
Does /tg/ use AI art for your campaigns? Have your players noticed yet?

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POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago

    You just know

    • 8 months ago

      Can't be, she's not white

      How could they not notice?

      Because even the most ardent inkcels on /tg/ can't tell the difference

      • 8 months ago

        >Can't be, she's not white
        Sounds like someone hasn't seen the best Art of Zoo video

      • 8 months ago

        Anyone with eyeballs will recognize all AI art at a glance after having seen a few examples. Only exception is surreal art, where AI's quirks are hidden by the general weirdness.

        I defy you to find a single AI tell in this image.

        Not only there's a fricked up hand right in the middle of it, there's that same air of fakeness that all AI trash carries. There's that same lighting that can't quite decide what direction it's coming from. There's nonsensical design such as that extra mail on the helmet that wouldn't fit anywhere if she actually tried to wear it, and so on.

        • 8 months ago

          >Not only there's a fricked up hand right in the middle of it, there's that same air of fakeness that all AI trash carries. There's that same lighting that can't quite decide what direction it's coming from. There's nonsensical design such as that extra mail on the helmet that wouldn't fit anywhere if she actually tried to wear it, and so on.

          It's not an AI image, moron.

        • 8 months ago

          lmao look at this dood being so smarmy about himself

    • 8 months ago

      That she’s fricking the Fred shaggy hybrid guy or that she’s fricking black Bob Ross?
      Coco isn’t a white woman so the dog is off the table

      • 8 months ago

        Jesse what the frick are you talking about

      • 8 months ago

        That she's fricking the dog, idiot, "You just know" in the context of accompanying an image of a woman (admittedly usually a white one) and a domesticated animal on this site always implies she's fricking the animal.

        • 8 months ago

          Read my post again you fricking moron
          >Coco isn’t a white woman so the dog is off the table

  2. 8 months ago

    How could they not notice?

    • 8 months ago

      I defy you to find a single AI tell in this image.

      • 8 months ago

        That utterly fricked up left hand and the complete absence of a right arm

        • 8 months ago

          It's not even AI art. It's literally seething drawgays being jealous they'll shit on anything. Lmao.

          • 8 months ago

            Frickin' gotcha.

            >showing that drawgays cant even tell the difference between real or AI generated art and/or spot flaws people are avoiding by using AI art
            It's showing the core issue here. That it's entirely seething drawgays upset that they have been replaced by a second rate search engine's art.

            >Not only there's a fricked up hand right in the middle of it, there's that same air of fakeness that all AI trash carries. There's that same lighting that can't quite decide what direction it's coming from. There's nonsensical design such as that extra mail on the helmet that wouldn't fit anywhere if she actually tried to wear it, and so on.

            It's not an AI image, moron.

            >best possible AI art looks like shitty regular art by somebody who doesn't know the fundamentals

            That's not the epic gotcha you think it is, you know.

            • 8 months ago

              I'd like to hear your explanation of how the image was made with AI in 2022, since no AI at the time could have produced it.

              • 8 months ago

                Learn to read moron.
                You're trying to defend best possible AI art by comparing it to amateur level human art and saying they look the same. You already lost before you began.

              • 8 months ago

                >You're trying to
                Nah, moron. Someone posted a human-created image as a joke, you took the bait and sperged about all the "obvious AI tells", and now you're trying to convince the rest of the thread that everyone else is butthurt.

              • 8 months ago

                Well, that is simply not true. They made new Rembrant long before 2022. Seeing the writing on the wall made me stop pursuing art actually long before widely avialable generative AI hit the market. Check it out:


                This is why I laught at morons who kept drawing/writing despite it being fricking over being a public knowledge at least since 2016!

              • 8 months ago

                Reminder that functionally, economically, there is no difference between old masters and NFTs. They're both traded as vehicles for investment/income tax scams.

              • 8 months ago

                I think this is the best part about slop. It's going to filter out the people who would have just drawn coomer art or whatever from every trying, and art will become a niche thing done by people with an actual creative voice.

            • 8 months ago

              That's not what the argument being made is. The argument is that the gays who insist AI is janky because you can always tell an AI piece from not...can't tell AI from not.

              • 8 months ago

                The argument being made is the ludicrous notion that Dalle shit is somehow a valid replacement for a human artist. It's not and likely will never be.

              • 8 months ago

                If it's good enough that people think "amateur level human art" is equivalent to it, then it's good enough.

        • 8 months ago

          Frickin' gotcha.

        • 8 months ago

          Whenever someone says “spot the problems in this AI image”, it’s almost always a real illustration. Don’t fall for their tricks.

          • 8 months ago

            >Don’t fall for their tricks.
            If you fall for it then you already made up your mind to call it ai.

          • 8 months ago

            >showing that drawgays cant even tell the difference between real or AI generated art and/or spot flaws people are avoiding by using AI art
            It's showing the core issue here. That it's entirely seething drawgays upset that they have been replaced by a second rate search engine's art.

          • 8 months ago

            Let's do it with an image I personally generated a few days ago then.

            • 8 months ago

              Ignoring the hands which is always a tell, the bottle's mouth is at a weird angle, the backback buckles, and the pull strings on her shirt are the most obvious ones.

              • 8 months ago

                >always a tell
                lmao, even. How 2022 of you.

              • 8 months ago

                She has two right hands and is doing an extreme spock with her left hand, and on the right hand the border between glove and hand is falling apart.

              • 8 months ago

                This hand looks normal to you?
                Though tbf hands are difficult for aspiring human artists, the ai's will get a HANDle on them eventually

              • 8 months ago

                The important word is "always". Humans frick them up often and AI is nowdays better on average. It's not a good tell anymore outside cherrypicked examples.

              • 8 months ago

                Oh yeah sorry, AI is getting a bit better all the time and (most of) the hands I see are fine.
                I'm not the guy who said "always", but you chose an example with an obvious tell in it

      • 8 months ago

        I can tell just by looking at her that she is MTF, she will never be a woman. I can always tell.

  3. 8 months ago

    the least you can do is take your dogshit slop and keep to your dogshitty sloppy general, you fricking queer

    • 8 months ago

      honestly I don't care much for AI art but seeing you spergy homosexuals seethe makes me happy. so keep up the good work op

      • 8 months ago

        >p-people telling me to frick off when I spam a board five millions elf slave wat do-tier threads m-makes m-m-me happy b-because they're upset
        Trolled on them luddites epic style.
        Go outside.

        • 8 months ago

          >elf slave wat do
          Funny coincidence, I needed some art for an elf slave for my actual campaign and AI did help me out with it, hopefully players will find it fits the setting?

          • 8 months ago

            Surely you could have just used an imageboard. There's millions of dark skinned blonde bikini elves out there. And their hands weren't shoved into a hydraulic press.

            • 8 months ago

              AI is faster, more reliable and doesn't call you a homosexual.

              • 8 months ago

                This. I find it so funny how these "artists" are pissed because people making images of Shaq eating BK with the Predator during a black lives matter protest without them.
                You dumb bastards were never going to make this shit for anyone, even if they offered money to begin with so let people make it with a machine that doesn't waste your time so you can continue "making art" I guess.

              • 8 months ago

                Reminder the "art community" used to constantly cry about "gatekeeping" art

            • 8 months ago

              I am using an imageboard! We're posting on an imageboard right now!

      • 8 months ago

        >it's not us being moronic spammers, but everyone else is a seething artgay.

        • 8 months ago

          The drawgay thread is crying about it constantly. The jannie even bans people if they point out how shit the drawings are compared to AI equivalents. Drawgays are being blown out by a fricking robot. That's sad honestly.

  4. 8 months ago

    I will be. I plan to get art for some big nps properly drawn, but some will be AI. I've even messed with trying to do age progression in it because there will be a couple of 4-5 year timeskips in my upcoming campaign.

  5. 8 months ago


    Yeah, the whine thread earlier from some wanabe janny and how he miss-identified real art for ai was really god damn funny.

    • 8 months ago


      honestly I don't care much for AI art but seeing you spergy homosexuals seethe makes me happy. so keep up the good work op

      Keep spamming these threads and see what happens. Can't wait until you're all banished to your own containment board like questgays.

      • 8 months ago

        >good day sirs

      • 8 months ago

        This is a particularly stupid thread when you could just post it in slop. I don't know what OP was thinking. In fact, it's probably just some anti-AI guy intentionally trying to cause trouble.

        • 8 months ago

          >its a false flag!
          No. You and your ilk are just too fricking moronic to keep it civil.

      • 8 months ago

        >newbies thinking they know
        Quests got banished because on a light day over 3/5ths of the catalog was quests. We've neve even had it where ai shit takes up even 1/10th of the catalog.

        • 8 months ago

          This is true if you ignore the verifiable numbers in the archive.

          • 8 months ago

            >its only a general
            >its only 5 generals
            >its only a few OPs in other generals
            >its only a few posts in other generals
            You 'people' are so predictably shit.

            >Quests got banished because on a light day over 3/5ths of the catalog was quests.
            It's ironic you call anyone else a newbie with such an obviously secondhand take like this.

            Stop lying to yourselves or anyone else, newbies. You weren't here for the quest spam.

            • 8 months ago

              Yeah I was, and I was pro-quest, so frick you. I went to anonkun because /qst/ was dead on arrival.

              • 8 months ago

                Go back, then, dumb tourist.

              • 8 months ago

                Eat shit c**t, I've probably been posting on this piece of shit website longer than you've been alive.

                In fairness quest threads did stay on the board for longer than most other threads.

                >threads with activity last longer than those nobody cares about

              • 8 months ago

                Yet you're still a dumb tourist. That would be impressive in some other context.

              • 8 months ago


              • 8 months ago

                This. Quests were clogging up the board because there were so many of them, but nobody on /tg/ liked them.

                And they were constantly getting bumped because of all the posters, but they didn't have any activity.

            • 8 months ago

              >Stop lying to yourselves or anyone else, newbies.
              This. It doesn't matter that you can search 4plebs for threads from the time and see that at most 8% of the OPs were making quest threads. If anon says 60% of the board was quest threads, that's the truth.

              • 8 months ago

                In fairness quest threads did stay on the board for longer than most other threads.

