Ditched FPS games after 15 years and need HELP

New COD sucks, don't really care for competitive online shit.

Interested in getting into RTS games. Are most beginner friendly? Like just pick one and learn and go from there? Thanks frens

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  1. 2 years ago

    >No Codename panzers
    >No Blitzkreig
    >No Sudden Strike
    >No Men of War
    >No Wargame
    >No Earth 2150
    >Battlefield Gothic is in it for some moronic reason
    God that's a terrible chart and who ever made it should shove a CD down their urethra.

    • 2 years ago

      Apparently it was made on Ganker some time ago LOL. Since I have never played a single RTS I thought i'd see what opinions you guys have.

      I will check out some of the games you listed thanks

      • 2 years ago

        Age of Empires 2 and Red Alert 3 are probably the best babys first RTS.

        • 2 years ago

          sweet I will check some videos on those. Is company of hero's hard to start out on?

          In your opinion what makes an RTS easier or harder then others?

          • 1 year ago

            Don't listen to anyone that ever says SC2, it's shit. SC: BW is miles better, both in gameplay in general and in the campaign. That said, you should probably try playing Total Annihilation, or C&C Tiberian Sun / C&C Red Alert 2 first. Whatever game you do decide on, play single player campaign first. Any remotely decent RTS game slowly introduces more and more elements to the player throughout the entire campaign. You'll learn to use like 90% of the controls necessary for multiplayer this way, how all the units work and behave, etc.

            >what makes an RTS easier or harder then others?
            2 things:
            How much APM is needed
            How intuitive is everything? That just affects how quickly you can learn it.

            APM is Actions Per Minute, sure you've heard this before. Some games (like SC: BW) require a high APM to play competently online at all. You don't need too much for the campaign though. A lot of the systems in BW are either clunky or restrictive in some way so a lot of stuff requires constant focus. Almost nothing is automated and there are very very few alerts or notifications that something might need your attention. An example is stuff like, buildings can only queue up 5 units at a time in Brood War, so if you want to constantly be building units, you have to keep switching over to your buildings and making sure they're producing. Red Alert 2 is almost completely the opposite of this. You have a sidebar in that game that covers production and you can queue up hundreds of units at a time. No need to select the buildings or anything.

            Note, some people in here have said Red Alert 3, that's not a horrible game, not my choice by any means, but it's not a bad place to start either.

    • 2 years ago

      >>No Codename panzers
      >>No Blitzkreig
      >>No Sudden Strike
      >>No Men of War
      >>No Wargame
      >>No Earth 2150
      Good, no bad games on the list

      • 2 years ago

        >Dawn of War 3
        >Grey Goo
        >Empire Earth 3

  2. 2 years ago

    When you say you don’t care for competitive online stuff do you just mean in FPS games or in general?
    Starcraft 2 has the most active multiplayer/esports scene of any RTS if you care about that.

    • 2 years ago

      In general now, I'm fine enjoying games with good mechanics and depth, playing the A.I

      I'm assuming most of these games are quite repayable.

  3. 2 years ago

    >Tells you to play C&C4/RA3/EE3/Stronghold 3/Crusader 2/SupCom2/DOW3
    The dude that made that picture wants to troll you by making you play good games, then also lead you into playing the irredemable garbage.

  4. 2 years ago

    >Crusader 2

  5. 2 years ago

    Your options are:
    Starcraft 2
    >SP campaigns are amazing, the first one is free
    >coop mode is fun
    >TONS of players on ladder, easy to find noobs to fight against
    >tons of guides, fundamentals translate well to other classical RTS games, such as AoE2 and SupCom
    >the base game is balanced for 1v1, team games are not good
    >asymmetrical incredibly well balanced races
    >macro over micro
    >SP campaigns are fun, and there is a metric ton of them
    >lots of players of all skill levels
    >decent amount of guides
    >tvt is good
    >mostly symmetrical countries, balance is not good
    >macro over micro
    >SP is decent
    >very casual, but does have certain depth
    >you need to unlock and/or buy shit to be competitive in MP
    >asymmetrical nations, balance is not good, good stuff is locked behind dlc
    >micro over macro
    Warcraft 3 Reforged
    >SP is amazing
    >MP population is scarce
    >1v1 is great, tvt is great
    >asymmetrical very well balanced races
    >tons of custom maps and people playing it
    >micro over macro
    SupCom FAF
    >SP is good
    >MP population is scarce and moronic, mostly plays the same few clowney maps
    >good guides are very scarce
    >1v1 is good, tvt is great
    >asymmetrical very well balanced races
    >macro over micro

    RTT (no base building):
    Wargame Red Dragon
    >SP is absolute crap, don't even bother
    >MP is incredibly fun and has the most amount of players in the genre
    >lots of thorough guides
    >you NEED to read the guides because of hidden stats and mechanics
    >both 1v1 and tvt are good
    >nations have decent variety, balance is not good
    >devs abandoned the game, there won't be any balance patches or updates

    If you only want SP - there is a frickton games out there. SP doesn't require too much time investment so just pick whatever. SP won't teach you fundamentals.

