does anyone remember/have that old picture telling the story about how tigole and furor shitted up everquest and moved on to shit up vanilla wow

does anyone remember/have that old picture telling the story about how tigole and furor shitted up everquest and moved on to shit up vanilla wow

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

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Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 year ago

    Literally my older brother but minus the "being the best" part. Gaming can ruin people.

    • 1 year ago

      >autism and addiction ruins people
      also implies that they were worth anything to begin with, the people who go down this path tend to start off as morons/shitbags already

      • 1 year ago

        If games didn't exist he would have been ruined by something else. Being a fricking failure didn't suddenly start with the information age.

        Cope harder you fricking homosexuals. I used to unironically be a normalgay until i ended up discovering WoW back in 2006 in my freshman year of college. I ended up getting addicted to the point where i dropped out because i wasn't attending classes and now im a perma neet with no chance of recovery
        >b-but you would have just gotten to addicted to something el-
        Nope, never cared about TV, Movies or any of the junk that normalgays love, even when i was a normie myself. I was focused on my love for teaching up until i discovered this shitty game.
        Video games will fry your mind and make you a passive specimen with no actual skills, hobbies or personality besides muh internet culture. If there are any underagegays or any other college students reading this, drop vidya now for an actual hobby that isn't electronic consumerist garbage and get off this shitty site

        • 1 year ago

          Anybody who gets addicted to fricking WoW of all things is a fricking moron
          Literally just clicking shit and friend simulator

          • 1 year ago

            >Pressing buttons and clicking are not the same thing
            Are you moron?

        • 1 year ago

          >Got addicted to WoW
          I think the only one coping here is you moron
          Unironically KYS

    • 1 year ago

      If games didn't exist he would have been ruined by something else. Being a fricking failure didn't suddenly start with the information age.

    • 1 year ago

      Same except he's a schizo molestee and we're pretty much all just waiting for him to kill himself

    • 1 year ago

      it's not videogames that ruins people, mental illness and chronic addiction without treatment ruins people.

      That's the reason why I stopped playing videogames and do other hobbies.

      The hunger is there but I control it very well. I haven't played videogames for almost 6 months.

      • 1 year ago

        And yet you are on Ganker. Curious. I am smart.

        • 1 year ago

          Mostly for the shitposting. Ganker is not about talking about videogames, bro.

          • 1 year ago

            But it's wasting your time just like games

      • 1 year ago

        No wonderGanker doesn't talk about gayming

      • 1 year ago

        >I haven't played videogames for almost 6 months
        The typical Ganker poster

      • 1 year ago

        You're still here six months later even though you don't play games and think it's an addiction for you? Fricking weird dude

        • 1 year ago

          if you have predisposition to addiction, no matter what you do, you have to quit doing what keeps you hook it.

          But that's not enough, you have to cure your addictive personality.

    • 1 year ago

      I don't even understand how people get addicted to video games now that they're all dogshit.

  2. 1 year ago
    Thai native

    That pic
    Fuk you op. Why you must post cruel image like that ? You think most gamers want it to end like that ? You think we never try hard to improve our life. Get a job and have a kids ? Fuk u op fuk u

    • 1 year ago

      literal random picture from my folder
      if you relate to it too hard, try not being a shitbag

      • 1 year ago
        Thai native

        I try my best . Just like most people who failed. Even it's not because video games. The reality are more complicated than that pic. At the end everybody are merely a puppets of fates . Struggle to get a job always end up win and lose games. Such like struggle to get woman . More people mean more struggle. More tension. Snd more depress

        • 1 year ago

          You are in charg eof your life anon. Your inaction is your fault and no ones else. You think someone else is going to do the hard stuff that will bring you a good life

          that isn't going to happen. You better step up anon, because if you don't, you will know true pain delivered by those who want you on your knees.

    • 1 year ago

      >Why you must post cruel image like that?
      That image made me feel upset or depression as well because of parent display there, but know that it's just a comic, so it's entirely fictional. You [and I] shouldn't let that get us inside like Black folk stealing bikes.

      • 1 year ago
        Thai native

        I know... But sometimes i just want get it out of my chest. .

  3. 1 year ago

    he bangs the mom?

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah, he becomes Chris Chan In pt.2

  4. 1 year ago

    I don't understand the lack of self-awareness with this picture. What does he have to strive for? Most women are diseased prostitutes and he won't be able to race his child proper, and that's imagining if he gets to raise his child at all. Nature isn't fair, and because human beings have tried to make it fair we've destroyed men in the process.

