Dissidia: Final Fantasy Opera Omnia

You gonna be pulling for Kam or Kain? (or both?)

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

Yakub: World's Greatest Dad Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    Gemming Pecil's banner with the hopes of getting Kam FR, but not necessary. Gemming Tidus banner with the hopes of getting Kam BT, but not neccessary

    I'm still not positive what to do about Kain. I can token a BT, but we have free pulls all month, so I'd have to wait until the end of the cycle before I can get the only thing that I want, which kinda feels bad. Maybe I'll just use Kain friends until the end of the cycle, possibly token the Burst, or I might get fed up at some point and just pull Kain flat out

  2. 2 years ago

    How fricked am I if I havent played for 3 months with this new weapon tier?

  3. 2 years ago

    Post pull plans mofos.

    • 2 years ago

      Machina C90 is the most hype character in the Kam cycle, imo.

      • 2 years ago

        would he be worth going over tidus if im already planning on pulling for kam and sherlotte?
        I'm moronic and hate X so really dont want tidus

        • 2 years ago

          >I'm moronic
          >and hate X
          Checks out.

    • 2 years ago

      Skip everything until Iroha FR
      Dump everything into Iroha FR
      Fail to get Iroha FR
      Uninstall and quit for another 4 years

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Cloud of Darkness
      Eald'Narche BT+ realization.
      Enna Kros
      Jack motherfricking Garland

    • 2 years ago

      This is the hardest meta to plan for so far. A character being good isn't enough, you have to guarantee you have what it needs to bring it's power out (like Kam being shit without Selphie and ice enchant calls), that the character fits your playstyle (Reno/Rydia are good, but only if you are running a max enemy turn team) and that your team has good synergy and is able to fill each other's conditions.
      I've flip flopped between Kain and Kam multiple times, still haven't decided between Sherlotta or Lunafreya or both. It's been rough.
      Choosing UWs has also been hard but I think I have a good framework going. Spear/Greatsword/Sword this month, Spear/Unique/Sword the next then I just keep this going until I stop using Tidus and turn Sword into Greatsword again. Maybe make and keep a low level Staff at some point.

      • 2 years ago

        >no cor
        shiggy diggy

        • 2 years ago

          I was going for Cor when I still was planning on getting Kam, now that I've decided for Kain I'll let him take care of my off-turn needs. Also I want to have a number of melee/ranged/magic characters and ranged has been the hardest to come across.
          Both are fine choices though. I just want my runs to be more like

          Rather than

          At this point it's pretty much a matter of preference. Picked this fight as example since it's the first Spiritus Esper fight and I was worried about it since I am also skipping Tifa for Rinoa.

      • 2 years ago

        >Kam being shit without Sephie and Ice Enchant calls
        Without launch/party ice enchant Kam is average, not shit. You're still getting the +20% from hitting paralyze and Kam is getting the extra 20% from hitting Ice. It just gets busted with party enchants, launch and off-turn damage where you can boost the gauge by like 120% per hit. Nobody else can get close to that.

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      The "short list" for personal favorites that I 'need' to build: Terra (FR), Tifa (BT and FR), Faris (FR), Celes (BT and FR), and Yuna (FR).
      The "long list" includes either characters I have built but are getting an FR and/or BT, characters that have a capability I want in my roster, or just characters I like but haven't picked up yet. Tidus (FR), Fujin (FR), Ultimecia, Reno (FR), Setzer, Cor (FR), Gau, Deuce, Golbez, Lilisette (FR) Seymour (FR and BT), Maria (FR), Beatrix (FR), Rydia (FR), Ashe (FR and BT), Sice (FR), and Jessie (FR). I'm not intending on getting EVERYTHING on this list, necessarily, since some of these are frankly redundant with each other, but it's more of a wish list than a 'must have' list.

    • 2 years ago

      Krile, Tidus, Sherlotta, Lunafreya, Cora, Tifa, Rinoa. Novemember and December are rough because I want almost everyone.

      • 2 years ago

        I was debating picking up Krile, since I'm a big fan of lightning magic and off-turn damage, as well as FFV in general. How well does she hold up later in the era?

  4. 2 years ago

    So is Shinryu difficulty near impossible without an FR weapon/FR friend? I want to wait for the Kam cycle.

    • 2 years ago

      It will be difficult but it's possible.

  5. 2 years ago

    Don't forget, with the update they just increased the maximum points you can get from the Edge/King events, so go back and collect them.

  6. 2 years ago

    >now you only need 3 runs with a book and no pass to max out SBs
    Holy FRICK.

  7. 2 years ago

    Warning: do not reflexively refine all your powerstones.

    • 2 years ago

      I almost did that.

    • 2 years ago

      Well, shit. I actually ended up exchanging all of my power stones by accident.
      I'll try getting support on my case, but since I haven't dropped money into the game, I don't expect getting those stones back.
      I hope I can actually get my stones back...

      • 2 years ago

        Same lmao
        Why the frick is the option in the refine page instead of a store like the ultima nuggets god damn it

        Support told me to go frick myself, so I'm back to square one. At least I'm not gonna be hurting for FR uncaps...

        • 2 years ago

          >At least I'm not gonna be hurting for FR uncaps...
          You wouldn't have been anyway...

    • 2 years ago

      Well, shit. I actually ended up exchanging all of my power stones by accident.
      I'll try getting support on my case, but since I haven't dropped money into the game, I don't expect getting those stones back.
      I hope I can actually get my stones back...

      Same lmao
      Why the frick is the option in the refine page instead of a store like the ultima nuggets god damn it

  8. 2 years ago

    Who's your strongest character?

    • 2 years ago

      Apparently, Ramza, probably because I put Porom's full sphere on him to be able to tick the orb in one of the DETs

      would he be worth going over tidus if im already planning on pulling for kam and sherlotte?
      I'm moronic and hate X so really dont want tidus

      I'm pulling Tidus even though I hate X because he will make DET10 easier. I have no idea about Machina but if he's busted at c80 even in the c90 era, then he'll probably still be busted at c90 even before he gets his FR (which I've heard is busted)

      How fricked am I if I havent played for 3 months with this new weapon tier?

      It depends on your resources more than anything else imo. But there will be a new player campaign launching tonight with the new banners probably. Depending on the quantity of the rewards for brand new accounts are, even I might start over if they just hand out like a full UW or hundreds of thousands of Enhancement Points

    • 2 years ago

      Oh hey, mines is Prishe too!

    • 2 years ago

      tidus unfortunately
      i don't want to use him anymore he looks so goddamn gaudy holy shit can't wait for the next powercreep

  9. 2 years ago

    Cloud after giving him his UW, thanks to his bonus weapons I guess.

  10. 2 years ago

    >Got like 500 levels at once
    Uh what happened

    • 2 years ago

      Oprah handed out 70/70s

  11. 2 years ago


  12. 2 years ago


  13. 2 years ago

    Anyone else get a message that said "You have unlocked a new Draw", and then the game just crashes? I was in the middle of equipping stuff

    • 2 years ago

      I just saw it too but I just clicked "No" and played as normal.
      It's probably the Start Dash banner for new players but for veterans, it just ends up crashing.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah thats what it was when i booted the game back up. I did my free pulls for Kain and never saw the start dash added. Thought it was weird

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah, it crashed for me too. Got a Cloud BT dupe when I rolled on it after I came back so it was worth it.

  14. 2 years ago

    Seems like OpeOpe will start soon, so we might get some big news on the JP side too (FR boards, BT boards, Act 4, C99/100)

  15. 2 years ago

    Kinda annoyingly pulled Kain's BT right at pity so now I need to decide what to spend 500 tokens on. That said I managed to pull enough Kain FRs to max it out so that's nice.

    • 2 years ago

      High powerstones for 300. Then you have 200 left so probably two regular powerstones.

      • 2 years ago

        That's what I was thinking. Also quick question FR weapons are good to sell once full maxed out and leveled right? At least for BT units? Not sure if they are better to equip than EX+.

  16. 2 years ago

    is now a good time to start playing? or is there a upcomming event i should wait for?

    • 2 years ago

      Now is the best time to start playing. They event started up a new event where they're giving brand new accounts all sorts of bonuses.

      Garnet LD/BT are here for 2 more days. She's the strongest support in the game. I'd recommend grabbing her LD and BT. Also pick up Edge's gear too, he's a solid tank and on the same banner. Then focus on Kain's banner and get his LD and BT.

    • 2 years ago

      Now is a perfect time to begin. They just made a shit ton of QoL changes for newbies, including catapulting all summon levels to 20 and having all characters be at Crystal level 70 and regular level 70 after you complete chapter 1

      They also just started a noob campaign that gives some nice rewards, though no one knows the quantity of the rewards yet. The noob boards are already really generous, so it's icing on top of icing on top of cake with a layer of icing on the bottom too

  17. 2 years ago

    I tried to learn this FR gauge, but it seems it takes forever to reach 100%. Should I have at least 1 maxed out FR board to make it quicker?

    • 2 years ago

      Use Penelo

  18. 2 years ago

    is pitying the FR dupe the thing to do here

    • 2 years ago

      I think you're supposed to get the High Power Stones.

      • 2 years ago

        oh I didn't even see those
        i'm probably going to fully invest in Kain so I'll get the high power stones and the little power stones

    • 2 years ago

      I've seen people saying that the 4 high powerstones are better than the FR dupe. Don't know why. Maybe because kain's FR kind of sucks so you could use those high powerstones on a better one?

  19. 2 years ago

    The new summer newbie bonuses are this

    >enough to get 1 BT+
    >enough to get 1 HA+ 3/3 blue armor
    >90,000 Enhancement Points
    >100 Ultima Cores
    >9 Force Stones
    >8 High Power Stones

    This is on top of the 30k gems and 100k Power Stones for the other noob event

    And that's also on top of the 100k Enhancement Points and 300 Power Stones and enough materials to get 1 BT+ and one HA+, so a noobie can have 2 characters full blue/green and 2 maxed out FRs with plenty of stuff to spare

  20. 2 years ago

    kek 20 tickets for the FR
    40 more get all 4 + prompto LD
    what a shit ez meta dis gon be

  21. 2 years ago

    Got Squall's LD and Kain's FR on the free multis lmao.

  22. 2 years ago

    >Tried Shinryu with Kefka, Prishe, Penelo and a friend Kain
    Well that wasn't the best run...

  23. 2 years ago

    is Kain BURST worth it, don't really want him nor would I want to green him

    • 2 years ago

      Kain job is to use hit BT+ finisher and then stay in the air and throw down spears after every action. He's still one of the best units in JP, and they're 6+ months ahead of us. His burst probably is not worth it if you are not going to green him, but he is worth greening

  24. 2 years ago

    I thought I'd understand all the FR stuff just by playing but I still don't get it

  25. 2 years ago

    Free multi gave me the FR. Do I need the BT to clear shinryu?

  26. 2 years ago

    This bullshit fight. The bosses got their FR gauge to 95%. As it increases they do an HP sap. Lost some HP because of it but was going to heal the next turn. But then I killed them with Kain's off turn damage. I failed the requirement by like 1000 hp and now I have to do the stupid fight again. Think I'll just wait for Krile FR before trying again.

  27. 2 years ago

    Is Kam even worth getting if I don't have an Ice enchanter to worth with him?

    • 2 years ago

      He'll be getting +40 on his own turns and +20 on the others if you at least have Selphie on team.
      It's decent enough for month one but Tidus FR will be straight better at that point. On top of ice enchant and Selphie, Wakka's RNG call will also be necessary to allow Kam in some stages.

    • 2 years ago

      You seriously don't have Kurasame's call, my friend?

      • 2 years ago

        I dont have most of his kit, will his weaker call work?

  28. 2 years ago

    Kek frick you Shiva.
    The fact that they freeze Kain even if he's in the air is bullshit, though.

  29. 2 years ago

    >need to farm 33k gold tokens
    What the FRICK were they thinking?

    • 2 years ago

      This is a newbie event anon, you don't need to farm all that T7 if you already have enough to max a couple of characters right out of the gate.
      Good opportunity to use 3x books if you have some laying around.

    • 2 years ago

      It also take a long ass fricking time. I let a macro run for like 2 hours last night and I only got 5k gold things. I don't know if it was an issue where no one was doing the event yet, or if they went super israelite on how many materials it hands out, but I didn't get many

  30. 2 years ago

    This could've been a lot easier if I just used some heavy hitters instead of trying to capitalize on Kain's FR.

  31. 2 years ago

    >Free 10+1 draw gives me Kain's BT
    The game wants me to go for the Fr doesn't it?

    • 2 years ago

      Don't fall for the FR trap. It's only really a button if you use Kain's Burst Phase, which you probably aren't doing

      If you ask me, the game is saying "psst... take this" and it want you to green and blue Kain and then never look back (assuming you already have LD)

    • 2 years ago

      keep rolling goy, you KNOW his fr board will be ultra meta

  32. 2 years ago

    has anyone realized that characters lose their initial 40 cp

  33. 2 years ago

    Man, Cissnei fricking destroys bluestacks.

  34. 2 years ago

    Neon is coming to JP and we get to beat the shit out of WoL in SoP. Jack bros, stay winning.

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        Come on, Jack! Neon!

  35. 2 years ago

    If you max out an FR it's safe to sell it if you have a BT, right?

    • 2 years ago

      Yes. Consider FRs to be the new EX for that purpose

    • 2 years ago

      I think the slideshow said: BT+ > FR > BT

  36. 2 years ago

    Anyone else seeing that, during coop, the game sometimes shows its my turn on the turn order, but its actually someone else's turn?

  37. 2 years ago

    >does a free single in start dash banner because I just came back to the game
    ? Why. Also I'm thinking of going all in for Kain, is it a good idea?

    • 2 years ago

      Kain is like the single best investment you can possibly make for Shinryu

  38. 2 years ago

    Any LD calls that apply an HP regen to the team? I fricking hate when the bosses entire gimmick is to only sap chunks of your health every move you make, and then the clear condition is the HP threshold one.

    • 2 years ago

      Lenna's base call applies 4 turns of "only" 20% HP regen, so you'll be missing 10% from the boss' sap.
      Yeah, I really don't like that mechanic either.

      • 2 years ago

        Bro, your force enhanced Penelo?

        Just kidding, here: https://www.dissidia.dev/call?en&q=buff_eff:7&s=7&d

        Thanks, i stumbled into Eikos call, but still got screwed out of it because of the HP. I'll try Lenna's, and if not, i'll build Penelo at some point. At least i cleared it and im not missing any good time limited rewards.

    • 2 years ago

      Bro, your force enhanced Penelo?

      Just kidding, here: https://www.dissidia.dev/call?en&q=buff_eff:7&s=7&d

  39. 2 years ago

    newbie here, is there anything more satisfying than getting the best arts?

