Disregarding all the zeitgeist/woke changes, how is the actual game compared to original and Wings of Liberty?

Disregarding all the zeitgeist/woke changes, how is the actual game compared to original and Wings of Liberty? I liked the original back when it released, is it worth it on sale?

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  1. 2 years ago

    There is already an AoE3 thread, learn to use the catalog.
    Yeah, as long as you don't give a frick about main campaign or played it before, it is worth it.
    The woke changes mostly affect the most boring nations, the north american indians.
    South indians also lose their fire pits into some generic community plazas, but that is not worth mentioning.
    Incas are a freeDLC and are very fun to play.

    • 2 years ago

      >There is already an AoE3 thread, learn to use the catalog.
      The other AoE3 thread has a different topic so give him a slack. There is no rule that say we can't have more than one thread discussing the same game.

  2. 2 years ago

    >oh cool, the game's free to play for the weeke...
    >50GB disk space required
    I keep forgetting how big these new games can get.

    • 2 years ago

      Most of size bloat in new games came from texture. Honestly, strategy games is the last genre that needs fancy texture.

      • 2 years ago

        Simple textures gets you called a mobile game

        • 2 years ago

          Looking like mobile game is a matter of art direction following trend, texture size doesn't factor into it.

    • 2 years ago

      best part is, it doesn't even look much better than the original and even has worse physics (i think microsoft thought it was too hard to add so they didn't even bother)
      so it's 10x heavier and needs a 4x better computer to run it for little difference

      • 2 years ago

        They added capybaras so its all worth it in the end

        • 2 years ago

          it already had capibaras
          and flying tapirs

          There is already an AoE3 thread, learn to use the catalog.
          Yeah, as long as you don't give a frick about main campaign or played it before, it is worth it.
          The woke changes mostly affect the most boring nations, the north american indians.
          South indians also lose their fire pits into some generic community plazas, but that is not worth mentioning.
          Incas are a freeDLC and are very fun to play.

          don't forget the Kangz DLC which is out of the scope of the game, about africans and their universities.
          and the US dlc... and the Mexico dlc... everything out of the scope of the game. there's a reason why the original aoe3 had the US civ as it's own unique civ for the campaign but didn't add it to multiplayer, the US is a civ for the revolution age not the starting age
          and how they removed the mentions of colonialism
          and black musketeers...

          • 2 years ago

            USA and Mexico literally already existed in game as revolution possibilities.
            Now we get kingdom of mexico.
            Kangz are stupid, but Ethiopia was doing "some" shit at the time. Level of stupidity at the level of AoE2 kangz.

            • 2 years ago

              >revolution factions
              >that exist only from the four age onward
              I don't mind it but that has to be the most moronic way to defend it.

          • 2 years ago

            The game always had a large scope, with Isabella and Napoleon as leaders you should have realized that. Ethiopia 100% fits the time frame, at the start with you have their alliance with the Portuguese and Zara Yakob contacting Rome, at the end you have them winning the war against Italy. Hausa is also relevant for the time period but not as connected.
            Colonialism was changed because the scope of the game became bigger than just the Americas.
            It's impressive how much effort some people will spend to be outraged.

            • 2 years ago

              Short answer: YES

              Long answer: basically the game is more-or-less what it was designed to be at this point and much more (minus 2 African civs and one got swapped, which can change since there is still no maps of Africa's South yet). The balance is a thing of flux, since each month, roughly, there has been a civ rework, so even the old Europeans have been getting new stuff to play (you can transform British Longbowmen into Rangers with a card now, for instance).

              Reminder that the main reason the Otomans were playable to being with, despite never setting foot on the Americas, was because there was going to be European maps on vanilla.

              OLD GOOD
              NEW BAD
              There, that's what it's boiled down to.

              • 2 years ago

                >OLD GOOD
                >NEW BAD

            • 2 years ago

              a leader is completely different from a whole civilization
              dishonest argument

              • 2 years ago

                I gave it as a quick and clean example,AOE always had a very unclear timeline. AOE 1 had you make Greece and Rome in the bronze age, and civilisations that would vanish past the bronze age, like Minoans and Hittites, will not reach their peak in-game until a post-iron imperial age. It also had the Yamato, who are like, 500 AD shit. AoE 2 has the same situation, you can play eastern rome but you still start with a fricking wood hovel like the northern Germanic tribes. AoE 3 tried to avoid doing the same, failed to an extent (ottomans, confused German identity, Russia with Siberian frontier concepts, Spaniards can't have conquistador until after the age conquistadores were relevant, every civ having black settlers even Russia and Germany), and then gave up with the expansions, because they are arcade-ish games where you can have the dutch fight the ottomans for California, might as well go for the fun factor and do what AoE 1 and 2 did.
                Right now AoE 4 is having the same issue, where they try to hard to be historically conscious, but that is neither fun nor sells.
                Plus your mention that the core idea that Ethiopia doesn't fit the timeline is still wrong because its interactions with Portugal in the 1500s and 1600s and Russia later would still fit even the most conservative of time frames, and I dare say they are probably a better pick for an "exotic non-european" civ than the native american civs were. And their depiction as a civ that employs Euro mercs to win wars is accurate, it's how they won against the Italians IRL.

  3. 2 years ago

    I always thought the original was the best version of the game. I don't like any of the expansion content because it's all half baked, doesn't make sense, or is horribly imbalanced.

    That said, DE is kind of neat just for the sake of being able to play on European maps, but the map gen for half of them kind of sucks.

  4. 2 years ago

    The original has better lighting and design in general, but I'm playing definitive edition

  5. 2 years ago

    Check this for side by side comparison

  6. 2 years ago

    >how is the actual game compared to original
    Not worth it imo. Just play the 2007 version.

  7. 2 years ago

    How do I convince my friends who hate the card system to play aoe3. Both of them think that adding levels to an RTS gives an unfair advantage.

    • 2 years ago

      Tell them to stop sucking each other wieners and have fun once in a while.

    • 2 years ago

      There is no more level system in the remake, at least not in gameplay, the only thing it unlocks now are cosmetic upgrades for your city

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