Do you play video games with depth of field on or off?

Do you play video games with depth of field on or off?

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 year ago

    what causes elongation

    • 1 year ago

      Stressing the eye too much
      Reading on Dim lights

      Basically the eye is like a muscle that can shape itself over time if forced on a certain focal position like looking at computer screen over a long time

      • 1 year ago

        so it goes back to normal if i stop looking at close things all day?

        • 1 year ago

          He is talking bullshit /misc/ nonsense. You can correct lazy eye to a degree by strengthening the muscle but actual vision cannot be corrected except by cutting the lens with lasers using PRK or LASIK.

          • 1 year ago

            I thought close distance was more contracted and looking afar put actually the eye nin a more relaxed position and that computer myopia means the eye muscle is kinda perma contracted so stopping that for a long period of time would relax it and get your vision back?

          • 1 year ago

            >cutting the lens with lasers using PRK or LASIK.
            Frick that, too risky.

            • 1 year ago

              I got it and I'm fine
              It's quite safe and actually affordable, a rare example of deregulation actually benefitting consumers for once

          • 1 year ago

            Just ReLEX SMILE for me.

            so it goes back to normal if i stop looking at close things all day?

            It was caused by intensely looking at nearby dimly lit objects as a kid. e.g. tv, computer monitor. The way your eye shapes up has changed due to this. If the dim screen exposure was limited and if you had much more outside time it likely wouldn't have happened

        • 1 year ago

          No but I wish it did lol

        • 1 year ago


        • 1 year ago

          yes, a bit. but you're old now, all your muscles are degrading, and won't strengthen easily.

          Stressing the eye too much
          Reading on Dim lights

          Basically the eye is like a muscle that can shape itself over time if forced on a certain focal position like looking at computer screen over a long time

          >like a muscle
          there's an actual muscle that controls the lens shape

        • 1 year ago

          No, lack of exposure to direct sunlight (which is filtered by glass) causes additional eye growth. You can't ungrow your eyes.

      • 1 year ago

        >Basically the eye is like a muscle that can shape itself over time if forced on a certain focal position like looking at computer screen over a long time
        Why I can't do that with my dick?

        • 1 year ago

          dick isn't a muscle, is a sponge.

          t. anatomy gay.

          • 1 year ago

            It's both
            t. can lift weights with my dick

            • 1 year ago

              yes, but is not of the type that can get hypetrophy by stress.

              • 1 year ago

                Also wrong.

              • 1 year ago

                pls give a link to a meta study in a non pajeet medical journal about dick hypertrophy with some type of exercise, pleb.

              • 1 year ago

                >Do you have a peer reviewed study for this
                No because medical academy are pussies

              • 1 year ago

                then you only have schizo pol autismo, sorry.

                dick can't get hypertrophy.
                It's a literal chink scam.

              • 1 year ago

                My source is my dick gaymaster.
                Fact checking won't undo those dick ups

              • 1 year ago

                sure, nice peer review shit gay.

              • 1 year ago

                Post your dick so that I can verify it.

              • 1 year ago

                then you only have schizo pol autismo, sorry.

                dick can't get hypertrophy.
                It's a literal chink scam.

                Based source? anon

    • 1 year ago

      Whatever South Korea does since they are practically all myopic. Reading, screentime and staying indoors are bad for your eyesight.

      • 1 year ago

        I knew eating kimchi was a health risk. Vile fricking shit

        • 1 year ago

          Kimchi is unironically a health risk because of the salt in it.

    • 1 year ago

      little girls apparently

      • 1 year ago

        Fricking anime ruined my sight

        • 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      It's definitely genetic, some it's watching too much TV/Screens as a kid but at the same time they maybe it's because the kid is indoors too much so doesn't have vitamin D in sunlight to properly grow the eyes. Another which I don't think happens anymore is that children with glasses would get over prescribed the strength of their glasses instead of giving them the slight adjustment they needed to simply focus and no longer strain. But I think most eye doctors stopped that around the 2000s.

    • 1 year ago

      It’s genetic, like balding, all the midwife shit you hear people say to the contrary is just ignorant copeshit. I know a guy that is literally the giga chad image who played every sport never did anything to damage his vision he’s legally blind without contacts, he was born that way it’s genetic, ain’t shit you’re gonna do to stop or alter it.

      • 1 year ago

        But people who do computer stuff are more likely to read glasses. Same with people who read a lot. The stereotypes don't just come out of nowhere. It's not all genes.

        • 1 year ago

          >read glasses

        • 1 year ago

          how do you explain the people that use computers a lot but their vision remains perfectly fine

          • 1 year ago

            Glasses are a crutch. I dont need glasses and I have been staring at computer screen from age 5 all the way to age 26. If your eyes get strained you just need to focus harder until your eyes get stronger. Glassesgays atrophy their eye muscles and cope by getting even stronger prescription lenses.

