Do you ban certain concepts or playstyles if a piece of media gets popular?

Do you ban certain concepts or playstyles if a piece of media gets popular? For example pic related seems to be all the rage so in order to filter out bad players I need to ban cooks or chefs as player concepts and rules that use monster parts are not allowed

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  1. 4 months ago

    that manga converted me to elves with fat ears
    they're just so nibblable

    • 4 months ago

      >Dungeon Meshi
      >fat ears

      I suggest you reread.

      • 4 months ago

        P H A T

        • 4 months ago

          She's not an elf.

          • 4 months ago

            One drop rule.

            • 4 months ago

              Her fat ears are explicitly said to be because of her mother's bestiality.

    • 4 months ago

      it looks fricking awful, frick realism

    • 4 months ago

      she only has fat ears because she is half blood

  2. 4 months ago

    The one player that wants to be a chef/cook character has been a DND staple since the earliest days of the game. At most you should tell your players only one can be a chef character if you get multiple people want to be one.

    • 4 months ago

      What's with all the elf propaganda anime recently?

      • 4 months ago
        • 4 months ago

          Why do newbies always act like whatever they only just discover is somehow new?

          • 4 months ago

            If it's not popular it doesn't exist, moron. You'd get it if you ever socialized with other people. A thought that isn't communicated doesn't exist.

            • 4 months ago

              >I don't believe anything exists unless an arbitrary number of people like it first and make it popular
              Dungeon Meshi was popular for a decade before the anime happened, and that popularity and success is WHY it got an anime at all, as is usually the case for all anime adaptations, but go ahead and continue to be moronic.

            • 4 months ago

              >A thought that isn't communicated doesn't exist.
              Do you also hide under cardboard boxes expecting everyone (outside the box) to forget about you after a few minutes? It must be very frustrating when people then decide to sit on the box.

              • 4 months ago

                You may have noticed I didn't say anything at all about people or objects. Wanna try actually reading the post there, sport?

      • 4 months ago

        frieren is so beautiful
        god I need her

        • 4 months ago
      • 4 months ago

        Its been years since the hobby was infested with cringy wannabe Legolas', so its finally ok to say that you think elves are cool again.

      • 4 months ago

        something something the israelites

      • 4 months ago

        Cause 2024 is the year of the Elf

        • 4 months ago
        • 4 months ago

          Big-titty elves are an abomination, like gay sex or mixed-fiber cloth.

          • 4 months ago

            She’s less tiddy more belly if that helps
            There’s a muscle(fat) elf and a butt dark elf too

      • 4 months ago

        Dwarves have been completely overtaken by redditors so people once again realize the elves are actually cool.

      • 4 months ago

        you wouldnt get it

    • 4 months ago

      Funny, because in 5e the Chef concept is relegated to an absolutely shit-tier feat.

      • 4 months ago

        Just houserule it with the player.
        I had one player raid a breadery and find a lot of recipes. After that session we made rules for him and he became a magical baker, it was pretty fun.

      • 4 months ago

        >Chef concept
        jesus christ, just RP it not everything needs to have a system
        god dnd is the fricking worst

    • 4 months ago

      Actually I think it makes more sense to do the opposite, and only build complex systems for professions if multiple players are going to use them. Otherwise they should be as barebones as possible.

    • 4 months ago

      Obligatory Under Seige reference.

      Make the cook a badass fighter.

      • 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago

      No, everyone can be a chef if they want to.

    • 4 months ago

      doesnt matter how long something has been around. normies will shit it up as soon as they get their grubby little hands on it

      just look at drow after drizzy or lgbt tieflings

  3. 4 months ago

    I use FOTM as a bait to get new and enthusiastic players.

  4. 4 months ago

    No, that's moronic.
    >and rules that use monster parts are not allowed
    So you're removing rules that already exist in the game just to spite people for liking a recent thing?

  5. 4 months ago

    I don't need to because I don't play with randos, why would you ever do that?

  6. 4 months ago

    >oh no not a piece of media that glorifies
    >hex based dungeon crawling with an emphasis on interacting with creatures in unique ways beyond just attacking right away
    This is an OSR lovers dream right here, Japan is the last bastion of SOVLful dnd, if the west made this show there would be a gay tiefling who whines about their parents

    • 4 months ago

      >there would be a gay tiefling who whines about their parents
      Oh moronic animeonly....

      • 4 months ago

        Sorry, who are you referring to? Ive read the manga and Im not sure of who this gay tiefling guy is.

    • 4 months ago

      This anime is based on OSR, it even has a dog kobolt.

      Japanese fantasy is greatly influenced by advanced dungeon and dragons.

      • 4 months ago

        >Japanese fantasy is greatly influenced by Wizardy

    • 4 months ago

      Just like how Japanese culture is heavily influenced by Tang Dynasty China, they took AD&D and ran with it and made it their own thing ignoring everything 3.0 and up. Based.

  7. 4 months ago


  8. 4 months ago

    The entire hobby started as people imagining themselves recreating historical battles or wanting to live in Lord of The Rings, most people's fantasies are inspired by good stories. I refuse to believe even 1% of ttrpg players run something entirely novel and self invented. Even if they did you'd probably call it freakshit for trying. The only remaining option is that you believe that copying things is good but only if you try to copy what people were copying in the 70s and 80s. To which I say why do you care about tradition if by the way you're posting you obviously also hate D&D?

    • 4 months ago

      Psudeo-intellectual poster spotted

      • 4 months ago

        It's well known that early DND was based on the fantasy books the rules writers and players read.

      • 4 months ago

        I'm just sick of seeing the same vague "holier than thow" attitude over and over on this board. People don't want anything new is the real gist of it. I think. It's like if you aren't playing at an OSR table that hates elves or something you are somehow a problem. I think people like OP who eagerly take issue with literally anything that threatens their perfect baby boy image of "classic" fantasy are ahistorical, miserable, and most importantly nogames.
        >tl;dr this board thinks explaining why everything is terrible is more important than playing games and having fun. The resistance to everything except a very specific image of ttrpg gaming which they themselves don't play shows this off clearly.

        • 4 months ago

          You're on a board full of both figurative and literal autists, what did you expect?

          • 4 months ago

            I consider myself pretty autistic if that wasn't obvious from the long replies. But at the end of the day I consider it a sign of weakness and cultural stagnation that people on this board are infinitely more comfortable explaining why new things must be bad than simply engaging in a conversation or even maybe trying new things. Anyone truly having fun with old school stuff should be content quietly doing their own thing imho. Dr. Seuss Green Eggs and Ham motherfrickers around every corner

    • 4 months ago

      The hobby started with wargaming, then the storygays began shitting everything up by appropriating it and dumbing things down little by little.

      • 4 months ago

        the hobby started with people fed up with wargaming that wanted to play something different, or at least adjacent.
        At first they mixed wargaming with other rules and ODnD was born. Then people learned that you can get rid of wargames altogether and the other classic rpg like traveller, runequest, fantasy trip etc were born. And then the hobby was truly born and starting evolving and branching out.

        • 4 months ago

          >games were born by becoming less and less like games
          >regression is evolving and branching out
          No on both counts.

          • 4 months ago

            >And then
            The hobby became gradually more popular among homosexuals and now we have Dimension20.
            What a mistake...

            fake grog anons, the OSR is alive and well unlike 20-30 years ago. what do you have to complain about?
            Do you think more people would still play your little autistic boardgame of dungeon clearing if nothing else ever existed?
            You have more players than ever before with the rise of the osr and the occasional exodus from the shitshow that's 5e.
            You live in the golden timeline of Oldschool dnd even if , in all honesty you dont deserve it. Just shut up and enjoy it you fricking homosexuals.
            And yes, the hobby is doing great and popular things cant hurt you despite tg trying to convince you otherwise

            • 4 months ago

              No, you are right. Ttrpgs are the wrong place for me.
              OSR isnt something I enjoy either, its full of narrativists nowadays, exactly from this exodus you just mentioned, and the emphasis on rulings is not something I enjoy.
              ODnD should be played like a boardgame, albeit freeform, and I don't pretend It shouldnt anymore.
              I fact, I play It with friends as such.
              That said, the point still stands that these storyshitter RPGs are now the most mainstream way of playing ttrpgs which is a pretty terrible end for the genre, really, and I cant only supposed you got offended by that because you play these kinds of homosexual games yourself and enjoys dimension20. Sucks to be you.

              • 4 months ago

                you ve got it all wrong. The only reason TTRPGs got popular is because people could use them to enjoy the storybuilding and narrative elements that you so hate. These people would never ever even consider playing the ODnD boardgame so you lost nothing. This was never your hobby to begin with. Just gtfo our hobby and play your glorified boardgame and let each of us have our fun in the way that we like.
                And no anon, it sucks to be YOU, because unlike you i ain't jaded that other people can have fun in a different way than me and spend my free time b***hing about it on the mongolian basketweaving forum but i enjoy myself playing the games i like and occasionally spend the time to encourage anons like you to do the same.

              • 4 months ago

                You misunterdant my point
                It sucks to be you because you are a homosexual.

              • 4 months ago

                your point is that you are such a small and insignificant little man that you need to feel superiority by pretending that your flavor of the hobby is the TRVE CVLT of fantasy gaming to not off yourself a thursday afternoon after work

              • 4 months ago

                But Im not, I said at the beggining of the reply that yeah, I agree that I don't fit.
                My point is that narrative elements became a slippery slope that led ttrpgs into becoming storygame and eventually turned them into the talmudic abominations that are dimension20 and other "actual plays" you can watch online.