  40. 2 years ago

    Yeah I think I'll just go full meta cuck this era
    Too expensive currency wise (although I have 50 high power stones I accidentally converted so I'm good for the next dozen FR) and the battles ramp up so slowly

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah they really didn't need to get so extreme with turning enemies into total damage sponges, with double the resistances and reductions stacked on top. Just because enemies are not on a timer to one shot your team anymore doesn't mean they had to go that far. The fights just drag on even more now and the only thing to do for the first 10 minutes of the fight is to fill your meter. RIP if your game crashes in the middle too.

  41. 2 years ago

    after 6 months cid7 is still the top dpt friend unit, with maxed UT he has the potential to do a total of 13mil+ damage to each enemy in 5 turns
    maybe only kain during FR time is comparable thanks to his off turn
    emperor can do as much but just to one target

  42. 2 years ago

    Shinryu is just not fricking fun right now. I think I'm going to afk the entire month, honestly

    What a goddamn fricking piece of shit fight this is. I thought everything was going fine, I was gonna keep turns low with Leila and then just cheese someone else's Kain and use Ramza Burst and that would be that. So I set up my ideal conditions with enemy gauge at 0%, but my Leila must have just barely dropped below 50% and got paralyzed, so I waited an entire enemy force time to try again. So this time Leila isn't paralyzed, I summon Kain, and mother fricking piece of shit isn't a friend unit. I fricking swear to god when I clicked it he was a friend unit, but nope apparently he's not. So I try to think what I should do, and I can't burst/fr/rising/jump, so I just FR/rising/jump, but I need to activate Summon because now their gauge is at like 40% beacuse I wanted to sub out Leila so that she didn't drag Kain's turn forward, but I had to wait for her turn to come around and I don't fricking know, but now the HP poison is out and so I just use Shiva, but that fricks the turn order up horrendously. I try to finagle it the best I can, but no matter what I do, Kain comes back down right before my next Ramza turn, so I can't enter Burst with Kain in the air, because as soon as Kain lands he's leaving because he's a mother fricking 3 turn b***h

    I would have my own Kain, but I can't token his BT until the free draws leave, so now I'm stuck in limbo and I wasted what feels like a god damn hour of my life all because I accidentally selected what was apparently a non-friend Kain. Frick this game. The turn count was only like 20 and they were at 40% but I just didn't have it in me to continue, and I would so fricking hate getting to the end of the fight and running out of skills or something and dying at 1% which I feel like was gonna happen

    Shinryu a shit, if this doesn't get better I'm probably going to quit this piece of shit game
    inb4 skill issue, frick off

    • 2 years ago

      Kamlanaut is the first temporary Shinryu, followed by Tidus. The rest are permanent with like 3 tickets at stake. 13 tickets absolute tops if you use the featured character and no friend.

      I'm not feeling this difficulty either but I did get shit down to 30 percent until they suddenly killed me on the second enemy force. That's with no Force passives and a friend Kain and just one Burst+. When the decision paralysis wears off we'll all be in good shape.

      In the mean time if you're really desperate for 13 tickets and have 4 hours of your life to waste there is Ydaroth.

      • 2 years ago

        Frick this game, frick this fight, this was not even a little bit fun. I have never had less fun in this fricking game. This felt like a chore, this did not feel like a game. This took like 1 hour and 15 minutes. There were 8 enemy Force Times

        >When the decision paralysis wears off we'll all be in good shape.
        I'm not having decision paralysis, I have a Kain I want to token and I can't because if I do that then I will 100% get his BT off of the other banners. I originally though like "heh, I'm never gonna be a homosexual who uses a friend character just to charge the force gauge" but nah, frick that. I'm going to do that. I'm going to be that homosexual. I'm only pulling for meta characters, frick everything else. Hopefully I change my tune when we have more choices and more characters, but right now I fricking hate Shinryu

        • 2 years ago

          You could have just held off until Braska's banner and then done it. It's out in 5 days.

  43. 2 years ago

    With Force Boards, it looks like the "new" meta might be to load your team with FR units where the FR attacks themselves will fulfill the FR condition of the person whose actually Force Time you're using, because they are free damage that don't count down the timer, and you can actually use them to tick it up instead

  44. 2 years ago

    Anyone else's game running abit laggy on Bluestacks or is the game like this on anything? Im considering transferring to my tablet

  45. 2 years ago

    Wonder what caused Rydia, of all characters, to suddenly dethrone Jack despite not getting anything new.

    • 2 years ago

      I love that JP thinks my wife is the best

      I don't know. It looks like the whole top tierlist got shaken up a bit. Obviously it's something to do with force echo, though I'm not sure exactly what. Rydia enchants that party for water, makes the enemy auto weak to water damage, and her force time is already pretty busted as long as you let the enemy take turns but on top of that her FR has 50% hp damage cap up when dealing weakness damage. So now every single person who gets force boards will be able to increase the gauge by a guaranteed free 40% (2 fr abilities) and those FR abilities will be hitting with an extra 50% hp damage cap up. Or maybe it could just be that Rydia's own FR attack is good for Terra/Garnet right now, because it hits Terra's 20% of magic and also her 40% for instant turn rate, so Rydia boosts Terra's FR gauge by 120% for free, and then Garnet's FR is water damage which Rydia does so it's a free +60% to Garnet's FR

      Wish we knew exactly, but either way I I'm down with the Rydia timeline because I was going to use her anyway. Minwu moved up a bit as well and he's another one I was just going to pick up regardless

    • 2 years ago

      Reliable off turn damage has been more useful in the latest batch of end game fights. Just look how high Galuf, Gladio and Auron all are.

    • 2 years ago

      Letting enemies get turns and countering them to death is now a viable strat, quite an effective one too since your force turns don't decrease on enemy turns.

      They may be overrating it a bit because as far as current JP wombo combos it's longer, boringer and less effective than, let's say, HopeKros or DKC/Rinoa. Also much like launch comps were in the past it's a kind of playstyle the devs can kill in a moment's notice just by adding more guaranteed hits or nasty attacks into the bosses' repertoire.

      • 2 years ago

        Reliable off turn damage has been more useful in the latest batch of end game fights. Just look how high Galuf, Gladio and Auron all are.

        >Letting enemies get turns and countering them to death is now a viable strat
        You sound like you never looked at the JP tier list before just now. The off turners were always at the top. Galuf, Gladio, and Auron were always near the top. People have been saying to get Kain specifically because he's off turn damage

        Prior to the latest JP update, it was literally all off turners at the top, except there was Jack Garland at the top as well as Rinoa. After them, it was pretty much all off turn damage dealers and then Rydia, because Rydia is the easiest and most universal off turn FR because she enables it herself

        There is something that happened specifically with the implementation of FR boards that shook the tier list up a bit. Jack Garland and Rinoa are no longer above the off turners. If you'll notice, the people at the tippy top of the tier list are actually the off turn damage dealers that also have their own FR, likely because they will be able to useit during someone else's force time. Galuf is the only real anomaly because he's off turn without his own FR, and then further down the tier list Beatrix is a bit of an anomaly because she is that far down even though she is off turn damage with her own FR

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah but we are discussing Rydia specifically while you are talking about off-turn characters as a whole.
          Characters like Kain and Cor can be put in any team regardless of playstyle since the followups happen in enemy or player turns while Rydia and Rydia-centric teams need to be specifically played to maximize enemy turns. Kain/Cor would work in a Tidus turn-hog DPS team while Rydia wouldn't.

          • 2 years ago

            >Yeah but we are discussing Rydia specifically while you are talking about off-turn characters as a whole
            No. I was talking about Rydia specifically here

            I love that JP thinks my wife is the best

            I don't know. It looks like the whole top tierlist got shaken up a bit. Obviously it's something to do with force echo, though I'm not sure exactly what. Rydia enchants that party for water, makes the enemy auto weak to water damage, and her force time is already pretty busted as long as you let the enemy take turns but on top of that her FR has 50% hp damage cap up when dealing weakness damage. So now every single person who gets force boards will be able to increase the gauge by a guaranteed free 40% (2 fr abilities) and those FR abilities will be hitting with an extra 50% hp damage cap up. Or maybe it could just be that Rydia's own FR attack is good for Terra/Garnet right now, because it hits Terra's 20% of magic and also her 40% for instant turn rate, so Rydia boosts Terra's FR gauge by 120% for free, and then Garnet's FR is water damage which Rydia does so it's a free +60% to Garnet's FR

            Wish we knew exactly, but either way I I'm down with the Rydia timeline because I was going to use her anyway. Minwu moved up a bit as well and he's another one I was just going to pick up regardless

            and then later when 2 different anons mentioned specifically off turn damage, I responded about the off turn damage here

            >Letting enemies get turns and countering them to death is now a viable strat
            You sound like you never looked at the JP tier list before just now. The off turners were always at the top. Galuf, Gladio, and Auron were always near the top. People have been saying to get Kain specifically because he's off turn damage

            Prior to the latest JP update, it was literally all off turners at the top, except there was Jack Garland at the top as well as Rinoa. After them, it was pretty much all off turn damage dealers and then Rydia, because Rydia is the easiest and most universal off turn FR because she enables it herself

            There is something that happened specifically with the implementation of FR boards that shook the tier list up a bit. Jack Garland and Rinoa are no longer above the off turners. If you'll notice, the people at the tippy top of the tier list are actually the off turn damage dealers that also have their own FR, likely because they will be able to useit during someone else's force time. Galuf is the only real anomaly because he's off turn without his own FR, and then further down the tier list Beatrix is a bit of an anomaly because she is that far down even though she is off turn damage with her own FR

            because... they were talking about off turn damage

  46. 2 years ago

    >they made a drop down menu to quick travel to story chapters
    >the mode where you just beat it once and never go back too
    >they cant do that shit for summon fights
    >the mode where you constantly have to go back to for farming every other week
    God it feels like they do this stupid shit on purpose.

  47. 2 years ago

    Completely new to the game and just started yesterday. I like it thus far. Is pulling the highest quality weapons the endgame for most of this in terms of really upgrading your characters? I already have Cloud, Squall, WoL and Kain. So I almost have all my favorites except for maybe 3-4 more. What's the chase item/upgrade for most players once you get out of the early game?

    • 2 years ago

      Every character in the game is always available for free. You don't gacha characters in this game, you gacha their weapons. You basically need every single one of a character's weapons in order to use them, and then after you pull each individual weapon, you need to max them all out as well. You don't always need the BT weapon, but you will absolutely require the 15/35/EX/LD, and starting just recently you will also want the FR weapon. The FR weapon you only need to max out if you are using that character's Force Time ability, but you still want to have it to equip (instead of the EX) for characters that you do not have the BT for

      BTs are not always required, but generally you want that part of the character's kit as well. Kain, for example, you will want his BT+ (the green version, finisher ability only) because his BT effect is good and he can keep it up all battle, but you will probably be better off using someone else's actual Burst phase. You still want his 15/35/EX and LD all maxed out. His FR specifically you can skip out on maxing, but it still would be better that you have it rather than not have it

      Cloud and Squall are both pretty bad. Cloud has good utility, but the start dash banner is mostly a noob trap. Kain is the prize for this round of banners, and you want his BT+. Get Auron (15/35/EX/LD) when he releases tonight. The only part of a character's kit that you generally *need* to pull is the LD. As a noob you get a shit ton of Power Tokens (to buy the 15/35) and you get a decent amount of EX tokens to buy the EX. You still would rather pull the EX than not pull it, but worst case scenario you can buy it

      >What's the chase item/upgrade for most players once you get out of the early game?
      Uhh... you just get all of a character's kit while they're on banner. That's it. Beat the event fights, then go back and work your way through permanent content

      • 2 years ago

        Thanks, that's super helpful. I'm glad Kain is considered worthwhile since I have him and like the character. I'll keep my eye out for Auron though. Appreciate the help and I'm enjoying slowly learning all the mechanics so far.

    • 2 years ago

      >Is pulling the highest quality weapons the endgame for most of this in terms of really upgrading your characters?
      Yes. Ultima weapons are the highest, but they take ages to build, even if you do pay for the premium pass. However, you don't want to dump the resources into limit breaking and enhancing everything you get. Some characters are far more useful than others, so you want to pick and choose who to properly invest in, get an idea of whose actually good for you in the long term, especially when it comes to limit breaking an BT or FR.
      Same goes for when you get a characters High Armor from the exchange shop. You want to go back and do all those old Lufenia challenges and get those tokens for it, but limit breaking them to blue is another pick and choose.
      Just keep building up your roster as you plan to pull for notable characters, you'll have a truck load of gems to burn through, but dont just throw them out on everything. Dont expect to jump into Shinryu difficulty for awhile, take on Lufenia, try Luf+ once you build up the roster with newer banners.

    • 2 years ago

      Just to further explain what

      Every character in the game is always available for free. You don't gacha characters in this game, you gacha their weapons. You basically need every single one of a character's weapons in order to use them, and then after you pull each individual weapon, you need to max them all out as well. You don't always need the BT weapon, but you will absolutely require the 15/35/EX/LD, and starting just recently you will also want the FR weapon. The FR weapon you only need to max out if you are using that character's Force Time ability, but you still want to have it to equip (instead of the EX) for characters that you do not have the BT for

      BTs are not always required, but generally you want that part of the character's kit as well. Kain, for example, you will want his BT+ (the green version, finisher ability only) because his BT effect is good and he can keep it up all battle, but you will probably be better off using someone else's actual Burst phase. You still want his 15/35/EX and LD all maxed out. His FR specifically you can skip out on maxing, but it still would be better that you have it rather than not have it

      Cloud and Squall are both pretty bad. Cloud has good utility, but the start dash banner is mostly a noob trap. Kain is the prize for this round of banners, and you want his BT+. Get Auron (15/35/EX/LD) when he releases tonight. The only part of a character's kit that you generally *need* to pull is the LD. As a noob you get a shit ton of Power Tokens (to buy the 15/35) and you get a decent amount of EX tokens to buy the EX. You still would rather pull the EX than not pull it, but worst case scenario you can buy it

      >What's the chase item/upgrade for most players once you get out of the early game?
      Uhh... you just get all of a character's kit while they're on banner. That's it. Beat the event fights, then go back and work your way through permanent content

      said about the Start Dash protagonists:
      Cloud's a good balanced character since he has a reliable paralysis, a multi-target two-turn delay, buff removal, and reliable launches to go with his mix of melee and ranged damage. His main problem is, as far as damage dealers go, he's slow, which means that he doesn't benefit from off-turn damage as much as someone like, say, Lightning or Tidus would.
      Squall, by contrast, just deals damage. Zero utility, zero launch support, no useful debuffs or anything. He just hits hard, and is about as slow as Cloud, which means he's got both the primary weakness AND lacks Cloud's utility. I enjoy using him for times when I just want to unga bunga hit things and have others on the team that make up for the lack of utility, but he's not my most used character.
      Lightning exchanges the hard-hitting single turns from the above two characters for being able to chain multiple turns together. She, like Squall, lacks any meaningful utility, but unlike either him or Cloud, synergizes well with any ally that does follow-up damage, people like Kain for example but there are plenty of others. That said, she's particularly hated in co-op lobbies for her tendency to take over the fight and just get dozens of turns in a row to show off - I don't mind, personally, but it does get on some people's nerves.
      Be that as it may, welcome, and good luck with your rolls. If you need in-depth character information, check out tonberrytroupe.