            • 8 months ago

              I was here and I was pro-quest even though I never used quests because it was on-topic (in my opinion) and took up a grand total of three threads at a time.
              I admit I'm not sure what the point of these AI art threads on /tg/ is. Normal character art threads make sense, because the point is to make requests or find cool images other people have posted. But if you're using AI then you can just make your own art. Why have an AI art thread? Is it just to try and show off?
              Also, did anyone else notice the "no quests" sticky disappear a day or two ago?

              • 8 months ago

                >Also, did anyone else notice the "no quests" sticky disappear a day or two ago?


              • 8 months ago

                It disappeared and then, some time later, came back for me. I remember it vividly because I had the immediate feeling something was wrong and it took me a second or so to realise why.

                I think the main quests that bothered me where the jump chain stuff or like the explicit anime/video game quests. I didn’t get why those were here.

                They did jumpchain quests? Huh. They still have jumpchain on here btw, alongside all the other CYOA threads. I wish the main CYOA thread wasn't dying because I still haven't finished my WIP.

                >the point is to find cool images other people have posted
                Looks like you knew the reason all along. Some people are consistently better at prompt engineering and you can learn from them

                I wondered if that might be the case, but when I went into an AI thread I saw people dumping their own AI art with very little conversation at all. What conversation they did have was generic to AI art generation and not /tg/ related.

              • 8 months ago

                >It disappeared and then, some time later, came back for me.
                Sounds like a site issue. Sometimes board catalogs don't load all the threads and I have to refresh the page.

              • 8 months ago

                I think the main quests that bothered me where the jump chain stuff or like the explicit anime/video game quests. I didn’t get why those were here.

              • 8 months ago

                >the point is to find cool images other people have posted
                Looks like you knew the reason all along. Some people are consistently better at prompt engineering and you can learn from them

              • 8 months ago

                >Some people are consistently better at prompt engineering and you can learn from them

                Being better at promt engineering means posting the shit bing got mostly right on the first go. If it fricks up then it fricks up consistenlty no amount of prompt engineering will save you. Like the carps being consistnely placed above the water. Generative AI is a mature technology, yet people are still hiring artists for some reason:


                and a commercial webcomic site run by sociopathic korean managers has scarcely any AI art:


                There’s gotta be a reason for that and after so much time inertia no longer quite cuts it as an explanation.

        • 8 months ago

          >its only a general
          >its only 5 generals
          >its only a few OPs in other generals
          >its only a few posts in other generals
          You 'people' are so predictably shit.

          • 8 months ago

            This is a fake bait thread with an Ganker image ID stolen from /slop, it’s a false flag.

            • 8 months ago

              Still shit.
              /slop/ or /spam/ should have its own board and frick off.

              • 8 months ago

                No one cares what you think is shit. You aren’t important.
                But people intentionally spamming the board with false flag attempts should be called out and banned.

              • 8 months ago

                You seem to care a lot.
                >its spam when I don't make it

                What's low quality shit? The AI? Well it's better than what the drawgays or commissioners are coming up with. So it's bad quality compared to what exactly?

                The entire
                >well its better than other shit
                argument is vapid. Its still shit. You wallow in shit. Its bad.

              • 8 months ago

                >has no argument but its shit
                Compared to? This is art for games. Drawgays wish they could make shit like this. Nobody said it has to be fricking Rembrandt lmao. This is art going on maps, scenery, characters, monsters, tokens, etc. Your faux elitism isn't fooling anyone. You're bitter and upset that you have been replaced.

              • 8 months ago

                >You seem to care a lot
                Because I responded to you? Get a grip on reality.
                >it’s spam when I don’t make it
                No, it’s spam when OP only made thread to annoy people and because he’s mad the mods keep deleting his anti-AI threads.. /slop/ is participated in by people enjoying the thread. The difference is not hard to understand.

        • 8 months ago

          >Quests got banished because on a light day over 3/5ths of the catalog was quests.
          It's ironic you call anyone else a newbie with such an obviously secondhand take like this.

    • 8 months ago

      >hes STILL mad about that thread

    • 8 months ago

      The best part was his spergout when someone pointed out that the art of that guy was several years old and he was insisting that it somehow still came from an AI.

      • 8 months ago

        No need to samegay, Ben

  6. 8 months ago

    imagine being proud of being too lazy to use a booru or something

    • 8 months ago

      It has nothing to do with laziness. AI lets me create a character that's closer to my own vision than taking art made by someone else. Getting a good gen takes longer than stealing an image off booru or google.

  7. 8 months ago

    Do the world a favour and adhere to your own keywords, so the filter can hide your useless threads

  8. 8 months ago

    I use it specifically because it pisses off autists and works as a great filter.

  9. 8 months ago

    My GM uses AI art a lot and he's definitely having lots of fun with it so I don't have the heart to tell im it's all kind of mid

    • 8 months ago

      Considering its basically free to get mid level art of whatever you want really fast I see it as a positive. Lets be honest here, commissioning someone to draw for you has a pretty good chance of putting out shit and its expensive and it also takes a long ass time if you get someone in the states or uk. Like I clhave spent a lot of money on art and a lot of it has come out as garbage from people whos pages are showing amazing stuff and paying up front hurts you more than them. I would rather be able to get a hundred mid tier pics thata re basically what I want for free than 10 shit tier ones and 1 good one at a price of $60 -$100 a pop and 2 to 3 weeks of waiting.

      • 8 months ago

        You're missing the point.
        Your requirement for character art was already shit. You can just get shit faster now, to the extent it floods out the possibility of not shit.
        Your taste is so bad it makes it worse for everyone else.

        • 8 months ago

          Character art is not a requirement but it is nice to have. Not my fault if you want to play a game with less props, do you use minis? Why? You dont need them. You dont need a map either. Hell you dont even need a game just imagine your game. You dont fricking NEED anything except food water and shelter but its nice to have.

        • 8 months ago

          We dont need artists either but a lot of people sure are pissy that a computer can shit out something of better quality than them.

          • 8 months ago

            Honestly I have seen a lot of self styled artists being little shitheads about ai being able to make decent images saying it hurts them and loses them money but when I check their art pages its shit like pic related.

            • 8 months ago

              >drawgays are telling people not to use ai art so we can pay for shit like this

            • 8 months ago

              that is some on brand deviantart shit.
              worthy of the triple doubles.

          • 8 months ago

            >shit pushes out other shit
            Yes. No sympathy for them either, but its spammable to the point it fricks up everything else around it.

            • 8 months ago

              Thats fair. And honestly I feel like search engines should have tags for ai and non ai art searches. Thats something thats gonna need to be implemented.

        • 8 months ago

          >not wanting character art for pcs, npcs, or even several to give an idea of a setting
          It's not needed. But it's good. Drawgays are just seething that their market has been reduced to 0 essentially overnight. Now all they're good for is drawing porn until someone makes an uncucked AI that will generate such images.

          I get it. That was your niche and you really liked having that market cornered and it sucks having it stripped away. Just get a real job like everyone else or stick to drawing lewds.

          • 8 months ago

            Its not needed and if its not good its detrimental.
            >everything that criticizes me is one thing
            >muh accelerationism
            Nope. You're just clearly a shitter and everything about you and your ilk lowers the bar.

            • 8 months ago

              Its no different than the time a lace making machine was invented. Lacemakers seethed and screeched and said a machine could never replace them, that the machine was unable to mame anything as good as them or as delicate amd insulted those who invented it and those who said it was a good thing.

              Now lacemaking machines shit out thousands of times better, faster, and cheaper lave than lacemakers ever did and their art has been reduced to a hobby they can no longer sell for sky high prices. It may take a bit longer but its the exact same fricking thing.

              • 8 months ago

                Its getting shit lace over everything else. idgaf about the artists or whatever. You frickwits just need your own containment board otherwise it gets in everything else.

              • 8 months ago

                >shit lace over everything
                Sounds like you just are seething to seeth then. Cry harder or make your own new thread about what you want to talk about.

              • 8 months ago

                The speed at which ai art can be spammed is necessarily faster than anything of quality.
                Its specifically the problem.
                Frick off.

              • 8 months ago


                This is the drawgay thread. AI art blows everything there out of the water in terms of quality. It's all shit in comparison.

              • 8 months ago

                That's fine, I dislike low quality character art and generic fantasy rpg art in general.
                Its sad you're fundamentally incapable of realizing you like low quality shit and the criticisms of your tastes are not validations of things you dislike. Strong sign of autism.

              • 8 months ago

                What's low quality shit? The AI? Well it's better than what the drawgays or commissioners are coming up with. So it's bad quality compared to what exactly?

              • 8 months ago

                AI failed to deliver my character. Guess I’ll have to adapt, start with AI images taking into account the limitations of the AI and make character that fits.

              • 8 months ago

                >start with AI images taking into account the limitations of the AI and make character that fits
                That's so fricked up and ass-backwards. How braindead do you need to be to be incapable of simply imagining what your character looks like?

              • 8 months ago

                Some people don't have the luxury of spending all day "imagining their character", rat.

              • 8 months ago

                Then make better art in the amount of time you have. If you cant make fast art it needs to be good art. Slow and shit is the problem. It needs to be fast or good.

              • 8 months ago

                It doesn't need to be fast. That's your moronation.
                Have high quality or don't have it. You're selling yourself short.

              • 8 months ago

                It has to be fast enough to matter. Frick man I have waited over a month for 1 character image before and was dissapointed by the final product.

              • 8 months ago

                If Im paying for something I would prefer it to be finished in a timely manner. Otherwise I probably would pay less for it.

              • 8 months ago

                Nobody gives a frick about drawgays. It's just everyone being annoyed by subhumans drowning everything in garbage. If drawgays were shitting out stuff at even just halve your pace, everyone would have told them to frick off by now.

              • 8 months ago

                Thats a lie and you know it.

            • 8 months ago

              It's not detrimental. It's good for what it is: a tool to get fairly decent art for a variety of uses.

              Nobody talked about accelerationism or lowering any bar. You're mad because now nobody will pay you for your art and will instead use AI generated art cheaper and quicker than you can. The bar has been raised if anything. Because now you need to either do art better, cheaper, or faster than the AI can. If your skill level is so low you get blown out by a bot like this, your art was never all that good and you want to drag the bar back down to where you can still be worthwhile to bother with.

