Disco Elysium

You guys don't actually like this shit game do you?

>Overwhelmingly popular
>tons of 9/10 or 10/10, masterpiece reviews

I figured I would play it considering the above, but it's garbage, it's simply not fun.
I feel like this game is the "Jazz" of video games - people pretend to like jazz because it sounds smart to like jazz, but everyone who says "oh yeah I love jazz" don't actually like jazz, they just like the idea of liking jazz and maybe that one song from phoenix wright, or some jazz scene in a movie

But like jazz, this game is pointless noodling around with no direction and ultimately no goal, people will applaud it saying it's "too deep" and "you don't get it" but in the end it's garbage - even as a murder mystery the ending is fricking garbage and comes totally out of left field

Frick this game

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  1. 5 months ago

    the mechanic is innovative
    the story is solid
    the writing is fart huffing socialist and why I will never spend a dime on this game

    • 5 months ago

      >the mechanic is innovative
      what talking to your "inner demons" it's hardly that innovative though is it?
      It's boils down to what stats you have - how is it different from playing a character that has a "good" and "evil" side and choosing a choice between the two?

      >the story is solid
      I admi It had me going right up until the final act
      but for the villain to just be a total random completely inconsequential person you never come across until the very end totally ruins anything the story had going for it

      >the writing is fart huffing socialist

      • 5 months ago

        Its like you didn't play the game, or worse, didn't understand anything that was going on.
        Just accept the signs that you're a sub 70 IQ mongoloid and go enjoy AAA goyslop titles

        • 5 months ago

          what's not to get?
          >a depressed cop drinks himself into a stupor during a murder investigation
          >as a result he loses his memories
          >you wake up in a world that is similar to the "real" world but different enough you have questions
          >you wrestle with your split personalities to and try and solve a crime allst the while trying to figure out who you are

          >come the ending
          >oops you're a cop who does this all the time
          >this is like the fifth time you got too drunk but solves a crime but now we think it's time you should be off the force
          >nu-uh can't fire me I found our worlds version of big foot, a magic church, I saved some children and and solved a murder
          >who was the murderer?
          >uh some guy - anyway don't fire me
          >also something something political opinions that don't really have any impact in the game

          I would have been fine if the story itself was good - otherwise it's not even as good as the old monkey island point and clicks

          • 5 months ago

            Did you just skip any side content that dealt with Harry’s past? Did you pay any attention to the history of Revachol at all? Did you stop to question the importance of Revachol’s past politics and how much it still influences people in the present? You were filtered beyond a shadow of a doubt

      • 5 months ago

        The villain is The Past.
        It's the same thing that's been fricking with Harry.
        It's the thing that's going to destroy all life.
        If you can't grok that, you really are sub 80 IQ

        • 5 months ago

          >implying the villain isn't Harrier
          >implying the villain isn't relentless torment of carrying on
          >implying the phasmid wasn't the true hero of the game

      • 5 months ago

        >how is it different from playing a character that has a "good" and "evil" side and choosing a choice between the two?
        Did you play the game? The thoughts represent different aspect of Harry's psyche and all chime in with different kinds of advice and information about different things in particular, meaning how you're informed about characters or the world or sometimes what choices are even available to make, whether you actually choose them or not, depends on how your character is built. You're making it sound like KOTOR or something which makes no sense.

  2. 5 months ago

    It's a good visual novel with a neat gimmick and cool world building, you got filtered by a visual novel.

    • 5 months ago

      >cool world building
      The world building is interesting but I wouldn't say it's mind blowing or anything worth blowing your load over
      >hey we have cars but they look like old horse carriages
      >people believe in cryptids in this world too
      >theres guns but not like "normal" guns OooOo
      >you seen computers before? well now they are radio's too OOoooOooo

      I get it, it's different and I'm sure if the devs got chance to make another game there world could have had more to say - but it's just early 80's, eastern-european aesthetic with mild scifi thrown in

      • 5 months ago

        it's not about the "cars" "guns" and "cryptids". It's about the story of the world. The war and its aftermath. Everyone's stories and how they connect. You looked the most surface shit and thought that's all there is to it

  3. 5 months ago

    its great because it makes chuds seethe

  4. 5 months ago

    Imagine being so moronic you think people pretend to like jazz, are you 12? Do you think adults pretend to like beer and coffee too?