      • 2 years ago

        >Is pulling the highest quality weapons the endgame for most of this in terms of really upgrading your characters?
        Yes. Ultima weapons are the highest, but they take ages to build, even if you do pay for the premium pass. However, you don't want to dump the resources into limit breaking and enhancing everything you get. Some characters are far more useful than others, so you want to pick and choose who to properly invest in, get an idea of whose actually good for you in the long term, especially when it comes to limit breaking an BT or FR.
        Same goes for when you get a characters High Armor from the exchange shop. You want to go back and do all those old Lufenia challenges and get those tokens for it, but limit breaking them to blue is another pick and choose.
        Just keep building up your roster as you plan to pull for notable characters, you'll have a truck load of gems to burn through, but dont just throw them out on everything. Dont expect to jump into Shinryu difficulty for awhile, take on Lufenia, try Luf+ once you build up the roster with newer banners.

        Thanks for all the detail, I'm going to work on WoL, Kain and Cloud a bit for now, Would I want to even think about tier lists for characters at this point or will that not be relevant right now as a new player?

        • 2 years ago

          Honestly, most tier lists for this game are misleading to say the least, especially if said list isn't updated frequently. There are some character reworks that grant them whole new effects or radical changes/bugfixes to their kits that can take a D-list character all the way up to meta/busted. Cyan's a great example: when they finally gave him a Limited (LD) weapon after years of ignoring him, he became an exceptional melee damage dealer on account of his insane, defense-ignoring new skill and the quality of life updates to the rest of his kit. But even with that update, some tier lists still list him as basically a joke character. That's why it's important to stick with trusted resources like Tonberrytroupe with an actual community behind them, rather than just whatever blog comes up in a google search.
          The short answer to tier lists is that any character is worth using if you put them in a party with other characters that benefit from their strengths/unique quirks. Since the game updates at a pretty regular clip, what's meta one week/month may well become middle-of-the-pack the next, so it really isn't worth worrying about that much. There's no content you can't clear as long as you pay attention to the resists and other mechanics of the fight in question.

          Where do I unlock Mog? He's not int he lost chapters.

          Mog is unlocked by getting to Act 3, Chapter 2, Part 2 - I forget the exact node, but it's pretty close to the beginning.

        • 2 years ago

          Tier lists kind of don't matter too much for new players. I could tell you that Garnet and Laguna are both very strong right now, but neither of them are on any banners so you couldn't pull for them anyway. Also, OO is a game that requires a deep roster of characters. For example in Dimension's End, once you use a character on a stage they get locked and you can't use them again. So even characters that aren't top tier will still be getting used to clear stuff. So really, any character can be used.

          Finally keep in mind that some characters have very specific niches where they might generally only be decent on most fights but on some fights they're GOAT. Like Lenna or Ignis can prevent enemies from landing debuffs. So if you have a fight with bosses who constantly throw out nasty debuffs, having one of them on your team will make the fight super easy. And then you have someone like Mog who is just generally fairly good, but not amazing. However every action he takes he performs a follow-up attack that also removes two debuffs from each of your teammates. On any debuff heavy fight you'll be glad to have him on the team, especially when you run into the very rare bosses with "true debuffs" that can bypass the debuff immunity granted by Ignis and Lenna. On a fight like that having Mog, who can remove debuffs without needing skills, is amazing. But often that niche is not all that necessary.

          Ultimately the tier list in OO is more of a general idea than something that you should focus on too much. Some characters will remain high tier for a long time, such as Kain and Tidus. Other characters like Sherlotta fall down the tier list a bit fast but remain widely used by JP players for months and months to clear content because her strengths don't really translate well to the single tier list system.

          • 2 years ago

            This is an excellent point about how niche some of the characters are, and why it's important to focus on how a group of characters functions together as well as against specific fight mechanics rather than just how strong an individual character is in a vacuum/in a theorycraft environment. Cater and Setzer, for example, have a Freeze debuff that neuters enemies of their ability to gain or steal Brv, meaning they can prevent enemies from dealing direct damage, which is fantastic...until the debuff gets removed in the same turn that the enemy does a lethal attack, or until you run into an enemy whose damage output isn't based on Brv gaining/stealing, or the enemy is outright immune to Freeze for some god-forsaken reason. Both Cater and Setzer are great characters, but not if their main tactical advantage is made irrelevant by the fight you bring them to fight.
            Every character is useful somewhere, even if the technicality of their usefulness is extremely narrow, but the reverse is also worth keeping in mind - characters that have broader kits tend to be not as strong as a specialist within a given niche, but versatility is its own specialty in many ways. Prompto, for example, has a bunch of different things going on with his kit, like a lock-evasion tanking skill, a follow-up attack that triggers on his allies' turns, and a pretty reasonable set of party buffs and battery. While he's not as strong in any of these areas as some other characters, the fact that he does multiple things reasonably well makes him a good third slot option in many different team set-ups.

          • 2 years ago

            Is it possible to frick myself by locking a character on a certain dimension end level?

            • 2 years ago

              No. You can always unlock a stage and free up that character, you'll just have to do it again to lock someone else. With regular Dimension's End, the fights are set up like a ladder, so you can't do Stage 9 until you've cleared Stage 1-8. If you beat Stage 8 and then go back and reset your characters in Stage 6, you won't be able to unlock the next Stage until you beat Stage 6 again and lock characters into it again.

              With Dimension's End: Transcendence, each Stage is composed of three gates. A right gate, a left gate and then a middle gate that unlocks when you beat both of the right and left gate. You can clear the Stages in any order though, so you could do 7 and then 2 and then and 5 if you wanted. Also you can unlock characters from stages you've cleared and use them other stages. The thing is though, we get special gem rewards every now and gain (next time will be when DE:T 12 releases). If you've cleared and have characters locked to all 11 stages they'll give you a shit ton of gems. But if you've just been cleared DE:T stages and unlocking characters afterwards you won't get those rewards.

              Also keep in mind characters are only locked into that particular DE stage. You can still use them for all of the rest of the content in the game.

            • 2 years ago

              The only thing that characters are permanently locked to are the Ultima Missions for Ultima Cores. There are plenty of Lufenias in the game, but each Lufenia has only 3 slots, and once you have "locked" 3 characters (filled up all the slots) you can no longer use that Lufenia to finish people's Ultima Mission

              It's no big deal though. This is just so that you don't use like one of the easiest Lufenias in the game to just spam everyone's mission. Dimensions End stuff (and Abyss) you can always unlock a character, but you will need to go back later and reclear it with a different set of characters if you want to have the omni clear (alters the plate displayed on your rank)

  48. 2 years ago

    Kain Shinryu: Galuf (Paladin Cecil) Garnet BT+ (Yuna) Kadaj (Lilisette) Diabolos Kain BT+FR3+UW

    Was right at 55 turns for a while. Kadaj neuters their damage. The only enemies are the turn count, and protecting Galuf from Paralysis at critical moments.

  49. 2 years ago

    Alright, if I have Kain's FR and limit broke it 2 times should I keep pulling on his banner to get his BT or just go after something else???

    I've been hearing that his BT+ is the most important out of all his weapons so I was just wondering if the smart move would be to keep pulling until I get it or pity it.

    • 2 years ago

      >I've been hearing that his BT+ is the most important out of all his weapons
      You want all of his weapons, but yes, having his BT+ makes him a future proof unit whereas without it not so much

      >I was just wondering if the smart move would be to keep pulling until I get it or pity it.
      Those might be the same thing, anon. Kain's FR is the weapon that doesn't matter

    • 2 years ago

      Wait for all the free pulls in a BT cycle to pull on a BT or to token it.

    • 2 years ago

      Depends on how many G-tokens you already have on Kain's banner. Also wait for the Krile/Braska banners because Kain's BT will be on those and we get a free pull on each.

  50. 2 years ago

    Where do I unlock Mog? He's not int he lost chapters.

    • 2 years ago

      He's in Act 3.

  51. 2 years ago

    got Krile on 30 tickets should I max the FR is she worth it? is she better than Kain FR

    • 2 years ago

      Better than Kain FR but still not really "worth it"

      Kam is the first "worth it" FR, and he's the event after Braska, so in about 9 days

  52. 2 years ago


  53. 2 years ago

    A little TOO close but a win is a win.

  54. 2 years ago

    Based free pull

    • 2 years ago

      Grats on your BT dupe.

      • 2 years ago

        BTs have a dark background unless they changed it. It was Krile's FR

        • 2 years ago

          It's possible to get a higher rank weapon out of a lower colored orb. Like a BT from a gold orb or a purple orb. Happened to me with WoL. Orb popped purple but it gave me a WoL BT dupe.

  55. 2 years ago

    I pulled Kriles FR but I don’t want to max it out since I’m saving resources for Kam and Tidus, should I just take the loss in stats and equip it over her EX+?

    • 2 years ago

      I believe a base FR has better stats than a 3/3 EX+.

      • 2 years ago

        Well shit. Could have sworn it was weaker when I tried on Kains FR last week, never mind than.

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah I just checked the compendium. An FR with no limit breaks leveled to 45 has a max mbrave of 3764 and a max attack of 1211. A 3/3 EX+ weapon has a max mbrave of 3696 and a max attack of 1189. It's a marginal difference but a level 45 FR with no limit breaks is a tiny bit better than a maxed out 3/3 EX+. Noel may be the one exception when he gets his FR because for some reason they gave his EX stupidly high stats (his 3/3 EX+ has the same attack stat as his 3/3 BT+).

  56. 2 years ago

    >Kain free multi
    >Krile free multi
    Have I rigged the game?

  57. 2 years ago

    should i invest my fr enhance crystals on a fr charger now? how rare are these mats? like bt+ mats?

    • 2 years ago

      I want to know this too.
      Krile's cute and she's a nice charger, but I think the best ones are Luna (august) and Selphie (september).

      • 2 years ago

        a friend kril upped the fr power by 75% with just her do nothing skill
        metabrehs explain

  58. 2 years ago

    what rewards come with the new shinyru difficulty?

  59. 2 years ago

    >"maxed out Kain"
    >5/5 UW Blue armor, looks good
    >it's a base FR Kain without BT+ and with 0 force enhancement

    • 2 years ago

      You think someone would just go and lie on the internet? Preposterous.

    • 2 years ago

      I went out of my way to set my friend Kain with a 0/3 FR instead of the UW I built for him so no one would be "fooled" into thinking he is force maxed.
      Once Kam drops I will put that UW in him though. I am assuming at that point people will go to Kam if they want FR and Kain if they want off-turn.

    • 2 years ago

      I remember back in the day I was doing some Chaos stage when they were new. Spent like 30 minutes getting the boss down to 15%, brought in my friend unit to blow shit up... no fricking skills equipped. He had his EX+ weapon equipped and all summon boards done and everything looked legit, but he'd unequipped all of the characters skills. Frick I was so pissed off that after I died I went through my friend list until I found that person and removed from. And you know what? I'm still mad.

      • 2 years ago

        >I went through my friend list until I found that person
        I've done this at least twice

  60. 2 years ago

    Krile Shinryu: Galuf (P Cecil) Garnet BT+ (Yuna) Kain FR0 (Lenna) Diabolos Kain BT+FR3+UW

    Much easier and faster than Kain's. Yuna call can easily be replaced by Raines. I don't remember using my own FR, in fact I don't think the second FR bar charged fast enough.

  61. 2 years ago

    Those challenges to do the fight without support units are a bit rough. Maybe if Krile wasn't cucking Auron from counter-attacks I could have made it

    • 2 years ago

      Galuf works better in Krile's event and I suspect that Auron works better in Kain's.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah I'll try again tomorrow. Also I'm waiting for Kam and Tidus but so far I'm not really feeling Shinryu difficulty. Kinda boring

  62. 2 years ago

    I'm surprised that Double Dragoon actually worked, lmao. Jecht's second wind caught me by surprise but my team was so protected that I just shrugged it off.

  63. 2 years ago

    10 tickets and the free pulls got me all of Braska's kit

    • 2 years ago

      I got Braska's FR and Jecht's BT on the same free pull, so I figured "why not" and spent ~150 tickets on getting the rest of both of their kits. I'll probably get around to doing their board grinding sometime this weekend; even if I may not use them all that frequently, having more characters is better than less.

  64. 2 years ago

    Both free pulls got me 2 FRs.

  65. 2 years ago

    Prishe does it again!

  66. 2 years ago

    If I'm going to just use a character for their call, is there a point to upgrading their armor at all or just the weapons?

    • 2 years ago

      MAAAYBE if you're using the call to battery and need Encouragement armor. Otherwise not really unless you need the cp.

  67. 2 years ago
  68. 2 years ago

    After 3 Shinryu, this difficultly is getting tiresome. At least defeating Final Aeon Jecht is so satisfying.
    I just don't know if I can still keep up and clear the upcoming DE10.

    • 2 years ago

      You know what's really gonna be cool? When we get force boards next year and stuff costs even more enhancement points

      • 2 years ago

        So cool, and I hope the f2p people will keep getting 5k points per event so I can keep saying "it's not p2w, you just need to save your points" while paying for the mog pass every month.

        • 2 years ago

          >I hope the f2p people will keep getting 5k points per event
          Oh ho ho ho, don't worry, they will

          *buys premium mogpass for the 8th month in a row*
          Generous game

          • 2 years ago

            >generous game
            honestly yeah, it's so generous even if it becomes less f2p friendly it would end up being as bad as a normal gacha at worst
            i've been able to complete every event of the last year (1.5 yo account) and i'm still at 160k enhancement pts
            last time i spent on a gacha was 9 years ago btw

            • 2 years ago

              >it would end up being as bad as a normal gacha at worst
              The only reason I'm playing OO is because it is unlike other gachas
              >i'm still at 160k enhancement pts
              Wow, that's like enough to Force Enhance 10 characters, whoa

              • 2 years ago

                anon you need only 2 to complete shinryus, you can use the other pts for characters you want to have fun with
                also you're forgetting this is just a very generous gacha, if you want to play actual rpgs where you have total freedom uninstall this game

              • 2 years ago

                i got over 200k points
                get good

              • 2 years ago

                >get good kupo

  69. 2 years ago

    Braska Shinryu: Galuf (Ignis) Garnet BT+ (Raines) Kain FR0 (Lulu no LD) Diabolos Kain BT+FR3+UW

    Ha ha Chain + Radiant Shield go brrr

  70. 2 years ago

    do chapter characters not get a free 15cp weapon anymore

    • 2 years ago

      I think that was an Act 1 thing

  71. 2 years ago

    Even in Lufenias you can't use supports if you want all the rewards

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, if you want the BT rewards you must be content with slightly building out each banner unit, or at the very least being forced to partially build out the featured banner cycle unit. No longer can you scrape by just on calls

    • 2 years ago

      It's an issue if you want 400 gems. But for the permanent BT+ mats you can come back later.

