Does anyone actually like the mechanics of her fight?

Does anyone actually like the mechanics of her fight? Has anyone ever looked back on a From boss and said "what this fight really needs is animation canceling" or "what this fight really needs is health being recovered on every hit even if you block"?

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  1. 2 years ago

    reddit ring sucks

  2. 2 years ago

    im double mad at this abomination of a boss.
    1.this is a butchered tomoe from a never released sekiro dlc. its the only boss in amy souls ever who does a sekiro parry after you wail on her for a bit, and her shitty anime attack is just cloud passage, down to the animation.
    2. input reading, way too high damage, rot on second phase, lifesteal based on hit land not damage (it steals from shields).
    beating her solo no summons at around 125 with a gs was the most unfun experience in souls ever. i still dont understand what they were thinking with some decisions made in this game.

    • 2 years ago

      It's especially bizarre because the bosses have always been the thing From seemed best at. This game has some of the best level and world design I've ever seen, but it seems like they couldn't figure out how to balance the combat at all. So we end up with a system where there is no middle ground between a complete cheese fest or Kaizo Mario level agony.

    • 2 years ago

      That's just the entire story of Elden Reddit:
      Sekiro bosses, but without Sekiro.

    • 2 years ago

      >this is a butchered tomoe from a never released sekiro dlc
      Evidence? She has nothing that looks like it used to be a lightning attack and I don't recall there ever being plans for Sekiro DLC. Sekiro was a one and done deal with Activision.

      Malenia is garbage but i'd rather beat her 10 times over than ever fight Demon of Hatred again. First phase is not completely terrible, its almost fun until phase 2.

      • 2 years ago

        You can cheese demon of hatred and drop him down the cliff.

      • 2 years ago

        demon of hatred is fun and easy

        • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        Malenia would be easy as shit on Sekiro, she was designed for Elden Ring, she has flaws IMO, but she only works in the context of Elden Ring

    • 2 years ago

      It's especially bizarre because the bosses have always been the thing From seemed best at. This game has some of the best level and world design I've ever seen, but it seems like they couldn't figure out how to balance the combat at all. So we end up with a system where there is no middle ground between a complete cheese fest or Kaizo Mario level agony.

      waterfowl ruins this overall okay bossfight
      people rarely even complain about her obnoxious phase 2 attacks because of how dogshit waterfowl is, that’s saying a lot

      God you guys are such pussies. These Malenia seethe threads are actually embarrassing, egirl twitch streamers were able to beat her without using mimic.

      >it’s too hard so it must be flawed game design!

      No it isn’t homosexual, you are just bad at the game and desperately trying to rationalise getting filtered

      • 2 years ago

        Have girl twitch streamers beaten inner father? Have they even beaten sekiro?

        • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          I don’t know if they’ve beaten sekiro, I just watched some “Malenia fight compilation” thing on YouTube and a few of them were egirls streaming

          shame on you for watching them

          also, they get males (aka their boyfriends/frickbuddies) to beat the game for them.

          I don’t watch them

          >also, they get males (aka their boyfriends/frickbuddies) to beat the game for them.

          If a normie male who actually has sex can beat her then that’s still really embarrassing for the shut in “hardcore gamer” virgins who pride themselves on not being casuals who are struggling with her. Imagine being a loser who plays games all day and you struggle with a boss that a chad sex-haver had no trouble with

          Women are so different from men that they're given their own sports categories.
          I won't compare myself to a creature that is so different from me.

          No man 1000 years ago ever said that "that woman is better than me at this wow". They considered women to be livestock because most women just do whatever men tell them to. They never take the initiative. Tons of my professors told me this. "Don't be like a woman, they always collapse under pressure and get manipulated, they have no agency".
          A buffalo can pull a wagon better than me, does it mean I should compare myself to it? I give the orders, it just obeys.

          >women are inferior so I don’t care if they’re better than me at my hobby

          lol, that just makes you a fricking loser and a casual, meanwhile the women you hate are Stacie’s making shitloads of money from desperate simps while also being better at games than you. Pathetic

          • 2 years ago

            Women aren't people. It doesn't matter how rich they get. I wouldn't get jealous of a bot getting rich by trading money every nano second so why should I get jealous of women? They are npcs. You don't get angry at an npc

            • 2 years ago

              How does a human person, with so much potential ever since they are born, end up sinking so low? What makes someone say such moronic things? I doubt the guy even believes what he's saying, it's a manner of coping probably.

            • 2 years ago

              If you lack even the tiny amount of perseverance required to get past a challenging video game enemy than you are far more of an NPC than any woman who can

              If you unironically got filtered by Malenia you are doomed to be a side character in this world. I’m not even joking either, getting filtered by Malenia demonstrates you’re a weak willed person who gives up in the face of adversity and looks for someone else to blame instead of improving themselves and persevering, that kind of attitude will apply to every aspect of your life and you will always be left behind. The real player characters of this world would never approach a challenge with that attitude

              You are weaker than a woman and forever doomed to be a character in someone else’s story

              • 2 years ago

                Women are just AI bots. That's why they could beat Melania

      • 2 years ago

        shame on you for watching them

        also, they get males (aka their boyfriends/frickbuddies) to beat the game for them.