    • 5 months ago

      People pretend to like Jazz how people pretend to be "scared" of clowns
      I'm not saying people don't legitimately like Jazz, of course they do, but there was a time where people huffed Jazz farts because it sounds smart but don't know a single thing about jazz

      • 5 months ago

        Jazz is wonderful and you’re a moron.

        • 5 months ago

          I spoiler this image so I don't scare you anon

      • 5 months ago

        sub 80 IQ

      • 5 months ago

        >people huffed Jazz farts because it sounds smart
        are you even sure you know what jazz is? Because it's the exact opposite of that. Maybe you meant classical or something

      • 5 months ago

        Actual fricking moron

        • 5 months ago

          Is he a moron for saying people aren't actually scared of clowns?
          Or a moron for saying people actually like Jazz?

          Because of you're scared of bozo over here then I think the real clown is you

  5. 5 months ago

    not a single person has made a single point saying why this game is good other than "game good" no examples, no explanations just "it's good you don't get it"
    can anyone explain why it's deep?
    Is it because the cop is depressed? Is it because the old man dies a few days in? Is it because of the extreme political views you can take? Is it because you can talk to your tie?
    It would be deep if any of that mattered in the long run - nothing mattered in the game
    The only time this "felt" like a game, was not finding my second shoe at the beginning of the game and my partner pointing it out - I liked that, but it happens once and once again at the verrrry end, kind of, I guess if you drink he will say you drunk and also mention some of the things you did

    Ultimately the game is just wandering around talking to:
    >someone inconsequential
    >listening to their part of a story
    >giving a macguffin
    >receiving a macguffin
    >your neck tie screams about drugs for 5 minutes
    >you drink some wine to pass a strength check and fail
    >pass a skill check you didn't think you would
    >and so on and so forth
    again if any of this had any impact on the ending (other than being able to hire the partner at end I guess?) then maybe it would be interesting
    Or even if the story was good maybe it would be worth it - but ultimately it fails as a murder mystery, it fails as a point and click and it fails at being fun

    • 5 months ago

      >not a single person has made a single point saying why this game is good other than "game good" no examples, no explanations just "it's good you don't get it"

      Yes they have but you are literally a fricking moron hell bent on being a gayot.

  6. 5 months ago

    Stop making threads with negative OPs to drum up attention. I know you just want to talk about the game, so talk about the game. Sage for this dishonest shit. Try again later and stop feeding this dumb rethoric

    • 5 months ago

      this game is mysterious
      any negative review is considered fake and gay and actual negative reviews are positive reviews saying to play the game
      but the game is shit and no one can explain why they like it other than "it good"

  7. 5 months ago

    I liked the idea that the different brain functions actually talk to the player, and so you go through the game with those.

    I didn't like how It's essentially just a story game where your choices don't really matter and everything is just pretentious.

    • 5 months ago

      >i do not like thing, therefore anyone who does is pretentious and faking it
      Some things aren't made for you.

      I'm always curious why some people think the game is pretentious and others don't get that feeling at all.

      • 5 months ago

        A lot of people don't know what pretentious actually means

      • 5 months ago

        I personally think it's pretentious because it literally pretends to be some high standard of thought or that it takes itself too seriously without it really having any substance. Yeah, the voices talk to you and you can have checks that determine if you can move past or not, but the rest of the game is just WORDS WORDS WORDS.

        Don't get me wrong, I don't mind an intellectual challenge, but the game is just void of any kind of substance. It's just exposition pretending to be a game. That's why it's pretentious. Like those twelve hour long video essays about a game where they just keep talking without end without really saying anything. That's the vibe I'm getting.

        • 5 months ago

          >waaah, i don't like visual novels
          >all visual novels suck
          stop being a baby

          • 5 months ago

            Nope. I get to have an opinion. It's not my style, so I will deem it to be pretentious.

            • 5 months ago

              >reading is pretentious

              • 5 months ago

                That's not what I said.

      • 5 months ago

        it's "pretentious" because americans don't get it and that makes them feel stupid and angry

      • 5 months ago

        I don't think it's really pretentious, but it's clear that the writers thought the worldbuilding was way more interesting than it actually is.