    • 1 year ago

      >conflating getting cuckmarried with kids with the simple goal of having a job and moving out of the house
      >men have been destroyed so thats why I live at home with mommy and daddy

      • 1 year ago

        Buddy, I work my ass off and have my own place. I'm just saying, the reason men did anything since the dawn of time was so we could get that holy wiener milker. I can completely understand why no guy feels like he should do anything with his life. There is also no empathy for men and women don't see guys as capable of feeling depression. It's bizarre.

        • 1 year ago

          >There is also no empathy for men and women don't see guys as capable of feeling depression.
          I don't get that. When I was growing up anytime a man said he was sad all the other men called them a homosexual and beat them up or mocked them. Why are we pretending Women are ruining mens lives when its mostly other men?

          • 1 year ago

            Shut up homosexual. You're breaking the bro code.

        • 1 year ago

          >There is also no empathy for men and women don't see guys as capable of feeling depression.
          I don't get that. When I was growing up anytime a man said he was sad all the other men called them a homosexual and beat them up or mocked them. Why are we pretending Women are ruining mens lives when its mostly other men?

          >Women won't let men have feelings!
          >Other men will beat me up if I have feelings!
          Either you grew up with ignorant poor scum or your morons who have a puny world view. I have never had an issue with conveying my feelings/emotions to a partner or friend.

  5. 1 year ago


  6. 1 year ago

    Clearly he has some kind of income if he can afford that bigass battlestation. If his parents are caving in and buying that shit for him instead of cutting him off and making him buy shit himself, then it's their own dumbassed fault for reinforcing his neetness. I also have to assume this was made before you could make a living in e-sports, streaming, content creation, et cetera, so for all his parents know, he does have a job and they just can't understand it.

    • 1 year ago

      if you dont pay rent and mommy and daddy feed you, you can get on SSDI disability for severe autism and get enough money to buy a really nice rig

      • 1 year ago

        >Physically crippled
        >Mental illness
        >Disability denied
        What do I do now?

        • 1 year ago

          wageslave or hero

          • 1 year ago

            wageslaving is an extreme improbability for me, I'm unemployable
            Guess I'll an hero when the night grows dark enough

        • 1 year ago

          Get a lawyer. They deny claims pretty much always the first time unless you're blind or an amputee.

          • 1 year ago

            >Get a lawyer
            Don't those cost money?

            • 1 year ago

              Yes but they will only take your case if they think you can get approved and typically take their payment from the backpay you get if you get approved

              • 1 year ago

                And what if nobody has a record of my birth certificate anymore?
                No, not even the government.

              • 1 year ago

                idk you should talk to a case worker or something

    • 1 year ago

      Even if he has a shitty job, he's still a loser.

      • 1 year ago

        He seems contented. He's even able to stay thin somehow. I don't see the problem.

        • 1 year ago

          >He seems contented

      • 1 year ago

        the dude who works a shitty minimum wage job and lives in a tiny hole apartment with nothing but his computer is a million miles ahead of the dude who's still getting taken care of by his parents at 35

        • 1 year ago

          Ahead in what I have to ask? Where are they headed? What's the finish line?

          • 1 year ago

            It's funny that your image made me read your post in Stan's voice, when I know you actually have a high-pitched nasal voice befitting the loser you are.

            • 1 year ago

              I wasn't that anon. I have a wife, kid, house, car, degree, certs, and a job. Now answer the questions.

              • 1 year ago


          • 1 year ago

            being able to live independently and not become homeless/destitute/addicted to meth after your parents croak
            there's no magical point system in real life, we're all dead at the end of the day, but not becoming homeless is a pretty good minimum bar to hit

            • 1 year ago

              >if you stay in your parents house and inherit after they die you will be homeless
              >if you rent a small apartment you won't
              explain to me how this works
              is inheriting things illegal where you live or something?

              • 1 year ago

                >is inheriting things illegal where you live or something?
                if you're a neet you won't be able to pay the property tax

        • 1 year ago

          >inter-generational household BAD!!
          >because it is OK!! stop being a fricking LOSER!!

          • 1 year ago

            Live at home and save money.
            Even if you work a shitty job it's much easier to pull ahead when you're not dumping far more than half your paycheck purely on rent and food

            • 1 year ago

              amen to that. the only people who talk shit about being close with your family are the ones who don't have that as an option.

