do you like D&D 5th edition a lot?

do you like D&D 5th edition a lot? as someone who cut my teeth on earlier editons and was disappointed with 4e, it's a dream come true isn't it? a lot of other systems are too fluffy and lose but D&D hits the right balance and is appropriately gamey, 5e is something you can introduce someone new to the hobby. i really like how straightforward it is, the atmosphere and aesthetic, it's a total vibe.

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  1. 2 years ago

    The skill system and inspiration along with its associated systems are half baked afterthoughts but you can tell people don’t care because Wizards hasn’t released any splats to fix them instead opting for more character options

    • 2 years ago

      Skill systems are pointless. How many people in the history of D&D have ever actually researched a spell or magic item? That sort of shit is what hirelings are for.

      No, not particularly. It doesn't feel like it has much support for anything but combat and the combat's mostly just adequate. It can be made to work well enough, but I often feel like I'm hammering square pegs into round holes rather than working with the system.

      Amazing this still has to be spelled out for people: when you lose at combat your character is dead.

      • 2 years ago

        People don't research in D&D because it's boring and often the DM will just give you the shit you'd research because that's how the game is already designed.
        >when you lose at combat your character is dead
        Pardon me if I'm being dumb but what point are you actually making here and how does it relate to the post you're replying to?

      • 2 years ago

        DM: As you walk down the dimly lit stone corridor, you feel a slight breeze. Make a perception check.
        Player: Ok . I call for Sir Wellington, my most hireling that is most adept in the skill of perceiving.

        • 2 years ago

          Based. Have him spec his whole build in to perception so you can spend all your feats on combat

      • 2 years ago

        I've played D&D across 6 editions and 3 continents. Every single campaign has included researched spells and magic items.

  2. 2 years ago

    No, not particularly. It doesn't feel like it has much support for anything but combat and the combat's mostly just adequate. It can be made to work well enough, but I often feel like I'm hammering square pegs into round holes rather than working with the system.

  3. 2 years ago

    5e is worse than 4e is basically every way and I don't even particularly like 4e.

  4. 2 years ago

    Yes. Best version of d&d yet. Captures the ad&d flavor, without being overly punishing. Lets PC's fight most interesting baddies, rather than just imagining what it will be like to one day have an interesting encounter without dyeing

  5. 2 years ago

    Posting in a bot thread

    • 2 years ago


  6. 2 years ago

    Nope. It's absolutely garbage, and its defenders will never acknowledge why, in favor of pushing their shit taste everywhere possible, instead of just staying in the multitudes of other places devoted to its discussion.
    If there's two things the 5mind can't handle, it's facts and opinions that oppose their own twisted views, and staying in their containment areas.

    • 2 years ago

      you have your head too far up your own ass, it's not that D&D is perfect, it's just a favored go to.

  7. 2 years ago

    >do you like D&D 5th edition
    Obviously like any edition of D&D some amount of fatigue has set in after a while, but it's not bad. Much of the hate I see it get is vague bullshittery. A great many games specialize better, but it works fairly well in its generalities.
    But then, I've *always* been more of a rulings-over-rules sort of guy. I enjoy that there's a game that can do that while also being a broadly known game. And without 5e introducing that element to the mainstream I don't know if we'd have things like Mothership finding traction quite the way they have.
    >a lot?
    No, and I'm suspicious of anyone who acts like 5e is the end-all-be-all...though worse than that is PF2e being some sort of presumptive sole alternative.

    • 2 years ago

      D&D always was that. 1e and 2e books even explicitly state to use them as such. I think 5e does as well? But you always have people who go "but by RAW" or "but Crawford said in this one tweet".
      Also half the hate is popularity. /tg/, but also other boards and forums, have always been contrarian. It feels like nerd culture is really just rejection of what is popular these days.

      • 2 years ago

        >half the hate is popularity. /tg/, but also other boards and forums, have always been contrarian
        This is true, but I think there's a validity to it. 5e is so popular that it'll often be the only game you find. Want to try GURPS or WFRP or Star Wars FFG? Good luck finding players. Want to try 5e? Good luck filtering all the players who want to play it.

        >It feels like nerd culture is really just rejection of what is popular these days.
        It's because "nerd culture" has mostly been for social outcasts, and because it lets them escape the worlds of normalgays to be heroes and such. The problem is, most outcasts are such for a reason, and so don't interact well with normalgays. D&D becoming popular brings normies to the hobby, but that "disenfranchises" the outcasts because the two groups don't blend well.
        Hating what's popular is basically just a security mechanism for the autists, since it lets them create a space for themselves.