            • 1 year ago

              Isn't eyeball elongation caused by hypertrophy?

            • 1 year ago

              So you're an example of exactly what I'm talking about. If looking at stuff up close all the time fricks up your vision how did you not have any issues? That's what I don't get

          • 1 year ago

            They have better eyes. But if those not-better-eyes people didn't look close so much they wouldn't be so nearsighted.

          • 1 year ago

            Because not everyone is predisposed towards the same outcome. Genetics is a part of the equation but it's not the entire reason. Since 2015 researchers have been lead to believe via long term testing that was carried out from the early 2000s until 2015 on a large group of children from multiple backgrounds across the country that sunlight is actually one of the biggest identifiers in how pronounced a child's myopia becomes. Children who showed myopia early but spent long periods outdoors continuously throughout the year and lived in areas of the United States that had more sunshine yearly developed less pronounced myopia

    • 1 year ago

      Disregard every other reply. It's basically a lack of sunlight during childhood, which makes the eye grow in one axis only, thus making it longer front to back. Yes, human body is moronic.

    • 1 year ago

      Lack of exposure to UV light. No one knows why though.

      • 1 year ago

        It's sunlight, and nobody knows what component of sunlight is important. Could be UV, could be IR, could be just the brightness (sunlight is typically over 100 times brighter than indoor lighting).

    • 1 year ago

      Your eye uses sunlight as an indicator to determine growth. Basically it's just not getting enough sunlight as a kid up to young adult.

    • 1 year ago

      Lack of full spectrum sunlight exposure in your eyes during development.

      • 1 year ago

        My eyes were fine until I was 12.

        • 1 year ago

          Because puberty starts around that age

          • 1 year ago

            Why did puberty BTFO my eyesight?

            • 1 year ago

              Because your eyes have grown too long

              • 1 year ago

                Wouldn't the mean they would be fricked before puberty too?

              • 1 year ago

                The greatest growth spurt occurs during puberty

            • 1 year ago

              Because you didn't get enough full spectrum sunlight exposure during that critical period of development. Of course, it could also be genetic or caused by other factors but kids and teenagers spending so much time indoors away from sunlight, bathed in artificial light, and never focusing on something further away than like 6 feet in front of them is a major factor in so many developing myopia. Hell, even when people do go outside they wear polarized UV protective sunglasses that reduce sunlight exposure to the eyes, ironically to protect their eyes from the light that helps them develop properly.

    • 1 year ago

      For anyone saying it's screentime.
      I've been glued to screen my whole life. While my eyesight certainly suffered, i should have worn glassed by now to even exist. I should have been almost blind
      I'm talking whole years spent looking at screens without turning my head.
      I suspect there is a very strong genetic content to it, maybe hormonal too

      • 1 year ago

        I've come to believe it's mostly muscle atrophy. Your eye focuses on things by using muscles to change it's shape. If all you do is look at a screen a few inches from your face, youre muscles for long distance focusing aren't getting used, and become weaker over time. Similarly, anything which would induce muscle weakness or disrupt normal neurological function would also effect your ability to focus properly.

      • 1 year ago

        I wonder if people with blue eyes are less susceptible to myopia. Couldn't find any information about it from a quick search (honestly not surprising, since a study like that could be considered as eugenics).
        Blue eyes are apparently more susceptible to eye cancer though, so my guess is they would be more resistant to myopia.

  2. 1 year ago

    I usually just leave it on default. Motion blur and chromatic aberration are a lot more annoying and noticeable, depth of field is primarily just used to obscure low res shit in the distance, so I think it's acceptable in most instances.

  3. 1 year ago

    Yes. Because my computer is not eyes.

  4. 1 year ago

    Off, same with Chromatic Aberration, Film Grain, and Motion Blur especially.

    • 1 year ago

      You forgot vignetting.

  5. 1 year ago

    off at all times
    if the game still forces it on, i refund it
    it looks like shit in all circumstances and im sick of moronic alien art designers thinking it looks good

  6. 1 year ago

    >turning off dof costs 5k in lasik dlc

  7. 1 year ago

    Insane that they still haven't found a real way to permanently fix this shit.

    • 1 year ago

      They have!
      First you have to crawl inside. Then the screws go tight all around

    • 1 year ago

      myopia and DoF are different thing, human DoF is regulated by the crystalin. I'm almost blind, but with glasses i still have depth of field accordingly to what i look at.

      what are you going to do, squish your eyes?