  8. 5 months ago

    >i do not like thing, therefore anyone who does is pretentious and faking it
    Some things aren't made for you.

    • 5 months ago

      I'd happily accept that
      but every review is positive - but no one ever explains why they like it, it's just good or too deep you don't get it
      tell me what YOU like about the game anon

      • 5 months ago

        There's a refund optiom on Steam.

      • 5 months ago

        I didn't play it. Your remarks about jazz pissed me off enough to reply.

      • 5 months ago

        There is some part of Harry's depiction that almost every man can relate with
        Be it alcoholism, a broken heart, being timid at times, having a brain that is addicted to pol, feeling suicidal, or failing to become better etc

        And for me, it's just the last thing
        I have never tried alcohol, I still don't know what Marxism is, I am a KHV, and I can be assertive when the need for it rises
        But the moments of personal failing where one does not strive to become better is a fault of mine, and this game does a surprisingly good job of depicting all the above scenarios

  9. 5 months ago

    I listen to jazz from time to time but I realistically don't know even 1 jazz song name. Not all jazz is to my liking, but I still find some of it enjoable.
    As of game, I like it. I simply don't care about politics in this game, but I find interesting characters that are representatives of certain politics in this game.
    And I don't think this game is a visual novel. Give me one reason why it's a visual novel and not rpg.

    • 5 months ago

      It's not a visual novel but it's closer to one than an RPG
      Really its a point of click with words words words
      you can fail every check but get to the ending just the same, you just have to find another route so the RPG mechanics of the game are inconsequential

      • 5 months ago

        Being able to fail every check is non-issue to it qualifing as RPG. It has most mechanics that makes an RPG. Only thing you don't have is combat, wich is a non-issue, nowhere it's stated to need a combat for RPG. Failing checks will still let you complete the game by using different stuff, but you still will have to complete scripted checks to progress. And failing checks, especially in The Tribunal part can alterate what flavor of ending you will get. Still, no RPG is required to have multiple end-game endings.

        • 5 months ago

          >this game has everything that a platforming game has except platforming that still makes it a platformer
          It's a roleplaying game in that you have a role and you "play" it doesn't make this an RPG
          It has stat points, but if they are ultimately worthless then why have them - you could have just had the dice rolls be flat dicerolls and the game would be the same

          • 5 months ago

            Red checks can't be rerolled and depend on your choices and specific stat.
            And give me your definition of RPG than. This game has equipment system and thought Cabinet that can alter how you aproach some of skillchecks. In fact it has standart for RPG health, morale and money with shops. I fail to see how it isn't RPG.

            • 5 months ago

              explain to me what needs to be removed from this game to make it a visual novel?

              the game in my image has items you buy, characters you interact with, a world map, money a day night system and you "role play" a character - it's an RPG right?

              No it's a fricking flash sex game from 2004

              • 5 months ago

                holy shit I remember this game, failed it so many times before finally getting to frick all the girls

              • 5 months ago

                explain to me what needs to be removed from this game to make it a visual novel?

                the game in my image has items you buy, characters you interact with, a world map, money a day night system and you "role play" a character - it's an RPG right?

                No it's a fricking flash sex game from 2004

                I can't for the life of me remember the name of this damn game, does anyone know where I can find it for old times sake?

              • 5 months ago

                sex kitten sim
                they also jokingly made one called sex kitten rpg playing on that it's anything but an RPG

              • 5 months ago

                Shut the frick up homosexual. Disco Elysium is an RPG and the only reason anyone would possibly dispute this point is they have ass backwards moronic assumptions about what an RPG is supposed to be. Being able to savescum rolls doesn't magically make the stats and dice rolls not exist.

              • 5 months ago

                >Hey guys I just picked up this casino map at the front desk let's play roulette

              • 5 months ago

                >No argument

                I accept your concession. I win, moron.

        • 5 months ago

          it has roleplay yes but it's not a game, it's a visual novel at best.

          • 5 months ago

            Tell me why it is not a game

            The Tribunal was combat, though?
            You make dice rolls to avoid and deal damage. Fail enough and you die.