  72. 2 years ago

    Will Kam make Braska's shinryu a cakecalk? Don't want to waste time on the stage since I'm going all in on the next banner

    • 2 years ago

      Do you have Selphie or Raines Call, and do you have Kurasame Call and an off-turn damage dealer (Kain, Freya or Cissnei)? If so, yeah, Kam will make it a piece of cake.

  73. 2 years ago

    I cleared it with Kain-Braska-Galuf and had absolutely no problems at any point. People really made it look like you could get wiped after the first phase or at 50% of the 2nd phase with the Jecht Bomber+, but I never went down to even half with that attack, and Braska was always there to cast Curaga afterwards.
    I packed the WoL call in case I needed the shield to mitigate damage, but I didn't even have to use it.
    Same happened with the Krile fight; I was thinking it would be really fricking hard and I finished it without problems.
    The only real pain in the ass shinryu fight I've played was the first one with the Evil Eyes. Disabling damage mitigation is a pretty ruthless mechanic.

    • 2 years ago

      Could it be done with Kain Ignis Galuf you think?
      I was trying WoL instead of Galuf but God the Lock and delay run his shield out so fast... And I do t have braska because I'm skippin

      • 2 years ago

        Galuf can keep your party alive since he provides strong mitigations. Ignis can let you super charge your FR gauge and Kain does Kain things. I don't see why they couldn't clear it.

        • 2 years ago

          Probably, but you need to have a call or tow to heal yourself. I used Braska to get the mission done, but his heals also helped a lot.
          You could also use Lulu or Lulu's call to keep the fire enchant up, too.

          Late, but just want to say I indeed was able to clear it with this comp
          Act 3 Ch. 8 Part 2 Shinryu
          Kain (UT 0/5, BT+FR, Prishe, FE30)
          Galuf (EX+ HA0, Maria)
          Ignis (EX+ HA0, Leo, FE10)

          I love this old man

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah, Galuf is really a game changer on some of these fights; motherfricker can tank anything and he does pretty solid off-turn damage now that FR was added. He was already good before, but now he's the entire package of tank, healer and damage dealer, as long as someone else can activate the FR and someone else can dispel debuffs like paralize or petrify from him.

      • 2 years ago

        Probably, but you need to have a call or tow to heal yourself. I used Braska to get the mission done, but his heals also helped a lot.
        You could also use Lulu or Lulu's call to keep the fire enchant up, too.

  74. 2 years ago

    Who do you think will be the next GLEX?

    • 2 years ago

      I'm not even sure if we'll even get one considering we're having the comeback of Cor around that time.

      Anyone from Tactics like Delita, Mustadio or Gaffgarrion is fine by me in case.

    • 2 years ago

      Rikku on Paine's banner instead of Gabranth

    • 2 years ago

      Hopefully either someone from XI, IX or Tactics

  75. 2 years ago

    Everyone is from IX, XIII, or XV so:
    Quina, Amarant
    Serah BTFR, LeBreau, Lumina
    Iris, Gentiana

    Fang had her animations messed up so maybe she'll get an early FR.

    • 2 years ago

      We did get Balthier and Vincent's LDs as global firsts though, so who knows. Between Gabranth and Sherlotta it's a bit tight to expect something like Balthier's BT.

    • 2 years ago

      If we really need to get someone else from XIII i'd rather have Jihl or Dysley.

      • 2 years ago

        Snow's groupie already has combat animations. Though Dysley could have generic caster waving and his fal'Cie form for his stronger attacks.

        • 2 years ago

          >Snow's groupie already has combat animations
          All she did in the entire trilogy was shooting a gun for less than a minute, how are they gonna get a full moveset? At least with Jessie you have the excuse of using grenades and recreating cinematics from the remake (and even then i called BS), what the frick has Lebreau to offer?

          • 2 years ago

            >how are they gonna get a full moveset?
            By extracting them from her actual XIII ingame combat animations? Along with her combat quotes and grunts that already have voicelines?

            • 2 years ago

              Like i said, there's barely anything to work with on that front, and even outside of combat she doesn't do pretty much anything that stands out.
              Unless her EX is opening a door and peaking from behind, i don't know what the frick they can do.

          • 2 years ago

            Like i said, there's barely anything to work with on that front, and even outside of combat she doesn't do pretty much anything that stands out.
            Unless her EX is opening a door and peaking from behind, i don't know what the frick they can do.

            Jessie dies in FF7 after doing nothing other than being on a train with Cloud, and they gave her an entire moveset including an FR

            And you think that someone who was actually in their game would be difficult to get a moveset for?

            • 2 years ago

              The moveset for Jessie is taken from things she does in cutscenes in FFVII Remake like i said. And i criticize even that considering how overall it is still a waste, but at the very least there is a basis for what they did.

              • 2 years ago

                >moveset for Jessie is taken from things she does in cutscenes
                I mean she does throw grenades and shoot a gun. She summons gunfire out of no where, but no help from Bigs or Wedge? No motorcycle or parachuting? I mean Laguna still gets his helicopter rope, there wasn’t anything stopping her from jumping into the air and flying down in a parachute while shooting. I mean you can say her FR references how she whispers to Cloud, but other than that, they seriously skipped over actual ideas from her cutscene appearances.
                And at the same time, I wouldn’t be surprised if we get Bigs and Wedge as separate playable units while they promote the FF7R episodes.

              • 2 years ago

                And this is why i still criticize her. I just think LeBreau would be stretching even more the rope on the matter.

              • 2 years ago

                Jesse is in cutscenes.
                Jihl is in cutscenes
                Space pope forma de human is in cutscenes.
                Animation, moves, and voicelines all have to be made from scratch

                LeBreau is actually in combat so she already has models and movesets and voicelines to extract just like the main cast. She's easier for a lazy gacha company to implement than trying to make things from scratch like Jihl.


                She'll end up as Lilisette's BT

              • 2 years ago

                If you wanna be technical, Jihl has combat model, animations and attacks from her DLC battle in XIII-2

  76. 2 years ago

    Bro who cares about these literal fricking whos

    • 2 years ago

      Wish granted, the Chocobo summon is raised to level 50 and each character gets an extra board: to get points you have to challenge the Level 99 Red Chocobo, base battle being a Lufenia where if you can't keep the counter you die via Choco Meteor.

      • 2 years ago

        >Level 99
        So it dies in one hit?

        • 2 years ago

          I mean, most COSMOS summon challenges can be one-shotted if you know what you're doing.

  77. 2 years ago


  78. 2 years ago

    Reminder that newer player should stock up on ~20+ Paladin Cecil spheres in tomorrow's RF shop. It hasn't gotten a rerun yet in JP.

    • 2 years ago

      >did the last 6 man using only 3 LD only characters and no calls
      >had fun doing it
      >probably not even going to attempt to do this 6 man until DET10 is out

      >2 C slots (4 units, 8 total)
      Sherlotta, Rosa, Lenna, Yuna
      >1 C slot (10 units, 10 total)
      Gladio, Alphi, Porom, Agrias, Cait Sith, Selphie, Lilisette, Serah, Snow, Braska
      >zero C slots
      Iroha, Edward, Beatrix, Quistis, Layle, Galuf, WoL

      ~20 is still accurate, but if anyone wanted a breakdown of Encouragement's I'm going to make like 60 probably because I'm moronic and still scarred from Laguna RFs

      • 2 years ago

        If there are any more FR conditions like Krile's I think it's worth expanding beyond Encouragement Armor. She has Unity but Cecil spheres give her full FR charge on her S2.

        • 2 years ago

          >Cecil spheres give her full FR charge on her S2.
          Well that's pretty neat. I didn't know that (and stuff like that is why I'm extra cautious and will be making probably ~60 spheres, cuz I only made 20 Laguna RF and I think those might continue to see more use cases down the road)

          Probably good for Aerith's FR then as well

  79. 2 years ago

    whose fr are you gonna mlb tidus or kam?

    • 2 years ago

      They're both homosexuals that I want nothing to do with, but Tidus because DE:T10. Or at least I will be getting his kit. I might not max out any FR until DE:T10 is actually here, and I'll try to use just Sherlotta but that might not work

      Frick Shinryu, honestly. Can you imagine if Lufenia+ absolutely required you to have a BT+? But you stick a meter on the screen and suddenly everyone is soifacing about muh FRs

      • 2 years ago

        sure bt+ weren't needed but lds were, frs are basically the same
        the only issue i have with shinryus is that they're monotonous

        • 2 years ago

          >sure bt+ weren't needed but lds were
          >>frs are basically the same
          That's the most moronic thing I've ever heard in my life

          Let's skip the chance to draw the LD vs the FR. The FR is the same pull rate as the LD, but since there are multiple LDs on a banner and only one FR, the FR actually statistically has a worse pull rate, but for the sake of brevity let's pretend they're actually the same

          You get your LD, and you put 36 Power Stones into it or whatever it is, and you're done. You sell it and you have a character

          To max an FR you need to use every single High Power Stone the game has given you. You get one for """free""". If you want others, you need to cough up 240 Power Stones or pull for dupes

          And after that, we get to talk about Force Enhancements 🙂
          It is nowhere near comparable

          • 2 years ago

            fr just came out, lds have been around for a while, this is the only difference
            also you're not supposed to mlb every fr and fr enhance every character

    • 2 years ago

      Waiting on both in case the GLEX memer is right.

      • 2 years ago

        glex memer? does it have to do with kam's fr bug?

    • 2 years ago

      Just Kam until Ursula.

  80. 2 years ago

    Who's the best charger from Krile, Penelo or Braska?
    I don't have either of the FRs, but I do have the rest of the kits.

    • 2 years ago

      Metachads pls respond.

  81. 2 years ago

    We get this argument every fricking era.

    This period is still easier than early Chaos.

    • 2 years ago

      Hello, yes, I'm the person who originally posted that video here

      LDs are still absolutely nothing like FRs

      • 2 years ago

        >I'm the person who originally posted that video here
        Why are you lying tho

        • 2 years ago

          Because I'm not. I posted that several thread ago, the day he released the video, I believe. Maybe a day or two after

          I am a f2p player and thus it is pertinent information to me, and I wanted to share it with people who I thought were my bros, because Shinryu is a frick

          (You) are not my bro, and now you're trying to take credit for knowledge that I attempted to spread, before you tried to use it against me, homosexual

          • 2 years ago

            Ok, but you're still lying, I looked it up and this video was never posted it here. You think I care about credit or your dumb argument? I'm trying to make people realize that his whining about resources and difficult fights happens every start of a new era, and it IS a difficult transition, people got really spoiled by Lufenia+ but it always becomes easier halfway through and people already start looking forward to a harder difficulty by then.
            You claim to want to share knowledge but all you're doing is doompost and make it clear that your problem is, and will always be, a skill issue.

            • 2 years ago

              >Ok, but you're still lying
              Shut the frick up you stupid bullshitting c**t. Show me a /vmg/ archive and I will find my damn post. It was like 2 or 3 threads ago

              What a colossal homosexual you are

              Can you imagine being such a paypig homosexual that you say things like Shinryu being exponentially more expensive is a """skill issue"""? kek

              • 2 years ago

                Not that guy, but you're having a meltdown over something really trivial. Take a break from the internet, my man.

              • 2 years ago

                The archive is right above your screen, man, but sure here it is https://arch.b4k.co/vmg/search/subject/dissidia/
                Tell me if you find it because I really looked.

                >Shinryu being exponentially more expensive
                I won't even disagree with that, you're right, but it's also just as manageable as it always was, it's all in the video.

              • 2 years ago

                fr just came out, lds have been around for a while, this is the only difference
                also you're not supposed to mlb every fr and fr enhance every character

                >whales trying to tell people how to play the game
                >being told to watch the video I posted
                I hate whales

              • 2 years ago

                is that your excuse for not being good? i haven't spent a cent on video games in years

              • 2 years ago

                >complain about the abysmal state of the game
                >"""skill issue"""
                The only Shinryu I've even tried is Kain's. I did it without an FR, and it took over an hour. It wasn't fun. I can't waste resources because I'm not a whale, but that's not something you'd understand, so I can't play the game until they release an FR that I want that is also good

                It's annoying that they'd require such an expensive thing in order to play the game. An issue that is solved almost entirely by buying the mog pass. Clearly it's a skill issue though

              • 2 years ago

                just use a friend fr moron holy shit, that's how i did it, you're not forced to have one until transcendence

              • 2 years ago

                I think he believes every character needs to max the FR boards to be able to clear Shinryu.
                I wasn't even maxing the normal boards before to clear content and this guy right here is hellbent on having every character maxed out.
                Since he's out of his meds, he thinks everyone who disagrees with him (or even the ones that agree with him) are whales. I also think not getting at least 10k points as a F2P player per event is pretty shitty, but clearing the challenges is just a matter of using your scarce resources wisely.

              • 2 years ago

                >I think he believes every character needs to max the FR boards to be able to clear Shinryu.
                I know that's what you think I believe. It's clear. That is not what I believe, but you have your own beliefs and you will accept no input other than what comes from inside your own brain

              • 2 years ago

                homie I'm agreeing with you on how shitty is that they upped the cap on how many points can anyone that pays get and how F2P people got shat on, not getting anything at all.
                But the thing is the game is pretty old, and people who have some time on it should already have a stable roster of well built characters, and people who just started should have a big pool of resources to assign into at least 2 characters with max FR boards.

                I also got blocked for at least 2 days on the first Shinryu fight, and I tried a bunch of combinations on that fight to try to clear it (with boosted characters because I wanted every reward). I finally did it after a bunch of time, but every Shinryu after that one has been a first try clear.
                I don't really see how people can't clear the next fights, specially if you're not going for every last event mission.

              • 2 years ago

                >liar liar liar
                >still lying
                >actually here's what he thinks, he thinks you need to have zero enhancement points at all times because everyone needs to be maxed out
                >he has no idea how to budget anything, his complaints are baseless

                >"BUT IM AGREEING WITH YOU?!?!"

