll beat it in 20% of the time since I'll only play the good parts.

      • 1 year ago

        As someone who glorifies and prefers N64 Zelda, that's just bullshit. There's enough depth where you can just live in BotW/TotK, something I dreamed I could do in MM.

        • 1 year ago

          I *block pushing puzzle* love *block pushing puzzle* OoT!

          You homosexuals are really pushing it to try and come up with an argument against the modern games.

          No. He’s right. BotW and TotK are overrated and empty zoomerslop that only get sucked off as hard as they are just because they’re Zelda games. They’re fricking garbage and Ocarina of Time is still the best Zelda game ever made.

          • 1 year ago

            >iPhoneposter has shit opinions

            OOT gets mogged on by Majora's Mask btw, sit down boomer

      • 1 year ago

        I *block pushing puzzle* love *block pushing puzzle* OoT!

      • 1 year ago

        You homosexuals are really pushing it to try and come up with an argument against the modern games.

    • 1 year ago

      >No taste
      >TOTK has dungeons, although I agree that they suck aesthetically
      >Fuse mechanic in TOTK allows you to create tons of different combinations with different effects which allows you to have variety in your arsenal. The problem with durability is that you have no repair options and that weapons break too quickly to justify the player actually seeing all of the different swords and spears they've made in the game.
      >"No good combat" That's an opinion. The philosophy behind the combat system in the game is to allow the player to approach combat creatively and environmentally instead of linearly. Literally a creativity issue
      >Story is very slow burn and fits the pace of the game, It is far from the best story in the series, I agree
      >VA is alright except for Zelda
      >Overworld is nothing but exploration. What the frick is this complaint?
      >Glider, Ipad, Battery cells, Master Sword
      >95% of BOTW/TOTK players have put over 100 hours in the game
      >There are several green tunics in both games
      >Completely pointless in the context of those games
      Hookshot wasn't anything more than a stylish gimmick. With wall climbing abilities, a glider and the abity to literally build planes, what good would the hookshot be other than to just stfu autists like you.

      I don't even know why I waste my time, you gays are shitting on the FOTM even though you don't play them.

      • 1 year ago

        The music is shit
        >TOTK has dungeons,
        No. It's just the divine beasts again.
        >Fuse mechanic in TOTK allows you to create tons of different combinations with different effects
        It doesn't "allow" you to anything. It's mandatory to do decent damage, and it makes all your weapons look like shit. They also don't give you new weapon animations, it's the same weapon, but now it's uglier and has a bigger number. The elemental weapon effects don't matter except for freezing enemies. Fusing arrows is varied and cool, and so naturally arrows are the only fricking thing link can't craft, to make sure you can't have too much fun.
        >"No good combat" That's an opinion.
        A correct opinion. There are 4 weapon movesets and only 2 of them are good. There are only 3 or 4 enemies in the entire game which are anything other than punching bags. Flurry rush is OP and gets boring very fast.
        >Story is very slow burn and fits the pace of the game,
        A game where 90% of the dev time went into implementing free form weaponized vehicles should not be a slow burn. It should be a high intensity romp.
        >Overworld is nothing but exploration
        There's almost nothing interesting in it. It's 97% copy pasted enemies camps, copy pasted shrines, and copy pasted korok "puzzles". The depths have even less variety.
        >Glider, Ipad, Battery cells, Master Sword
        The glider is good, but your UI is not a fricking key item, batteries should not be in the game (your machines should just fricking work and not turn off or break for no reason or despawn), and the master sword is just a weapon, you don't even need it to finish the game.
        >95% of BOTW/TOTK players have put over 100 hours in the game
        Lots of people have put over 100 hours into minecraft. The willingness of people to grind repetitive bullshit is not novel content.
        Yes homosexual, where is my hookshot? These games would be far more fun with even just one hookshot, they feel like they were BUILT for the hookshot. WHERE IS IT?

        • 1 year ago

          >describing Minecraft as "repetitive bullshit"
          Lighten up, Minecraft is easily in the running for the best game of all time. totk is fun and has a lot of cool shit you can do. Stop caring about how popular something is and try to relax. Yeah there are some issues with the game and it is definitely overhyped, but saying things are "shit" this and "shit" that just makes you sound like a sperg.

          • 1 year ago

            >Minecraft is easily in the running for the best game of all time.
            I've spent a lot of time in minecraft, and no, it fricking isn't. It's deeply flawed in many ways, and was severely lacking in variety until a couple of semi-recent updates. There's only one really impressive thing about it: that the entire game world is both completely malleable and these changes are persistent.

            TOTK doesn't even have that going for it. Even your dumbass car disappears into the aether if you commit the sin of going through a loading zone.

        • 1 year ago

          The depths are epic, they have you using all your stamina to climb massive mountains and extremely difficult enemies.
          Just what I was looking for in a world. I felt like there wasn't enough climbing in botw

          • 1 year ago

            Can you actually climb around those gigantic walls? I was searching around and was stopped by a rocky wall and was curious if you could.
            The depths are spooky to me since I fear those hands will pop up in the sheer darkness and I saw that there is also this weird Hinox/Talus hybrid.

            • 1 year ago

              Yeah I finally have a reason to use all my stamina potions and meals
              If you fly off them you could end up going deep into some canyon though, I find it to be an awesome adventure traversing through the depths and if I get bored it's straight up to the sky, then the earth. Massive difference in gameplay with just a single warp
              Can't believe they added treasure charts back in, one of my favorite aspects of WW. I still haven't found it because it's under death mountain and I nearly got burned alive

          • 1 year ago

            The overworld being copy pasted was a dumb argument. The depths being copy pasted was true though. One unique enemy, some frog thing that dies in one hit, a flower and mushroom, and a bug. That's all there was. I guess there was the frox, that was kind of cool. But it would've been better with a unique race and a settlement or two. Some more wildlife, a different enviroment.

            • 1 year ago

              There's stalhinox and probably more than that. Not everything needs to be an epic boss battle
              I can barely do any damage against regular enemies as it is
              Finding lightroots and barely surviving while collecting poes and climbing or building Zonai devices is fun

              • 1 year ago

                Salhinox isn't even new to TOTK. And nobody is asking for super hardcore enemies, the base game ones get bloated enough as is, but just more fricking variety. There are more unique enemy types in link to the past then there are in tears of the kingdom.

              • 1 year ago

                Tbh I do miss the bubbles and stalfos and dinalfos but maybe it's a hardware issue?
                They should have included nearly every enemy from every game but maybe they couldn't.
                It is enough of a challenge to fight lightning chus, lightning keese and beefed up bokoblins and it's fun though. Maybe that's all they wanted was to add a few enemies to spice things up before you get back to exploring

              • 1 year ago

                There's stalhinox on the surface. It was a nice added challenge. I just wish they were a little more creative. If you have an entire world like that in isolation, you'd at least expect it to be inhabited by a different intelligent race.

              • 1 year ago

                The depths are hell, there is nothing good in hell

        • 1 year ago

          Ascend and ultrahand are more useful and provide more utitlity than any hookshot with its obvious fricking targets and rare pieces of wood to grapple to. Hookshot is merely a puzzle key take off your rose glasses.

          • 1 year ago

            I hate ultrahand; using it is so cumbersome and it accounts for 80% of all the game’s “puzzles”

            • 1 year ago

              >He doesn't know the power of ultrahand+ascend to circumvent puzzles

              • 1 year ago

                Why would I want to do something boring to subvert puzzles which are supposed to be a main draw of the game.
                >figure this out oh but you don’t have to, just build a scaffold instead
                Fire temple was full of that, it would have been a pretty good dungeon if you have to interact with the mechanics and puzzles instead of being able to subvert them all.

              • 1 year ago

                I haven't gotten to the Fire Temple but the whole point of this game is figuring your own way out, like inverting that stupid ball puzzle in BotW but now for every puzzle. It's not boring at all, it's satisfying to cheat the game legally. There are no right solutions and end justifies the means.

              • 1 year ago

                No it is boring, especially in totk. There is almost always an apparent cheese solution like move a plank of wood to where you need to go, put it on the ground and stand on it then use recall to go where you need. That’s an easy all-purpose cheese method and it makes solving things legit unnecessary and unsatisfying. I never went outside the boundary of the mazes on the back of cereal boxes because i would rather engage with what was supposed to be done. If there’s something obvious to subvert a puzzle it shouldn’t be in the game because what’s the point?

          • 1 year ago

            Fapping hand blows. I want a quick item, not something I have to push and pull and turn just to stick shit together. That's moronic.

            • 1 year ago

              Takes like two seconds to build something awesome and steampunk
              It's Fallout 2 all over again

              • 1 year ago

                I don't want it. It's stupid. It's tedious. It's not Zelda. It's for broccoli headed zoomers who want minecraft instead of a dungeon crawler.

              • 1 year ago

                It's got massive dungeons now
                It's Skyrim/FallOut

              • 1 year ago

                It took me fifteen minutes to beat the desert dungeon. Massive my ass.

            • 1 year ago

              So not like the Hookshot then, which requires you to jiggle around your view to hit the sweet spot and adjust your position five times because you are one pixel too far away from the obvious """puzzle solution."""