            There is a game over requirement, but even so there are other game overs in a similar manor, even for succesful checks

            • 5 months ago

              because there is no gameplay apart from throwing a dice wich is up to chance if you succeed or fail
              the rest is dialogue choices like in any VN

            • 5 months ago

              It's a game like playing roulette whilst reading a dictionary is a game
              all "game" aspects are games of chance, and the story is barely a story

              • 5 months ago

                Many games have rng system in place, especially ones that crpg, wich Disco Elysium is. If you specifically fail in any other crpg dice rolls you will fail too. Your only point in not qualifing it as a game is still it not having combat. It has, otherwise, all components of other standart RPGs - world to explore, quests, health, money and shops, skills with progression, diffirent available dialogue depending on skills and day, equipment, stats, etc.

              • 5 months ago

                money serves no purpose in this game, you only need it for the hotel which is trivial and even if you don't get it you have a shack for free you can use
                >items serve no purpose in a game where a skill check is not skill based or guaranteed through item use - you would be better of saving and reloading until you got the check you wanted
                >quests result in more story, but again story is pointless except for history of a now dead world that will never see a sequal
                >health is pointless as theres only 3 or 4 checks in the game which cause damage to health - usualy 1 damage and you can have up to 4 or 5 health at a time and get free health on renewing a day
                >shops like the money they take provide nothing useful except one item (cassette player) and I assume theres a free option for this too
                >equipment again provides stats, which as shown above like items are useful but only towards the non-skill based and ultimately random results of dice rolls
                it's an RPG sure, but it's not a good one it is more like a flowery choose your own adventure book, where every page leads to the same ending

              • 5 months ago

                >instead of improving your chances with items just savescam
                It is a tactic, if you're okey with it. In fact any diceroll game can be done with this tactic, so it really doesn't improve your point.
                >story is pointless except for history of now dead world
                I don't know what is exactly your point is. Every quest either expands world or is a mini-story in game about certain event of character. Other game have these kind of quests too. And if you're really assblasted about no sequal to the point of "All of Disco Elysium is pointless because there won't be a continuation" than newsflash for you, moron, many games have no sequals but it doesn't invalidates it's worldbuilding.
                >as theres only 3 or 4 checks in the game which cause damage to health
                blatantly not true. there is many 1 damage health check, but something like Evrart's chair or phonebooth can easily kill your 4 health check without heals. Even so, to have 4 health you need to invest at least 4 into Endurance
                >shops like the money they take provide nothing useful
                I buy drugs and clothes, deal with that, homosexual.
                Overall, I call you a homosexual. Most RPGs have a fricking 1 ending. Gothic or Morrowind have ultimetly 1 ending, but do you say they are not an RPG

          • 5 months ago

            Really failing to see the distinction between Disco Elysium and an RPG. Both are game experience that are narrative focused where you control your avatar in the world and are free to engage with its narrative at your own pace while leveraging various game systems towards the player's advantage.

            • 5 months ago

              tell me about the various game systems of disco elysium please

              • 5 months ago

                You choose a starting statblock for your character and, as you gain experience, you can invest level ups into further stats.
                Taking a stat to 4 unlocks a new character to dialogue with in most scenes.
                Every 2 further points in a stat increases the rank of passive hidden checks you will pass. Passing these tends to provide new dialogue options and routes unique to having passed the check.
                Investing a level into a stat also allows you to re-attempt any previously failed white check for that stat again.
                You have two health pools equal to each of your Endurance and Volition stats, respectively. If these pools either drop to 0, you lose the game. You can heal these by resting for the day, consuming healing items, or via certain dialogue outcomes.
                You can equip gear that provides a bonus to various stats. Most gear tends to lower a stat while increasing others.
                When choosing certain dialogue options, you unlock thoughts. You can spend an amount of in-game time to internalize these thoughts, which tends to confer an in-game statistical bonus or other advantage while also providing further dialogue branches and options relevant to that thought.
                You can consume drugs, cigarettes, and alcohol to take a hit to your health pools but provide a temporary bonus to all skills within a discipline.
                There's some more basic stuff like the 2d6 dierolling system (2 is failure, 12 is success), accumulating copotype and political points, etc. but yeah, Disco Elysium has a lot of neat mechanical systems that drive further engagement with its narrative beats.

        • 5 months ago

          The Tribunal was combat, though?
          You make dice rolls to avoid and deal damage. Fail enough and you die.