        • 2 years ago

          >Want to try GURPS or WFRP or Star Wars FFG? Good luck finding players.
          Because these games have features that make them offputting to newcomers.

      • 2 years ago

        >D&D always was that.
        3.X stepped well back from that and 4e did it's best to reject it.

  8. 2 years ago

    >it's a total vibe

  9. 2 years ago

    It started as a dream, but quickly degenerated into a nightmare. The Playtest was objectively better than the final product, for one. The proto-game and its ideas deserve a retro clone.

    • 2 years ago

      This isn't the first time I've seen this expressed, and generally seems to be the reverse of what I see about PF 2e and its playtest. It seems like people hate 5e because of what it is after the promise shown by the playtest, but hate PF 2e because of what they think it is due to only ever playing the awful playtest and assuming nothing was changed from it, despite there being little resemblance. Curious is all.

      • 2 years ago

        The difference is that PF2 improved from its playtest and 5E didn't just degenerate from its playtest, it got worse during the playtest itself by catering to actual morons and its final form is a game I hate everything about.

        • 2 years ago

          It was pretty hilarious when the play test forums were unusable for the week after it went into closed playtesting and they were gutting the fighter, people were so fricking pissed because the playtest fighter being good was one of the few things like 90% of the fanbase was in agreement on.

          On top of times they had to shut down and clean up the forums when people kept calling them out in fixing the polls.

          • 2 years ago

            >fixing the polls
            that's conspiracy shit, what on earth possessed the vocal minority to claim something ridiculous?

            • 2 years ago

              They had screenshots, and they had to keep shutting down the forums to clean out the screenshots and ban everyone posting them. Not that they really needed them because it was really fricking blatant.

              >Poll on favorite casting systems with a variety of systems from over the years, including psionics
              >Vancian casting is low-last almost the entire poll
              >Poll goes down about a day before it's supposed to finish.
              >Comes back up completely reset, all votes back to 0, timeline extended a few more days.
              >gets less votes since people think they already voted.
              >Vancian is still in last place.
              >About 5 minutes before the poll closes, vancian casting suddenly rockets up about 2-3k votes, almost double of what the entire new poll had in every category put together
              >>Poll is closed almost immediately afterwards
              >Mearl or Cooke(I forget which) put out an article almost immediately sucking themeselves over how proud they are that vancian casting won the poll voting
              >forums go on and off for several weeks as people are pissed and screenshots of archived times of the site show really strange poll count behavior that the mods are busy damage controlling

              It was a pretty wild time.

              • 2 years ago

                What I don't get is why they'd rig the polls to begin with. The polls are supposed to find popular opinion, not justify design decisions.

                Not that it really matters, since 5e doesn't even use Vancian magic any more.

              • 2 years ago

                I doubt they were looking for actual opinions, they were just looking to justify the design decisions they were already going with. The entire playtest was a dumpster fire and I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of initial hate for the system came from how bad the playtest went.

              • 2 years ago

                Out of curiosity, what were the other casting options?
                I assume spell points and prepared were two of them but were there any others?

              • 2 years ago

                I forget exactly, by it had a solid variety of stuff from past editions, I believe even Truenamer was in there and probably the only thing losing to vancian.

          • 2 years ago

            Casters are the only good class allowed!
            - Mike The Cuck King Mearls.

    • 2 years ago

      The play test fighter was actually pretty neat until Mearls decided to gut it because he hates fighters having actual options beyond either full attacking or shoving your thumb up your ass and doing nothing.

      • 2 years ago

        How was it different, and which version are you talking about?
        The Fighter in the September 2013 playtest document is only marginally different from the one in the PHB. Indomitable grants limited rerolls instead of advantage on all saving throws. Defy Death is deleted in the PHB. Second Wind as published heals instead of giving temp HP.
        Subclasses aren't all that different either Warrior/Champion loses Devastating Critical but gains Remarkable Athlete (thanks for nothing). Weaponmaster/Battlemaster gets more and better superiority dice, more and better maneuvers, but can't exploit Relentless as much. Also artisan's tools and Know Your Enemy, which you'll never use.
        Same for the most part.

    • 2 years ago

      >The Playtest was objectively better
      that part is weird to me, i too got the playtest document and it's great, stuff is missing from it in the final product, no replaced with something else, just gone

      • 2 years ago

        Do the playtest rules float around somewhere in the trove?