              • 4 months ago

                >talmudic abominations that are dimension20 and other "actual plays" you can watch online
                NTA, but what does that even mean? Do you mean that dimension20 is somehow about bunch of ultra racist, ultra conservatives causing havoc in name of blood and soil? Or that it's related to long winded legalistic disputes by guys who literally believe that RAW equals to RAI, but you should never look like you are breaking RAW, even if you aren't breaking it?

              • 4 months ago

                No, im just saying they are shit

              • 4 months ago

                I don't watch any ttrpg related content beyond occasional rule clarification or skit comedy, so I don't know who they are nor do I care. I just find use of "talmudic" as synonym to "annoying DEI liberal" to be annoying, because of all the dubious parts of the Talmud proper none of them are liberal.

                Still, I legitimately don't know why people on this board are so focused on some random podcasts.

                Don't outright ban stuff like that, but if your player starts just making an animu gimmick character, you can just tell them the truth.

                We get it, you like the show, but this is a long-term commitment. Are you absolutely sure that your love for this show is going to last long enough that you can stand playing a gimmick character for upwards of a year? Can you see yourself roleplaying as a bootleg Edward Elric for the next year?
                If they respond yes, they're probably lying, and you just have to wait until they get bored or cause problems so you can replace them with someone who isn't a weaboo.
                Odds are, they'll be completely harmless, but I can say with experience that the weebs who make anime their personality enough to try to make TTRPG into anime are volatile freaks.

                >t. DMed when SAO came out

                I actually do know the guy who can very consistently RP his anime self inserts.He's a good bro for RP, though I'm trying to get him to try something more plot focused like Gumshoe.

                If a Man tries to cook a monster in my Dungeon he is getting a roll to see If theres and encounter unless they barricade the doors for every 20 minutes spent cooking and that time cooking will depend on monster HD.
                Then theyll get about 3d6 rations which they probably wont use because really players rarely spend more than a day in a Dungeon, so it would be pointless, but id ler them do It. It might be useful in the overworld. Then cooking a monster would cost a day's movement point
                Anyways, what do you mean by character concepts? Seems like homosexualry to me.

                Sure, that works but the difference is that Dungeon Meshi is a long crawl through megadungeon where party has to hunt for food. Different type of dungeon crawl.

                Why is anime depicting western european fantasy always so stale and cringe (for lack of a better word)?

                Because they literally got their idea of generic medieval setting from DnD and early, DnD inspired computer RPGs.

              • 4 months ago

                >Sure, that works but the difference is that Dungeon Meshi is a long crawl through megadungeon where party has to hunt for food. Different type of dungeon crawl.
                Yeah, I know. But this longcrawl could be replicated as well, I just wanted to give a simple example to illustrate that It is feasible

              • 4 months ago

                Ah, now I get it.

              • 4 months ago

                >ODnD should be played like a boardgame, albeit freeform, and I don't pretend It shouldnt anymore.

              • 4 months ago

                This is not ODnD, but It doesnt matter.
                Besides, by playing like a boardgame I mean that it has simplified rules for simple actions and a focus on the games purpose.
                By playing as a boardgame I mean:
                Hexcrawling in a literal board
                Exploring dungeons through clear procedures, maybe procedurally generated on the spot through the use of dice (or cards, Ive been trying to make one)
                Using well-defined reaction rolls for monster encounters
                Having clear purposes for towns and cities
                Having clear but simple combat procedures, in wargame fashion for overworld and row combat in dungeons.

                This is how I play ODnD as a boardgame.
                As a boardgame with a DM to pre generate things and make the game run smoothly for players.
                They "Win" by coming back alive, which really isnt the most commonly used definition of "Win".

              • 4 months ago

                >This is not ODnD
                it literally is, open up the rulebook of the system you're apparently so dedicated to

              • 4 months ago

                Tell me the name of the book and the page.

              • 4 months ago

                not him, but this is on page 7 of moldvay basic

              • 4 months ago

                Which is not Od&d

              • 4 months ago

                Dungeons and Dragons Fantasy Adventure Game Basic Rulebook, Page B4

              • 4 months ago


                Which is not Od&d

                And that is beyond the point. But I guess you just wont reply to the rest of my reply

              • 4 months ago

                >the emphasis on rulings is not something I enjoy
                Really? I think the emphasis of the GM as the Referee is a much healthier way of approaching the game.

              • 4 months ago

                Oh no, don't get me wrong. I too think the position of referee is much better that of a narrator.
                But I don't like the emphasis on rulings instead of rules. I like games to be limited by the rules, with smaller scopes and more focused gameplay, so that having to improvise a resolution is not something that comes up very often.

              • 4 months ago

                >But I don't like the emphasis on rulings instead of rules
                To me, this is where treating your job as Referee is healthy. Your job is to facilitate the continuation of the game, so sometimes you need to make a ruling on field based on your knowledge of the rules and move on.

              • 4 months ago

                Its not something you can avoid, creating rulings on the spot for problema that arise, but I dont think that should be the main thing old School games use to promote themselves. I think procedure and simplicity is where It is at, and both are things I enjoy much more than rulings over rules.
                I think the job of the referee is simply to referee. Yes you can creste rulings, but ensuring the procedures are followed seamlessly while providing the players with immersive dungeons and a world to explore, that fairly reacts to them, is to me the most important part.

        • 4 months ago

          >And then
          The hobby became gradually more popular among homosexuals and now we have Dimension20.
          What a mistake...

        • 4 months ago

          You don't even have your history remotely right, poseur.

          • 4 months ago

            enlighten us then, oh learned sage

            • 4 months ago

              Wargames with roleplaying elements predate D&D by decades, and it was Arneson being inspired by games of Braunstein that led to his heavily story and roleplay focused Blackmoor games. When Gygax took Arneson's notes and turned them into what would become D&D, rigid wargame play was already an extremely low priority and this was reflected in the various copycats and contemporaries oh the 80s and 90s. Wargame-like strategic play only crept back up in relevance later on. WotC D&D overemphasized miniatures combat with heavily procedure-driven rules, in part because they were imitating MtG in a number of ways.

              • 4 months ago

                and yet, they were never part of the mainstream, just a single group of people than influenced greatly the ones who created the ruleset that popularised this game style.
                In the big scheme of thing they dont matter and neither does gygax and arneson, at least not as much as preached by the OSR crowd.
                They are simply the ones who opened the door for what became the actual hobby/industry.

  9. 4 months ago

    >do you ban certain concepts or playstyles
    "Ban" is such a strong word. A GM is not a censorship organ, you just have the game you want to run and it's your prerogative to choose who you play with.

    >if a piece of media gets popular
    Obviously it depends on how I feel about said piece of media.

    >Critical Role

    >The Witcher
    Terms and conditions apply.


    >Dungeon Meshi
    Come on board!

    • 4 months ago

      My current list of anime stuff:

      No, but one villain is already based on Ainz

      >The Witcher
      Depends on what they want to implement

      >Dungeon Meshi
      As long as they keep serious parts, it's fine

      >Dark Gathering
      With very hard limits

      >Goblin Slayer
      No, I'm not letting them play deliberately one note NPCs

      • 4 months ago

        I had a player make a Goblin Slayer PC ~2019, I noticed right off the bat. Same gimmick, hates goblins, wears the helmet all the time.

        I let him play it because the campaign was set in a tropical region, devoid of goblins.

        • 4 months ago

          >wears helmet plus hates goblins automatically equals Goblin Slayer
          I'm glad I don't have to deal with morons like you in real life.

          • 4 months ago

            You're right, I'm sure the weaboo was just making a normal PC who only targets goblins and never shows his face, and not a character based off an anime that released the year prior who was exactly the same.

            Oh hey, this is my mech-pilot PC with a magical mind-control eye. He loves chess and his name is uh... Memoosh B- uh Gortania! He is my completely original character! Did I mention he's a disgraced prince?

            • 4 months ago

              >fat anal retentive can’t understand why exactly he’s being mocked
              autism speaks

          • 4 months ago

            >fat anal retentive can’t understand why exactly he’s being mocked
            autism speaks

            He's right and you got filtered, homosexual
            I would've done the same simply because GS is garbage

      • 4 months ago

        Goblin slayer wans't an NPC. He was an actual player, according to the author on Twitter when S1 released. Though the whole thing was that the author/GM actually just kept throwing GOolins wherever they went. Though he did throw more than that at them. You'd aks "who wants to play that?", but you got to remember, the RPG culture in Japan is more about railroading than over here. The GM has a story, and while you can do stuff, you do it within the confines of the story. So Elf Archer wanting to go on other adventures is fine, but if the GM doesn't want that they won't get that.
        With that said, I have played with people who built their character to specifically kill one enemy. But it was also understood that that's what the campaign was about. Demons, Angels, Dragons, whatever. But just choosing a random enemy? Never happened to me yet.
        With that said, I've had FOTM characters before. And I don't hate them. How many have taken inspiration from LOTR? Earthsea? Mythology? It's fine. Just don't be an ass and drop references all the time. Saying your inspiration is fine, actually TRYING to make the game into the anime/book/whatever is a dick thing.

        • 4 months ago

          Still, I don't like Goblin Slayer for being too one note.

          I'm currently spitballing a campaign idea around where the players have to essentially invade the sorcery kingdom, and achieve goals to weaken the guardians and finally overthrow Ainz himself.

          Yeah, that works the best. Just avoid powerwank the show puts in later on, which is somehow more broken than early on 5-7 times level difference.

          I had a player make a Goblin Slayer PC ~2019, I noticed right off the bat. Same gimmick, hates goblins, wears the helmet all the time.

          I let him play it because the campaign was set in a tropical region, devoid of goblins.