      • 1 year ago

        >what are you going to do, squish your eyes?
        This was unironically my first thought, yes

    • 1 year ago

      Myopia is more cinematic

      • 1 year ago

        Literally Kino vision

  8. 1 year ago


  9. 1 year ago

    >have bad eyes
    >get glasses
    >want perfect eyesight again
    >dude just get laser surgery lmao
    >and risk fricking up your eyes permanently
    >dude just get augmented eyes lmao
    >and risk getting hacked or having them run out of battery and going blind

    • 1 year ago

      >augmented eyes
      Is this a thing yet?

      • 1 year ago

        Kinda is but nowhere near as good as real ones, also you have to lug around a small laptop kind of thing to do the processing and if gets fricked up somehow, too bad because the manufacturer went bankrupt.

    • 1 year ago

      >want thing
      >don't want to do anything to get it
      many such cases

    • 1 year ago

      >If cyber eyes existed whatever corporation would blind you if you decided to do something they didn't like
      >We would unironically have people who would immediately say it's completely fine for a company to blind you for saying a hate speech by disabling your $40,000 cyber eyes you bought

      • 1 year ago

        >post the word "Black person" on Ganker
        >augmented anons read it
        >corpos turn off their eyes for viewing content that violates their terms of service
        >read word
        >vision stolen

      • 1 year ago

        >A delivery driver for Amazon misheard a automated doorbell for “racism” and reported it.
        >Nobody was home.
        >Amazon turned off all the lights, shut the entire smart home down before it even started it’s investigation.

    • 1 year ago

      >and risk fricking up your eyes permanently
      I am deeply afraid of doing surgery because of this. I can't imagine a life being fricking blind bros

    • 1 year ago

      >and risk fricking up your eyes permanently
      I am deeply afraid of doing surgery because of this. I can't imagine a life being fricking blind bros

      I had laser surgery one and a half year ago. It’s fricking great to be able to walk around without constantly adjusting or cleaning my glasses. In daylight I see perfectly. But in dark rooms with bright screens my right eye gets unfocused, which of course messes with me the most when I’m gaming.

      Not sure if I would recommend it, because I don’t exactly know how common this exact side-effect is. I’ve still got my warranty so I might go back for corrections, not sure yet.

      • 1 year ago

        >dark rooms with bright screens
        have you considered turning the lights on?

        • 1 year ago

          No, I don’t have a ceiling lamp because I don’t like lamps in general.

      • 1 year ago

        Don't you have to keep your eyes open and you can smell your eyes burning and shit when they do the laser surgery? I feel like I'd freak out and it would frick the whole thing up.

        • 1 year ago

          Yes, but it’s over before you even know it, it takes like five seconds. What you might have to look forward to is the recovery. For me it felt like someone dripping lemon juice into my eyes for two days.

      • 1 year ago

        No, I don’t have a ceiling lamp because I don’t like lamps in general.

        >has shitty eyes
        >gets gypped into surgery
        >talks about how great it is
        >immediately does things that fricks up eyes
        >doesn't want to prevent things that frick up eyes
        Lol. Lmao even. Fricking ape, enjoy your 2000 a pop cyber eyes when you inevitably buy one, goddamn moron. You deserve to have shit eyes.

        • 1 year ago

          They do recommend that you do not look bright screens for around six months after the surgery. I followed that recommendation. The thing with my right eye developed about a year after. I am not sure about the cause but not ever being able sit in a dark room again is not something I would have been able to live by regardless.

          • 1 year ago

            >whines about not being able to sit in the dark
            Are you autistic?

            • 1 year ago


              • 1 year ago

                Grow up.

              • 1 year ago

                Go sit in a bright room.

              • 1 year ago

                I do, and that's why I don't need eye surgery, moron. Try again in the next life.

              • 1 year ago

                I don’t think that’s why but nevertheless, good for you.

      • 1 year ago

        That's normal. My vision is -2.25 and -2 and I also have light astigmatism, never done laser surgery and my vision goes to complete shit at night or anytime its dark

    • 1 year ago

      Sorry to tell you this anon, but laser surgery doesnt gives you perfect sight, it gives you the best sight you could ever have with glasses on, which is sometimes perfect, but it's not the case for all.

    • 1 year ago

      >Have bad eyes
      >Get glasses
      >"Hey you should get contact lenses"
      >Lmao and have irritated scratched up eyes over time? Hahahahahaha nope

    • 1 year ago

      I hated glasses since they ruined my childhood (couldn't run outside without them to fall off my nose, I literally stopped running because of that and became somewhat more introvert because of this). I went for contact since my early twenties and never had a problem with them.

    • 1 year ago

      I thought I would hate glasses but I don't mind them or even notice I'm wearing them most of the time. Really my only problem is that I'm balding so I look like an irl basedjak if I don't shave my head and face every morning.

    • 1 year ago

      From what I hear even with lasik, as you get to 50+ you'll start wearing glasses again anyway, unless you do a total lenses replacement which costs ungodly amounts (and that new lense also can't adjust focus and is in a fixed state).