              • 2 years ago

                Unironically take your meds, m8. You can't even hold a normal conversation at this point.

              • 2 years ago

                >costs triple the amount
                >f2p gets same amount of points as before
                >"""just as manageable as it always was"""
                sasuga whalekun

            • 2 years ago

              Actually, I guess I posed it on /vg/. I might have also posted it here? I'm not sure, and I can't find searchable /vmg/ archives

              Either way, you are using knowledge that I attempted to spread against me. Shinryu is a frick. It's nothing like LD. The fact that it's stupid expensive is only a """skill issue""" if you view buying the mogpass as a skill

              • 2 years ago

                Don't you just need to max 1 guy at the FR board to act as a FR battery and let the big guys destroy everything once the Force Time starts?

  82. 2 years ago

    Kam do be silly

    • 2 years ago

      prishe bt total dmg?

  83. 2 years ago

    If i give Kain an LD call like Kurasame's, will the LD buff still be in effect when he's in the air?

    • 2 years ago

      Yes, it's a common strat actually.

      • 2 years ago

        Awesome thanks, just had to double check.

  84. 2 years ago

    Damn. Holy shit. Kam's BT phase reached 71 million.

    • 2 years ago

      Not bad. With Kain and Garnet BTs and Raines call with Keiss Call I managed to hit 110 million on the 6 man.

      • 2 years ago

        I'm gonna try that later today. Won't Garnet's enchant overwrite Kurasame's CA enchant, though? I know she won't overwrite Kam's ice attack.

  85. 2 years ago

    Do I go all in for tidus or machina? Is it smarter to wait for machina Fr banner instead? Don't have either of their kit

    • 2 years ago

      Tidus is a blue crystal, a turn hogger, and applies debuffs
      DET10 right gate is blue and requires debuffs
      DET10 Reckoning, the boss turn warps unless he is stacked with debuffs
      Tidus will also have an FR. I will be going for Tidus

    • 2 years ago

      Machina is/was absurdly strong but most of that strength comes directly from his BT+. If the BT isn't on a banner you'll have to spend BT tokens on it. Tidus is the better option for now but you can always throw tickets at Desch for the LD and burn emergency tokens later.

  86. 2 years ago

    I mistakenly put some of my points to non super charge characters. Only Panelo got maxed. I don't know if I put my points to Braska, since I have his full kit.
    Just want to know who's the next super charger worth investing to?

    • 2 years ago

      Sherlotta then Lunafreya shortly after that

      • 2 years ago

        Thanks. Maybe I should try my luck on Lunafreya.

  87. 2 years ago

    Is there a guide for FRs? I don't really get how you get the bonus so high

    • 2 years ago

      Every FR has different ways to increase the bonus, you have to read them. You can use this site and look at a units infograph to see how their FR increases the bonus.
      For example, Kains FR increases when any range attack hits the enemy, or when someone launches. Kam’s FR increases when someone does Ice damage, or when someone attacks a paralyzed enemy. His is extremely exploitable and can get ridiculous.

    • 2 years ago

      Every FR has different ways to increase the bonus, you have to read them. You can use this site and look at a units infograph to see how their FR increases the bonus.
      For example, Kains FR increases when any range attack hits the enemy, or when someone launches. Kam’s FR increases when someone does Ice damage, or when someone attacks a paralyzed enemy. His is extremely exploitable and can get ridiculous.

      There's also this catalog for all currently released FRs, very handy to keep this one in mind

    • 2 years ago

      In addition to what

      Every FR has different ways to increase the bonus, you have to read them. You can use this site and look at a units infograph to see how their FR increases the bonus.
      For example, Kains FR increases when any range attack hits the enemy, or when someone launches. Kam’s FR increases when someone does Ice damage, or when someone attacks a paralyzed enemy. His is extremely exploitable and can get ridiculous.


      There's also this catalog for all currently released FRs, very handy to keep this one in mind

      said, keep in mind that the rate at which FR bonus gauge goes up is partially improved by doing the FR Enhancements for your current party members, so if you're not increasing the gauge as fast as it seems like you should be, make sure everyone's got their FR Enhancements upgraded.

  88. 2 years ago

    >start playing
    >suddenly everyone is lvl 70
    why? this feels like cheating

    • 2 years ago

      With how fricking powerful the new enemies are, you need all the help the game can give to you.
      It only cuts you some minutes of grinding the cycle quests, anyway.

  89. 2 years ago

    Neon FR showcase

    • 2 years ago

      iris/neon, kyrie and yuffie is the only trinity i believe in

    • 2 years ago

      Interesting that they're giving her Lulu's true fire enchant and imperil, but also Rainbow damage vs. elemental weakness while under BT (I think; it's either her BT or LD that grants the Rainbow damage). I wonder what they'll do for Lulu to make her not redundant with Neon. Also Celes being her FR partner is great.

      • 2 years ago

        >I wonder what they'll do for Lulu to make her not redundant with Neon
        Nothing. Neon is from Team Ninja's own game, they make their own characters good on purpose

        • 2 years ago

          I figured it'd be like that. I can live in hope, though.

      • 2 years ago

        Neon won't get a BT yet so I assume it's just LD. Pretty cool that they gave her some of Marilith's moves mixed with Red Mage and Void Knight skills.

        • 2 years ago

          >Neon won't get a BT yet
          [citation needed]
          Her true fire enchant comes from her BT, genius

        • 2 years ago

          >Neon won't get a BT yet
          [citation needed]
          Her true fire enchant comes from her BT, genius

          Oh frick, I'm stupid, she IS getting a BT.
          I heard that BT cycles would be different now but I didn't think it would happen now. Makes sense I guess, since all weapons have been "devalued" and now BTs might end up on the same level as EXs back then.

  90. 2 years ago

    Gonna miss the Kain BT cycle co-ops.

  91. 2 years ago

    Realistically, is it even possible for me to run out of gems?

    Tidus is the first BT that I will be wanting, and I have enough things to just buy it, so I might continue only using tickets, get the FR, and buy the BT. Is it smart or stupid to want to use up all my tickets first? I've been using them for everything other than BT, but you don't need BTs so I just haven't been using gems. Can I even run out if I tried to?

  92. 2 years ago

    >see that the costs to spark weapons has decreased
    >suddenly no urge to pull on anything until that update gets added to GL
    Good stuff

    • 2 years ago

      >costs to spark weapons
      What does that even mean. I'm not actually a gacha gay, but my understanding was that "spark" was what genshit calls "pull"

      The pull cost is not decreased, the pity cost is decreased. The pity cost will be decreased 8 months from now, because there will be a brand new BT and FR on every single banner, and they're lowering the banners to 4 per month instead of 6. In response, it will be cheaper to pity BTs and FRs (and everything) by 5 multi pulls. Instead of needing to do 25 multis to pity a BT, you will only need to do 20

      • 2 years ago

        Anon, i dont know how hard you read into that, but the cost to spark has decreased because you do less multipulls to select one, less gems used. That simple. Seriously man, did not have to get technical.

        • 2 years ago

          >Seriously man, did not have to get technical
          You didn't even tell me what the frick "spark" means, dude, and now you're getting sassy. Also, you're actually gonna be more fricked when they get cheaper to pity. That's why they're doing it. You're gonna have 4 new BTFRs per month and only enough resources to max 1 of each, same as you have now (until they announce they are upping BT+ materials)

          • 2 years ago

            Not him, but "Spark" or "to spark" is a term from Granblue Fantasy. It's their equivalent of pitying via G tokens.

            I'm struggling to find motivation to play ever since shinryu. I'm not having fun with the fights, so much bloat at the start and then you just shit damage and end it in 10 turns or less. Its not a gameplay loop I'm having fun with and makes 90% of the fight feel like meaningless setup but you still kinda have to pay attention because you can game over if you don't.

            Also doesn't help that I despise most of the early FR cast (krile is okay, but man does her FR blow after seeing kam). And most of my favorite characters don't have force enhancements so they feel bad to use.

            Shinryu seems like the kind of mode that will be a lot more fun 3 months from now. But the first month at least is sucking major ass. I've never been less motivated to log in and do fights.

            I haven't done any of the Shinryus, honestly. I'm holding off until I can get more of my favorites like Tifa upgraded and building a team around her, then going back and doing them when I feel like it.
            I like playing specifically for my favorites, and am willing to wait/forego 'early adopter' rewards just to avoid having the clutter of a bunch of characters I don't actually care about. I just play the game for ~half an hour or so every day, sometimes more when I have grinding to do, but I'm not really in a rush to get all the content done or "remain competitive" or something.
            I understand the feeling but I cope by just keeping on a regular pace with this game and going off to do other stuff for most of the day. It's an aperitif for my daily gaming, rather than the whole meal, to torture a metaphor.

            • 2 years ago

              The first three aren't a big deal. They don't even require force passives. It'll help to get at least one done just to get a feel for things when the temporary force stones are on the line.

            • 2 years ago

              >It's their equivalent of pitying via G tokens.
              Ahh I see, okay, thanks

              Also, don't listen to that other guy. If you don't wanna do the shinryus, don't do them. I did the first one without an FR and it took over an hour. It's not fun. You might want to actually have an FR unit for DET10 when that happens since FR is required for it and I think those might have some decent limited rewards? But if it's just tickets and like 400 gems, or you just don't care at all, then it doesn't matter. As you said, it's really not worth to blow a shit ton of resources on something you wont use. 10 Tickets to build the FR and 3 tickets to complete the Shinryu is not selling me. You can """get a feel for it""" when you actually want to, rather than feeling like you need to, because currently there is no incentive and that's a good thing. The juice aint worth the squeeze

              • 2 years ago

                I like the phrase "The juice ain't worth the squeeze"; I'll have to use that more often.
                Hopefully I can get away with picking up Tidus's FR next week. I have the rest of his kit built up anyway, and I've read he's fairly evergreen as far as damage dealers go. Not sure if I'll go all the way on him the way I will with Tifa and those I plan to use with her, but we'll see.
                It's going to be difficult to pare down the list of 'must-have' FRs going forward, but I'll find a way. Can you use multiple different Force Times per battle, or is it any two Force Times per battle maximum? So like, if I had Tifa and Cor with their FRs, would I have a 'maximum' of four Force Times, two for each, or just two?

              • 2 years ago

                >So like, if I had Tifa and Cor with their FRs, would I have a 'maximum' of four Force Times, two for each

              • 2 years ago

                I think you can enter as many Force Times as you can trigger, but realistically you would only get 2 at most, since you either kill the bosses during one of those or the bosses kill you during theirs.

              • 2 years ago

                >So like, if I had Tifa and Cor with their FRs, would I have a 'maximum' of four Force Times, two for each

                Ahh, gotcha. Makes more sense, then, for people like Seymour down the line whose highest bonus comes from harming enemies below 50% health; you'd want a 'setup' FR to burst the enemy down below 50%, then use Seymour's later in the fight to finish them off.
                Is it intended to try and block enemy Force Time with your own, or should you just use Force Time whenever it's properly set up and not worry about the enemy's gauge? Or are there some fights where one or the other strategy is punished?

              • 2 years ago

                >Is it intended to try and block enemy Force Time with your own, or should you just use Force Time whenever it's properly set up
                Literally every video that exists on YouTube uses either their own "force charger" or a friend charger, like Sherlotta, Lunafreya, Selphie (not GL current Selphie) to get a "headstart" on the enemy force time. Each fight practically begins at 60-80% gauge, then they press their setup buttons, and it's 100%, then they enter force time and the boss is dead before it ends, or within like 1-2 turns after. The enemy force time seems to be something you can just ignore almost all of the time. The only thing that seems to even barely matter, is later on when they do elemental lockouts/lockins, where you must be doing either colorless damage, or a specific element, or a specific type (melee/ranged/magic) BRV damage, or else you just do 1s, but even that can be BRV gained around

                >are there some fights where one or the other strategy is punished?

                The Rydia FR fight punished "empty" turns, like the aforementioned "force charger" strategy, by having the enemy charge their own gauge faster than you charge your gauge when you do that. I'm pretty sure it has never been used again, though, and it didn't stop people from using that strategy anyway

              • 2 years ago

                I'll have to track some of those videos down, then. Isn't Braska supposed to be a force charger, like you're describing, just a kinda crummy one by the standards of later Shinryu fights? I read that Lunafreya was kind of necessary for a while for exactly that reason, and was debating adding her to my pursuit list.

    • 2 years ago

      I love how doomers are jumping on this and claiming the game is dying when we recently had celebrations for a download milestone.
      Like i said in a past thread, it's safe we're gonna get the entirety of Act 4 at least.

  93. 2 years ago

    want to get back into this game, I stopped playing when locke's bt was released should i come back

    • 2 years ago

      If you have Selphie, an ice enchanter, and optionally Wakka then you can roll for Kamlanaut to carry you. Otherwise there's Tidus soon. No Kain and no Garnet is going to be a real b***h though.

      • 2 years ago

        >no Garnet is going to be a real b***h though
        The greatest lie ever told

  94. 2 years ago

    I'm struggling to find motivation to play ever since shinryu. I'm not having fun with the fights, so much bloat at the start and then you just shit damage and end it in 10 turns or less. Its not a gameplay loop I'm having fun with and makes 90% of the fight feel like meaningless setup but you still kinda have to pay attention because you can game over if you don't.

    Also doesn't help that I despise most of the early FR cast (krile is okay, but man does her FR blow after seeing kam). And most of my favorite characters don't have force enhancements so they feel bad to use.

    Shinryu seems like the kind of mode that will be a lot more fun 3 months from now. But the first month at least is sucking major ass. I've never been less motivated to log in and do fights.

    • 2 years ago

      yeah for real, i'm trying to find something comparable but there isn't much
      there's another eden but the exploration makes it a slog and at that point i'd play an actual rpg
      romancing saga global is still at 500k downloads after 2 years so i don't think they'll keep the servers running for much longer

    • 2 years ago

      yeah for real, i'm trying to find something comparable but there isn't much
      there's another eden but the exploration makes it a slog and at that point i'd play an actual rpg
      romancing saga global is still at 500k downloads after 2 years so i don't think they'll keep the servers running for much longer

      Big same, such a shame, it used to be a good game

      I hope Ever Crisis releases sooner rather than later. There's that Bravely Default gacha, but that's probably gonna end up being a snoozefest like Octopath, it'll just have more coom based art. I think trying to complete solo of DET tiers will still be kinda fun. As long as I still have double gates instead of single gates, I have a reason to play, but that is literally the only thing keeping me going right now

      I think it would have been much more fun if they added the same gauge, but the condition was to tick up the Lufenia orb. Maybe something like each time the Lufenia orb decreases, their gauge goes up, and each time the orb increases your gauge goes up, possibly with some "leeching" of gauge each time. It'd function more like the tug of war that I feel it is intended to be, instead of the "spam the same 1 move 5 times in a row to charge the gauge" that it ends up being in practice. Hopefully it becomes more enjoyable with more characters, but I feel like there will eventually be a point where every fight is literally exactly the same unless you purposely choose a different team (not demanded by the fight), but you could already do that in garbage time and people seemed to hate it so I just don't understand. Currently, I just can't wrap my head around the "garbage time bad, shinryu good" mentality

      • 2 years ago

        I don't get it either.
        In garbage time I enjoyed changing my teams to keep things fresh and challenging for myself. In shinryu I can't do that because my roster of viable characters is like 10 (maybe 40 if I reach/challenge and am willing to take a sanity hit) and I have to use my single FR character no matter what.