        • 5 months ago

          the roleplay part is still pretty bad, Harry is written primarily as an incompetent idiot

          • 5 months ago

            >written primarily as an incompetent idiot
            As drunktard maybe. Not an idiot. If you feel he is an idiot, than it is your choices and gameplay that makes him one. He is stated not once to be almost a genius of crime investigation.

            • 5 months ago

              I do like playing 1 Psyche, 1 Intellect where you're just a brick shithouse who is insanely capable at kicking all the doors in and amassing evidence even if you can't figure out what the frick any of it means or how it connects when it's in front of you.

  10. 5 months ago

    Incel thread, don't reply

  11. 5 months ago

    Stick to Fortnite

  12. 5 months ago

    >this moron got filtered by the best RPG ever made
    lmao ngmi
    this is the fastest I've discarded someone else's opinion in years

    • 5 months ago

      >best RPG ever made
      if it's so good why is there no Disco Elysium 2

      • 5 months ago

        It's in the works moron... and it's actually a prequel. The company has gone under major drama because some British homosexuals wanted to woke the shit out of it and they were pissed off that the CEO of ZA/UM is a literal commie. But he was raised that way anyway and who gives a shit if the game is awesome.

        • 5 months ago

          >woke people pissed off at communist
          how does this make any sense?
          when you say woke do you just mean "people I don't like"?

          • 5 months ago

            No. Read the news about ZA/UM. The CEO and main writer for the game, aka the guy who is basically responsible for the whole fricking game. He's a literal commie. Like a totally unapologetic communist. Which I don't give a shit about. If you've played the game, you're basically aware that he's pretty much a Ganker /misc/ poster and half the tropes in the game are based off crazy schitzo shit in /misc/ and a lot of other things. He's sexist, anti-feminist, et cetera. Part of ZA/UM is headquartered in Britain, despite the company being Estonian.

            Short answer:
            They had some shareholders there with major influence in the company (not sure why) and they voted the CEO out.
            Then when people hadn't heard shit from the CEO for ages. They lied and said he was busy.
            Then later people found out he'd been fired but was suing the British firm. So he was radio silent.
            Then the whole thing got into the public eye so he was forced to talk about the situation. Basically he got fired and took the 2-3 most other important people with him and the British firm now has basically no one competent left to write the prequel anymore. It's HIS world and he's the mastermind, this would be like Nintendo firing fricking Shigeru Miyamoto or Kojima being fired from Kojima Productions lmao. Anyway there's an ongoing legal case and the British firm basically broke Estonian law because part of the company is still owned there and some law or whatever exists that the owner must retain at least 51% share in his company and cannot be voted out or something. It would have probably been better to just link you some news article but it's been super hard to find information and it's not being tracked all that well.

            Some links: https://medium.com/@martinluiga/the-dissolution-of-the-za-um-cultural-association-779788390a03


            Also they're trying to frame Kurvitz now and claim that he tried to sabotage other people's work which is bullshi

    • 5 months ago

      This is such a wholesome ending for Harry. Hope Kim eventually learned the jamrock shuffle.

  13. 5 months ago

    Imagine not liking jazz
    Even Black folk like jazz

    • 5 months ago

      Black folk made jazz. One of few decent thing they made. But I think nu-Black folk don't like jazz that much.

  14. 5 months ago

    i was filtered because i got bored of reading the game and clicking around. this is the kind of game that's best played in an airport when you are waiting for a flight.

  15. 5 months ago

    The writing is great, but the story is terrible IMO. Most underwhelming climax I've seen in a detective story by far.

    I would rather have the "it was all a dream" than the finale of this game. It was just that awful.

  16. 5 months ago

    Seriously, though, OP, things I like about the game :

    Emergent dialogue based on what you engage with. It's such a minor thing but getting to consistently get new dialogue options throughout the whole game based on even innocuous choices early on is cool.

    Basically, I love the system of you Say A Thing > Get a Thought > Internalize A Thought > Unlock more things to say representing this new piece of your identity.

    I enjoyed the artwork and scenery. There's a frick ton of writing but it tends to be punchy enough and did well to captivate me.

    When people talk about the worldbuilding, I think they mean the very rich history, the Isolas, the Pale, the way the RCM works, stuff like that. You really get the sense of this much larger, well established world that you're only seeing a little part of.

