Do you still hate her?

Do you still hate her?

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  1. 10 months ago

    Can't believe TPC is forcing troonys on my kids

    • 10 months ago

      >it's fine when johto does it

  2. 10 months ago

    I only hate her because I liked being the Eeveelution trainer in all my games. She stole that from me.

    • 10 months ago

      Are you a girl? If so, are you CandyEvie, my beloved?

  3. 10 months ago

    I will always love her because her theme is so fricking awful it makes me laugh any time I remember it

  4. 10 months ago

    She needed big breasts to stand out

  5. 10 months ago

    Frick Penny, I fricking hate transgender people. Thier stupid culture has raped my childhood. Now I'm stuck exploring my anime-girl-like side as an adult where it's weird just because I thought I would be punished for it at 11.

    • 10 months ago

      >Frick Penny, I fricking hate transgender people.

    • 10 months ago

      You're projecting so hard. You're obviously trans.

    • 10 months ago

      There are no trannies, genderfluids or nobbies in Pokemon

    • 10 months ago

      Didn't like her at first, and then I met someone who almost looks like her who I'm interested in and may even like me back, she did tell me about her MMBN fanfic and I barely know her, so now I like Penny, I guess.
      I plan on giving her a way to contact me because I honestly like being around her, and hopefully something happens.

      Guess even tripgays can be right sometimes.
      >Now I'm stuck exploring my anime-girl-like side as an adult where it's weird just because I thought I would be punished for it at 11.
      Ok never mind have a nice day

      • 10 months ago

        >MMBN fanfic
        Mega Man Battle Network?

        • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        >MMBN fanfic
        She seems like a keeper anon

  6. 10 months ago

    Yeas, she’s the most boring part of the team star storyline by far. Her team is unoriginal as frick, too. Might be the worst character in SV given the amount of attention the endgame gives her for no reason.

  7. 10 months ago

    I never hated her. I love Penny. She's my #1 Pokemon waifu. I'm secretly hoping they'll bring out a nice Penny figure at some point. No idea what the frick you guys are talking about when calling her a troony. I'm not brainwashed by /misc/ enough to understand I guess.

  8. 10 months ago

    I thought she was a boy from fire emblem

  9. 10 months ago

    Never hated her. Penny's cute.

  10. 10 months ago

    I've only seen people dislike Penny for the most asinine reasons possible. She's just a shy weeb girl, there's nothing more to it.

  11. 10 months ago

    people didn't like penny?

    • 10 months ago

      She's all right. I never hated her, but she's definitely the weakest out of the 3 main NPCs.
      Also this isn't really related to anything but it's bothering me when artists don't draw the red hair on the back of her head. They only draw it on the font and leave the backside completely light blue which looks so much worse.

      People who hate her are just contrarians who try too hard to fit into Ganker culture. All they see is muh tumblr/twitter and muh troony because they can't think about anything else.

      • 10 months ago

        I think Nemona is the weakest, honestly. She spends Victory Road stalking you to battle you at inopportune times, and that's about it. She gets a little bit more focus in Area Zero where Arven and Penny realize her legitimate autism, but that still ends up revolving about battling at the end anyway. Arven and Penny are complex characters, Nemona is not.

        • 10 months ago

          You think? I didn't think much of her at first either but Nemona got quite some depth added in Area Zero and her post-game event. She's the less important child of an extremely rich family who can just kinda do what she wants and she doesn't really have friends because everyone thinks of her as some kind of prodigy weirdo. Plus he obvious autism (I honestly think the writers made her an autist, whether they realize this or not).
          Penny kinda lacks this kind of background so I perceive her as less deep. Maybe it's also cause she feels more connected to Team Star, on a personal level I mean. Arven and Nemona don't really have a connection to her, they barely knew who she was. And we don't really know her origins either, just that she's from Galar and her dad is cringey according to her.

          • 10 months ago

            I think Penny's conflicts give her more complexity than Nemona. She wanted to stand up for herself, but didn't have the guts to do it. Her grand plan to secure respect for her and her friends backfired on her, leading to her suspension, a complete turnover of the school staff, her friends' dogmatic loyalty towards her, and an end to the problems the school faced before. It was a complete upheaval, and the school she returned to was thus a completely different academy from the one she left. Her guilt and need to resolve the problems that still lingered drove her to dubiously legal activities, such as hacking your phone, causing the collapse of the organization she founded, and embezzling League Points to fund her crusade.

