Do you trust them?

>The Pokemon Company is discussing how it can maintain its regular release schedule of Pokemon games while ensuring they are of good quality. This small detail was shared in an interview between the chief operating officer of The Pokemon Company - Takato Utsonoyima - and during the Pokemon World Championships in Tokyo, Japan.

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  1. 10 months ago

    Sprigatito cute!
    The rest is just corporate speak and you shouldn't take this too seriously.

  2. 10 months ago

    >13 years of bad games
    nothing more than PR speak

  3. 10 months ago

    >Quantity over Quality
    Everything I hate about American entertainment, coming to Japanese games near you.

  4. 10 months ago

    So we're going from shitty annual full releases to even shittier biennial full releases now?

    • 10 months ago

      >How dare them not release one game per lifetime?

      • 10 months ago

        There's children that live and die for less than a day, so technically they're failing to release a game within a lifetime.
        Better crank up the release schedule to have a new game every five minutes!

        • 10 months ago

          I was almost a still birth, so there's argument to say my lifetime would've been 0 seconds.
          Time to crank up the AI generators boys! It's the only way we can possibly compete with the looming threat of being born dead!

      • 10 months ago

        Just release the old fricking games on the eshop and make games like any normal developer would frick it's not fricking hard!

        • 10 months ago

          >poor homierd children STILL can't understand there is no "eShop", no "Virtual Console" or no method for playing dinosaur games on Switch, outside NSO (which Game Freak will NOT release on, due to Nintendo not sharing NSO sub revenue, thus not getting paid for what undoubtedly would be THE most popular free title on NSO) or remake/remaster

          • 10 months ago

            if tpc weren't mentally moronic, they would've released a master collection with all the old games as one software
            people would eat that shit up like pussy on a honeymoon, and they'd definitely make enough money from it to not need to release a mainline game in said year. Hell, merch already does this but for the sake of the convo here's games.

          • 10 months ago

            >No Virtual Console
            What are the Arcade Archives by Hamster

      • 10 months ago

        >two years is a lifetime
        You must be 18 to post on this board.

  5. 10 months ago

    So they admit they aren't releasing quality games?

    • 10 months ago
  6. 10 months ago

    not buying another pokemon game 'til they get more soulful models with better animations

  7. 10 months ago

    You cant
    Stop releasing games every year

  8. 10 months ago

    >regular, but quality, releases
    That'll be one hell of a change

  9. 10 months ago

    People continue to buy their products. I do not trust nintendo. I think gamefreak would like to actually slow down, but nintendo owns a share of creatures effectively making them the big cheese, and have you seen what nintendo has been doing with their business practices? It is getting lazier and lazier.

    • 10 months ago


  10. 10 months ago

    I believe that they'd like to improve their product. I don't trust they'll succeed

  11. 10 months ago

    >do you trust them
    Of course not. They lied for 10 years straight.
    They have to PROVE themselves.

  12. 10 months ago

    TPC and gamefreak have proven themselves as mismanaged messes; if this just TPC working on their own; then no.
    I don't expect a huge shift regardless. The whole pipeline isn't some insane goal; I actually don't care that they want to achieve that.
    That type of system is reasonable, but requires a well oiled machine. Gamefreak won't try very hard in that direction unless a fire is under their ass.

  13. 10 months ago

    Is it really that fricking difficult to give them one extra year to finish the fricking games?

    • 10 months ago

      The fact you think that'd actually work shows you are just talking shit.

      • 10 months ago


        • 10 months ago

          Your shitty plot had nothing to do with extra dev time.
          Unova is a shit region, it doesn't do anything notable from its contemporaries.

          • 10 months ago

            >post the beginning of dogshit games and the reason we're in this mess
            lol good bait


            • 10 months ago

              Yeah screaming at it really proves that BW is super amazing and not just average GF quality.
              Whether or not you like the traits, that doesn't really change that the baseline quality is whatever as per usual.

              It took almost 8 years for a GTA VI leak to happen, at which point the leaked video was of a test from almost half a decade ago. If Rockstar can keep one of the most in demand western franchises under wraps, Gamefreak can keep a Pokemon game in secrecy for long enough too with way more bodies.

              You really don't get how game making works do you? Having a bunch of chimps wildly work on something won't result in higher quality.
              Pokemon does not need a huge workforce, it needs a efficient and thought out one; one that they have clearly established they can't do with the smaller team they already have.

              Also on the note of GTA, they literally are working on a take two game; and you recall what their priorities were last time? There is zero chance of some secret Pokemon game.

              • 10 months ago

                >Having a bunch of chimps wildly work on something won't result in higher quality.
                No, obviously not, but it does mean that more gets done sooner(with good coordination of course, which Game Freak is apparently lacking because both programming divisions we're aware of have voiced complaints about how upper management runs them.)
                >Pokemon does not need a huge workforce, it needs a efficient and thought out one
                Pokemon absolutely needs a larger workforce than the roughly 151 inhouse employees and the outsourced employees they have already if they want to release quality products, ESPECIALLY when they want biennial releases. Game Freak's small development teams can't make full triple A titles yearly. That's just not possible with the current tools, even with perfect management. Hell, Game Freak's current output would still be unsustainable with the perfect team of the same size.
                I'm not denying that good artist and programmers aren't necessary, Game Freak certainly needs as many of those as it can get, especially since the latter seems to be in very short supply(though again, that may be a massive management problem.) What I am saying that Game Freak needs to bulk up before seriously considering rapid firing Pokemon releases like they are saying.