              • 1 year ago

                >movement and camera tech has not progressed since 1998

              • 1 year ago

                Hookshot might control better for sure if it was in TotK, but it is redundant because you can glide and climb already. Ascend is the Hookshot replacement, and it is used in far more interesting ways than the fricking Hookshot ever was.

              • 1 year ago

                Hookshot would be much better if they just let it attach to anything. But nintendo is moronic and would have insisted on only letting it work on specific targets, just like they're moronic for including weapon durability and machine batteries and parts breaking on their own for no reason

              • 1 year ago

                Ascend only lets you travel up. Glide only lets you bridge gaps that are below where you currently are. Hookshot has always allowed you to hook to things diagonaly above and horizontal to you. There is considerable utility to be had in TotK with the hookshot.

              • 1 year ago

                As opposed to cycling through a menu to select the ability, push button to grab object which may or may not be in your range, turn it, hoping it connects to the right spot, for a car you might use for five seconds until the terrain no longer allows it? Fricking dumb mechanic.

          • 1 year ago

            >than any hookshot with its obvious fricking targets and rare pieces of wood to grapple to.
            So make it work on anything then

            • 1 year ago

              Ascend is the new hookshot. I might miss it a little but I'm not butthurt and filtered by the lack of it.

              • 1 year ago

                I hate Ascend because I need to get under something that's not too high up to use it at all, and I can only go up. I much prefer a hookshot, which can move vertically, horizontally, and diagonally, or even bringing back Revali's Gale (which let you move up ANYWHERE.)

              • 1 year ago

                You have roughly 10 options available to you at all times that do the exact same thing Revali’s Gale did.

              • 1 year ago

                I hate Ascend because I need to get under something that's not too high up to use it at all, and I can only go up. I much prefer a hookshot, which can move vertically, horizontally, and diagonally, or even bringing back Revali's Gale (which let you move up ANYWHERE.)

                tbh they should've let Link use earthwake to make a tiny updraft. I was expecting that to work, but not be as powerful as anything consumable

              • 1 year ago

                earthwake is cool but I'm pissed they didn't let you just have the ability to punch enemies when you have no weapons equipped

              • 1 year ago

                All of those options require a limited resource I need to farm. Like rocket shields require a limited resource (Rocket devices) which cost a currency (zonai charges) which I need to purchase using another limited resource (zoanite ore) which I have to farm. This means I am severely limited in how and when I can use it, unlike Revali's Gale that I could spam on cooldown.

              • 1 year ago

                just dupe them

              • 1 year ago

                The latest patch removed duping.

              • 1 year ago

                >patching single player games

              • 1 year ago

                I swear Nintendo is the fun police even when they’re desperately trying to make you make your own fun.

              • 1 year ago

                lol, just run the lynel colosseum every blood moon
                you'll max out your battery before you know it
                while also farming valuable weapon materials and high value items you can sell for rupees

              • 1 year ago

                Or you could tell nintendo to go frick themselves and just emulate it and turn on infinite battery
                Or just play a game that actually respects your fricking time

              • 1 year ago

                There are plenty of chests that contain the items you need to upgrade your battery in the depths. Was nintendo the fun police for not giving you the double magic meter in alttp immediately? What about in mm where you had to earn the ability to buy chateau romani?

              • 1 year ago

                No, because in those games, magic wasn't tied your basic mobility. If LTTP's pegasus boots, for example, used magic meter, that would be anti-fun. The remake of Majora's Mask actually DID cause proper Zora swimming to cost magic, and guess what, the game is a lot fricking worse for it. Arbitrary fun police bullshit, that doesn't make the game more challenging, just fricking slower and grindier.

              • 1 year ago

                You can get devices from the gachas using the charges and parts from the Zonai enemies you beat. Being able to have either a rocket or spring ready, and more importantly them not being on a cooldown is better to me. Once you get autobuild, the rocket platform build only costs 15 ore, and you can even make a different version without the battery for a cheaper cost. It even has the benefit of letting you stand which none of the other mentioned methods have.
                Ignoring Zonai devices, you have pinecones which are extremely plentiful. There’s also bomb jumping, it doesn’t go as high but bomb flowers are easy to come by. You can also ascend through a log you cut and recalled to keep it in the air. A limitation of materials is much better than being told to go stand around for 6 minutes.

              • 1 year ago

                >You can get devices from the gachas using the charges and parts from the Zonai enemies you beat
                Aka from farming enemies.
                >15 ore
                Which I have to farm.
                You have to build a fire. Best case scenario, you need fire fruit, which you have to farm. Worst case scenario, you need wood and flint, which you have to farm and then set up first.
                >Bomb jumping
                Bomb flowers must be farmed.

              • 1 year ago

                I’ve got 150 hours so far and never had to sit down and farm any of those materials, I just got them by playing the game.

        • 1 year ago

          some of the fusions are pretty niche/unique though, it isn't just damage goes up
          bomb fused shield gives you a quick burst of mobility if you shield surf on it
          rocket fused shield gives you a free instant revalis
          ice dragon scale shield freezes enemies you parry
          light dragon claw weaponry gives you lifesteal
          wing shield gives you extra shield surf jump height
          I could go on, too. There aren't a ton of different effects but to say it's purely a damage number or generic elemental effect on hit is disingenuous

      • 1 year ago

        >defending the lack of hookshot
        Tendies deserve the rope

        • 1 year ago

          Where the frick would you use the hookshot? It’s literally pointless in BotW and TotK

          • 1 year ago

            Name one thing the hookshot would be useful for that ascend or ultrahand don't already do

            Hookshot, especially double hookshot, would be the best and most fun way to navigate vertical environments. Ascend in particular is such a fricking moronic and lazy solution, and going through what looks like a loading screen to go up 30 feet is moronic and SO fricking slow.

          • 1 year ago

            >climbing a wall
            >it's raining
            >hookshot to the top
            There's your utility

            Name one thing the hookshot would be useful for that ascend or ultrahand don't already do

            Name one case where playing the game would be useful when you can rush the ganon the moment you reach hyrule

            • 1 year ago

              >It's not raining
              >Frick climbing I'm gonna use the hookshot

              • 1 year ago

                Yeah actually. Frick climbing. You wouldn't rather be able to spiderman around the environment?

              • 1 year ago

                Nah not anymore. Climbing is based and Redpilled and I've done it in real life.
                Chad activity
                If I want to "spiderman" I'll just play OOTR and continue waiting until a GOOD TPR comes out.
                In Windwaker you're not really "spidermanning" about and WW is the closest to botw and totk in terms of open world exploration

              • 1 year ago

                In wind waker you have a boat that's fast as frick and can just take you anywhere immediately upon gaining the ability to change the direction of the wind. Climbing is slow and shitty and boring. Rock climbing even sucks in real life. A dumbass sport that destroys your fingers, for people who want to feel more extreme than hikers but are too pussy to do proper mountaineering.

              • 1 year ago

                Climbing is twice as dangerous as mountaineering
                It's not a dumbass sport and if you're too pussy to climb to the top you can just boulder and get stronger that way.
                It's not boring in the game it's epic as Link reaches the top of massive mountains at a decent pace.
                Get the full set of climbing gear and speed elixirs if you're really that impatient

              • 1 year ago

                >Climbing is twice as dangerous as mountaineering
                Correct. Though whether it's because the sport is actually more dangerous or because the people who do it are all morons is up for interpretation. Probably a mix.
                >you can just boulder and get stronger that way.
                Or you could just do compound weight lifting

              • 1 year ago

                Yeah weightlifting is good for strength but rock climbing is good for endurance

              • 1 year ago

                You talk like a gay and your shit's all moronic.

              • 1 year ago

                You're a troonjak who hates real life

              • 1 year ago

                >le bassed and replied and our le chad
                If your father hadn't left and caught you talking like that he'd smack you across the face. Fricking fat moron.

              • 1 year ago

                >Fricking f-ACK

              • 1 year ago

                >Link is allowed in Gerudo Town because xe's non-binary
                Debate me.

              • 1 year ago

                He fricked Riju RAW
                That's why

              • 1 year ago

                The best part of BotW was using Revali's Gale to briefly skip another boring climb.

              • 1 year ago

                I only used it to fly farther.
                Collecting/using/upgrading the climbing gear was based AF
                Finding the great fairies while traveling and using your items to upgrade gear you just so happened to find in your travels was kino
                Unlimited stamina jumps are based asf

        • 1 year ago

          Name one thing the hookshot would be useful for that ascend or ultrahand don't already do

          • 1 year ago

            it's funny that the modern nintendo devs are as creative as the max level brainlets on Ganker. imagine not being able to think of cool things to do with the fricking hookshot

        • 1 year ago


          • 1 year ago


            • 1 year ago

              You want it? It's yours my friend!

              • 1 year ago

                I cased over the moon

              • 1 year ago

                As long as you have enough rubies!

    • 1 year ago

      >>no great soundtracks, just ambient piano farts
      >>no themed dungeons, just shrines
      >>no good combat, weapons just break and you have to continually replace them because that's fun
      >>no good story, told in piecemeal out of place to try and be different
      >>no fun overworld to explore
      >>no key items
      >>no replayability
      >>no green tunic
      >>no magic meter
      All wrong.