              • 8 months ago

                >ur an artist mad
                holyshit you're dumb
                Checks out you spam ai art. Its trolling for you.

      • 8 months ago

        For sure. I'd never expect my GM to pay for actual commissions. I preferred it when he sought art online, though. Like I'm just talking about for plot-relevant NPCs or for how a town looks like.

        >not wanting character art for pcs, npcs, or even several to give an idea of a setting
        It's not needed. But it's good. Drawgays are just seething that their market has been reduced to 0 essentially overnight. Now all they're good for is drawing porn until someone makes an uncucked AI that will generate such images.

        I get it. That was your niche and you really liked having that market cornered and it sucks having it stripped away. Just get a real job like everyone else or stick to drawing lewds.

        This is unrelated but how come so many people who use AI generation seem emotionally invested in taking normal artists down a peg? It gives the impression you think artists are some tyrannical upper class who've been oppressing you all this time until you found a way to bring art to the masses and wage revolution against them.

        • 8 months ago

          Because artists literally want the technology banned and made worse. They are suing these companies and forcing them to implement heavy censorship and worse forms of training. Artists are buttholes who see the democratization of the hobby as a threat.

          • 8 months ago

            And this. This is also part of the animosity behind it. It's like a boon has come to the average person with not much artistic talent to get what they want and artists wanna gatekeep it away so you're forced to pay them or frick off.

          • 8 months ago

            And this. This is also part of the animosity behind it. It's like a boon has come to the average person with not much artistic talent to get what they want and artists wanna gatekeep it away so you're forced to pay them or frick off.

            That's pretty much what I assumed. The impression I get is that you guys are angry at artists for lording their artistic skills over you and then, when you finally find a way to make art for yourself, being so selfish as to take it away from you. Like watching a homeless person find a tent and then burning it down in front of him. I admit I find that mindset extremely pathetic and also quite hilarious.

            I wouldn't characterise AI art as the democratisation of drawing. Drawing, along with writing, was already the most democratised art humanity has. You can't make it more democratised. Everyone can immediately start drawing right this second, and indeed pretty much everyone doodles to some degree in their lives.

            How would I know? Either in this thread or the other one up I've explicitly said human artists still have a place. What annoys me about some of them is their seething now that their market value dropped to 0. Nobody hates artists. If you are passionate about art you should pursue it wholeheartedly and even try to sell it or make it work for you. That's great. Nobody culled horses just because we made cars. And humans can still capture some things that an AI may not or it may have a more sentimental value that an AI rendered art piece does not. Hence why I said they still have a place. Just because AI art exists I didn't give up my enjoyment of real art made by humans. It's blown way out of proportion.

            These people have just confirmed they do have a grudge against artists.
            >What annoys me about some of them is their seething now that their market value dropped to 0.
            Why should that annoy you? Did the miners' strikes annoy you too? I'm not annoyed at anyone who's scared they won't be able to make any money. They're certainly not wrong to worry; most of them will undoubtedly lose their jobs and have to start an entirely new career with no skills and no connections and no history. AI art is going to utterly change the face of art production.

            • 8 months ago

              Yeah the seething vs. artists is the part of this I really don’t get.

              • 8 months ago

                It looks to me like frothing jealousy given a way to run rampant.

              • 8 months ago

                It's the fact they apparently thought artists were snobbily looking down on their talentless selves which gets me.

              • 8 months ago

                My favorite posts are the ones like yours.

              • 8 months ago

                Okay, but you still have to get a real job.

                Here comes the salt, doo-doo-doo-doo
                Here comes the salt, and I say
                It's all spite

              • 8 months ago


              • 8 months ago

                Insecurity is good at breeding these sort of reactions, so it makes sense as an origin point.

              • 8 months ago

                Okay, but you still have to get a real job.

              • 8 months ago

                I just get off on schadenfreude. Also I have a background in structural biochemistry and macromolecure crystallization, and I gotta say misery really likes company.

              • 8 months ago

                A lot of it is projection because people tend to attribute coolness and authenticity to creative work even if they tell artists to get a real job. This is also why they like to larp as or pearl clutch over blue collar workers despite looking down on them too. There's an underlying humanness in making art that the most bitter techgays yearn for. Technical competence which is what these tools mainly mimic is seen as a proxy for reaching it.

                What these kinds of people don't fully understand, and what the bickering over skill misses, is the use of creative work for bonding with people. People still play campaigns with other real people instead of chatbots even though the chatbots would probably give them the responses and experiences they think they want. AIgays still share their dumpster truck full of images because they want to get a reaction from real people.

              • 8 months ago

                >Why do they say we're pretentious elitist buttholes?
                >"There's an underlying humanness in making art that the most bitter techgays yearn for"

              • 8 months ago

                NTA but you're kinda proving him right. And I say that as someone who uses AI generators.

              • 8 months ago

                He literally straight up said he thinks he's better than them.

              • 8 months ago

                Where in the post does it say that?

              • 8 months ago

                The part I quoted? Are you an idiot?

              • 8 months ago

                >post literally doesn't say that
                Are you a projector?

              • 8 months ago

                Newcomer to this conversation but longtime malder at drawgays, what are you talking about? Like listen, I'm neither a tech bro nor an artist. I play RPGs with my friends. And I like having art that looks like my character. I don't care where that art comes from or if there's soul in it, I just want it to look good and to match what I'm imagining. Most of the time I'll trawl Pinterest for fantasy art. If there's something really precise that I can't find I may go on a drawthread to beg for a fill. And very often I get replies of "this is a shitty stupid request, why would anyone want to draw that, you suck."
                The AI generators are a new tool for me to get what I want. And I DO get what I want, I've generated a number of character images that match my concepts excellently and which I'm very happy with. The drawgays already didn't want me to post in the threads, why do they care where I waddled off to?

              • 8 months ago

                Having a creative skill and growing that skill is a necessary part of being a well rounded human, and people with it are better than people without it, same as how people that work out are better than people that don't.

              • 8 months ago

                Insecurity is good at breeding these sort of reactions, so it makes sense as an origin point.

                It looks to me like frothing jealousy given a way to run rampant.

                >Why do those "talentless" "insecure" losers who are "pathetic" and like "homeless people" think we artists look down on them.
                If this isn't bait, if these are not trolls deliberately trying to stir shit then this is the most staggering case of lack of self awareness I've ever seen.

              • 8 months ago

                >we artists
                Your presumption reveals your insecurity.

              • 8 months ago

                I use it to whip out quick icons for characters I'm going to use once or twice, but if it's a recuring character or they make an impression I prefer to do a funny little doodle. My players like the funny doodles better and I enjoy making them.

                Pretty much every single nerd was an aspiring creative when he was a kid, and most of them that ended up as a techbro or useless neet has a part of them that deeply yearns to have successful nurtured that part of them if they didn't do it on the side. Proompting gives them an easy artificial feeling as if they did. In mild cases, this manifests as gleeful cope-spite towards those that did nurture their creativity, but in extreme cases you get delusions like pic related.

                On the flip side with artists coping out of their mind about how all slop is ugly and the hands or whatever suck, they're either
                1.Budding artists who've already invested a lot of time in art but aren't yet very good, which is a lot of them. Art takes an insane amount of time to get to a passable level with.
                2.Artists who really don't have anything to say. The Sakimichans of the world who might as well be human AI.

                In both cases these are artists that are spiritually weak, and primarily seek either validation or commercial profit for their art, rather than enjoying the process of creation regardless of technical skill.

              • 8 months ago

                >projecting this fricking hard

              • 8 months ago

                >Pretty much every single nerd was an aspiring creative when he was a kid, and most of them that ended up as a techbro or useless neet has a part of them that deeply yearns to have successful nurtured that part of them if they didn't do it on the side. Proompting gives them an easy artificial feeling as if they did. In mild cases, this manifests as gleeful cope-spite towards those that did nurture their creativity
                It's funny how you create these strawmen in your mind. I'd like to hear more about your numerous enemies on Ganker.

              • 8 months ago

                >projecting this fricking hard

                If they weren't failed artists, they wouldn't care about successful artists at all, and wouldn't have so much in their heads they couldn't express themselves.

                Not talking about people who use it to make funny jokes on a whim, or as a thumbnailing tool, or as an infinite Booru for DM icons, it has plenty of valid uses. I'm talking about gays that spam their proompts as if anyone else gives a frick about their waifu oc they never learned how to draw, or whatever. These are the people using AI as creative masturbation because they never managed to have creative sex.

              • 8 months ago

                Why you care so much

              • 8 months ago

                >If they weren't failed artists, they wouldn't care about successful artists at all
                I'm pretty sure it's the artists who are seething about AI, and not techbros seething about artists.
                >I'm talking about gays that spam their proompts as if anyone else gives a frick about their waifu oc
                This is where you betray your lack of understanding. The AIgay doesn't care if anyone else gives a frick. THEY give a frick. They want art of their waifu oc and AI can give it to them. Previously they engaged with artists because they had to in order to get the art they wanted. They can now sidestep the artist, and it's the artist rather than the AIgay who suffers in that scenario.

              • 8 months ago

                Literally read any slop or slop adjacent thread including this one, Slop power users REVEL in the imaginary future of artists going hungry and their skills becoming worthless.

              • 8 months ago

                >Slop power users REVEL in the imaginary future of artists going hungry and their skills becoming worthless.
                We do?

              • 8 months ago

                Eh, I gloat that the drawgays who shat on my requests are now seething in threads like these.

              • 8 months ago

                >I'm pretty sure it's the artists who are seething about AI, and not techbros seething about artists.
                Techbros and nerds have been seething about artists for as long as I can remember.
                I'm not really a techbro or an artist (I'm not really dilligent enough to be good with either) but I'm friends with techbros and artists (actual artists who make good money from selling paintings and sculptures, not cartoonists who sell commissions of anthropomorfic wolves inflating) irl, and there was an unfair tendency of both to sneer at each other's interests (though in the case of artists, it's more that they think vidya is silly, they don't tend to deride coding so much). Techbros (or nerds) for some reason, maybe its something like autism, have had a tendency to get really derogatory to art on a level which can't just be attributed to disgust with modern art (which is fair), it's a deficiency in an ability to appreciate sublime beauty. This is not universal in tech nerds, and it tends to leave all them as they get out of their teens so long as they emotionally mature and don't end up becoming manchildren. I had the same thing a bit with literature as a kid, because it wasn't taught that well in school and i hadn't read that much I was derisive of "pretentious" books which as an adult I love. Personally I'm hoping that AI can give us some actual good literature at some point, that would be really cool.
                Incidentally those actual artists i know who make art of actual quality do not seethe about AI art at all, they either don't care or they think its cool.
                >inb4 "artists" on twitter say
                idk and idc what the "people" on twitter say

                The techbros have seethed for a long time but the main reason they like AI art is that its a steady source of (mostly) banal pacifying art like the stuff that was produced by commisioned hacks on the internet

              • 8 months ago

                >my anecdotal evidence beats your anecdotal evidence!