        • 2 years ago

          this might be it

        • 2 years ago

          I got you bro

      • 2 years ago

        Gonna have to look into it.

      • 2 years ago

        I miss the playtest sorcerer. It was at least unique and had some good potential.

  10. 2 years ago

    Somewhat. It is very elegant in places and is modular enough to support a wide range of play styles with only a few house rules. But class design is inconsistent, making some newer subclasses vastly superior to those released at the front end. Most of its detractors are a bunch of morons who can't into math or forming logical arguments, instead believing that their "it's different, so it sucks" opinions are enough to convince anyone.

  11. 2 years ago

    >do you like D&D 5th edition a lot?
    >it's a dream come true isn't it?
    >a lot of other systems are too fluffy and lose but D&D hits the right balance and is appropriately gamey,
    not enough crunch
    >5e is something you can introduce someone new to the hobby
    plenty of people were introduced to the hobby in 3.5 and still got into it, complexity is only a barrier to new players if they’re lazy homosexuals who don’t want to read the rules

  12. 2 years ago

    I'm sorry to hear that you're moronic, please consider suicide.

  13. 2 years ago

    No, I fricking hate 5E.

  14. 2 years ago

    You tards are the equivalent of people falling for scripted asian tiktok clips

  15. 2 years ago

    It's certainly a good starting point. And when you're ready, you can move on to PF2e.

  16. 2 years ago

    5e is mainly toned down 3e with a couple stolen mechanics from 4e. All of it's own mechanics like inspiration are fricking worthless and amount to nothing. I find a of their splats to be disappointing. We are nearly a decade into this edition and all the splats are hot trash. The archetype system I think is also very restrictive and is loaded with blatant trap options so every ends up playing the game class/archetype in every game.

    All that being said I think the game at low level works as a more lean and clean version of 3e. But around level 5 shit starts falling apart. HP bloat, fricked monster math. Casters start heavily outpacing martials ect.

  17. 2 years ago

    >do you like D&D 5th edition a lot?
    >as someone who cut my teeth on earlier editons and was disappointed with 4e, it's a dream come true isn't it?
    lmao even

  18. 2 years ago

    Honestly Im grateful for what it is. Its an easy step into the hobby, but I cannot help myself but hate it by now, cause every other system just gets overshadowed by the oversimplified and overrushed game that is 5e.

    Everyone can play what they want but holy frick its so tiring when I wanna run something that Im actually passionate in and only get like 4 responses but when I offer a 5e preweritten adventure I get 50+ responses...

    • 2 years ago

      What's a system you're passionate about?

  19. 2 years ago

    Boring, soulless trash on par with the average videogame rpg in terms of customization and player agency.

  20. 2 years ago

    5e is sole reason me and my friends started playing ttrpgs again.
    It is not perfect, but it is so easy to get into.

  21. 2 years ago

    its shit
    better than 4e because 4e's combat was awful and slowed down by bajillion status effects, but 5e is literally just a giga-simplified dumbed-down system designed for newbies, normies and casualgays to learn babby's first system thanks to tw*tch streamers and local bars all popularizing the hobby.

    it doesnt even have any fricking customization anymore, you make a human fighter in 5e and you dont even have any fricking feats to select.

    its just mass-marketed cash-grab bullshit like everything these days

    • 2 years ago

      Gotta disagree with saying that 4e's shit. I get if people don't like it because it's very tactics and positioning focused but really it just needs a fix to the maths so HP is less bloated.
      >it doesnt even have any fricking customization anymore, you make a human fighter in 5e and you dont even have any fricking feats to select.
      The worst thing is that the foundation is/was there for it to be less shit. Free feats rather than swapping them for ability scores, maybe even separating them into combat and civil feats that you gain separately. Then make fighter less boring by giving all the subclasses access to maneuvers, make battlemaster better at them or let them do two maneuvers at once or something idk.
      The warlock is a good start as you have two main choices instead of one then you have all the invocations as customisation. Then they kind of frick it up again by making warlock the least fun class to actually play.

  22. 2 years ago

    >is appropriately gamey
    Where’s the game?

  23. 2 years ago

    5th ed
    - dex should never be applied to damage
    - spells that diminish another class or encounter
    - background skills overlapping with class skills
    Monster Manual
    - changing / removing the types / common traits from the 'front of the book' was retarted.
    - description should be changed and ecology added.
    Dungeon Masters
    - magic items creation, pricing, and power levels are a shit show.
    - Npc classes are few and shit.
    - Planes could be fleshed out larger and better

  24. 2 years ago

    its dogshit.

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