    • 1 year ago

      How can I tell you've not actually played the game and just watched some twitch streamer. I mean the game has legitimate flaws but yours are such nonissues or flat out wrong

      • 1 year ago

        So you're telling me BotW and TotK has a hookshot?!

    • 1 year ago

      > using the word "farts" in place of an articulate description

      Opinion in the trash

    • 1 year ago

      They hated him for speaking the truth.

    • 1 year ago

      >>no great soundtracks, just ambient piano farts
      Still don't understand this. Genshin showed you can have botw with actual orchestral compositions playing in the background and not le ambience.

    • 1 year ago

      >VA but it's terrible
      If you are purposely playing with english dub, you have no one to blame but yourself.

      • 1 year ago

        botw is best played with a French dub while not understanding French.

    • 1 year ago

      Hookshot will appear in BotW 3 when they add Just Cause mechanics

      • 1 year ago

        what are just cause mechanics? i only recall parachute shenanigans.

      • 1 year ago

        They can't add just cause mechanics because those games are actually fun

    • 1 year ago

      I HATE weapon durability in all games. I modded that shit right out of my Morrowind, Oblivion and Fallout NV playthroughs.

    • 1 year ago

      >>no magic meter
      how is that a bad thing lmao

    • 1 year ago

      >Wrong, Piano is way less prevalent in TotK
      >Wrong, dungeons are way more themed in TotK
      >Opinion, (That's wrong)
      >Opinion, stories just as good or bad as other Zelda games
      >Opinion, and you homosexuals will never like dubs anyway.
      >Wrong, the main ones are given to you at the start and you find the rest later in the world.
      >Debatable, more replayability than the other Zelda games.
      >Wrong, you can find it in the depths.
      >Wrong, it's been worked into the batteries
      >Correct, but there's other ways to get around besides the Hookshot that are more fun than just a point and click.

      How did you frick up that bad? At least play TotK before shitting on it

  9. 1 year ago

    But you have so many other shapes now!

  10. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago


  11. 1 year ago

    what's that? can I glue it to my stick?

    • 1 year ago

      >glue triforce to stick
      >hit 4 bad guys
      >triforce breaks
      uh oh

  12. 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      I love him so fricking much.

  13. 1 year ago

    oh look

    snoythe thread #4313

  14. 1 year ago

    is this the Zelda Zohar?

    • 1 year ago

      Maybe they dropped it because of Xenoblade's Zohar

  15. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago


  16. 1 year ago

    They can't find artists capable of making them anymore.

  17. 1 year ago

    I don't really mind Zelda games not boiling down to the Triforce as an artifact, since in reality the triforce is Link, Zelda and Ganon. The triangles are just a plot contrivance for unlimited power.

    I do however mind that they could not come up with a better name than Secret Stones. Ironically probably a case of localizers not getting creative and just translating something literally that sounds cooler in Nip.

    • 1 year ago

      Even just calling them Sacred Stones would have been better.

      • 1 year ago

        Picrel is probably why treehouse went with secret instead of sacred.
        Absolute clowns.

      • 1 year ago

        Blame Fire Emblem. I was unironically calling them Sacred Stones for most of the playthrough, even after realising they were called "Secret Stones". It even works as a literal description:

        >sacred, adjective: "connected with God or a god or dedicated to a religious purpose"
        >repeatedly told that the Zonai are descended from the heavens/worshipped as Gods
        >their stones are a protected artifact only bestowed upon sages who take a vow to guard them

        Everything about them is Sacred, and it rolls off the tongue a lot better. The only reason I can imagine for them being called Secret Stones instead is because of Fire Emblem copywright issues.

    • 1 year ago

      In Japan they are Magatama and their inclusion in Zelda is really odd because it clashes with the more Western Fantasy of the Legend of Zelda. Like Magatama are REALLY Japanese. Like a Japanese seeing said stones would know right away what it is without being explained.

      • 1 year ago

        I think it's because of the story that amaterasu created deities by scattering pieces of magatama all over the place

      • 1 year ago

        >western fantasy
        >Triforce is literally the crest of an old japanese lineage

        • 1 year ago

          >western fantasy
          western religions are monotheistic
          Zelda is polytheistic

          • 1 year ago

            Anon please you explain to me the origin of Epona's name?

            • 1 year ago

              I get your point but comparing a horse to more important aspects of the world is kinda bonkers anon

              • 1 year ago

                >more important aspects of the world
                And I'm saying that from the beginning of the franchise Zelda has been a distinctly European fantasy setting with an emphasis on British mythology until Fujiabyashi took over the director role with SS and forced in a bunch of Shinto-Buddhist concepts that clash heavily with the setting overwriting previously established lore to do so.

          • 1 year ago

            There's more western religions than just abrahamic ones

            • 1 year ago

              The gay ones.

            • 1 year ago

              And even abrahamis started as polytheistic. Yahweh was a caananite god of war but his ~~*worshippers*~~ got uppity and began to conquer everyone else and retcon their cosmology.

              • 1 year ago

                Ancient israeli religions were more Henotheistic.

              • 1 year ago

                before that they were polytheistic

              • 1 year ago

                This is so blatantly wrong it's hard to want to address.

        • 1 year ago

          The original Triforce was just three separate Triangles it was Link to the Past that used the Japanese Family crest which btw its an inverted one. In the original the Symbol for Hyrule was a Cross because it was a western fantasy.

          • 1 year ago

            Also gotta add that in a Link to the Past the religion wasn't the Goddess cult but Christianity. This is an artwork of Link to the Past from a Japanese manual or guide don't remember.

        • 1 year ago

          It's a reference to the Catholic trinity.....

      • 1 year ago

        So basically they could have called it anything. Should have been Godstone or Godseed or something like that

        • 1 year ago

          Yes. Godstones or even Sacred Stones would have worked for a better translation. Magatama have a connection with Amaterasu in Japanese mythology so the idea is that the Zonai Magatama meant they had the Power of the Gods. Keep in mind the Zonai were seen by some to be Gods so for the Japanese audience it would be akin for us to have the Sages have Crosses. Not the same but similar idea. TotK development team used a symbol that's sacred to the Japanese and they didn't need to explain much in game what they meant but the localization team fumbled it by calling it Secret Stones and not giving the right context to them. I do wanna know if anyone played the Japanese original what was the term used? I suspect they were simply called Magatama but I could be wrong.

      • 1 year ago

        Zelda was always Japanese, as is every time Japs do a take on European Fantasy.

      • 1 year ago

        >In Japan they are Magatama
        I played the game with japanese voices and i could swear that they call them kiseki (miracle) something (probably stone)

        • 1 year ago

          It's basically Jap visual shorthand for ancient magic stone

          • 1 year ago

            I know what a magatama is. What i mean is that i don't remember them ever saying that word.

        • 1 year ago

          Same. They use the word kiseki for the stones.
          I know "seki" means "stone". I assume "ki" is like dragonball ki. Spiritual energy or whatever.

    • 1 year ago

      >in reality the triforce is Link, Zelda and Ganon
      No I'm pretty sure the Triforce is the Triforce.

    • 1 year ago

      It's too important to appear in every game.

      They used Magatama to cement in the point that the stones make them gods (kami) and those guys are the god tribe from SS and also that the sages' powers are godlike (kami).
      Always count on NoA to frick it up in translation.

      Somehow, this is all Hylia's fault.

      The game is at the end of the timeline that had most frickery being done with the Triforce. It was wise to seal it away. It's not her fault.

      I feel like WW was the last time it had any real significance. In TP it's there but doesn't do anything, I don't remember it being in SS.

      In SS it's used to one shot the BBEG in one timeline.

      The secret stones are more powerful than the triforce anyway

      This is one of the things up to debate. It was always questionable why Ganon didn't wish himself free to enter Hyrule in ALttP. The powers are different. The stones appear to be way more convenient to use.

      You collect it and use it in SS and it appears on Zelda's hand when she seals Calamity Ganon in BotW. TotK has its own set of McGuffins so it would've been redundant.

      If there's anything that got ignored by recent games, it's not the Triforce itself but the three golden goddesses. They're always just vaguely referred to as the old gods while Hylia is considered the most important one.

      The 3 are the gods (biblical) of the "gods" (kami). They are untouchable and quite literally unreachable. "Gods" and demons might fight quarrel and fight each other but the 3 are above everything.

      Hylia gave up her immortality so that she could more effectively keep the people of the world safe. The Golden Goddesses only ever show up to punish people who rightfully won conflicts and might have established a new, non-Hylian government, like fricking over the Twili or fricking over Ganondorf.

      Slander. Who did they punish?

    • 1 year ago

      Secret stone is a direct translation of the Japanese term but it's one word there and sounds a little cooler.

      • 1 year ago

        They should've just fricking called them Magatama. That's it. Magatama.

        • 1 year ago

          my bento box is very sugoi

  18. 1 year ago

    Aonuma can't triforce

  19. 1 year ago

    but you still see it in lots of places, for example engraved on master sword and many shields

  20. 1 year ago

    It's Joever.