      • 1 year ago

        >From what I hear even with lasik, as you get to 50+ you'll start wearing glasses again anyway,

        Only if you don't take care of your eyes. This is the equivalent of saying "oh well I shouldn't get my teeth cleaned and my cavities filled because by the time I'm 50 I'll just have more cavities". The only thing that should matter to you is if your myopia threatens your vision, which for an increasing number of people it now does, you should get lasik or laser surgery to slow the progress of your myopia to avoid near permanent blindness.

    • 1 year ago

      >have bad eyes

      >and risk fricking up your eyes permanently

      Your eyes are already fricked and laser surgery actually slows myopia. Eventually your eyes will elongate to the point that you spread the tissue around your eye too far and start to go blind, even without the risk of blindness, you already can't see without glasses, so why are you afraid of having slightly worse night vision and some star bursts, something you already have without your glasses.

    • 1 year ago

      Cyber eyes is the only part I will ever conder if I can get it in my lifetime.
      Imagine all the possibilities: perfect vision, zoom, thermal vision, night vision, xray vision (the kind that allows you to see women underwear like in that James Bond movie) recording and photography...

      • 1 year ago

        Definitely not happening.

        • 1 year ago

          Nah, it can happen.

    • 1 year ago

      I got PRK in 2018 and still have 20/15 vision. Eyes get dry easier in dry climates and rooms with ceiling fans, but otherwise no negatives.

      • 1 year ago

        How was your recovery?

        • 1 year ago

          I followed the regimen they gave me with eyedrops and minimizing light exposure for a few months, even inside, using polarized lenses. I would say it took about 2 months for complete recovery but I lived in Hawaii at the time so I never really went outside without sunglasses. No real issues with night vision or halos around light sources either.

          • 1 year ago

            Was it painful, I heard it is?

            • 1 year ago

              Not during the surgery, they numb your eyes with drops and I felt absolutely nothing. I was also given pain meds for potential pain but didn't need any of them post surgery. Any irritation or pain came from dryness and I had plenty of eye drops to help with relief. Even now I will sometimes have to use eye drops or just rinse out my eyes right when I wake up and I'm good for most of the day.

            • 1 year ago

              At least for LASIK, the only pain is when they attach this suction cup thing to the front of your eyeball so they can stretch it enough to cut a flap in your cornea. The actual blasting of your eyeball with lasers is completely painless, though.
              The main side effect I had after surgery was dry eyes for about 6 months, but eyedrops will take care of that.

    • 1 year ago

      Just get 1 eye fixed at a time, if it fricks up you can get insurance and at least have a backup eye

  10. 1 year ago

    For the record, i don't regret the 20 years i spent using a computer that led to having myopia, i had my fun.

  11. 1 year ago

    how come nobody did a "Uohhhhhhhhh!" joke yet?

    • 1 year ago

      have a nice day.

    • 1 year ago
      • 1 year ago
  12. 1 year ago

    >Even though the screen is right against your face if you have myopia you can't see far away shit in VR
    I get why, it's completely intuitive why, but man does it piss me off.

    • 1 year ago

      is that true?

      • 1 year ago

        It is.
        If you want a VR headset and you're nearsighted make sure your glasses can fit otherwise it's going to get depth of fieldy.

        • 1 year ago

          Or you know
          Use Contact Lenses

        • 1 year ago

          You can get prescription lenses for VR headsets.

    • 1 year ago

      it's unironically helped train my vision lol
      couldn't see shit at first but now I can play VR somewhat comfortably

    • 1 year ago

      Can't you wear glasses with most vr headsets

      • 1 year ago

        You can but i prefer using contacts

        • 1 year ago

          It depends on the size of your glasses.

          Ah fair enough then. I'm fine wearing glasses, have done for more than half my life now but I could see them being a bother with a headset on top.

      • 1 year ago

        It depends on the size of your glasses.

    • 1 year ago

      That doesn't make sense.

      • 1 year ago

        But it does.
        How do you think VR tubes works?

        • 1 year ago

          I have no idea what you're talking about.

          • 1 year ago

            you ever used a vr headset before?
            Because it's not literally two screens glued to your face. Or rather, not a screen in the sense you know it. If i remove my glasses and look in it, i see absolutely nothing because i'm almost legally blind. And using VR with just one eye is icky.

            • 1 year ago

              I don't have a VR but I have used them. And I don't remember experiencing depth of field like I do in irl. I use glasses while driving. Or do you need to have like very weak glassless vision for the effect to happen?

              • 1 year ago

                If you use your glasses only to drive, you probably won't notice the difference.
                Once again, there's a difference between DoF and just blurred vision. If you dson't see the world in a blur normally, you won't see it in VR.