              • 1 year ago

                I love my family.

            • 1 year ago

              >it's much easier to pull ahead when you're not dumping far more than half your paycheck purely on rent and food
              I keep trying to get my younger brother to stop blowing all his money on cigarettes and every little thing that takes his fancy, because he's not saving any of it. While also whining about still living at home.
              Instead of pushing him to save money so he has a safety net when the free shelter is over, he seems determined to kill himself faster than our mother can.
              I just want one of us to succeed, man.

              • 1 year ago

                I had the same experience with the people around me in the military.
                We have no expenses yet people were barely living paycheck to paycheck purely on beer and tobacco

            • 1 year ago

              It's what family is for

            • 1 year ago

              or racking up a debt. Especially credit card debt with 25% interests.

          • 1 year ago

            nothing wrong with living in a intergenerational house as long as you're doing it because you want to, and not because you don't have options + your parents are taking pity on you
            living on your own itself isn't the specific goal, being independent and capable of taking independent action is the goal

            It seems more like you're just a different type of shitbag. Considering how much the wage caste talks down to neets I'm really convinced now that it's out of hatred for their own lives.

            i've been a wagecuck for about ten years
            in about five years i'll have earned enough money to become a neet for good
            it's not about wagecuckery vs neets, it's about being independent and able to take action independently, versus being enslaved to a support structure that barely tolerates your existence

            • 1 year ago

              That's not wagecuckery, that's success.

            • 1 year ago

              >versus being enslaved to a support structure that barely tolerates your existence
              This plus the rest of your posts makes me feel very sorry for you.
              I had loving parents and family my whole life as well as friends. I'm not sure how a human being can even cope without having at least a loving family. Hopefully you won't do the same to your kids if you end up having any.

              • 1 year ago

                >have a loving family
                >abuse their love by siphoning all of their resources without reciprocity
                >be unable to return their love by taking care of them in their old age due to a lack of resources
                yeah, real loving there

              • 1 year ago

                >be unable to return their love by taking care of them in their old age due to a lack of resources
                This moron really thinks boomers aren't getting 2 grand a month for existing.

              • 1 year ago

                >parents get pension
                >live with them and run their errands
                >they don't have to get helper or go to old folks home (pre-hell)

              • 1 year ago

                Nice strawman you got yourself there.
                I guess the chances of you not inflicting the same shit you went through on your offspring is minimal.
                I suppose that's how these cycles end up perpetuating themselves.

                Hopefully one day you won't conflate love with money and you will be able to be happy.

              • 1 year ago

                >I'm not sure how a human being can even cope without having at least a loving family
                I thought storge was just a storytelling device

  7. 1 year ago

    That old as b***h needs to clean her frickn house.

  8. 1 year ago

    here, i saved it a few months ago from a MMO thread

    • 1 year ago

      thank you
      i was about to find my old laptop from 2005 and poke around its image folder

    • 1 year ago

      Funny how the internet latched on to the literal one redeeming thing about WoW and claimed that to be it's biggest fault. Look where we are now that it's gone.

      • 1 year ago

        What was it though? there are many things i don't know about MMOs mostly because i was a kid back when those huge games were at their best, but searching through changelogs and old forums (some of which have to be accessed through the wayback machine) without knowing what to search for is a really hard thing to do
        >What are the faults of everquest that MMOs still keep as core mechanics
        >What were Tigole's worse additions to the genre aside from that example of the quest everyone hated in WoW

        • 1 year ago

          in general MMOs got tainted specifically by these two enforcing a specific design paradigm
          prior to WoW and even during vanilla WoW there was a lot of experimentation in the MMO space, large scale battles, experimental boss fights, classes that did weird or wacky things, people were throwing all sorts of shit at the wall and seeing if it worked
          Tigole and Furor, as the image describes, hated all of this and worked to create the concept of the 'holy trinity' as the only viable way to play the game. every class got shoehorned into extremely specific roles or were discarded/reworked/destroyed, every boss encounter was deeply simplified into 'stand here and DPS' or 'stand here and tank' and no variations were allowed on this basic formula
          now, the formula worked because the average MMO player is a fricking smoothbrain and needed simple mechanics to execute on, but Tigole and Furor kneecapped the evolution of the genre to fit their own shitty notions of what an ideal MMO should look like, which has led to the creative bankruptcy of the genre today, because now a whole generation of MMO players have it burned into their brain that this is the 'correct' way a MMO should be designed
          then later it turned out the two were rapists at blizzard

