Do rules variants for Yu-Gi-Oh exist, that seek to make it perform more like the tabletop RPG inspired way it plays during the anime and manga earlier...

Do rules variants for Yu-Gi-Oh exist, that seek to make it perform more like the tabletop RPG inspired way it plays during the anime and manga earlier on?

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  1. 3 months ago

    Are you talking about Dungeon Dice Monsters?

    • 3 months ago

      I meant on the Duelist Kingdom island, during that arc there's a lot of roleplaying that goes into the card plays.

  2. 3 months ago

    Not that I know of. Your best bet is honestly just having some pre-built decks for you and your normie friends to play. Ideally character decks of Yugi and Kaiba that you can work on balancing.
    Alternatively just play in one of the formats that exclude the new assrape cards. Goat and Edison format.
    If I could invent my own, I'd like to see a few simple rules pushed that I think could solve everything:
    >EVERY card limited to one. No exceptions.
    >You cannot reduce your opponent's life points to 0 within the first 2~ turns. That means no FTK
    >If a judge agrees that your opponent smells bad, they lose the match.

    • 3 months ago

      Some of the rules I've noticed during Duelist Kingdom were stuff like; only one monster can attack per turn, players are obligated to play a monster card on their field if they have none because if they dont have one when their opponent does then they lose, there's different field types and land zones which impact attack and defense power, some cards have type advantages against others, No one gets their life points attacked directly they always lose them as a result of the difference in attack powers.

  3. 3 months ago

    Having pretty recently read it, it'd basically be calvinball. Play a card, and using its art, theme, and power level, declare a thing it can do to affect other cards, while also taking into account their elements. Include terrain/map features, or even stuff like the time of day or weather. Maybe even play with loosely randomised decks or something. You're not supposed to enter with a plan.
    Use things like polymerization very loosely, draw a cool picture of what you made.
    The winner is probably whoever can think of the most entertaining way to get out of being stuck on the ropes when you're close to losing.

    • 3 months ago

      The insanity of yugioh lead to my friends playing what amounted to mental calvinball summoner duels at lunch. We had sports in a field a good 20 minutes walk from school once a week, and so we'd all have to walk there over lunch. People just surrendered or let themselves be killed when the game felt like someone had earned it, usually egged on by others.
      for whatever reason, we called this game Povington.

      Thanks, I needed some nice memories to resurface.

    • 3 months ago

      I remember my little sister trying to play this with me, I was 17 and she was 11, I thought I was doing her a favor by telling her the rules (for instance, that she couldn't play Blue Eyes White Dragon out of her hand unless she had other monsters to tribute) but I was really just being an butthole, I should have asked her to teach me how to play. Playground YGO was probably the best YGO and I'm sad that I missed out on it.

      • 3 months ago

        >Playground YGO was probably the best YGO and I'm sad that I missed out on it.
        I was in later elementary school during its hayday and this was before the rise of 'cringe culture' stuff. Everyone at school was addicted to it, we even had a communal ruleset where if you challenged someone to a duel to sat down right where you were and different aspects of the ground (grass, dirt, sand, pavement, etc) acted like specific field spells.
        Shit was great and you'd find people with specific deck types hanging out in areas of the playground that benefited their creature types like you were playing pokemon or something.

  4. 3 months ago

    It exists but it's also completely insane.

    • 3 months ago


      The older version of the card game also hits this a little bit.

    • 3 months ago

      Something like posted is probably more fitting if you just want to try and emulate Duelist Kingdom's zany rules, with a healthy dose of letting players make up some bullshit.

      I know there's Millenium Blades as a narrative style tabletop RPG that's designed to emulate the feeling of that sort of anime, though that's obviously less about playing any actual card game.
      I'd say that's or some other RPGs could be better if you're aiming for something closer to the early manga, where there was a variety of games played rather than just Duel Monsters, and instead focused on cursed ancient egyptian relics alongside whatever random gamble there was that week.

    • 3 months ago

      I would appreciate it if they had ready to pay to be shipped out cards. Idk how I would go about printing all those out and the like, card stock and a bunch of ink? jeeesh.

  5. 3 months ago

    >Do rules variants for Yu-Gi-Oh exist, that seek to make it perform more like the tabletop RPG inspired way it plays during the anime and manga earlier on?
    slightly different direction but I've been off and on tinkering with the idea of doing a Yugioh RPG that uses duels using the actual card game(albeit with tweaks and changes) as the primary method of conflict resolution(essentially acting as the game's combat system), with a lot of focus on building up your deck over time and how your character develops can affect your deck as well

    biggest challenge for this idea would be developing the deck building system since one would need to figure out some manner of a point system or something similar for cards(a bit like how some of the video games like The Sacred Cards & Reshef of Destruction handled it)

    • 3 months ago

      >deck building system
      Nah, just give them access to new cards as in-game rewards, and have some of them be character-specific and plot-driven (so that you can give good cards to the player(s) that are falling behind)). You don't need a system, just start with scrub cards and let it escalate over time, you have total control over what cards are in play and how many copies and who has them.

      • 3 months ago

        eh that leans too much on the "Mother May I" school of DMing that I'm not a fan of, though you are right that players would start off with mediocre decks on par with what we saw during Duelist Kingdom or the starting decks for most characters in Duel Links

  6. 3 months ago

    I had an idea like this for some time, although the idea was for a YouTube series I hoped to do where each player had a "theme" akin to a wrestler, like a guy dressed like sauron who uses a goblin deck or a guy in a black suit and sunglasses using an alien deck, anyhow, my idea was that not only would each table have a terrain card already in play, each table had a referee which the players ran their shenanigans by and that referee also had their own deck of "event cards" which changed the game, such as "The white dragon of legend!" which is the Blue Eyes White Dragon just doing a fly by and destroying every monster on the map, "Betrayal" where a monster switches sides, "Heat Spike" lowers attack and defense, etc etc
    The plot of the YouTube series would be "Guys duel real", and aliens are invading (and playing yugioh) which would be shown by having the "same" competitor (Agent "A") in the circuit even after he lost, due to them all being aliens disguised as humans

  7. 3 months ago

    You're probably better off just playing FATE and using a custom banlist for a Yu-Gi-Oh rpg. Anything else is probably going to get really clunky and make you ask yourself why you aren't just playing regular Yu-Gi-Oh.

    • 3 months ago

      I only play Speed Duels, I prefer the slower pace, more emphasis on using low power cards + an augment spell card.

      • 3 months ago

        Speed Duels are already most of the way there with their skill cards. All you really need mechanically, is a way to handle getting new cards, probably some kind of fate point/destiny draw system for players to do "muh heart of the cards" against the big bad, and a way to handle things not directly related to the card game (again, FATE is probably not a bad use for this). Alternatively you can just use Bandai's Official Card Game which has a tiny card pool and plays much differently.

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