    The other thing I liked was being able to 'fail forward' on red checks. I honestly wish all checks were that way. Only the major story beat white checks let you fail forward and only if you fail them like 3 times first.

    I was pretty ready to hate this game as another WORDS WORDS WORDS book-game in the same line as Planescape Torment but I enjoyed its RPG sensibilities, presentation, and writing way more.

  17. 5 months ago

    At first blush I didn't really like the outcome of the investigation, but when considering how much the killer is a product of this place and its past, it makes a lot more sense. The killer being a literally who elevates it from a whodunnit into a parallel for the MC's obsession with past trauma and how that shit is self destructive. I also like the lack of catharsis, in a way, since no one at that point even gets served for you solving the case ; Klasje is gone, the mercs are all dead, Joyce has sailed off, everyone else wanted Lely dead anyway.

    I didn't like how the clothing system works. While simple shit like "You are wearing gloves, you can grip this for an easier check" makes sense, you eventually amass so many clothes it becomes a comical dress up game before any white check. Having to organize my inventory to more easily select for a stat was kind of lame when something like that could've been baked in.

    I do wish there were more drastic outcomes for various interactions. I get why that's not the case and it's more or less slimmed down to red check failure. The game ends up in a weird place where you statistically need 4 in a stat for it to talk to you but once you have 4 in a stat, you're unlikely to fail nearly as much so a lot of the check failure dialogue will never be seen anyway. Also, the fact the game doesn't really present 4 as the breaking point for hearing from your internalizations means that any players doing a custom build but trying to spread even are just going to get a really watered down experience.

    • 5 months ago

      >everyone else wanted Lely dead anyway.
      what? No they didn't everyone but the boys seems to like him
      He was quoted as soft spoken and had a way of talking that intelligent compared to the other mercs
      the boys didn't give a shit about him other than he "threatened to rape" a girl, which you learn was just his pickup line which worked on people (Klasje)
      He was otherwise considered a decent guy or otherwise not thought about
      the boys stuff you are thinking of was them covering up for Klasje

  18. 5 months ago

    Do Ganker think sequel about Detective Cuno would work?

    • 5 months ago

      Of course. This game world has near fricking infinite potential. I would literally play something about Joyce working for the Wild Pines

  19. 5 months ago

    >b-b-because it SOUNDS smart
    moron alert.

    • 5 months ago

      Let me guess pineapple on pizza is gross and you have Trypophobia too right?

  20. 5 months ago

    Trite, contrived, mediocre, milquetoast, amateurish, infantile, cliche-and-gonorrhea-ridden paean to conformism, eye-fricked me, affront to humanity, war crime, should *literally* be tried for war crimes, resolutely shit, lacking in imagination, uninformed reimagining of, limp-wristed, premature, ill-informed attempt at, talentless frickfest, recidivistic shitpeddler, pedantic, listless, savagely boring, just one repulsive laugh after another.

  21. 5 months ago

    Not reading all that
    Anyways is the Pale supposed to represent climate change or the collective pacification of humanity in the face of capitalist oppression?

  22. 5 months ago

    The Tribunal was honestly a well-crafted and fantastic moment. I don't feel compelled to replay the game and don't remember a whole lot from it, aside from that specific part.

    • 5 months ago

      They have that specific knack for expressing tension with just dialog. It doesn't sound particularly special but I can't think of many other games that pull it off very well. The working class woman and confronting the hardie boys in the whirling were great examples as well.

  23. 5 months ago

    I finished the game today lads so now I can finally read these threads. I have to say this is by far the best narrative driven game I've ever played, with the only drawback that it's maybe more of a visual novel than a game
    Still, this game is truly unique and it deserves all the praise that it gets (and frick you for making me believe that it was just commie propaganda)

  24. 5 months ago

    >nobody actually likes this popular thing
    >they're all just PRETENDING to like it to sound smart
    Jesus christ, I know this is a lot to ask from some moron clearly coping from some pathetic intellectual inferiority complex, but please actually think your moronic shit through before making a thread.

    • 5 months ago

      don't look anon he's eating your least favorite food too

      • 5 months ago

        What are you trying to say?
        Is this the world's worst "popular doesn't equal good" argument?
        Because my point wasn't that Elysium is good because it's popular, or even that it's good at all. My point is that assuming everyone that likes something you don't is just pretending is moronic autism shit.