          • 1 year ago

            Oh, that explains why classes and character archetypes are so limited nowadays
            Exactly a decade ago i was trying to get into MMOs and there was this korean WoW knockoff called grand fantasia. Since it was F2P i got into it and i remember clearly that there was a ton of starting classes, at least 10 and each had different ramifications.
            I hope the genre gets a revival, playing multiplayer games that only allow up to 4 or 5 players at a time gets tiring since my friend groups usually range between 8 and 10 guys trying to fit in a lobby at the same time
            Thanks anon
            >pic not completely related

            • 1 year ago

              yeah, it is unironically because of two specific people. the genre is permanently dead since mmo players as a whole have been indoctrinated in this pattern and will reject anything that doesn't fit the pattern
              even FF14 has basically enslaved itself to this design pattern and people have latched onto it in droves. there's no room for a MMO that doesn't follow this paradigm

  9. 1 year ago

    I have Asperger's. It's it over for me?

  10. 1 year ago

    I'm gonna finish college soon, is life really like this after college? Like why am I even rushing to finish my degree just to accelerate the 9-5 lifestyle. I dont give a shit about muh high wages when Monday to Friday, 9-5 your time is robbed from you

    • 1 year ago

      get a high 9-5, save and invest, if you are lucky it would only last 8 and then enjoy retirement, i know a few people like this

    • 1 year ago

      The alternative is shooting up crack and living in hell before you die. The path you're on at least gives you the opportunity to feed yourself, brush your teeth, learn new languages, explore the world and more.

      • 1 year ago

        the time you spend at work is a proxy for the time people used to spend foraging for food and shelter
        the time you're spending right now as a useless child is a time where other people are willing to take care of you and your basic needs
        turn into a shitbag and those people will not be willing to take care of you anymore, and you'll either have to start working or start sleeping in a box outside

        >either work 40 hours a week or BE HOMELESS CRACK ADDICT


        I just wanna be a lazy parasite neet for the rest of my life bros...

        • 1 year ago

          Yeah it's a wonder why people go on killing sprees in this country. Used shotguns are only $150 in my state and a box of ammo is $10. Remember your options when the israelites and the system come to frick you so that their bloated parasites can thrive, the parasites the wannabe normies here love to worship. Capitalism wants to strip your community away to make you a slave, it wants to reduce you into a gear, it wants you to sacrifice yourself to Shekelberg like a father sacrifices himself for his friends and family. It's perverted, corrupt, stay aware, stay armed.

    • 1 year ago

      the time you spend at work is a proxy for the time people used to spend foraging for food and shelter
      the time you're spending right now as a useless child is a time where other people are willing to take care of you and your basic needs
      turn into a shitbag and those people will not be willing to take care of you anymore, and you'll either have to start working or start sleeping in a box outside

    • 1 year ago

      Ideally you get a CS job (in the states); you'll work from home for maybe an hour or two at most each day and make 300k a year.

  11. 1 year ago

    Meh, I am actually taking care of my parents now. I don't plan on leaving because they built a huge ass house and I could stay all the time on a different floor without seeing them if I wanted.
    Our income would also be fricked without me checking things so I am needed.
    Is it a full time job? No.
    Do I still play 2 hours at least everyday? You can bet it.
    Should I get another job too?
    Actually I am thinking of that but just because I am getting bored of my family in general.

  12. 1 year ago

    Feels bad man. My dad died recently and I moved back into their filthy home to help mom, who probably won't live all that much longer. It's not really the same thing but it looks the same from the outside.

  13. 1 year ago

    I got a job and became less neety and spent time contributing to society but it's only radicalized me further. I thought it was supposed to make you more normal you guys lied to me. The world is even uglier than I thought and society more soul destroying than I had imagined.

    • 1 year ago

      being a wagecuck doesn't make you more normal, it just makes you not a shitbag
      the world sucks
      use the money you're earning through wagery to find something that makes you fulfilled

      • 1 year ago

        It seems more like you're just a different type of shitbag. Considering how much the wage caste talks down to neets I'm really convinced now that it's out of hatred for their own lives.

    • 1 year ago

      What the frick do I do now? I thought I was wrong and I was but in the totally opposite way.