    • 1 year ago

      kek for real? I had to walk around 6 flags with my phone camera when I lost my glasses on a roller coaster. I can't wrap my head around why VR glasses won't work like my phone did unless it's because each individual eye is targeted and one of your eyes is just worse. I know my left eye is slightly better than my right.

      • 1 year ago

        >my left eye is slightly better than my right.
        kek same except reversed.

        • 1 year ago

          According to my optometrist biology isn't perfect and everyone has a slightly sharper eye, and the same goes for an ear. The fact is our brains compensate for slight differences so that we barely even notice

    • 1 year ago

      The lenses of a Quest 2 for example have a focal point 1.3m out, that's why.

    • 1 year ago

      >tfw unknowingly scratched the frick out of my glasses over months because they were touching the VR headset's lenses
      No scratches on the headset though.

      • 1 year ago

        maybe you should ditch your glasses and just wear the headset

        • 1 year ago


          >Even though the screen is right against your face if you have myopia you can't see far away shit in VR
          I get why, it's completely intuitive why, but man does it piss me off.

      • 1 year ago

        It's a shame that the glasses industry is fricked and your (presumably) plastic lenses are so fricking expensive to replace.
        Otherwise it'd be a great thing that your glasses couldn't scratch your several hundred dollar headset.

        • 1 year ago

          It's whatever, replacing the lenses would cost me about 100€ right now and i've had them for 6 years. I'm just too lazy to do a new vision test at my local store.

  13. 1 year ago

    *fixes your shitty vision with no surgery*

    • 1 year ago

      I had shit like these as a kind.
      My right eye is at -14 correction right now.

    • 1 year ago

      What do u call these?

      • 1 year ago

        the moron magnet

      • 1 year ago

        Pinhole glasses

    • 1 year ago

      >look up this shit on amazon
      >the cheapest ones are 800 usd

      Is possible to make them myself?

      • 1 year ago

        3d print it bro

      • 1 year ago

        >cheapest ones are 800 usd
        >800 usd
        kek, just frick my shit up might as well tune out life and stay in my head untill I die.

        • 1 year ago

          just go to the park and spent like 20 minutes focusing on things really far away.

          It's like retads buying expensive gym gear when you can do the same with some crappy sport shoes, some shorts and just doing cardio in the park and isometric bodyweight for free.

          • 1 year ago

            >20 minutes
            So you're not supposed to be doing it for minimum 2 hours?

            • 1 year ago

              you dont need to do cardio for 2 hours to like fix the issues of being a potato couch.

              The key is not how much you do, but how much time you do it.

              The body magically wont mutate into a new form, like a mutant.

              The body needs like a month to like replace a lot of your cells.

          • 1 year ago

            you can get them for like a dollar on cheap sites like aliexpress or temu

            nah, I'll just wait till a wagiecagie hits me while riding a bike. Frick Aliexpress always rejects my card. lol I even memorized an eye chart to renew my license.

      • 1 year ago

        >cheapest ones are 800 usd
        >800 usd
        kek, just frick my shit up might as well tune out life and stay in my head untill I die.

        you can get them for like a dollar on cheap sites like aliexpress or temu

      • 1 year ago

        Did you type in the right thing? Cause i see it costs $10-15

    • 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      What do u call these?

      Pinhole glasses

      I can't believe hole technology has transcended vidya

  14. 1 year ago

    PRK or LASIK?

  15. 1 year ago

    >notice that distant stuff is sometimes a bit blurry
    >go to an optician
    >"Anon, your eyes are 100% ok"
    >"no myopia, just lense muscles having a hard time to relax"
    >"go out more and look at distant stuff"
    Myopia is fear mongering

    • 1 year ago

      >my eyes are fine therefore bad eyesight doenst exist
      you are like breathtakingly moronic

  16. 1 year ago

    >depth of field
    >motion blur
    It’s game time.

  17. 1 year ago

    They try to make young children play outdoors these days in korea and probably china since so many people are nearsighted
    Apparently staring into the distance outdoors is better for young kids eyes than staring a textbook in a room

  18. 1 year ago

    Why are human eyes so shit?
    Like, what evolutionary or pre-designed plan had us randomly be unable to see beyond 20ft because the lens is a bit misshapen?

    • 1 year ago

      Technology allows all kinds of people to stay in the evolution no matter the genes.

    • 1 year ago

      evolution is genetic mutations. Your shit is because your great grand dad was a rapist or great grandma was a mentally disabled moron

    • 1 year ago

      Bad eyesight isn't THAT bad for humans, in women it means nothing because they aren't typically meant to be in danger, and in men it's compensated for by being in large groups anyway and the fact that before modern times it would mostly come when you're already older.

    • 1 year ago

      The developers had to work with shitty code put there by the old developers and make due with what they had

      • 1 year ago

        Just seeing this i understand easily why our immune system isn't allowed inside the eye, it looks like a fricking alien from deep under.