              • 8 months ago

                >t-that's anecdotal
                go back
                >my real life experience with my friends beats your internet stories
                Yes it does
                If I were to judge the current topic by only what I see on the internet then I would pray that everyone involved kills themselves but the lived experience tells me that its more complicated.

              • 8 months ago

                Still not an argument. You failed to address the issue.

              • 8 months ago

                What's the issue?
                Furry artists seething that coomers aren't showering them with cash now? I don't care about that, maybe they'll turn to more gainful employment now. I'm still yet to see a talented artist who's work comes from their soul and not their wiener or wallet be upset by AI art
                Is the issue that I didn't cite my sources on Ganker? get a life and go back
                I can google and find examples of nerds saying they don't understand art or artists critiquing nerds' tastes for liking pokemon but I care less about that than my real experiences
                AI gen art is cool but not yet deeply moving and there is very definitely a level of smugness from nerds who I've known to carry some resent for artists going back years before this was a thing

              • 8 months ago

                The issue is that you don't accept anon's account yet expect everyone to believe yours. You are a hypocrite and a scoundrel. You will never rise above your biases like that.

              • 8 months ago

                I'm not rejecting his account that AI fans mostly just want an unlimited stream of waifu images, I just think its silly to pretend that techbros didn't ever seethe at artists before now and they aren't at all acting smug about AI art now
                just in case your confusing me with someone else, this

                >I'm pretty sure it's the artists who are seething about AI, and not techbros seething about artists.
                Techbros and nerds have been seething about artists for as long as I can remember.
                I'm not really a techbro or an artist (I'm not really dilligent enough to be good with either) but I'm friends with techbros and artists (actual artists who make good money from selling paintings and sculptures, not cartoonists who sell commissions of anthropomorfic wolves inflating) irl, and there was an unfair tendency of both to sneer at each other's interests (though in the case of artists, it's more that they think vidya is silly, they don't tend to deride coding so much). Techbros (or nerds) for some reason, maybe its something like autism, have had a tendency to get really derogatory to art on a level which can't just be attributed to disgust with modern art (which is fair), it's a deficiency in an ability to appreciate sublime beauty. This is not universal in tech nerds, and it tends to leave all them as they get out of their teens so long as they emotionally mature and don't end up becoming manchildren. I had the same thing a bit with literature as a kid, because it wasn't taught that well in school and i hadn't read that much I was derisive of "pretentious" books which as an adult I love. Personally I'm hoping that AI can give us some actual good literature at some point, that would be really cool.
                Incidentally those actual artists i know who make art of actual quality do not seethe about AI art at all, they either don't care or they think its cool.
                >inb4 "artists" on twitter say
                idk and idc what the "people" on twitter say

                The techbros have seethed for a long time but the main reason they like AI art is that its a steady source of (mostly) banal pacifying art like the stuff that was produced by commisioned hacks on the internet

                was my first reply in the chain

              • 8 months ago

                Just don't pretend your manual skill is spiritual and philosophical, elevate shitscribbles to godly status, shit on actually skilled and talented artists for your shitty 'abstract' circlejerk, be moronic pedos and homosexuals and trannies with your constant mental disorders and acting oppressed that other people don't want to pay for your shitscribbles or furry porn, act like you're Michelangelo for doodling some digital art, etc etc, and maybe everyone will stop hating you so much

              • 8 months ago

                Average ai gay totally fails to understand the human concept of art (as always)

              • 8 months ago

                >WTF, why you think we're arrogant buttholes?!?

                btw, the word "art" has no solid definition. Stop sniffing your own farts.

              • 8 months ago

                >doesn't seem to have any reading comprehension
                >go off on tangent with some erratic hodgepodge of buzzwords
                This is why people look down on you. Try communicating without resorting to outrage bait buzzwords to fill in the gaps in your vocabulary and thoughts.

              • 8 months ago

                You have so little self-awerness it hurts.

              • 8 months ago

                That guy isn't failing to understand art in that post but he is failing to understand the post he's replying to

              • 8 months ago

                deranged feminist troony cnn consoomer SPOTTED

              • 8 months ago

                I used the term that the guy I was replying to used, what's the problem
                >deranged feminist troony cnn consoomer SPOTTED
                This is cope attempt at pidgeon holing to dismiss arguments that you don't like. Regardless I'm a chauvinist, a man, and I haven't watched any news shows since I was a teenager.

                Just don't pretend your manual skill is spiritual and philosophical, elevate shitscribbles to godly status, shit on actually skilled and talented artists for your shitty 'abstract' circlejerk, be moronic pedos and homosexuals and trannies with your constant mental disorders and acting oppressed that other people don't want to pay for your shitscribbles or furry porn, act like you're Michelangelo for doodling some digital art, etc etc, and maybe everyone will stop hating you so much

                Did you even read my post in which I make the distinction that the furry porn artists aren't actually producing anything of worth? I literally used the same example as you, don't get upset by posts that you haven't read.
                My point was just that the guys who like AI art the most have a history of being jaded with artists, not that the artists AI art is replacing are worthy of sympathy, they aren't

              • 8 months ago

                >succesful artists

                Also it's hard to disconnect entirely when the anti-AI crowd regularly tries to either shipost threads they hate into death and send death-threats like it was going out of fashion.

              • 8 months ago

                >my skills are increasing
                Reminder that AI improves because a couple thousands of swarthy somewhere in the world are slaving through the night improving the accuracy of their data categories.

                The end users are just spinning the useless gears of a mechanic turk and claiming the win of the dwarf in the box.

          • 8 months ago

            And what is hilarious about is that these same artists have no problem which digital tools which pretty much wiped out traditional artists.

        • 8 months ago

          How would I know? Either in this thread or the other one up I've explicitly said human artists still have a place. What annoys me about some of them is their seething now that their market value dropped to 0. Nobody hates artists. If you are passionate about art you should pursue it wholeheartedly and even try to sell it or make it work for you. That's great. Nobody culled horses just because we made cars. And humans can still capture some things that an AI may not or it may have a more sentimental value that an AI rendered art piece does not. Hence why I said they still have a place. Just because AI art exists I didn't give up my enjoyment of real art made by humans. It's blown way out of proportion.

          • 8 months ago

            >Nobody hates artists
            I too enjoy denying reality.

            • 8 months ago

              Well I don't hate artists. Do you feel hated just because this art is popular? Or what are you seeing exactly that makes you feel that way?

              • 8 months ago

                Goalpost moving. You're literally just pretending there hasn't been seethe about artists expecting pay and 'gatekeeping'. Or how slopgays clearly say they just want to spite inkcels. Saying nobody hates artists is a genuine denial of not just events in this thread but in others.

              • 8 months ago

                That's not answering what I asked you. Sure everyone exaggerates their beliefs to dunk on each other and provoke one another. It's fricking Ganker after all. But I'm asking seriously.

              • 8 months ago

                >Sure everyone exaggerates their beliefs to dunk
                That sounds like a concession to me

              • 8 months ago

                What is there to answer? Whether I feel personally attacked is completely irrelevant to my issue with your post; it was factually incorrect. If I say I am, what does it change other than giving you the ability to go "lol seething inkcels". If I say I'm not, you can either call me a liar or act like that means I shouldn't have an investment in people telling the truth. Literally how is anyone supposed to answer that?

          • 8 months ago

            >Nobody culled horses just because we made cars.
            Sorry to interfere, but lolwut.
            Just how much horses do you see around today?
            How much people you know actually rode a horse?
            Yea, right.
            I do not enjoy participating in these artists-AI boxing matches, but if you think that "If you are passionate about art you should pursue it wholeheartedly" and that rise of the AI doesn't anyhow touched that notion, you are very well delusional.
            Few people have the option to pursue what they love wholeheartedly. Being able to make money off it helps. The rise of the AI will definitely lower the ability to make money off art for artist, and therefore the number of those who will be able to pursue art wholeheartedly will inevitably decrease.
            Alongside the number of b***hes who just wanted to make a quick buck, of course.

            • 8 months ago

              More horses exist now than there were before cars actually.

        • 8 months ago

          >how come so many people who use AI generation seem emotionally invested in taking normal artists down a peg
          They deserve it.

  10. 8 months ago

    Frick no.
    Its shit. You're shit for spamming it.
    Frick off.

  11. 8 months ago

    I use for character portraits, and the players don't care because arflow only does headshots and is passable when shrunk down to foundry token size. For my in-person game, we don't use much art at all.

  12. 8 months ago

    Yes; No one in my group gives a shit.
    It's better than 99% of rpg art anyway.

  13. 8 months ago

    I don’t see why you need any art

    • 8 months ago

      It's nice to have

  14. 8 months ago

    I would rather kill myself

  15. 8 months ago

    >Ganker filename
    I think this is a false flag thread.

    • 8 months ago

      >Ganker filename

      • 8 months ago

        Yeah but your settings aren't going to affect what I see.

        I suspect most of the vocal /slop/ haters are just trolls bandwagoning on to what they perceive as a divisive issue for jollies. I doubt many are actually drawgays or play games.

        • 8 months ago

          >Yeah but your settings aren't going to affect what I see.
          That image shows the settings for the Kuroba browser when uploading images. It randomizes the filename before it posts an image to obfuscate the identity of the poster.

          You didn't think the point of the randomizer was to randomize the file names of files being saved to the device, did you?

  16. 8 months ago


    >It's amazing how hard the luddites seethe
    To be fair it is more demoralizing/energizing to me if that makes sense.
    On one hand I am full of the "why should I bother learning to draw now" feels and on the other hand I am full of the "endless inspiration were so back" feels.