      • 1 year ago

        Option 1 find god option 2 find girl option 3 become a fitness fanatic. If you want to think positively you can at least hold a job.

        • 1 year ago

          I failed at 1. I don't want 2. 3 feels empty.
          I feel like I was given advice for a society that doesn't exist anymore and a way of being that no longer provides any sense of satisfaction or fulfillment. This is my positive now.

          • 1 year ago

            4th option is to become modern-day hermit its empty existence unless you manage to find enlightenment (linking back to option 1 but could philosophical/not giving frick etc) reason I didn't mention it at start is because most depressed neets default to it and don't explore the other options even if its the natural end point for many of us. All the good to you.

          • 1 year ago

            >3 feels empty.
            do some pushups, jsut do as much as you can daily, always trying to do more, do 2-3 sets daily, and in two months you will feel better, or at least better about how much you can do in comparison when you started.

    • 1 year ago

      ever heard of the expression "misery loves company"?
      During the 10 years since I finished college I had NEET years and wageslaving years and I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that if I somehow could make it due without working I would

    • 1 year ago

      This. Wageslavery made me realize that most of the normalgays I've been speaking to on Ganker are liars. Normies don't even exist, there is no dichotomy between online and offline like we thought.

    • 1 year ago

      >got an easy office job
      >co workers are ok, no office drama
      >boss spends her time in her office, doesnt bother me
      >everyday I socialize with these people, joke, talk about various things, laugh with them
      >everyday when I exit the company building its like I take a mask off and go back to being my real self
      >spend the rest of the day playing videogames or watching videos, completely alone while I find out through social media that other people I know are constantly improving and moving forward in their lives
      >I just stay in a stasis cocoon

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah if anything I think I actually hate old people now

  14. 1 year ago

    OP's pic is literally my life's story except both parents died, I still became number 1 while holding a full time job working from home and making a lot of money. I'm not even kidding

    I miss my family bros, I have nobody in this life

  15. 1 year ago

    literally me though I never had the choice sadly caught social anxiety in high school before then I was social if weird kid but it kept getting worse until I couldn't leave the house anymore. Glad for the internet I would have lost my mind without it.

  16. 1 year ago

    What bother me about this image is that it ignores the fact that you're washed out past age 14.
    Good luck ranking

  17. 1 year ago

    We live in a society.

  18. 1 year ago

    To anyone who doesn't want to be a neet but still have free time to game, I suggest being a school bus driver. Easy as frick, get all the same time off as the kids, and it still pays better than other bottom-tier, entry-level jobs. Still doesn't pay a lot, but the free time has done wonders for my mental health, the total opposite of my old factory job that made me wish I was dead. Just a suggestion if you happen to be skill-free and experience free.

    • 1 year ago

      I remember the bus driver I had in grade 5 use to play on his PSP when waiting for kids

      • 1 year ago

        ...and I have my GBA. Just played through Metroid: Zero Mission again between routes.

    • 1 year ago

      I don't have $5,000 to take a CDL test one time.

      • 1 year ago

        Where do you live that it costs more than $100 to become a school bus driver? And that's not just the test, but the security check, the endorement fee, everything that I went through to become a school bus driver cost less than 1/50th of $5000.

      • 1 year ago

        School bus is just a long car. You gotta remember some stuff for the test but it really isn’t that bad. They’ll train you for free probably.

    • 1 year ago

      This comic is the fault of the parents that didn't do enough to discipline their son and instead enable him, allowing him to become that.

      I'm a substitute teacher. I had the right idea but yeah I probably should have went with that.
      Then again I'm a bit of a fricking idiot on the road so maybe not and this is what's best for me.

      Kids are sometimes major fricking buttholes who find and stalk you online and sometimes are the chillest motherfrickers who get along completely.

      • 1 year ago

        What's substitute teaching like? I've been curious.

        I'm a special ed driver, so I actually have it a little easier than other drivers. The kids aren't much for conversation, so it gets pretty damn boring, but that's not so bad. I only have one kid that gives me trouble. He's such a shithead, his problems go way beyond just being special needs. I honestly think he's just a lost cause and his parents need to get him prepared for life in prison, cus that's where he's gonna end up.

        • 1 year ago

          What part? It's completely different depending on the grades and what you are doing. High Schools with easy tasks (it's on Google Classroom) are incredibly easy literally just bring a book and check screens every 10 minutes. Thinking back on when I got to work those, there were only a few defiant kids but after enough time even they turn around and respect you.