      • 1 year ago

        why is it inside out

      • 1 year ago

        B-but muh watchmaker

    • 1 year ago

      we've spent thousands upon thousands year not actually evolving because mostly anyone can reproduce, meaning we suffer from debilitating genetic mutations instead of selecting quality genes for our gene pool.
      The rule of the more apt doesn't apply when your race is the most adaptive on your planet.

      • 1 year ago

        Your headcannon about evolution is moronic. People are getting fricked up because women and men are having kids later. Old eggs and sperm get funky.

    • 1 year ago

      Evolution isn't about being perfect. It's about being just good enough to live just long enough to make a baby.

      • 1 year ago

        Females are the evolutionary gatekeeper. It not enough just to survive.

        • 1 year ago

          Which is why we need to create artificial wombs to make women obsolete

    • 1 year ago

      Very few people actually have bad enough eyes to the point where they would need glasses
      The issues is that they bring 5-6 year olds to the doctor and if they don't see those letters perfectly they slap expensive glasses the kid's face for life which just makes their vision worse and worse over time instead of letting the kid train his eye naturally

      • 1 year ago

        what would you consider bad enough? is not being able to see bus numbers not bad enough? my 8 year old nephew has double my degree and I already can barely see letters from a few meters away

        • 1 year ago

          I mean fricked up enough from birth, to the point where you would absolutely need glasses to see properly
          My point is that this isn't the case for most people, they might have pretty bad eye sigh as kids, but it could be corrected naturally, but their parents will just give them glasses which will ensure their eye sight will be bad for life

  19. 1 year ago

    With DoF from the OP pic. It sucks.

  20. 1 year ago

    Around 80% of people in Singapore have near-sightedness.
    Spectacles might be the most numerous human-made object.

  21. 1 year ago

    Chromatic aberration, film grain, and vignettes always turned off. Motion blur on if it's high quality per-pixel blur, depth of field on depends on the aesthetic quality of it in game.

  22. 1 year ago

    Is possible to do some gym type of workout to your eyes as daily routine to fix some of the issues?

    Asking this for personal reasons.

    • 1 year ago

      Go back in time and don't spend more than 30 minutes staring at a dimly lit object like a screen at a time until your eyes have fully developed. Make sure to spend ~10 minutes focusing your eyes in the distance of the bright outside world every hour. Spend much more time outside as a kid.
      The iPad generation kids are getting megafricked. The iPad is set up on the table in front of them everywhere.

      Alternatively get a nice SMILE procedure done

      • 1 year ago

        I've heard people who got those surgeries and suffer from serious eye dryness after, I wouldn't take the risk

        • 1 year ago

          Every surgery carries a risk of complications anon. ReLEx SMILE is the latest generation of refractive surgery, pretty expensive though.

          >Dry eyes is one of the most frequent complications of refractive surgery.1 Among patients having laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK), including microkeratome LASIK and FS-LASIK, 28% without previous dry eye symptoms developed new symptoms 3 months after surgery.2 Although the majority of postLASIK dry eye symptoms is temporary, some patients may experience longer disturbances. Bower et al estimated that 0.8% of patients who underwent LASIK experienced chronic postoperative dry eye lasting >12 months.

    • 1 year ago

      Sort of. Not perfect but try this:
      Hold a pencil an arms length from your face and focus on it.
      Bring it closer and further, keeping your focus on the pencil.
      Then switch from looking at it closely to something else across the room.
      This will train the eye to be a bit faster in focusing things at distances.

  23. 1 year ago

    What's wrong with my eyes?

    • 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      How many birds are currently flying around your head?

  24. 1 year ago

    >myopia is simply your eyes being like obese fatty couch potatos that never do exercise
    >instead of telling you to do exercise and like lose fat by doing some shit like swimming or dancing or soccer they tell parents their kid need glasses because by some weirdo reason, they can sell you a 500 usd piece of glass
    >morons are like fatties that take stomach surgery to fix their obesity instead of just doing exercise

    • 1 year ago

      Indian cats say this?

      • 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      I know a b***h who did this, explicitly because she was overweight. A total blob she was. Not disgustingly obese to look at, but definitely way over. Now she flaunts her "thinness" as if she naturally lost weight. Damn shame too, because she has a good face.