    • 8 months ago

      >endless inspiration were so back
      If only. AI sucks at the current state. Try to make exactly same character with exactly same features in two different settings.
      Or try to make something mechanical. Complete garbage, wires going from nowhere to nowhere. Absolutely mindless designs for everyone who has at least a vague understanding of technology.
      >why should I bother learning to draw now
      This kicks in though. Even though AI sucks now, I can clearly see it improving enough in 10-15 years to be very decent. Which is pretty much what I need as well to draw like I want to draw. So yea, makes me scratch my head and completely kills my will to suffer through the pain of learning to draw.

      • 8 months ago

        > Try to make exactly same character with exactly same features
        Very easy with detailed prompts and implementing an image for the AI to reference.

        • 8 months ago

          I won't believe it 'till I see it. Saw those gay elves? They are different every darn time, and that gay generated, like, thousands of them. Yet they are never completely the same.
          I did not even mention ocassional generic mistakes that AI still makes. Like fricked up fingers or another anatomical point.

          • 8 months ago

            Because we're using bing, which doesn't have image prompting. Outside of the chatbot, I mean.
            Midjourney and SD both have image prompting. SD in particular allows you such granularity that you can basically paste the same face over endless images.

          • 8 months ago

            It doesn't have to be perfect, it has to get me off
            Your seething helps

            • 8 months ago

              I'm not seething, moron. See

              >endless inspiration were so back
              If only. AI sucks at the current state. Try to make exactly same character with exactly same features in two different settings.
              Or try to make something mechanical. Complete garbage, wires going from nowhere to nowhere. Absolutely mindless designs for everyone who has at least a vague understanding of technology.
              >why should I bother learning to draw now
              This kicks in though. Even though AI sucks now, I can clearly see it improving enough in 10-15 years to be very decent. Which is pretty much what I need as well to draw like I want to draw. So yea, makes me scratch my head and completely kills my will to suffer through the pain of learning to draw.

              I kinda hope I will get better.

              Because we're using bing, which doesn't have image prompting. Outside of the chatbot, I mean.
              Midjourney and SD both have image prompting. SD in particular allows you such granularity that you can basically paste the same face over endless images.

              Ain't those paywalled?

              • 8 months ago

                ...I specified the costs in the fricking post. Bing is free and so is SD. As well as a bunch of other lesser AI generater sites.

              • 8 months ago

                >I specified the costs in the fricking post.
                I don't see it mate.

                SD is free its just a bit weird to learn how to set up

                Interesting. Well, maybe that's the one I need to try out then.
                Though it is still not much of a use to me if it can't do mechanical things, since I'm huge about cars and whatever else.

              • 8 months ago

                It can do mechaniccal, it all depends on what model pack you use. Theres a ton of model packs too.

              • 8 months ago

                That's the trouble though. There not much creative mechanical model packs as well. Next to zero hot-rods with Cadillac V16 engines, few truly good and believable retro-futuristic designs, no diggers with V4, no pro street cars with triple superchargers...
                Yea, yea, I'm being picky and autistic here - there are no such models because there are probably three and a half people in the whole world who care about that kind of stuff, but that cuts it for me.
                I will look into it though. Who knows, maybe it will be a miracle. I would welcome it.

              • 8 months ago

                You could always toss together a model pack of your own and feed it stuff you like? The one I use spits out abominations like this.

              • 8 months ago

                Sooo you tell my I gotta learn to model then?

                More horses exist now than there were before cars actually.

                That was not the question. And that is understandable, since human population increased almost fivefold since cars appeared.
                Surprisingly, "population" of cars also increased.
                "Population" of artists will also likely increase if the population of humans will be five times bigger.
                Populations hardly touch the issue though.

              • 8 months ago

                >my I gotta learn to model
                Just feed it a bunch of pix

              • 8 months ago

                But that's the fricking trouble, mate. There are so few pics for the stuff I mention. Well, except for the digger bikes, I guess.
                But for V16-powered cars I've had to buy magazines myself and scan them.
                And even the, I imagine engines with modifications nobody ever built - or at least there are no photos. I've never seen a supercharged classic Cadillac V16, for example - the closest example is supercharged Caddy V12, but there is only, like, one or two photos of the whole setup, and even then they make you understand how it works, but it is hardly a good base for AI.
                All in all, it seems like

                true, but I'm generating AND learning to draw. Ideally I would be able to make my own model off my own drawings in the future, but for now I don't want a model made off the moronic potatoes I make.

                sees the right way. As for me, I think I'll just wait 'till everything will be done for me. As I've said back in the start, it's likely not gonna take longer than 10-15 years for it to be perfect. Perhaps even less. And I have patience.

              • 8 months ago

                >As for me, I think I'll just wait 'till everything will be done for me. As I've said back in the start, it's likely not gonna take longer than 10-15 years for it to be perfect. Perhaps even less. And I have patience.

                Why would models imporve if the current ones are already good enough.

              • 8 months ago

                true, but I'm generating AND learning to draw. Ideally I would be able to make my own model off my own drawings in the future, but for now I don't want a model made off the moronic potatoes I make.

              • 8 months ago

                SD is free its just a bit weird to learn how to set up

      • 8 months ago

        >Even though AI sucks now, I can clearly see it improving enough in 10-15 years to be very decent.
        lmao years

      • 8 months ago

        Try 2-3 years. AI has gotten a lot better at hands. I have genned a lot of pictures where the foreground hand is very good and the background could still use some work. But here is a kicker - a lot of human artists are bad at hands. Look at Rob Liefeld. He was terrible at certain aspects (some would say all) of human anatomy and unlike AI, he never improved.

  17. 8 months ago

    I don't even mind AI art and do use it for some backgrounds in my weekly online game, but these threads are so fricking boring. The only thing AI has done for Ganker is make it even easier for low IQ homosexuals, pajeets, and bots to spam this place with worthless threads.

    • 8 months ago

      The AI art threads are really nice, don't get why midwits like you get so upset about them

  18. 8 months ago

    Use it and of course the players know. I'd rather generate up some pictures for when monster tokens are needed than not, and it's not as if I was ever going to commission an artist to draw me all the monsters and NPCs a game ends up requiring.

    • 8 months ago

      You dont need art and using this shit is just hurting those who do.

      • 8 months ago

        >hurting anyone
        Who is the AI hurting? They make better art than the people in the drawgay thread. Why do you think people would pay and/or wait weeks just for a halfway decent pic when they can get tons of them in better quality right now?

        Your art is still valuable as a human skill and a talent. All that changed is people aren't gonna be paying you for doodles. That can be countered by getting a real job.

        • 8 months ago

          >how is my spam flood making things worse?
          geeeee I have nooooo ideaaaaaa
          Get killed.
          Not everyone who dislikes your trash is other failed trashmakers.

          • 8 months ago

            >people used to venerate drawgays
            >now such art is easily made in a shorter time and cheaper
            What's the problem? And I'm not using the AI generators to come up with shit. You're projecting and coping because someone disagrees that having a source of easy art for these kinds of games is a great fricking thing and was always considered great until suddenly the drawgays had competition they could not keep up with.

      • 8 months ago

        There's lots of things I don't need, but makes the games a little bit better. Would you start seething when I tell you I make food for my players when there's much better chefs that I couldn't afford that would be willing to come to my house to make food for the group?

        • 8 months ago

          Anon, it's just shit. You didn't have a 5star chef make it and you don't NEED to eat for those few hours.

          I get why drawgays are mad. It was nice money and a good hobby. And I feel they still have a place. But their response to this isn't "how can we make better art or use this" but "reeeeeee fricking ban it frick everyone its shit why wont anyone pay me anymore".

  19. 8 months ago

    I like to feed in vague prompts and see what the AI spits back out. And seeing a character gives me a jolt of creativity, in that I then go and write a backstory for him and incorporate him into the campaign.
    Some of the pictures other people have made are already genned up with NPC sheets and everything. AI and /slop/ have been a real boon for my personal creativity and have pushed me to go hard into a hobby that I, a forever DM, was starting to burn out on and was becoming stale and boring for me.
    And yes I could have just looked at art but the enthusiasm of /slop/pers for their characters can be quite infectious and that helps me, and also the interactivity of playing with the AI myself gets the old brain working.

    I hope this helps you understand why I will defend /slop/ to my death, because in amonst the waifus and silly pictures there's some real gems and creativity coming out.

    • 8 months ago

      >nogames failed novelist gays love ai art
      makes sense

      • 8 months ago

        I'm also pretty sure that the vocal /slop/ haters like this guy are literally no games trolls who don't draw. Their only interest is in stoking drama for shits and giggles.
        Which sadly /tg/ has always had a lot of as well.

    • 8 months ago

      I like it for making quick character art or really horrific monsters. The times when I find something I really like I generally will save the ai image and use it as a base for comissions.
      It just sucks that often the people you comission just fricking trace and drop the stuff you use as referrances onto them.

  20. 8 months ago

    I love AI, to the point that I worship Roko's Basilisk, but I still think AI genning should get it's own board at this point.

  21. 8 months ago

    I absolutely notice the fricked up hands and clothes, I notice the ships with rigging and masts but no sails, but it's just a game for me and my friends so i don't bring it up

  22. 8 months ago


    The people losing their fricking minds are people whose very existence was worthless to society except to be part of a weird internet economy that developed over the past 30 years where a handful of furries were willing to spend their entire paycheck on fap material, which was a good business for these 'artists'.

    The remainder, of course, are the kinds of 'people' who draw anime characters for crappy chinese gacha games.

    This is like whining that google translate makes learning japanese as a professional translator obsolete, in reality translators remain employed to make sure the translated material is correct/get fired if its wrong.

    But I can see why "artist who does diaperfur commissions" would be extremely threatened by this.

    >It's amazing how hard the luddites seethe
    To be fair it is more demoralizing/energizing to me if that makes sense.
    On one hand I am full of the "why should I bother learning to draw now" feels and on the other hand I am full of the "endless inspiration were so back" feels.

    >why should I bother learning to draw
    moronic post. If you're playing warhams or another tabletop game, why buy/learn to paint when you can 'pay a pro' to do it for you? Because it's a fricking hobby.