          Then the further down you go the more demanding things are. Middle Schoolers suck ass and will harass you if they find the first odd thing about you and post your ass on TikTok, spreading rumors followed by stalking and harassment. They're also the most defiant bunch and aren't afraid to fire off a false accusation or two that can condemn you if you aren't lucky.

          Elementary School won't talk back but holy frick is it high demand. The stupidest shit can upset them, and you have to be the least yourself and more a super friendly teaching bot. It's sweet that they respect you but idk in my eyes that's like easy respect and doesn't feel earned. Doesn't mean I don't save all the shitty art they give me I love it to death but I suppose I'd rather have students interested in what I know than the facade you have to put on for elementary.

          Teachers are 50/50. Sometimes they are very detailed, leave contact info, and are respectful. other times they are condescending c**ts. I'm talking about the ones with you in the room of course, just recently I had to deal with a super nasty one who blamed my incompetence when the system wasn't logging me on. All school networks are garbage, by the way.

          Administration sucks ass 90% of the time and doesn't want to deal with your shit. A school that got a new principal worked with us for a while but eventually got tired of hearing about it too because students know this and will continue to take advantage of subs.

          Sometimes you get lucky and have extra free time. I bring my Switch.

          I don't know what I want to do with my life anymore. Please ask more if you're curious.

          • 1 year ago

            Sounds like a completely alien environment to me. I graduated in '09, so the idea of children being super connected, let alone running sleazy Hollywood-style smear campaigns on adults they don't like is not something I'm familiar with, and I don't know the first thing about Google Classroom. I'm used to the idea that online harassment comes from SJWs, not little kids. What are kids doing whipping out their phones in the middle of class, recording shit, and posting it on social media, anyway? How is that acceptable?

            • 1 year ago

              A combination of the stricter policies on how you can/cannot discipline a child as a teacher (because they don't want to risk a lawsuit over a sub) and how fricking expensive phones are these days. You as a teacher aren't allowed to actually take it, just tell them to put them away and hope they actually do or you'll write them up 🙂

              Google Classroom is just where teachers post things online while they are away and students go to do work. It's easy you just gotta make sure they're doing the work and honestly thank frick for it.

              God forbid the students find you online. It's the worst. The admins expect you to go to the police but like the frick would the cops do.

              • 1 year ago

                Public or Private schooling?

              • 1 year ago

                Public. Private (or at least the one I applied to) pays way worse and thus is unviable. A shame because the students are very well behaved there.

                >talented composer
                >also fairly skilled at writing
                >also have such bad adhd that I can't commit to jack shit; no license and can barely hold down a job
                >24 years old
                has my ship sailed? honestly maybe it's best I don't make a name for myself, I've done enough dumb shit to be cancelled on arrival

                Post music.

              • 1 year ago

                here is something I made a couple months ago

              • 1 year ago

                Not typically my style, but it's got a pretty mellow flow to it that I like.

              • 1 year ago

                most of my stuff is more aggressive, my friends often joke that I can only make boss themes. that was actually me trying to branch out. thanks anon

              • 1 year ago

                Even as a bus driver, I've noticed my elementary school is basically totally toothless when it comes to disciplining kids. They say shit like "we can't suspend him from the bus more than ten times or we gotta pay for his transportation" or whatever, but then they won't suspend him even once. When would you suspend a kid from the bus other than when he is misbehaving egregiously? It's not like I write him up for fun, and you can't just hope that a kid won't frick up less than 11 times. Sometimes you just gotta do what's necessary. Raising kids to not be horrible people isn't a game.

                Children bothering you online does sound bad, but kids shouldn't have social media accounts in the first place, not when even most adults aren't mature enough to conduct themselves properly online. Catering to children has basically ruined the internet. Frankly, if it were up to me, you'd be able to post porn on youtube and just filter mature content like you do with search engines, but then I'm an idealist who is not easily swayed by shiny sponsorships or political favors.

              • 1 year ago

                Schools are toothless in general. Kids have far too much control over what actually goes on so long as they aren't physically violent or threatening someone's life and even then the discipline is questionable. Because schools will get blamed first and they have to deal with it while being underfunded as is so they just say frick it.