        • 5 months ago

          I'm saying, theres common online tropes of certain things
          >Pineapple on pizza is bad
          >clowns are scary
          > having ADHD because you don't like things touching
          >Having Trypophobia and scared of small holes
          Bullshit "popular" to agree with things that people don't really agree with
          take the latter - most people who claim to have Tryophobia say so because they are scared of those creepy hand pictures with lamprey mouths or holes in a hand photoshopped onto them - you know the pictures purposely made to be unsettling
          of course these people will gladly own and use a cheese grater though

          • 5 months ago

            How about you fricking have a nice day for making me look at that while being a fricking hipster about what people are allowed to dislike.

            • 5 months ago

              it's photoshop you big baby

              >He doesn’t like Jazz
              There are easier ways to tell us you have shit taste anon.

              I agree DE is a little overrated but your whole post reeks of shit taste.

              >he doesn't like Jazz
              Actual fricking mongoloid

              Jazz is the background music of music - it's fine but it's nothing
              you don't think of a jazz song the same way you don't think of a lofi-hip hop beat after it's finished
              you go that was neat and move on
              but people cream themselves over saying Jazz is le best music genre when it's just sax and snare
              It's freezer pizza of food, perfectly fine but you'd rather have something else on the radio, at a party, at an event, you would rather remember fondly other music, you likely have better memories associated with other songs
              Jazz is Jazz

              • 5 months ago

                What jazz have you listened to? Name specifics

              • 5 months ago

                I was fooled into trying to like Jazz so sure
                >The girl from Ipanema
                Literal elevator music
                >Take Five
                first 30 seconds wowo cool - then it's basically the same thing - it's fine, but it's music you can do anything to it's background music
                >Stolen Moments
                feels like the backround music of every fake cop drama skit - again it's background music
                >Love in Us All.
                This is great - shame it's 40 minutes long

                add infinitium - Jazz is GREAT as is background music is great, people who love jazz at least from my experience don't love jazz how they love their other favorite music - other music they play it over and over again, same song 3,4 5 times on repeat - they hum that song they sing that song
                Jazz they go yeah man I love jazz and smile in a knowing way that they are on the same wave length as someone who has never listened to jazz

              • 5 months ago

                Fricking hipster.

              • 5 months ago

                You listened to those and came to the conclusion that jazz is "pointless noodling around with no direction and ultimately no goal"?
                The first 3 have extremely clear structures. Hell, the first is a fricking pop song

              • 5 months ago

                >He doesn’t like background music either
                I repeat.
                REEKS of shit taste.

            • 5 months ago

              I concur the guy is a piece of shit for posting that image. Looks like the mods at least took the report seriously.

  25. 5 months ago

    >I feel like this game is the "Jazz" of video games
    disliking DE is bad enough but after reading this sentence I'm absolutely convinced all your opinions are shit. god that hurt to read.

  26. 5 months ago

    >disliking Jazz
    stopped reading here

  27. 5 months ago

    you didn't get it because you're not a superstar

  28. 5 months ago

    You're falling for the exact same mentality that you're complaining about, OP. You've heard from other people and media that jazz is an "intellectual" genre that's just a bunch of incoherent noise with no structure, so you blindly shit on it despite never having listened to it yourself.

    • 5 months ago

      I played the game, I got the "good" ending and completed all side missions
      I got pissed the ending was so out of left field and not hinted at in the slightest
      >oh-oh but the flower
      the flower you and practically no one else has any idea about until you get to the island where the murderer is where the info is pointless
      >Never listened to Jazz
      I have and what most people consider Jazz isn't Jazz - "real" Jazz is noise, I've been to Jazz bars I've tried to like "real" jazz it's noise
      Jazz that people claim to like is watered down, filtered jazz
      Which funilly enough Disco Elysium would have been better as - if it was just a book a streamlined story of a cop learning about his weird world he woke up in would have been better than a game you force yourself through only to be dissappointed by an ending

      everyone talking about "you didn't get it! the civil war was le bad"
      no shit, it's war, war being bad is a story as old as war itself it aint deep

      • 5 months ago

        >I dont like jazz, therefore everyone else is lying that they like it
        >The civil war? Yes yes war’s bad I dont care to read more into why its still relevant for the people in the world
        You were filtered. You were so filtered that I genuinely dont see how you missed the point of the game so badly

        • 5 months ago

          >Hey man what you up to?
          >just eating vegetables
          >Oh? cool what vegetables do you like?
          >oh...y'know just "vegetables"
          >like what?
          >oh I can't name any vegetables I just like vegetables y'know? Like when you are out and you eat vegetables mmm yum yum, vegetables y'know
          >okay cool, I'm glad you like vegetables
          >me too, we have a lot in common us vegetable eaters right

          • 5 months ago

            >Food analogy

      • 5 months ago

        What are some examples of real jazz and watered down jazz?