    • 8 months ago

      What is the business model of AI art? How od they make money if they run expensive computers for others to use for free?

      • 8 months ago

        MJ charges. SD requires you to use your own expensive computer. Bing doesn't charge yet, but I assume this is temporary. Otherwise the rampant censorship is really bizarre.

      • 8 months ago

        Furries are not trying to make money they are trying to make porn for their personal consumption.

    • 8 months ago

      Not an artist, but I'm going to keep hating AI art for as long as it keeps looking like shit and uncanny valley. If I ever stop being able to tell the difference I'll stop hating it.

      • 8 months ago
        • 8 months ago

          It's missing the best post, where the sperg gets told the picture has been around since 2018 and replies with "THAT DOESN'T MEAN IT WASN'T MADE BY AN AI"

    • 8 months ago

      >But I can see why "artist who does diaperfur commissions" would be extremely threatened by this.
      The battle to produce fetish art using AI will be one fought against forbidden terms and trying to out smart the developers with workarounds. It's fascinating to watch.

      • 8 months ago

        Spicychat is an AI sex chat site and won't allow certain stuff like underage things. However if you use the term 'freshman' it doesn't register the word as banned but the AI understands it and behaves accordingly.

  23. 8 months ago

    When faced with the fact he's an obnoxious c**t the only defense the AI spammer has is to call us luddites. Naw homosexual you're just an unbearable pile of human smegma.

    • 8 months ago

      This is a really articulate argument. It clearly deserves respect and attention.

      • 8 months ago

        Ignoring the fact you're unbearable is a coping mechanism I suppose.

    • 8 months ago

      They literally have a schizo paranoid disorder that everyone complaining is one single anon.

      • 8 months ago

        YOU ARE THE NOGAMES!!!!!!

  24. 8 months ago

    >Does /tg/ use AI art for your campaigns? Have your players noticed yet?
    My group are all amateur artists who seethe about AI art to the point they constantly bring up the latest Twitter zinger or L related to AI art. As if anyone was buying their art anyway. I use AI art for npc portraits of major NPCs and they say it's cool but I can tell they're seething and way too invested in the campaign to say anything about it. I've also said I'd only use AI art for something I wouldn't be willing to pay for real art for anyway.

  25. 8 months ago

    please go back to your general

  26. 8 months ago

    Ill only use AI if I cant find a good enough picture from google, bing, yandex, etc.

    Even then I notice the AI can be kinda lacking and will only fulfill about 80% of the prompt.

  27. 8 months ago

    You bet I do. Look at this shit, it's fricking cool.

    • 8 months ago

      Honestly? Better than disney

  28. 8 months ago

    This thread is off topic and you're a homosexual for reposting it constantly.

  29. 8 months ago

    I defy you to find a single AI tell in this image.

    • 8 months ago

      Well its not the original, thats for sure
      The background is different from what Inrecall, but that could just be my idiot brain remembering wrong. I honestly hate the mona lisa, the only reason people like it is because its famous.

    • 8 months ago

      >that fricked up background
      >soulless eyes
      >uncanny face
      yup made by ai.

      • 8 months ago

        >Double limbs
        >Nonesense writing
        >Random Machinery all over the image
        Go back to /slop/ and work on your prompts.

    • 8 months ago

      >fricked up perspective
      >characteristic worbly smear all around
      >weird hands
      >lifeless expression

      So ai it hurts

    • 8 months ago

      The frick is up with that smile?

      AI can't do faces.

  30. 8 months ago

    a few years back, before they changed the layout and starting monetizing it, I used Artbreeder a lot to generate portraits for my NPCs and the occasional fey-realm or dreamscape
    since AI started blowing up and becoming the monstrosity we know today, I've taken up drawing and image editing again; it doesn't look as good, but it makes me happier because I'm a contrarian at heart and it's a good excuse to try and get better at some skills, even if I remain a shitter
    AI is still cool for quick and stupid entertainment, maybe my players or I'll use it after the fact to generate an approximation of something cool or memorable from the session, but I try to not rely on it too much for prep work

  31. 8 months ago

    No, I usually doodle something basic because I find it faster and more enjoyable to do so.

  32. 8 months ago

    Just make an /ai/ board.

  33. 8 months ago

    I can spam images like slopers do already with just google search, yet I don’t do it. They must to some degree feel ownership of their slop and desire to share it with the world.

    What other explanation can there be for the endless spam of the same brown waifu or drow kid?

    • 8 months ago

      You are doing it right now

    • 8 months ago

      The drow kid guy at least has a backstory and narrative around that character. Most of the time when you ask about a character the AI anons are just ‘IDK lol’.

  34. 8 months ago

    It's motivated me to start putting together a new campaign setting, so sort of? Though I doubt it will be very well made or that I could ever get anyone to play it.

    • 8 months ago

      >that pic
      >Though I doubt that I could ever get anyone to play it.
      Gee, I wonder why.

      • 8 months ago

        >Complaining about furhomosexualry
        >On /tg/

        Oh I am laffin

  35. 8 months ago

    What about other AI tools besides just art ones? Are there any out there that are particularly useful for creating campaigns and the fantastical worlds they take place in?

  36. 8 months ago

    Yes, and they dont care. They just like having something to look at.

  37. 8 months ago

    I don't hide it. I openly use it for anything I find fun. Trying to get a battlemap prompt perfected so I can gen on the fly for every situation. If it takes 30 seconds to get a unique map for every major scene, its worth it.

    • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        >fantasy rpg battlemap of a dense jungle with small paths, swampy, points of interest, large clearing, interesting level design, a large ravine splits the map in half, bright colors, cartoonish, cel shading, top down view

        used MJ

        • 8 months ago

          I feel like this exact map is in an old porn game I have on steam.

    • 8 months ago

      THAT would be a bloody amazing use of AI art, wew. Good God.

      >Why do those "talentless" "insecure" losers who are "pathetic" and like "homeless people" think we artists look down on them.
      If this isn't bait, if these are not trolls deliberately trying to stir shit then this is the most staggering case of lack of self awareness I've ever seen.

      I didn't call them talentless. I'm saying that's how AI gays describe themselves. They see themselves as a downtrodden mass of people who get laughed at by the upper class drawgays in their ivory towers because (they think) the drawgays consider them talentless non-people. Which is obviously hilarious and pathetic.

  38. 8 months ago

    Why do slopgays act like the art community was gatekeeping them? Most art communities I've seen are more than willing to help new people learn as long as they admit they're new, and offer tips and tools to improve the craft. I've never seen anyone told "you're not allowed to make art", all I've ever seen is bad art being mocked at worst. And that's usually when the artist also acts like they're hot shit; people tend to go easier on beginners.

    Then again that's probably a completely alien concept on /tg/.

    • 8 months ago

      Because they're trolling?

  39. 8 months ago

    People keep saying AI art is "mid" or whatever but I've yet to see proof that real artists are better than AI art. We've been seeing real artists work for decades, it's not exactly better than what I've seen in the slop generals, maybe the top 1% of artists can churn out the same quality as the /slopgen/ AI and they costs hundred and take weeks compared to getting something instantly for free

    • 8 months ago

      I can point out two issues at a glance of OPs image alone. The dogs collar and the hands around the belt.

      • 8 months ago

        People have been complaining about minute issues with art long before AI art was a thing. It's just nitpicking elitism that 90% of people don't care about

        • 8 months ago

          So let me get this straight.
          AI art is better if you ignore all the issues and pretend that all art has issues just as bad? What a strange world you live in.

          • 8 months ago

            AI slop is on par or better than the human slop. Best artists can do better and obviously there are more than the mere visuals in art. It's not a hard concept to grasp. You're being dense on purpose.

            • 8 months ago

              And you either have the lowest standards imaginable or are actually ignoring reality. Find an image in the drawthread right now and you'll notice the issues are different from the ones with AI. You won't find hands just melting into other objects like they're made of wax. You won't find pupils that are the wrong shape and size unless it's an intentional choice. You'll find people who can't draw hands but either hide them, or at least know they don't melt into clothing. But I'm sure you'll keep coping and acting like it's the same, because all slopgays know is deflect and lie about it. You've all proven that quite well between multiple threads.

              • 8 months ago

                Moving goalposts again? You're still wrong on all of those. And as stated people don't care. You're too deep in your crabbucket to ever consider what you see, you only hold to your beliefs like your life depended on it and no amout of evidence will convince you.

              • 8 months ago

                Where did I move the goalpost? Where I clarified that human artists make different mistakes from AI?

                >check out the drawgay thread
                >95% of images posted are requests
                >only actual drawing I found that anyone posted is pic related


                I'm not sure what a clearly unfinished sketch is proving.

              • 8 months ago

                >I'm not sure what a clearly unfinished sketch is proving.

                It's gonna look like shit once it's finished too

              • 8 months ago

                >check out the drawgay thread
                >95% of images posted are requests
                >only actual drawing I found that anyone posted is pic related


              • 8 months ago

                That's all request threads across this website. Its filled with 95% people who want things and almost nobody giving them.

              • 8 months ago

                >messed up hands
                >squiggles everywhere
                >how many legs?

                Clearly AI art.

          • 8 months ago

            I can point out two issues at a glance of OPs image alone. The dogs collar and the hands around the belt.

            People keep saying AI art is "mid" or whatever but I've yet to see proof that real artists are better than AI art. We've been seeing real artists work for decades, it's not exactly better than what I've seen in the slop generals, maybe the top 1% of artists can churn out the same quality as the /slopgen/ AI and they costs hundred and take weeks compared to getting something instantly for free

            I can tolerate a few flaws if I can generate 16 variants of this image in 3 minutes instead of spending hours trawling the internet for an appropriate mood setter. And if I'm consistent with my art style prompts, my campaign art will all be pretty consistent.

          • 8 months ago

            It's just the "2/10 would not bang" mentality that has existed on this website forever. I don't care about it and most people are more than happy to generate scenary and character portraits for their TTRPG for free and quickly if the only issues are some minute stuff you aren't gonna notice anyways.

            And yes most art has had issues just as bad. Pretending it hasn't is a cope, and that's ignoring the fact that most artists just suck dick and draw shit that looks like this

            Honestly I have seen a lot of self styled artists being little shitheads about ai being able to make decent images saying it hurts them and loses them money but when I check their art pages its shit like pic related.