        What's even worse is it took away the fun in banners and pulling. Before if there was a new banner with LD I could pull for them and bam I have a new character I can bring to stuff.
        Now I have to not only pull for them but blow 15k+ on their force enhance and that's not even factoring if they have an FR weapon to consider.

        And all my old cool C90 characters I want to still use, I have to pay a 15k point tax to keep using them. I can max maybe 10 with what I saved up so I can't even do that, I have to choose which 10 I want to use for the rest of the era and then drip feed 1 more to it every 3 events.

        yeah for real, i'm trying to find something comparable but there isn't much
        there's another eden but the exploration makes it a slog and at that point i'd play an actual rpg
        romancing saga global is still at 500k downloads after 2 years so i don't think they'll keep the servers running for much longer

        I've found nothing that scratches the same itch. I loved the lufenia orb's puzzle-like gameplay. Now shinryu doesn't have a puzzle you just bring your biggest unga bungas and win after 10 minutes of "setup"

  95. 2 years ago

    Braska's Shinryu is driving me nuts.
    Braska, Auron and Kain, no friend.
    Finished the fight with all 3 max HP. And I still can't get a perfect because it says I took 20k HP damage. Can someone please enlight me?

    • 2 years ago

      Maybe one of your calls took damage. Did Auron's last stand get popped?

    • 2 years ago

      Call partner probably got damaged when he changed phase. Had the same thing happen to me when I did enough damage for him to trigger Jecht Bomber while my partner was out.

  96. 2 years ago

    new to this game, any meta OP characters I should be focusing on or can I just build whatever I like and be fine?

    • 2 years ago

      You can build whatever and get by fine in anything that isn't Shinryu difficulty and Lufenias that have very specific orb counters. But Kamlanaut, Tidus, Machina, Kain are ridiculous for DPS. Good supports at the moment would be Penelo, Cecil, Ignis. You can read posts in the thread for an idea of how to handle your pulls.

    • 2 years ago

      >any meta OP characters
      Kain (you'd need to get his BT and then use your LD tokens + EX tokens to get his kit, so probably skip)

      Make a lot of refine Paladin Cecil spheres from the co-op shop, your future self will thank you

      • 2 years ago

        I know why P.Cecil's sphere is good. But how it will be so good in the future?

        • 2 years ago

          It's best in slot for any character with Encouragement Armor. Encourage Armor increases the amount of brave the character gives out by 30%. Due to funky interactions, with a Paladin Cecil RF sphere, the character will be giving 32.5% of their maximum brave to the party every time they attack an enemy. If there's two C spheres then they're giving out 75% of their max brave to the party. Several characters with C sphere slots like Sherlotta basically have their kit built around having a Paladin C sphere equipped.

  97. 2 years ago

    Between Krile, Ignus, and Penelo who would be a good force gauge booster to use while I wait for Selphie to get force enhancements?

  98. 2 years ago

    Is there a modded apk?

  99. 2 years ago

    > Kam (8725)
    > Kain (9630)
    > Galuf (7310)

    > Ignis
    > Ramza
    > Selphie

    Does this seem like a team that should be able to do Six Warriors? No Kura call until October unfortunately. Garnet is an option tho

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah you shouldn't have any problems. You only need Kurasame if you're planning to use a different BT phase during FR time than Kam's. But if you use Kam's BT phase during FR time then you're getting the ice damage on hit anyway. Get selphie's LD debuff up on enemies, switch in Ramza and get his buffs on everyone and then pop his BT. Then pop Kam's BT finisher -> FR -> get Kain in the air and then go into Kam's BT phase. You should kill those enemies off before you know it.

  100. 2 years ago

    Nothing on the free multis, but i have Machina fully built for ages now so i can skip this. I thought Tidus' FR was tonight for some reason, guess i can call it a night early.

    • 2 years ago

      >pull free BT
      >its Machina
      >already had it

      • 2 years ago

        grats on your 5 BT tokens.

    • 2 years ago

      > 20 Tickets
      > Machina BT shows up on a 0.1%

      So I guess I'll build him, didnt have him before... I hope he's good??
      I didnt even want him badly I just always spend 10 tickets to stay below 999.

      • 2 years ago

        >I hope he's good??
        People were still using him when he only had c80 while everyone else had c90, and he was doing just fine then. Now he has c90 and can also hold an UW and has an HP attack on his counter

      • 2 years ago

        lowkey has as much longevity as tidus, but the latter has a fr coming up so he gets second place as dps with most longevity

  101. 2 years ago

    Oh no I let the enemy act once in 20 mins there goes my run

  102. 2 years ago

    Who's currently the best FR charger in GL?
    I'm not feeling it with Panelo anymore.

    • 2 years ago

      ignis until sherlotta next month

      • 2 years ago

        That's after Judge Gabranth's cycle right? Maybe I'll try to wait for her and look for Igniz friend support.
        Too bad my friend list almost are all Maxed out Kams.

        • 2 years ago

          >Too bad my friend list almost are all Maxed out Kams.
          That's why you prune and curate your friends list

          I've got a dedicated maxed out Penelo, a million Kams and Kains, a Cissnei or two, a couple Selphies, and then some people who literally random their friend unit who I should probably delete because that's useless

  103. 2 years ago

    I should probably change my Kam support for Ignis if people need a charger that badly.

  104. 2 years ago

    >6 warriors locks your characters like Trascendence
    Oh my frick

    • 2 years ago

      Holy shit

  105. 2 years ago

    >Free 10+1 Desch/Kam'lanaut roll
    >Get kam'Lanaut BT
    >Free Desch/Machina roll
    >Get Machina's BT
    Did I just blow all my luck

    • 2 years ago

      What luck? You dont have any left, its all gone bud.

  106. 2 years ago

    I hate Shinryu so I'm trying to go through DET and getting solo or duo clears so that only 2 characters are locked per tier

    If any of you have done this, could you post your clears to give me some ideas? Also, doing this has kinda made me realize that Unique might be the best Ultima Weapon

  107. 2 years ago

    what do I mis if I don't do the 6 warrior fight

    • 2 years ago

      400 gems, 3 tickets, and 10 tickets if you use Kam (+ 20 more tickets if you're a premium paypiggy)

      • 2 years ago

        frick this I'm not doing shit for that until I have more force characters

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah, same, I'm not doing anything until Sherlotta. Someone also said that even for the DET10 quests, there nothing special except for maybe some c90 crystals probably only tied to the crucibles and not the reckoning

        • 2 years ago

          I finished it with 2 force characters, buy I did it in like 30 turns. You can probably do it with oly a force character, but with a lot more turns to compensate the damage loss.

  108. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      random monsters but none of the mising characters

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        Rubicante is cool. Frick you

        • 2 years ago

          There are dozens of characters far more deserving than him to show up. Like Tellah, from the same goddamn game.

          • 2 years ago

            Rubicante is way cooler than Tellah, and so is FuSoYa, who is already in the game

            If you wanna talk about a better character, I think TAY Golbez is the only character better than Rubicante who is not already in OO or maybe notRydia

  109. 2 years ago

    I'm the dude going through and doing solo/duo DETs because Shinryu is stupid. I think I'm going to give pull recommendations based on who can solo DET gates/reckonings. They're not really useful other places, so it's not a waste of a slot to have them sit in a DET tier

    Pull for Queen. If you are already going to use a short sword UW for Tidus or Machina or whoever, let her hold it while she solos DET3, right gate and the reckoning. You can easily loop her invuln until she runs out of S1s

    • 2 years ago

      Once I have a decent roster of characters, at least 30 completely armed, I'll tackle on that content, too. I'm missing a lot of characters that can solo some scenarios; only one I could pull that off with was Sice in one place.

      • 2 years ago

        It's really not too bad, even with a smaller roster. If you ever get bored, it's a thing you can go back and do for some purple armor tokens and some BT materials. The front page rewards (the "Quest" ones) should be pretty easy to go in and clear out at any time, since those ones don't require simultaneous completions. It's only the "Perfect" tab of additional rewards that requires you to keep the characters locked there. Either way, you can definitely hold off on doing it for a while, since the big gem rewards don't come back until DET12 in December

        You'll be happy you got Queen, though, because she's perfect for DET3. You don't need to solo the reckoning with her, but the right gate is pretty easy. Also, if you picked up Auron recently, with his c90 he can solo both the DET6 left gate and the reckoning, but he'll need a Faris or Thancred sphere for the left gate. If you've got either a shortsword or greatsword UW built out, I'd stick them in those tiers while you still have it, since dismantling is a thing

        If this thread continues to live, I'll probably keep posting the must-haves for "useless" characters that perfectly fit DET stages

  110. 2 years ago

    Well, I got Tidus' FR on the free pull but didn't get a second copy after dropping 200 tickets on the banner. I'm not exactly chuffed over it, since I've got plenty of High and regular Power Stones. I'm still reluctant to spend some of these newer materials because I'm a filthy hoarder, but I can justify it by reminding myself that Tidus is pretty evergreen as turn-hog damage characters goes, and I'll get more later.

  111. 2 years ago

    I spent my remaining 100k gems to pity tidus FR. Only just to use Kam's FR in the Shinryu fight again.

  112. 2 years ago

    So how's Barret? I got like a million copies of all his weapons while trying to get Queen's LD.

    • 2 years ago

      Good enough to slot into a DE clear, but not really good enough that you'd be using him in a month or two.

  113. 2 years ago

    do I need Tidus' BT for him to be useful? I got the rest of his kit

    • 2 years ago

      His BT is kinda what makes him a great damage dealer. With his BT Aura up he does two 'Shoot' attack after a move, which is where a great deal of his damage is.

  114. 2 years ago

    They put actual rewards in the Shinryu

    • 2 years ago

      All Shinryu have those rewards. This is just the first temporary Shinryu where those rewards are missable.

      • 2 years ago

        >This is just the first temporary Shinryu where those rewards are missable
        Yes, that is of course what I was referring to

  115. 2 years ago

    twofity tickets for the fr
    does tidus even need it does he need to be green?

    • 2 years ago

      Yes. Tidus is self sufficient with his FR. You don't need to do anything special, or have special Calls or party members (like Kam wanting Ice enchant and launch). Just use Tidus' FR and then spam his free turns. He absolutely wants his BT. The BT aura adds lots of extra damage from his additional follow ups and Jecht shots.

      • 2 years ago

        I have the burst I just don't want to green it

      • 2 years ago

        >Tidus is self sufficient with his FR
        Oh that's cool. I maxed Teed out when his BT first came out and got the FR from the free roll. Guess I'll max it out then.

  116. 2 years ago

    Any FR that are a must pull? I already wasted like 3/4 of my gems pitying Kam's BT/FR.
    Right now I have Kain, Kam, Krile and Braska.
    I really don't feel like pulling for Tidus since his FR is the only thing I don't have.

    • 2 years ago

      You should be good for awhile. The next big one is Sherlotta, but you should be able to clear DE10 without one of your other BTs. Lunafreya is probably the only "must pull" but lots of people cleared stuff without her. And you'll probably want either Tifa or Rinoa, their damage is massive. After that the big ones are Hope, Enna Kros (f you have Luna's LD Call), Jack and Rydia.

      • 2 years ago

        I've read that Fujin's is somewhat underwhelming, since it only goes up on her launches and on-turn Wind damage. But since she's a Wind Enchanter, doesn't that mean she's good with any hard-hitting, non-elemental sorts of characters? Or are her multipliers per trigger too low to justify it?
        I was thinking about picking up Reno as well, since I like counter attack-centric teams; I've seen a couple videos where he and Auron can get 999% multiplier against some bosses, and was thinking about adding Beatrix into that mix for even more revenge damage.

        • 2 years ago

          Reno is cool. He's the first good option for counter attackers, provided you have a way to enchant the party with Lightning (fortunately Lightning is the most common enchant alongside Holy). He's not a "must pull" or anything, but if you want a strong counter-attack FR, he's the best you'll see for awhile.

          Unfortunately, Fujin is kind of bad. Her FR goes up when wind damage is dealt (which is easy to do since she party enchants wind) and when she launches. Fortunately with her rework they change her skills so that all of her skills auto-launch. But she doesn't have a BT (yet) so she can't spam her launches and she doesn't have a bunch of spammable free turns (like Tidus or Terra) so she probably won't get more than 3 or 4 launches, at most, during her FR. When she eventually gets her BT I think she'll be a lot better. But if they don't give her some way to battery the party during launches you'll need to do something like use a Keiss Call to make sure your party is hitting hard during that time.

          They really need to make Gust of Wind deal HP damage and trigger after each of her turns, in addition to triggering on enemy turns. I think if they do that she'll actually be very strong, but who knows if that will happen, or how long until her BT comes out.

          I'll pull for her anyway because I like Fujin, but she's honestly pretty bad.

          • 2 years ago

            Gotcha, thanks for the writeup. I'm likely to get Ashe's FR down the line and I also have Garnet's kit for Lightning enchant, so Reno seems like one to pursue. If I have the tickets, I'll grab Fujin as well since she's a favorite, but I'm not going super hard for her like when her LD came up, since I had to pity it, and then I ended up being underwhelmed by her in practice for a lot of the reasons you stated (No party battery during launches, infrequent enough turns to keep launches going, traps don't deal HP damage, etc.).
            I feel like she and Barret, and Lulu once Neon comes out, have a similar underlying problem, where they're consistently a step behind in the 'arms race' of their respective niches because they lack some of the extra benefits that later releases have made meta/standard. I understand the desire to not make all characters identical mechanically, and that they only have so many releases in a month to do character updates, but I also would prefer closer power levels across the roster, even if there ends up being less mechanical variety.

            • 2 years ago

              If you want counter-attack shenanigans then Rydia is the one to go for. She's absurdly strong and her FR comes out a little before Ashe anyway. Reno is just the first FR that works well with counter-attackers but he's not the best. Cor comes out not too long after Reno get his FR, and Cor's FR is also great for off-turn damage - his FR goes up every time you deal 9999 damage and/or trigger an attack outside your turn so both effects are easy to do. But if you want to get into counter-attack FRs as fast as possible then Reno's will be a good pick.

