
I play Quake and feel like I'm barely avoiding death, there's something behind every corner ready to frick me up before I can blink. There isn't a dull moment. Then I play Quake 2 and it's a lot of pretty slow lame enemies that just feel like annoying bullet sponges in my way. "Oh here's another shitty tank commander i have to play peekaboo with in this tiny corridor." "Oh here's another swarm of icaruses who can barely scratch me even though i'm playing on hard and i have to tediously spam with super shotgun to get out of my way." Honestly seems like a lot of devs are too moronic to even understand what they did in their good games to make them good, like they just randomly hit on a certain way of doing things that was solid and then immediately go into making shit when they roll the dice on their next attempt.

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  1. 9 months ago

    Q2 is cool

  2. 9 months ago


    >inb4 this turns out to be the moron who thinks halo is the best fps ever when it's complete shit

  3. 9 months ago

    Yes, Q2 is a lame game. John Romero left, and they didn't have anyone to replace him. Q2 is mostly known for its online play and it's much more advanced engine. The single player game is just hella lame.

  4. 9 months ago

    Redpill on me Romero. I've heard all kinds of things about him: he is a clueless hack, he is just a guy, he is a game design genius.

    • 9 months ago

      John Romero has talent but has some of the dumbest fricking ideas sometimes and whatever controls his logic is as unstable and unreliable as a drug addict.
      Daikatana had awful release, but when patched it's fun.
      Hyping up a game called "Blackroom", then releasing nothing but Doom 1 maps for 6 years? Not cool. Frick Doom 1 mods. The monster variety is garbage. It should've been at least a Doom 2 mod, and in a better world it would've had custom enemies and weapons.

    • 9 months ago

      >Talented, understands how to level design, nice vision.
      >deep background in D&D which influences his design philosophy

      >clueless on programming
      >cannot organize or decide when to cut down on features
      >bought into his own hype and let it get to his head

      Quake 2 = A Quake game without Romero led by Carmack. Great programming and engine, but boring game.

      Daikatana = A FPS led by Romero but without Carmack. Bursting at the seams with great ideas, combat ideas, levels, but programming is laughable and the whole project was horrendeously mismanaged.

      ie he needed a producer above him to tell him off, and he needed a programmer who knows how to code.

      • 9 months ago

        Not boring game.
        Quake 1 was way more boring than Quake 2.
        Quake 1 had no music to speak of aside from the intro (pissing in a pot "ambience" is not music).
        When playing on hard or nightmare you have to fight 6 million shamblers like some homosexual ass prototype cover shooter and later you get vores involved as well that shoot their bullshit homing particles.
        Quake 1 also had way less enemies on screen combared to Quake 2.
        Enemy variety is also inferior. Looks aren't everything.
        In Quake you have:
        Ogre, Fiend, Zombie, Shambler, Scragg, Vore, Spawn, Knight, and Deathknight
        Most of these are annoying bulletsponges. I only get stressed when dealing with spawns, fiends, and shamblers and shamblers are the biggest fricking bulletsponges in the game since they're resistant to explosives.
        I'm not mentioning the grunts because kys those are only used in beginning levels. Fish are also not much of an enemy.

        In Quake 2:
        various grunts, chaingun guy, spear guy, flying enemy that actually reacts instead of just saying "nah" "nah" "nah" every time it gets hit, green reptiles, mech with a railgun, mech with a rocket launcher, maintenance drone, Wall-E looking mf that has shields, sharks, medics, sexy robot b***h, tentacle monster robot, giant motherfricker on treads

        Sure, I didn't remember the names, but there were more enemies and they were more interesting to fight. I never once complained an enemy was bullshit design aside from the railgun guy. Quake 2 also of course has actual music to speak of and isn't just "find key and shove it up the door". A little more variety is involved.

      • 9 months ago

        >ie he needed a producer above him to tell him off, and he needed a programmer who knows how to code.
        hey, at least he has a black step son

  5. 9 months ago

    This is bait. have a nice day.
    Talk shit all you want about Quake 2 but
    bullet sponges isn't one of the problems.
    You have the minigun you stupid frick (and you get it pretty early on) and you have quad damage you can activate at any time.
    What fricking bulletsponge?
    You play Quake 1 and you think Quake 2 is the one with a bulletsponge problem?
    No. The answer is, you suck 100 ogre penises a day and you LOVE it and you shove their grenades up your ass.
    You are a dumb fricking contrarian and you made this post because the remaster recently came out. Frick you.

    • 9 months ago

      >ESL who lives on 3 cents a day raging over his favorite shit game actually being bad
      whoa never seen this before

      • 9 months ago

        Maybe put a fricking comma after that "whoa" before sounding like a massive hypocrite.
        And besides that, maybe I don't want to put in the effort to have the perfect punctuation and grammar to respond to some homosexual like you. Kapeesh?
        Yeah shut the frick up. b***h ass homie.

        • 9 months ago

          >no u the ESL!
          >"b***h ass homie"
          lmao, go back to your factory job now

          • 9 months ago

            Listen you little shit, I don't have to prove anything to you. You can deflect the conversation all you want. It doesn't change the fact that OP is a homosexual and that if you're not OP, you're also a homosexual too.
            If I did have a factory job, then my job is probably more real then whatever you do in your life like being some NEET slob who never got anything more than his highschool diploma in bumfrick Kansas.

            • 9 months ago

              >raging this hard on Ganker
              >"If I did have a factory job"
              >not ESL

              • 9 months ago

                Quake 1 sucks bro. It's over
                This entire thread was just to get into an argument like this because you don't have anything good to say about how bullet spongy Quake 1 enemies are.

              • 9 months ago

                The problem isn't the sponginess of Q2 enemies in and of itself. It's that they're spongey and dull as hell, presenting no threat to the player even on hard. So the experience of playing Q2 is of carrying out the same boring chore of clearing away jumbles of gay useless sponge enemies over and over until the end. In Q1 the spongey enemies don't feel like a chore to fight because taking them down is a genuine challenge on hard. Also literally no one likes Q2 but moronic autists. Cope.

    • 9 months ago

      He's right and you sound hopelessly insecure.
      I played original qtest; my first experience with full version Quake was someone uploading it to my BBS. Q2 was a disappointment. Coop didn't even work out of the box, I had to make what was essentially the game's first mod and upload it to ftp.cdrom.com for anyone to enjoy it.
      Q2 doesn't even come close to living up to Q1. Oh, it's still charming and better than much of the dreck that came after it.. but it's a definite downgrade in all aspects.

  6. 9 months ago

    You haven't beaten quake 2 and by the way you wrote about the game I'm inclined to believe you haven't even played the game. It's fine, it is different to quake 1 but literally none of the quake games are similar to any other. They are all different games with different goals in mind.
    Quake 1 is a 3D Doom
    Quake 2 is an attempt at making a more open ended shooter where levels aren't just mazes and hallways.
    Quake 3 was a multiplayer power house.
    Quake 4 was a mistake.

    • 9 months ago

      I have beaten it. And the final boss was unbelievably lame. Run around a small room with big pillars and a little underground space full of goodies (to make the fight even easier) to easily avoid all attacks from the slow moron boss who can't land a hit. Blow him up then a little gay jumps out and kill him even faster. If I'd used quad damage it would've been over in like 15 seconds. The cyberdemon from Doom is a scarier and harder enemy even after fighting a million of them. Q2 sucks.

  7. 9 months ago

    The recent Quake II remaster is an improvement, enemy behavior and stats are adjusted to make them more aggressive and threatening like the Quake I enemies. The original game was too easy though and exploration could be tedious after clearing each map of enemies.

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