Do you have an OC donutsteel always-evil race?

Do you have an OC donutsteel always-evil race?

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago

    Not a mortal one, but immortal ones, yes.

  2. 8 months ago

    they're called the gay moronic shit eaters and they kidnap people to turn into gay moronic shit eater boyfriends, the leader of their race is the dreaded homosexual known as OP

    • 8 months ago

      Cool, what are their stats?

  3. 8 months ago

    This is shameful but I like to include a subrace of elves that are not!nephilim with weird skull shapes and shit.

  4. 8 months ago

    Ah yes, the Noe'Gamez. Horrible race. Post one sentence dredge threads. Very parasitic.

  5. 8 months ago

    Frank Frazetta style apemen. Cannibalistic, extremely tribal, just smart enough to be a threat to early civilizations but too stupid to for a civilization of their own, capable of understanding and to a degree speaking civilizaed languages, you can make deals with them but they will betray any trust when they see it as advantageous to do so. They lack any real empathy or capacity for such.

  6. 8 months ago

    >Do you have an OC donutsteel always-evil race?
    the bright red comet that passes by at increasingly short intervals allowing even normal people to perform magic when it's closest is a malevolent outer god from an always evil race intrinsically opposed to sentient life

  7. 8 months ago

    Cleptogenetic alien monsters (all female) that keep stealing away males from other sapient species and force their females into war and hard labour

    • 8 months ago

      Hi Alephkeller.

    • 8 months ago

      Don't worry guys, I got this.

      • 8 months ago

        Only a permit huh? Haven't gotten your liscense yet?

    • 8 months ago

      Oh no, the only thing I could do as an earthling warrior is to surrender and hope for the best (monotone)

  8. 8 months ago

    Not necessarily evil, but also never good. Also not really a 'race', moreso hazy manifestations of culture and habits that undergo simple routines mimicking those of everyday life, not outwardly hostile or even reactive to anything but also any contact with them shreds right through your body with zero resistance and in the case of that not outright killing you you're usually rendered unable to even remember having that arm in the first place.

  9. 8 months ago

    >Using a sphynx to represent evil
    Sphynxes are bros, OP is not a bro.

    • 8 months ago

      My sphinx is a little dickhead

    • 8 months ago

      I find it odd how much more lovey and affectionate hairless cats are compared to cats with hair. Is it a body temperature thing? Do they think they’re more like us?

      My sphinx is a little dickhead

      All cats are little dickheads.

      • 8 months ago

        It's largely the temperment being a choice in selective breeding, they're also smart enough to know "Human likes holding me, human is warm, we both win".

      • 8 months ago

        They’re honestly just superior cat specimens

      • 8 months ago

        My cat has never bite or scratched me, is generally obedient, but very noisy when she's hungry.

  10. 8 months ago

    I'm going to steal the idea of the demons in Frieren for my game. I like how alien their mindsets are.

  11. 8 months ago

    Yes, they're called anon, they very cool, edgy and handsome, please don't steal my idea.

  12. 8 months ago

    Fairies, like the Tinkerbell type. One day they just decided they had it with being swatted down by larger races, and brought the entire world to heel by dropping magicnapalm on their enemies, flying at a safe height, well out of reach of humanoids, and largely impossible to hunt down efficiently due to their small size.

    They accomplished this by burning enough orc huts to scare the orcs into submission. The orcs were then used as footsoldiers to exterminate or drive away all humanoid-friendly flying races, such as wyverns, griffins, giant birds and the like. In this setting, dragons existed at one point, but have long gone mostly extinct because of infighting, with only a few left, hiding deep underground or far across the ocean.

    The fairies were then had an easy time firebombing the other civilizations into submission, employing ruthless retribution tactics against all groups trying to stand up to them, burning down entire settlements if just 1 fairy somehow got killed.

    In the current day of the setting, every intelligent species toils under the miniature boot of the fairy - on one hand, standing armies of humanoids relentlessly hunt anything that could threaten fairies (i.e., anything that could fly), and on the other, entire generations are doing utterly meaningless and wasteful gardening work, maintaining megalomaniac flower gardens spanning miles, cultivated according to fae whims.

    As an individual fairy is still relatively vulnerable to the long limbs and tools of a humanoid, the fairies have cultivated a regime of terror and utter submission, with a wicked kind of salute - all enslaved races have to kneel on their hands when a fairy flies down to inspect their work. To prevent any angry slaves from getting too grabby.

    My campaign hook for this one is that the players somehow discover a long-forgotten dragon or griffon egg.

  13. 8 months ago

    Yeah, they're called the pale people

    They're aggressive imperialists who want to expand their evil empire.

  14. 8 months ago

    No, i just use porcs like any reasonable man.

  15. 8 months ago

    Dark Orcs

  16. 8 months ago

    Gnomes. Fear the Gnomes.

    Why do people put them out in their front lawns? Because gnomes are fricking evil. Scary enough to ward off evil spirits.

    You see, Gnomes are of the fair folk. And you know what that means. They live off of your agony. They steal your kids. Eat your eyes. Burn your house down. Why? Because the only sustenance they need is suffering.

    One neat thing they can do is separate a body into separate fully conscious parts. So they can cut your head off, have flies lay maggot eggs in your ears, and have you watch as they use your still feeling body, seperated from your head, as a coat rack.

    Also, they enjoy smashing plates over people's heads.

    Why have goblins when you can use gnomes?

    Goblins are too cute.

    Gnomes are fun.

  17. 8 months ago

    No, I fricken hate the concept of always-alignment races. I hate the concept of alignment. FRICK D&D. Frick you OP.
    I do have races who like doing things like eating people or blasting them with radiation for fun, though.

  18. 8 months ago

    Yes and no. I have gnomes.Made of the cast off scrap and garbage produced as part of making most of the races of the setting given life by some cruel twist of fate, they're extremlely stupid, vindictive and cruel, with it not being an uncommon occurrence for some to literally be so stupid they dip out of sapience. They can unfortunately live basically anywhere given that they have astonishing resistance to disease and toxins, can subsist on the foulest of food, and reproduce very quickly. For the most part they're just a nuisance though, given that they also tend to die quite easily and have short lifespans, with it being rare for one to even last a decade.

  19. 8 months ago


  20. 8 months ago

    >ALWAYS evil
    Dunno if it counts as a race, since they don't reproduce, but there are hundreds of evil ancient golems left by a very very spiteful wizard. Each one of them has "cause human suffering" as the primary directive.
    Fortunately most of them are trapped beneath the soil due to floods and earthquakes caused by another spiteful wizard. But every now and then miners encounter one.

  21. 8 months ago

    I have several OC Donuts Steel races. Only one of them is what could be called always (lawful) evil because they're degenerate immortal transhumanists who bunkered down when the Scream hit. They're mostly content to frick with their slave caste and politick amongst themselves, unaware the rest of the galaxy is sort of getting back up in its feet.

    You'd think the race that's a mashup of headcrab zombie and yuuzhan vong would be always evil, but they're absolute pacifists who shepherd knowledge and only couple with someone's head with the person's consent.

  22. 8 months ago

    Took the concept of lean pale forest elves and turned them into 2.5-3m tall barbarian like monstorous but pretty race with a habit for eating other races if they don't have anything else to snack.
    I think it was an end result of two evil aligned gods fricking and creating a bastard species. Shamanic/warrior habits with a lean lanky look.

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