Does anyone have any experience with play-by-mail games?

Does anyone have any experience with play-by-mail games?

There’s a possibility I might end up back in prison and I think it might be a fun thing to try while in there.

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  1. 2 years ago

    >There’s a possibility I might end up back in prison
    You can't just say that and not expect us to ask you for the story.

    • 2 years ago

      It’s not important, don’t worry about it.

      But feel free to ask me anything about RPGs in prison, it’s a fascinating topic. I never got to play personally, but a lot of the other chomos in there loved it.

      • 2 years ago

        Bullshit, you wouldn't have mentioned it if you didn't want someone to ask why. Post the fricking story.

        • 2 years ago

          Ah there’s nothing to tell.

          You know how it goes, you get curious, you watch YouTube videos about the dark net, you download tor, yada yada yada, next you know You’re charged with some frivolous bullshit. It’s boring don’t worry about it

          Anyways, play-by-mail games huh? Does anyone have experience with those?

          • 2 years ago

            ah, kiddy fiddles. try to keep that on the DL when you're inside

            • 2 years ago

              Naw half the guys in my prison were chomos tbh.

              Real weirdos, didn’t like them

            • 2 years ago

              He anyway said "other chomos" and we can presume not getting along with the people he is assumed to be one of (lots of free /tg/ can probably relate) is why he wants to play by mail rather than in person.

              The REAL question is why after you went down for it once, why would run any chance of going down for it again. Like, just look at Mangas that are US legal for frick's sake. You obviously have a pattern of escalation.

              • 2 years ago

                Nononononono look I haven’t reoffended.

                I’m just saying that I’m obviously really stupid so it’s good to be prepared. And the rules of probation are exceptionally complex and indecipherable. Even minor things can get you a violation and sent back to prison if you piss off your probation officer.

                Here’s a few restrictions: can’t have any alcohol or weed, even though it’s legal here, can’t go anywhere “children frequent” (which includes basically every store technically), can’t use the internet unmonitored, can’t look at nudity, can’t stay out late, can’t fail a pseudoscientific lie detector test, etc etc etc

              • 2 years ago

                >can’t use the internet unmonitored
                >can’t fail a pseudoscientific lie detector test
                What the actual frick, Bro? That seems unconstitutional unless you're in a halfway house or something. In which case, or really for whatever reason you're being monitored right now you really shouldn't even be on Ganker you're just asking for trouble. So glad I'm not a convicted sex offender. That's, like, super uncool right now.

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah, it sure doesn’t seem like it does it? I’m told that the lie detector issue is working it’s way through the courts. Not to get political, but with the current Supreme Court makeup, I’m not holding my breath lol

                And yeah, I mean I get your advice. I’m trying to be careful

              • 2 years ago

                Bro, its porn. You cant offend porn.

              • 2 years ago

                Bro so are you a pedo or did you get hung out to dry by a roastie or something? Bro what did you do? C'mon bro, you can tell us bro.

              • 2 years ago

                Well I mean pedo is such a strong word, you know…

                But you’re not wrong about having bad experiences with age-appropriate partners. During my formative adolescent years around puberty I dealt with many teen girls who seemed like vicious, judgmental, castrating, blood-sucking succubis. But at the same time I dealt with many little girls who seemed wonderful, delightful, loving, accepting, and just easier to be around. I’m sure that messed up my mind

                Also I’m on the autism spectrum, and every song person on the autism spectrum is secretly a pedo

              • 2 years ago

                >teenagers are shit
                No shit man, they tend to be. Kids are great but anyone sexualizing them needs therapy, maybe a leper colony esque situation, get confirmed pedos on an island with no internet access and keep them there. I'm also an autist that won the lottery and isn't a moron, but I'm not sure how that's relevant to sexuality.

                As far as what I did, there was a site, it kind of got secretly captured by the fbi, they continued running it and logged the information of anyone who visited it. The site had some stuff of an unsavory nature. Didn’t download anything but turns out you don’t need to in order for it to be illegal

                Ah man, that's no good to hear. I can see why you're in your situation but you didn't get involved with anything, so you should be okay. Who knows, is what it is.