          Funny, but a bit of a dick move.

          meshi is the most kino tg approved manga of all time
          Yeah because it's native isekai slop.

          >Yeah because it's native isekai slop.
          >native isekai
          The only times I can accept this term are stories that are either: isekai from perspective of a native, obvious isekai parodies without isekai, in universe rebirth stories. Dunegon Meshi has nothing to do with isekai.

          This guy is a moron. The DM should absolutely care about the atmosphere and tone that the players are bringing to the table, being the one that objectively has to put the most effort into setting it up.

          My first game with any group is always incredibly rules-light to weed out the homosexuals like this who "just wanna have fun!" and don't take it seriously. They only get into the real game where I actually put in effort when they pass the shit test.

          Or you could just talk to them and not waste few weeks on some stupid passive aggressive mind games.

          • 4 months ago

            I listen to the VN audiobooks.

            >5-7 times level difference
            uwot. ainz is a specifically built level 100, in a world where level 50 is viewed as the 'realm of the gods'. you ever played an MMO?

            • 4 months ago

              Yes, and that's what I've meant. Dude is has 5 to 7 times as much levels as others.

              • 4 months ago

                >as many.
                A typo.

          • 4 months ago

            >Or you could just talk to them and not waste few weeks on some stupid passive aggressive mind games.
            Unless you are a nogames, or a utopia gamer, we both know that it doesn't work like that. Players absolutely swear up and down that they play the way you play, even when you explicitly chart what your expectations are in front of them. Only to show up and do the equivalent of "huurrrr, I dunno, I poop my pants, lol" for an hour and a half, then leave swearing up and down that was one of the best sessions they've ever had in their life.

            If they wanna have fun that way, that's fine. But I'm not running that, and I'm not going to sit there and babysit/groom them into the players I want. That shit takes too long and rarely pays off.

      • 4 months ago

        I'm currently spitballing a campaign idea around where the players have to essentially invade the sorcery kingdom, and achieve goals to weaken the guardians and finally overthrow Ainz himself.

    • 4 months ago

      My current list of anime stuff:

      No, but one villain is already based on Ainz

      >The Witcher
      Depends on what they want to implement

      >Dungeon Meshi
      As long as they keep serious parts, it's fine

      >Dark Gathering
      With very hard limits

      >Goblin Slayer
      No, I'm not letting them play deliberately one note NPCs

      We're both trans btw.

      • 4 months ago

        Frick off.

    • 4 months ago

      The concept to take from Frieren is how it handles an "always evil" race. The manga chapter with a demon crying for its mother is just perfection.

  10. 4 months ago

    I don't base my line of thinking on what's popular; if I think something is cool, I put it in one of my games where it sensibly fits in. If not, I don't.

  11. 4 months ago

    God I need to watch (or at least, listen to) Marceille taking a loose, wet, food poison diarrhoea shit as she whimpers in pain, embarrassment and relief
    OP is a gay and doesn't play games

    • 4 months ago

      Ah yes, the ASOAIF and Dungeon Meshi crossover

    • 4 months ago


  12. 4 months ago

    do you always have to be a contrarian?

  13. 4 months ago

    I used to be against characters lifted from media but lately I'd really like to play something loosely based on hyakkimaru from dororo

  14. 4 months ago

    Either you are genuinely a complete buzz kill wet blanket who poo poos anything that's fun if you perceive it as FOTM or "normie", in which case you're a fricking moron cause Dungeon Meshi didn't invent chefs nor the concept of treating monsters as edible fauna...or you're trying to make a bait thread to whine about dungeon meshi without putting it in the subject line. Either way, OP, you're a homosexual, and I hope anyone unlucky enough to play with you figures that out.

    • 4 months ago

      No, I just don't allow the things I don't want in my game. Whether or not it's some mainstream doesn't matter.

      This guys right.

      Also, make better threads

    • 4 months ago

      This guy is a moron. The DM should absolutely care about the atmosphere and tone that the players are bringing to the table, being the one that objectively has to put the most effort into setting it up.

      My first game with any group is always incredibly rules-light to weed out the homosexuals like this who "just wanna have fun!" and don't take it seriously. They only get into the real game where I actually put in effort when they pass the shit test.

      • 4 months ago

        It's the equivalent of throwing a shitfit cause someone watched Lord of the Rings and wanted to play an elf archer or someone wanting to play a druid cause they watched that D&D movie. Having to resort to "screening people" via holding games specifically to determine who to boot instead of just talking to them like an adult says you're a passive-aggressive little b***h who fusses far too much about doing things "the right way" instead of actually dealing with shit.

        • 4 months ago

          The type of shit you're typing is precisely why I think you're probably a Utopia gamer, someone who's only ever played a game with your closest, best friends from high school who all share very similar opinions and tastes with you and whom you rarely have any lasting fallouts with.

          That's great for you, but your advice is dogshit and ineffective in real-world scenarios. The simple fact of the matter is that your "just talk to 'em bro" is the tabletop equivalent of the dating advice of "just be urself." There is just simply more to it when you have to sift through the dregs of society to get a game going. People will just straight up lie to you to get into a game, and you're going to simply have to boot them because you two are clearly looking for different things. It's not my job to groom or babysit players, so I'm just going to find the ones that are worth it, like you did with your high school friends ages ago.

          • 4 months ago

            No genius, just talk to them is the step before you kick them.
            Likewise be yourself is the step before dumping a date if they don’t like you.
            What do you just sit there and seethe when you fail to convince someone they are being obnoxious at the table?

            • 4 months ago

              >just talk to them is the step before you kick them.

              >It's not my job to groom or babysit players
              Learn to read, homosexual.

          • 4 months ago

            Actually, no. I've played with absolute trash people online, and the advice of talking to them like adults instead of playing moronic mind games comes from me actually learning that. See, I used to be like the kind of chucklehead GM who was afraid to talk to players about this shit. I don't like confrontations or big arguments with people, or drama in general. So my first attempts to handle problems like that were to just try and ignore them in hopes the problem players eventually figure out how to do things better themselves or at worst just go away. But it doesn't fricking work, there's no sudden enlightenment moment where they realize they're being frickups, they'll just take it as tacit approval. So I started doing that same kind of stupid shit you suggested, where I don't actually say what the players are doing wrong but instead pull lame stunts like trying to "teach" players through hostile DMing, on the assumption that it'll somehow Pavlov them into either doing "better" or convincing them to leave the table. But guess what, that shit doesn't work either. Turns out that humans aren't mind-readers. They'll either double down on their crappy behaviors since you're giving them the exact engagement they desire, or they'll rightfully call you out on being a pathetic weeny that's trying to passive-aggressively freeze them out like a highschool girl in a mean girls club instead of solving the problems at hand. And frankly, they're right. That kind of shit should be well beneath any normal human being, much less a grown man.

            So, frankly, yeah, I do just talk to them. Because as it turns out, that action actually has a far higher chance of solving shit instead of dancing around the issue like I'm in the Nutcracker. I don't know what a "utopia" gamer is, but I do know what a b***h acts like. And those kind of shitty mind games are what b***hes do.

            • 4 months ago

              >I don't know what a "utopia" gamer

              >someone who's only ever played a game with your closest, best friends from high school who all share very similar opinions and tastes with you and whom you rarely have any lasting fallouts with.
              1. Literally learn to read homosexual.

              2. That's great that you're a hippie homosexual that talked to your high school friends who think like you, and that you made up a great story about "learning to talk with your ~feelings and heart~", but the simple truth of the matter is that talking to players rarely works and is rarely worth the effort. People just don't change that drastically or that easily even after talking with them, and the maybe 10% of times I've had that legitimately work out for me, it was still a very long, arduous process to get them to be "kinda almost decent" instead of outright dogshit trash.

              The fact of the matter is they're playing the game they want. When you "just talk with them bro," they curb some of that and then realize you aren't playing the game they want, and a large % of them will just silently leave, especially because they don't like being "reprimanded" even when you just try and give them feedback.

              It doesn't work before. It doesn't work after. And when you get that rare exception that it does work, it's not worth the effort. The application pool is wide and deep. There is literally no reason to put up with trash players in this day and age. Simple as. If you're not vetting your players before playing, you're admitting you have no DMing advice worth jack or shit.

              t. Public league/play DM/GM for 10+ years.

              • 4 months ago

                You sure are typing a lot when you could have just written "I never learned interpersonal conflict." Speaking of things that a dime a dozen, so are passive aggressive DMs.

              • 4 months ago

                You only think that because you've never had interpersonal conflict and thus have no experience to speak of.

                Come back to me when you have to have an entire shop after-hours talk because 1 player dragged the entire game to a halt literally bawling his eyes out because, unironically, some dudes made their save against his dragonborn's breath weapon and he also rolled low damage, even though you and several other people including his girlfriend spoke with him outside of the game.

                Come back to me when you've had to stop a literal fist fight because the new player at the table just bluntly insulted another player to his face in the most aggressive way because the new kid had autism and literally could not figure out a way to voice his disagreement politely.

                Come back when you've had to have several talks with players who keep making out of character "your mom" jokes that you can visibly see drain the emotion from the new player who probably would have been great, and they just won't stop it, causing you to drain potential great players.

                Come back to me when you've had to step in and call the cops on a player who was touching one of the underaged girls at the table and your only cue this was going on was reading her facial expressions.

                Your advice is built on a foundation lacking real-life experience, but you're trying to speak from a position of any authority. If you haven't had any interpersonal conflicts, how could you possibly give any advice on them?