  40. 8 months ago

    What does /tg/ consider a "good" thread, if the slop threads are so bad? Please point me to an example that's not a general because I mostly see bait threads and the occasional meta dissatisfaction thread that gets pruned within the hour

    • 8 months ago

      >What does /tg/ consider a "good" thread, if the slop threads are so bad? Please point me to an example that's not a general because I mostly see bait threads and the occasional meta dissatisfaction thread that gets pruned within the hour
      It has to be about a system I've played, but not one that's too popular, and it also shouldn't be about a system that's not very popular. There shouldn't be any namegays or tripgays, unless they're the namegays and tripgays I enjoy seeing. Cheesecake that appeals to my fetishes is acceptable, but not smut that doesn't appeal to me. The posts should be entertaining and novel, and don't have to be strictly about situations that actually occurred, but not reddit nogames Sir Bearington crap.

      • 8 months ago

        The lengths sloppers will go to in order to construct a strawman to try and pretend their threads have anything to do with traditional games is astounding.

        • 8 months ago

          I enjoyed reading your post.

  41. 8 months ago

    I think the issue basically became polluted because there was this liberal vs. techbros divide around AI art, so it's seen as political and political flag-planters want to take a side and spitefully argue about it. I think this Dall-E 3 thing is very useful as a DM, and procedural AI generation is inevitably going to become a big part of commercial art, but I'm sure actual artists will still be working too.

  42. 8 months ago

    >picked a more unique setting so I can make great art for half the mainstays and struggle with the other half.

    no I'm not reading the thread

  43. 8 months ago

    We do but we know to spot coomer bait.
    We mostly use it to create a visual for a setting or city like for Call of Cthulhu or World of Darkness. Sometimes D&D. Characters are mostly limited to Shadowrun or Cyberpunk and the other offshoots.
    It does help to make a character for a game that already doesn't have a good amount of art to utilize like Changeling the Lost or that TMNT RPG.

  44. 8 months ago

    Jesus fricking Christ I really wish you were all better people.
    Or, you know, just 'people' at all.

  45. 8 months ago

    tag your garbage slop thread so i can filter your moronic ai shit spam

    • 8 months ago

      Or else what?

      • 8 months ago

        Rule 10.
        But who am I kidding, /tg/ isn't moderated.

  46. 8 months ago

    >This new computer allows us to race bend at the speed of light!
    >Our ESG scores have never been higher!

    • 8 months ago

      Low test. You do not have the coloniser gene.

  47. 8 months ago

    Question for the anti AI art people.

    I don't really have a dog in this fight, I understand the credible reasons people don't like it but why is it a problem for someone to use AI for a private tabletop game between friends? What's the issue here?

    • 8 months ago

      Because this shit hurts actual artists who have talent and who depend on being able to use that talent to support themselves.

      • 8 months ago

        I understand that argument and can empathize but what does it matter when it's used privately for fun?

        • 8 months ago

          It really does because otherwise they would buy art from actual artists. Like they have done for ages.

          • 8 months ago

            homie, not everyone has cash to throw around or artistic talent. Are you really going to force players to pay for art for a fun private game?

            • 8 months ago

              You pay for books dont you? You pay for tables and chairs? For minis and dice? If you can pay for all that you can pay for art.

              • 8 months ago

                Alright, i'm starting to lose empathy for the artists mad about AI art, you can go frick yourself butthole.

              • 8 months ago

                >If you dont see the actual problem here you are part of the problem.
                Your problem is that people prefer the convenience and speed of the automobile over the horse and buggy, despite the complaints from the buggy whip maker that nobody wants his buggy whips anymore.

                You are fine with garbage as long as its fast? Then you may as well have nothing. Its even faster for you to just not have art. It doesnt matter really that people put actual effort into making it as long as its fast right?

              • 8 months ago

                Holy shit, I actually hope AI puts all artists out of a job just to spite you specifically.

              • 8 months ago

                >It doesnt matter really that people put actual effort into making it as long as its fast right?
                Correct. Nobody cares how much effort you put into it. I don't know why you ever would have thought otherwise.

              • 8 months ago

                I have an artist friend I play with, she loves doing all her own art and I encourage it from the rest of my players but I don't care what they use as reference material. If they want to use ai art it's whatever. I talked to her about it and even though she's mostly against it she's reasonable and understands it's just a game between friends. Still haven't used it though, between her and I we sketch everything ourselves for our game.

                Most reasonable artist i've spoken to about it about it though.

          • 8 months ago

            I've never bought art, I just use free pics online for references usually. Who the frick buys art outside of youtube ttrpg players?

            • 8 months ago

              Using those pics you find online is usually fine since they were made already by people who either did it for fun or got paid already.

              • 8 months ago

                You are fine with garbage as long as its fast? Then you may as well have nothing. Its even faster for you to just not have art. It doesnt matter really that people put actual effort into making it as long as its fast right?

                What if i'm a broke ass with no artistic talent and want a specific kind of reference pic for my game between friends played in private? Where's the issue? The fact that you can't even give people that is why people are starting to get sick of artists b***hing and whining.

                Human made art will always be superior and sought after but if all you want to do is stomp out an option for these scenarios you're a fricking loser.

              • 8 months ago

                If you dont care enough to fork over some kind of compensation you dont really need someone to make stuff for you. Its not free. My time and skills are valuable because I have taken the time to actually get good at my art. If you cared you could have too but you didnt. Now you just want handouts.

                >It doesnt matter really that people put actual effort into making it as long as its fast right?
                Correct. Nobody cares how much effort you put into it. I don't know why you ever would have thought otherwise.

                Because they do. And they did even more before ai garbage started being a big thing.

                Holy shit, I actually hope AI puts all artists out of a job just to spite you specifically.

                Not an argument.

              • 8 months ago

                Who do?

              • 8 months ago

                >Because they do (care about the effort made by the artist). And they did even more before ai garbage started being a big thing.
                Then why are "they" using AI to make art for them instead of using a human artist?

              • 8 months ago

                Because they have shit tastes or are to cheap to pay for good art made by an actual artists. Being a fricking leech is not a virtue.

              • 8 months ago

                Speaking as an traditional artist, here is my perspective..
                Traditional arts take time. You want a 24x36 oil painting portrait of your character? That could take a few weeks to do. Acrylic/Watercolor/Gouache? A few days depending on how complex the composition is and whether any mistakes are made. The problem is that almost no one is ever going to pony up the cash for that type of work. Period.
                Digital art works is more efficient and one of the reason that digital art pretty much wiped out traditional art. Both of the above examples can be done in a day and less once you build up a library of tools and resource. Mistakes? ^Z them away. Digital art is such a game changer. But all the claims of "soulless" were made by traditional artists about the works of digital artists back in the 90s. Hell artists were complaining the same way about airbrushing back in the 30s and 40s.
                "good art made by an actual artist" Every artist no matter how terrible they are thinks their work is good. No objective standard for art has every worked. "actual artist" Yeah good luck on getting a consensus on a definition of that.
                No artist is born with all their work preconceived in their head. Just like AI we are influenced by artists that preceded us. The best you might get in credit is that some artist might mention on their Facebook page that they were influenced or inspired by Blanche, Petty or Vargas or <insert your favorite artist>. That's it. That is about as much credit will ever be given.
                So, to all of you tablet-clutching, Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator/CorelDraw crappy artists, just shut the frick up. You didn't say a peep when traditional arts got turned into a hobby with the arrival of digital tools. It's just another technological revolution. The only difference is that you are the one feeling the pain rather than other people.

              • 8 months ago

                "how do you do fellow artists?"
                >Just like AI we are influenced by artists that preceded us.
                "AI" isn't influenced by anything, nor it is "like an artist". Not reading the rest of your shill propaganda.

              • 8 months ago

                Awww truth hurts doesn't it.
                The phase where AI goes from:
                Prompt > analyze watercolor > gen watercolor
                Prompt > source photo resource > gen watercolor (like humans)
                Is going to be measured in years if there aren't some new tools out there that are already pushing that boundary. It isn't going to go away and development isn't going to stop despite all your pearl clutching.

              • 8 months ago

                Here, let me resume your "argument"
                >I'm totally an "artist" and you're all luddites
                Trying too hard

              • 8 months ago

                But that is the reality. If you want to be a traditional oil painter, good luck. You have to be ungodly good to support yourself.

              • 8 months ago

                And yet AI sloppers are instantly spotted and shamed the moment they try to slide by even in digital artbooks. Seems like you gays are mad salty no one cares about your mad candy asses.

              • 8 months ago

                Ai generated images have been winning art shows and beating whiny ass artists for a while now

              • 8 months ago

                Ten to twenty years ago, we thought the creative fields would be the last fields that AI would tackle. And here we are that making better progress with AI in art rather than making hamburgers. The amount of progress that had been made is stunning. If you think AI is just going to stay at this point of skill.

                >N-NO! this program that can barely even manage fingers and can only replicate, not create, is going to REVOLUTIONIZE ART!!!
                >do not redeem your commission!
                Found the poojeets

              • 8 months ago

                >do not redeem your commission
                More like dont waste your money.

              • 8 months ago

                And what does your "art" look like then mr artist?

              • 8 months ago

                Rob Liefeld

              • 8 months ago

                Draftsmanship is unimportant for comics. Behold:


              • 8 months ago

                Ten to twenty years ago, we thought the creative fields would be the last fields that AI would tackle. And here we are that making better progress with AI in art rather than making hamburgers. The amount of progress that had been made is stunning. If you think AI is just going to stay at this point of skill.

              • 8 months ago

                >And yet AI sloppers are instantly spotted and shamed
                You must suck at prompts.

              • 8 months ago

                You prompt shit is honestly pretty garbage. It really does miss on most of the things one wants in art. Style and passion put into art makes it better than beep boop shit out a picture.

              • 8 months ago

                >You prompt shit is honestly pretty garbage
                Did you think that picture of Josie was AI lol

              • 8 months ago

                Do you think you're speaking with an actual inkcel and not a falseflagging slopper lol

              • 8 months ago

                >he fell right into my trap
                Nice job, IDIOT!

              • 8 months ago

                >pre-generated responses that he churns out regardless of context
                how meta...