  25. 1 year ago

    >be fricking blind (-6 SPH and -3 CYL both eyes)
    >am afraid of surgery
    >have a high chance of elderly complications and Retinal detachment
    >be also a brownskin, ugly and manlet
    The demiurge fricking hates me bros

    • 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago


      >myopia is simply your eyes being like obese fatty couch potatos that never do exercise
      >instead of telling you to do exercise and like lose fat by doing some shit like swimming or dancing or soccer they tell parents their kid need glasses because by some weirdo reason, they can sell you a 500 usd piece of glass
      >morons are like fatties that take stomach surgery to fix their obesity instead of just doing exercise

  26. 1 year ago

    >film grain: ON

    • 1 year ago

      but they're both the same, i don't see a difference
      oh no

    • 1 year ago

      me on the left

    • 1 year ago

      I thought left was just normal for everyone

      • 1 year ago

        Most people have at least a floater that occasionally moves into view and then moves back out, others have them more frequently or in greater numbers and it tends to be in nearsighted people more. I have some in both eyes and have had them since about 17, they’re always moving about. You somehow get used to it and I only notice them when I think about them.

    • 1 year ago

      I'm pretty sure 99% of people on earth have floaters, and the flickering visual snow is just something we see when we look at bright horizons or lights, our eyes unable to process all the light coming through or something like that

    • 1 year ago

      I only get the left when I'm looking up or I'm lying on the ground looking up. Could be worse I spose.

  27. 1 year ago

    is 20/20 vision the 4k of irl? thanks but 1080p is enough for me.

    • 1 year ago

      your sight is probably more like 480p

  28. 1 year ago


    All these effects are effects of your vision, created by focusing your eyes on single points.
    If I focus my eye on one part of the screen, whatever else is on there will be blurry and out of focus.

    My eyes already do those things. Why the frick would I need to waste computing time on simulating an effect I already experience naturally?

  29. 1 year ago

    How many of you my Gankerrothers have to use glasses?
    I started using them like two years ago and was somewhat fine without them, but now i have hard time reading or playing without them.

    • 1 year ago

      I have glasses but I don't use them because I only have like 0.7 Dioptre.
      Without glasses it feels like FXAA is enabled for bigger distances.
      Everyone in my family has problems with vision.

  30. 1 year ago


  31. 1 year ago

    Back in middle school I was the champion at staring at the Sun.
    Unfortunately now my eyes are kind of fricked, but I can still say I'm number 1.

  32. 1 year ago

    I have been going a little over two weeks without using glasses, or using them minimally. There are a lot of people that say you can just automatically fix it by being outside a lot so I'm trying to be outside every day for at least a year. But then people say its permanently fricked also if you were inside too much as a kid. I don't know what the frick to believe anymore I just want to live without being optically stunted.

    • 1 year ago

      You are fricked for life my man, sorry to say.

    • 1 year ago

      Just deal with it, life isn't that long anyways.

  33. 1 year ago

    Does anyone here have astigmatism? Can you fix it with surgery? This sucks. My eyes are constantly fatigued, it's impossible to focus, and light is annoying.

    • 1 year ago

      I have it, I can barely see a thing without glasses.

    • 1 year ago

      >he doesn't like being equipped with an anamorphic lense embedded into his head

      • 1 year ago

        Not him, but car head lights are too fricking bright
        for me at night.

        • 1 year ago

          Yeah I get it. I also have astigmatism and it's genuinely hard to drive at night because of the fricking lights in cars now that feel like hi beams constantly. Was never an issue with older style bulbs.

  34. 1 year ago

    depth of field emulates the way cameras focus on things, it has nothing to do with human eyes

  35. 1 year ago

    Don't hokey goalies train their eye muscles and it actually helps with their vision?

    • 1 year ago

      yes, anons are saying that going to the gym wont make you lose fat and gain size.

  36. 1 year ago

    that looks like a penis from the thumbnail

  37. 1 year ago

    >Just work out your eyes
    Literally a meme, your brain can get better at interpreting the information but your eyes won't get stronger.
    It's Just-World coping.

    • 1 year ago

      >the muscles of the eye doesnt get stronger if used

      • 1 year ago

        Muscles of the eyes are not the problem

        Lengh and shape of the eyes are though

        • 1 year ago

          The muscle can get as strong as it wants, if the eye is misshapen it will not be able to pull the eye into correct shape.

          >problem is caused by looking too close
          >but you cant train the eye to fix the same issue that looking at close causes

          So you like you become obese by eating too much, but if you like stop eating too much and do exercise, you won fix the obesity issue?

          Is that correct?

          • 1 year ago

            What does obesity have to do with myopia? Are you stupid? Your eye has grown too large and cannot properly focus light on the retina, or your cornea is irregularly shaped. You cannot change the size of the eyeball or the shape of the cornea in any other way except with laser surgery.

            • 1 year ago

              >What does obesity have to do with myopia?
              A lot actually. Sneed oils cause both.

            • 1 year ago

              do you realize homosexual, your body cells are replaced like after a month?


              you get a new eye after like 7-8 weeks.

              • 1 year ago

                >get a new eye
                >myopia still exists
                what went wrong

              • 1 year ago

                you need to fix the pressure issue of not giving the muscle the pressure to look far away.