                Theory falls apart cause frankly, I've never played a roleplaying game with my highschool friends. But by all indications, you apparently are so socially inept that people would rather walk away and never come back than continue conversing with you, so I think we're just not going to see eye to eye on this. Sorry, good sir.

                t.person who leaves the house once in a while

                >you apparently are so socially inept that people would rather walk away and never come back than continue conversing with you
                Nah. I'm confident it ain't me cause even after all these horrible experiences, I STILL had players that would BEG me to DM for them, claim I was one of the better ones they've ever had, to a point where a handful of them would drive out to further stores I was moonlighting at just to play under me.

                t. Actually steps out of the house.

              • 4 months ago
              • 4 months ago

                Thank you sir, I have been reading this delightful argument and this got a laugh.

              • 4 months ago

                I haven't had to do most of those things because I have enough social skills to prevent situations from escalating that far. Absolutely a skill issue, with no irony.

              • 4 months ago

                >I have enough social skills to prevent situations from escalating that far.
                Dunning–Kruger effect if you actually believe that.

              • 4 months ago
              • 4 months ago

                And yet after twenty years of gaming I've had zero fist fights at my table. Like I said: skill issue.

              • 4 months ago

                No it really just means you don't actually put yourself out in public. Like, you realize that what you're saying is "I've drive to work for 20 years, and I've never once gotten mugged. Being mugged is a skill issue!" right?

              • 4 months ago

                If all that shit is happening to you while you "put yourself out in public" the problem is you.

              • 4 months ago

                >Like, you realize that what you're saying is "I've drive to work for 20 years, and I've never once gotten mugged. Being mugged is a skill issue!" right?
                this is correct, stop living in a shithole anon

              • 4 months ago

                20 words or less.

              • 4 months ago

                Theory falls apart cause frankly, I've never played a roleplaying game with my highschool friends. But by all indications, you apparently are so socially inept that people would rather walk away and never come back than continue conversing with you, so I think we're just not going to see eye to eye on this. Sorry, good sir.

                t.person who leaves the house once in a while

              • 4 months ago

                >t. Public league/play DM/GM for 10+ years

                That's like trying to establish your lawyer cred by saying you've spent a decade as a public defender.

              • 4 months ago

                >Claims to be a DM for a decade
                >can't talk to people
                >is an incomprehensible gibbering moron who is needlessly incensed by the idea that talking to people is a useful tool for resolving interpersonal conflict
                Lmao checks out. If you had a group of your own, you wouldn't need to squat at public tables desperately hoping for people to come to you for a quick loot and scoot game, or another run through one of the 5e campaign books.

                The problem isn't other people. It's (you) and after 10 years, you still haven't figured that out.

              • 4 months ago

                Honestly? This just doesn't have any bite to it. Try again? I don't know what to tell you. I'm even feeding you a post right now where you can say I don't know how to talk to you, just because that reply was that limp.

              • 4 months ago

                >I'm not mad
                >Lemme just show you how not mad I am
                >I'm so good at conflict resolution
                You're a homosexual and a liar, and worst of all, you're not even remotely funny while doing it.

              • 4 months ago

                You make a lot of sense. It's kinda like convincing people that the government or media isn't 100% hunky dory. You think people will be reasonable and see your points but the vast majority are going to react in some very disrespectful ways.

              • 4 months ago

                Boy, that's a lot of words for "I don't know how to be a social animal, solve conflict, and will die alone and friendless because no one can tolerate me". Almost brings me genuine joy knowing people like you exist and fail at being even the most basic of human beings, and will celebrate the failings of your untermenschen-tier life anon.


              • 4 months ago

                Also not an argument. Just a personal attack.

              • 4 months ago

                "Not an argument" is not a rebuttal.

              • 4 months ago

                Rebuttal to what? There was no argument. Just some shut-ins that were angry that I filtered them from the campaign.

              • 4 months ago

                Yes it was a personal attack, and I hope it struck a nerve

                Rebuttal to what? There was no argument. Just some shut-ins that were angry that I filtered them from the campaign.

                considering it seems you think I would ever be interested in a campaign with strangers, let alone the face you immediately assumed I am someone you know, I good-and-well succeeded at at the very least wounding your pride. Now go and wallow over your hurt feelings from some random stranger who said hurtful words to you on a Uruguayan sandcounting board

          • 4 months ago

            Weird to admit you're too immature to play pretend by admitting you're too immature to date.

          • 4 months ago

            >"just talk to 'em bro" is the tabletop equivalent of the dating advice of "just be urself."
            I agree with that, this is a good analogy.
            It's not like "talk to them" is bad advice. It's that it's very basic advice. Dealing with people is a complex skill that demands nuance and experience. Executing it properly is an art that needs to take into account context, culture, and individual predispositions. There are no straight answers.
            If somebody genuinely thinks "just talk" by itself is a sufficient reply to anything, the either a) they aren't actually good at it themselves, thinking the skill can be reduced to such a simple commandment, or b) they are good at it, but aren't self-conscious enough to recognise that it is a skill and there are a thousand little techniques that they learned or intuited before they became so proficient that it is subconscious and natural for them.

            • 4 months ago

              >the either a) they aren't actually good at it themselves, thinking the skill can be reduced to such a simple commandment, or b) they are good at it, but aren't self-conscious enough to recognise that it is a skill and there are a thousand little techniques that they learned or intuited before they became so proficient that it is subconscious and natural for them.
              Another option is what I was going on with for "Utopia Gamers" and why their advice is generally useless. If that anon just tried talking and put in the bare minimum effort, but received the maximum benefit because both parties were on the same page and had a generic misunderstanding, that didn't create fruitful experience that could turn into a lesson worth sharing. He didn't learn anything from that interaction, and is just repeating things that worked for him but by no means will work in all scenarios.

              To make an analogy, it's like when someone comes out and makes a video or peptalk saying "Hey, when I was 15, I dropped all of my safety nets that my family and community built up for me, went out to Hollywood, and now I'm a famous movie star! You should do the same exact thing! Don't listen to those haters! They just wanna kill your dream!" That's great that worked out for you, but the overwhelming majority of people you are giving that advice to are going to go out there, never make it, get trapped into a wagie job at best or human trafficking at worst, and essentially ruin their lives just because YOU won the lottery and confused that for skill.

              Never listen to the advice of people who have only experienced success and have lived in a utopia.

              • 4 months ago

                Listen man, you can keep replying to yourself and pretending to be someone else agreeing with your moronic opinion, but if you think trying to recontextualize your homosexualry is going to salvage your argument and make people think you're smart and cool, you're wrong. This "utopia gamer" shit isn't going to catch on and your point is still so fricking moronic that you have to resort to extremely hyperbolic examples to try and make a point that amounts to "simple advice doesn't always apply in very complex situations" which was never implied otherwise.

                If someone has terminal cancer, you don't just tell them to exercise and eat right, obviously. But if someone is just a fat lazy shit who is the source of all their own problems, then you don't treat them like they're dying of cancer, you unbelievably pedantic sperg.

              • 4 months ago


              • 4 months ago

                Have you tried talking to a therapist?

              • 4 months ago

                Dude, all I'm saying is that in the past I myself tried to use moronic mind games with my players like suggested by numerous anons here, and all it's left me is an incalculable amount of shouting matches, constant headaches, and bitter feelings all around. And that by comparison, you get far more done by actually opening a dialogue with them upfront. It ain't a cure-all, but it's a hell of a lot better than that kind of snake oil trying to be sold.

              • 4 months ago

                >I myself tried to use moronic mind games with my players like suggested by numerous anons her
                What exactly is a mind game here though? All I said was "Play a quick rules light game and only invite back the people you like."

                Have you tried talking to a therapist?

                It really says a lot about your argument that instead of addressing the points, the only thing you can do to counter it is just try to accuse the other of lying. If you had a good point, you could do that without the schizo rants and the ad hominem. Just saying. You lost this argument ages ago.

              • 4 months ago

                It says a lot about you that you ignored the argument that was made against your pedantic homosexualy and went running to this pop psychology bullshit.

              • 4 months ago

                Not really. It's just schizo ad hominem. All you're saying is "NUH UH UR CHEATING" over and over. Why would I take the taunting of a child seriously?

              • 4 months ago

                All the posts are right there, Black person. You're not impressing anyone.

              • 4 months ago

                "Mind game" as in treat my games like some sort of unspoken job evaluation where I decide whether or not my players are "fit" to be part of my gaming group via unspoken criteria. By design, it implicitly treats prospective players as a hostile party even before the game starts since I'm judging whether I want to keep them them based on whether they're conforming to my standards or not, ones I didn't fully lay down before hand. That's what I mean by "mind games", since I'm basically deciding whether or not they're "good enough" based on things they're apparently supposed to read my mind to figure out. And frankly, that shit wastes far more time and engenders far more negative feelings on all sides than just having a session zero to lay down everything in full. Like, ffs, this is a game, not an employee evaluation, I'd rather tell potential problem players to find a different table BEFORE I have to deal with their stupidity, rather than suffer through it at all while thinking how I somehow got one over on them by giving them a game to annoy me with.

              • 4 months ago

                >"Mind game" as in treat my games like some sort of unspoken job evaluation where I decide whether or not my players are "fit" to be part of my gaming group via unspoken criteria.
                But it is similar to a job application by proxy of the applicants to the game. Open up a Roll20 5e game to the public. You will get dozens of people wanting to play. You cannot play with all of them, and you need to vet them through some sort of application process, which often includes them telling you about themselves, their playstyle, you listing what the "job" entails, etc. But like a job application, people tend to lie to get in. All I'm saying is a quick and easy way to weed out additional riff-raff, a necessity with the sheer DM:Player ratio, is get them into a test-situation to prove themselves with minimal upkeep/"danger" to your self, and then select the winners. There is no "mind games" going on. Just find the right people for the right seats, and let the others find THEIR home somewhere else, because I don't want to spend my time raising mediocrity.