                Again idk what I want to do with my life but schools leave me tired. I wish I was actually talented at my craft so I wouldn't have to deal with their shit anymore. Kinda envy the people that live off their talent.

                >got an easy office job
                >co workers are ok, no office drama
                >boss spends her time in her office, doesnt bother me
                >everyday I socialize with these people, joke, talk about various things, laugh with them
                >everyday when I exit the company building its like I take a mask off and go back to being my real self
                >spend the rest of the day playing videogames or watching videos, completely alone while I find out through social media that other people I know are constantly improving and moving forward in their lives
                >I just stay in a stasis cocoon

                Social Media is also a mask.

              • 1 year ago

                For fun, I think I'll just share my favorite substitute teacher stories.

                >spanish teacher gets fired for mysterious reasons (allegedly struck a student)
                >get a substitute for a few weeks
                >it's a tiny chinese lady who barely speaks english, let alone spanish
                >sometimes puts on dvds for the class to watch (humorously calls them "dee wee dees" with her thick accent)
                >mostly just gives us busywork while she reads the paper
                >class quickly figures out it's pointless
                >devolves into a flophouse, with kids drinking soda, swearing, and playing cards with each other
                >only thing she wouldn't allow is music, for some reason

                There's another long-term sub I had in economics
                >teacher gets a lung transplant
                >sub is sweet and well-meaning, but not very assertive
                >once again, it's a flophouse, with kids playing Monopoly more than any sane person should
                >my friend brought in a usb and we played Pocket Tanks on the computer and had a blast
                >friend also had a cute tomboy sister who would bully him playfully, push him around, give him nipple twisters, etc
                >became weirdly sexually jealous of this guy getting teased by his sister, but too cowardly to ask her out
                >later decide not to bother because she has terrible taste, unironically thought The Expendables was a great movie

                I also spent most of my programming class copying answers from the internet and playing HoMM3 while the other kids ate microwaved ramen in class. Come to think of it, I did a lot of fricking around in high school.

              • 1 year ago

                Yeah idk something just doesn't allow me to let things be flophouses during the class periods. Like there's a standard I gotta uphold. Maybe if I let it go things would be better but I get worried about being told I'm not doing enough. They likely don't care but I instinctively do because I feel like operating the classroom rather than barely keeping it from catching on fire is doing the job right.

              • 1 year ago

                Good for you. I should also mention that, as a consequence, I really struggled with my spanish midterm (as I expect a lot of the class did) and it was a lot of catching up to be even close to passing the final. Economics and programming went fine at first, but then I took the classes again in college and it was a horrible time, economics especially. To me, macroeconomics is like sorcery. I swear the answers actually change to be the opposite of whatever I think is right. Programming is just too damn slow. Never got to the point of feeling like I was actually making something, just cheap parlor tricks, like making a window appear in a certain part of the screen that's a specific width and height.

    • 1 year ago

      no Ganker user should ever be given a job with children.

  19. 1 year ago

    Imagine being proud of being Shlomoberg's slave.

  20. 1 year ago

    Reminds me that I probably would have been a much better person now, if my parents were alive. I actually loved and cared about what they had to say, too bad one died while I was 11, while the other when I was 14.

  21. 1 year ago

    Well I'm at panel 3/4 now. Problem is I'm disabled with peripheral neuropathy. Very limited mobility. I can work in short bursts but nothing 9 to 5. I can't drive. I can't even grocery shop for myself. My days are mostly sleeping, when I'm awake I browse the internet abit and play random games if there is nothing on tv to watch.
    I think about this comic every now and then because I honestly am not sure what I'm supposed to do in life except just exist. Everything I've tried has led to failure.

  22. 1 year ago

    that pic is AI generated slop

    • 1 year ago

      Isnt it it pre AI? I remember seeing it years ago.

      • 1 year ago

        look at the face in panel 3 and the boy's hands in panels 3 and 4

        • 1 year ago

          that's not AI anon that's just a bad copy paste job from the artist

  23. 1 year ago

    If you're lucky enough to find a job you actually like then hold onto it. Life has been completely stress free since then

    • 1 year ago

      I never realized how much of an outlier I am for liking my job, been doing roofing since I graduated (going on 5 years)

  24. 1 year ago

    is there anything wrong with this?

