Disciples 2 art style looks great, hows the gameplay and combat?

Disciples 2 art style looks great, hows the gameplay and combat?

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Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    I prefer D2 over any HoMM, but D2 is also painfully slower.

  2. 2 years ago

    Fun game, but incredibly poorly balanced and with close to zero replay value. But the first time you are playing it, it's genuinely great.

    • 2 years ago

      And before someone has a chimp-out about balance being mentioned:
      How else than unbalanced you call a game where there are clearly better and clearly inferior options for units, and you continuously have to pick which one you want to get. So in the end, you keep picking either a game-breaker or nothing at all, because the bad picks are genuinely bad

      • 2 years ago

        >where there are clearly better and clearly inferior options for units, and you continuously have to pick which one you want to get
        Such as?

        • 2 years ago

          Elementalist off the top of my head. Summoner that summons weak units in a game where your army slots are probably gonna be full. There's just no reason to pick him that I can think of when you can just get the damage wizards.

          • 2 years ago

            And that's it? That's your big complaint about the lack of meaningful choices?
            Elementalists are bad for most high-level quests, like those at the end of a saga, because most of the time players will pick the two additional Leadership abilities. That's it. It doesn't account for every other quest, like those not belonging to a saga. It doesn't account for players choosing other abilities or even not filling their main leader's party completely so it levels faster.
            And you know what's good about summoners? Summons can be excellent at soaking up damage. And in this specific case they are also dealing Air type damage to any spot in the enemy party, front row or back row.

            You have just broken the surface, likely by unthinkingly following some guide, and have decided that the game has
            >close to zero replay value

            • 2 years ago

              I wasn't even the same anon. I just remember the same issue he did. I recall there being very clear lines to follow. Demon and Undead mage trees were the same. I think empire and dorf melee trees had some shitty ones as well. Some of the units were just not as good as others.

              I don't agree that the game has close to zero replay value though. I've played through it a few times now.

              • 2 years ago

                >Demon and Undead mage trees were the same.
                Black person, where do I even start. Play the game again. Or rather watch watever e-celeb you did previously to form this incorrect impression.

                >I think empire and dorf melee trees had some shitty ones as well.
                It keeps getting worse!

                >Some of the units were just not as good as others.
                Not as good AT WHAT?

              • 2 years ago

                Can you just frick off and be autistic somewhere else. No one cares about how much you blindly love a game from 20 years ago to replace your lack of personality.

              • 2 years ago

                >literal butthurt woman reply
                See you around, scrub.

              • 2 years ago

                Demon and undead mage trees aren't very similar outside of both having a debuff and a pure damage pathway. But Deaths are probably one of the more unique units and represent a pretty distinct choice in teambuilding and vamps provide an ability no other race can access. Demons also have a fair amount of choices in their tree because single target transform is very viable when locked, incubus is the best target 6 lockdown in the game, and the target 6 transform is still a great choice if you expect earth wards/want to run gargoyles who will also bring earth type attacks making your team very vulnerable to certain counters. Even the modeus line is viable because their damage source is different than the incubus and witch, meaning you can get a lot of mileage out of locked mage units in combination with the other options.

                Empire melee line, you probably mean the angel? Yeah that one is shit. But the holy avenger has the highest damage potential for any frontliner alongside the dwarf double attacker, the defender has high base armor making it a very strong tank and the inquisitor line is extremely powerful with wards and immunities.

                Dwarves actually have a pretty similar branching line and they're the race with arguably the most viable unit pathways, one of their pathways offers elemental damage which can be a crucial upgrade against undead, or they can go for the warded kings or the double attackers for pure dps, or even get an attack 6 for aoe stacking.

              • 2 years ago

                Wraith to Wight or Death is the actual archer of the Hordes. The game has a lot of this going around with Clans having their mages in the warrior tree, Legions having supports in the mage tree and the Hordes themselves having essentially warriors with 6 reach in their mage tree. As well as clans having something very similar, of course, but Clans have an even more interesting and complex situation there.

                You forgot Dopplegangers which can be incredibly useful in all manner of situations.