              • 2 years ago

                Well I’ve been seeing therapists nonstop since I was maybe 16 I think? And hey, maybe it’s helped! Imagine how bad I’d be without it lol

              • 2 years ago

                As far as what I did, there was a site, it kind of got secretly captured by the fbi, they continued running it and logged the information of anyone who visited it. The site had some stuff of an unsavory nature. Didn’t download anything but turns out you don’t need to in order for it to be illegal

          • 2 years ago

            in court, be sure to find out what software they used to catch you
            the feds have a program that can not only snoop, but plant images. If they used it, you have a strong case of reasonable doubt

            • 2 years ago

              Well, it turns out you don’t need to actually download images in order for it to be illegal. Just willingly visiting a site is still a lesser, but still serious, charge. ASK ME HOW I KNOW

  2. 2 years ago

    what's with all the "I'm going to prison soon" posts? In the last couple days I've seen them on almost every board I frequent.

    • 2 years ago

      Biden is arresting all trump supporters

    • 2 years ago

      People aren’t taking the Roe v Wade thing well, and they’re coping by being gay and doing crime

  3. 2 years ago

    Dang, you need to be more careful about evidence bro.

    • 2 years ago

      Good points, but it doesn’t necessarily help me learn more about play-by-mail games

      • 2 years ago

        Sorry, I don't know anything about play-by-mail games. I use


        • 2 years ago

          Oh man, that’s be great. You know federal prisons have a propriety messaging system called Corrlinks. It’s similar to email that allows inmates to communicate with the outside (for a fee).

          I bet an inmate could actually run a quest thread from prison using that, if he had help from someone on the outside

          • 2 years ago

            Oh shit, that would be pretty interesting. /qst/ threads are slow enough it might actually work, too.

      • 2 years ago

        Don't play TRPGs by mail. While you still can, find a dozen or so real perverted b***hes online and get their addresses under whatever pretense you need to that lines up with all the facts they could discover, namely your age and charges and intake photo. Dump all your RPing into whatever characters their weird libidos want and score yourself on what they do for you in exchange.

        As far as GAMING goes I would suggest accumulating a bunch of Fighting Fantasy and other gamebooks to be mailed to you on a schedule or, if that's not allowed in your state or the fed or wherever, set about memorizing a solo system now that you can play with whatever materials you have inside, I'm assuming at least pencil and paper and a way to generate random numbers. Some ex-cons have posted very amusing pics of spinners.

        They also say that Rifts is big on the inside but some suggest that may just be because west coast prisons have a lot of Rifts materials in their libraries for some reason.

        • 2 years ago

          >find a dozen or so real perverted b***hes online and … Dump all your RPing into whatever characters their weird libidos want and score yourself on what they do for you in exchange.

          Weird plan, but interesting. Only possible problem is that mail is sometimes monitored and sexual stuff is frowned upon. In fact, several guys got in BIG trouble for just writing or drawing porn (of kids, naturally)

          >As far as GAMING goes I would suggest accumulating a bunch of Fighting Fantasy and other gamebooks

          You know what, I thought about that! The gamebooks I played were good but don’t seem to take up a huge amount of time tho. Then again I haven’t tried Fighting Fantasy ones

          >set about memorizing a solo system now that you can play with whatever materials you have inside, I'm assuming at least pencil and paper and a way to generate random numbers.

          Yeah, dice aren’t allowed but playing cards are. I imagine it would be easy to alter a deck to let it give you results for various dice.

          In fact, I theorized about making a solo system that’s basically a dungeon crawl where playing cards are the randomization element. What cards you draw determine what enemies you encounter, events, items, and combat. You could even make a system where the player is dealt a hand of cards, and you can choose which card to play - saving strong cards for desperate situations, etc.

          > They also say that Rifts is big on the inside
          Huh weird. It was Pathfinder that was big in mine. This was back when there was all that 4e controversy and people switched over to pathfinder for a while, I guess

          • 2 years ago

            Lol teenage girls are my personal favorite but I also play my VRPGs on Nightmare mode

            There are pretty huge gamebooks and some have replayability but what you're wanting is a tile-based crawl like picrel. You could play the real thing while you're on the outside then work out your own version of it on the inside. Also remember that a solo rpg can be stretched considerably through journaling.

            • 2 years ago

              Ahh smart, smart. These are some good ideas. I’ll look into some games like you described. Also, designing your own game from scratch would probably pass a lot of time in prison

  4. 2 years ago

    Give me your jail adress and i'll mail you my homebrew.

    • 2 years ago

      You know, I’ve also been compiling a list of the prison mailing addresses of the most notorious cheese pizza producers. Was considering contacting them, but that’s probably a bad idea right?

  5. 2 years ago

    Stop larping as a pedo ya frickin weirdo

    • 2 years ago

      Ask me anything about prison or cheese pizza, go. I’m serious

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