  21. 1 year ago

    why doesn't zelda have any interesting lore expansion in the form of books or documents like elder scrolls games? i wanna learn about the octorock genocide.

    • 1 year ago

      >octorock genocide

    • 1 year ago

      Because then they'd need to pay actual writers.

      The slop that TotK counts as writing is embarassing. Literally makes you watch the SAME ten minute cutscene every time you defeat a boss with slightly altered wording and different VAs.

      Great game though.

      • 1 year ago

        i really wanna dive into the world though. things like that made tes games interesting to me. i still haven't found a way to replicate the experience anywhere else. learning and growing your insight by researching about a ruin, going there, finding stuff. doom 3 did it with the logs, you could get some insight on how people experienced their own misfortunes and their disposition for survival. nothing is like that in a zelda game. it has the npcs themselves saying everything which is great, but you are left with just being on the ride, not exploring and finding your own takes on what's happening. it's just told to you.

        elden ring did the same thing but it gave some depth through items and their little scrawled info, but it's nowhere near as fast as a book on the red eagle, or the legends of an event that shaped your own existence. let me build my own path dammit.

      • 1 year ago

        It is pretty bad lol. Everything is amazing and then the story is like the guy who normally writes Toad dialogue in Mario watched two animes and put the plot together during his lunch break

  22. 1 year ago

    Somehow, this is all Hylia's fault.

  23. 1 year ago

    Delete green tunic
    Delete triforce
    Delete dungeons
    Delete milk waifus
    Delete fun

    • 1 year ago

      An Aonuma experience in a nutshell.

      Why does he hates Zelda so much?

      • 1 year ago

        I don't think he hates it, he just doesn't understand it.
        He was basically handed the series as a default, because the more qualified people either moved up management positions or went to mario.

        • 1 year ago

          How can he not understand it. The time between Zelda before Anouma took the reigns is fewer years than after.
          Anouma is the majority of the Zelda series. He is the one the defines it.

          • 1 year ago

            His games besides Majoras Mask (which he says was a mistake) are bad and he constantly says stupid shit about the series like ‘OoT is restricting’ and somehow TotK wasn’t even thought it followed exactly the same structure as the previous game and even recycled it’s world.
            The worst thing about nuZelda is that you have to comb the giant overworld for scraps of content instead of having a big hit like the good games. You never get a good hit anymore, you’re always still hungry

          • 1 year ago

            Aonuma understands that people enjoyed "freedom" in the Zelda games, but does not understand how the games before he took complete control created a feeling of freedom in areas where the player didn't actually have freedom.
            This is what's wrong with Aonuma: He only understands what is actually present in the game world, what is on screen. That's why his dungeons are so simple, that's why his puzzles are so simple, that's why he's addicted to everything coming in bite-size chunks, that's why he views the OoT format only in terms of how it is restrictive and not in how it makes people feel.
            He doesn't understand the value of symbology. He doesn't understand the value of structure.

            • 1 year ago

              His games besides Majoras Mask (which he says was a mistake) are bad and he constantly says stupid shit about the series like ‘OoT is restricting’ and somehow TotK wasn’t even thought it followed exactly the same structure as the previous game and even recycled it’s world.
              The worst thing about nuZelda is that you have to comb the giant overworld for scraps of content instead of having a big hit like the good games. You never get a good hit anymore, you’re always still hungry

              The point still stands that Zelda from 1986 to 1999, when Majora's Mask started production with Anouma in an important position. Is fewer years than 1999-2023.
              It is weird to define the Zelda series by its least amount of time, rather than what we have seen the most of in Zelda.

              It wouldn't be weird after the release of say Wind Waker, but now, 24 years after - its safe to say that what you and many others here on Ganker think Zelda is, it isn't.

              • 1 year ago

                >You think that Zelda is about what it was about when the games were unquestionably good and not when they got infinitely more confused?
                >Heh. But the series was only in its golden age for a bit over a decade!
                This isn't the "gotcha" you think it is.

              • 1 year ago

                I'm not trying to make a gotcha. I'm trying to illustrate that its weird to (and weirder and weirder) to hang on to, and claim that, in this example, Anouma doesn't know Zelda when there's more Zelda with Anouma than without him.
                If anyone knows Zelda at this point, its Anouma.

              • 1 year ago

                Aonuma still doesn't understand how to make a good Zelda game. All his successes are, quite obviously, based upon luck, even now.

              • 1 year ago
              • 1 year ago

                It's a reasonable opinion. He considers Majora's Mask, one of his best regarded works, to be a shameful failure. In the remake for the 3DS, many things were changed for the worse for absolutely no reason. It's clear he didn't understand what was appealing about the original game. He got lucky.

              • 1 year ago

                A better way of putting it is that he didn't care what a very vocal group of fans felt were what made the game appealing.
                It's his product, he understands it better than any fan.
                If developers listened to what fans on Ganker say most games would just be porn.

              • 1 year ago

                You did not play the remake and I suspect you did not even play the original game. You can't tell me that you genuinely prefer the new version of the Twinmold fight, for example.

              • 1 year ago

                You are right that I never played the original or the remake.
                I remember waiting and waiting for the 64DD when it suddenly turned to complete radio silence and tidbits of a new Zelda was beginning to surface with stuff like a Zora rock band and a timer and Tingle, and I opted out of that, like I've opted out of all of the handhelds.

              • 1 year ago

                >I opted out of a Zelda game because it was... too silly
                You missed out on undeniably one of the best Zelda games of all time.

              • 1 year ago

                >It's his product, he understands it better than any fan.
                No. That's not how it works. The developer understands what he intended to make; the fans understand what was actually made. YIIK is not actually deep just because its frickwad creator says we didn't get it.

  24. 1 year ago

    I feel like WW was the last time it had any real significance. In TP it's there but doesn't do anything, I don't remember it being in SS.

    • 1 year ago

      I haven't finished SS so Idk if it's there. Same reason with the Hylia wanking here. I have no fricking idea who said Goddess is. I only know if the creator Gods of the Triforce. No idea who the Godess statue is and what not. Like is she Zelda from SS? No clue.

  25. 1 year ago

    The secret stones are more powerful than the triforce anyway

    • 1 year ago

      No way. The Triforce has power over creation itself.

      • 1 year ago

        The triforce hasn't been able to do anything similar to what the secret stone of darkness was able to

        • 1 year ago

          The stones only unlock the wielder's potential, and Ganondorf's soul literally belongs to the magical personification of all evil in that setting. The stone didn't make him that strong, it just let him unlock his limiters.

          • 1 year ago

            Well, we know that Zelda became stronger when she got Rauru's secret stone. So we can only imagine what Ganondorf Dragmire's secret stone would do.
            Imagine if Tulin got it, maybe that's how the Oocca was created.

            Ganon literary changed the Golden Land into the Dark World with the power of the Triforce. The Triforce was able to completely sumerge old Hyrule in WW. A completed Triforce gives its user power over creation.

            Yet he couldn't take over the regular land. The golden land just became the dark land because he was not a pure soul. But the triforce was not able to save Hyrule, which it why it had to be drowned. The secret stones are the most powerful item in all of Zelda, especially the secret stone of darkness.

            • 1 year ago

              Hookshot, especially double hookshot, would be the best and most fun way to navigate vertical environments. Ascend in particular is such a fricking moronic and lazy solution, and going through what looks like a loading screen to go up 30 feet is moronic and SO fricking slow.

              >point item
              >move in perfect straight line
              >has no other utility
              Wow how fun. I'd take the fricking grappling hook over the hookshot, and I've been playing Zelda games since 1994.

            • 1 year ago

              The triforce could have saved Hyrule. Ganons wish was to do that and it would have succeeded if he was quick enough. There no reason to think the stones are more powerful when the Triforce is said to have reality altering powers and the stones just “amplify abilities”. There is no stone of darkness either, they’re all the same only the wielders are different

              • 1 year ago

                The stone of darkness Sonia's stone, and it changes when Ganondorf uses it.

              • 1 year ago

                The stones are all the same but they change for who uses them. Nothing says that Sonia’s is different to anyone else’s, it looks the same as Zelda’s which used to be Rauru’s and grants the same power.

              • 1 year ago

                In the past, Ganondorf's possession of Queen Sonia's Stone of Light brought forth an unprecedented attribute which transformed both the Stone and him

        • 1 year ago

          Ganon literary changed the Golden Land into the Dark World with the power of the Triforce. The Triforce was able to completely sumerge old Hyrule in WW. A completed Triforce gives its user power over creation.

  26. 1 year ago

    >caring about the story in a Nintendo game
    Why? Nintendo doesn't even care about it. Why should you?

    • 1 year ago

      Because I'm not going to let a corporation tell me what I want.

    • 1 year ago

      Fire Emblem fans straight up sabotaged the newest game because it had a bad story
      Tendies are closet snoys

      • 1 year ago

        Was engage bad because of NoA localizations or was the story bad in general? To be honest, 3 houses had a pretty good story for an FE so it would be tough for the next game to outdo it

        • 1 year ago

          Story was your typical fire emblem game plot where you use power of friendship to defend an evil dragon
          3Hgays were disappointed that the game wasn't divided into copypasted and unfinished routes and that you weren't allowed to groom characters like in 3H

        • 1 year ago

          It was basically a slightly better Fates in terms of story, but in exchange it was also more boring.