              And yeah, Fujin/Lulu have issues. But we can look at Rydia to see that those can be fixed. Rydia was always pretty mediocre and now she's one of the best characters in the game. It's always possible they could tweak stuff to make someone better.

              • 2 years ago

                Oh you're right, I forgot that Cor's coming up too, in September. He's on my short list because I want to use him alongside Tifa and Tidus to ruin everyone's whole ass with mindless rushdown strats.
                I will keep an eye out for Rydia. I was figuring on picking her up because she's adorable and because she's a Water enchanter, which means she synergizes with another of my favorites, Faris. But if I can use her on counter-attack teams as well, all the better.

              • 2 years ago

                Rydia is tied with WoL as the best character in the game right now in JP so you won't be disappointed.

              • 2 years ago

                Nice, and both Tifa and Celes are also on the list right behind her. I'm very excited to pick up their respective BT/FR upgrades, especially Tifa since I just finished fully upgrading the Ultima Fist for her the other day.
                Be that as it may, thanks a lot for the info.

  117. 2 years ago

    I keep getting filtered by Desch's Shinryu, trying to do it without support units. 58M burst with Machina was not enough

    • 2 years ago

      Have you been using Desch himself? I did it with his stance switching and the enemies barely did shit.

      • 2 years ago

        I did, everything went fine until they entered force time and petrified the whole team

  118. 2 years ago

    Damn, now this is a male power fantasy. 85 million total BT damage. If i take a Kain friend, i could have probably done more.

  119. 2 years ago

    Another Shinryu fight, another 100,000,000+ BT phase.
    When's the next power creep character arriving?

    • 2 years ago

      >Counter / Enemy Turns
      >Support / Shenanigans
      >Off turn / Follow up
      >Single Target DPS
      >Magic DPS
      >Off turn / Support
      >Support / Shenanigans
      >BTFR Tank / Solo
      >Off turn / Rebreak
      >BTFR Launch
      >Nuke the boss in 3 turns
      Enna Kros
      >Support with Encouragement armor and huge BT finisher nuke

      In that order. To answer your question, though, Tifa or Rinoa in October

      Enna Kros/Hope/Luna(Sherlotta) after that to just blow the boss up if they don't punish you for it, and that's the rest of everything for the whole year

  120. 2 years ago

    I saw that JP is going to remove the Normal mode difficulty from old content like LCs, does that mean we'll lose out on those clear rewards if we havent finished them?

  121. 2 years ago

    I'm a hoarder, but I just devised a pull plan for all the way until GL gets to where JP is right now, and if I have to pity everything, and I mean everything, I will still have over 1 millions gems left. Why am I like this?

    • 2 years ago

      Because you're smart.

    • 2 years ago

      been doing the same, now i'm stuck with a gaudy jock like tidus as my main (and only) dps, shit's even less fun like this

    • 2 years ago

      I certainly can't judge you for that. I have a similar level of planning in my pulling priorities. I do have some level of flexibility if I get a fit of pique and want to yolo someone on a whim, but never at the expense of a priority pickup.

  122. 2 years ago

    Tidus Raid Shinryu: Auron (Cater) Machina BT+UW (Raines) Kain FR0 (Kurasame) Shiva Kamlanaut BT+FR3

    I crafted my first UW to push the last 20%. Cater call and Kain FR weren't needed on clear. Kain and Machina had tier 1 force passives that nudged the race to 80%.

  123. 2 years ago

    LD only monke

  124. 2 years ago

    I missed the stream but I'm seeing a lot of people speculate that they're moving Terra FR up for the new GL event. But I went back and watched the stream and didn't see anything about Terra. Are people just blindly grasping at straws?

    • 2 years ago

      There was an unknown FR listed between Fujin and Ursula or whoever. Terra is on one of the nearest campaign banners.

      • 2 years ago

        I missed the stream but I'm seeing a lot of people speculate that they're moving Terra FR up for the new GL event. But I went back and watched the stream and didn't see anything about Terra. Are people just blindly grasping at straws?

        It makes sense. Lunafreya is super hyped and Terra's FR came out at the same time. By pushing Terra forward people will be much more likely to spend their resources to get her.

      • 2 years ago

        it makes sence that its Terra

  125. 2 years ago

    so I can sell my maxed force weapons right ? I only have kain and kam FR maxed and both have BT's or ultima weapons

    • 2 years ago

      A maxed Force weapon is stronger than an EX but weaker than a BT. If you have the character's BT you can safely sell their FR weapon. If you don't have their BT then you shouldn't sell their FR until you get their BT. Since in JP they're rolling out BTs for every character, eventually you'll be able to sell all of your FRs.

  126. 2 years ago

    what's so special about Lunafreya? Should I pull for her if I'm planning to max out Sherlotta?

  127. 2 years ago

    I cant decide if I should finish Ignis as an FR charger (he only needs the FR enhance)

    Or if I should pump Penelo from scratch as an FR charger, since I have her shit. While I wait for Selphie or whoever

    Green Kain and Machina, greening Kam I think. Thoughts?

    • 2 years ago

      If you're f2p, that's a lot of resources just to get 1 High Power Stone, a couple tickets, and 400 gems, because those are the only missable rewards so far. You will definitely be replacing Ignis/Penelo as soon as Sherlotta/Luna get here, and both of those want Greens as well

      If you're an oldgay or a paypig just do what you want

  128. 2 years ago

    I had to try this team at least once.

    • 2 years ago

      Doable with only Cecil BT or did you have to green him?

      • 2 years ago

        I greened him, of course. It does help but, to be honest, his BT aura didn't last too long through the fight, only had it up during the first Force Time, after that, Kain was doing most of the heavy lifting.

  129. 2 years ago

    had to blow 4 Ultimas 4 green BURSTs 2 FRs too many enhancement points
    I fricking do not look forward to the next one
    shinryu is so fricking gay

    • 2 years ago

      how did you manage to fall for every single meme except the Kam one (i.e. the one that's good for Shinryu)

      • 2 years ago

        I don't like him don't know him don't care about him
        there for don't pull for him
        simple as
        Kain is the only meh for me on that team, and he was the most consistent damage

        • 2 years ago

          >actually likes Machina, Snow and an XI literal who
          What the frick anon?

  130. 2 years ago

    >what I wanted
    Layle's LD
    >what I got
    Rude's LD x2, Steiner's LD x3, Gabranth FR x3
    Go on without me bros

    • 2 years ago

      Today my free daily was a (dupe) Layle BT, still no LD lol

  131. 2 years ago

    >7 (SEVEN, SIETE, SEOFON) Shinryu fights
    >with character lockouts
    >only have one charger and two maxed FRs

  132. 2 years ago

    Managed to save my few FRs for future events but it sure a took a while and some experimenting.
    Galuf and Freya are the absolute GOATs, think I like using her more than Kain.
    Had a previous run that took less turns but the horse fricker got in a sneaky Dorspebewonner++++ before I could heal the Bladeglint so I played it extra safe.

    • 2 years ago

      >100 turns
      The game has become a job at this point

    • 2 years ago

      Still, Kain Galuf Yuna should theoretically work just fine for this, right?

      • 2 years ago

        He will probably do better if anything.

    • 2 years ago

      Still, Kain Galuf Yuna should theoretically work just fine for this, right?

      I did it wit Kain, Galuf and Gabranth for the mission. kept Yuna as a call to clear the debuffs, and I was able to clear it in 69 turns.
      I tried to clear it with Teedus and Penelo boosting, but I wasn't able to burst through his massive HP and oneshot me once I got out of my Burst+ phase.
      Breaking the fricker on his turn seems to be the way to do this fight without suffering too much.

  133. 2 years ago

    2nd multi
    might be the luckiest i've been in the game yet

    • 2 years ago

      Jesus Christ, you should've kept that luck for the next banners.

      I did it wit Kain, Galuf and Gabranth for the mission. kept Yuna as a call to clear the debuffs, and I was able to clear it in 69 turns.
      I tried to clear it with Teedus and Penelo boosting, but I wasn't able to burst through his massive HP and oneshot me once I got out of my Burst+ phase.
      Breaking the fricker on his turn seems to be the way to do this fight without suffering too much.

      Forgot to mention, Kain and Gabranth had force weapons, but only Kain has force enhancements. Also only Kain has BT.
      I activated Gabranth Force Time 2 times because Kain's doesn't really gets higher than 250% with this team, while Gabranth's went up to 350%, but really any of them helps.

  134. 2 years ago

    Eiko turns Odin into a fricking chump.

  135. 2 years ago

    >decide to throw tickets
    >Gabranth BT
    >now I have to keep going
    >pull 5 FRs
    >900 tickets later
    >LD finally fricking drops
    why is the game like this, I guess at least he synergizes with Caius right?

    • 2 years ago

      You should have switched to gems.

    • 2 years ago

      I got 3 FRs, before I got the EX or LD. I wasn't gonna throw more tickets, but then I bought out the co-op shop and used my Cactuar tokens and unlocked all the banner's summon boards, so I used all those tickets also and I got 2 more FRs, making Gabranth my first maxed out FR

      600 tickets later, however, I still don't have the LD, and now I for real give up. My only FR, and it's useless. I can't even unlock his LD board

    • 2 years ago

      This is what call backwards luck.
      I got nearly everything from Cissnei's debut banner early on with gems(Her LD, Zack's BT) but I had to pity her fricking EX.

  136. 2 years ago

    how many enhancement points do the FR boards cost in jap and how much cp do they give

  137. 2 years ago

    when is the time traveling FR?
    now that i'm above 2mil i think i can spend gems

    • 2 years ago

      Terra and Ardyn the two most likely candidates.

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        up, I'm moronic
        last time I looked that didn't have a date yet, but I should have checked again before I made that post, thanks for the info

        • 2 years ago

          The forecast generally is updated shortly after the monthly livestream with actual dates, I've found. They're pretty on the ball about it.

          Terra and Ardyn the two most likely candidates.

          Is Red Comet when the time-traveling FR is coming out? And are we sure it's not a global first? Or is that generally exclusive to new year celebrations?

          • 2 years ago

            We've gotten GL firsts in the summer before. Last year in July we got Cor. But when we get a GL first, whether a weapon or character, they nearly always hype it up on the livestream. The only time we got a surprise GL first was with Vincent LD, but we'd also gotten Balthier LD that same month and they had made sure to hype and show off Balthier's LD up on the livestream. Since we didn't get anything like that, it's much more likely that we're getting a time traveling FR than something brand new.

            • 2 years ago

              Ah, gotcha. That makes sense then, just was wondering if a new GL first would be probable.
              If it's Terra, I'll be going for it, since Terra's a cute and it would also bleed off some of these excess tickets I have from Divine Odin. Anyone else is no go.

              How good is Ursula? I got her kit, not really interested in maxing out her FR unless is extremely useful

              I've found she's a solid offensive support battery that works well with other BRV Gain damage dealers and battery characters in general, her turn-warping doesn't completely screw over the rest of your team the way a true turn-hog does, and party-wide break immunity can absolutely save your ass. Only reason I'm not gunning for her FR myself is because I have other priorities; if I got her FR off tickets, I'd absolutely use her a lot.

  138. 2 years ago

    What maxed out weapons are worth keeping? I'd like to sell some 6/7star weapons, but I don't want to screw myself over trying to get some resources. Like I just did when exchanging power stones for the new power stones, only to learn that I screwed up and exchanged all of them.

    • 2 years ago

      You can safely sell 15/35 and LD weapons after you've max limit broke and leveled them. You can sell the maxed out EX+ if the character has a BT or FR. You can sell a maxed out FR if the character has a BT.

      • 2 years ago

        Thank you for the help

  139. 2 years ago

    Sometimes I miss this game.
    Then I remember how fricking ass it is trying to catch back up.

    • 2 years ago

      It's really not that bad anymore. With Auto+ you can just let your phone run all of the summon boards and shit while you go off and do something else.

    • 2 years ago

      It's not that bad to catch up really, but the shit part is that the newest weapons are just resource sinks to try to get you to spend all your shit and buy the mogpass

  140. 2 years ago

    How good is Ursula? I got her kit, not really interested in maxing out her FR unless is extremely useful

    • 2 years ago

      She's cute and c90 seems good for her. Not sure about her FR except that she likes to eat through hers and anyone else's. FR animation is a bit unimpressive compared to Gabranth/Tidus/Kain

  141. 2 years ago

    This one was a lot easier to clear without an FR than Odin though the turn count was pretty tight.

    • 2 years ago

      Congrats! I ended up using Braska there but it's nice to know I can swap him out for another stage later if I need to.

  142. 2 years ago

    prishe go brbrbr

    • 2 years ago

      Do you think you will be switching to Iroha BT + some other XI character when she comes around? The Prishe saga is growing on me

      • 2 years ago

        Depends if I manage to get her stuff (since she is right after Jack Garland who I will be gunning for), but Inwill definitely be BT+'ing Eald'narche when his realization arrives.

        • 2 years ago

          Oh shit, I definitely meant to say FR, the one right after Luna. I understand if you'd rather just wait to maybe get it all on the BT release, but I'm stupid and I typed BT instead of FR

  143. 2 years ago

    More fights like these please

  144. 2 years ago

    I hope Terra is good to me this time around. I blew 1k tickets on her last time and didnt even get the LD. If she makes me double or triple pity her... I don't even know what I'd have to do

  145. 2 years ago

    I saw someone doing a 90% charge in Ursula's FR phase using charge characters. How did they do it?

    • 2 years ago

      I kinda hope it's actually Ardyn

      >use gauge charger (usually a party battery)
      >get an extra +45% because it fulfills Ursula's FR
      Same thing happens with Hope later, except his is +123%

  146. 2 years ago


  147. 2 years ago

    When should i use an FR during a BT phase? Using a Kam and Tidus team, sometimes i use it at the start of Tidus's BT phase, but then sometimes i think its best to use it at the end when i have the multiplier as high as possible.

    • 2 years ago

      You should probably just look at the amount of HP attacks the FR ability has. For Tidus specifically, his FR is 4 HP, and all of his other abilities are 2 HP except his LD which is also 4 HP. So the correct play is to probably use his other skills, then his LD, then save the FR for last (because it has more BRV attacks than the LD, and thus is more likely to cap if there is a doubt) before finishing with the BT ability

      I'm not a minmaxer though, just basic logic that I have not tested

      • 2 years ago

        I was thinking that too, i was wondering it gave some special bonus since they let you use it even with another FR already active. But since his just seems to be pure damage, than using it last is right. Finished the new Shinryu and thought i'd get a second opinion.

