Do you have rpg race autism?

I can only play as a Dwarf

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  1. 4 months ago

    I am a filthy metagamer so I just play whatever works for my build

  2. 4 months ago

    70% of my player characters are elves, 20% maybe humans, 5% the rare orc barbarian.
    It's different with games where you create full parties, but even here humans and elves make up at least half of the line-up, with the occasional shortstack dwarf girl and dickass halfling.

  3. 4 months ago

    only on paper and in discussion. For example, i dont understand how you could play an exotic race in a game series you havnt played before without being stuck in the mindset that you have to have necessarily grown up outside of your homeland- because you wont know anything about the characteristics and culture of that race.

    You can pick and Argonian, Qunari or Tiefling because they look cool on first play of a series thats new to you but you willl unavoidably be an outcast from your own people because you wouldnt know anything about them. In reality i dont care

  4. 4 months ago

    I can only play as a lawful good white male human paladin. Sometimes if I’m feeling inclusive I may bring a token dwarf and token elf in the party.

  5. 4 months ago

    >tfw when the outcast dwarf race is the best subrace
    Get fricked Moradin

    • 4 months ago

      “The disregard of custom and decency always betrays a weak and ill-regulated mind” -Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Ch. 32

      • 4 months ago

        careful disregard of custom and decency is what brings success and power in a humdrum, rote and fearful system.

        No idea to whomst that quote is attributed or to which process it is in the context of but im going to assume they in all likelihood meant "unless were talking about YOUR customs, frick u, pay me taxes, do as i say not as i do" etc. as by that metric all imperialist nations and those who agree to supplant a populace or group's status quo with their own are weak and ill-regulated.

        i dunno WHAT im on about

        • 4 months ago

          >careful disregard of custom and decency is what brings success and power in a humdrum, rote and fearful system


          >muh imperialism
          >i dunno WHAT im on about

          That's ok, we recognize half baked commie drivel for you so you don't have to understand it yourself.

          • 4 months ago

            i didnt understand the context and the example youve given is not really antithetical what i proposed in "disrespecting customs brings success and power in a rote system".

            blacks stealing from stores gets them the products from that store, i didnt state whether that was good. threatening violence gives you power over people but threatening violence is not a facet of decency or weakness.

            >“The impotence of the eunuch,” says that agreeable satirist, “has served only to stimulate his avarice: the same hand which in his servile condition, was exercised in petty thefts, to unlock the coffers of his master, now grasps the riches of the world; and this infamous broker of the empire appreciates and divides the Roman provinces from Mount Haemus to the Tigris. One man, at the expense of his villa, is made proconsul of Asia; a second purchases Syria with his wife’s israeliteels; and a third laments that he has exchanged his paternal estate for the government of Bithynia. In the antechamber of Eutropius, a large tablet is exposed to public view, which marks the respective prices of the provinces. The different value of Pontus, of Galatia, of Lydia, is accurately distinguished. Lycia may be obtained for so many thousand pieces of gold; but the opulence of Phrygia will require a more considerable sum. The eunuch wishes to obliterate, by the general disgrace, his personal ignominy; and as he has been sold himself, he is desirous of selling the rest of mankind.

            as i imagined, some c**t fricked around on the grandest of scales but it seemed to be out of general audacity instead of a symptom of purely lacking character or being of ill-mind.

            seems like a fricking point of entry for the members of a group with the most repute to carry a spiteful hammer for decades that they wanted to smash everything with. especially in that era of Rome. not that spite was at all a rare motivation to frick shit up.

            with regards to OP, yeah still, this sort of thing i cant gel with if i were to play a race with similar history, its like "Oh yeah nah i grew up fricking dwarves and shit, i dont know anything about the Drow, sorry"

            • 4 months ago

              all that ramble as to say disregarding your opponents as weak fricked up weirdos is extremely easy

            • 4 months ago

              Mostly I had that quote about the disregard of custom and decency fresh in my mind, having just read that part of the book, and "outcast dwarf saying 'get fricked Moradin'" immediately brought it to mind. A dwarf turning its back on all things dwarven and rejecting tradition.

              • 4 months ago

                fantasy for the learned invites massive opportunity to shitpost. the similarities between fictional races and Roman politicking grants often, a sensible chuckle as you punch an elf in the face for calling [chosen race] ungainly and uneducated about [perceived societal issue]

                >Cultural Hegemony?
                >More like Gimmemonie lmao.
                >now give me the gems, frickin elf

          • 4 months ago

            what has that link about people being too poor for corporations got to do with people disregarding customs and decency? Or did you want any excuse to do some /misc/

        • 4 months ago

          It’s about the eunuch Eutropius who became a consul in the late Western empire. He was utterly degenerate and would larp like a wise judge and a noble general on horseback which arose the disgust among the Romans as a mockery of tradition and virtue, even though they themselves were a shadow of their former past at that point. He also sold off governorships and proconsulships piecemeal.

          • 4 months ago

            >“The impotence of the eunuch,” says that agreeable satirist, “has served only to stimulate his avarice: the same hand which in his servile condition, was exercised in petty thefts, to unlock the coffers of his master, now grasps the riches of the world; and this infamous broker of the empire appreciates and divides the Roman provinces from Mount Haemus to the Tigris. One man, at the expense of his villa, is made proconsul of Asia; a second purchases Syria with his wife’s israeliteels; and a third laments that he has exchanged his paternal estate for the government of Bithynia. In the antechamber of Eutropius, a large tablet is exposed to public view, which marks the respective prices of the provinces. The different value of Pontus, of Galatia, of Lydia, is accurately distinguished. Lycia may be obtained for so many thousand pieces of gold; but the opulence of Phrygia will require a more considerable sum. The eunuch wishes to obliterate, by the general disgrace, his personal ignominy; and as he has been sold himself, he is desirous of selling the rest of mankind.

