Disappointing that ORAS had this place instead of a full remake of the Battle Frontier.

Disappointing that ORAS had this place instead of a full remake of the Battle Frontier.
Gen 6's post-game battle stuff ends up seeming kind of dull when it comes after the World Tournament in B2W2, and then gets outshone in Gen 7 by the Battle Tree and the Rocket Castle.

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  1. 10 months ago

    This is my favorite egg hatching location, though. The island rotating with you was awesome

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah that was pretty neat, it took me off guard.

      I am also disappointed by the lack of character customization. I really wanted to customize May to see how she looks in different outfits and styles.

      >Can't wear the contest costume in regular play
      >Stuck looking at Brendan's stupid fish tail hat the entire game

  2. 10 months ago

    I am also disappointed by the lack of character customization. I really wanted to customize May to see how she looks in different outfits and styles.

    • 10 months ago

      The fact that Brendan and May have grey eyes in the official art/models (for contact lenses, like XY/SM) and gave them more skintight clothing (easy model swaps) were signs to me they planned customization but cut it due to time constraints. Considering all the liberties ORAS takes with the main plot and setting I don't buy for a minute that they were simply looking to keep the remakes """faithful"""

    • 10 months ago

      The fact that Brendan and May have grey eyes in the official art/models (for contact lenses, like XY/SM) and gave them more skintight clothing (easy model swaps) were signs to me they planned customization but cut it due to time constraints. Considering all the liberties ORAS takes with the main plot and setting I don't buy for a minute that they were simply looking to keep the remakes """faithful"""

      Didn't they say that character customization was added to XY just because France is associated with fashion and they had no idea people would actually want them to bring it to other regions?

      • 10 months ago

        They also said they'd never let players remove their hats because it's "iconic" to the Pokemon MC appeal. And then you could remove your hat in SM-onward. Don't believe Masuda's lies.

        • 10 months ago

          Didn't they say that character customization was added to XY just because France is associated with fashion and they had no idea people would actually want them to bring it to other regions?

          That being said, it's more likely it was never included because of ORAS's pitifully short development cycle- which came about in part due to the Pokemon Company's mandate for a new generation the following year to coincide with the series' 20th anniversary. The Hoenn remakes were churned out in less than a year and it shows.

      • 10 months ago

        They can't be that moronic, surely?

  3. 10 months ago

    >Gen 6's post-game battle stuff ends up seeming kind of dull when it comes after the World Tournament in B2W2
    I too am terrible at pokemon games, hate any challenge, and instead clap at soulless nostalgia pandering

    • 10 months ago

      It's not like Gen 6's Battle Maison is particularly challenging in the first place. It's arguably easier than the Gen 5 one, and that wasn't even super hard in the first place because of True Ant shenanigans. I'd take PWT's team building challenges or Pokestar's problem solving challenges over, what, one format that isn't completely invalidated by one of two strategies, and arguably still is? It's a real shame because Inverse Battles are great but are basically squandered in XY, and are barely more relevant in ORAS.

      • 10 months ago

        >I'd take PWT's team building challenges
        there is no team building challenge when you don't get punished for losing.

        • 10 months ago

          So you're saying there's no difference between making a number of different teams for every type while considering what Pokemon could overlap based on their two types and function in your team, and making one team that works for both doubles and triples because for some reason they enabled FEAR strats? If so, understandable. However, there's still more challenge in clearing 4 battles in a row of the type expert tournament than 300 battles in Battle Maison triples because the former at least has a chance for something to go wrong. The punishment for losing doesn't matter if it's impossible to lose.

          • 10 months ago

            >So you're saying there's no difference between making a number of different teams for every type
            Yes, because it's too easy because there's no punishment for losing.

            You can beat PWT with a fricking lazily made ingame team.

            • 10 months ago

              Alright, beat every single type expert tournament with your in game team then. You're the one who claimed this.

              >It's arguably easier than the Gen 5 one
              I get that you only play Unova game but hooooly shit lmao
              Where is PWT?

              Subway is at best the same thing except unlike the other gens there's no reward for beating it.
              Also none of you talk about the Subway because none of you played the subway and prefer PWT because its the only thing you can beat

              Yes, the doubles format of the Battle Subway is way harder than the Battle Maison equivalent because you can't cheese it with FEAR. Singles is just as fricked in both though, True Ant is a real problem that even WiFi barely addresses.

      • 10 months ago

        >It's arguably easier than the Gen 5 one
        I get that you only play Unova game but hooooly shit lmao

        I like having colorful characters to fight and places to go.

        Where is PWT?

    • 10 months ago

      I like having colorful characters to fight and places to go.

    • 10 months ago

      go play the subway gay

      • 10 months ago

        Subway is at best the same thing except unlike the other gens there's no reward for beating it.
        Also none of you talk about the Subway because none of you played the subway and prefer PWT because its the only thing you can beat

        • 10 months ago

          >Also none of you talk about the Subway
          because it's the standard battle tower clone and there's not much to say about it specifically.
          i play the subway and don't give a shit about the PWT.
          >except unlike the other gens there's no reward for beating it.
          you get medals in BW2.

  4. 10 months ago

    This place was great, best egg-hatching location there has ever been. It should have existed in addition to the Battle Frontier.

  5. 10 months ago

    egg hatching is a terrible mechanic

  6. 10 months ago

    If they had something original to the game I wouldn’t have minded the copy paste of the maison. It would’ve been kinda cool if ORAS had some Kalos stuff in addition to its own post game (at least the RS battle tower) since Kalos kinda got shafted but yeah this just felt lazy

  7. 10 months ago

    Getting this streak in Battle Maison Triples is one of the most boring and braindead things I've done in Pokemon.

  8. 10 months ago

    >that fricking rock that stops you from letting you go a complete circle without interruptions

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