            Penny at the end of Starfall Street is a girl given release from the burdens and shackles that bound her for a year and a half, allowed to be just a normal girl once more. Which shows the somewhat sour attitude she has in Area Zero, but still plays off Nemona and Arven well.

            • 10 months ago

              I guess the problem is that the whole Team Star stuff is kinda poorly executed as a story. A lot of it is just indirectly implied and only mentioned somewhere, we don't really SEE much of the things that happened in the past.
              Also, it's mostly about the Team Star incident, not exactly about Penny and her personality herself. In fact, for most of the game, she pretends to be someone else with a different persona(lity). So I guess her complexity just kinda falls flat due to how the story of Victory Road is presented, at least in my opinion.
              I do like how she stands up for herself in Area Zero, though. I know a lot of people were b***hing about how she's an butthole to Arven, but they didn't know each other and Arven was very standoffish, almost aggressive even with how he tried to one-up the others. She wasn't in the wrong when was being snappish, but most importantly, it showed how she has grown confidence to talk against someone who annoyed her. At the start of the game, she's way shyer when those Team Star grunts try to coax her into joining them. And she did apologize to him the moment she realized that he wasn't being malicious, just in a tough situation.

  12. 10 months ago

    I never hated her to begin with.

  13. 10 months ago

    I will say that her personality was accurate to how bitter NEET-adjacent chicks actually are, instead of the "uwu so shy and sweet" anime girl trope.

    • 10 months ago

      I hate her but she's in fact realistic if what they wanted to make was a terminally online gamer girlie who spends her time being toxic af on Twitter or Tumblr, calls everyone who disagrees with her a racist/homophobic/etc, thinks fandom is activism and acts like an butthole while hiding behind a "hehe I'm so shy and cute and autistic don't hurt my feewings I have trauma uwu" façade.

      Yes I've known plenty of these idiots online, she fits this perfectly and that's probably why I hate her. She reminds me of buttholes I had the displeasure to meet.

      I wonder if GameFreak meant to write her as an unpleasant character or if it wasn't intentional, though.

      • 10 months ago

        Did we play the same game? Yes she's a teminally only gamer girl, but where the frick did you get all of that other stuff? She's not like that in the game at all.

        • 10 months ago

          Oh no, I didn't mean she's like that.
          I meant to say that how she acts reminds me of people I've known who *were* like that behind their façade.

          I do think Penny was an unpleasant character for how she acted in the game though, which is probably what led my mind to associate her with some people I used to know.
          I didn't like the Team Star plot in general, the only thing I enjoyed in it was Clavell's involvement.

      • 10 months ago

        Oh no, I didn't mean she's like that.
        I meant to say that how she acts reminds me of people I've known who *were* like that behind their façade.

        I do think Penny was an unpleasant character for how she acted in the game though, which is probably what led my mind to associate her with some people I used to know.
        I didn't like the Team Star plot in general, the only thing I enjoyed in it was Clavell's involvement.

        What is wrong with you? You're literally just projecting man. Calm the frick down. She didn't act like this at all. It anything, she's surprisingly nice.

        • 10 months ago

          I know I'm projecting, I said it myself basically.
          It just hurts when you think someone is your friend for years and then suddenly she stabs you in the back and ghosts you over a minor disagreement over some SJW bs. Seeing a character that reminds me of her isn't great.

          But I don't think Penny is nice in the game regardless, initially I thought she was just awkward but the more cutscenes she got, the less nice I found her. I found the entire Team Star thing boring and annoying.

  14. 10 months ago

    Yes. Shit design. Shit story relevance. Shit personality. Can't battle for shit despite being team star leader. Wears a backpack at her fricking elbows like her shoulders don't fricking exist.

    What a waste of a main character slot.

  15. 10 months ago

    Just look at the character sheet you posted, she literally looks like a boy using a skirt

  16. 10 months ago

    She smells like eevee smegma

    • 10 months ago

      And you know what eevee smegma smells like why?

  17. 10 months ago

    No, I want to impregnate her

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