      • 4 months ago

        careful disregard of custom and decency is what brings success and power in a humdrum, rote and fearful system.

        No idea to whomst that quote is attributed or to which process it is in the context of but im going to assume they in all likelihood meant "unless were talking about YOUR customs, frick u, pay me taxes, do as i say not as i do" etc. as by that metric all imperialist nations and those who agree to supplant a populace or group's status quo with their own are weak and ill-regulated.

        i dunno WHAT im on about

        >careful disregard of custom and decency is what brings success and power in a humdrum, rote and fearful system


        >muh imperialism
        >i dunno WHAT im on about

        That's ok, we recognize half baked commie drivel for you so you don't have to understand it yourself.

        It’s about the eunuch Eutropius who became a consul in the late Western empire. He was utterly degenerate and would larp like a wise judge and a noble general on horseback which arose the disgust among the Romans as a mockery of tradition and virtue, even though they themselves were a shadow of their former past at that point. He also sold off governorships and proconsulships piecemeal.

        >“The impotence of the eunuch,” says that agreeable satirist, “has served only to stimulate his avarice: the same hand which in his servile condition, was exercised in petty thefts, to unlock the coffers of his master, now grasps the riches of the world; and this infamous broker of the empire appreciates and divides the Roman provinces from Mount Haemus to the Tigris. One man, at the expense of his villa, is made proconsul of Asia; a second purchases Syria with his wife’s israeliteels; and a third laments that he has exchanged his paternal estate for the government of Bithynia. In the antechamber of Eutropius, a large tablet is exposed to public view, which marks the respective prices of the provinces. The different value of Pontus, of Galatia, of Lydia, is accurately distinguished. Lycia may be obtained for so many thousand pieces of gold; but the opulence of Phrygia will require a more considerable sum. The eunuch wishes to obliterate, by the general disgrace, his personal ignominy; and as he has been sold himself, he is desirous of selling the rest of mankind.

        nothing to do with duergars moronic pseuds

        • 4 months ago

          Please, anon, the adults are speaking.

  6. 4 months ago

    Not really? Both with real tabletop rpgs and video games I’m pretty consistent in switching stuff up, perhaps with a bias for things that mechanically push towards melee combat

  7. 4 months ago

    Humans or monstrous races. I don't pick elves, dwarves, gnomes, etc. (except for orcs). Even if the developers want to present them as somehow "alien" or "totally different!" they're pretty much always human-but-with-a-single-visual-quirk.

  8. 4 months ago

    I only like playing tall muscular elven males. Everything else feels boring to me.

  9. 4 months ago

    > HUMAN.
    > Male.
    > White.
    > Clean-cut.
    > Fighter.
    Yeah, I think it's gaming time.

  10. 4 months ago

    I only want to play as a fairy (girl) but there aren't a lot of games that let you do that

  11. 4 months ago

    I just pick what I think looks cool. Argonian, Nosferatu, stuff like that. Elves are gay as frick btw

    • 4 months ago


  12. 4 months ago

    I can't play as a special race or monster race on my first playthrough because I feel that makes the main character too special and is not the "default" mode.

  13. 4 months ago

    If Elves are an option then there is no option.

  14. 4 months ago

    Yes. massiveley.
    I only play lizard people
    I wouldnt be ashamed to admit it if it were true. But i dont fap to animal people. I fap to big titted dark elf girls wearing tigh high boots.
    Its pure autism. i think it just grew out of my childhood dinosaur fascination that then merged with my love for medieval stuff and morphed into an obsession with cool lizard people.
    Every character i play will end up beeing one of that, that or a Human if the option doesnt exist but i will mostly gravitate towards RPGs that let me play that role.
    Doubly so if the game actually lets you indulge in that. Play a cold blooded primeval character.
    Sadly very few RPGs actually let you do that.
    The best one might actually be Everquest just by making every other race hostile to you and strandign you in fantasy australia.
    I dont mind the games getting harder. I dont mind not getting to wear all the armor in morrowind and having ost NPCs get a disposition malus.
    Just make me feel immersed in the archetype more.

    • 4 months ago

      to add to that.
      I have modded lizard people into multiple games by now. Just so i can play them.
      It started with Portraits for Icewind Dale and Baldurs Gate or Shadowrun returns, then moved on to sprites for games with simpler graphics, like making custom sprites for Dwarf Fortress adventure mode or the more recent Low Magic Age. I made an entire Lizardman race for Songs of Syx that has since been adopted into the base game.
      I then moved on to proper 3D modelling.
      I have created another Lizardman mod for Noble Fates, but i havent yet made a continuation for the new graphic update.
      My crowning achievement is modding a semi playable (theres no female model) Lizard race into Pathfinder Kingmaker with the help of the one modder that makes race mods.
      Im not satisfied yet.

      I might never be.

  15. 4 months ago

    No I play whatever race lets me make the cutest girl.

  16. 4 months ago

    Only elf and some kind of mage 99% of the time

  17. 4 months ago

    Yes. Orcs dwarves ogres or I don't play your shitty game.

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