      • 1 year ago

        The muscle can get as strong as it wants, if the eye is misshapen it will not be able to pull the eye into correct shape.

  38. 1 year ago

    >tfw weak prescription but astigmastism in both eyes

  39. 1 year ago

    >near sighted
    >look at picture at close enough distance
    >it’s clear
    >look at mirror at same distance
    >everything farther away than my face is blurry
    You cant explain that

  40. 1 year ago

    got a big floater in my left eye last year. it really fricking sucks

  41. 1 year ago

    >get glasses at 12/13
    >hate them but it's w/e after so long
    >year after year the prescription needs to be just a bit stronger
    >finally say frick it, tired of a constant border around my vision, falling off my face, getting broken, not being able to wear sunglasses, and looking like a gay because the only shape that fits my face is the aviator, 70s molester type frames and get contacts at 23
    >3 years later, still the same prescription.
    >strangers were immediately nicer to me once i started wearing them
    Frick glasses. Only downside is accidentally sleeping with contacts in feels like horrid shit after waking up and I feel like my eyes are still very tired. Otherwise I haven't found anything of note to be a downside from them over glasses. Just more care and i can't just slip them on before I'm even out of bed.

  42. 1 year ago

    Myopia chads rise up
    No matter how old we get, we will ALWAYS have crystal clear vision for close objects/text
    We just keep winning

  43. 1 year ago

    i see like a ghost version of text above and below it
    what does that mean
    i know you can get this fixed but my last glasses prescription didn't fix it

    • 1 year ago

      could be astigmatism, you're fricked

    • 1 year ago

      That mean astigmatism, I have same shit

  44. 1 year ago

    >Be indoors
    >Sunlight filtered by glass in windows
    >Lack of sunlight causes myopia
    >Wear glasses
    Ugh... glasses bros?

    • 1 year ago

      It's probably not the UV because pretty much all glasses filter UV, yet sunlight exposure still prevents disease progression in people who already use glasses for myopia. My guess is that it's the brightness.

    • 1 year ago

      Eyeglasses are made of plastics actually

      • 1 year ago

        They still filter UV.

  45. 1 year ago

    depth of field off
    motion blue off
    screen shake off
    light flickering/strobing off
    lens flares off
    bloom off
    chromattic abberation off
    visual indicators like screen jelly off

  46. 1 year ago

    I can live with wearing glasses in my lifetime but I will take any treatment I can get for my tinnitus.

  47. 1 year ago

    Also if you have Myopia you will need to wear your glasses or get prescription lens inserts for vr.

  48. 1 year ago

    My PC broke so I used a tablet as a replacement for over a year and that made my dominant eye nearsighted.

  49. 1 year ago

    Would you get a fully offline cybernetic eye built with libre hardware and software?

    • 1 year ago

      yes. i dont care if its online and the government sees my dick just let me see clearly

  50. 1 year ago

    >depth of field... OFF
    >chromatic aberration... OFF
    >motion blur... OFF
    >ambient occlusion... OFF
    >anisotropic filtering... BILINEAR
    >antialiasing... FXAA
    >texture resolution... QUARTER
    yep, it's gaming time.

  51. 1 year ago


  52. 1 year ago

    I just got LASIK because I'm not a poorgay.

    • 1 year ago

      Enjoy your cataracts, moron.

    • 1 year ago

      I wanted LASIK but had to get the cheaper procedure because my optician said LASIK would not work well on my kind of eyes (something about a think lens, I don’t remember clearly).

      • 1 year ago


  53. 1 year ago

    About 5 or 6 years ago I had a very serious anxiety attack that lead to dealing with depersonalization for quite a long time. After that my eyes were never the same. It's a bit difficult to explain what the problem is. Essentially, it feels like my eyes are incapable of seeing more than a very small percentage of what I'm looking at. The eye's fovial vision is naturally small, but through a combination of eye movement and peripheral vision you usually get a very clear picture of what things look like. But for me, I can only ever see things as small pieces. If I were to look at someone's face I'd have to look at one eye, and then the other, and then the nose, and then the lips, etc. And while I'm doing this I never get a truly comprehensive look at the subject. Instead of my eyes, through the use of fovial, peripheral, and movement, piecing together a clear image a face, I can only see the face as small compartmentalized segments. I don't see a face, I see bits and bobs. It gets very exhausting. It's hard for me to enjoy watching movies or anime these days since looking at anything feels exhausting. It also lessened my enjoyment of reading. It became difficult to read smoothly or comprehend the words I'm looking at. The other day I saw the word "union" and was confused by about for a good 20 seconds because for some reason my brain understand it as "onion" spelled with a U, and I was having a hard time understanding with someone would spell onion that way.

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