    • 2 years ago

      Thanks for the info, really informative! Just one last question what the hell does TVT mean ??

      • 2 years ago

        In starcraft it usually means
        As a result TvT Terran versus Terran match. In other games it can mean something else, but v part usually indicates that it is a type of match.

      • 2 years ago

        team vs team

      • 2 years ago

        I think it’s supposed to mean team games, as in team vs. team?

    • 2 years ago

      Leave, and never come back.

      • 2 years ago

        Hating reforged is a r*ddit thing so it's you who needs to go back, soihomosexual.

        • 2 years ago

          ? no it's not. frick Reforged. I don't use reddit. Reforged is objectively bad on more levels than I can bother to count.

        • 2 years ago

          Breathing is a thing on reddit, you should stop doing it.

    • 2 years ago

      >Warcraft 3 Reforged
      >tons of custom maps and people playing it
      really? I thought it was a disaster and killed off whatever custom map community was left

      • 2 years ago

        Every version of WC3 automatically is upgraded to Reforged on b.net you just can't use the new models unless you bought an actual copy of Reforged which literally no one recommends. Even people that did buy it still use classic graphics.
        I don't play customs anymore but it's still my favourite 1v1 competitive RTS.

  6. 2 years ago

    I guess Starcraft 2 and wc3 if your not looking to get into mp but just sp campaigns. I'm not sure if the Total Wars count, but they are easy to control. Another good one is Star Wars Empire at War, for having 3 theaters, it is really simple to grasp.

  7. 2 years ago

    >Are most beginner friendly?
    For most RTS games, the campaign also functions as an extended tutorial, gradually introducing new units and mechanics.

  8. 2 years ago

    What are your guys opinions on rise of nations? are there to many mechanics in that for a new player to the genre to focus on???

  9. 2 years ago

    Why the FRICK is ther no 7th Legion on you're shart?

    • 2 years ago

      Hey man I just googled RTS chart and saw this one haha. I'm not even kidding I've mostly been playing COD since 2009 and i'm just sick of it. Always been interested in RTS games (Never had a pc till last year) but intimated by all the micromanaging and making decisions on the fly.

      But I want to learn cause they look fun and rewarding to play !

  10. 2 years ago

    Brutal Legend is so beginner unfriendly that there are tons of people who actually think that the RTS part is terrible when it fricking rocks.

    >>no Majesty and Dungeon Keeper

  11. 2 years ago

    >don't care for competitive online shit
    total war then

  12. 2 years ago

    Thanks for all the reply's and leading me in the right direction. I'm assuming to get warcraft 3(non reforged) I gotta risk my PC's health to get some sketch cracked files yes?

    • 2 years ago

      you can get old versions here https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/wc3-download-archive-1-00-1-31-1-beta-demo.326836/ read around a bit to find out which version is best for you since different but minor shit is broken in different versions like the widescreen versions have broken ambient sound but better support for custom games and some versions have the mp balance changes implemented in the campaign fricking with the intended difficulty...

    • 2 years ago

      you can get old versions here https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/wc3-download-archive-1-00-1-31-1-beta-demo.326836/ read around a bit to find out which version is best for you since different but minor shit is broken in different versions like the widescreen versions have broken ambient sound but better support for custom games and some versions have the mp balance changes implemented in the campaign fricking with the intended difficulty...

      Oh, and here are some serials, they will obviously not work on battle.net but they do work for lan play just make sure everyone uses a different on.

      Warcraft 3

      Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne

  13. 2 years ago

    If you want singleplayer, and space I can suggest AI war 1/2. Asymmetrical game where enemy starts much much stronger than you, but simply oblivious to your existence.

  14. 2 years ago

    You're just disillusioned

  15. 2 years ago

    stronghold crusader is literally just walling yourself in until the ai runs out of money. There is a German youtuber who beat the whole second crusader without using the market, arab troops or the strat with a tower full with crossbows

    • 2 years ago

      >who beat the whole second crusader without using
      Crusader 2 is broken trash, not really something to brag about, or to use as an indicator for how the pre-Stronghold 3 games are.

  16. 2 years ago

    Stronghold 3 is shit

  17. 1 year ago

    frick i cant believe my rts chart hit it off so hard. I want to apologize for not adding more RTS, because that chart was made mostly on RTS i played or i know exists. Kinda lazy right now, bu i would def add stuff like american conquest and the ww2 rts games as well, they deserve a spot.

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