  29. 5 months ago

    >most people say they love jazz but in fact they only like a single song like the one from phoenix wright
    you're a repulsive human being. I can almost smell you just from reading your posts.

  30. 5 months ago

    the amount of butthurt caused by that Jazz comment is unreal
    enjoy your skeebly bops and shudaddily dahs
    what's your favorite jazz song anons? what can you just not stop "jazz handing" to?

    • 5 months ago

      >skeebly bops
      >jazz handing
      You seem to believe every stereotype you hear without second thought
      Anyways, I'm listening to Freddie Hubbard right now

    • 5 months ago

      I like the classics. Oscar Peterson's Blue Moon is nice.

  31. 5 months ago

    Kim should've been female, then it's perfect

  32. 5 months ago

    >start this reddit "game"
    >try to grab a tie from the fan on the ceiling, but fail the roll, which gives me the heart attack ending, but an ending nontheless
    I beat the game and can confirm it fricking sucks.

  33. 5 months ago

    Yeah I don't get the game, playing an awful person in a depressing setting just isn't my idea of fun.

  34. 5 months ago

    No, too much reading. No gameplay. I can't even understand the stupid ass language they use in the dialogue.

  35. 5 months ago

    What can you tell me about this?

    • 5 months ago

      Why is it a racist mug? Looks like a samurai dude standing in a field or somewhere.

      • 5 months ago

        the text supposedly says "YELLOW MAN" and the Japanese man is meant to be frolicking through a field of Saffron like a girl

  36. 5 months ago

    I actually agree. The skilltree/narrator thing was neat for the first 20 minutes but the actual story, world, and characters are all extremely unengaging. I was bored to tears by the time I got anywhere, and the timer mechanic just made me even less motivated to explore and talk to anyone.

    Also the redpill reference had me laughing for all the wrong reasons since I knew some euro writer was seething as he/she/they wrote it LOL

  37. 5 months ago

    >he doesn't like Jazz
    Actual fricking mongoloid

  38. 5 months ago

    >He doesn’t like Jazz
    There are easier ways to tell us you have shit taste anon.

    I agree DE is a little overrated but your whole post reeks of shit taste.

  39. 5 months ago

    I enjoyed the game and I found the story interesting and intriguing. The music was good and fit the setting and mood. The writing was pretty lefty but not enough for me to dislike the game. It certainly isn’t as good as Reddit troonys say it is.

    Also I unironically do enjoy jazz.

  40. 5 months ago

    If the commie propaganda homosexuals actually played this game they'd realise it was actually the /misc/tard larp game of their wet dreams if they wanted to play it that way

    • 5 months ago

      That's why OP got filtered. He and many other poltards are too fricking stupid to realise this game literally lets you live your RPG fantasy.

    • 5 months ago

      Kek, genuinely didn’t know that’s what happens when you fail that check.
      I lucked out when I did a low PSY playthrough.

    • 5 months ago

      legit the only time I reloaded

  41. 5 months ago

    I had been jaded for years and this game rekindled my interest in rpgs. It took me a while to get into it but talking to my fav character Evrart was incredily fun to me. Everything he says and how he says it makes me laugh, such a slimy goofball

    • 5 months ago

      I know some people don't like the voice acting, but I think it's worth it for the delivery of this line

      • 5 months ago

        Only thing I didnt like about the voice acting is that they reused the same actors for various characters. I could tell right away it was disappointing

  42. 5 months ago

    not even a game, more a chose-your-adventure vn

  43. 5 months ago

    You forgot to say it's pretentious so it didn't get filtered.

  44. 5 months ago

    >Half the thread is just people shitting on OP for shit talking Jazz.

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