  27. 1 year ago

    >"Hmmm, people didn't like the durability system in BotW, maybe we can remove it now that we have the chance...."
    >Nope, weapons still break like they were made out of paper

    >"Hmmm, people didn't like the crappy minimalistic soundtrack, maybe we can hire some actual musicians this time to write some decent, memorable tracks...."
    >Nope, and don't even make new ones, just carry over 90% of the OST from the last game

    >"Hmmm, people thought the story in BotW was okay, maybe we can improve on it, maybe have Zelda around more instead of only at the end and in memory cutscenes...."
    >Nope, same story beats as BotW but with no cool giant animal laser weapons.


    • 1 year ago

      Aonuma only had to do those few things and there would've been a perfect game. But no, long stick-stick and secret stones.
      Frick me mate, shit's moronic.

      • 1 year ago

        why you don't like the secret stones? they are a better implementation than the triforces

        • 1 year ago

          No they're not. Not even close. The triforce was around at the very beginning of the series. It's older lore with much more meaning, and a lot more power. The secret stones, a fricking moronic name by the way, are more like the medallions from OoT. The instruments from Link's Awakening were better. They were at least different. The stones all look the same. The magatama is just Aonuma trying to make Zelda more japanese, and less European.

          • 1 year ago

            Most likely the triforces are so old at this point that they were probably made into the secret stones.

            • 1 year ago

              Or maybe they were melted down and turned into shoehorns and backscratchers. Head canon and speculation means nothing to me.

              • 1 year ago

                So you wanted to follow a storyline for, say your first game was the original Zelda, 37 years, that gives you the smallest of drips each 5-year-something period.
                That's kind of sad, if that was your preposition towards the series and you feel that elements shouldn't change but just gradually be "revealed" over 37 years and how many more you would have followed the series, had the triforce not been changed into the secret stones.

              • 1 year ago

                LotR is more than fifty years old and no one complains that the one ring has stayed as the mcguffin. No one is asking to change the dragon balls, or for One Piece to change the one piece treasure cuz it's old. You've had a lot of Zelda's already where it wasn't the only main power. Fused Shadows, Majoras Mask, The instruments in Link's Awakening, the Spiritual Stones. But none of them replace the Triforce, and never should. I'm fine with there being a source of power for the sages. I just think they could've named them better, and made each one more distinct. That's all. Slapping a made up character on each one that no one can draw from memory because they're not unique wasn't the best design.

    • 1 year ago

      yeah this is basically my feelings on this game
      they literally just rereleased botw, same fricking everything, and didnt even bother to fix the ACTUAL issues of the original game, just added on more lame quirks and a new terrible story.
      the game is a 70 expansion pack, its trash and eye opening to the current state of nintendo.

    • 1 year ago

      I am not much of a Zelda defender, still think it's overrated, but weapon durability is fixed with the fuse ability. Any fricking stick you can find on the ground can be a decent weapon once you start fusing horns on them.
      yeah it's light but still has some good battle music

      >"Hmmm, people thought the story in BotW was okay, maybe we can improve on it, maybe have Zelda around more instead of only at the end and in memory cutscenes...."
      >Nope, same story beats as BotW but with no cool giant animal laser weapons.
      completely agree with this one. though I like these memories better than in botw. it's like a full movie. but I wish the quest had you do them in order.

      • 1 year ago

        That doesn't fix shit. It makes it more tedious. The weapons still break after one fight. Not only do you have to find new weapons constantly, but you have to provide material to make them worth a damn. It's annoying as hell.

        • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      >ith no cool giant animal laser weapons.
      Is it just me or is there LESS variety in enemies in Zelda Tiktok?

      • 1 year ago

        No, there's definitely more than there was in BOTW.
        With the exception of guardians and the one-off Ganon Blights, TOTK has everything that BOTW had, and then adds double the amount of enemies on top of that:
        >Boss Bokoblins
        >Armoured variants of Bokoblins
        >Lil Frox

        As well as more minibosses:
        >Armoured Lynels
        >Flux Constructs
        >All four unique temple bosses that become repeatable minibosses in the depths
        >Gloom Spawns/Phantom Ganon

  28. 1 year ago

    the golden goddesses, and thus the triforce was retconned, it's now one goddess, Hylia

    • 1 year ago

      Golden goddesses still exist they just don't give a frick about Hyrule

    • 1 year ago

      The Triforce appears two times in BotW & TotK.

      In BotW we see Zelda literally use it, even if she doesn't know what it is beyond some vague transcendental power from her bloodline.

      In TotK we see a primitive-styled Triforce in the stained glass at Rauru + Sonia's place. This means they're aware it is a thing +10,000 years ago, even if they never mention it.
      The weird thing is the whole Rauru is light, Sonia is time, then their descendant more than 10,000 years later is both and has the Triforce in her.

      • 1 year ago

        >can't beat calamity ganon 100 years ago
        >ultimately loses her duel with it as link enters the room
        >can't do anything to ganondorf in the past
        >but she has the full triforce including ganon's own piece
        Okay I believe you.

        • 1 year ago

          Who knows, maybe it's some remnants of the Triforce and not the real thing. But it is an undisputable fact we see the Triforce symbol appear when Zelda nukes the calamity.

        • 1 year ago

          NuGanondorf doesn't need triforce when he has secret stone :^)

          • 1 year ago

            Every time I heard the sages say my secret stone all I heard was my ninja info cards and I can't figure out why.

  29. 1 year ago

    Does TotK have some good big dungeons or ist it just a bunch of puzzle rooms spread across the map again?

    • 1 year ago

      Same as BotW.

      • 1 year ago

        this is some really gay shit

        6+ years of dev time and they couldnt even make 1 good dungeon??

        • 1 year ago

          Worse than that anon, Hyrule Castle is far simpler as well. You’ve got an enemy gauntlet in the caves leading to Ganon and that’s it.

        • 1 year ago

          The fire dungeon feels like a half sized real dungeon for morons since it’s basically a climb to the top. If you pretends the “terminals” were keys then it could pass as a shit OoT esque dungeon

  30. 1 year ago

    I did really like that the Triforce was in Skyward Sword. I'd love to see it in BotW3 / TotK2.

  31. 1 year ago

    The triforce represented the eternal struggle between link ganon and zelda, reincarnated over and over again throughout the ages. It worked because it was heavily implied but never stated outright. Around the time of skyward sword and the hyrule historia, they explicitly stated that the three of them would be reincarnating forever, and on different timelines. When you have such explicit explanation, there is no need for a mysterious divine backstory, you can just say "it is a zelda game" and get on with designing more moronic shit like gluing logs together. Basically they fricked up by autistically explaining everything instead of leaving some things up to the imagination.

    • 1 year ago

      Except reincarnation had never featured in the series until SS. Each princess being called Zelda was established as a tradition in the Zelda II manual, every Link was a different boy who heard the call to adventure with the only connection between them being Time and Twilight's blood relation and there was only ever one Ganon present in the franchise

      • 1 year ago

        >heavily implied
        Bro. Your reading comprehension, use it.

        • 1 year ago

          I'm saying it was never implied at all

          • 1 year ago

            Uh yeah, it was. Just because you're autistic and have to have everything spelled out for you doesn't mean the magic was lost on everyone else.

  32. 1 year ago

    there will be a third BOTW/TOTK game that will have it

  33. 1 year ago

    Blame Fujibayashi for ruining the entire canon/lore

    • 1 year ago

      >writes the 'origin story' of zelda
      >it's a retcon
      >now he puts out a retcon to his own retcon
      Y'know what? I think I will.

  34. 1 year ago

    If you get all 3 pieces together do you get to make a wish or something like the dragonballs? What point do they even serve other than to exist as a macguffin that the bad guy wants to rule the world (or in wind waker to open up a shitty force field)?

    • 1 year ago

      Actually they really do finna work like the Dragonballs doe

    • 1 year ago

      >If you get all 3 pieces together do you get to make a wish or something like the dragonballs?
      Yes actually, although it's even more potent than that, because it doesn't vanish after use, you just keep it, and it continues to directly manifest your will into reality. Having the complete triforce effectively makes you a god.

  35. 1 year ago

    I like it. Triforce is for boomers ONLY. Zoomers stick with your uggo goat dragons. Thanks.

  36. 1 year ago
  37. 1 year ago

    Fish dicky.

    • 1 year ago

      what are the two eyes in the back for?

      • 1 year ago

        Those aren't eyes. They're blowholes.

        • 1 year ago

          do blowholes have pupils?

  38. 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      this kill the foward b autist

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah no one has ever said this, the inverse with TOTK on the screen is very true THOUGH

      • 1 year ago

        who are you quoting


        this kill the foward b autist

    • 1 year ago

      who are you quoting

    • 1 year ago

      Getting heckled at by your friends while you play is how video games should be enjoyed.

  39. 1 year ago


  40. 1 year ago

    It's in the elevated Hyrule castle.

    And the armors.