        • 2 years ago

          >i was wondering it gave some special bonus since they let you use it even with another FR already active
          No, they let you use it during a BT phase (which you might use during Force Time)

          It isn't until ~8 months later when we will get FR boards that you will legit be able to use FR abilities during someone else's Force Time (outside of BT)

      • 2 years ago

        I was thinking that too, i was wondering it gave some special bonus since they let you use it even with another FR already active. But since his just seems to be pure damage, than using it last is right. Finished the new Shinryu and thought i'd get a second opinion.

        For Tidus specifically, I'd start his Burst phase with his AA, then LD, then spam S1 until you end on his FR and BT finisher. His Force Time % is raised when he acts with instant turn rate, so that setup should get you instant turn rate on every turn in his BT phase

    • 2 years ago

      You should probably just look at the amount of HP attacks the FR ability has. For Tidus specifically, his FR is 4 HP, and all of his other abilities are 2 HP except his LD which is also 4 HP. So the correct play is to probably use his other skills, then his LD, then save the FR for last (because it has more BRV attacks than the LD, and thus is more likely to cap if there is a doubt) before finishing with the BT ability

      I'm not a minmaxer though, just basic logic that I have not tested

      Actually I misspoke, his EX is 3 HP, so probably do that one before LD

  148. 2 years ago

    FR boards with that FR echo was even a huge mistake than shinryu era

  149. 2 years ago

    Hope you guys are ready.

    • 2 years ago

      Is her FR worth it? I was saving for Luna personally, but since Terra is time travelling, im guessing she would have a better powercreep.

      • 2 years ago

        Terra came out at the exact same time that Luna did. And honestly Luna is better since she's a supporter. Terra essentially is just a magical Tidus. She's good but not crazy.

    • 2 years ago

      I got two copies of Terra's FR in ~250 tickets, and I still have a mailbox with ~180 from Divine Odin. I'm going to hold onto said tickets for an attempt at Fujin, and will see where I go from there next month.
      Since Terra time-traveled, the only other FR I had lined up to pursue was Cor. I don't know if this means they're adding a new FR to September in her place, or something else, or nothing else. I was also thinking of picking up Ultimecia, since her C90 happens sometime in September, but it depends on what I can get going with Cor, since he's going to be strong in combination with both Terra and Tifa, who's a non-negotiable pickup in October.

  150. 2 years ago

    got the FR on 30 tickets don't have the BT nor do I want it, Terra still works just with LD right?

  151. 2 years ago

    Is ciaran worth using my bt tokens on anymore? I just had to pity terra so I threw some tickets at the other banner and got 3 Zack bts. I've got garnet but more depth is good and I love me some FFCC.

    • 2 years ago

      I have Ramza and Ciaran (not Garnet), and I have barely even used Ramza, let alone Ciaran, and he didn't even get Force Enhancements. I think supports like that are overrated in the first place. Use your token on Sherlotta instead if you want a support, or Lunafreya. I recommend not using the token on anything currently up, but if you get something off the Ciaran banner, I would unironically recommend Zack instead, since he does something that no other unit does (makes your team unkillable) but again, I don't actually recommend that

      • 2 years ago

        >mfw I got every single BT from these banners but Zack's
        Maybe next time he gets featured in a banner, I guess...

  152. 2 years ago

    Reddity reddity

  153. 2 years ago

    wtf? Terra's loving heart buff doesn't work on Ursula's Shinryu.
    Is it a mechanic thing? Are those crabs preventing me to turn hog?

    • 2 years ago

      I don't know if it's intentional because reading os for nerds but Ignis' EX doesn't activate the actual attack either on that fight.

  154. 2 years ago

    Finally the cycle is complete.
    So are spiritus boards like Divine ones?

    • 2 years ago

      Frick. I came back during bahamuts divine board and am dreading farming the 6 boards with no boost.

      • 2 years ago

        just equip kain with gungnir and auto+ is bro it's EZ

      • 2 years ago

        Got full BT tokens, who should I get? I'm f2p so I don't care about fun, I want maximum cheese to get through stuff
        I think Snow is the pick to have? But maybe I should get hahaha-man since I lucked into his FR
        Got my OOtracker setup, ID 952021238

        Just wait until they open again, they sometimes give the boosts to certain banners

        • 2 years ago

          your ootracker ID ain't working but if you're good on tanks go for tidus but if you're already got terra go for snow

          • 2 years ago

            works on my machine.jpg https://www.ootracker.com/gl/directory/952021238

            I do have Terra and I am very good on tanks (that's why I ignored Snow's BT in the first place)
            I was also told to token Sherlotta (I'm getting her no matter what) and save up for Luna, but I wonder if I'm not good enough on supports with Dagger and Ramza plus her - when Minwu comes I will likely green/blue him as well

            • 2 years ago

              If you want Sherlotta then save for her. Between Sherlotta, Luna and Garnet and Ramza I feel like you should be doing fairly well on supports.

    • 2 years ago

      And on that topic do they give a lot of ressources too?
      I'm kinda drying up on pull currency and might just take a break soon since I'm not feeling Shinryu so far

      • 2 years ago

        yeah they give the same 40k of jims and 400 tickets and force fragments , too bad every F2P is fricked on the enhancement point bottleneck

  155. 2 years ago

    Man i really dont have any desire to keep up with co-op events anymore. I didn't buy all the shards in the last one, still haven't bothered with the Odin shop, and i dont even want to look at the Glint one. I just get to the tickets and gems.

    • 2 years ago

      Meant the red comet shop

    • 2 years ago

      coop farm is ass

    • 2 years ago

      I've been doing them solo and only grabbing what I need. Can't be arsed to deal with it anymore.

    • 2 years ago

      And then they'll be adding Lufenia co-op someday.
      Imagine being with morons in a lufenia fight.

  156. 2 years ago

    What are ya'lls plans for Luna?

    I really want Ulti. I also really want Yang and Seifer, so I'm gem pulling the Ulti banner, but it only has Luna FR. I might try to ticket pull her LD/EX, but then I don't know where to get her BT. Some tough choices ahead about how to get the most bangs for my bux

    • 2 years ago

      Lunafreya is my last holdout for enjoying Shinryu. It was sort of fun cobbling together completions at the start, and there were enough tricks to defend it here and there but I am 70% done. Braska was interesting on the story level but he was dull as shit to play.

    • 2 years ago

      I'm thinking of going for Ultimecia, and if I get lucky on the pulls I'll consider getting Lunafreya too since she'd be a good part of a Celes-centric team, but I'm not going to commit to anything else major until I have Cor next month and Tifa the month after. I don't have a strong urge to 'complete' my collection if they're going to make maxing out each character require so many resources, but I do want to build a good team around Tifa and coast on her as much as possible.
      I wouldn't say I'm burned out of the game, since I don't play it as my only game or expect it to fulfill all my desires or something. But I will say that the limits on F2P resources definitely discourages me from trying a wide variety of characters. If I wasn't already committed to basically just my favorites and a handful of others that synergize with those favorites, I certainly have to be now.

    • 2 years ago

      I have everyone but Luna and Seifer. Going to get a copy of her FR, and then token her BT since im ready to hit the cap. Are we getting free multis with her cycle? If so, knowing my luck, i'll get her BT as soon as i token it.

    • 2 years ago

      Gonna pity her FR and BT on that banner. Honestly I don't really care all that much about, but I want to use her LD Call to blow up enemies with Enna Kros later on. And I might as well get her full kit while I'm at it because of how meta she is. I'll just get everything on the first banner since I don't plan to pull for anyone else during her cycle. Iroha will be an easy skip since she comes back only 4 months later with her BT. Sabin is pretty cool and the fact that your party gets ignore enemy defense during FR time is really strong, but it also requires both Wind and Holy enchantment and it's too tough to try and juggle two enchants on your team. And he doesn't have a BT (yet) so he can't turn hog with a BT phase to push up the gauge.

    • 2 years ago

      >you alls
      as opposed to singular all?
      I don't have Yangs LD or Ultimecias BT but that banner doesn't feature Luna and I'm going all in on her

    • 2 years ago

      I'm skipping her since everyone's gonna set her as support.
      I already have maxed Kam and Kain.

      • 2 years ago

        >skipping her
        You do you, boo, but if you skip Luna you wont be able to set up the Enna Kros kill squad, or at least not easily

  157. 2 years ago

    alright I had enough of this fricking coops so I checked the remaining awakenings to see how many crystals do we need, if you have more than this or about half you don't need to do coop anymore
    if you didn't start day one or at least since lvl90 started then you're fricked and have to keep farming crystals

    • 2 years ago

      Nice, thanks. I was wondering about exactly this information, actually.
      So how does this interact with Ultima Weapon cores, then? Is there a foreseeable situation where we can have more than one maxed out UW at a time, or is it more likely that we'll have to just pick one and/or swap around once a month? Assuming you at least C90 every available character.

      • 2 years ago

        I'm totally f2p, playing for like 4 months now, and I have two 5/5 UWs, with 275 cores sitting around

        Fang is the only c90 character that I do not have at c90, so that's an extra 10. That anon's chart shows 390 extra cores, which does not seem to include brand new characters like the upcoming Lunafreya, or Minwu, or Dorgan, etc which are all 15 more cores each. I also have no completed the Shinryu six man for the 100 cores there

        So that's two full 5/5 UWs plus 275 + 390 + 100 + 10 + (15*3), plus the upcoming 6 mans which will also probably have 100 cores each, so by the end of 2022, GL f2p will be able to have 3 full 5/5 UWs and then still have enough left over for one additional 1/5 UW, or multiple 0/5 UWs. And that's not even counting any UW cores that might have been available as limited events before I started playing

        • 2 years ago

          Gotcha, thanks. Appreciate the math.
          I'll have to debate which other UW I want to grab, then; I've been focusing on making sure the Ultima Fist is ready for Tifa that I haven't put thought into what other weapon I would want. My instinct says Saber (or whatever the technical term is for one-handed sword) since I also have both Tidus and Terra's FRs, but Greatsword is also tempting for Celes and Beatrix, as is Staff for Yuna and Garnet.

          • 2 years ago

            Are you the anon who is only really going for Tifa? And you're getting Cor? Imo, "unique" is the best UW no questions, and Cor is a great Unique weapon user. It's best for your damage dealers to have UWs. Your supports (Yuna/Garnet) don't really need them

            That's a question for you to figure out though. Personally, I have all those cores sitting around unused because I don't know which third weapon to make because I don't really have a solid team for Shinryu yet

            • 2 years ago

              Yeah I am, and that's excellent advice, actually. Putting a UW on Cor, and already having one for Tifa, basically means I can bring whoever I want as third slot to handle specific fight mechanics, or is a generic aura/debuff bot to further augment Tifa and Cor's synergized damage.
              I'll get on putting together the Unique UW when I can in advance of Cor's FR release. Thanks again for all the advice.

      • 2 years ago

        I'm totally f2p, playing for like 4 months now, and I have two 5/5 UWs, with 275 cores sitting around

        Fang is the only c90 character that I do not have at c90, so that's an extra 10. That anon's chart shows 390 extra cores, which does not seem to include brand new characters like the upcoming Lunafreya, or Minwu, or Dorgan, etc which are all 15 more cores each. I also have no completed the Shinryu six man for the 100 cores there

        So that's two full 5/5 UWs plus 275 + 390 + 100 + 10 + (15*3), plus the upcoming 6 mans which will also probably have 100 cores each, so by the end of 2022, GL f2p will be able to have 3 full 5/5 UWs and then still have enough left over for one additional 1/5 UW, or multiple 0/5 UWs. And that's not even counting any UW cores that might have been available as limited events before I started playing

        Oh also, I haven't claimed my free mogpass yet, so you can add an extra 100 or however much that ends up being to that as well

    • 2 years ago

      You did Gods work, anon, thank you. Sick of coop

    • 2 years ago

      Im really low on black crystals. Luckily im good on everything else.

  158. 2 years ago

    Has anyone here tried Caius' BT effect on Gabranth's FR phase?
    Was it good?

    • 2 years ago

      Only Caius's skills trigger the break unless you mean the bonus brv. Doom may prop it up unless it says Own Turn.

    • 2 years ago

      yeah you get the fr bonus every turn

  159. 2 years ago

    >suffer through a Shinryu fight
    >have to suffer through it again for the event

  160. 2 years ago

    Those birds man...

    • 2 years ago

      >66 turns with a support
      Redditard moment

      • 2 years ago

        you are expecting too much from a Prishe-tard

  161. 2 years ago

    If the boss has annoying mechanics, I simply choose to not interact with it.

  162. 2 years ago

    I can't fricking wait for Luna

  163. 2 years ago

    my will to play this game is dropping. I still love it but my personal life doesn't allow it. I still need to do the Ursula event

  164. 2 years ago

    Every use of my BT tokens has been against my will.

  165. 2 years ago

    Good luck!

    • 2 years ago

      is Sherlota worth anything

  166. 2 years ago

    >I had to pity sherlotta BT and I only got 1 FR during the way
    frick this game , I will be quitting after Tifa's Brothers Spiritus event

  167. 2 years ago

    Got the FR but I'll wait for Ultimecia's banner to try and get the BT

  168. 2 years ago

    Got BT, FR and LD in 45k gems
    Lucky for once
    What the frick is this Transcendence though, can't even act reee

  169. 2 years ago

    My luck with tickets for the last 2 banners have been dogshit. Must be making up all the luck I had with Kain, Tidus and Gab's banners.

  170. 2 years ago

    >all that work and 15ish minutes put into setting everything up against the last boss in D10
    >get him to 36% after Tidus finishes his BT and still had afew turns of FR left plus didnt use up my summon yet
    >immediately gunned down as soon as BT finishes because LOL
    Thats really demoralizing.

    • 2 years ago

      You remember the mummy/zombie DE boss? It works the same way. If the adds are at more than 50% health when you pass the threshold they'll one shot you.

      • 2 years ago

        >they had just revived because I did too much splash damage before his phase ended
        That’s just frustrating. They didn’t one shot me either, they took at least half hp on 2 different characters, but since they got 4 immediate attacks, someone died on the 3rd shot. I’ll try again in a few days, probably save Rydia’s call to avoid those or something I dunno.
        Yknow I thought it was pretty scummy when Fire Emblem Heroes introduced the “rewind 1 turn back” locked behind a monthly subscription, now I suddenly wouldn’t mind it at all in this game.

    • 2 years ago

      >some how managed to bypass all the thresholds with 10% HP left on boss
      >enemy goes FR mode
      >"I can still manage this."
      >boss throws his aoe attack and killed 2 in my party
      Man, If I could just have more level 3-5 ULT weapon, I won't get my ass kicked this bad.

  171. 2 years ago

    This is the second time I had to free up Auron for a difficult event with lock out and I'll probably have to do it a third time for Dare to Defy.

    • 2 years ago

      For dare to defy I'm waiting until all the fights are available to do them, it's painful enough to clear them once

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