                Again, just the simple fact that you are lacking this experience is why I fully believe you are either nogames or a Utopia Gamer. Anyone who DMs and has tried to open up any sort of sign up NEEDS to do some sort of vetting. Your time is too valuable to waste it on terrible-to-medicore games, especially when you're the one going to be putting in the most effort.

              • 4 months ago

                >Anyone who DMs and has tried to open up any sort of sign up NEEDS to do some sort of vetting
                Most sane people do this by directly addressing the interested party. Whether in person so they can more accurately judge them by how they act in person, or if you're busy via text. Some even have a pre-game meeting called a "session zero" to ensure all the interested parties are on board and understand the rules. At least, this is what sane people do.

                >All I'm saying is a quick and easy way to weed out additional riff-raff is get them into a test-situation to prove themselves
                That frankly sounds like it takes far more time and headache than just getting that shit sorted BEFORE the actual game you intend to play starts. The only reason to even waste your time doing this shit is just to fellate yourself over how oh-so intelligent you are with finding "the right people" who are willing to put up with your holier-than-thou attitude, when frankly it'd be a lot better use of your time to just jerk off to a recording of your own voice instead of dragging it out like this.

                >Again, just the simple fact that you are lacking this experience is why I fully believe you are either nogames
                Far more evidence you're the nogames in this, considering that anyone who tries to pull this kind of shit in-person is going to find themselves getting a reputation as the "jerk-off that treats games like they're job interviews" and find the player pool drying up very, very fast

              • 4 months ago

                >Most sane people do this by directly addressing the interested party.
                >you need to vet them through some sort of application process, which often includes them telling you about themselves, their playstyle, you listing what the "job" entails, etc.
                You should read the argument you're having.

                >That frankly sounds like it takes far more time and headache than just getting that shit sorted BEFORE the actual game you intend to play starts.
                >Advocates for session 0
                >"It's a waste of time to do another session with minimal work and prep!"

                >considering that anyone who tries to pull this kind of shit in-person is going to find themselves getting a reputation as the "jerk-off that treats games like they're job interviews"
                I think this statement gets to the core of what you're really angry about: You're worried that you would be the one gatekept, aren't you? Cause it's actually ridiculous that anyone would ever build up this reputation. This is a common practice out in tons of gameshops all over the place and online. /tg/ used to even make threads very often about finding good ways to weed out the player base. Like, I dunno what to tell you. I'm just giving you facts. DMs get dozens of applicants, and unless they are ALL my known friends that I can mentally vet, I need to figure out which ones will be my "new friends" at the table in decent, efficient manner.

                By the way, to address your projection issues: It's okay if you're gatekept, kid! Just find a new DM, and that will probably work out for you better than the last. You can always just cope and say "It was a terrible DM anyways"!

              • 4 months ago

                Dude, I really think you need to touch grass, cause the fact you think someone disagreeing with you on the internet is inconceivable in any fashion beyond "projection" does not speak well of your mental stability

              • 4 months ago

                Not an argument.

              • 4 months ago

                No one's bothering to argue with an admitted self-absorbed prick, they're just taking time to pick apart the idiocy of people like OP and Mr. "Utopia Gaems" are for trying to play these type of stupid psyop games on their players because social interaction to convey what they want in their games is somehow too scary to do

              • 4 months ago

                >because social interaction to convey what they want

                >Most sane people do this by directly addressing the interested party.
                >you need to vet them through some sort of application process, which often includes them telling you about themselves, their playstyle, you listing what the "job" entails, etc.
                You should read the argument you're having.

                >That frankly sounds like it takes far more time and headache than just getting that shit sorted BEFORE the actual game you intend to play starts.
                >Advocates for session 0
                >"It's a waste of time to do another session with minimal work and prep!"

                >considering that anyone who tries to pull this kind of shit in-person is going to find themselves getting a reputation as the "jerk-off that treats games like they're job interviews"
                I think this statement gets to the core of what you're really angry about: You're worried that you would be the one gatekept, aren't you? Cause it's actually ridiculous that anyone would ever build up this reputation. This is a common practice out in tons of gameshops all over the place and online. /tg/ used to even make threads very often about finding good ways to weed out the player base. Like, I dunno what to tell you. I'm just giving you facts. DMs get dozens of applicants, and unless they are ALL my known friends that I can mentally vet, I need to figure out which ones will be my "new friends" at the table in decent, efficient manner.

                By the way, to address your projection issues: It's okay if you're gatekept, kid! Just find a new DM, and that will probably work out for you better than the last. You can always just cope and say "It was a terrible DM anyways"!

                >>you need to vet them through some sort of application process, which often includes them telling you about themselves, their playstyle, you listing what the "job" entails, etc.
                >You should read the argument you're having.

                It is. Just not one you want to think about.

                What exactly is the argument then? Break it down for me like the 2 year-old you want to name call me as.

              • 4 months ago

                Essentially, your so-called "vetting" method is a frivolous waste of time, and much like OP's idea of banning anything assumed to be "flavor of the week" is only good for jerking yourself off to your self-proclaimed "cleverness"

                TL;DR Stop telling people to be passive-aggressive incels to their players and grow the hell up

              • 4 months ago

                It's not. If you ever start DMing for people you don't know on a long-term basis, you too will make use of this tool to save yourself time and heartache.

                I will continue to give people advice, which was given to me by well known DMs in my area and online, and has proven successful.

                I'm sorry you got gatekept out of my 10/10 campaign. I hope you found one better suited to your needs.

              • 4 months ago

                At least stop sounding like you suck your own dick while typing on a thailand blockbuilding forum, dude

              • 4 months ago

                You can't even have a 5/10 argument. I'd be surprised if you're even running a game, let alone if you've ever played in one or received GMing advice from someone who wasn't in a youtube video.

                Not an argument. Cope.

              • 4 months ago

                Not a GM.

              • 4 months ago

                You can't even have a 5/10 argument. I'd be surprised if you're even running a game, let alone if you've ever played in one or received GMing advice from someone who wasn't in a youtube video.

              • 4 months ago

                It is. Just not one you want to think about.

            • 4 months ago

              I don't know what to say here, man. How to interact socially with other people while playing a game is the main lesson of childhood. You're supposed to have almost two decades of practice doing that before you can post on this website. /tg/ is for social hobbies. Are you in the right place?

              • 4 months ago

                >Claims he has at least 2 decades of social practice
                >Has no concept that people will lie, or even just not understand what they themselves are looking for in a game

      • 4 months ago

        The GM should adjust the tone to fit what the players want, not act like they're king of the table. This shit is collaborative.

        • 4 months ago

          >The GM should adjust the tone to fit what the players want, not act like they're king of the table. This shit is collaborative.
          Only insofar as that is also what the GM wants. The GM is also a player, not a performative monkey. And if the GM isn't getting what he wants, he packs up his ball and leaves. Find a new GM.

  15. 4 months ago

    I don't need to because I don't play with randoms. No one I know would bring some FotM bullshit to the table and want to play it.

  16. 4 months ago

    How did you get to be such a miserable c**t anon?

  17. 4 months ago


    If you haven’t run a panpsychopic dreamscape guided meditation campaign, hold thy tongue, plebeian.

  18. 4 months ago

    >implying you run games
    >implying you even play games

  19. 4 months ago

    >dungeon meshi is the most kino tg approved manga of all time
    >gets a decent anime adaptation and it becomes midly popular
    >it suddenly becomes disliked because by morons like you because muh contrarianism
    ok, so you hate fun.
    what a fricking homosexual of a DM you must be. I m sorry for your players.

    • 4 months ago

      >dungeon meshi is the most kino tg approved manga of all time
      Not just that, but it's been that for nearly ten fricking years. /tg/ has been reading and discussing and loving Dungeon Meshi, specifically, this entire fricking time and now homosexuals are showing up going
      >uhhh???? does anyone hate this FOTM shit that came out of nowhere?

      • 4 months ago

        We had some great storytiems together. If some grog happened to post a chapter we might even have a good thread again. There would be secondaries, sure. But hating newbies is the time honored tradition of our people and I think mocking the secondaries might make the thread even better.

    • 4 months ago

      meshi is the most kino tg approved manga of all time
      Yeah because it's native isekai slop.

      • 4 months ago

        >native isekai
        It's called fantasy

        • 4 months ago

          Dungeon meshi has nothing to do with isekai.
          Good job ousting yourself as a literal moron and a tourist

          Native isekai is when a series uses all the cliches of the isekai genre; guilds, levels, monsters straight out of wizardry/dq, the core races, without adding a protagonist from another world. The cliches that make up the world of a native isekai like Dungeon Meshi's are indistinguishable from an isekai's.
          If you want fantasy you're more likely to find it in generic shounen manga. It's usually a lot more creative mash up of magic and monsters than isekai slop.

          • 4 months ago

            Dungeon Meshi doesn't have levels or adventurer's guilds though. It just plays the idea of the fantasy dungeon crawl straight and tries to make it fit into the setting.
            You can make the argument that the characters loosely fit into class archetypes but that's sorta putting the cart before the horse; those archetypes exist in the first place to represent certain sorts of characters common to the fantasy genre. Laius isn't a 5th level fighter, he's a guy who had a brief stint in the army and uses those skills to go dungeon delving. Marcille and Farlyn have had formal training in magic. Shuro is quite literally a Samurai and member of a noble family. You could easily stat them out in a role-playing system because they fit their archetypes well and DM is inspired by classic dungeon crawling tabletop systems but that's like calling The Hobbit isekai because Bilbo is explicitly referred to as a burglar and a sheet for him could easily be slapped together in 5e.