    And the shields.

    And the Master Sword.

    And on many of the engravings littered around Hyrule.

  41. 1 year ago

    It's because newbies can't.

  42. 1 year ago

    Didn't homies complain about having to collect the Triforce in WW and that's why they DROPPED it from the series?
    I really enjoyed collecting the triforce in WW it was a reason to visit all the islands.

  43. 1 year ago
    Suck my balls faggots

    ▲ ▲

  44. 1 year ago

    Was the Triforce in Majora's Mask? I don't think it was. It barely was in Link's Awakening, except there was a temporary power-up called "piece of power" that sort of resembled a triforce piece.

    • 1 year ago

      You mean the games that are set in another dimension, land, or a literal dream? Yes, those don't have the Triforce.

  45. 1 year ago

    are you guys legitimately moronic? zelda has the triforce, the whole thing since botw. we established this ages ago

    • 1 year ago

      she has the secret stone of light turned into the secret stone of time after she travels back in time now, if she had the triforces she could justwish herself back to the present

    • 1 year ago

      Then why did she lose to the Calamity?

    • 1 year ago

      She doesn't have the Triforce ready at hand. The royal family learned how to siphon the power of the Triforce without taking it in, which would lead to splitting it up.
      At the end of BotW Zelda (accidentally?) opened the seal to the Sacret Realm and banished Ganon there. We saw the Triforce because it's there. Zelda has no idea what she did.
      If she had the Triforce, taking it with her to the past would have been another major frickup but I think she's in the clear this time.

  46. 1 year ago


  47. 1 year ago

    Most of the games aren't even about it you pedantic homosexual

  48. 1 year ago

    >Inb4 the DLC is about Link and Zelda going to find the Triforce in the Sacred Realm.

    • 1 year ago

      Not interested unless Hylia dies.

      • 1 year ago

        And maybe by the looks of thing, maybe Dochoth on their way to Din’s Temple

  49. 1 year ago

    nu-Zelda is not Zelda

  50. 1 year ago

    >Majora's mask doesn't have triforce

    • 1 year ago

      Majora's Mask isn't in hyrule

      • 1 year ago

        Majors mask takes place in the neighbor commune to Hyrule, Terminal

        • 1 year ago

          And nobody in the that place mentions or has heard of Hyrule. It's not clear if they're even physically neighbors or if Termina is even real at all.

          Compare that to BOTW and TOTK, which are not only set in Hyrule, but include summaries of its ten thousand year history, including its founding, and the triforce is not mentioned once, by anyone, ever. It would be easy enough to say, "well it just doesn't exist in this continuity", but Nintendo insists that BOTW was a sequel and not a continuity reboot. So, where the frick is it? Did it just frick off to a better game?

    • 1 year ago

      >majora's mask takes place in another locale
      >you hear a lot about its history and the giants appear to play a similar role to the golden goddesses
      >what little triforce imagery is there isn't really discussed or explained in lore at all, but it appears to be mocking the triforce rather than exalting it

      >botw and totk take place in "hyrule"
      >we get a definitive account of the entire history of hyrule
      >triforce imagery is never once explained or discussed

    • 1 year ago

      >stone tower has blocks that look like monsters with triforces on the bottoms being licked under their asses
      >the whole thing most definitely alludes to the tower of babel with a literal big flaming frick you to the goddesses
      >the tower being flipped would make the triforces face skywards
      Pure. Unfiltered. KINO.

      • 1 year ago

        Even MM haters admit stone tower is probably the best dungeon in the franchise.

  51. 1 year ago

    >armchair morons continue to confuse level design with linear progression as if they're even remotely the same thing and not completely mutually exclusive
    Why do Zelda threads always attract the dumbest motherfrickers on the board

    • 1 year ago

      Game progression is just big level design. Your opinion is the opposite of truth

  52. 1 year ago

    Do we still not know what exactly is going on with BotW's placement on the timeline?
    >t. hasn't played TotK yet

    • 1 year ago

      It takes place at the end of all the other time lines. So in essence it is a new start that can take references from any of the other games

    • 1 year ago

      Completely separated from all other games, including SS somehow.
      The references to prior games are Hylia picking and choosing what she copies from the original timeline because she's an uncreative prostitute.

    • 1 year ago

      >Hylia makes a brand new timeline where she hand-picks what stays from the original split timeline
      >There are no more golden goddesses, the triforce is mostly just "high holy magic" iconography
      >Zelda + Link + Ganondorf is just Hylia enforcing her will, apparently
      >Rito and Zora exist side by side, though the Zora don't look anything like they used to

    • 1 year ago

      the gays that say
      >lol why do you care its just a video game who cares about the timeline nintendo never cared
      are really gay, but botw and totk's stories are so garbage that it doesn't matter and they make unironically no attempt to fit in anywhere, even at the tail end of things. the hylia statues are ugly and skyward sword lore was the worst thing to ever happen to this series

  53. 1 year ago

    don't be sad it's gone be happy it happened

  54. 1 year ago

    What does it do?

    • 1 year ago

      Makes you high af permanently

    • 1 year ago

      Gives you the power to defeat Power

      • 1 year ago

        >HEY HEY HEY

    • 1 year ago

      High endurance and instant weapon proficiency

    • 1 year ago

      Ganondorf suffering from success

    • 1 year ago

      the way i take it, the triforce of courage doesn't actually do anything for you, it's more of a proof of your courage and that you're the hero.

    • 1 year ago

      Never giving up. Basically. The power of always trying, even if you're crawling in the desert, missing two arms.

      Also some mumbo jumbo power juice, but less so than Strength (you literally rage yourself into immortality) and Wisdom (you develop random magical powers). The triforce is more conceptual, in nature, unless you have the three pieces, which you should never have. They are 100% the most powerful artifacts in the setting, but they're basically in "sleep" or "subtle" mode, most of the time.

      • 1 year ago

        The secret stones are the most powerful now

        • 1 year ago

          Not really.

          I do agree that the three goddesses being just forgotten in modern Zelda is stupid, as is the only transient appearance of the triforce.

          But the idea was always, since more or less ALttP, that the triforce is more subtle, than anything. Especially the shards. Completed, you can remake reality at will, but the shards are more conceptual, dormant in nature. They can do so impressive stuff, but more on a metaphorical level. Strength and Wisdom are slightly more obvious, but even then, it's 50/50 if they will give any advantage.

          Secret stones are just random magic items. They're good, on your face, and do exactly what you expected them to do. Not really that important, in the grand scheme of things.

          Basically, it's comparing the One Ring with a ring of fireballs. The One Ring doesn't seem that useful. The ring of fireballs allows you to cast fireballs. But they're not the same.

          • 1 year ago

            Ganondorf couldn't escape from the Dark World into the real world when he had the triforce in alttp.
            With the secret stone he was able to take over the entire of Hyrule, destroy its entire geography and open up the depths.

            • 1 year ago

              I think that speaks more to Ganondorf's ridiculous power level in the switch zeldas. He dreamed up a phantasm that nearly destroyed the entire country, and it took so little effort he wasn't even aware it happened.

            • 1 year ago

              “Take over” is a little strong, he was causing problems for the different races but he wasn’t completely in control over any of the territories

            • 1 year ago

              I think that speaks more to Ganondorf's ridiculous power level in the switch zeldas. He dreamed up a phantasm that nearly destroyed the entire country, and it took so little effort he wasn't even aware it happened.

              It makes sense that he's the strongest Ganondorf. He spawned Calamity Ganon, was implied to spawn the other Dorfs and Ganons throughout the series, beat Hyrule's founders and has a stronger Demise transformation.

              • 1 year ago

                And this is because he has the secret stone. He was never able to anything like this with the triforce

          • 1 year ago

            >I do agree that the three goddesses being just forgotten in modern Zelda is stupid, as is the only transient appearance of the triforce.
            Not only has it been 10+ thousand years after Ganondorf's sealing, it's implied Hyrule fell and was then refounded.

            That's more than enough time to forget what's basically a religion, it's more plausible than people forgetting the tri force in Wind Waker and that was already fairly realistic.

          • 1 year ago

            >Secret stones are just random magic items.
            Secret Stones are fragments of the Triforce.

    • 1 year ago

      Obscene willpower.

    • 1 year ago

      Actually the same magic powers the other two pieces have. We only have seen TP Link use it though. He instinctively used animality (like TP Ganondorf) to escape the even weirder transformation on the twilight realm.
      The pieces have the same powers but their bearers will probably end up using them according to their own inclinations

  55. 1 year ago

    Whoever has been in charge of the story since SS needs to be fired, I'm so sick of this isekai LN tier dreck.
    frick off with this Dragon Quest shit.

  56. 1 year ago

    nah it will come back in BOTW 1.3

    Ganon will be back

  57. 1 year ago

    About time. Literally fricking useless outside of being a magic McGuffin asspull (though Zelda is pretty much riddled with those) wish.
    What even is the point of them automatically going to whoever's the best at X Y or Z if they're always going to go to the same 3 reincarnated people?

  58. 1 year ago


  59. 1 year ago

    What the hell are the triforce pieces even? Gold plates?