                Dude what. It has ~18 HPs fewer than needed to match Paladin, accounting for armor, but Angel has level 5 warrior damage, 125 versus Paladin's 100.
                The only reason it became worse after one of the patches is because they've introduced progression locking. All they needed to do was give Angel something unique to make it worth making them in more cases.

                Wolf Lords are incredibly underrated.

        • 2 years ago

          The anon you replied to here, rather than some random homosexual:
          Any large range unit
          Any gimmick unit (summoners, invulnerable to regular attacks, transformation etc)
          Any single-target healer
          Any melee that has single-target attack when alternative has multi-attack instead

          Which means half of deamons and dorf units are flat-out useless and so are all the gimmick shits from the undead, while humans pick between very strong units and very underpowered alternatives

          • 2 years ago

            Most of what is legible from this was addressed in the thread already.

            >Any large range unit
            Pros: takes fewer XPs to advance; having fewer characters in party makes constructing advancement buildings take less gold.
            Cons: more homogenous parties will take less gold to advance because their buildings cost less individually, but these parties will still require more XPs.
            Also this does not include any specials which makes the claim look ever more asinine. So to make it clear, all large units from all 4 factions are useless according to you?

            • 2 years ago

              >I already sprouted utter bullshit, I won't repeat myself
              I accept your concession

              • 2 years ago

                Trolling outside of /b/ is against the rules.

              • 2 years ago

                ... then why aren't you banned yet?

              • 2 years ago

                Because I'm not. I've presented my arguments and addressed what is legible in your posts. If you are serious about having a discussion feel free to rearrange

                The anon you replied to here, rather than some random homosexual:
                Any large range unit
                Any gimmick unit (summoners, invulnerable to regular attacks, transformation etc)
                Any single-target healer
                Any melee that has single-target attack when alternative has multi-attack instead

                Which means half of deamons and dorf units are flat-out useless and so are all the gimmick shits from the undead, while humans pick between very strong units and very underpowered alternatives

                into something resembling a set of coherent statements and we'll go from there. Although giving a simple answer to a simple question would be a start, and I'll even repeat the question: are all large units from all 4 factions useless according to you?

    • 2 years ago

      And before someone has a chimp-out about balance being mentioned:
      How else than unbalanced you call a game where there are clearly better and clearly inferior options for units, and you continuously have to pick which one you want to get. So in the end, you keep picking either a game-breaker or nothing at all, because the bad picks are genuinely bad

      There are some outlier bad units yes, but ironically most everything is viable. What you want depends so heavily on what the opponent is that there are very few universally garbage picks, most of the time your choices depend on what kind of enemies you're up against.

      That said, if you actually do the math almost every unit in the game is better off locked at their unevolved version and powerleveled so complaining about unit balance is kindve pointless. Unless you are evolving for specific short term powerspikes or additional utility there is almost never a reason to upgrade and most of what you pick comes down to what you find fun.

      • 2 years ago

        >there are very few universally garbage picks
        Even large demons can be useful after the patch, which nerfed daily HP regen across the board in case you didn't know.

  3. 2 years ago

    It's great. I dunno if you'll enjoy it now, you might have missed your window for playing it. I'm not sure. The gameplay is pretty slow and combat is very basic, like a JRPG, which was all fine back when I played it, but people have different expectations of games now. I definitely still love just roaming the maps with my army and spreading my faction influence though. Very comfy game.

  4. 2 years ago

    I remember buying this when I was younger. Was a great game at the time. Finished all the campaigns. Don't think it would hold up too well today though.

  5. 2 years ago

    Great in theory but somewhere to the mid-end of almost every mission you accumulate so much consumables and mana that you can nuke enemy or overbuff your squad so much that it makes tactical considerations pointless.

  6. 2 years ago

    It's great with the semga mod.

  7. 2 years ago

    >hows the gameplay and combat?
    Combat is like the turn-based Final Fantasy games and it's nice.
    Gameplay-wise you better not loose your main hero because it will hurt you a lot.

  8. 2 years ago

    sadly in recent PC run like shit at the moment

    • 2 years ago

      works on my machine

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