      • 2 years ago

        You know, I've seen multiple people who can beat Elden Ring solo at level 1 who have commented on how they don't like Malenia's fight. Seems to be a mid phenomenon to talk like this.

      • 2 years ago

        Women are so different from men that they're given their own sports categories.
        I won't compare myself to a creature that is so different from me.

        No man 1000 years ago ever said that "that woman is better than me at this wow". They considered women to be livestock because most women just do whatever men tell them to. They never take the initiative. Tons of my professors told me this. "Don't be like a woman, they always collapse under pressure and get manipulated, they have no agency".
        A buffalo can pull a wagon better than me, does it mean I should compare myself to it? I give the orders, it just obeys.

        • 2 years ago

          You are either schizophrenic or you live in a shithole country, there are women out there a hundred times more respectable than you ever will be, and I say this as someone who's slightly sexist, although different from men, women are still humans deserving of respect and they are essential, if you compare them to animals it's because you are the fricking animal .

      • 2 years ago

        If you beat Malenia with
        >Tears of Cum
        You didn't really beat her, simple as
        I'm sure there's some homosexualry weapon I'm forgetting too

      • 2 years ago

        I don’t know if they’ve beaten sekiro, I just watched some “Malenia fight compilation” thing on YouTube and a few of them were egirls streaming

        I don’t watch them

        >also, they get males (aka their boyfriends/frickbuddies) to beat the game for them.

        If a normie male who actually has sex can beat her then that’s still really embarrassing for the shut in “hardcore gamer” virgins who pride themselves on not being casuals who are struggling with her. Imagine being a loser who plays games all day and you struggle with a boss that a chad sex-haver had no trouble with

        >women are inferior so I don’t care if they’re better than me at my hobby

        lol, that just makes you a fricking loser and a casual, meanwhile the women you hate are Stacie’s making shitloads of money from desperate simps while also being better at games than you. Pathetic

        If you lack even the tiny amount of perseverance required to get past a challenging video game enemy than you are far more of an NPC than any woman who can

        If you unironically got filtered by Malenia you are doomed to be a side character in this world. I’m not even joking either, getting filtered by Malenia demonstrates you’re a weak willed person who gives up in the face of adversity and looks for someone else to blame instead of improving themselves and persevering, that kind of attitude will apply to every aspect of your life and you will always be left behind. The real player characters of this world would never approach a challenge with that attitude

        You are weaker than a woman and forever doomed to be a character in someone else’s story

        Malenia isn't even hard. If you equip rivers of blood and summon a mimic she is the easiest boss in the game.

  3. 2 years ago

    I think it's like porn addicts want more and more weird shits the same goes for difficulties in video games. Miyazaki is a just game difficulties addict

  4. 2 years ago

    it doesnt matter what you say. Secondaries love it because it le hard

  5. 2 years ago

    i just want to sniff and eat her shit hole tbh

  6. 2 years ago


  7. 2 years ago

    Her health regen actually got me to not use my spirit ashes because unless you specifically respec'd into chainstunning her the free hits she got on the ash would mostly frick you over. So yeah, that was neat. My only issue with the fight is waterfowl since I can't help but feel dodging it at very close ranged was unintended, everything else has fair openings and tells (sparks from her name arm mean there's a follow up, no sparks means there's not, etc.

  8. 2 years ago

    waterfowl ruins this overall okay bossfight
    people rarely even complain about her obnoxious phase 2 attacks because of how dogshit waterfowl is, that’s saying a lot

    • 2 years ago

      Her dive is easily dodgeable and the only clones you need to watch out for are the follow ups from 1 and 2, everything else is easily avoided by not staying still.

  9. 2 years ago

    Yes except for Waterfowl, but you can Barricade Shield the bad half of it so I guess I can cope. I know the fight is objectively mechanically broken but I think it's a lot of fun once you get a feel for the interruptible animations and can really pile the pressure on. This is definitely a Sekiro boss fight that got stuffed into a Souls combat system though.

  10. 2 years ago

    This is like 4 months and you still couldnt beat her?

  11. 2 years ago

    how can anyone complain about a boss that's beatable by literally just walking and doing r1

    • 2 years ago

      Anyone who thinks Malenia is a reskin Tomoe BTFO

    • 2 years ago

      >abusing the boss AI by flipping in and out of the lock on

      • 2 years ago

        The guy only takes off the lock on when Malenia does a sudden movement in order to avoid being thrown off, he doesn't do it to make a running around her ass while she defies gravity technique or anything like that, this run is clean and a valid way to show off skil,l stop complaining because you couldn't beat her by roll spamming every time she lifted her arm.

  12. 2 years ago

    Has any boss/game ever filtered Ganker more embarrassingly?

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