  60. 1 year ago

    power is money
    wisdom is information/media
    courage is people

    desert man controls money, imprisons information (zelda in crystal), world turns shit, people need information (link needs help from zelda), world saved

    • 1 year ago

      >guys look how smart I am
      >t. An absolute fricking moron

      • 1 year ago

        >t. oy vey!

  61. 1 year ago

    I still see the triforce everywhere wtf are you on about?

    • 1 year ago

      Now find any mention of what the symbol is called, what it means, its history, or its power, in BOTW and TOTK.
      You can't. We have a fairly definitive account of the history of all Hyrule, in BOTW/TOTK, and we do not hear a story in which the triforce is used or even pursued once.

  62. 1 year ago

    I believe you are supposed to combine all triforce pieces together which allows you to enter into the sacred realm and wish for whatever you desire it's never really got into detail, that's about all they say, they're not really supposed to be split, they just happen to be with each Zelda game.

    The idea of the triforce has to do with the longstanding idea of divine providence which comes from western philosophy

    • 1 year ago

      Yes, the triforce's original design was relatively western, just like all the Zelda lore that Aonuma slowly tried to rip out of the series until he eventually accomplished his goal in making Hylia and Zelda his goddess-waifu-princess-girlfriend.

  63. 1 year ago

    Beyond giving ganon a one track goal, what did they do?
    >The courage triangle, but your actions and personality are unchanged with or without. Kid link was doing all the same courageous things without it as when he did with it, he was even worthy of pulling the master sword without it
    >the wisdom triangle... that genuinely doesn't do shit. At best it opens doors and lets you talk to spirits so they can grant you better magic to fight with (light arrows)
    >the power triangle that turns you into a big pig after you already lost the key battle
    >put all 3 together and you get to make a genie wish, but only if you're a goodie good good

    • 1 year ago

      False, the legend specifically explain that anyone, good or bad, can wish upon the triangle. The difference being that the wish will reflect the person's heart.
      Hence why, in ALTTP, when Ganondorf invaded the Sacred Golden Land and wished upon the Triforce, his dark geart turned the Golden Land into the Dark world and his human form into that of a boar demon.

    • 1 year ago

      The Triforce of Wisdom empowers the users mind and let's even people who can't inherently learn magic be able to do so. For example Link in Zelda 1 couldn't use Magic but after gathering the Triforce of Wisdom at the end of the game was able to use magical spells without a tool in Zelda 2.

      Triforce of Power enhances your innate strengths and let's you gives you Power to do things that seem impossible. For Ganon it enhanced his magic and turn a simple warlok into a King of Evil giving him Hylian features like changing his ears and later turning him into a Boar. In Zelda 2 the Triforce of Power gave Link the boost to his attacking power and enhanced his fighting abilities.

      The Triforce of Courage empowers the users own courage and protects them from Evil itself. This one is more subtle but someone with the Triforce of Courage will become someone who has no fear and will be empowered by the Triforce to never give up.

      • 1 year ago

        >someone with the Triforce of Courage will become someone who has no fear and will be empowered by the Triforce to never give up.
        isn't that already link though?

      • 1 year ago

        I believe the triforce is supposed to reflect your true inner self thus why Ganondorf transformed into a pig demon because he's not innately good

      • 1 year ago

        they never give any clear indication for what the triforce of courage does but I just choose to believe its shit like innate proficiency in all weapons and makes him like really good at exploring

      • 1 year ago

        Man I had never thought that the Newgame+ in Zelda 2 giving you maxxed stats from the beginning could be a result of Link now having the Triforce of power. Nice observation.

      • 1 year ago

        The Triforce of Courage protects you from Evil/curses.
        >Link didn't get fricked by getting blasted by Triforce Ganondorf's gloom in OoT, but Navi did
        >TP Link turned into a Wolf instead of a ghost inside the Twilight Veil
        >ALBW Link un-portraited himself because of the bracelet, but that could likely just have easily happened with his triforce
        Meanwhile b***h Link from TotK without sufficient courage got GLOOMED right in the arm.

        • 1 year ago

          >ALBW Link un-portraited himself because of the bracelet, but that could likely just have easily happened with his triforce
          He doesn’t get it until after he frees all the sages. I guess lore-wise the triforce is what lets him stand up to Yuga

          • 1 year ago

            >Yuga is the only villain to hijack Ganon
            >immediately forgotten
            Kinda interesting how that worked out

            • 1 year ago

              Because he wasn't interesting. People remember Hilda for being cute moron villain whereas
              is just generic cackling evil guy.

              • 1 year ago

                Hilda should’ve been playable in Hyrule Warriors instead of the other two

              • 1 year ago

                Hilda should’ve been playable in Hyrule Warriors instead of the other two

                Hilda should've leaned more into the Ojou-sama. Her laugh wasn't bad.

    • 1 year ago

      The Triforce of Courage represents Farore's gift of life to the world; might be a higher vitality...? We don't see anyone but Link use heart containers in any canonical game. They come primarily from feats of courage (killing large, scary monsters) and curiosity (hunting down pieces of heart). They might be an expression of the Triforce of Courage.
      The Triforce of Wisdom represents Nayru's gift of order to the world. Being that it's the one that always goes to the ruler of the land, or one who's destined to be, it likely gives you tactical wisdom as well as prowess in "clean" magic (no side effects, no major destructive edge, no chance of running out of control).
      The Triforce of Power represents Din's whole-cloth creation of the raw matter of the world. It gives the user raw potential for both creation and destruction. Ganondorf's feats in the first game where he definitively had the Triforce of Power were creating evil organisms, giving new form to old and dead creatures, and creating a new castle on the site where Hyrule Castle was destroyed, apparently within only a few years. Being that Ganondorf was a warlock even before acquiring the Triforce of Power, it's possible the Triforce of Power doesn't even grant magic, only empowers it.
      The wish-granting powers are poorly explained, but they always do grant your wish. They just reflect how good of a person you are.

  64. 1 year ago

    It's kind of interesting thet the Tri-Force was lost to time. BOTW and TOTK are supposed to take place in the far future of one of the timelines. It probably still exists but it goes by a different name now. Probably some history gay in that timeline that retconed the names. I do hope to see it again though.

    • 1 year ago

      Zelda uses the trifroce at the end of BOTW

    • 1 year ago

      you could even say such a thing has happened before, the "Light Force" that Zelda has in Minish Cap is probably just the Triforce of Wisdom but during that time the Triforce was either forgotten about or a heavily guarded secret

    • 1 year ago

      >BOTW and TOTK are supposed to take place in the far future of one of the timelines
      They take place in the future of ALL timelines. The three timelines somehow merged into one.

  65. 1 year ago

    Are there undecayed versions of the Zora weapons? I've only found gerudo

    • 1 year ago

      found some in the depths octorocks can fix them

    • 1 year ago

      Pristine versions of weapons will only show up in the depths if you BREAK a decayed version. If you find decayed zora weapons, make sure you break them.
      Zora weapons will show up specifically in the zora domain region of the depths.
      Protip: The shadow dudes always give the same type of weapon. A guy who gives a spear will always give spears. Saves you some time looking for the types you want.

      • 1 year ago

        That's fricking weird.
        Do I have to break one every time I want a new one?
        Also why do I keep getting traveler's swords then if I never use them, give me my royal swords.

        • 1 year ago

          No, you just have to break one of them once.
          The low tier weapons like traveler's sword is probably a default that will show up no matter what.

      • 1 year ago

        is that why I haven't found any gerudo scimmys or boulder breakers in the depths? found plenty of them in chests but always left them inside since I already had way better shit

        • 1 year ago

          Yes. I spent hours scouring for a pristine eightfold blade. Then I learned that you had to break the weapon first and I had never done that. Broke one, and found a pristine one right away. When you find a new weapon, always break it.

          • 1 year ago

            Does it count if you break them while they’re fused?

            • 1 year ago

              I know it counts if you fuse monster parts onto the weapon. Not sure if it counts if you fuse the weapon onto the master sword or whatever.

    • 1 year ago

      Are decayed weapons just low damage versions of the non-decayed ones? With lower durability?

      • 1 year ago

        Yes, Decayed weapons are just inferior versions of Pristine weapons

  66. 1 year ago

    This thing is a shitty deus ex machina and the story of the games where it was a literal physical object are the worst.
    >Sorry Ganon, but I touched it first so now Shenron will listen to my wish to sink us all under the ocean

  67. 1 year ago

    it's crazy how it took ONE GAME to absolutely ruin both the Master Sword and the Triforce

  68. 1 year ago

    Is Twilight Princess good?

    • 1 year ago

      it introduced the Oocca, which really gave a deep explanation about the Zelda universe

    • 1 year ago

      The best story in Zelda and the best combat. Since it was the last one with OoT's foundations, and they'll likely never return to it, it'll never be topped.

      • 1 year ago

        To bad the beginning is boring horseshit. The artsyle is also pretty muddy. Everything looks like it was built with Brown Bricks in Minecraft.

    • 1 year ago

      It's pretty good. A slow fricking burn though. The biggest problem is probably the awful damage scaling. There's a big emphasis on sword combat, but basically nothing can do more than a heart of damage to you, most can't even do more than half a heart. Of course you can just not pick up heart containers, but that leaves you disproportionately vulnerable to small but fast threats.