            • 4 months ago

              There's a massive and immediately apparent difference between the fantasy archetypes that inspired D&D and fantasy archetypes inspired BY D&D.

              • 4 months ago

                Obviously the story takes inspiration from the Dandy game and it's contemporaries but it's still not an isekai story.
                >doesn't have levels
                >doesn't have classes
                >has guilds but they operate like actual IRL guilds, ie businesses that have an obvious revenue stream and service niche
                >monsters and the dungeon are fleshed out as an actual microecosystem, not just spawned around as loot piñatas. They have life cycles, habitats, distinct behavior patterns that make sense for their niche, etc.
                Your stipulations for something being 'native isekai' involve the setting working like a videogame, but Dungeon Meshi categorically doesn't. If anything, Dungeon Meshi's setting has been de-gamified and purposefully fleshed out instead of letting power levels and stat blocks do the hard legwork for it.

              • 4 months ago

                i bet i could show you ryuu to yuusha to haitatsunin, a well researched and amazingly charming manga penned by somebody who's clearly a history geek. and you'd call it reverse isekai slop because its got dragon quest style levels as gags in it.

          • 4 months ago

            I'm no expert, but I don't think native isekai is just when there are elves and slimes. It's more of an insult towards stories that use the unfortunately common modern isekai cliché of giving the protagonist some ridiculous advantage and everybody else a partial lobotomy.

          • 4 months ago

            "Native Isekai" is a meme made up by genre illiterate homosexuals who tried too hard to justify their tasteless moronic behavior. b***hing about cliches and tropes without talking about execution exposes you as an impotent whiny jackass who is trying to make an argument without any foundation.

          • 4 months ago

            Although the earliest parts of Dungeon Meshi might give that impression, the only parts of your "definition" which could be said to actually apply are monsters/races adapted from fantasy games. In Dungeon Meshi, these adaptations have been changed and fleshed out to the extent that it's become an inversion of the relationship between Tolkien and DnD/21st-century genre fantasy. Where the impression has developed that most Western genre fantasy and its staples are shallow imitations of the world of LotR, we have with Dungeon Meshi a story and setting that make its Japanese fantasy precedents and staples seem like shallow imitations of the world of Dungeon Meshi. There is no other manga of recent decades that's been as thorough and thoughtful with its worldbuilding as DM, and the impression that DM is "native isekai" could only be had by people that haven't read more than its earliest chapters.

        • 4 months ago

          It's called "bait".

      • 4 months ago

        Dungeon meshi has nothing to do with isekai.
        Good job ousting yourself as a literal moron and a tourist

      • 4 months ago

        >native isekai

      • 4 months ago

        > it's native isekai

    • 4 months ago

      > the most kino tg approved manga of all time
      Haven’t gotten around to it yet — is it really better than Lodoss War?

    • 4 months ago

      This honestly. Nothing more to say about this worthless thread.

  20. 4 months ago

    What fricked up clown reality do you live in where you're constantly cycling players and need to issue a list of bans of flavor of the month topics to keep your constantly changing non-existent game with nobody from being corrupted by people who want to... play dorfs who cook food for their party?

    Frick off.

  21. 4 months ago

    If a Man tries to cook a monster in my Dungeon he is getting a roll to see If theres and encounter unless they barricade the doors for every 20 minutes spent cooking and that time cooking will depend on monster HD.
    Then theyll get about 3d6 rations which they probably wont use because really players rarely spend more than a day in a Dungeon, so it would be pointless, but id ler them do It. It might be useful in the overworld. Then cooking a monster would cost a day's movement point
    Anyways, what do you mean by character concepts? Seems like homosexualry to me.

    • 4 months ago

      >Then cooking a monster would cost a day's movement point
      it takes you 8 hours to make dinner?

      • 4 months ago

        No, It takes a third of that.
        Its a game friend, I just want to make It easier for me as a DM, so It costs a movement point to cook something, and I consider that they walk something around 8~12 hours a day, and then rest for the rest of the day.

  22. 4 months ago

    >entire hobby created on the idea of a bunch of nerds reliving their favourite stories
    >but we must ban nerds from reliving their favourite stories because the stories they like aren't obscure enough
    And these people walk in our midst...

    It's funny to think that my old dwarf character from 20 years ago would now be a blatant Senshi clone, because he was a dwarf and I took a point of cooking for him. The fact he was a diplomat, wore robes and a wig, and carried a staff of office, wouldn't matter.

  23. 4 months ago

    Meshi wont be mainstream. It's too 'humdrum' for the mainstream.
    It lacks the obnoxious... Qualities? that bad players adapt, like edgy anti-heroism or special snowflake powers, and instead makes marvels out of the mundane that everyone can get behind, such as hot meals.
    It helps that the cast are all adults who follow their passions, rather than teenagers burdened with saving the world.

    • 4 months ago

      >It lacks the obnoxious special snowflake powers
      But it has oodles of autism.

  24. 4 months ago

    I've been planning to make a chef character for a while. One friend wants to run Phandelver, and two friends want to play 5 int half orcs, so I'm considering playing a 9 int half orc chef who orders them around. They catch ingredients, I cook them. Those ingredients may be human, if we feel like going that far.

  25. 4 months ago

    Why is anime depicting western european fantasy always so stale and cringe (for lack of a better word)?

    • 4 months ago

      yeah frfr. where are le hecking rainbow hair tieflings?!?!

      • 4 months ago

        thats fine. but they dont understand medieval society at all. the whole setting of those animes is not even trying to present a believable world that is reminiscent to the real middle ages. its just a theater stage.

        • 4 months ago

          true, not like us based westerners depicting what the REAL middle ages are like.

          • 4 months ago

            Now reply with that one Critical Role party image that comes up every so often

            • 4 months ago

              i dont save anything shitical role. but i do see that homosexual pink firbolg whenever it gets brought up.

              not defending modern dnd.

              very believable OLD dnd. of course.

              • 4 months ago

                >very believable OLD dnd. of course.
                who cares about dnd? you brought it up. but yes, old dnd is better and more believable. not forgotten realms tho.

              • 4 months ago

                >this fantasy setting with magic dungeons appearing out of nowhere is better than this fantasy setting with magic dungeons appearing out of nowhere

              • 4 months ago

                missing the point. you watch too much anime.

          • 4 months ago

            not defending modern dnd.

        • 4 months ago

          They're not trying to replicate the middle ages. Dungeon Meshi, in this case, has its own setting and history and style that at best uses similar levels of technology and cultural styles at best, and even that varies.
          I don't see emulating/replicating medieval Europe as an inherent positive nor negative of a fantasy setting. The world is "believable" on its own terms, as long as it is internally logically consistent.

          • 4 months ago

            >restrain Mickbell

        • 4 months ago

          Dungeon Meshi understands the middle ages and medieval era better than D&D has in decades.

        • 4 months ago

          And thank god for that. No need to ruin a good story with dull realism.

    • 4 months ago

      Can't polish a turn.

    • 4 months ago

      It's not like Western Media is any better at depicting medieval fantasy, cough Critical Role

    • 4 months ago

      The fact there are no Black person kings and other cultural enrichment automatically makes them better
      I love the lack of Black folk in manga, sadly it won't last but I can move to chink shit then. I see a Black person I drop it

  26. 4 months ago

    Don't outright ban stuff like that, but if your player starts just making an animu gimmick character, you can just tell them the truth.

    We get it, you like the show, but this is a long-term commitment. Are you absolutely sure that your love for this show is going to last long enough that you can stand playing a gimmick character for upwards of a year? Can you see yourself roleplaying as a bootleg Edward Elric for the next year?
    If they respond yes, they're probably lying, and you just have to wait until they get bored or cause problems so you can replace them with someone who isn't a weaboo.
    Odds are, they'll be completely harmless, but I can say with experience that the weebs who make anime their personality enough to try to make TTRPG into anime are volatile freaks.

    >t. DMed when SAO came out

    • 4 months ago

      >We get it, you like the show, but this is a long-term commitment. Are you absolutely sure that your love for this show is going to last long enough that you can stand playing a gimmick character for upwards of a year? Can you see yourself roleplaying as a bootleg Edward Elric for the next year?
      This is a very rational and insightful approach to things.

      • 4 months ago

        >tfw I play nothing but gimmick joke characters
        >but I don't base them on FOTW shit, and I generally put a bit more effort into them than 'here's deku, but also it's vampire the masquerade'.

  27. 4 months ago

    Too bad, my character cooked before it was cool and I never read/watched Dungeon Meshi. I practically don't use monster parts unless it makes sense, the most obscure thing I cooked for the party was stakes made from a young shadow dragon we felled as a victory feast. I wasn't even planning on making the character "the party cook" but I took proficiency in it for the heck of it and then it turned out I was the only one and it became a staple from there.
    So yes, I will steal the demon cults cookbook and ransack their food storage for ingredients, I will help out at the local tavern to learn the ogre chef's secret recipe for the only meal he cooks, I will pocket those pickled fruits I found the basement of some ruins in the Shadowfell, and most of all - I will use my cook's utensils proficiency to
    >assess the social patterns involved in a culture's eating habits
    whenever we eat at a new place. And you can't fricking stop me.

  28. 4 months ago

    >All this moronic posturing
    You need to be at least 16 to successfully pretend to be 18, OP
    And God have mercy upon your soul if you're older than 16 and act like this

    • 4 months ago

      You smell like diapers

  29. 4 months ago

    It seems to me you're already doing an effective job of filtering out bad players by both trying to run a game and ensuring you won't get players by being a tosser.

