Disciples 3

Why did everybody hate on it?
It was as faithful to the original as you could get
Litteraly the same factions and units.

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  1. 5 months ago

    The art was dogshit. Also didn't have dorfs or undead at release. Battle system was different.

    • 5 months ago

      >art was dogshit
      Have you seen the originals? They all have small heads and huge bodies and smoll heads. 3’th designs are clean and clear I can finally tell what I am looking at. And don’t tell me it was artistic vision to make everybody look like demons from hell. In reincarnation you can tell who are the good guys like a visual medium should be.

      • 5 months ago

        Art for empire was good. Now go look at the demons. It was not clear. It was a visual mess.

        • 5 months ago

          Well yeah. They are demons. Their sight alone violates everything we perceive as good and holy

          • 5 months ago

            In disciples 1 and 2, yeah. In 3 it's just a mess. You can't excuse bad art with "it's supposed to look shit". The undead suffered a similar fate, but not as bad.

  2. 5 months ago

    >It was as faithful to the original as you could get
    LOL no. I don't know if you're baiting but in case you're genuinely clueless but also too lazy to play the games yourself and see the difference let's spoonfeed you some.

    The much larger parties lead to them throwing out the original's battle system entirely in favor of carbon copying that bargain bin clone of HoMM3 except in 3D. They have also added moronic power-up nodes in random places of the nu battlefield because muh tacticool derpth. Which existed in spades before they have tried to reinvent the bicycle and failed.
    >Litteraly the same factions and units.
    Except not only they didn't look anything like in the first two games, but a lot of units also didn't work like in the first two games. Take Incubi, for example. Now their main (unlimited) attack is multiple target (remember, there is no longer proper "reaches the entire enemy party" like in the original) Fire source and they also have a limited use petrification.
    Speaking of damage sources, where are the wards and immunities? Replaced by "streamlined", casual-friendly resistance percentages, of course!
    Then you have the completely fricked hero ability system that not only allows the warrior to get 100 armour (=Weapon source invulnerability), but also lets your recruitable Thief type heroes get 100% evade.

    This is merely the absolute tip of the tip of the shit iceberg. And let's not even start properly going into the problem of numerous bugs, one of them being the ability to take resource guardians (another moronic addition, by the way) into your party in exchange for some other character.

    • 5 months ago

      I know I will get a lot of shit for saying this but some things from 2 should have been changed. As unique as the combat system was it didn’t fit a strategy game. A party based rpg like final fantasy maybe
      I liked the guardian better because it allows you to play the game as you want it and not turn every match into who can spam more angels to plant more flags next to mines.

      • 5 months ago

        Here's an idea: if you don't like the system that the series has mybe, just maybe... don't make a sequel to it?

        • 5 months ago

          But I like everything else
          The dark depressing fantasy setting and branching troop upgrade systems are very unique

      • 5 months ago

        You didn't like those things because you are bad at the first two games. You haven't figured out even 20% of its mechanics and so you came to post these moronic conclusions.

        But I like everything else
        The dark depressing fantasy setting and branching troop upgrade systems are very unique

        >But I like everything else
        >The dark depressing fantasy setting and branching troop upgrade systems are very unique
        Darkest Dungeon should be closer to what you want. Stop trying to ruin existing good things instead of trying to create/support completely new games.

  3. 5 months ago

    >want to play disciples 3
    >there are 3 different standalone releases called disciples 3
    >they all feature more or less the same campeign and overall content

    Was this some weird eastern euro scam to suck money from the budget or something?
    Why not just release one game and an expansion pack?
    Also which one should I get?

    • 5 months ago

      It released so poorly that they had to keep fixing it. From memory you just get the last one released.

      • 5 months ago

        >From memory you just get the last one released.
        I think even that one needs some mods to clean up stuff that was left unfixed.

  4. 5 months ago

    >faithful to the original
    It wasn't. Including some questionable story shenanigans and focus on ahem "character journey" Also it was buggy as shit. And combat system was beyond moronic. Resulting in 70% of units being genuinely awful to use. And fricking critical strikes. Oh the fricking critical strikes.

    • 5 months ago

      >have a female lead designer
      >she turns a strategy game about gods fighting over the control of the world into a love story between a zombie legioneer and his ghost wife
      Could be worst. If it were done in America it would be gays

  5. 5 months ago

    >Art isn't so good like the original
    >Unit designs aren't that good either if not worse at times
    >Some of the old units were replaced for no reason (they literally replaced the Pegasus Knight with some knight nun)
    >Only 3 factions at start (one being fricking Elves)
    >Removal of Rods and Rod Planter Heroes
    >Changes to combat (if they had to change it, then they should've taken notes from other JRPGs)
    >Some of the unit changes were screwed
    The only plusses I would give that game was the inventory, some units that were useless in 2 becoming actually useful (see Empire Elementalist) and making Thieves into fully-fledged heroes.
    The bugs however were horrid.
    The expansion didn't save 3 and the planned Mountain Clans one also wouldn't.
    They essentially murdered the series with this and the newest entry in it fixed nothing. Hell, the newest entry isn't even a Disciples game.

    • 5 months ago

      It's still a damn shame that we never got a Clans expansion.

      • 5 months ago

        Yeah. Though I did like the Loremaster model for him having this glove-like construct made out of multiple smaller rocks with runes that would open-up before launching an attack. This is what I remember. It was a long time since I saw the art for it.

        Also I could say that the hero progression system was a wasted potential too somewhat.

  6. 5 months ago

    I honestly enjoyed the new one much more than 3 because it really tried to do something new. I don't think they really handled the setting right, but it was a great take on a more RPG Kings Bounty style gameplay. 3 just tried to be 2 but worse in every way.

    • 5 months ago

      Gameplay is the only redeeming quality. But unit variety turns later half of the game into slog. And I beat that piece of garbage 3 times.
      >I don't think they really handled the setting right
      It was pretty fricking awful. The story was just mash of popular tropes without any purpose. And some references borderline frick you. Sure I can recognize the name and clap. But since it's reimagining. Why should I care?

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