                >and you recall what their priorities were last time
                What the frick does that have to do with anything? My point was that GTA VI has suffered one confirmed leak in almost a fricking decade that it's been in development, and no doubt has a bigger development team than ANY of Game Freak's games ever has.
                How common are Nintendo leaks? Most of those games are highly anticipated too, with PLENTY making their entire personality about tehm, and yet those leaks are incredibly rare. I'm pretty Mario Odyssey also had a larger work team than Game Freak's entire company. Size does not mean that leaks are more common.

        • 10 months ago

          >post the beginning of dogshit games and the reason we're in this mess
          lol good bait

        • 10 months ago

          Hopefully they embrace the sentiment of B/W like they did BD/SP. I don’t like BD/SP the same way I disliked D/P on release, but love that they kept its essence intact. It gives me hope for B/W.

    • 10 months ago

      The people who decide when the next game comes out are the greedy fricks in business suits. They don't care about pokemon or video games, they just want their paycheck on time. Why would they delay the release of the next pokemon game or hire more people to work on it if the games still sell like hot cakes anyway?

    • 10 months ago

      Yes, because every extra year for these games mean one less year of new merch.
      Pokemon may make a good chunk of its revenue through the games, but it still makes the majority of it through merch and TCG. All of the cogs that spin the Pokemon Wheel are entirely dependent on when Game Freak comes out with the next games. And as said

      It's called hiring more fricking people.
      But you know what they won't do this? Because Game Freak effectively doesn't have to.
      Morons will buy the game anyway. SV is one of the fastest-selling Pokemon games ever.
      Why would Game Freak hire more people when *they* don't need to? They own 1/3rd of one of the highest-grossing IPs on the planet, so that means they earn a percentage of every dollar Pokemon makes.

      BDSP was made as an example. It sold anyway because it's Pokemon, and it was given to ILCA so that when the game turns out to be shit, it'll condition the sheep to think "oh man, maybe Gay Freak is the only ones capable".

      Game Freak makes a percentage on every dollar Pokemon makes. The only reason they have a reason to delay the game in their minds is if the game is blatantly unfinished. As long as it can roll the credits, everything is fine.

  14. 10 months ago

    >Do you trust them?
    Why would I?

  15. 10 months ago

    No national dex no trust.

  16. 10 months ago

    >they think Pogeymahn will hire hundreds of new shitters just to maintain game quality

    Nips are stubborn and don't change unless something drastic happens, they started out as an indie studio made by founding members and they will keep that way until Pokemon games are no longer selling.

    Scarlet and Violet blew all records and it's a buggy mess that Nintendo intervened on Goyfreak's behalf.

  17. 10 months ago

    It's called hiring more fricking people.
    But you know what they won't do this? Because Game Freak effectively doesn't have to.
    Morons will buy the game anyway. SV is one of the fastest-selling Pokemon games ever.
    Why would Game Freak hire more people when *they* don't need to? They own 1/3rd of one of the highest-grossing IPs on the planet, so that means they earn a percentage of every dollar Pokemon makes.

    BDSP was made as an example. It sold anyway because it's Pokemon, and it was given to ILCA so that when the game turns out to be shit, it'll condition the sheep to think "oh man, maybe Gay Freak is the only ones capable".

    • 10 months ago

      >It's called hiring more fricking people.
      >implying hiring more bodies will solve the problem
      All these new hires have never made Pokemon in their entire lives and 99% are just code monkeys who got fired from FAANG.

      Hiring more code monkeys will 100% work for Creatures, who mostly make 3D models and animations for Pokemon but not for Gamefreak. Even then all the new hires must be kept on a short leash because the new Pokemon are a large part of Pokemon's business, can't have troons or pajeets leaking them for clout.

      Gamefreak should focus one large and experienced team on their core games while giving the remakes and some spinoffs to someone else with supervision if necessary. ILCA doing chibi BDSP was a result of time constraints and they pulled it off despite all odds, they would have made a Platinum-esque remake if they were allowed to and had more time.

      • 10 months ago

        It took almost 8 years for a GTA VI leak to happen, at which point the leaked video was of a test from almost half a decade ago. If Rockstar can keep one of the most in demand western franchises under wraps, Gamefreak can keep a Pokemon game in secrecy for long enough too with way more bodies.

  18. 10 months ago

    For what possible reason would they? Each game they do less and less but it sells more and more. This is just silly PR speak to sound concerned but they aren't.

  19. 10 months ago

    no i dont trust em. just because someone higher up might have said "enough with the bugs in anus this time GF. it looks bad for us." doesnt mean anything even changes. the most i expect is that it might have some less bugs by literally cutting more features. would be funny cause thats the only way i can see that even happening with that shitshow of a company. to me this is all just pr talk. they know they can shit out games and people buy em. i dont expect anything to change much until sales drastically drop which wont happen for a long time.

  20. 10 months ago

    Like I said in the other thread: If the standard isn't HGSS, then it don't mean shit.

  21. 10 months ago

    >Keeps doing regular releases
    >B-but we want quality this time we swear!!!
    Who do you think you're fooling

  22. 10 months ago

    Nothingburger marketing talk to dodge the important questions

  23. 10 months ago

    I do appreciate they "might" be. However, I'll believe it when I see it.

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