  30. 4 months ago

    I made a southern barbecue pitmaster monk years ago. Glad no one can say I took the idea from the show or banned me from playing it.

    Generally my whole group watches seasonal anime together every week anyway so we're all on the same page about what media is popular and no one wants to be the goober just stealing an idea.

  31. 4 months ago

    How do you go through players and campaigns and characters fast enough that pop media cycles effect that at all?

  32. 4 months ago

    That's moronic

  33. 4 months ago


    homie I liked goblin slayer and you're moronic.
    Stop making a fun series bad by associating with it you fat b***h

  34. 4 months ago

    I hate Marcille posters so much it’s unreal

  35. 4 months ago

    The only reason you can play D&D without ending on a pedo FBI list and women cringing these days is thanks to Stranger Things and Critical Roll, so accept you have a normalgay hobby and move on.

    • 4 months ago

      >lol wut
      It's exactly those types who are the pedos

  36. 4 months ago

    Attention Tall-Men, or as I like to call you BIGGERS

  37. 4 months ago

    The first place I ever RP'd online, there was a guy that went around accusing anyone playing a character with a dead parent in their backstory of ripping off pic related. You sound about as sane as him.

  38. 4 months ago

    contrarians shocking nobody by being anti dungeon meshi. This show, despite being animated by trigger, is the best representation of grounded old style dungeon crawling in modern times (obviously baring actual OSR system im referring to non-game media). Every piece of gear the characters have are written an explained, fights are quick, deadly, and often based on knowledge, party is literally Human-Warrior Halfing-Thief Dwarf-Warrior Elf-Magic User, and yeah to top it all off /tg/ has loved the manga for probably a decade now. It was never about your tradition or your classic gaming or anything, it was just about feeling like you're in the most special club ever and saying no to feel superior and hide any true sincerity towards the hobby we all spend a shit ton of our total lifespan on.

    • 4 months ago

      What's wrong with Trigger? I like their visual style. It's comfy. Their writing can go frick itself with a dragon dildo, but they didn't write this story, so it's ok.

      • 4 months ago

        Inconsistent animation quality, but I won't go into detail because this is the wrong board.

        • 4 months ago

          >thinks anime discussion is limited to just Ganker

      • 4 months ago

        I actually like trigger I just added that because some people take issue with the "wacky" studio animating their favorite grounded fantasy manga. I was a little worried because they're typically so flashy, but I think they're doing a good job personally

        • 4 months ago

          I just hope they do a full Thriller routine with the bunnies.

          • 4 months ago

            The Thriller posting during that arch was great. Hope we get more OC once it gets animated.

        • 4 months ago

          I can't think of a better pairing than the most westaboo studio and Japans most prominent Baldur's Gate fan.

          • 4 months ago

            Maybe one day she'll get her Japanese language Dwarf Fortress.

    • 4 months ago

      It's a little frustrating that the bar is so low and homosexuals still find a way to crawl under it, just to make sure you know what pitiful jackasses they are. Ten fricking years of Dungeon Meshi threads. Manga scanlated that entire time, then available in bookstores for the last several years before the anime was even announced. All that time and they could have looked into it, read a thread or two, asked Ganker or /tg/ about it... and they still waltz in here pretending like it's some flavor of the month, "that time I got reincarnated as an equally bland frickstick who has everything go his way and is also surrounded by half a dozen hot women who want to frick me" slop that they're supposed to hate, because they think that hating anime unconditionally is the culture around here, because they aren't even fricking lurking long enough to know what a homosexualy thing that is to do.

      • 4 months ago

        a lot of the people on here really feel like they are trying to post in a way that impresses somebody. It's hard to put my finger on it but it feels like they're constantly trying to reconfirm their identity as members of a special secret club of some sort. Even though IRL tabletop enthusiasts are often fairly chill and would not be giving them any good boy points for just getting angry about anything that isn't the vague idea of a human warrior man covered in dirt all the time

  39. 4 months ago

    Only if there’s a massive clash in themes and tones between what the player is bringing and what the campaign is. Like, I don’t care how you try to pitch it, I’m never going to approve your 40k puritan imperial inquisitor if I’m running a Star Trek campaign. But that’s less a “ban” and more of a character rejection.

    But otherwise, if it’s not clashing with anything, then sure, why not? Just don’t expect me to bend over backwards to shield the character from consequences.

  40. 4 months ago

    Tabletop gaming is built upon taking pop culture concepts and making them work in the world of the game. I don't really see a reason to try and stop that sort of thing. Especially because I'd only really be stopping people from taking inspiration from stuff I recognize. They'd likely still take inspiration from pop culture, but now just an area that's a blind spot for me.

  41. 4 months ago


    Seems you're the one doing that, considering you have to make up fanfiction about yourself to win an argument on a mongolian basketweaving forum. Surprised you didn't have the whole store stand up and clap for one of your brilliant dming stints, lol

    • 4 months ago

      Not an argument.

  42. 4 months ago


    Goblin Slayer S2 was possibly the worst of the 4 big fantasy anime last season. Helck and Frieren were definitely better and S Class Daughter was pretty good too.

  43. 4 months ago

    I'm not reading the whole conversation but there are definitely people out there who are animebrain ADHD kids who will be disruptive and just goof around all game and talking to them will not help. Best case they will shut down and not participate and eventually leave anyway. A quick weedout session that kills off morons is a more humane way to deal with them. It spares their feelings at least.

    • 4 months ago

      >kills off
      But in seriousness, that's usually the kind of thing a session zero takes care of easier than some kind of lame "weedout session". Even the most spastic weeaboo will usually show themselves the door once the GM has made it clear that their deviantart OC Cowboy Ichigo Cloud Uchiha isn't going to be allowed at the table.

  44. 4 months ago

    chilchuck is so cool that he made me like halfings
    I finally understand why they're cool. I used to think they were just manlets and womanlets, but they're neat. They've got their own little society with their own little rules and it's great. If I ever get to play a game, instead of running one, I'm going to make a halfling thief.

  45. 4 months ago

    Didn't happen, won't happen , you don't play, you are moronic

  46. 4 months ago

    I want to impregnate Marcille!!!

    • 4 months ago
  47. 4 months ago

    But its characters are not cooks and chefs. They're all regular classes who cook in their spare time.

  48. 4 months ago

    I always only play my sonichu oc self insert so it’s never a problem tbh.

  49. 4 months ago

    To be fair the idea of eating monsters has been a thing in DND way before this anime came out. That's like saying having a hatred over a race like goblins or demons only started with goblin slayer and Frieren. Hell I have play a Foodie Dragonborn who became an adventurer to try all sorts of food from around the world. Got the info to the BBEG by eating one of his minons and getting the other one to spills his guts. Got bonus points due to hard to call a buff when you kill, cook and eat someone right in front of them and make the joke I am still hungry and look at him with "hungry eyes" telling him to spill his guts or you use them for sausage.

  50. 4 months ago

    Ogre Priests of the Great Maw/ Ogor Mawpriests are literally cooks who are also religious figures.

  51. 4 months ago

    I like the IK's version of "Kill the monster and then cut it up for useful materials" player class more. Not to rag on Meshi at all, love it, just having it be a bit more grubby is more interesting to me.

  52. 4 months ago

    I allow anything, so long as the player seems excited to play it and likely to actually show up.

  53. 4 months ago

    Rolled 5 (1d20)

  54. 4 months ago

    >Do you ban certain concepts or playstyles if a piece of media gets popular?
    I don't care much, what grinds my gear is having to wait such occurrence to have people kicking for playing games and having to put aside my preference to accommodate the players. Let's say you want to run a light-hearted picaresque adventure of a bunch of rascals out for riches BUT that period you had GoT, now everyone wants le realistic deep mudcore medieval simulator. You want then to make a simulationist game about harsh survival and then Legend of Vox Machina is kicking in, you want to make a capeshit game and now Dungeon Meshi is on, etc... Sometimes the star aligns and you get what you need exactly at the right moment (eg: i was planning a very detailed historical pirate game for years and then i got Black Sails firing up my table).

    That said, i would love to have passionate and interesting people to play with that can get invested regardless of whatever flavor of the month IP is getting dumped in media, but such individuals are rarely met all in one place.

    • 4 months ago

      do people really watch that show and laugh
      big bang theory
      I can fathom watching critical role because you have it in the background so it's just sort of there but I assume you watch an actual sitcom with slightly more focus
      I just don't get normies, I cannot get how they act

      • 4 months ago

        Having heard boomer parents playing it in the background, yes, somehow they watch it and find it funny. And I can't fathom how, considering how it's just a black hole of humor even without the obligatory "lol nerd" jokes.

        • 4 months ago

          Boomers have a Pavlovian response to a laugh track.

        • 4 months ago

          Boomers have a Pavlovian response to a laugh track.

          BBT is now quintessential boomer media? I'd expect it goes further back to something like M.A.S.H.

          • 4 months ago

            It's cause as

            Boomers have a Pavlovian response to a laugh track.

            said, they basically have a pavlovian response to laugh tracks. Helps that the actors are attractive "nerds" and the actual nerd jokes are either on the level of laughing at the marios and the spoodermans, or it's "lol nerds don't think like us normal people, what silly creatures".

    • 4 months ago

      That old man is cool. I want to be like him when I'm older. I've been reading conan and elric recently, the stories are fun.

    • 4 months ago

      >Let's say you want to run a light-hearted picaresque adventure of a bunch of rascals out for riches
      Zoomer exposed
      >now everyone wants
      No-game exposed
      >You want then to make a simulationist game about harsh survival and then Legend of Vox Machina is kicking in
      Zoomer confirmed
      >Rest of the post
      You never run anything in your life. Not because there are no players, but because you already found yourself an excuse to not bother

      • 4 months ago

        Absolute waste of digits for a fecal reply, did perchance my post trigger some fricked up repressed memory that put you in an hallucinatory state where you completely misinterpreted its content?