    • 1 year ago

      nope, that's fine

      • 1 year ago

        >that's fine
        if you are 18

        • 1 year ago

          if you're living independently and doing what you want and you're okay doing that for the rest of your life, who gives a frick what other people think

    • 1 year ago

      It’s not “doing something worthwhile” so yes

    • 1 year ago

      There's nothing objectively wrong with it, as long as you think you would be happy doing that at 40, 50, and 60.

      Gotta think ahead a little bit, anon.

      • 1 year ago

        My dad's in his fifties and plays Genshin Impact. Probably gonna play Diablo 4 when it comes out and he's pretty happy. So, yeah?

    • 1 year ago

      Technically yes he could live a more fulfilling life, but I cast no judgment for I don't know his burdens.

    • 1 year ago

      It's ok to like video games but you have to be fricking responsible for your shit. If you play video games as a NEET and you're in your 30's you're a lazy piece of shit. Don't use "le depression" as an excuse put your big boy points on and get a fricking job and take care of your fricking parents you dipshits.

  25. 1 year ago

    >30-something parents rapidly aged and died within two decades
    skill issue

  26. 1 year ago

    i have some tigole forum screenshots but that's it...maybe try /r/?

  27. 1 year ago

    >husband died before wife

    • 1 year ago

      He was shot to death. In broad daylight. Protecting his wife and child.

      • 1 year ago

        lol nah he probably died of something gay like prostate cancer

    • 1 year ago

      men statistically die before women. it's science.

  28. 1 year ago

    I am not addicted video games. But I don't know what else to do (to fix my life).

  29. 1 year ago
  30. 1 year ago

    asmomgone lelll

  31. 1 year ago

    you're right things will be much better if i become a wagie!

    • 1 year ago

      capitalist alienation in action

      • 1 year ago

        Damn which communist country will give me my free gamer pod I deserve

    • 1 year ago

      b***h got nice breasts, why work?

  32. 1 year ago

    I'm on panel 3 already bros! I already have [Job].
    Stay well mom. You're all I've got left.

  33. 1 year ago

    >Two closest childhood friends are dead
    >High school friends have moved all over the country
    >Never made any close friends during college
    >A few casual relationships but no woman I have ever felt like marrying.

    Thank frick my coworkers are half decent folk who are good to hang around with or I'd be pretty much a hermit.

  34. 1 year ago

    >talented composer
    >also fairly skilled at writing
    >also have such bad adhd that I can't commit to jack shit; no license and can barely hold down a job
    >24 years old
    has my ship sailed? honestly maybe it's best I don't make a name for myself, I've done enough dumb shit to be cancelled on arrival

    • 1 year ago

      >>24 years old
      >has my ship sailed?
      Bitch, shut the frick up. You're still set to be whatever the frick you want.

      • 1 year ago

        that's actually heartening to hear
        thanks anon

    • 1 year ago

      >worked a trade that i was content with
      >covid killed it
      >went to a more traditional kind of said trade
      >hated it to death so much that it completely warped my worldview
      >left it and picked up some parttime job to get by while i chase a passion
      >some silicon valley motherfrickers who've never contributed anything positive to society are doing their best to ~~*innovate*~~ it out of existence

      you're only too old when you're dead

    • 1 year ago

      we arent in the middle ages, no one works as a """composer""" or a """writer""" anymore

  35. 1 year ago

    hey look, it's asmongold

    • 1 year ago

      too much hair

  36. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      did it work

  37. 1 year ago

    Video Games ruined my life

  38. 1 year ago

    Normalgays, how do I escape NEETdom.

    I'm socially moronic, ugly, no discipline, no friends, no education, no job experience, and no skills.

    • 1 year ago

      You don't and other people lack the introspection to tell you that they just lucked into where they are. You have to go work somewhere you hate surrounded by people who will likely work together even to make you feel like shit just to make themselves feel better.

    • 1 year ago
      Beulah Sierra


      To anyone who doesn't want to be a neet but still have free time to game, I suggest being a school bus driver. Easy as frick, get all the same time off as the kids, and it still pays better than other bottom-tier, entry-level jobs. Still doesn't pay a lot, but the free time has done wonders for my mental health, the total opposite of my old factory job that made me wish I was dead. Just a suggestion if you happen to be skill-free and experience free.

      Bus driving is super easy. In fact, it's actually easier than driving a car in some ways. The extra mirrors are a big help. The department will give you all the training you need.

  39. 1 year ago

    what the panel doesn't show is this ginger neet making 10,000 euro a month streaming HoI4.

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