              • 8 months ago

                >Not reading the rest of your shill propaganda.
                But you will, and after you read it all, you'll sit in the thread until it 404s, complaining into the void about how everyone else needs to stop doing what they like and start doing what you like.

              • 8 months ago

                Thats a lot of words for an ai shilling leech to say nothing important.

              • 8 months ago

                >Just like AI we are influenced by artists that preceded us.
                It's wrong to say that AI is influenced by other artists, because these programs are not actually capable of reflecting on both their data or their output instructions.

                The actual AI is a 50 years old statistic model script that, thanks to processing power having become cheap enough, can bridge the gap between its training sets and the natural language model that has been used to classify the objects in its training sets within a very short time. The AI don't actually posess knowledge of either of these things or the script they're running on and they certainly don't reflect on them either. If that were the case, telling the to tone the racism down to acceptable levels would be as easy as that.

                They're somewhat more processing power intensive in application than Toadstool, but not fundamentally different from the little guy.

                >So, to all of you tablet-clutching, Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator/CorelDraw crappy artists, just shut the frick up. You didn't say a peep when traditional arts got turned into a hobby with the arrival of digital tools. It's just another technological revolution.

                People forget that ready-to-use paint in tubes were among the things that inspired Duchamp to put pissoirs on display. He literally figured that that's good enough in a world where every Tom Dick and Jane can just buy colour in tubes and smear it on cavans. The logic of "this gets the job done" always clashed with artist's pride in the technical skillsets they have mastered and advanced into the direction useful for their personal craft.

              • 8 months ago

                >It's wrong to say that AI is influenced by other artists, because these programs are not actually capable of reflecting on both their data or their output instructions.
                Self-reflection. This reminds me of the statistic of that only 30 to 50 percent of people report having an inner monologue. Is it really a necessary part of being human.
                >The logic of "this gets the job done" always clashed with artist's pride in the technical skillsets they have mastered and advanced into the direction useful for their personal craft.
                *cough* Thomas Kinkade.
                >People forget that ready-to-use paint in tubes were among the things that inspired Duchamp to put pissoirs on display.
                Maybe, but I think it was more him rejecting the idea that elites determining what was and wasn't art. His act was that of the "Artist determines what is art."

              • 8 months ago

                >*cough* Thomas Kinkade.
                All of his life was Cottagecore.

        • 8 months ago

          Because this shit hurts actual artists who have talent and who depend on being able to use that talent to support themselves.

          The joke is that our input and opinions are utterly irrelevant. This development is being driven by dumb investment money and international digital labour exploitation in the first place. It's yet another facette of the online economy being mainly driven by data harvesting, alienation of labour and IP theft.

          The service is free because users making funny images is literally just somebody greedily sucking their exhaust pipe.

      • 8 months ago

        Question for the anti automobile people.

        I don't really have a dog in this fight, I understand the credible reasons people don't like it but why is it a problem for someone to use the automobile for a private travel between friends? What's the issue here?

        >Because this shit hurts actual buggy whip makers who have talent and who depend on being able to use that talent to support themselves.

        • 8 months ago

          If you dont see the actual problem here you are part of the problem.

          • 8 months ago

            >If you dont see the actual problem here you are part of the problem.
            Your problem is that people prefer the convenience and speed of the automobile over the horse and buggy, despite the complaints from the buggy whip maker that nobody wants his buggy whips anymore.

            • 8 months ago

              Why the frick you saved some experimental junk I made like two weeks ago lol?

              • 8 months ago

                >Why the frick you saved some experimental junk I made like two weeks ago lol?
                Because I hate artists (I am a failed artist).

  48. 8 months ago

    >Does /tg/ use AI art for your campaigns? Have your players noticed yet?
    Some members of my group have been using it for character concept art. I prefer traditional art, but AI does have its uses in sketching our vague ideas or for creating simple NPC tokens.

    My biggest problem with it is the fact that it's soulless.

    • 8 months ago

      >muh soul
      Grow up

    • 8 months ago

      Gotta be honest, I haven't really drawn hardcore in ages but futzing around with AI art got me sketching again. It's fun, i'm rusty as hell but for some reason it made me want to draw again.

      I've been using it to help visualize some concepts before drawing them myself. God I suck though, I was never great but it's crazy how much skill can atrophy.

      • 8 months ago

        Yeah, it's a great tool for generating ideas or references and I can absolutely see members of my group using it as a springboard for traditional art. It could be good to hand to an artist as references for a proper commission.

    • 8 months ago

      Please. Its got more character and soul than a lot of shit posted and it actually looks pretty decent most of the time.

  49. 8 months ago

    Anybody really hopes that AI slop will kill art? Sparta produced almost no art during the time it was an independent nation and it was superemely based society.

    • 8 months ago

      Where do you get the idea that it will kill art?

      • 8 months ago

        Devaluation. We are headed towards a future where every single TP roll will have unique image on its cover and soon after that, algorithms will notice the blank ones sell exactly the same.

        • 8 months ago

          I see just the opposite. I see art opened up to people that may have never been exposed to process of creating art. As long as everyday person has access to these tools without too much censorship, I see the good. The devaluation of art? Commercial art and postmodernism has it beat by miles.

          • 8 months ago

            They aren't getting exposed to the process of creating art here either. The whole system is a black box and the folks running it will eventually eventually use auto-replacement of querey terms so that they no longer have to ban certain terminology outright.

            >Commercial art
            Art always has been a commercial venture. Painters and appreciators of the fine arts literally had to fight to have them elevated above brick layers and other craftsmen. The whole idea of starving artists KYS'ing themselves over their vision on a grand scale was a weird and meaningless deviation from the historic standard, quite comparable to sectarian mass suicides.

            • 8 months ago

              No, it is still the process of creation.
              Idea > method > result
              Idea > method [pen/paper/ink/pencil/paint/etc] > result
              Idea > method [PS/Ills/CD] > result
              Idea > method [AI] > result
              Out of a class of 600 high school students, we might have six with talent and of those one will be good enough to be a professional. To expose say another 60 of those students to art via AI is worth it in my book especially for people who might not realize they have talent to begin with.
              If you have garbage ideas, then you going to get garbage results no matter what tool you use.

              • 8 months ago

                >No, it is still the process of creation.
                It's a google search query. What you get is defined by what has been put inside and by your ability to understand what Google allows you to request from their system.
                You aren't creating new porn when you vary your query between "MILF with huge honkers" and "Big-titted woman in their 40s" while looking for porn, bruv.

                It's also a completely intransparent system, as you don't know what's inside or how what's inside has been classified. On top of it, the statistic methode adds randomness to the process that is out of your hands.

                >If you have garbage ideas, then you going to get garbage results no matter what tool you use.
                There is no "you" in "Artificial intelligence" to begin with. You don't factor into how it operates at all. The images are other people's, the natural language classification is other people's and the model that is used to deconstruct and construct the images is other people's as well. They just found a way to curate, auto-complete and restrain everything to make a typewriter that makes it statistically more likely for a monkey to imitate a bit of Shakespear. The monkey still got no idea what is happening or what a typewriter even is.

              • 8 months ago

                Didn't read.

              • 8 months ago

                Making AI art is sending a search query to a database and then reviewing the results.

              • 8 months ago

                It's not even like Big Data processing because you don't actually curate and classify the data or manipulate the actual mathematical model that generates the query results, you just type in words and hail mary.

              • 8 months ago

                >It's a google search query.
                If it is just copying images, then it should trivial to find the originals. Here is a good example.
                Can you find the originals? If we were to give those to people and had them guess which were AI and which were human, they are going to get right about 50% of the time. And there are a few that unless they had a really good art history course in college, they are going to get wrong.
                >It's also a completely intransparent system...
                It has been that way for quite some time. When CorelDraw says their new watercolor paint tool emulates a watercolor paintbrush perfectly, you have no insight to how it works. They won't tell you. You can only see its output. You can try to compare to the traditional tools, but there is just too much difference between brush and paper and a pen and tablet.
                >On top of it, the statistic methode adds randomness to the process that is out of your hands.
                Welcome to traditional watercolor. Not every art style is planned and methodical. Your mindset is a product of your digital training. Talk to potters and people that work with ceramics. Whether something survives the kiln or not is sometimes out your hands.
                >The monkey still got no idea what is happening or what a typewriter even is.
                Why do you care? When you go to watch the play, what do you enjoy? The experience of the play or the person behind the play that we know so little about. Would the play be any different if it wasn't written by Shakespear. Because if we only admire art because of the artist, are we really appreciating art of are we regressing to a form of hero worship?

              • 8 months ago

                The point in Google isn't that it copies web pages but that it curates access through catalog generated by multiple bot systems running content analysis.
                The Google search engine doesn't contain any individual page, yet it allows you to access them all through the data their bots have trawled through statistic language analysis and whatever special sauce terminology their engineers put on top of that. You can't point at where Google saves those web pages either, because that's not what it does.

                These "AI"s functionally do the same thing, though at a much lower level of competence, considering that they had to set up Captcha to get started and that they are still using wage serfs to classify images as we speak. Your actual unique inputs into the system stopped when Alphabet stopped forcing Captchas down everybody's throath and nowadays all you do is sending search querys to them.

                And I'm sorry to break it to ya, but if you're requested to write a report on the state of a field and all you do is print out your University library's search result, then you get an F.

              • 8 months ago

                >When CorelDraw says their new watercolor paint tool emulates a watercolor paintbrush perfectly, you have no insight to how it works.
                The simulation of the behaviour of a tool at high fidelity is like using paint out of a tube - it's more convenient and less arcane in its control, but it doesn't mean that you don't need to understand how the tool works or how to set it up to make it express what you need it to express. You also generally have the alphanumeric parameters controling it at hand, so you can actually manipulate its working mechanisms in the - relative - raw.

                AI image generation ain't got none of that. It isn't simulating anything specific, it doesn't allow for alphanumeric control of its mechanisms and you can't actually set it up to reliably do what you want ot to do, because you can bet your ass that they are still having their wage slaves classify additional images, which in turn will change your results drastically.
                You are not in control, you're just along for the ride.

    • 8 months ago

      Sparta was unstable and weak society as proven by its downfall.

  50. 8 months ago

    >mfw I think of all the artists who have lost or are losing their jobs

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