  55. 4 months ago

    >Do you ban certain concepts or playstyles if a piece of media gets popular?
    No, because I'm not a contrarian homosexual like most of Ganker.
    >For example pic related seems to be all the rage
    /tg/ wouldn't shut the frick up about it even though it's Ganker, not /tg/, and now you gays want to pretend you hate it? Piss off.
    >so in order to filter out bad players I need to ban cooks or chefs as player concepts
    Stop playing with randos. Or is it that you're such an insufferable c**t that nobody can stand playing with you unless it's other obnoxious c**ts from the dredges?
    >rules that use monster parts are not allowed
    See the previous point.

  56. 4 months ago

    I do not care for dungeon meshi. It goes nowhere and the only defense I've ever heard of it is that it's "comfy" ie. boring

    • 4 months ago

      You either have a very odd definition of nowhere or are fishing for (you)s.

      • 4 months ago

        NTA but the first episode put me off it, it's just them talking about eating a monster all the while the MC's sister is being digested by a dragon and they act like it's not a huge deal. It's fricking boring.
        What, so I can be bored in black and white?

        • 4 months ago

          You are beyond moronic. You shouldn't watch Dungeon Meshi because you don't deserve good things in your life.

          • 4 months ago

            It's literally just fat fricks shoveling food down their throats. There is literally nothing of value in that series, just like any other shitty cooking manga.

            • 4 months ago

              You've already proved you're moron beyond a shadow of a doubt. You don't have to triple down.

            • 4 months ago

              >It's literally just fat fricks shoveling food down their throats
              Funny you say while being such a glutton for punishment. You are also very fricking wrong.
              Dungeon Meshi uses the food they hunt and scavenge in the dungeon as a worldbuilding tool. The monsters are part of an ecosystem and clearly communicated through the biology of the monsters.
              Furthermore there is a greater overarching plot than the episodic “what are we going to eat today.” The part where they reach the red dragon makes this clear which happens very early on. I’d go so far as to say Dungeon Meshi could function as a module for a dungeon crawler easily. Of course you’d know all this if you actually read any of it troll.

              • 4 months ago

                >Dungeon Meshi uses the food they hunt and scavenge in the dungeon as a worldbuilding tool.
                A shame, then, that I don't give a single solitary frick about the boring, generic, tolkein-clone world they've made.
                >The monsters are part of an ecosystem and clearly communicated through the biology of the monsters.
                If I cared about that I'd go watch the discovery channel. I have no interest in that, but generic tolkein fantasy.
                >Furthermore there is a greater overarching plot than the episodic “what are we going to eat today.”
                Too bad they don't give a frick about it.
                >I’d go so far as to say Dungeon Meshi could function as a module for a dungeon crawler easily.
                No wonder it's so boring then, Dungeon crawls are easily the most boring part of any TTRPG and the sooner they die out for good the better.
                >Of course you’d know all this if you actually read any of it troll.
                I watched the first episode of the anime subbed and it was a complete snorefest that convinced me I have no interest in the series. It's literally just "oh no my sister got eaten by a dragon it's okay though they digest their food super slow so there are no real stakes - except the steaks we're eating that is! Here's a 30 minute tutorial on how to make some shitty jap food". It's just another cooking fantasy manga, even if it's the first of its kind it's a genre that should not exist. It's even lower than your average isekai slop because at least in those things happen and they pretend to have stakes.

              • 4 months ago

                It's honestly amazing how pedophiles on Ganker are so easy to spot with posts like these

              • 4 months ago

                Wrong every account. Next.

        • 4 months ago

          Why don't you try replacing half the screen with subway surfer, zoom zoom.

    • 4 months ago

      It had a very satisfying conclusion and all of the characters had interesting development.

    • 4 months ago

      Okay, so you're fricking lying and you haven't talked to anyone who has read it. Frick off.

  57. 4 months ago

    only if they specifically name-drop the reference as their character pitch.
    otherwise, they stand a decent enough chance of actually understanding shit that you can prompt them into adjusting the concept for your campaign.

  58. 4 months ago
  59. 4 months ago

    Don't looks what's popular and you won't have a problem enjoying things.. homosexual

  60. 4 months ago

    To be honest, my humblewood character was a cook. They were a cleric that tended to the wounded, and provided food for those in need. That was my characters whole thing. I asked people to surrender, tanked, and cooked.
    If you can't work with something so intrinsic to D&D that it has a feat for it, it sounds like a you problem.
    Now if you are using a crunchier system, I can see wanting to have players take more optimal traits. But still let them RP out the cooking stuff.

  61. 4 months ago

    >Do you ban certain concepts or playstyles if a piece of media gets popular?

    No. Just because it's popular doesn't mean it's bad. Stop being such a hipster.

    • 4 months ago

      But being popular usually means its boring.

  62. 4 months ago

    >troll gets fed by complaining about food

  63. 4 months ago

    >accuses others of schizo rambling
    >rambles like a fricking schizo in response to perfectly reasonable statements

  64. 4 months ago

    Dungeon Meshi?
    Dungeon Meshi.
    This is the picture I'm going to print and show my players whenever they find a small treasure chest full of gold and israeliteels.

    • 4 months ago

      Are you going to treat it as an actual treasure, or is there going to be a twist like in the story? Or maybe it is treasure, but you're looking to induce that sweet player paranoia, when somebody recognises the image source.

      • 4 months ago

        I've already used the treasure bug trap with four different groups now, so it'll probably just be used for actual treasure. The only group who actually liked it was my OSR group. The rest thought it was dumb.

        • 4 months ago

          I suppose one needs to telegraph the trap to the players somehow, otherwise it feels arbitrary and unfair. The OSR guys are probably always braced for danger, and so expect such twists.

  65. 4 months ago

    The only time I've really had to ban characters was during that Old Man Henderson resurgence several years ago where I had like 3 people try to run "Old Dude Gunderson" or some shit in games I was running. And even then I banned it because as fake as the original story was, it's obvious they were just trying to disrupt the game rather than make a genuine attempt at playing.

  66. 4 months ago


    Yes it was a personal attack, and I hope it struck a nerve

    considering it seems you think I would ever be interested in a campaign with strangers, let alone the face you immediately assumed I am someone you know, I good-and-well succeeded at at the very least wounding your pride. Now go and wallow over your hurt feelings from some random stranger who said hurtful words to you on a Uruguayan sandcounting board

    >Yes it was a personal attack
    No, not at all. It made me happy that you are dismantling any credulity your "arguments" before that point had.

    >considering it seems you think I would ever be interested in an campaign with strangers
    So a confession that you are in fact a Utopia gamer like I claimed from the start, thus rendering any advice you could possibly have as meaningless since it has no experience behind it? Thanks. That makes me happy you conceded.

    • 4 months ago

      >thinks I'm the anon you've been arguing with and not some random who came into the thread and saw how moronic you are

      >"Ah-ha! /tg/ all must be one person that's why everyone thinks I'm stupid"


      • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      Dude, "utopia gamer" isn't going to be a thing no matter how much you try and push it

      • 4 months ago

        It doesn't need to really be a thing for you if you don't want it. It's just a term I've used for a recurring pattern of useless advice.

        • 4 months ago

          Yours seems infinitely more useless, frankly

          • 4 months ago


      • 4 months ago

        It doesn't roll off the tongue fast enough to be a buzzword. It's 6 whole syllables, it's got to be way snappier than that. Look at Freakshit. It's the perfect buzzword. Quick to say and think, insulting, and so vague that it could mean anything the person saying it wants.

        • 4 months ago

          I wouldn't really want it to be a 'buzzword' anyways, since it's more conceptual in nature. Buzzwords are just words people use to piss each other off. I find much more meaning out of it the way it is.

        • 4 months ago

          It's steeped in about 10 layers of pseudo-intellectual bullshit also. Trying to come up with some pretentious way to belittle someone else because you think they can't possibly be speaking from realistic, semi-universal experience and must be engaging in fanciful, platitudinous, bad faith thinking.... and if anyone is thinking any of that because they've been told that talking out your problems is better than engaging in petty mind games, they're just being a colossal fricking homosexual.

          • 4 months ago

            Lol you're still moronic. It just captures a pattern of useless advice from people with no experience. Look to yourself for pseudo-intellectual traits.

            • 4 months ago

              And here's the colossal fricking homosexual himself, trying to save face.

              • 4 months ago

                It's really hard to fathom how rent-free I'm living in your head right now, just because I called you out as a Utopia Gamer, explained it to you several times, only for you to stalk me the entire thread before you literally confessed to being EXACTLY that in this post up here:

                Yes it was a personal attack, and I hope it struck a nerve

                considering it seems you think I would ever be interested in a campaign with strangers, let alone the face you immediately assumed I am someone you know, I good-and-well succeeded at at the very least wounding your pride. Now go and wallow over your hurt feelings from some random stranger who said hurtful words to you on a Uruguayan sandcounting board

                Even the literal children on /vp/ act more mature than you.

              • 4 months ago

                You're not even responding to the same anon. A dozen different fa/tg/uys have called you a homosexual because you think "talk your problems out, don't resort to homosexualy mindgames" is some kind of utopian thinking. You're beyond saving, you're schizoid moron.

                Lmao and you're a zoophile too. Go figure.

  67. 4 months ago

    >moron is so butt-hurt that no one agrees with him that he sat in a thread for days
    >keeps trying to be witty
    >only makes more people shit on him

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