    • 1 year ago

      Sword Combat is the best, too bad there is nothing good to use it on but humanoid enemies
      god damn it, i miss it

  69. 1 year ago

    Doesn't the game use a triangle to open up the lightning temple?

  70. 1 year ago

    Is the bowed string instrument that plays the dragon theme an erhu? It sounds a bit like one but I don’t know that much about ethnic music so it could be something else

  71. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      The Triforce used to be an integral part of Zelda lore. Its creation myth was tied to the creation myth of the entire setting, and it was the lynchpin of many plots one way or another.
      Then Skyward Sword happened. Skyward Sword retconned the creation myth, made the triforce entirely subservient to other higher forces, and bafflingly, made Zelda in charge of those higher forces.
      Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom further ran with this, completely deleting the triforce's actual powers and origin from the lore and leaving it as a meaningless symbol that crops up in a bunch of places.

  72. 1 year ago

    and nothing of value was lost

  73. 1 year ago

    yeah but link is trans now and that is everything
    bing bing wahoo

  74. 1 year ago

    BotW and ToTK are set thousands of years after the other games after Hyrule has completely collapsed at least once. People don't even know exactly what the Triforce is, since by BotW Zelda has all three pieces passed on to her.
    The underlying thing is that Hyrule during BotW and ToTK is once again on the verge of complete collapse because the divine system of things has fallen out of sync. The Goddesses are gone and Hylia isn't able to fix their absence by herself since Ganon is basically on auto-pilot and keeps fricking everything up.

  75. 1 year ago

    lets not pretend that the triforce was ever important. it was ONLY EVER a macguffin. at no point has it ever come up in the game as a useable thing, it was only used to sidestep consequences in Link to the Past during the end cutscene, or as a means to seal off Hyrule a second time over in Wind Waker also during a cutscene.

    face it the triforce has yet to matter.

    • 1 year ago

      >The triforce has yet to matter except as the lynch pin for the games I'm talking about in this post

      • 1 year ago

        lynch pin?
        address my point Black person. the triforce has still not mattered in any game.

        • 1 year ago

          If the game's plot doesn't make any fricking sense without it, it does matter

          • 1 year ago

            no it doesn't, it's a macguffin, a glowing briefcase. the plot makes sense with villain want supreme power.

    • 1 year ago

      >The triforce was the driving force behind like 5 of the main games' plots, and an important plot device in all the rest
      >No it still hasn't mattered because an important macguffin is still a macguffin and a macguffin is somehow bad????

  76. 1 year ago

    Does Link even still carry the triforce symbol on his hand?

    • 1 year ago

      No, Zelda does.

    • 1 year ago

      Zelda 2 was the first game to introduce 3 triforces. In Zelda 1 there were only 2.

      • 1 year ago


        • 1 year ago

          Yeah I guess they had the same thought.

        • 1 year ago

          Yes, two magic TRIangles.

  77. 1 year ago

    Imagine caring about macguffins in Zelda because your nostalgia blinds you to your favorite game getting effortlessly surpassed in every way so you have to reach for something like this that nobody cares about.

  78. 1 year ago

    This scene along with the opening door of time scene is carved into my brain. I will never forget the epic saga that was OOT.
    Real shame they milked the ever living frick out of the formula without even being close to OOT.

  79. 1 year ago

    the next time Nintendo pretends to care about the lore and they do the cycle breaking storyline, I don't want Ganondorf to be some anti-hero, I want him to want to break to cycle because he wants to be the ultimate winner who lives forever

  80. 1 year ago

    All these dumb baboons talking shit about current Zelda but dumb Black folk can't triforce themselves

  81. 1 year ago
  82. 1 year ago

    Why would the triforce show up in Tears of the kingdom?
    Zelda used it to beat Calamitous Ganon in Breath of the Wild and no one aside from her has touched it so it hasn't had the chance to split up and find new owners yet.
    Or have we forgotten how the triforce works?

    • 1 year ago

      >have we forgotten how the triforce works
      >ignores that zelda could've just wished ganon away if she had the whole thing
      I love it when morons pretend to be smart.

      • 1 year ago

        she couldn't, because Ganon has the secret stone of darkness which is more powerful than the triforce

      • 1 year ago

        If the gods had the power to wish Ganon away they would have done that in the beginning my young cute friend the anon.
        At best they can cause a world flood to stop Ganon from destroying everything.

        • 1 year ago

          >they would have done that in the beginning
          No, they wouldn't. The Golden Goddesses don't act unless the Triforce is gathered and used by someone with a balanced heart or if there's overwhelming outcry for any form of deliverance.
          Going "but le plot wouldn't happen!" is outing yourself as not knowing how things actually work.

          • 1 year ago

            Explain Wind Waker then expert-kun.

            • 1 year ago

              Overwhelming outcry for any form of deliverance.

      • 1 year ago

        The Macguffinforce was never that powerful.

        • 1 year ago

          >getting the creator deities to do anything for you
          >uhh it's not THAT powerful
          Okay zoomer.

          • 1 year ago

            >we can do anything with the dragonballs except kill the bad guy permanently

            • 1 year ago

              >i have never played wind waker
              I accept your concession.

              • 1 year ago

                It wasn’t the triforce that killed Ganondorf, the king wished for Hyrule to flood so the new generation can have a fresh start. The master sword is what ultimately kills him.

              • 1 year ago

                >king goes on a long tangent explaining how he and ganondorf are remnants of hyrule
                >explicitly says the final drowning will include him
                >if you missed all of that, only link and tetra get escape bubbles while the king stays underwater because he's a part of hyrule while they aren't
                Ganon was fricked the moment Daphnes touched the Triforce. It's why he loses his shit and goes back on saying he wouldn't kill Link and Zelda. He's already dead, it's just a matter of whether he can achieve one final act of spite on the way out.

    • 1 year ago

      I thought the Triforce that appeared when Zelda did her thing is just a sigil that appears when the Princess magic is used

      • 1 year ago

        >a sigil that appears when the Princess magic is used

  83. 1 year ago

    is there a single zelda with good combat

    • 1 year ago

      Hyrule Warriors if you like Musous

  84. 1 year ago

    These were the true weapons to combat evil.

  85. 1 year ago

    >But I want a Ganondorf that's good!
    Literally the opposite of Ganondorf is what you want, frick off

    • 1 year ago

      I don't want a gnaondorf that's good, but I do want one that's actually a person, and isn't just destroying everything for shits and giggles

    • 1 year ago

      I want a Ganondorf who is more interesting than "I am evil and doing evil things". Not one who's completely good.

  86. 1 year ago

    Which character is worse in TotK, Ganondorf or Zelda?

    • 1 year ago

      Neither. Zelda has grown to a level of maturity that she didn't have in BotW, Ganondorf is an evil bastard who will kill anyone to achieve his ambitions. Both are good characters.

    • 1 year ago

      They suffer from the same issue, really. Too much narrative focus in a boring story. The 4 champions work better.

  87. 1 year ago

    Just like the soul.

  88. 1 year ago

    >never mattered in your path

  89. 1 year ago

    >I will now proceed to make shit up about a game I haven't played
    Why is Ganker like this?

  90. 1 year ago

    So Ganondorf is just an Agahnim for nu-Demise/the Demon King now?

    • 1 year ago

      Ganondorf is the generic humanoid form of the enemy big boss now.
      He used to be a single incarnation of the curse of the demon, but now it's clear that he's going to be multiple people from now on.
      At the very least, this Ganondorf wasn't driven nuts and fatigued by the ass-backwards logic of the gods to flood Hyrule and kill almost all of its residents to keep Ganondorf from ruling it.

  91. 1 year ago

    Considering how many inconsistencies there are in TotK I don’t buy into the whole “end result of all timelines” shit, pretty sure BotW and TotK are full on reboots, separate from any of the timelines, like Marvel movies are to the comics unironically.

  92. 1 year ago

    The triforce was practically not there in OoT, it was just the motivator for Ganondorf that he somehow doesn't get because frick it.

    Wasn't in MM either, barely in TP, and used in an incredibly stupid way in SS.

  93. 1 year ago

    >majoras mask
    >minish cap
    >links awakening
    >oracle of seasons/ages
    How come no one complained the meaningless magical maguffin wasnt in these titles?

    • 1 year ago

      It is in the Oracles but besides its absence isn’t an issue there whereas it really should be mentioned in TotK when it details the founding of Hyrule

  94. 1 year ago

    Yes, they took all spiritual significance and meaning and lore out of the game.
    Its no longer the same game. It's something which is only using set-pieces from The Legend of Zelda series.
    I cannot wait until we can instruct "AI"/automated processes to make worthy sequels.
    Don;'t get me wrong, these games are fun, but they are fanfiction more than continuations of the original, previous lore.

  95. 1 year ago

    Mad how there's Morrowind statues in the depths

  96. 1 year ago

    A shame Ganondorf being an extremely powerful mage and not just a talented warrior is never really exploited, though i understand it's because of the games limited combat systems

  97. 1 year ago

    >Fourth triforce

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